Toastmasters District 58

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|February/March 2008 |Volume 10, Number 4 |

|[pic] |Spring Into Action: Join Us in Greenville, SC. |

|In This Issue |Toastmasters from around the state will descend upon the city of Greenville for a weekend full of education, |

|Spring Into Action: Join Us in Greenville |competition and recognition.  The event kicks off with a Friday afternoon meeting of District Officers.  On Friday |

|Taking Care of Business, Part II |evening Palmetto Mastercrafters, a premier club consisting of advanced toastmasters and individuals who have |

|Save the Date |previously or are currently in district service, will sponsor a dinner event you don’t want to miss. |

|Ed Tate 2000 World Champion of Public |Early Saturday morning we will celebrate successes during our Distinguished Club Breakfast.  If at the end of March |

|Speaking |your club has met the membership requirement and completed five or more goals in the Distinguished Club Program you |

| |will want to be there.  Attendees will have the opportunity to learn how to “Manage Things-Lead People” from Ed |

|Publisher |Tate, 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking. You will also have the opportunity to hear about proposed changes to |

|Douglas Wilson, DTM |Toastmasters International Governance System from 1st Year Director Lee Holliday. |

|Editors |During the luncheon six individuals from across the state will challenge each other with their extemporaneous |

|Donna J. Boyer, ATMS |speaking skills.  Later in the evening six competitors will take the stage in their bid to become the next World |

|Vida A. Jennings, DTM |Champion of Public Speaking. Saturday’s activities will culminate with the state recognizing individuals who have |

|Contact Us |completed both the communication and leadership track to become Distinguished Toastmasters.  On Sunday morning our |

|dwwilsondtm@ |“Breakfast With the Champions” series continues with Ed Tate-Uplugged. |

|vida.jennings@ |Don’t forget the District Business meeting will feature the election of our 2008-2009 District Leaders.  Club |

|d_j_boyer@ |Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education should plan to attend.  If you are unable to attend you may send a proxy|

|Other TM Resources |with another club member. For your convenience a registration form is included in this newsletter. You may also |

|Toastmasters International Website |register online via the district website. Check the website frequently for the latest information on conference |

| |sessions.  Spring into Action! Join us in Greenville for a spectacular spring conference. |

|District 58 Website |Taking Care of Business: Part II |

|toastmasters- |March is a month to take care of business. You might be wondering what kind of business? First order of business is |

| |Dues Renewal. This is an event in which everyone can participate. The District Governor would like everyone to renew|

|District 58 Challenges |at least six members with Toastmasters International by March 24th. Additional renewals received may be added at any|

| |time but it is crucial to our success to have all our clubs renew on time. |

|Club Challenge: |The second order of business, find out among your club members who is attending the District Business Meeting. Each|

|Each month we recognize a Club that excels|club has two votes if both the President and VPE are not planning to attend identify a proxy carrier. |

|in one of two areas – Membership & |Save the Date: October 17-19, 2008 |

|Education |Mark your calendars! We are headed to the low country for our 2008 Fall Conference. The host hotel will be the |

|The Club with the most new members (not |Hilton Garden Inn, Charleston, SC. We will be enjoying the hospitality of our friends in Divisions A& F. October is|

|renewed or dual) in a calendar month, will|a perfect time of the year to be in Charleston. Tell your boss, family and friends you will be in the low country |

|receive bumper stickers or business card |listening to some funny speeches and fabulous feedback. Additional details will be posted on our district website. |

|cases to share with their members. The |From the District Governor |

|Club with the most Educational awards in |The lighthouse stood tall and proud on this dangerous stretch of coast. The lighthouse keeper was dedicated and |

|any month will receive their choice of |committed to his trade. He was committed to preventative maintenance and closely monitored the fuel to insure the |

|‘Word of the Day’ vocabulary card sets or |light never went out. |

|Table Topics Card sets from Toastmasters |But, he had never recruited and trained a replacement. He never had any tours of the lighthouse to entice a younger|

|International. Or the Club may choose a |generation with the majesty of this historical landmark, and its importance to the shipping in this area. The few |

|$10.00 gift certificate to the |who had visited considered it just a relic from the past and of no matter, with all the modern technology we |

|Toastmasters International product store |possessed. |

|to purchase other materials for its |So when the old keeper died, the lighthouse fell into disrepair, ran out of fuel, and the Light went out. Late one |

|members. |night, a terrible storm struck the shore. A large ship, suffering from electrical failure which shut down all the |

| |wonderful technological instruments that she had to navigate this dangerous coast, struck the jagged rocks and sank |

|New Club Challenge: |with all hands and cargo on board. The lighthouse they had depended upon was not there to save them. |

|For every NEW Club chartered between |A Toastmasters Club is a lighthouse. The light that shines from it, comes from the members. We are here to learn |

|January 1 & March 20 the District will |and grow, to capture that light and use it to light our path. If we don’t tend to the maintenance of our club – |

|award one complete registration including |recruiting new members, continuing up-to-date training, selecting our future leaders and the course of the |

