Deposited by the late Baron de Rutzen, Slebech


Estate and family records of Barlow, Phillips and de Rutzen of Slebech, co. Pembroke, 13th-20th cent.; include records of the Knights Hospitallers of the Commandery of Slebech, 14th cent.; ministers’ accounts, 1355-1485; manorial records 16th-19th cent. The estate was bought by Nathaniel Phillips in 1792; there are records of the Phillips’ Jamaican sugar plantations, 1760-1812. Other records in Dyfed R O (Haverfordwest).

Schedule (1948), 322 pp. Annual Report 1838-39, p. 45. NLWJ, 5 (1947-8), pp. 179-98.


Manorial Records

Deeds and Documents





MINISTERS’ ACCOUNT, Michaelmas, 31 Edward III to Michaelmas 32 Edward III.

Accounts of the ministers of Roger de Mortuo Mari, Earl of March:- David Leget, reeve of Nerbert; William Chaund, forester of Nerbert; John Atha, reeve of Roberdeston; Phillip Wadyn, reeve of Kanaston; Richard la Webbe, reeve of Tempulton; John Tynker, reeve of Moilleston; John Cole, reeve of New House (nova domus); Ll. ap Gruffith, beadle of the commote of Wilfrey; David ap Thomas, reeve of Castrum Duraunt; Gruffith ap Ll’ ap Eignon, reeve of Whitland (Albalanda); Phillip Hogge, reeve of Lanwaythan; William ap Ieuan ap Eignon, beadle of Amgoyd and Plunyok; John Philly, reeve of St. Clare (Sanctum Clarum).



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver of Roger de Mortuou Mari, Earl of March, for Nerbert and a third part of the commote of Amgoyd and Plunyok, from Michaelmas, 31 Edward III to Michaelmas, 32 Edward III.



ACCOUNTS of David Langs[?n], reeve of Moylaston; Thomas Mold, reeve of Lanwaythan; Griffith ap Ieuan Vachan, beadle of Amgoit and Pelinauc; John Bauson, reeve of Seint Clier; Ieuan Cutta, reeve of Castledurant.




ACCOUNT of John de Wylteschir, receiver, constable and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for Narberth, a third part of Amgoyd and Penllinyniaug, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Also the detailed accounts [incomplete] of the several ministers of the said Philippa, Countess of March:- John Baron, reeve of Robertson; Phillip Cole, reeve of Kanaston;

John Gibbe, reeve of Tempilton; Phillip Henry, reeve of St. Clare; avid Hychyn, reeve of Nova Domus [New House]; Llewelyn ap Griffith ap Howel, beadle of Wilfrey; Gwyon Vachan, beadle of Amgoyd and Pluniauc; Iuan Gotta, reeve of Castro Durant; David Iuan, reeve of Moileston; Iuan Meynlas, reeve of Lanwaythan.




Michaelmas, 35 Edward III to Michaelmas, 36 Edward III. Accounts of the ministers of Philippa, Countess of March: John Tailour, reeve of the town of Nerbert.




ACCOUNT of John de Wilteshire, receiver, constable and forester of Philipps, Countess of March, for Nerbert, a third part of Amgoyd Pellyniok, and Seint Cler, from Michaelmas, 37 Edward III to Michaelmas, 38 Edward III.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Lands of Philippa, Countess of March, in cos. Pembroke and Carmarthen. Michaelmas, 38 Edward III to Michaelmas, 39 Edward III. Accounts of the several ministers of the said Philippa, Countess of March:- William le Smyth, reeve of the town of Nerbert; Robert le Webbe and Walter Ph’yn, forester [of Nerbert]; Thomas Brian, reeve of Robeston; William Wade, reeve of Kanaston; Phillip Kyft, reeve of Tempilton; Thomas Thomelyn, reeve of St, Clare; Thomas Baroun, reeve of Nova Domus [New House]; William ap Ros, reeve of Albaland’ [Whitland]; Thomas ap Meredith, beadle of Wilfrey; Gwyon ap Gr’, beadle of Amgoid and Pluniawc; Iuan ap Gwylym, reeve of Castro Durant [Castell Dwyran]; Roger Stocker, reeve of Moileston, Gr’ ap Sair, reeve of Lanwaythan.



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver, constable and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for Nerberth, a third part of Amgoid and Penllynioc, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 38 Edward III to Michaelmas, 39 Edward III.



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver, constable, and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for Nerbert, a third part of Amgoid and Pluniac, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 39 Edward III to Michaelmas, 40 Eward III. Also the detailed accounts of the several ministers of the said Philippa, Countess of March:- David Gilbert, reeve of the town of Nerbert, Robert le Webbe and Res’ ap Iuan, foresters of the forest of Nerbert;

John Jankyn, reeve of Roberteston;

John Cole, senior, reeve of Kanaston;

Maur’ son of John, reeve of Tempilton;

John Bosoun, reeve of St. Clare; John Adam, reeve of Nova Domus [New House];

Adan Goch, reeve of Albalanda [Whitland]; John ap Mereduth, beadle of Wilfrey; Eynon ap Gr’, beadle of Amgoid and Pluiawc; Adass’ Stocker, reeve of Castrum Durant [Castell Dwyran]; David Llewelyn, reeve of Moileston; Gr’ Sair, reeve of Llanwaythan.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Possessions of Philippa, Countess of March, Michaelmas, 40 Edward III to Michaelmas, 41 Edward III.

Accounts of the ministers of Philippa, Countess of March:- James Br’nles, reeve of the town of Nerbert; Robert le Webbe and Walte Ph’yn, foresters of the forest of Narberth; Phillip Adyn, reeve of Rob’ston; William Sth’, reeve of [Kan]Aston; Phillip Loi, reeve of Tempilton; John Henry, reeve of St. Clare; John Phillip, reeve of Nova Dom’ [New House]; dominus Gr’ ap Gwylym, reeve of Albalanda [Whitland]; Phillip ap Mereduth; beadle of Wilfrey; Gr’ ap Iuan Vachan, beadle of Amgoid and Pluniac; Phillip Stokker, reeve of Castrum Durant; John Rowe, reeve of Moileston; Gr’ ap Sair, reeve of Llanwaythan.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Lands of the Countess of March. Michaelmas, 41 Edward III to Michaelmas, 42 Edward III. Vellum roll. Accounts of the ministers of Philippa, Countess of March for the above year:- John Tailour, Chaplain, reeve of the town of Nerbert; Robert le Webbe and Eustas Knethil, foresters of the forest of Nerbert; David Gronowe, reeve of Robertstoun. [Robeston Wathen]; Phillip Cole, junior, reeve of Kanaston; Richard le Webbe, reeve of Tempilton; John Goldi, reeve of a third part of St. Clare (Sanctum Clarum); David Hichyn, reeve of New House (Novus domus); Phillip ap Mereduth, reeve of Whitland (Albaland); Lawelun ap Gosseline, beadle of Wilfrey; Griffith ap Iuan Vachan, beadle of Amgoid and Pluniauc David Phillip, reeve of Castrodurant; Llywelyn (ii) ap Cadogan, reeve of Moileston; Iuan Duy, reeve of Llanwaythan.



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver, constable and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for [Nerberth]; a third part of Amgoyd and Penylioc, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 44 Edward III to Michaelmas, 45 Edward III. Also the detailed accounts of the several ministers of the said Philippa, Countess of March:- Walter Held, reeve of the town of Nerbert; Res ap Ieuan and Walter Ph’yn, foresters of Nerbert; William Jacke, reeve of Robetistoun; Phillip le Clerke, reeve of Kanestoun; William Hychyn, reeve of Tempiltoun, Thomas Thomlyn, reeve of a third part of [St. Clare]; Walter Hike, reeve of New House (Novus Domus); Howel ap Ieuan, reeve of Albalanda [Whitland]; Howel Thew, beadle of Wilfrey, Thomas ap Gr’ Vachan, beadle of Amgoyd and Penyloc; Phillip Veleyn, reeve of Castell Durant (Castro Durant); and Thomas Owan, reeve of Moylestoun.

Edge of one membrane of the roll missing.



DUPLICATE of the accounts of the several ministers of Philippa, Countess of March, specified in No. 13.



ACCOUNT of John Wyn, receiver, constable and forester of Philippa, Countess of March, for Nerbert, a third part of Amgoid and Pynnyliock, and St. Clare, from Michaelmas, 48 Edward III, to Michaelmas, 49 Edward III.



ACCOUNT of Thomas Peytevyn, receiver of Edward de Mortuo Mari, Kinght, for the lordship of Nerberth, from Michaelmas, 22 Richard II to Michaelmas, 23 Richard II.



DUPLICATE of No. 16.



ACCOUNT of Phillip Heilot, reeve of Nova domus [New House]/




MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS for lands in cos. Pembroke and Carmarthen. Michaelmas, 22 Edward IV to Michaelmas, 2 Richard III.

Accounts of John Davy and Thomas Davy, bailiffs of the town of Pembroke (villa Pembrochie); Richard Hante, knight, and Richard Neuton, esq., occupiers o the mills of Pembroke, Robert Dymet, farmer of the ferry of Burton; Thomas Hobbe, reeve of Castlemartyn; Thomas Hobbes, collector of the rents of Westhundred of Castlemartyn; Jankyn ap Phelip, reeve of Coidroth; John Broune, reeve of Westpembroke, John Lewis and Thomas Maughlett, bailiffs of the town of Tembie; David Thomas, bailiff of Dongledy; Lewis ap Gwillim and Rees ap Gwillim, beadles of Kemmys; John Philkyn, beadle of Rous; John Honyburgh, reeve of St. Florence (Sanctus Florencius); Robert ap Henry, reeve of Kyngeswode and Gawdon; Thomas Saunders, reeve of Malros; William Hoper, reeve of Pierston; Jank’ Walter, reeve of Fobbeston; John More, reeve of Fenton; William More, reeve of Rowespole; John Goss, reeve of More, John Reynold, reeve of Suertebury; William Hoyman, reeve of Haroldeston; John Smyth, reeve of Syke; John Tasker, reeve of villa Castro Walwini; John Davy, beadle of the manor of Waldwyn’s Castle, David Thomas, reeve of Fletherhill; William Wynter, bailiff of the vill of Llanstephan and reeve of the court of le Ferry; David Lloid, beadle of Penryn; Llywelyn ap Llywelyn ap Gwillim Lloid beadle of Osterlowe; Maurice Lloid, reeve of St. Clare; Rece ap Phillip ap David ap Llywelyn, beadle of Trayne Clynton.



ACCOUNT of Robert ap Henry bailiff and receiver of the rents of Emote, formerly wife of Richard Neuton, knight, in co. Pembroke, Michaelmas, 14 Henry IV to 15 Henry IV.



ACCOUNT of Henry Wogan, treasurer of the county of Pembroke, from Michaelmas, 1 Richard III to Michaelmas, 2 Richard III, being a summary of he accounts received frown the various ministers of the town of Pembroke, the mills of Pembroke, ferry of Burton, reeveship of Castlemartyn, Westhundred and Easthundred of Pembroke, Coidrath forest, Coidrath, the town of Tenby, Dougledy, Kemmys, Rous, St. Florence, Kyngeswode and Gawdon, Malros, Pyerston, Fobbeston, [Fenton], Rowespole, More, Suerthbury, Haroldston, [Sy]ke, vill of Cast’ Walin, Fletherhill, [all in co. Pembroke], town of Llanstephan, Penryn, le Ferry, Oisterlowe, St. Clare, Trayneclynton, [co. Carmarthen,] town of Kilgarren, Emelyn, Maynordevy, Differyn Bryan, weirs of Kilgarran, and Kevyndrym forest, [co. Pembroke].



ACCOUNT of Peter Warton, bailiff of Cheylesmore [co. Warwick], from Michaelmas, 19 Henry VII to Michaelmas 20 Henry VII.



ACCOUNT of John Phillipps, esq., deputy of Maurice ap Parre, receiver of the King, in [the lordship of] Narberth and its members, from Michaelmas, 23 Henry VIII to Michaelmas, 24 Henry VIII.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Co. Pembroke. 1 Edward VI. Accounts of the ministers of Reis Griffith, esq., attained of high treason:- Phillip Hancok, deputy of John Webbe, reeve of the town of Narbert; and Eynon david, reeve of Caniston, parcel of the manor of Carew.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS of the lands and possessions late of Rees Griffithe, esq., attained of high treason, in co. Pembroke for 5 and 6 Phillip and Mary.

Accounts of John Watkyns, reeve of the town of Narberth; John Jacob, reeve of Roberdeston; John ap Ieuan, reeve of Templeston; Gr’ Roger, reeve of Caniston; Thomas Roberts, reeve of Welfraye.



MINISTERS’ ACCOUNTS. Lands and possessions of Rees Griffith, esq., attained in co. Pembroke.

Accounts of the several ministers for the said lands:- William Gwillim, reeve of the town of Nerberte; Thomas Ll’in, reeve of Robertston; John Hoell, reeve of Templeton, Phillip Gibbe, reeve of Caniston; Lewis Baron, reeve of Welfray.



EXTRACTS from ministers’ accounts (44 Elizabeth) of the lands and possessions late of William Stanley, Knight, attained of high treason, in the manor of Ridley, parcel of the lordship of Bromfield and Yale, co. Denbigh; accounts (44 Elizabeth) of the possessions of Katherine, late Countess of Bridgewater, and late of Rees Griffith, esq., attained, in Caniston and the manor of Roberston and Welfrey, co. Pembroke; and accounts (2James 1) of the lands exchanged by William, Earl of Pembroke with the late King Edward VI, formerly parcel of the land of the late Earl of March, viz. the lordship of Royle, parcel of the lordship of Elvell, co. Radnor, Extracted 14 April, 1621.



EXTRACT of ministers’ accounts the year ending Michaelmas, 2 James 1 of the lands exchanged by William, Earl of Pembroke, with the late King Edward VI, formerly parcel of the lands and possessions of the late Earl of March, viz. the lordship of Royle, parcel of the lordship of Elvell, co. Radnor. Extracted 7 May, 1621.




ESTREATS of fines and amercements from the court rolls of St. Clare and Nerbert [cos. Pembroke and Carmarthen], from Tuesday next after the feast of the Ascension, 20 Edward I to Monday next before the feast of St. George, and from the rolls of the hundred Court of Nerbert from Monday next after the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 20 Edward I to Monday next after the feast of St. Eufemia the Virgin, 21 Edward I.



ESTREATS of fines and amercements from the court rolls of Wilfrey, from Wednesday next before the feast of St. M…… [?48 Edward III] to Tuesday next before the feast of St. Matthew [?49 Edward III].

The roll is stained and slightly torn at the beginning.



ESTREATS of fines and amercements from the rolls of the hundred courts of the lordship of Nerbert from Monday next after Michaelmas, 48 Edward III to Monday next after the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, [49 Edward III].



ESTREATS of fines in the Court of the lordship of Nerbarthe and in the hundred courts of the aid lordship from Michaelmas, 4 Edward VI to Michaelmas, 5 Edward VI.




COURT BOOK, Manors of Mynewere and Slebiche. 6 May, 10 Elizabeth to 8 June, 15 Elizabeth. 9 folios. RECORDS of the curia secreta [?small court] and view of frank pledge [one record] of the manor of Mynwere and Slebiche.



COURT BOOK. Lordship of Narbarte. Monday next after Michaelmas, 11 Elizabeth to 5 May, 14 Elizabeth. 46 folios.

Needs re-sewing.

