New Dentist Committee

New Dentist CommitteeMarch 22, 2016Webinar/conference callCommittee Members Present Dr. Nipa Thakkar (4), Chair and ADA ConsultantDr. Alyssa Nielubowicz (2)Dr. Richard Miller (7), Vice ChairDr. Gabe Mancuso (8)Dr. Janel Marcelino (10)Staff/Guests/Consultants/Others PresentMs. Andrea Hoover, Component and Membership CoordinatorMs. Michelle Rozman, Member Services CoordinatorCommittee Members AbsentDr. Amanda Hemmer (2)Dr. Mary Grace Rizzo-Fryzel (3)Dr. Kevin Dyer (5)Dr. Eric Ecker (6)Dr. Drew Carlin (9)Dr. Jim Tauberg, Trustee LiaisonCall to OrderThe meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Dr. Nipa Thakkar.PDA Board Discussion Topic – New Dentist Added to PDA’s DelegationPDA’s Board of Trustees (BOT) requested that the NDC discuss their thoughts on adding an appointed, paid position for an NDC representative to attend ADA’s annual meeting as a PDA delegate or alternate. The committee discussed their thoughts on this topic. 01/16BT44:??? That the suggestion to include a new dentist in PDA’s 2017 ADA delegation be referred to the New Dentist Committee for consideration, with a recommendation back to the Board of Trustees.The New Dentist Committee (NDC) members understand the importance of the position and are grateful that the Board of Trustees has extended this opportunity. At this time, the NDC declines the opportunity to include an appointed NDC member in PDA’s 2017 ADA delegation. The committee shared the following reasons for its decision:Extended time out of the office to attend the meeting could be a deterrent for new dentists to participate as a delegate.At this time, NDC member participation at other meetings, such as the ADA Recruitment and Retention Conference and the Washington Leadership Conference, is low due to issues taking time off of work.Concern about limited access to CE courses and the vendor floor for PDA delegates during the meeting.Concern that an appointed NDC member may not have the background experience or participation interest to be an engaged, contributing member of the delegation. The committee understands the commitment it takes to be a delegate and feels it could be detrimental to take away one of the five spots for elected delegates if an appointed NDC member does not fully participate in delegate duties (3/16NDCDA1).While a directed action does not require a vote, it is important to note that the committee did not have quorum during this part of the meeting. Representatives from districts 2, 4, 7, 8, and 10 were present for this discussion. In addition, there was limited discussion on the SoNet among committee members. Input from committee members on the SoNet was from the NDC Chair and Vice Chair.During the discussion, Dr. Thakkar shared an alternative suggestion to present to the Board. She suggests PDA should have funding available through an application process for a new dentist who has been elected for an unfunded alternate position. She feels this shows that new dentist has done their due diligence and gone through the process to become a delegate by a vote but may need assistance with financial means. Staff agreed to forward this suggestion to Dr. Jim Tauberg to aid in discussion on this topic during the April BOT meeting (3/16NDCDA2).2016 ADA National Signing DayStaff reviewed the dates for the 2016 National Signing Day events at Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania, LECOM, Erie and the University of Pittsburgh. Staff also shared the registration numbers for each evening reception.Temple and Penn – Thursday, March 24Five dentists registered as of 3/2223 students registered as of 3/22LECOM, Erie – Wednesday, March 3015 dentists registered as of 3/2231 students registered as of 3/22Pittsburgh – Thursday, March 3118 dentists registered as of 3/22Six students registered as of 3/22Third-year Dental Student LunchesThe committee reviewed the dates for the third-year dental student lunches. The Temple lunch is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4 from 12-1 p.m. Dr. Rich Miller confirmed that he will attend (3/16NDCDA3).The Penn lunch is scheduled for Thursday, May 19 from 12-1 p.m. Dr. Alyssa Nielubowicz confirmed that she will attend (3/16NDCDA4).Staff is working with Pitt ASDA representatives to determine a date for their third-year lunch. Staff will alert the committee and find an NDC volunteer to attend when the date is confirmed (3/16NDCDA5).2016 New Dentist ReceptionsStaff provided an update on the First District new dentist reception, which is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn. Dr. Amanda Hemmer and Dr. Alyssa Nielubowicz are co-hosts for the event. Dr. Ada Greenfield, New Dentist Committee co-chair from the Montgomery Bucks Dental Society, agreed to help promote the event. The Sixth District new dentist reception date has not yet been determined. Staff will contact co-hosts Dr. Eric Ecker and Dr. Thakkar to select a date in the fall of 2016 (3/16NDCDA6).New Member New Dentist OutreachThe committee shared feedback on its latest New Member New Dentist outreach campaign. NDC members receive rosters approximately each quarter of new dentists who have recently joined their district society.Dr. Thakkar encouraged the NDC to continue this campaign, despite the lack of response from new members who are contacted. She emphasized the importance of personal contact with new dentists and the positive impact it can have on membership retention.Practicing in PA: A Guide for the New DentistStaff shared the link (practicinginpa) to the newly updated version of Practicing in PA. Staff encouraged the NDC to review the guide and share it with colleagues (3/16NDCDA7).2016 ADA Recruitment and Retention ConferenceDr. Thakkar encouraged an NDC member to attend the 2016 conference and receive funding. The conference is scheduled for April 8-9 at the ADA Headquarters in Chicago, IL. NDC members should contact Andrea if they are interested in attending (3/16NDCDA8).Nominations for 2016-2017 Chair and Vice ChairDr. Rich Miller was nominated as NDC chair for the 2016-2017 association year. Dr. Janel Marcelino was nominated as vice chair.Upcoming DatesThe committee reviewed the following upcoming event dates:Pennsylvania’s Dental Meeting – May 19-21, 2016, Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PALECOM student outreach (in conjunction with Ninth District) – Thursday, July 21, 7:30-9:30 p.m.Membership Summit, Harrisburg – Friday, July 29, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Radisson Hotel, Camp Hill, PA. All NDC members are invited and encouraged to attend this summit.Philadelphia speed mentoring event – tentatively Thursday, September 15, 6:30-9 pm.Pittsburgh New Dentist Nonmember dinner – Thursday, September 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m.Harrisburg New Dentist Nonmember dinner – tentatively Thursday, October 13,6:30-8:30 p.m.Future MeetingsThe committee confirmed their next webinar/conference call meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 6:30 p.m.Staff was directed to pursue scheduling an in-person NDC meeting in conjunction with the July 29 Membership Summit (3/16NDCDA9).AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. ................

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