|meals to the Spring conference. |organization, it could ultimately lead to decay and disrepair, which may cause the light to go out. |

| |How about your club? Do you conduct regular tours, invite guests to see the benefits of Toastmasters membership and|

|Distinguished Club Challenge: |then invite these new members to leadership? Do you send all your members to training so they can learn new ideas |

|For every Club that becomes Distinguished,|to bring back to your club, like a fresh supply of fuel to a lighthouse, and your leaders can perform their roles |

|or better, by April 1, 2008, the district |more effectively? This all provides a steady eager stream of participants to continue the important service that |

|will provide one Spring Conference |your club provides. It also keeps you abreast of all the changes that are going on in the outside world that will |

|registration and breakfast, on Saturday |have an impact on your membership. |

|morning, for the Club President (or |A lost light may not have the catastrophic effects of the lost lighthouse in our story above, but can we really |

|his/her designated alternate). |know? Every light extinguished diminishes us. Every new light enhances and enriches us and brightens the world, |

|2008 District 58 Challenges cont’d. |and leads to more effective communication and understanding. |

| |We would love to see you in Greenville to take part in the future of our organization!! Won’t you come and help us |

|Membership Renewal Challenge: |in our efforts. We’ll keep a light on for you! |

|The first 20 Clubs to renew in March, with|… Douglas Wilson, DTM, District 58 Governor |

|more than 15 members will receive a $10.00|From the Lieutenant Governor of Education |

|gift certificate from the Toastmasters |Do you take advantage of the wonderful educational resources that Toastmasters International has to offer? They are |

|International product store. So get those|there for you as a member to use to help you become a better more effective Communicator and a better more competent|

|renewals in early. |Leader. |

| |Let us look at just one. Has your club presented the Better Speaker Series? There is a wealth of knowledge there. |

|Don’t forget the “Talk Up Toastmasters” |The topics covered are; Beginning your Speech - suggestions for starting your speech off right. Concluding Your |

|membership challenge from Toastmasters |Speech - tips for ending your speech with power. Take the Terror Out of Talk - techniques for overcoming nervousness|

|International, in February & March. Nice |when speaking. Impromptu Speaking - don't be caught off balance when speaking off the cuff. Selecting your Topic - |

|prizes are awarded to the Club for |how to develop new speech ideas. Know your Audience - if you can relate to your audience, they will relate to you. |

|recruiting 5, or more new members. |Organizing Your Speech - answering the what, when, and how. Creating an Introduction - great introductions should |

| |precede great speeches. Preparation and Practice - techniques for preparing and rehearsing. Using Body Language - |

|Complete details for all our challenges, |help to add impact to your next speech. |

|and the winners, can be found on the |I urge you to seek out your Vice President of Education and find out if your club has this set. Work with him or her|

|District 58 website – |to schedule these modules in your club. The benefits are great. The cost is small. All of us as members of |

| |Toastmasters International should be making use of the great programs available to us. |

|[pic] |Speaking of Great Programs, I hope you will pay particular attention to the information regarding the Spring |

| |Conference, here in the newsletter. I look forward to seeing you there. |

|Submit your newsletter ideas, suggestions |… Patricia Gann, DTM, Lt. Gov. – Training & Education |

|and remarks to: |From the Lieutenant Governor of Marketing |

|vida.jennings@ |It’s a brand New Year… the frozen waters of stagnation can be thawed with thoughts of renewal, excitement and |

| |opportunity. Toastmasters International can LIGHT our way with easy to follow ideas to build clubs and membership. |

| |Most members of Toastmasters joined a club because someone invited them to a meeting. Individuals and clubs who |

| |have taken the initiative to give others the same opportunity to learn and grow need acknowledged. |

| |Recognition, Recognition, Recognition!!! Clubs should never allow members to lose sight of their goals and |

| |aspirations. Recognize achievement on a regular basis. When we reward success, we’ll see more success. |

| |With just a few tools and resources you can kindle club growth and sustain member interest. |

| |Our New Year’s commitment is to help others realize their goals – for in Shaping Ourselves, we ARE Shaping the |

| |World! We need you …BE THE LIGHT, for future Toastmasters!! |

| |… Patricia Henley, DTM, Lt. Gov. Marketing |

Ed Tate Our Featured Presenter

Ed is an international keynote speaker, author, trainer and facilitator for Fortune 500 companies and associations worldwide. He has spoken in 46 states, 12 countries, and on five continents.

For 14 years, Ed was a successful executive, selling more than $500 million in products and services. He co-created two business units that produced more than $1.25 billion. Ed is the past president of Cherry Creek Toastmasters in Denver, Colorado and also coaches individual Toastmasters on their speaking skills.

Ed is an author, contributing to three books and several audio CD programs. The books: Motivational Selling, Stories Trainers Tell and The Seven Strategies of Master Presenters. He also co-authored the 6-CD Set, Speaking Secrets of the Champions.

He known as the speaker who energizes, educates and entertains. Come hear Ed’s keynote address on Saturday morning of the Spring Conference. You can also join Ed Sunday for a special post-conference workshop, where you can speak like a champion.