RECORDS of the hundred court of the lordship of Narbarte, [?10] Oct., 11 Elizabeth; and of the courts of the lordship of Narberth foreign, Monday next after Michaelmas to 11 Feb., 14 Elizabeth.



COURT ROLL. Lordship of Narberthe foreign. 25 Oct., 10 Elizabeth to 17 May, 38 Elizabeth to 17 May, 38 Elizabeth. 9 membranes. Extracts from the rolls o the court baron and court leet of the lordship of Marberthe foreign, copied from the originals for the direction of the jury.



COURT ROLL. Lordship of Narberth. 19 April, 11 Elizabeth to 17 March, 26 Elizabeth. 5 membranes.

EXTRACTS from the court rolls of Narberth foreign relating to the lands held by John Elliott, esq., in 1584.



COURT ROLL. Lordship of Nerberthe in Oct. 15 Elizabeth to 20 Dec. 17 Elizabeth. 11 membranes.

Bottom edge tattered and crumpled. Incomplete.

Records of the Courts [?Baron] of the lordship of Nerberthe foreign.



COURT ROLL. Lordship of Nerberth. 3 Oct., 28 Elizabeth to 31 July, 29 Elizabeth. 24 membranes. One edge tattered.

Records of the courts leet and courts baron of the lordship of Nerberth foreign.



COURT ROLL. Lordship and manor of Slebidge. 19 Oct., 10 James I 0 27 Feb., 3 Charles I. 41 membranes. Bottom edge tattered and crumpled. Incomplete; not chronologically inserted in the roll.

Records of the courts leet, view of frank pledge [these form membranes 42-6 in the roll] and courts baron of the lordship and manor of Slebidge [ Slebech, co. Pembroke], including Slebidge, Minwere, Robeston [Wathen], Newton, Canestan, Colby.



COURT ROLL. Lordship or manor of Slebech. 2 May, 13 James I to 3 May, 12 Charles I. 55 membranes. Bottom edge frayed and crumpled.

Records of the court leet or view of frank pledge of the lordship or manor of Slebech.




WARRANT of the steward to the bailiffs of the manors of Slebetch, Minwear, Welsh Hook and Sciber, co. Pembroke, in connection with the summoning of the courts of the said manors.



LISTS of persons who had or had not served on juries and jury lists in the courts of the manors of Slebetch, Minwear, Welsh Hook and Skiber.



PRESENTMENTS of the court leet with view of frank pledge and courts baron of the manors of Slebetch, Minwear, Welch Hook and Sciber.



ROLLS OF SUITORS to the courts leet; view of frank pledge and courts baron of the manors of Slebetch, Minwear, Welsh Hook and Sciber.



1469, Tuesday after the feast of St. Barnabus.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Newhouse recording the taking up of the possession of a messuage and lands in Newhouse by William Gan’.


1512, June 8.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Willfrey recording the payment of a fine by Thomas Scorffill of the parish of Saynt Tyssellis in the neighbourhood of Coetrath, co. Pembroke, on entering two messuages and lands in Moleston in the lordship of Nerberth.


1550, Oct. 7.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Newhouse in the hundred of Nerberth recording the taking up of possession by John Vaughan of Nerberth of land in Newton and land called Montayne lond.


1550, Oct. 7.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Newhouse recording the taking up of possession by Robert Row of Newton of a fulling mill at Penglin in Newton.


1550, Oct. 7.

ESTREAT of a court roll of Newhouse recording the taking up of possession by Thomas Wyllie of a tenement, etc.




RENTAL, made before John de Coggeshale and his associates, auditors of the Earl of March, 31 Edward III, of Nerbert, Templeton, Kanaston, Moleston, Whitlond, Sotisdone, Robertston, Wylfrey, Amgoyt and Plinyok’, Castel Durant.


1357, Aug.

RENTAL of [the town of ] St. Clare [co. Carmarthen]. ?Incomplete: needs repair.


1609, April 13.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a particular of the manors of Roberston and Welfrey, co. Pembroke, parcel of the lordship of Narberth and late of Rees Griffith, esq., attained.

Incomplete seal.



RENTALS of chief rents and wood rents of the lordship or manor of Narberth (including Templeton, Molleston, Robeston Wathan, Caneston, Newton and Newhouse). The rentals are for the years 1793 (2 copies), 1794-1798, 1800, 1802-1808, 1809-1813, (2 copies of each), 1814-1818; 1824-1831, 1833-1834.



ACCOUNTS of chief rents and wood rents received in the lordship of Narberth.



All place names in this schedule are in co. Pembroke except when otherwise stated.


1200, April 16.

GRANT of King John to William Marescall’, earl of Pembroke, of the lands called Wilfrey and Oisterlof until the King delivers to him his land of Emelin.

Latin. Copy 17th cent.


1282, Friday next after the Feast of St. Nicholas.

INQUISITION POST MORTEM of Roger Mortimer, touching lands and tenements in the lordship of Nerberd.

Latin. Copy 1621.

(See Cymmrodorion Record Series NO. 7, part ii, pp 73-4.)



CONFIRMATION of Anselm [le Gras], bishop of St. Davids, of the churches, lands and properties belonging to the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, Slebech.

Latin. 16th cent. Copy.

(See Archaeologia Cambensis 1897, pp.99, ff.)


1283, Friday next after the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.

INQUISITION touching the lands of Roger Mortimer in the lordship and inlordship of the English of Nerberd.

Latin. Copy made 20 Jan. 1603/4.


[late 13 cent.]

1. Thomas son of John le Skinnare;

2. Walter son of Andrew Cole and Sarah his wife.

GRANT of two burgages with gardens and lands attached in Tempiltun in the barony of Nerberd, viz., lying in the west part of the said vill between the burgage of Robert le Skynnare and the burgage formerly of Phillip Heylot, which burgages John le Skynnare and David le Taylur formerly held, to be held of dominus Roger de Mortimor, lord of Nerberd.

Witnesses: Maurice Killameri, bailiff of Herberd, John David, reeve of the same vill, David the Irishman, Alexander Robelyn, William Walensis, Awlter Nichol, Phillip Heylot.



1308, 2 Kalends August.

PUBLIC INSTRUMENT drawn up by William called Fossard, notary public, of the diocese of St. Davids, recording that on the aforesaid date frater William de Hulles, master of the Hospital of St. John of Slebech’ appeared in the Chapel of St. Mary of Lawadeyn in the diocese of St. Davids and read, recited and made public the following records: (1) An agreement between the brethren of the Hospital of Jerusalem, viz., Richard Turt’, Samson and the rest, and Richard son of Tankard, composed by the bishop of St. Davids, whereby the market of Haverford is quit-claimed to Richard son of Tankard who undertook not to bring about the removal of the other two parts of the market or that which was accustomed to be held at the castle of Ros of the lands of Robert son of Godbert and Guy de Bryona. Richard son of Tankard also granted to the brethren in the land of Kardigan the church que dicitur de villa Gerbaund et Alfwynne ?fratrum which he had in the time of King Henry with the lands and privileges thereto belonging; and also the church of Trefdreyr [co. Cardigan], land in Haverford, and quiet (quietitudinem) in his market to them and the tenants of the Hospital, but merchants from outside to render customary dues of the lord. Witnesses given. (2) Grant by Roger de Clara, earl of Hereford, to the brothers of the Hospital of Jerusalem of three dwellings in his town of Kardigan with all liberty within and without the market, a carucate of land in the same town, land within the precinct of his castle of Penwdic, the churches of Stradmeric, Lansafrei and Trefdreyr with their lands, and other liberties. Witnesses given. (3) Notification of the dean, chancellor and treasurer of Hereford, on the receipt of a mandate from Pope Honore to compose the dispute between the abbot and convent of Talelek’ and the master of the Hospital of Jerusalem of Slebech, of the agreement whereby the abbey and convent of Talelek’ release to the prior and brethren of the Hospital of Jerusalem in England their right in the tithes and obventions of Langereng, Moillon and Styncoyt belonging to the church of St. Michael of Trefdreyr; and brother William chaplain, proctor of the prior [ of the order of St. John] of Jerusalem in England, and the master of Slebech, released to Talley all their right in the church of St. Michael of Penbri’ with its chapels, and the church of St. John of Betuskarleug for an annual pension of 4s., and all actions relating to Talelek. Witnesses given. (4) Notification by Gervase, bishop of St. Davids [1215-1229], of a similar agreement as (3). (5) Institution by Anselm, bishop of St. Davids, dated 1239 the morrow of St. Hilary, of magister Maurice, clerk, to the church of Trefdreyr of Kardigan, saving the patronage in future to the master of the Hospital of Slebech to whom the presentation is known to belong. (6) Institution by Anselm, bishop of St. Davids, dated 1239 the Vigil of St. Vincent, of Magister Maurice to the church of Trefdreyr, as (5), with a clause saving the due and ancient pension to the Hospital of Slebech. Witnesses to the reading of the above records are given.

Latin. Stained.

(See Journal of the National Library of Wales, 1948 for the text of this record).


[CIRCA] 1300.

1. David Phelipe of Mynewere, relative formerly of Maurice son of Caradoc;

2. Brother Gilbert de Sancto August’, Master of the house of the Hospital of Slebechie, and the Brothers there.

RELEASE of a curtilage of land called Patrikeshelle in the parish of Marteltwy. Witnesses: William de Canuile, Knight, seneschal of Penbrock’, Walter Malenfantt, William le gras, Phillip Dymet, John Alisandr’, William Robelot, Gilbert forestar’, Robert forestar’, Walter de Hokelinge, clerk.



[early 14th century]

1. Dauid son of Phillip;

2. Walter the forester of Mynewer’.

AGREEMENT, in consideration of 30s, for a lease for 20 years of a burgage in the tenement (in tenemento) of Mynever’ lying between the burgage of John son of Henry and Gladine. Rent: 1d annually. Witnesses: John son of Henry, Phillip Radulf, Phillip Henry, John Godman, John Wade, John Samson, Ricard Dun, Thomas the shepherd (bercarius).

Latin. Fragile.


1323, Dec. 10.

AGREEMENT between [Aymer] de Valantio, earl of Pemborke, and Roger de Stanque’ (?), master of Slebech. Corrupt transcript of the Charter printed in Fenton’s Historical Tour Through Pembrokeshire (1903 ed.), p.326.


1324, Aug.20.

EXTENT of the Knight’s fees of Aymer de Valence in the county of Pembroke.

Latin. Copy. (See Cymmrodorion Record Series No. 7, Part 3, pp. 86-7.)


1324, Aug. 20

EXEMPLIFICATION of an extent of the knights of Aymer de Valence. See. No. 465.

Latin. Copy.



EXTENT of the lands and rents of the bishop of St. Davids made by Magister David Frauncys, Chancellor, in patria de Lawhaden. Extracted by Thomas Lee from the original record in the custody of the bishop of St. Davids [probably the Black book of St. Davids].

Transcript. 16th century.


1339, Friday after Easter.

1. Richard son of William Geraud de Ernebaud;

2. Matthew Wogan and Anis his wife.

RELEASE of one messuage and five bovates of land and one and a half acres of meadow in Ernebaud’, a piece of land with meadow in Ernebaud on the west side of the church and adjacent to the church of the said vill, two bovates of land which William Rys held of grantor in Ernebaud’, two bovates in the tenure of William son of Henry, rector, and half a plough-land (carucata) and one acre of meadow in the tenure of Maurice Geraud, a free rent of 1d. at Algatesland and a free rent of ½d. at Stridholme which Richard Crabhol’ and Thomas Northwood’ are held to pay, and twenty-six acres of land and three roods of meadow in the tenure of Sarah, formerly wife of William Geroud, as her dower.

Latin. Torn and Fragile.


1342, Tuesday next after the feast of St. John ante Portham Latinam.

1. Richard of Cotysgrave;

2. Alice Hichekoc’, his daughter.

GRANT of a messuage and one and a half acres of land in Slebech formerly in the tenure of Robert de Walton. Witnesses: William Ga…. De Slebech, John Nichol, John Ricard, John Schirbour, Nicholas Sampson.



1342, Tuesday next after the feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord.

1. Phillip Cadigan, senior, of Cadiganiston;

2. John son of Robert Goch of Preskyli.

AGREEMENT to transfer all his land and tenements at Trefle ……in tenemento de Pebid’, bought of John Midilhyll, for a term of eight years at an annual rent of 3s., in return for the transfer by the aforesaid John to the aforesaid Phillip of half a carucate of arable land at Barri in tenemento de Castelkynlas, which the said John had of Phillip son of John Barri, for a term of eight years.

Latin. Badly damaged.


1345, Thursday next before the feast of St. Katherine the Virgin.

1. John Gybbe, senior;

2. Richard le Ferour.

GRANT of a burgage in Slebech’ lying between the tenement of Richard Gybbe and the tenement of John Ricard. Witnesses: Robert Crispyn, bailiff of Slebech, Phillip Nichol, reeve of the same, William Gadde, William Robelot, Walter Colle, John …..d.

Latin. Damaged.


1353, April 6.

INQUISITION on the lands of Laurence de Hastings, Earl of Pembroke. Copy.

(See Cymmrodorion Record Series No. 7, part iii, pp.96-8).


1354, Michaelmas Term.

PLEA of Roger de Mortimer, earl of March, for the restitution of the manor of Newehous claimed by Thomas, bishop of St. Davids.

Latin. Copy (1621)



COPY of another record of No. 3229.


CERTIFICATE that John de Bridwode delivered to John de Wylteschir’, receiver of Nerbert, all the court and hundred rolls of the lordship of Nerbert for the year 35 and 36 and the last quarter of the year 34 [Edward III]



1369, Michaelmas – 1370, Michaelmas.

ACCOUNT of John Athon’, reeve of Robiston, and Walter Bron’, reeve of Kanaston.

Latin. 17th cent. copy.


1372, Nov. 3.

ROLL OF PARLIAMENT touching the search and exemplification of records.

French-Latin. Copy.


1383, Sunday after the Feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr.

1. Alice daughter of Roger Cradok’ de Slebech’;

2. John Cresborghe.

GRANT of one messuage, 7 acres of land and 1 rood situated above Warlond in the tenement of Slebeche, the said messuage lying between the highway and the tenement of John Nycholl. Witnesses: John Gadde, John Nycholl, William Standard’, John Faucon’, John Broun, Henry Gastyner.



1393, April 21.

1. David Hodyn de Wyston;

2. John Belsandr’ de Blebach and Agnes his wife.

GRANT in fee-farm of one burgage and two acres of land in the town and fields of Slebech. Rent: 4s annually. Witnesses: John Peryn, William Clerc, Thomas Rynioy, John Nichole, junior, William Helsandr’.

Latin. Damaged seals.



ACCOUNT of Griffith ap Mer[ed]ydd, beadle of Wilfrey.

Latin. Certified Copy.



ACCOUNT of the reave of Robeston.



1399, Monday next before the Feast of St. Clement.

1. Joan Gode, senior, daughter of John Gode;

2. William Byschop and Joan his wife of Slebech’.

GRANT of the fourth part of a burgage in the vill of Slebech lying between the burgage formerly of John …… and the burgage formerly of John Broun. Witnesses: John ……, esq., Robert Vrende, …… Alisaunder, John Gad and Phillip Jefrey, reeves of Slebech.

Latin. Seal. Faded.


[15th Century]

CLAIMS made by Thomas Carewe, knight, lord of the castle and manor of Carewe, touching his rights and privileges in the castle and lordship of Carewe.



1404, April 24.

LEASE for life to Thomas Carrewe of the castle and lordship of Nerbert and lands and tenements in St. Clears, co. Carmarthen.

Latin. Copy.


1412, Monday next after the feast of St. Michael the Archangel.

1. Henry Gardiner and Agnes Colman, his wife, of Slebech;

2. Walter Shepherd, junior, of Pykeld, and Agnes Gobath, his wife.

GRANT of two burgages in the vill and fields of Slebech lying between the garden of the master (magr) of Slebech called Crokeshey on the south side and the burgage of the said Walter Shepard on the north side. Witnesses: Thomas Heyn’, praepositus of the vill of Slebech, John Gadde, John Alisander, Thomas ?Rubeioy, John Herford.

Latin. Fractured Seal.



EXRACT from an inquisition of the lands of Edmund, Earl of March, touching the manor of Narberth.


1429, Tuesday next before the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.

INQUISITION on the castle, manor and lordship of Nerberth, the manor and lordship of St. Clare and the manor of Eyreslond.

Latin. Copy.


1429, Thursday next before the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle.

1. John Herry, son and heir of Henry Wadyn of Kynaston;

2. Phillip Wadyn, his brother, and Joan, his wife.

GRANT of two and a half burgages in and outside the vill of Kanaston in the barony of Nerbert. Witnesses: John ap Davis ap Griffith, seneschal of Nerbert, Phillip Herry, senior, reeve of Kanaston, John Cole, John Browne, John Grono.

Latin. Seal.


1434, July 31.

1. Thomas Creseborgh’ de Slebeche;

2. Richard Creseborgh’ his son.

GRANT of one messuage, 7 acres and 1 rood of land in the vill and fields of Slebeche, which messuage lies in the vill of Slebeche in the high street in the east par between the land of Henry Wogan, esq., and the highway, and the said 7 acres and rood of land lying in the said fields in divers parcels.

Latin. Seal.


1434/5, March 4.

1. Thomas Cogan, chaplain, and Phillip Jankyn, senior, of Roberston Waytham;

2. Margarete Andrew, formerly wife of John Shepben, senior, of Cananyston.

GRANT of a messuage with 24 acres of land, the messuage in Kananyston in the lordship of Nerbert between the tenement of David Wade and the tenement of John Daa, and the land lying in Redewall’ in the field of Roberston Waythan and Cananyston. Witnesses: David Wade, reeve of the vill of Cananyston, Phillip Bron, John Call.



1443, Monday next before the Feast of the Apostles Phillip and James.

1. William Hobbe, son and heir of John Hobbe, of Mynner;

2. John Hobbe his brother.

GRANT of a messuage and two acres of land in Mynner. Witnesses: John Duy, John Wade, Walter Herforde, Walter Hicke.



1443, Michaelmas –1444, Michaelmas.

Valor of the lordship of Nerberth, part of the possessions of Richard, Duke of York.

Latin. Copy.


1447, Nov. 18.

1. John Coll of Caneston;

2. David Coll, his son.

GRANT of a messuage and lands in the vill and fields of Caneston in the Barony of Nerberth, with reversion to Margaret Coll, daughter of the grantor, Brian Coll, nephew of the grantor.


1447/8, Feb. 1.

1. John Browne of Canaston;

2. David Cole of Canaston, and Margaret his wife, John Perrot, Stephen Perrot, Hanry Veyser, John Browne, Henry Rede, Phillip Browne, senior, Phillip Browne, junior, John Hychyn, William Browne and David Carnell.

GRANT of all messuages and lands in Canaston had of the gift of the said David Cole.

Latin. Fractured Seal.


1449, May 14.

LICENCE for 20 marks paid in the hanaper, for Richard, duke of York, and Cecily his wife to grant to John, bishop of St. Davids, and Griffin ap Nicholas, esq., the castle, manor, town and lordship of Nerberth in the March of Wales. Extracted from the Patent Rolls 14 April 1621.


1450/1, Feb. 20.

1. Gruffin Nicholas, esq., lord of Nerberth and Wylfrey;

2. Owen ap Gruffith, his son.

GRANT of the manor and castle of Nerberth and the lordship of Wilfrey. Witnesses: William Gwyn, Gruffyth Forster, Phillip ap Thomas, Phillip ap Mereduth ap Phillip, Thomas Watkyn.



?1472, Oct. 30.

1. Phillip Alisonder and Ellen his wife;

2. Ellen Alisonder their daughter.

GRANT of a moiety of lands and tenements in the vill and fields of Slebeiche and Arnoldushulle. Witnesses: William Miles, John Bole de le Knocke, John Robbyn, senior.



1482/3, Jan.20.

ACT for the annexation of lordships and manors in cos. Pembroke and Carmarthen to the Duchy of Cornwall, and a note of the Act (11 Henry 7) disannulling the same.



1493/4, Feb. 10.

VALOR of the lordship of Kynaston, Robeteston, and the manor of Novus Domus (Newhouse).

Latin. Incomplete.


[16th cent.]

VALOR of all the lands and possessions late of the hospital of free chapel of St. Johns…….

Latin. Incomplete.


1500/1, Feb. 7.

1. John Gobogh, senior, of Wiston;

2. Agnes Gobogh of Sebech.

GRANT of twelve acres of land had of the gift of John Baret, senior, of Hetoke.

Latin. Seal.


1501, July 17.

1. David Wogan and Phillip David, clerk;

2. Thomas Stephen of Arnoldishill, son and heir of Richard Stephyn.

RELEASE of three messuages and two carucates of land at Arnoldishill and a burgage in Slebeche inhabited by Richard Vouler, which they lately had of the gift of the aforesaid Richard, father of the aforesaid Thomas.


1501, July 18.

1. Thomas Stephyn of Arnoldishill;

2. John Roger of Bentebe [rgh].

GRANT of three messuages and two carucates of land at Arnoldishill and one burgage in Slebeche in the tenure of Richard Vouler.

Latin. Seal.


1. John Roger, senior, of Bentebergh;

2. Matilda Butteler.

GRANT for life of three messuages and two carucates of land at Arnoldishill’ with a burgage at Slebech inhabited by Richard Vouler. With reversion to John Stephyn son of Thomas Stephyn of Arnoldishill’ and Alice his wife, daughter of the said John Roger, and their heir, failing heirs to the said John Stephyn and Alice his wife, to the aforesaid Thomas Stephyn, and in the event of the said Thomas Stephyn predeceasing Alice his wife the said Alice to have an annual rent of 40s. annually issuing from the said messuages and lands.



1501/2, Jan. 8.

1. John Saundre of Wiston, yeoman;

2. John Wogan of Wiston, knight.

GRANT of a messuage and lands, etc., in the vill and fields of Slebech. Attorney:- James Lloide.



1502, Dec. 20.

1. Thomas Steven of Arnoldishill, gent.;

2. John Wogan of Wiston, knight.

BOND for the payment of money.

Latin. Seal.


1503, May ----.

1. John Rogers, son and heir of John Rogers of Bentybergh;

2. Thomas Stevyn of Arnoldishill, gent.

RELEASE of three messuages and two carucates of land at Arnoldishill and a burgagee in Slebeche in the tenure of Richard Vogler.


1503, June 20.

1. Thomas Stevyn of Arnoldishill, gent.;

2. John Wogan of Wiston, knight.

GRANT of a rent of 26s. 8d. from messuages, etc., in Ardenoldishill and Slebeche.



1503, June 22.

1. John Wogan, knight, of Wiston;

2. Thomas Stevyn of Ardenoldishill, gent.

AGREEMENT to nullify a grant of an annual rent of 26s. 8d. on the payment of £20 by the said Thomas Stevyn to Jenkyn Roger, son and heir of John Roger of Bentibargh in specified instalments and the discharge of obligations whereby Jenkyn Scurfill and Thomas Roger are bounden in the sum of £20 to the aforesaid Jenkin Roger.



1503/4, Feb. 20.

1. Phillip Roger of Tenby;

2. John Stevyn of Marteltwy.

GRANT for eight years of lands, etc., ex parte le west ecc’lie de Busshes infra parochiam Mynwar, with a clause to ensure the payment by the grantor of a sum of £6.17.4 at the end of the term.



1508, Aug. 26.

1. Thomas Docwra, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England and Thomas Sheffield, treasurer of St. John’s aforesaid;

2. Thomas ap Phylip of Pykton, co. Pembroke, esq.

LEASE for three years of the pensions of the churches of Rudbaston, Letterston, Sanctus Laurencius, Llanvernagh, Prendilgest and of the chapel of Coydkenlas, the ‘frary’ of Pembroch’, Dunglady and Rosse, the rents of the glebeland of the church of Wiston called Maryburgh’, the rents of Butterchyn with the tithes of the same in the parish of Slebeche, the church of Wiston with the members and appurtenances, the churches of Amleston and Walton with the chapels and appurtenances, and the church of Clarbaston with the glebeland and appurtenances, reserving the woods, underwoods and advowsons of the churches to the prior and treasurer; paying therefore in the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem called Clerkenwell besides London to the said prior and treasurer £43. 6s. 8d. annually, and also all pensions and charges due and going out of the said churches or parsonages during the said term except responsions and other impositions for the common treasure of ‘throd’. The lessee shall bear the costs of reparations of the said parsonages except reparations of chancels during the said term.


1513, April 20.

1. John Wogan de Wiseton, knight, baron of the barony of Dungledy;

2. Prior of the priory of St. John of Jerusalem in England, the brothers of the said house, and the preceptor of the preceptory of Slebeche.

GRANT, in order that all love (caritas) should be rendere to the Most High on account of the devotion of the said religious order and the love the grantor bears towards the reverend brother Robert Evors, prior of St. John of Jerusalem in Ireland and preceptor of the said house of Slebeche, of a piece of land called the Iland lying near the cemetery of the church of Slebeche on the east side as the sea-shore on each side of the said island, on condition that the said preceptor or preceptors of Slebeche shall celebrate divine service twice a year for the soul of the grantor and the souls of his predecessors and the successors in perpetuity in the said church of Slebeche, before the high altar on one day of the year and in the chapel of St. Mary on another day of the year, viz., in the octave of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and the octave of St. Andrew the apostle, and on condition also that the said John or his heirs shall come annually to hear the said services and that there they shall make oblations at their will for the salvation of their souls and the souls of their predecessors and successors; and if the said preceptor or preceptors or anyone in their name shall not administer annually the said services on those days then they shall render three pounds of wax for each default by order and wish of the grantor and his heirs.

Latin. Fragment of seal.


1515, June 4.

GRANT from the Crown to Rhys ap Thomas, knight, of the castle, manor vill and lordship of Nerberthe.



1515, Sept. 10.

1. Thomas Vnfrey of Rosecrothur, husbandman;

2. David Gybbe of Canyston in the lordship of Nerberth, husbandman.

GRANT of messuages, burgages and lands in the vill and fields of Canyston.

Latin. Seal.


1515, Sept. 15.

1. Thomas Vnfrey of Rosecrothur, husbandman;

2. David Gybbe of Canyston in the lordship of Nerberth, husbandman.

RELEASE of messuages and lands, etc., in the vill and fields of Canyston in the lordship of Nerberth.

Latin. Seal.


1524, March 29.

1. David Webb and Ellen Cole, his wife;

2. John Gybb of Canaston.

GRANT of 3½ acres of arable land and 1 stang of meadow lying in the fields of Canaston in the lordship of Nerbert, viz., three stangs lying between the lands of William Morce and John Gybb and abutting onto the garden of the said David and Ellen, and one stang lying above the vill between the lands of Phillip Grono and Richard Molde, another acre of land lying between the lands of John Gybb, another acre called Agnes is acre lying between the lands of John Gybb and William Morce, half an acre lying between the lands of William Morce and Phillip Cole, the stang of meadow lying in le grete mede between the lands of John Gybb and Richard Molde.

Latin. Seals.


1526, July 1.

1. Phillip Stephyn, brother and heir of John Stephyn, gent.;

2. Hugh Maunsell, gent., and Joan Wogan, his wife.

LEASE for sixty years of the manor of Arnoldishill with two tenements called Townestrete and Killgrene and two plowlands with all manner of orchards, etc., in the barony of Dungledy. Rent: 8 marks annually.



1530, May 9.

1. Elen Cole, widow;

2. John Gybb of Canaston.

RELEASE of a messuage and one toft with a garden attached, and 3 ½ acres of arable land and ½ acre of meadow in the vill and fields of Canaston in the lordship of Nerbert, the messuage and garden lying between the messuage of John Morce of Tempilton and the messuage of the said John Gybb, and three stangs of the said land lying together between the land of the said John Morce and the land of the said John Gybb and abutting towards the said garden, another stang lying above the said vill between the land of Phillp Gronno and the land of Agnes Wadyn, another acre lying in le Gylvaghe between the lands of the said John Gybb, another acre lying in le Myllham between the land of the said John Morce, half an acre of land with meadow lying in le kaye hyll between the land of the aforesaid John Morce and the land of Phillip Cole, and the half acre of meadow lying in le grete mede situated between the land of John Gybb and the land of Agnes Wadyn.



1532, July 20.

1. Richard Begg of Slebeche, and Margaret Porett, his wife;

2. William Robyn of Pyckell, husbanman, and Elen, his wife.

RELEASE of a tenement, etc., in the vill of Slebeche lying between the tenement of William Gobough on the west and the lane leading from Slebeche towads Norman is foorde on the north.

Latin. One Seal.


1532, July 30.

1. John Husbond of Arnoldishill;

2. William Kickyn, clerk, Richard Jones, John Sutton and Henry Scurdefeld, gent.

GRANT of four messuages and three carucates of land in Arnoldishill and Slebeche in the barony of Dougledy, and the reversion of messuages, etc., which he inherited after the death of Phillip Stevyn, and which Agnes, relict and wife of the said Phillip Stevyn had for life in Underdown in Manorbire.



1532, July 31.

1. John Husbond of Arnoldishill;

2. John Wogan of Wiston, esq.

GRANT of land, tenements, etc., in Arnoldishill, Slebeche, and Underdowne.



1532, July 31.

1. John Husbond of Arnoldishill in visuet’ Dungledy, yeoman;

2. John Wogan of Wiston, esq.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date.

Latin. Seal.


1532, July 31.

1. John Husbond of Arnoldishill;

2. John Wogan of Wiston, esq.

GRANT, in consideration of a hundred marks to be paid in instalments, of lands and tenements in Arnoldishill, Slebeche and Undirdowne.



1532, Aug. 2.

1. John Husbond of Arnoldes hill;

2. William Kickyn, clerk, Richard Johnes, John Sutton, and Henry Scurfield, gents.

RELEASE of four messuages and three carucates of land in Arnoldis hill, a messuage in Slebege, and messuages in Arnoldis hill and Slebege, in the barony of Dungledy.

Latin. Seal.


1533, July 18.

1. Richard Begge of Slebeche, husbandman, and Margery Porrett, his wife;

2. William Robyn of Pickell, husbandman, and Elen Matho, his wife.

GRANT of a tenement and garden lying in the vill of Slebeche situated between the tenement of William Goboughe on the west and the lands leading from Slebeche to Normanis Foorde on the north side. Witnesses: Traharn ?Fairabody, Thomas Gobough, and Thomas Brodene.

Latin. Seals.



VALOR of the Preceptory of Slebech and its members extracted from Valor Ecclesiasticus, vol. Iv, pp. 388-9, with a translation in English.



1536, Oct. 20.

1. Moris Apparry, esq., surveyor to the King of the lordship of Nerberth;

2. John ap Phelippes, esq.

LEASE for 21 years of a tenement called Tallyth in the said lordship at a rent of 20s.