2008 Spring Conference Registration Form

April 18-20, 2008 * Hilton Greenville, SC

Register online or Mail this form and check made payable to:

“District 58 Toastmasters”

c/o Pat Gann DTM 1993 Chestnut Lane Edgemoor, SC 29712


| |Received by 3/28 |Received after 3/28 |# of people | Totals |

|Conference Registration Fee |$20.00 |$25.00 | | |

|Master Crafters Meeting |$30.00 |$35.00 | | |

|Choice 1 [ ] |Choice 2 [ ] |Choice 3 [ ] | | |

|Saturday Breakfast |$14.00 |$18.00 | | |

|Saturday Lunch |$20.00 |$25.00 | | |

|Choice 1 [ ] |Choice 2 [ ] |Choice 3 [ ] | | |

|Saturday Dinner |$32.00 |$35.00 | | |

|Choice 1 [ ] |Choice 2 [ ] |Choice 3 [ ] | | |

|Sunday Breakfast |$35.00 |$40.00 | | |

| | | |Event Total | |

No meals without prior registration. No Refunds after April 11th

Meal Choices

Friday Dinner all w/Garden Salad w/ Assorted Dressings New York Style Cheesecake with Fresh Fruit Topping

Choice #1 Grilled Herb Marinated Chicken Breast with Sun-Dried Tomato Jus Lie

Choice #2 Oven Roasted Pesto Rubbed Salmon with Whole Grain Mustard Cream Sauce

Choice #3 Vegetarian Polenta with Grilled Portobello Mushroom, Garlic Sautéed Spinach, Fire Roasted Peppers and Grape Tomato & Balsamic Ragout

Saturday and Sunday Breakfasts Baskets of Southern Style Biscuits

Fresh Scrambled Eggs with Cheese Grits Sausage Links

Saturday Lunch All Entrees Served with Fresh Pasta Salad & Potato Chips Freshly Baked Cookie

Choice #1 Smoked Turkey & Swiss on a Croissant with Lettuce and Tomato

Choice #2 Honey Cured Ham & Cheddar on Sourdough with Lettuce & Tomato

Choice #3 Grilled Vegetables in a Spinach Tortilla with Alfalfa Sprouts and Balsamic Vinaigrette

Saturday Dinner all w/Fresh Garden Salad with Assorted Dressing

Choice #1 Crab & Scallop Stuffed Flounder with Wild Rice Pilaf & Lemon Beurre Blanc

Choice #2 Char Grilled Fennel Dusted Pork Tenderloin with Sweet Potato Mash & Balsamic Jus

Choice #3 Jumbo Spinach & Gorgonzola Ravioli with Oven Roasted Asparagus, Basil & Roasted Tomato Jus and Toasted Pignoli Nuts

Double Chocolate Cake with Raspberry Coulis


Name:_________________________________ Club:_____________________________


Phone:______________________ E Mail:_____________________________________

This is my First Conference [ ]

Get the Members Out! Support the District Spring Conference!

You are invited to join in the District Conference Challenge. Club with the most members registered at the conference will receive a $50.00 gift Certificate to the TI Store Catalog.

Area Governor with the most members registered from their Area will receive their registration to the Conference and their Dinner Saturday night, FREE!

Division Governor with the most members registered from their Division will receive Conference Registration and Saturday meals FREE!

And yes, there are some rules. See below.

Member can only be counted for one club, the club they put on their registration form. Only Toastmaster members will count towards total.

To qualify members must be registered for the Conference and a minimum of one Saturday meal.

Winners will be announced Saturday evening at the Conference. The Area and Div. Governor winners will receive re-imbursement after the Conference. Club Gift Certificate will be given to the Club President or selected representative at the Conference.

Register Early for a Discount!

District 58 Spring Conference Challenge

Visit the District 58 Website


|Calendar of Upcoming Events |

|Feb 1- Mar 31 |Talk Up Toastmasters |

| |Membership Contest |

|March 15th |Division D & E Speech Contest |

| |Location Reedy River Family Live Center, 25 Lakewood |

| |Drive, Maulden |

|March 29th |Division A & F Speech Contest |

| |MUSC Harper Student Ctr. Charleston |

|April 5th |Division B & C Speech Contest |

| |Eau Claire Print Bldg. Columbia |

|April 18-20 |District 58 Spring Conference & Speech Contests Hilton |

| |Hotel, Greenville |

|May 1 – June 30 |Beat the Clock |

| |Membership Contest |

|June 19-21 |Region VIII Conference, Atlanta, GA |

|August 13-16 |Toastmasters Int’l Conference |

| |Calgary, Alberta, Canada |

|October 17 – 18 |District 58 Fall Conference & Speech Contest Hilton |

| |Garden, Charleston |

District 58 Mission

The mission of District 58 is to enhance the performance and extend the network of clubs, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program by focusing on the critical success factors as specified by the district educational and membership goals, by insuring that each club effectively fulfills its responsibilities to its members, and by providing effective training and leadership opportunities for club and district officers.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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