1539, June 20.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. Richard Wogan, his son and heir, and Elizabeth Gamage, his wife.

GRANT of a capital messuage called Arnoldishyll in the barony of Dongledy.

Latin. Seal.

LETTERS PATENT granting to John Hughes, LL.D., the stewarship and receivership of the castle, lordship and manor of Narbart, etc.

Latin. Copy.

(See Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic, 1540-1541, p.141).


1541, Oct. 4.

1. Lewys Smyth the eldest of Mynwer, husbandman;

2. William Smyth of the Upper Nashe, husbandman.

COVENANT to make a sufficient estate in the law of all lands and tenements in the possession of Lewys Smyth in the town and fields of Mynwer after the death of the said Lewys Smyth and Agnes Gwyn his wife.



ACCOUNT of David Nasche for the grange of Blaynwethnoy.

Latin. Copy.


1541/2, March 11.

1. David Ade of Mynwer, husbandman;

2. Roger Barlo of Slebache, gent.

GRANT of a meadow in the vill of Mynwer called Adeismede, and ten acres of arable land in the fields of the said vill, which meadow lies near the vill aforesaid between the land of William Holl’ and the close of the king called Sat’thwell and the land called Beggerisland and the land of Lewis Smyth, and of the said ten acres nine lie together in the said vill between the land of Newton and the land of John Perrott called le Cott and the land of William Hall’ and the highway, and two half acres lye separately in the said fields.

Witnesses: David Walter, vicar of Martheltwy, William Holl’, Robart Rowe, John ap Rychard, John Wade.

Latin. Seal.


1541/2, March 13.

1. David Ade;

2. Roger Barlo.

RELEASE of the lands specified in No. 325 dated 1541/2, March 11.

Latin. Seal.


1542, Nov. 1.

1. Nicholas Thorne of Bristoll, merchant;

2. Roger Barlo of Slebeche, gent.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date.


1543/4, March 14.

LETTERS PATENT granting a commission to John, Lord Lysley, High Admiral of England, John Tregonwell, Anthony Husey, Thomas Jones and Roger Barlowe to administer the maritime laws of the realm in cos. Cardigan, Pembroke and Carmarthen.

Latin. Portion of seal.


COPY of No. 11471.


1545/6, Feb. 14.

1. Richard Lome of Mynwer [sic], tailor, and Joan Steven, his wife;

2. Roger Barlo of Slebyche, gent.

GRANT of a messuage and lands in the vill and fields of Mynwer. Witnesses: Symon Davy, John ap Rychard, junior, Robart ap Robart, Walter Hoper, Davy Adye.

Latin. Seal.


1545/6, Feb. 16.

1. Richard Lome of Mynwer, tailor, and Joan Steven, his wife;

2. Roger Barlo of Slebyche, gent.

RELEASE of a messuage and lands in Mynwer. Witnesses: as in No. 323.

Latin. Seals.


1546, June 26.

LETTERS PATENT, in consideration of £705 6s. 3d., granting to Roger Barlowe of Slebeche, gent., and Thomas Barlow of Catfield, co. Norfolk, clerk, the lordship and manor of Slebyche, the rectory and church of Slebyche, late belonging to the priory or Hospital of St, John of Jerusalem in England, now dissolved, with messuages and lands, etc., in Slebyche, with lands called Asshegroue, Oxland, le Ilond, Masterland, le Wyndmyll land, Stryveacre, le Marle pyttes, all in the vill, fields, and parish of Slebyche; the rectories and churches of Bulston and Marthelwy; the lordship and manor and church of Mynwere including lands called Hobbys landes, Bremble land, Pyttockes parke, Whitmore parke, le Esthill otherwise Patrikes hill, Colkatthill, Foteland, Sayntes well, le Westhill otherwise Sowland, Smythes parke, Sowthmeade, Systernehouse, Beggersland, le Iland, a fishery, mill called Smythes mylne, a mill called le Gryst mylne, all in the vill, fields and parish of Mynwere; the site, etc., of the late priory of Pyll’, houses and lands and a mill, and including a meadow above Dave Harryes Wode and land called Castell hill, being parcel of the possessions of Pyll; the site and lands adjoining late of the monastery of Haverfordwest, including lands called Tankerdes closes, Horseclosee, Carters close, le Pryours hyll, le Pryours parke, le Conyngre, le Saltmarshe, and the chapel called Creswelle, all lately belonging to the dissolved monastery of Haverfordwest; the site of the friary of Haverford with all its appurtenances in the town of Haverfordwest.

Latin. Fragment of seal.

(See Letters and Pares, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, XXI, part 1, p. 578.)


1546/7, Jan. 22.

RECEIPT from Sir John Williams, knight, Treasurer of the Court of Augmentations, to Roger Barlow, gent., for £110 in respect of the grant and purchase of the woods and underwoods growing in and upon the Commandery or manor of Slebiche, parcel of the possessions of the late Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England.


1547/8, Jan. 4.

1. Thomas Goubough, senior, of Slebyche, husbandman;

2. Roger Barlow of the same, esq.

GRANT of three acres of land lying at Stryvacre in the fields and parish of Slebyche and three acres of land lying at Sturboule iuxta M’lande in the same parish abutting above the land of John Saunders. Endorsed: “ For recorde Watkin Braune, John Aprychard, Wylliam Smythe, Rychard Hoell.”

Latin. Seal.


1547/8, Jan. 4.

1. Thomas Goughboghe, senior, of Slebyche, husbandman;

2. Roger Barlo of the same, esq.

RELEASE of three acres of land lying at Strivacre in the field and parish of Slebyche, also of three acres of land lying at Sturbould iuxta M’land in the same parish abutting above the land of John Saunders, and half a burgage in the vill of Slebyche near the tenement of the said Roger Barlo. Endorsed: “ For Recordes Watkyn Braune, John Aprychard, William Smythe, Rychard Hoell”.

Latin. Seal.


1549, April 9.

1. John Sawnders of Wyston, yeoman;

2. Roger Barlo of Slebyche, esq.

GRANT of a burgage and half a burgage in the vill of Slebyche, and three acres of land lying at Sturboll iuxta M’londe in the parish of Slebech between the lands of Thomas Goboughe and John Aphillip, and one and a half acres of land lying in the croft of the said vill now in the tenure of Henry Jenkyn with half an acre lying in a close called Coles parke in the tenure of Walter Bronyng.

Latin. Seal.


1549, April 10.

1. John Sawnders of Wiston, yeoman;

2. Roger Barlo of Slebyche, esq.

RELEASE of one burgage and half a burgage in the vill of Slebyche, and three acres of land lying at Sturboll iuxta M’rlond between the lands of Thomas Goboghe and John Phillips, and one and a half acres lying in a croft of the said vill now in the tenure of Henry Jenkin together with part of an acre of land lying in a close called Coles parke in the tenure of Walter Bronnyng. Witnesses: William Goboghe, Lewis Begge, Thomas Goboghe.

Latin. Seal.


1549, July 12.

ORDERS of the King’s Comissioners in the Marches of Wales in the suit between John Husbande, plaintiff, with his son and heir apparent John Husband the younger, and Sir John Wogan, knight, defendant, concerning the title of three tenements and lands in Arnales hyll called Ester place, Donstrete and the greate Stoune place.

Certified copy.


1550, June 20.

1. John Butlere of Coetkendlas, gent.;

2. Moris Thomas of Treff varchoke within the hundred of Dewislande, husbandman.

LEASE for 60 years of five acres of arable land at Lyndre in the said hundred.


1551/2, Jan. 4.

SURRENDER by John Vaghan of Nerberth, gent., of interest in 5 acres of land at Newton and 7 acres of land called Montaigne lands held by lease of the Countess [?of Bridgewater].

Latin. Faded and torn.


1553, April 10.

1. Thomas Barloe of Cattfled, co. Norfolk, clerk;

2. Roger Barlowe of Slebiche, esq.

RELEASE of the lordship and manor or late the preceptory of Slebiche, the rectory and church of Slebiche, the rectories or churches of Bulston and Marthelwy, the priory or hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Anglia, five messuages, etc., in Slebeche, now or lately in the occupation of William Goboghe, Morgan William, Thomas Picton, Thomas Loyed, John Maddocke, a close called Ashegrove, four acres of pasture adjoining a close called Oxland, a small marsh, a parcel of land lying by the cemetery of the aforesaid church called le Iland, three stangs of land lying in le Croft, half an acre of land in le Croft aforesaid, closes called Masterland and Wyndmyll land, two parcels of land called Stryve acre and le Marle pyttis, the lordship or manor of Mynwer, the rectory and church of Mynwer, lands called Hobbis landes, Brembley landis, Pittockes parke, Whytmore parke, le Estehill alias Patrikes parke, and Colcatthill, a messuage called Foteland, a close called Sayntes well, a parcel of land called Westhill alias Sowland, land called Smythes parke, an acre and a half of meadow lying in Sowthmede, a parcel of land called Sisterns howsse lands called Rogers lande, an island (insula) called le Iland in Mynwer, a fishery in the same place, a mill called Smythes Mill, a mill called le Grystmyll in Mynwer, and also the site and precincts of the priory of Pill, and messuages etc., lying in le Pill, a wood there, a meadow abutting above David Harryes Wood, a parcel of arable land called Castill hill, two acres of wood and a parcel of land, a small close in le Pill aforesaid, and a grist mill there, and also the site and precincts of the former monastery of Haverfordwest, one acre and a half of lands pertaining thereto, an annual rent of 2s. 4d. issuing out of Tankardes closes, two closes called Horseclose, and Carers close, two closes called le Priors hill and le Priors parke, a parcel of land called le Congire, a marsh called le Salltmarshe, a small meadow near the mill there, a small meadow and island in Haverfordwest, and the chapel or tenement called Cressewells; and also the site and precints of the house of the Friars of Haverford with the appurtenancies, all of which were granted to the said Thomas and Roger Barlowe by Henry VIII, 21 June 1546.

Latin. Seal.


1553, April 12.

1. Thomas Barloe of Catteffeld, co. Norfolk, clerk;

2. Roger Barlowe of Slebiche, esq.

GRANT of an annuity of £40 by the said Roger to Thomas Barloe issuing out of lands and tenements in co. Pembroke and £20 to Mary, daughter of the said Roger Barloe for the preferment of her marriage, in consideration of the release specified in No. 186 above, dated 1553, April 10, and other arrangements connected with the purchase of the estate from the Crown.


1553, July 28.

1. John Butler of Coikemles, gent., and Anne, his wife;

2. Roger Barlow.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date.

Latin-English. Seals.


1553/4, Feb. 15.

INQUISITION POST MORTEM of Roger Barlowe who died seised of the manor of Slebeche, the manor of Mynewre, the wood called Myneweare wood, the mill thereto belonging, the rectories of Slebech and Bulston, the rectories of the parishes of Martheltwy and Mynweare, lands and tenements in Martheltwy and Mynweare, a tenement at Creswell, two closes by the bridge of Haverfordwest, the house of the priory of Pulls in Rowse and a mill, lands and houses belonging to the priory of Haverford west, land called Brumehill in the parish of Roberston in Rowse, one tenement in Bicton in Rowse, one tenement and two bovates of land at Netherton in the parish of Hastard, half a close near Hastard; and the following lands held to secure mortgages:- a tenement called Gresord in the parish of Jeffreston, a mill at Lotege, two tenements at Netherton, a tenement at Wiston, three tenements in the parish of Slebeche, four tenements at Langshipping and land at Mynweare.



1553/4, March 14.

1. The Most Excellent Prince and Sovereign Lady Queen Mary;

2. George Owen, esq., one of the Queen Majesty’s physicians.

GRANT of the custody and wardship of John Barlowe, son and heir of Roger Barlow, esq., deceased. Attached an extent of all the manors, lands, etc., of the late Roger Barloe and John Barlow his son and heir.


1555, June 14.

LETTERS PATENT granting a lease for 21 years to John Watkyns of the mill called Caniston Mille, the weir called le Blackpole, the demesne lands called le Upper Talffe and the tenement called le lower Talffe, all in Caniston.

Latin. Seal.


1555, June 14.

COPY of No. 359.


1556/7, Feb. 1.

1. Alice Madocke de Slebeche, widow;

2. Owen ap Owen son of Henry ap Owen of the same.

GRANT of a messuage and seven acres and one rood of land in the vill and fields of Slebech in alto vico between the land of John Wogan, knight, and the highway, the lands lying in divers parcels.


1557, June 3.

ETTERS PATENT, being a confirmation of the grant by Edward VI to Roger Barloe, esq., to John Barlowe, esq., son and heir of the said Roger Barlowe, deceased.

Latin. Copy.


1557, June 23.

SPECIAL LIVERY granted to John Barlowe, esq., son and heir of Roger Barlowe, deceased.

Latin. Damaged Seal.


1557, June 23.

LETTERS PATENT granting pardon and release to John Barlow for all instructions and entries, etc., by him or Roger Barlow, whose heir he is , in the lordships, manors, etc., held of the Crown.

Latin. Copy.


COPY of No. 345.


COPY of No. 345.


1557/8, March 20.

1. John Barlow, gent., son and heir of Roger Barlow, late of Slebech, esq., deceased;

2. Edward Cowper of Marthelltwy, yeoman.

LEASE for sixty years of a grange with a close adjoining and a meadow called the lordes made in Marthelltwy lying thus: the grange having le Colverhowse garden on the west, the mansion house late of John Griffith on the east and the said close adjoining on the east which close extends in length from the grange on the east to the river which runs between the close and the land of George Wiryott and Joan his wife late in the tenure of Walter Tanck in the west, the meadow of the vicar of Marthelltwy annexed on the south and the land late of the said John Griffith and formerly of David Stephyn on the north, and the meadow called the lordes mede having the aforesaid part of the said close on the south extending from the river in length to the ditch between the meadow and the close called the leviz parke in the north, with a close calle the lome parke on the east and the river on the west.

Latin. Seal.


1558, April 2.

LETTERS PATENT, after the restoration of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, granting to the prior the lordship and manor of Slebiche in the bishopric of St, Davids, and all lands, etc., in South Wales late of the Perceptory of Sleboch, cos. Pembroke and Glamorgan.

Latin. Copy.

(For this see Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1557-1558, pp. 313-321).


1558, Aug. 4.

1. Phillip Rowe;

2. John Barlowe.

RELEASE of tenements, etc., in Mynwere. Witnesses: As No. 332 dated 11 Aug. 1558.

Latin. Seal.


1558, Aug. 11.

1. Phillip Rowe of Murles, iron smith;

2. John Barlowe of Slebeche, gent.

BOND for the further assurance of a burgage, etc., in the town of Mynwer. Witnesses: Thomas Heminge, John Follande, Robert Barlowe, Robert Woolcock.



1558, Aug. 11.

1. Phillip Rowe of Marles, iron smith;

2. John Barlowe of Slebeche, gent.

GRANT of a tenement in Mynwer. Witnesses: as No. 332.

Latin. Seal.


1559, July 6.

1. John Fyssher de Overton, co. Southampton, gent.;

2. John Barlowe, gent.

BOND in the sum of 200 marks.

Latin. Seals.


1560, June 13.

1. John Husbond of the town of Pembrochia, tailor;

2. John Wogan of Wyston.

RELEASE of a messuage and lands in the parish of Slebaiche called Arnolles hyll.

Latin. Seal.


1560, June 13.

1. John Husband;

2. John Wogan.

BOND for the quiet possession of the property specified in No. 251.



1560, Nov. 20.

1. William Goboghe of Winchehill, parish of Hascard, husbandman;

2. John Barloe of Slebiche, gent.

GRANT in consideration of thirty shillings o a messuage with a small garden in the vill of Slebiche. Witnesses: Lewis Begge, Robert Barloe, and John Styleman.

Latin. Seal.


1560, Nov. 21.

1. William Gobogh of Winchhyll, parish of Hascard, husbandman;

2. John Barloe of Slebiche, gent.

BOND for the quiet possession of a messuage, etc., in the town of Slebiche. Witnesses Lewis Begg, Robart Barloe, John Styleman.

Latin. Seal.


1560/1, Feb. 12.

EXAMPLIFICATION of interrogatories and depositions of witnesses on behalf of the Queen in the suit between the Queen, plaintiff, and John Barloe, defendant, touching Mynwerewoodde, June 1559.

Fragment of seal.


COPY of No. 793.


1561, Oct. 12.

1. John Wogan de Wyston, esq.;

2. John Balowe of Slebiche.

GRANT of lands and tenements in the croft of Slebiche in the lordship and manor of Slebiche.

Latin. Seal.


1561, Oct. 20.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebiche, gent.

BOND for the further assurance of lands, etc., in the lordship of Slebiche in accordance with a deed dated 12 Oct. 1561.

Latin – English. Seal.


1561, Oct. 20.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebiche, gent.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date.


1562, June 1.

1. John ap Thomas of Treff Codogan in the hundred of Dewis land, husbandman;

2. Lewis ap Harri of the same, yeoman.

GRANT of a tenement and nine acres of land at Treffcodogan, two acres of land at Penmenithe, and one tenement and four acres of land at Legha in the aforesaid hundred. Witnesses: Howel ap David, John Store of the parish of Llanyelviw, Thomas Laurens, and Thomas ap Ieuan ap Holl. of the parish of Whytchurche in the hundred of Dewislande, husbandmen.

Latin. Seal.


1562, Nov. 26.

1. William ap Rees of Yerbeston, co. Pembroke, husbandman;

2. John Barlowe of Slebetche, co. Pembroke, esq.

GRANT of a tenement in Loghvayne, parish of Braudy in the occupation of Marreddeth Woolcoke. Witnesses: John Wogan, Thomas ? erte, David Saunder de Hayston, Jevan Butler, David Voyell.

Latin. Seal.


1563, July 15.

1. John Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.;

2. John Wogan of Bolston, esq.

DEED OF EXCHANGE of three messuages, etc., called Rose downe and Norchard, parish of Bolston, for two tenements in the parishes of Harbeston and Slebeche.


1563, Aug. 7.

1. John Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.;

2. John Wogan of Bulston, esq.

GRANT, in consideration of £96, of the parish church and parsonage or rectory of Buleston with the parson’s house, glebelands, tithes, etc., thereto belonging.

11457 – 11458.

1563, Sept. 13.

FINAL CONCORD in a fine levied between John Barlowe, esq., plaintiff, and John Wogan of Bulston, esq., and Rice Mayler, deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged two messuages, lands, etc., in Slebech and Herberston to be the right of the plaintiff.

Latin. Two copies.


1565, July 14.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a final concord in a fine (5 Oct. 1561) levied between John Barlow, esq., plaintiff, and John Perrott, esq., deforciant, when the deforciant acknowledged two meesuage, 100 acres of land, etc., in Cronvere to be the right of the defendant.

Latin. Copy.


1565, July 18.

1. William Pillipps of Pycton, esq.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebiche, esq.

GRANT of a messuage, etc., lying in the vill and fields of Slebiche in the manor of Slebich in the occupation of Richard Meyler, William Saunder, Elizabeth Hughe, William Pycton, John Clerk, Thomas Powyer and John Browne. Witnesses: Morgan Phillips, John Hodgeskynson, scribe.

Latin. Seal.


1565, July 18.

1. William Phillipps of Pycton, esq.;

2. John Barlowe de Slebich, esq.

BOND for the quiet possession of messuages, etc., in Slebiche in the tenure of Richard Meyler, William Saunder, Elizabeth Hughe, William Pycton, John Clerke, Thomas Powyer and John Browne.


1566,May 1.

EXEMPLIFICATION of the suit between John Gwynne, esq., constable or rhaglaw of the commotes in co. Cardigan, plaintiff, and Richard Davyd Jenkyns, co. Cardigan, gent., 1563-4.



1566, Sept. 26.

1. Elizabeth Phillips of Pycton, widow;

2. John Barlowe of Slebiche, co. Pembroke, esq.

RELEASE of messuages and lands in the vill and fields of Slebich in the manor (dominium) of Slebiche now or lately in the tenure of Richard Meyler, William Sawnder, Elizabeth Hughe, William Pycton, John Clerke, Thomas Powyer and John Browne. Witnesses: Morgan Phillips and John Hodgeskynson, scriptor.

Latin. Seal.


1567, Sept. 22.

FINAL CONCORD in a fine levied between John Barlowe, esq., plaintiff, and John Perrott, knight, deforciant, when the deforciant acknowledged the manor of Hubberston with messuages, lands, etc., in Hubberston, Luddamston, Mynware, and Marteltwye to be the right of the plaintiff.

Latin. Two copies.


circa 1567, Michaelmas.

QUITTANCE to the reeve of Nova domus alias Newton in respect of a sum owing for the year ending Michaelmas 1567.



1567, Oct. 20.

1. Thomas Lloyd of Llanstephan, co. Carmarthen, esq.;

2. William Philippes of Pyckton, esq., and Lewes Barlowes of the Myddle Temple, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of the remainder of a term of years in the late Commandery or Preceptory of Slebech and the lordships, manors, lands, etc., thereto belonging in the county of Pembroke (leased by the Crown to Thomas Audley, esq., 29 March 7 Edward VI, and assigned by the latter to Thomas Lloyd aforesaid and Richard Jones of the parish of St. Clare, co. Carmarthen, gent., 2 May 7 Edward VI), free of all charges and encumbrances except leases and reserved rents of the moiety of the churches or rectories of Amroth and Wyston, lands at Castellan, the moiety of the lordship and parsonage of Rosemarkett, the moiety of the parsonages or rectories of Clarbeston, Ambleston and Walton, and the rent and covenants specified in the lease to Thomas Audley.


1568, May 14.

RECEIPT of the Receiver of South Wales for 50s. received from the Collector in respect of Nova domus alias Newton.



1568, Sept. 13.

FINAL CONCORD in a fine levied between John Barlowe, esq., plaintiff, and John Woogan of Wyston, esq., and Cecil his wife, deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged the manor of le Pyll otherwise called the great pill and sixteen messuages, etc., in Steynton, Roche, Sleabyche and Lamston to be the right of the plaintiff.

Latin. Two copies.


1568, Oct. 4.

1. John Woogan of Wyston, esq., and Cecil, his wife;

2. Morice Woogan of Stonehall, gent.

COVENANT that Scurfild and Harry Jones shall stand seized of five messuages and lands in Brodye, Cronwere, Roberston, and in the parish of St. Katheryne, co. Pembroke, and two messuages and lands in co. Carmarthen, to the use of Morice Woogan and his heirs male and in default of heirs male to revert to John Woogan, with further arrangements to strengthen the agreement.


1569/70, Feb. 25.

1. David Mors of Lawrenny, husbandman;

2. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

GRANT of a messuage and two acres of land in Mynwere. Witnesses: ?Rys Morgan, George -----, Alban Stepneth, William Kettell.

Latin. Seal.


1569/70, Feb. 25.

1. David Mors of Lawrenny, husbandman;

2. John Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.

BOND for the quiet enjoyment of a messuage and two acres of land in Mynwere specified in a deed of even date.


1570, May 1.

1. John Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.;

2. Marget Phill otherwise Gobbough of Slebech, widow.

COVENANT to convey a messuage on the west side of Slebeche against the Marle pittes (where the said Marget lives) together with a haie and garden belonging to the same, one little close an two pieces of ground called the Haies, with two pieces of arable land on the east side of the croft of Slebeche, five gardens, two closes lying south of the lane from Warland to Strye acre, two parcels of land on the west side of Wyndmyll Parke, four parcels north of the way through the croft from Slebech to Haverfordwest, with rights in the parcel called the Pasture Parke, in exchange for a messuage with haie and garden adjoining the wall of the court of the house of the said John Barlowe in Slebeche, and lands, pastures and woods lying in Eaast Warlond and in a close called the Withes with a strip of Meadow adjoining, four parcels of land within the close of the said John Barlowe called the Marle pittes, one parcel of land in the north of the croft of Slebeche, two pieces of land adjoining the Little Wyndmills, a close on the north side of the way from Slebeche to Lormands Forde under a piece of ground called Masterland. Witnesses: William Lane, clerk, Davyth Browne, Davyth Orman, Thomas Loyde, Patrycke Roche.




QUITTANCE to Thomas Willy, reeve of Nova Domus, for an unspecified sum.

Latin. Copy.


1572, Oct. 26.

1. Thomas [?Jhon] Seys of Monckton, husbandman, and Elizabeth, his wife;

2. Thomas Baron of Nerberth, husbandman, and Alson Roger of Nerberth, spinster, cousins of the said Jhon Seys and Elizabeth

AGREEMENT, before the marriage of the said Thomas Baron and Alson Roger, for the latter to dwell and cohabit with the said Jhon Seys and his wife as if they were their own children, and for the making of an estate for the said Thomas Baron and Alson Roger in 5 acres of arable land and 1 acre of grove or wood in the Englishry within the parish and reeveship of Nerberth, and about 12 acres of arable land and 36 acres of mountain ground in the Welshery at Moyleston in the parish of Nerberth, being the lands of the said Jhon Seys.


1572, Oct. 26.

1. Thomas Barron of Nerberth, husbandman, and Alice Roger alias Alson Roger of the same, spinster;

2. Thomas Seys of Monckton and Elizabethe, his wife.

BOND for the observation of covenants specified in a deed of even date.

Latin – English.


1573, June 3.

1. Lord Burleigh, High Treasurer of England, and others;

2. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.

AGREEMENT on the part of the said John Wogan to pay £900, part of the debt of Richard Smithe, gent., late one of the tellers of the Exchequer, and as security for the payment of the said sum to levy a fine of the manor of Llanvernagh and Burton, the messuage of Cryswell, messuages in Arnoldshill and Donstrete, a tenement called Southderye, tenements in Benaston, Williamsonne, Carne, Langdon and Thomas Chappell, two tenements in Slebeche one being called the Newe parke, two water mills called Gryst Milles and two water mills called Fullinge Mylles, and the parsonage of Mertyltwye.


1573, Oct. 17.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. Edward Palmer of Carno, co. Montgomery, husbandman.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage in the parish of Slebech in the occupation of John Wathen. Rent: £3. 6. 8d. annually, two couples of capons annually. Also a heriot when it should fall due, suit of court and mill, one day’s ploughing, one day’s harrowing, and one able person’s reaping for two days. In default, a fine to be paid according to the view of the steward of the manor of Wyston. Clauses about arrears of rent, right to distrain, and lessees’ contract to keep buildings in repair.


1573, Nov. 29.

1. John Seys of Monckton, husbandman;

2. Thomas Gronowe of Templeton and Morgan Howell of Cronwer, yeoman.

GRANT of five acres of arable land and one acre of wood in the Englishry of the parish of Nerberth, and two acres of arable land and thirty-six acres of waste in the Welshry of Moyleston, parish of Nerberth.

Latin. Seal.


1573, Dec. 4.

1. John Gronowe of Templeton and Morgan Howell of Cronwer;

2. John Seys and Elizabeth his wife.

LEASE for two lives of the lands specified in No. 195 dated 1573, Nov. 29.


1575. Oct. 31.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq., Robert Lloyd of Morvill, gent., Thomas Nasshe of Sandyhaven, gent., and Henry Jones of Vaynor, gent.;

2. John Barlo of Slebeche, esq.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date. Witnesses: Alban Stepneth, John David, John Voyell, Sebastian Tryke.

Latin – English. Seals.


1575/6, Feb. 2.

1. Owen ap Owen of Wynshill, yeoman;

2. John Barlo of Slebeche, esq.

BOND for the quiet possession of a messuage and land in the town and fields of Slebeche, and one acre of land in Wyston.

Latin-English. Seal.


1575/6, Feb. 5.

1. Owen ap Owen of Wynshill, parish of Haskard, yeoman;

2. John Barlo of Slebeche, esq.

RELEASE of a messuage and lands in the town and fields of Slebeche and one are of land in the town and fields of Wyston.



1576, May 18.

1. John Wogan of Ayston, esq.;

2. Thomas Barlo of Slebeche.

GRANT of a messuage and land, etc., in the parishes of Wyston, Slebeche and Ambleston.

Latin. Seal.


1576, May 18.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. John Barlo of Slebech, esq.

MORTGAGE of lands and tenements in the parishes of Wyston, Slebeche and Ambleston (tenants named).


1576, May 28.

LETTERS PATENT granting licence to John Wogan, esq., to alienate the chapel of Cryswell with land, etc., and the rectory of Martiltwy, to John Barlo.

Latin. Copy.


1576/7, March 24.

1. John Evans of Llawhadden, co. Pembroke, gent., Jenkin Hire of Hooke in the parish of Rudbackston, co. Pembroke, husbandman;

2. Phillip Gibbe of Canaston, co. Pembroke, husbandman.

BOND for he quiet enjoyment of two messuages, etc., in Canaston.

Latin-English. Seals.


1577, Sept. 2.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. John Barlo of Slebeche, esq.

GRANT, in consideration of £600, of the tenements called Dunstrete, Arnoldeshyll, Roweshyll, Bukeshyll, Stokebrydge, Clarkenhyll and Pykell, and all tenements in the tenure of Richard Mathewe in the parish of Slebeche, with all lands, etc., thereto belonging.

Latin. Seal.


1577, Sept. 24.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. John Barlo of Slebeche, esq.

COVENANT to levy a fine of messuages and lands in the parishes of Wyston, Slebeche and Ambleston.


1577, Sept. 24.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. John Barlo of Slebech, esq.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date.


1577, Oct. 14.

FINAL CONCORD in a fine levied between John Barlo, esq., plaintiff, and Roger Bowles, gent., deforciant, when the defendant acknowledged two messuages, lands, etc., in Harbeston to be the right of the said John.

Latin. Two copies.



1. John Phillip John of the parish of Llampetervelfrey, gent.;

2. Phillip David Harrie of the same.

BOND for the quiet enjoyment of land called Tir y golygon in the parishes of Llampeter Velfrey and Llandewie velfrey.



1578, Sept. 22.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a final concord in a fine levied between John Davies and William Dormer, gentlemen, plaintiffs, and William Griffith and Edward Cowper, gentlemen, deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged two messuages, land, etc., in Martletwye to be the right of the plaintiffs; and a lease thereof to the deforciants.



1579, April 6.

1. Thomas Wyllye of Newe House, husbandman;

2. William Wyllye, senior, his son, of Newton, husbandman, and Arnold Butler, gent.

GRANT of a tenement called Newhouse in the parish pf Narbart, on condition that the grantor or his wife, Joan, be re-enforced at request; with remainder to William Willy, junior, and the rightful heirs of the said grantor.


1579, Sept. 9.

1. John Wogan of Wyston, esq., Cicill his wife;

2. John Barlo of Slebech; esq., Alban Stepneth of Prendergast, esq., and Thomas Woogan of Antisladd, gent.

AGREEMENT following a fine levied of the messuages and lands called Clerkenhill, Dunstrete, Arnoldeshill and Buckeshill touching lands (tenants specified) in Wiston, Slebeche and Ambleston.


1579, Sept. 14.

1. John Woogan of Wyston, esq.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

GRANT, in consideration of a covenant to pay a sum of £500 to the Crown and of £100, of the manor of Burton, the messuage and lands of Cresswell, messuages and lands in Arnoldeshill and Donstrete, a messuage and lands in Slebech in the tenure of Richard Mathewe, a tenement called Clerkenhill in the parish of Marteltwy with tithes.


1580, Dec. 1.

LETTERS PATENT granting a licence for the alienation by John Barloe, esq., to Morgan Phillips, esq., of the Manor of Slebetche, the site of the manor of Slebetche, the manor of Mynevare otherwise Minore, the site of the late priory of Pille with lands and a mill in the tenure of George Pynde.

Latin. Fractured seal.


1581, July 5.

LEASE from the Crown to Lewis Williams of the tenement called Llanwathan alias Lloynegwathell, a tenement in Wheteley, and the mill called Llanwathan Milne.



1581, Oct. 21.

1. Lewis Begge of Slebech, yeoman;

2. John Barlo of the same, esq.

GRANT of a messuage and a garden in the town of Slebech above the wall of the cemetery of St. John the Baptist on the west side.

Latin. Seal.


1581, Oct. 21.

1. Lewis Begge of Slebech, yeoman;

2. John Barlowe, esq.

BOND for the quiet possession of a messuage and garden in the town of Slebych according to a deed of even date.

Latin – English. Seal.


1581/2, Feb. 7.

LETTERS PATENT recording a lease for 21 years granted to Morgan Phillipps of pannage of hogs and wild honey in the forest of Narberth and rents and farms of tenements of Moleston, parcel of the lordship of Narberth, and a parcel of the possessions late of Katherine, Countess of Bridgewater and formerly parcel of the possessions of Rice Griffith, esq.



1583, May 14.

LETTERS PATENT granting to John Barlow, gent., a lease for 21 years of a tenement and land called Mowrton, parcel of the manor of Coydrathe, land called Coidree in the manor and forest of Coydrathe, tenements called Cockesyate, and Eglerath, lands near Gillauna and Erwerde, a house at a place called Holmen Will’, all in the manor and forest of Coydrathe and late parcel of the lands of Jasper, Duke of Bedford; and a house and lands in Newton, parcel of the possessions of Katherine, late Duchess of Bridgewater; and a shop near le Bothall in the town of Aburgavenny, co. Monmouth, formerly parcel of the possessions of the Priory of the said place.

Latin. Fragment of Seal.


1583, Sept. 14.

1. John Barloe of Slebech, esq.;

2. John Gybbe of Newhouse, husbandman.

LEASE of a messuage and lands in the parish of Newton.


1583/4, Jan. 7.

1. David Phillip of Slebech, yeoman;

2. John Barlo of Slebech, esq.

GRANT of a messuage and land, etc. in Slebech.

Latin. Seal.


1583/4, Jan. 8.

1. David Phillip of Slebech, yeoman;

2. John Barlo of Slebech, esq.

RELEASE of a messuage, etc., in Slebech.

Latin. Seal.


1584, Sept. 6.

1. Richard Adye of Mynwere, yeoman;

2. John Barloe of Mynwer, esq.

GRANT of two messuages or tenements in Mynwer in the tenure of John Tassye, grandfather of the grantor, and William Gronow.

Latin. Seal.


1584, Sept. 6.

1. Richard Addy of Minwer, and Thomas Phelipp of Yeldblocke, yeomen;

2. John Barloe, esq.

BOND for the quiet enjoyment of two messuages, etc., in Minwer.


1584. Nov. 18.

LETTERS PATENT granting a lease to John Eliot, Jane his wife and Owen his son of land called Sudston in the vill and fields of Nerbert, a meadow in Welfrey, 12 acres of pasture and mountain at Penllyn Pynner in the parish of Llanbedder, tenement in Robertston, land, etc. in Castle Durham in the lordship of Tranemerch and St. Clere.

Latin. Copy.


1585,June 7.

1. William Sayce of Tregallet, husbandman;

2. John Barron of Muncton, husbandman.

RELEASE of 48 acres of land in the fields of Moleston in the parish of Narberth.



1585, Oct. 2.

1. Richard Adye of Mynwere, yeoman;

2. John Barlo of Mynwere, esq.

RELEASE of two messuages in Mynwere. See No. 321 dated 6 Sept. 1584. Witnesses: Robert Gwyne, clerk, John Leves, John Henyker, Patricke Roche, Thomas Beccley, Thomas Hoell, Thomas Phillipe.

Latin. Seal.


1586/7, March 20.

1. Phillip Gibbe of the parish of Robeston Wathen, husbandman;

2. John Barlowe of the parish of Minwere, esq.

BOND for the quiet enjoyment of two tenements in Caneston.


1587, April 9.

1. Phillip Gybbe of Canaston, husbandman;

2. John Barlo of Slebech, esq.

GRANT of two messuages, etc., in Canaston and Robeston Wathen.


1587, May 8.

LETTERS PATENT granting a lease for 21 years to John Evans, esq., of the demesne lands called le Uppertaff and the tenement called le Loertaff in Caniston, late parcel of the lands and possessions of Katherine, Countess of Bridgewater.

With a memorandum of the assignment of the remainder of the term of ten years in the above lands by Owen verth Humfrey, otherwise Yeavans, widow of the said John Evans of Sleabedge, deceased, to George Barlowe, dated 30 October 1603.

Latin-English. Copy.


1587, May 8.

LETTERS PATENT granting to George Barlowe of Slebeche, esq., in consideration of £432. 16s. 8d., the rents of assize of the free tenants in Caniston, services, perquisites and profits of the courts there and all the courts and suits, the demesne lands called The Uppertaf, the park called the Lowertaf, the water mill called Caniston Mill, and the pool called the Blackpool with toll, late parcel of the lands of the late Rice Griffith, esq., attained, late parcel of the lands of Katherine, late Countess of Bridgewater: also the tenement called Mariborough, parcel of the preceptory of Slebech late in the tenure of John Barnard of the yearly rent of 60s.; also all woods and underwoods thereto belonging. Translated from the original grant and examined therewith, 26 June 1812.


1587, May 8.

LETTERS PATENT granting to John Evans a lease for twenty-one years of lands called le Uppertaffi, a tenement and meadow called le Lowertaffi and a rent of 12d. issuing out of land in Caniston, co. Pembroke, parcel of the land and possessions late of Katherine, Countess of Bridgwater.

With a memorandum on the dorse of a grant of a term of years in the aforesaid properties to George Barlowe of Slebedge, dated 20 Oct. 1604.

Latin. Great Seal.


1587, Michaelmas.

ACCOUNT of Lewis Baron, reeve of Welfray, for the year ending Michaelmas 29 Elizabeth.

11465 (a)

1587, Oct. 14.

EXEMPLIFICATION of fines of twenty-eight messuages, etc., in Wyston, Slybech and Ambleston.

Latin. Copy.


1588, May 29.

1. Watkin Feresfoote of Lambston, yeoman;

2. John Barlo of Slebech, esq.

GRANT in consideration of £8 of messuages, etc., in the parish of Slebech. Witnesses: Thomas Fromond, Gryff. Philpe, William ? Carraule, Thomas Sutton, William Lewes, Thomas Lloyd.

Latin. Seal.


1588, May 29.

1. Watkin Feresfoote of Lambston, yeoman;

2. John Barlo of Slebech, esq.

BOND for the quiet possession of messuages, etc., in the parish of Slebeche now in the tenure of John Sutton and Maude White.

Latin – English. Seal.


1588, Aug. 11.

1. Rolond Lloyd of Tre newith, parish of Llanrian, gent.;

2. Francis Parry of Trecadogan, parish of Whitchurch, gent.

GRANT of a tenement, etc., lying in Polth tarowe in the demesne (dominico) of Carne Vawre, co. Pembroke.

Latin. Seal.


1589, May 24.

1. Richard Robert Hugh of Perskilly, husbandman;

2. Francis Parrie of Trecordogan, gent.

GRANT of a messuage in Llecha, parish of Llanhowell with lands, etc., in vill and fields of Llecha.



1589, July 21.

FINAL CONCORD in a fine levied between John Barlo, esq., plaintiff, and Thomas Harryes and Alice his wife, deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged six messuages, lands, etc., in Staynton and Huberston to be the right of the plaintiff.

Latin. Two copies.


1590/1, March 22.

FINAL CONCORD in a fine levied between John Barlow, esq., plaintiff, and Phillip Gybbe of Caneston and Alson his wife, deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledge two messuages, lands, etc., in Canaston and Robaston Wathen to be the right of the plaintiff.

Latin. Two copies.


1593, Sept. 1.

1. William Wogan, gent., son and heir apparent of John Wogan of Wilston, esq., lately deceased, Thomas Revell of Kyllgarran, esq., and William Kettle of the town and county of Haverfordwest, gent.;

2. John Barloe of Slebech, esq., and George Barlowe, gent., his son and heir apparent.

COVENANT to suffer a recovery of the manor of Kylvelgy otherwise St. Issels with 46 messuages, 2 mills, lands, etc., the advowson of the church of Martletwye, the fourth part of the manor of Burton, in St. Issells, Burton, Martletwy, Earbeston, Lawrenny, Wiston, and Slebech.


1593, Oct. 13.

RECOVERY suffered between Thomas Revell, esq., and William Kettell, gent., demandants, and John Barlowe, esq., and George Barlowe, gent., defendants, of the manor of Kilvelgy otherwise St. Issells with messuages and lands, the advowson of the vicarage of Marthweltwy, a fourth part of the manor of Burton, with land etc.

Latin. Fragments of seal.


1593/4, Feb. 24.

1. John Barlo of Slebech, esq.;

2. Fraunces Parry of Tregadogan, yeoman.

ASSIGNMENT for the grant of the messuage and lands in the parish of Whitechurch in Dewisland in exchange for a messuage and lands in Pultarrawe in the parish of Llanhowell.



1594, July 20.

LETTERS PATENT granting to Walter Rice a lease of a tenement in Moliston, lately devised to Morgan Phillipes and late parcel of the possessions of Rice Griffith, and Katherine, Countess of Bridgewater.

Copy made 7 July 1654.


1594, July 20.

LETTERS PATENT granting a lease of a tenement in Moleston to Walter Rice, esq., following another grant for the lives of Owen, Alban and Thomas Phillips.

Certified copy.


1594, July 20.

LETTERS PATENT granting to Walter Rice, esq., leases of the lands and possessions formerly of Rice Griffith, esq., attained, in Uchoid Kidwelly, parish of Langonor, Cligin, Kidwelly, Llanamtheny, Llangeyne, St. Clare, Llanstephan, co. Carmarthen, and in and around Nerbert, Welfray, Robertson, Templeton, forest of Nerbert, Llanbeder, Llanwothan in Welfray, and Canyston, co. Pembroke.

Latin. Copy.


1594/5, Feb. 13.

QUITTANCE granted to the administrators of the goods and chattels of Catherine verch Morgan of the parish of Llandissill, [co. Cardigan], deceased, with the account of the administrators, attached.



RENT ROLL of chief rents which Sir John Phillips, Baronet, collected in Molleston for the Queen in the year 1597.



1598, Sept. 29.

EXEMPLIFICATION of the fine specified in No. 11433 dated 1578, Sept. 22.

Latin. Copy.


1599, April 24.

1. Owen Elliott of Narberth, esq.;

2. Hughe Lewes of Landewy Vaelfrey, carpenter.

LEASE for 20 years of a tenement and lands called Goughes landes in Velfrey in the tenure of Thomas David Phillip and held by the said Owen Elliott by lease of the Queen. Rent: 6s. 8d. annually.


[early 17th cent.]

LIST of the persons rated at a ploughland and half a ploughland for the payment of ‘Kilthe corne’ and ‘Kilthe money’ in the vill of Nerberth, Redstone, Killraph, Robertstowne Wathen and Caniston.


[early 17th cent.]

OPINION of [Sir Thomas] Powell on a lease of lands near Narbert castle by John Barlowe, esq., to Richard Castle and John Castle.


[early 17th cent.]

ACCOUNT of ‘Kilt’ money and ‘Kilt’ corn paid by the inhabitants of the parish of Narbart, with notes on rents and customs of the forest of Narberth.


[early 16th cent]

ACCOUNT of ‘kilth’ money for Narberth, Killrath, Templeton and Moleston.


[first half of 17th cent.]

GRANT by George Barlow of Slebech, esq., of a perpetual vicarage in Slebech. [Printed in Fenton, Historical Tour through Pembrokeshire (second ed.) Appendix No. 9, p. 336-7]



[first half of 17th cent.]

NOTES on rents of assize in the manor of Welfray and on actions for debt against Stepneth and Thomas Davy Phillip.


[first half of 17th cent.]

MEMORANDUM on ‘the sums to be excepted against in Mr. Myne’s account’


[first half of 17th cent.]

PETITION of John Barret and other resiants within the prepositorship of Coydrath to the King touching the rights of commoners in Coydrath and the oppressions of Sir Thomas Canon, knight, purchaser of the manor of Coydrath.



[17th century]

COPY of the inquisition, 31 May 1358, on the liberties belonging to the earldom and lordship of Pembroke of which Lawrence de Hastynges died seised. (See Cymmrodorion Record Series No. 7, part 3, p. 95).


[17th cent.]

EXPLANATIONS of old Saxon words contained in the ancient charter granted to the Knights of Rhodes and confirmed 2 Henry VIII, taken out of Dr. Cowwell’s Interpreter; notes on the statute of 27 Henry VIII touching Lord Marchers and their right to deodans and felon’s goods; and observations on the manor of Ridley in the lordship of Bromfield and Yale.


[17th cent.]

EXTRACT from Giraldus Cambrensis De Rebus a se gestis, cap. IX.


[17th cent.]

LIST of English words used in ancient charters of England and interpreted in French. From the Red Book in the Exchequer.


[17th cent.]

NOTE on the payment of scutage.


[17th cent.]

OBSERVATIONS on the manor and forest of Coydrath from records dated 1564-1617.


[?17th cent.]

VOLUME containing an MS. work in German entitled Schenwarth Buch Die Stadt Nürnberg betreffend illustrated in colours, and historical notices of tournaments, fencing contests, etc., in Nuremberg (1197-1561).


[17th cent.]

DRAFT of a proposed bill in Chancery to be brought by John Barlowe, esq., plaintiff, against Sir Richard Phillips, Bart., Sir John Stepneth, knight, and James Protherowe, esq., defendants touching the detention of court rolls of the lordship of Narbart which plaintiff as lord of the manor and lordship of Nabert requires to defend his claim to common of pasture in the said forest against the tenants around the forest.


[17th cent.]

MEMORANDUM of records remaining in the Tower of London concerning lands in Pembrokeshire.


[17th cent.]

EXTRACTS and notes from charters, the bible, and histories, etc., on the profanation of lands bequeathed to religious houses, and a note [? By George Barlow] on his duty to maintain hospitality a Slebech as did the Knight’s Hospitallers before him. (See West Wales Historical Records vol. III, p. 138.)


[17th cent.]

EXTRACT from an undated account relating to Mileston, Robeston, Welfray and Llanwathan Mill.


[late 17th cent.]

MEMORANDUM of the grant by the Queen, 1601/2, Jan.7, in consideration of £432. 16. 8. to George Barlow of the rents of assize of Canneston, perquisites of the Court in Canneston, the demesne lands called Upper Taff and Lower Taff, Canneston Mill and Black Poll, the tenement called Merribrow, and all the woods, underwoods and soil. (See No. 871).


[circa 1600].

MEMORANDUM of the muniments of the Preceptory of Slebiche, giving undated abstracts of the various grants to the Hospitallers in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Latin. Vellum Roll.


[late 17th cent.]

ACCOUNT prepared for Lady Barlow.


1601, July 20.

LETTERS PATENT being a commission to Herbert Crofte, receiver general of South Wales, Geoffrey Dupp, esq., supervisor there, George Owen, esq., William Wogan, esq., Richard Grafton, esq., and Thomas Canon, gent., to survey the manor of Caniston.

Latin. Fragment of seal.


1601, Nov. 19.

1. George Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.,

2. The Crown.

BOND for the payment of the purchase price of the manor of Caniston, late part of the possessions of Ryce Gryffythe, esq., attained, and the demesne lands called Uppertaf, the tenement and park called Lowertaf, the water mill called Caniston Mill, the water course called the Blacke poole in Caniston, late parcel of the possessions of Katherine, Countess of Bridgwater, and a tenement called Maryboroughe in the parish of Slebiche, late parcel of the possessions of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, according to the value of the woods and underwoods to be surveyed by a commission of Survey and the purchase value of the soil.


1601, Nov. 27.

1. John Thyme, senior, of Longleate, co. Wilts., esq., and Henry Best of London, gent.;

2. George Barlow of Slebidge, esq.

GRANT of nova domus otherwise Newhouse siyuated in or near nova villa otherwise Newtowne otherwise Newton.

Latin. Seals.


1601,Nov. 27.

COPY of No. 353.


1601, Dec. 8.

1. Thomas Phillips of Picton, gent.;

2. Thomas ap Rice of Rickarston, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease for the life of the said Thomas Phillips of pannage of hogs, swine and wild honey within the forest of Narberth and also the rents and forms of the tenure of Moleston, parcel of the lordship of Narberth and late parcel of the lands and possessions of the Lady Katerine, Countess of Bridgewater and late parcel of the possessions of Rees Gruffith, esq., attained for high treason, which pannage and lands the said Thomas Phillips held of the Queen by a lease for the lives of Owen Phillips, Alban Phillips and the said Thomas Phillips.


1601/2, Jan. 4.

RECEIPT from the Receiver (43-44 Elizabeth) to George Barlowe, esq., for £432.16s.8d. for the profits of the rents of assize of the free tenants in Caniston and divers lands and tenements in Caniston, and a tenement called Mariborough.



1601/2, Jan. 7.

LETTERS PATENT granting to George Barlow of Slebeche, esq., in consideration of £732.16. 8., the rents of assize of the free tenants of Caniston, perquisites of the court there, the demesne lands called le Uppertaf, the tenement called le Lowertaf, the mill called Caniston Mille, the weir called le Black poole, parcel of the possessions of Katherine late Countess of Bridgewater; the tenement called Mariborough, parcel of the Preceptory of Slebeche.

Latin. Seal.


1601/2, Jan. 7.

COPY of No. 871.


1602, March 27.

EXEMPLIFICATION of letters patent, at the request of George Barlowe of Slebiage, esq., of a grant to John Thyme, senior, of Longleate, co. Wilts., esq., and Henry Best of London, gent., of Newhouse in Newtowne alias Newton, late parcel of the possessions of Katherine, Countess of Bridgewater, and Rice Griffith, attained, 3 Nov. 1601.


1602, March 27.

COPY of No. 351.


1602, June 23.

PETITION [circa 1602, June 23] of John Willy and Phillip Watkins, freeholders of the lordship of Narberth, on behalf of themselves and the rest of the freeholders to Lord Buckhurst, Lord High Treasurer of England, requesting that the steward of the lordship be ordered to allow the freeholders to elect the foresters according to custom and to administer the oath to the foresters to safeguard the rights of the freeholders; with a letter from Thomas Buchurst to the steward dated 23 June 1602 requiring the latter to comment on the petition or satisfy the freeholders.



1602, July 16.

LETTERS PATENT granting a lease for 21 years to William Allen of a tenement and lands called Goughes landes and Kiluaughe in Welfray.

Latin. Copy.


1602, Sept. 8.

1. Albane Phillips of Pickton, gent.;

2. Thomas Addams of Loveston, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of the pannage of hogs and wild honey within the forest of Narberth and the rents ad farms of the tenants of Moleston, parcel of the lordship of Narberth, lately parcel of the lands of the Countess of Bridgewater and of Rees Griffith, esq., attained.


1602, Sept. 11.

DEPOSITIONS taken at Caniston by Augustin Hill, gent., by virtue of the Queen’s Commission to John Taverner, esq., Surveyor of Her Majesty’s Woods, and to him, the said Ausgustin Hill, directed, touching the felling of trees and the despoiling of the Forest of Narberth and Caniston Wood.


1602, Nov. 20.

1. Owen Elliot of Erwear, gent.;

2. Thomas David Phillip of Landewy Velfre, yeoman.

LEASE (assignment) for 12 years of tenements and lands called Goughes landes in Welfray and a piece of meadow in a close called Parke Newydd. Rent: 6s.8d.


1603,June 17.

1. John Phillippes of Picton, esq.;

2. George Barlowe of Slebidge, esq.

BOND for the conveyance and further assurance of woods and wood grounds called Pykell wood in the parish of Slebidge.


1603, Sept. 1.

1. John Phillippes of Picton, esq.;

2. George Barlowe of Slebydge, esq.

GRANT in consideration of £90 of woods and woodgrounds called Pykell or Talfewood late in the tenure of John Barlowe, esq., in the parish of Slebidge, co. Pembroke. Witnesses: Owen Ellyot, Stephen Barlow, William Barlow, Thomas Hunshill, John Phillip, John Skourfyld.



1603/4, Feb. 9.

QUIETUS to George Barlowe of Slebech, esq., for the payment of £32.13s.4d., owing to the Treasury and recorded in the Great Roll for 42 Elizabeth, in respect of the purchase of the woods, etc., in the manor of Caniston, late parcel of the possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attained, the demesne lands called Vppertofte and the tenement and park called Lowertofte in Caniston, the water mill called Caniston Mille late in the tenure of John Elliott, late parcel of the possessions of Katherine, Countess of Bridgewater, and the tenement called Maryboroughe in the parish of Slebech in the tenure of John Barnard, late parcel of the possessions of the Hospital of St, John of Jerusalem in England, as well as the annual rents and value of the soil etc., there. (See No.315 dated 1601 Nov. 19 – a bond for the payment of the said sum.)



1603/4, Feb. 9.

ACQUITTANCE to George Barlowe of Slebeche, esq., for the payment of 13s.4d. to the Crown in respect of the woods and underwoods in Newhouse otherwise Newtowne and a fulling mill there, late parcel of the possessions of Katherine, Countess of Bridgewater.



1604, Sept. 29.

1. William Wogan of Wiston, knight;

2. George Barlow.

RELEASE of parcels of land called Neweparke in the parishes of Wiston and Slebech.


1604, Nov. 29.

1. Francis Mansell of Modlescombe, co. Carmarthen, esq., and Walter Rice of Newton, co. Carmarthen, knight;

2. John Phillipps, formerly son of Owen Phillipps late of Moleston, gent., deceased.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date.



1604, Dec. 20.

1. Francis Mansell of Modlescombe, co. Carmarthen, esq.;

2. George Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of the demesne lands called the Upper Taffe and the tenement and park called the Lower Taffe in Canaston, (formerly parcel of the lands of Katherine, Countess of Bridgwater).


1604, Dec. 23.

RECEIPT from Walter Rice of Newton, co. Carmarthen, to George Barlowe, of Slebech, esq, for the consideration money in respect of an assignment (dated 20 Dec. 1604) of tenements and lands in co. Pembroke by Francis Mansell of Modlescombe, co. Carmarthen, to the said George Barlowe.


1604/5, Feb. 4.

WILL of Griffith ap Rice, clerk, portionary of the church of Llandewy Velfrey.


1605, Oct. 2.

1. Reginald Morris of Llanvernagh, gent.;

2. James Mores of Cildey, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of two parcels of land called Kil y Rhew and Clyn garw in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, parcel of the grange of Blaenwethno.


1606, Dec. 20.

EXEMPLIFICATION of letters patent (3 Edward III), at the request of George Barlow, esq., of a grant to the Prior and Brethren of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England of free chase in all their lands in South Wales, their own free court, all amends of transgressions, expedores, etc.



1608, June 5.

1. Laurence Ruderch of Wiston, yeoman;

2. George Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

GRANT of a messuage, etc., in Slebeche between the lands of George Barlowe and the lane leading from Slebeche to Lormans ford on the north side.

Latin. Seal.


1608, June 5.

1. Laurence Rudderch of Wiston, yeoman;

2. George Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

BOND for the quiet possession of a messuage, etc., in the town and parish of Slebeche between the lands of the said George Barlowe on both sides and the lane leading form Slebeche towards Lormons foorde on the north part, now in the occupation of Thomas David.



1608, June 8.

1. Laurence Rudderch of Wiston, yeoman;

2. George Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

RELEASE of a messuage in the vill and parish of Slebeche lying between the lands of the said George Barlowe and the lane leading to Lormans foorde.

Latin. Seal.


1609, April 4.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT by William Callon of Mouncton, yeoman, following an action in the Great Sessions, that the close called John Davies parke and land in the parish of Newton in Gale Rose near Rose waye to be the right and inheritance of George Barlowe, esq.


1690, June 30.

ORDER in the suit between George Barlowe, plaintiff, and William Wogan, knight, defendant, touching a wood and a rent of 2d. pertaining to the manor of Kilvelgie.



1609, July 15.

WRIT out of Chancery ordering William Wogan, knight, to grant peaceful possession of lands in Slebeche in dispute between George Barlowe, esq., plaintiff, and the said William Wogan, defendant, until the suit is fully heard.

Latin. Fragment of Seal.


1609, Aug. 9.

1. George Salter of the parish of St. Dunstans in the West, London, gent., and John Williams of the parish of St. Peter le Poore, London, draper;

2. George Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.

GRANT of the manors of Roberston and Welfraye, late parcel of the lands and possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attainted.


1609, Sept. 30.

LETTERS PATENT granting in fee-farm to Edward Fererrs of London, mercer, and Francis Phelippes of London, gent., the mills of Nerbert and Lanwathen myll.

Latin. Copy 1621.


1610, June 30.

EXEMPLIFICATION at the request of George Barlowe, esq., of a grant from the Crown to George Salter of the parish of St, Dunstan in the West, gent., and John Williams of the parish of St. Peter le Poore, draper, of the manors of Roberston and Welfraye, parcel of the lands and possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attained, dated 31 July 1609.

Latin. Seal.


1610, June 30.

COPY of No. 346.

370.1610, June 30.

COPY of No. 346.


1610, July 28.

PARTICULAR of the vill and lordship of Narbart and the manor of Templeton.

Certified copy.


circa 1610, July 28.

PARTICULAR of the vill and lordship of Narbert and the manor of Templeton.



1610, Oct. 1.

PETITION from the inhabitants of Wellfraie within the lordship of Nerberth to George Barloe of Slebech, esq., asking him not to request them to appear at a court of the ‘supposed’ manor of Welfray until he has proved his right to hold such a court.




LETTERS PATENT granting the lordship, forest, etc., of Narbert and the lordship and manor of Templeton to the Prince of Wales.

Latin. Copy.


1610/11, Feb. 11.

COMMENT by Robert, Earl of Salisbury, Lord High Treasurer of England, on the petition of John Stephan, deputy steward of the lordship of Nerberth, concerning the latter’s jurisdiction in the supposed manors of Wellfraie and Robeston, purchased from the Crown by George Barlowe; with a copy of the petition.


1611, July 10.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of George Barlowe, esq., of confirmation of a grant to the prior and brethren of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England of free chance in all their lands in South Wales, their own free courts, all amends of transgressions, expedores, etc., dated 29 Dec. 1329.

Latin. Seal.


1611, July 10.

COPY of No. 347.


1611 Oct. 8.

AFFIDAVIT of George Gilpin in the Chancery suit between Geeorge Barlow, esq., plaintiff, and John Wogan, knight, defendant, touching Pickhill Wood otherwise Taugh Wood.


1611, Dec. 7.

INJUNCTION ordering William Wogan, knight, to allow peaceful possession of a parcel of land or wood called Pickhill Wood to George Barlow, esq., plaintiff in a Chancery suit against the said William Wogan.

Latin. Damaged seal.


1611, Dec. 7.

COPY of No. 358.


1611/2, Jan. 27.

ORDER of the Court of Chancery upon hearing the suit between George Barlowe, esq., plaintiff, and William Wogan, knight, defendant, concerning the title to Pickhill wood.


1611/12, Feb. 12.

EXEMPLIFICATION of interrogatories and deposition of witnesses on behalf of both parties in the Chancery suit between George Barlow, esq., plaintiff, and William Wogan, knight, defendant, touching the ownership of Pickhill Wood, parish of Slebech, Sept. 1609.



1611/12, Feb. 15.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of George Barlowe, esq., of a decree in the Chancery suit in which George Barlow, plaintiff, secured peaceful possession of Pickhill Wood against William Wogan, knight, defendant, pending another trial of the case at common law.


1612, May 24.

LETTERS PATENT granting to Francis Morrice and Francis Phelippes, gent., the rectories and churches of St. Thomas within the vill of St. Dogmel, otherwise called the rectory and church of St. Dogmel otherwise Llanlleere, Eglosseroe, Bavell, Molgrave, Llantode otherwise Llancode and St. Nicholas, Fishard otherwise Fishingarde, Grangiston, and the chapels of Penkellthie Vaughan and Thilesprawse and Newton, all formerly belonging to the monastery of St. Dogmal.

Translation (19th cent).


1612, Dec. 17.

1. Edward Ferrers of London, merchant, and Frances Phelips of London, gent.;

2. George Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

GRANT in fee-farm of the mill called Lanwathen Mill’ parcel of the manor of Welfray and late parcel of the lands and possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attainted.

Latin. Seals.


1613, Nov. 15.

1. Morgan Watkin of Templeton, parish of Narberth, yeoman, and Rice Jermyn of Castlemartyn, yeoman;

2. George Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date granting two closes called Colsigg an Eyshridge with a sheepcot near Rowsdowne in the parish of Narberth.

3051 (a)

[circa 1614].

NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS on the customs of the forest of Narberth based on ancient records and drawn up in connection with the suit Barlow v. Stepneth and others.


[circa 1614]

PREPOSITIONS to be given to the commoners who pay rent for customs in the forest of Narbert; notes on the customs of the forest; points to be taken up at law against John Stepney, esq.; memoranda on the records of the forest.


1614, Sept. 10.

RECOVERY of two messuages, etc., in Narberth suffered between Simon Holland, demandant, and Henry ap Robert, tenant.

Latin. Part of Seal.


1614, Sept. 12.

1. Symon Holland of Lawreny, gent.;

2. Harry ap Robert of Templeton, yeoman;

3. John Rogers of Redston, yeoman.

COVENANT to suffer a recovery of two messuages, etc., in the village, fields, Englishry and Welshery in the parish of Narberth.

Latin. Copy.


1614, Sept. 17.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a recovery suffered between Simon Holland, plaintiff, and Henry ap Robert, tenant, of two messuages and lands in Narberth.

Latin. Copy.


1614, Nov. 17.

ORDER (copy) transferring the suit between George Barlowe, esq., plaintiff, and Sir William Wogan, knight, John Stepneth, esq., John Chub and Lewes Jones, defendants, to another court. With observations by George Barlowe on the suit which concerned the manor of Welfray and the lordship of Narberth, and the tenural customs there.


1614, Nov. 21.

EXEMPLIFICATION of the grant by King John, dated 16 April 1 John, to William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, of the lands called Wilfrey and Oistrelof, in exchange for the land of Emelin; and of an inquisition dated Friday next after the Feast of St. Nicholas 11 Edward I on the lands of Roger Mortimer in the lordship of Narberth; and of a charter dated 20 Jan. 4 Edward – granting to Roger Mortimer of Chirk free warren in his lands in England and Wales.

Latin. Seal.


1614, Nov. 21.

COPY of No. 878.


1614, Nov. 21.

EXEMPLIFICATION of letters patent granting privelages and liberties to the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem in England.

Latin. Fractured Seal.


1614, Nov. 21.

COPY of No. 869.


1614, Nov. 21.



1614, Dec. 11.

LETTERS PATENT granting to George Barlowe of Slebech, esq., courts leet and views of Frankpledge in his manors and tenement (named), co. Pembroke.

Latin. Seal.


1614, Dec. 11.

COPY of No. 876.


1614, Dec. 11.

COPY of No. 876.


1614/5, Jan 21.

EXEMPLIFICATION of the inquisition post mortem of Edmund, Earl of March, on the Castle, manor and lordship of Nerberth, the lordship of St. Clare, and the manor of Eyreslond, dated 1429, Tuesday next before the Feast of St. Michael.

Latin. Seal.


1614/15, Jan. 24.

EXEMPLIFICATION of an extent of the lands held by Aylmer de Valence in co. Pembroke, dated 20 Aug. 1324. (See Cymmrodorion Record Series 7, Pt. 3, p.86).

Latin. Seal.


1614/15, Jan. 25.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of George Barlow, esq., of an extent made 20 Aug. 1324 of the knight fees of Bernard de Valence, late Earl of Pembroke, in co. Pembroke, and also of an inquisition dated Tuesday before the feast of St. Michael the Archangel 8 Henry VI (1429) touching the manors of Nerberth and St. Clares.



1614/5, Jan. 25.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of George Barlowe, esq., of the inquisition post mortem of Matilda de Montuo Mari who died seised of the castle, manor and lordship of Nerbert, and the manor and lordship of St. Clare and the manor of Eyreslond, 8 Henry VI.

Latin. Copy.


1615, February --.

PROCEEDINGS in the Exchequer in an action f debt between George Barlow, esq., plaintiff, and William Wogan, knight, defendant, in respect of rent for land in the manor of Welfraye. With legal comments on the case and the actions against the copyholders of the manor.


1614/5, Jan. 30.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a valor dated 9 Henry VII of the lordships or manors of Kynaston, Roberteston and Newhouse.



1614/5, Feb. 1.

1. The Right Honourable William Lord Knowles. Master of the King’s Court of Wards and Liveries, and Sir Roger Wilbraham, knight, Surveor of the same Liveries;

2. George Barlowe, esq., son and heir of John Barlowe, esq., deceased.

CERTIFICATE of the delivery of a valor or extent of all the lordships, manors, lands, etc., descended to the said George Barlowe, esq., on the death of John Barlowe, his father, a special livery of the same having been granted by the King, and covenants in respect of the valor.

Attached to the indenture is a valor of the manors, lands, tenements, etc., including lands in the manors of Slebech, Pickton, Mynwere, Castle Pill, Hubberston, St. Issells otherwise Kilvelgey, Trecadwgan.


1614/15, Feb. 11.

LETTERS PATENT granting to George Barlowe of Slebech, esq., free warren in the manor of Robeston and also in lands and tenements called Taff otherwise Talgh, Pickhill, Stockbridge, Broomehill, Eastmeade, Matthews Tenement, Clarkenhill, Buxhill, Arnolshill, Dunstreete, and Rosehill, parish of Slebech, a tenement called Maryboroughe, four tenements in Colby and Newparke, parishes of Slebech and Wiston, a capital tenement called Creswell, and two tenements in Martletwy.



[1614/5, Feb. 11]

ANOTHER COPY (17th cent.) of the grant specified in No. 873.



1614/5, Feb. 11.

COPY of No. 873.


1614/5, Feb. 11.

COPY of No. 873.


1614/5, Feb. 13.

SPECIAL LIVERY granted to George Barlowe, esq., son and heir of John Barlowe, esq., deceased.

Latin. Seal.


1614/5, Feb. 13.

COPY of No. 875.


1615, Oct. 6.



[circa 1616-20].

EXCEPTIONS to a report on the title to the lordship of Narberth and its members in dispute between the Prince of Wales and George Barlow.


[circa 1616-22]

Exceptions to an order of the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal touching the suit between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant.



[circa 1616-22]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the Prince of Wales, concerning an earlier petition.


[circa 1616-30]

PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the King, touching the suit against his majesty’s stewards in the lordship and forest of Narberth.


[circa 1616-22]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to Charles, Prince of Wales, concerning his title to the manors of Robeston and Welfray.


[circa 1616-22]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the King requesting a new referance of the cause between the Prince of Wales and George Barlowe.



[circa 1616-22]

EXCEPTIONS [by George Barlowe] taken against the Lord Chancellor’s order upon him and others of the cause between the Prince of Wales and George Barlowe.



[circa 1616-32]

PETITIONS of George Barlowe, esq., and John Barlowe, esq,. concerning the controversies and legal proceedings connected with the manors purchased by them from the Crown. Mostly drafts or copies of certain of the items specified in Nos. 3011-3118.


1615/6. Jan.3.

1. John Sayes and William Sayes of Lonbeder Velfrey, yeomen;

2. Henry Propert of Narberth.

BOND for the quiet possession of two messuages, etc., lying in Nerberth, parish of Nerberth and within the lordship and reeveship of Narberth and Welfrey, in the same manner as John Sayes late of Mounton heretofore enjoyed the same by an indenture dated 1556/60 Jan. 20 made to the said John Sayes by John Sayes of Tregallett, co. Pembroke. Witnesses: Griffith ?Rolles, clerk, Lewis Johnes, William Lewis, Thomas John Prellregh, William David Wener.



1615/6, Jan. 23.

1. William Wogan of Wiston, knight;

2. George Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

BOND for the observance of the award of an arbitration.


1616, April 2.

AWARD of arbitrators in the disputes between Sir William Wogan of Wiston, knight, and George Barlowe of Slebech, esq., to the effect that the latter shall have deodand within the dominion and manor of Slebidge and enjoy the wood called Pickhill Wood, but he shall pay £200 to Sir William Wogan, his wife, and eldest son in consideration thereof; further, an award is made concerning rents due from Sir William Wogan for lands leased to him in the demesne of the manor of Welfrey.



1616, April 3.

PROPOSITIONS drawn up by [? George Barlowe] for the settlement of the dispute with the tenants of the manor of Welfray concerning their tenures.


1616, April 6.

LETTER from Ra. Eure at Ludlow Castle to George Barlow concerning an award signed by the writer and Henry Townhend.


1616, June 24.

GENERAL RELEASE from Sir William Wogan, knight, to George Barlowe, esq.


1616, Oct. 23.

RECEIPT from the Deputy Receiver to John Barlowe, esq., for the rent of the manor of Slebech.


1616, Oct. 28.

LETTERS PATENT granting a commission to the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer and others for the granting of liberty of Charter and free warren in the manors of England and Wales.


By virtue of this commission George Barlowe, esq., had compounded for free-warren in the manor of Robeston and elsewhere.



PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the King touching the suit pending between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and the petitioner, defendant.



[circa 1617-24]

PETITION of George Barlow, esq., to Charles, Prince of Wales, against John Stepneth, deputy steward of the lordship of Narberth, touching the latter’s interference in the manors of Caniston, Welfray and Robeston which the petitioner had purchased from the Crown.



OBSERVATIONS on the courts of the lordship of Narberth with special reference to the courts of Welfray, and on the customs and tenures of Welfray, in connection with the suit between Sir John Walter, knight (for the Prince of Wales), plaintiff, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant.



INTERROGATORIES to be ministered to witnesses to be produced on the part of George Barlowe, esq., defendant, against Sir John Walter, knight, plaintiff on behalf of the Prince of Wales in the suit concerning the manor of Narberth and the manors purchased by defendant from the Crown.



COMMENTS on an order in the suit between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, defendant.



PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to Sir Henry Hobert, chancellor to the Prince of Wales, and to the rest of His Highness’s Council, concerning the customs in the manors in dispute between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and the petitioner, defendant.


[circa 1617-24]

NOTES and quotations from records assembled [?by George Barlowe] to show that Welfray was a manor and not parcel of Narberthe.



NOTES [by George Barlowe] on grants of various Crown manors and lands in Pembrokeshire in connection with the suit [? Between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, defendant].


[1616/7, Feb. 10]

FRAGMENT of a copy of a Crown grant of the lordship of Narbeth, etc.


[1617, Oct. 25]

COPY of a valor of the manors of Haverford and Nerbert.



1617, Oct. 25.

ABSTRACT of the liberties of the Knights of Rhodes, with a note on their bearing on the estate of the Barlows in Slebech.


1617, Dec. 5.

CERTIFICATE of Sir William Garraway concerning a record of the sale of the manors of Robeston and Welfray to George Barlowe, esq., with other notes.

3087 (a)

1617, Dec. 22.

CERTIFICATE of Sir Henry Herbart and others to the King upon a reference to George Barlow’s petition touching the disputed title to Caniston, Roneston and Welfrey.



1617, Dec. 29.

1. Sir William Wogan of Wiston, knight, Dame Sibell his wife, and John Wogan, son and heir apparent of the aforesaid William Wogan;

2. George Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

GRANT, in performance of an award in the Council of the Marches of Wales and in consideration of £200, of the wood and woodgrounds called Pickhill Woode, Talche ticket, and Taughe woode in the parish of Slebech.




PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to Francis, Lord Verulam, the Lord Chancellor of England to have the suit between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and himself, defendant, expedited.



1617/8, March 4.

LETTER from Thomas Howard and other Commissioners to Sir John Stepney, knight and bart., deputy steward of His Highness’s lordship of Narberth, concerning the receiving of rents from the tenants.



1618, Nov. 29.

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the King to grant a reference in connection with the dispute between him and the tenants of Roberston and Welfray who insist on paying their rents and doing their services as tenants of the lordship of Narberth; with a grant of the reference dated 29 Nov. 1618.


1618, Nov. 29.

COPY of No. 3099.


[circa 1619]

NOTES [by George Barlowe] on the course to be held at the hearing of the cause between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, defendant, and the difficulty of retaining counsel to plead against the Prince.


[circa 1619-21]

INSTRUCTIONS [by George Barlowe] how to proceed against the order in Chancery ousting him from the manor of Newhouse.


[circa 1619-21]

MEMORANDA concerning the suit between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, defendant.



PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., late sheriff of the county of Pembroke, to the Privy Council with his grievance against the Justices of Assize in the county of Pembroke who charged and fined the petitioner for neglect of his duties as sheriff.

Draft or Copy.

3092 (a).

1619, April 27.

REFERENCE of the cause between the Prince of Wales and George Barlowe, esq., to the Lord Chancellor and others, following George Barlowe’s petition (quoted) to the King.


1619, June.

ORDER of the Lord Chancellor touching the suit pending between the Prince of Wales and George Barlowe, gent., giving the latter quiet possession to certain lands until the trial.

Copy. With objections thereto.


1619, June

COPIES of No. 3079.


1619, June 21

COPY of No. 3257.


1619, June 21.

MEMORANDA [by George Barlowe] of the course held by the Lord Chancellor at the hearing of the cause between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, defendant.


1619, Aug. 10.

1. John Phillipps of Clogevrane, co. Carmarthen, esq., and Richard Phillipps of Picton, gent., son and heir apparent of the said John Phillipps;

2. John Phillipps of Moleston, gent.

GRANT of three messuages, lands, etc., in Upper Moleston and Lower Moleston, parish of Narberth, in exchange for a messuage and a close called the Greate meade, in the parish of St. Cleares, co. Carmarthen, commonly called Wolsdon otherwise Wolston.


[circa 1620-24]

PETITION of George Barlow, esq., to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England to expedite the suit between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and the petitioner, defendant, as he had already attended the hearing of the cause for eight days.


[?circa 1620-5]

SPEECH addressed by George Barlowe to the tenants at the court of the manor of Welfray concerning rents and customs in the manor.


[circa 1620-30]

ARTICLES exhibited against Sir John Stepney on behalf of George Barlowe, esq., touching the collection of rents in the manors of Caniston, Robeston and Welfrey.



[circa 1620-30].

ROLL of the rents of assize payable by the tenants of Velfrey, parishes of Llanthewy and Lampeder.


[circa 1620-30]

INTERROGATORIES to be administered on the part of the King and others against Sir Thomas Cannon, knight, concerning the lordship of Narberth and the forest of Coydrath and Rodewood.


[circa 1620-30]

INTERROGATORIES to be administered on the part of the King and others against Sir Thomas Canon, knight, touching the latter’s conduct in the forest of Coydrath and Rode Wodd and town of Tenby.



[circa 1620-30]

NOTES by George Barlowe from records concerning the manors of Welfray, Robertston, Newhouse and lads in Martletwy; and a draft petition touching the suit between George Barlowe and the tenants of manors in the lordship of Narberth and the survey of the said lordship; memoranda relating to Goughes Lande in Llandewy Wellfrey; and a copy of a declaration by the tenants of the lordship of Narbert touching their suits against George Barlowe.


[circa 1620-30]

PETITION of the commoners of the forest of Coydrath to the King against Sir Thomas Canon, knight.



[circa 1620-30]

ARTICLES exhibited on behalf of the tenants of Coydrath against Sir Thomas Canon, knight.



[circa 1620-30]

MEMORANDA for the collection of various rents in Welfray and Robeston.


[circa 1620-30]

CERTIFICATE of the Auditor General of the extent of the lordship of Narberth 9 Henry VII and notes on grants of certain members of the same.



[circa 1620-30]

NOTES on the definition of certain law terms.


[circa 1620-30]

DIRECTIONS for preparing a case touching the tenures of the manor of Welfray.


[circa 1620-30]

BREVIATES proving that Langwathen was not a manor but parcel of Welfray, and that Newhouse was a manor and not part of the lordship of Narbert.


[circa 1620-30]

OBSERVATIONS concerning lands called Lymenhams and other lands in the manor of Newhouse, showing that the lands are not part of the forest of Narberth.



MEMORANDA on the history of the lordship and forest of Narberth based on public records.


[circa 1620-32]

MEMORANDA concerning the tenures of Molleston and directions for preparing a case at law versus the tenants of Welfray.


1620/1, Jan. 22.

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the Lord Chancellor, touching the order of June 1619 as to the rents of the tenants of Newhouse pending the suit between the Prince of Wales and the said George Barlowe; with the Lord Chancellor’s comment thereon.


1620/1, Feb. 8.

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the Prince of Wales, that the suit pending between them be expedited.


1621, April 12.

COPY of the Commission for the sale of manors, etc., granted to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal and others, dated 20 May 1601.


1621, June 29.

ORDER out of the Chancery Court concerning the rents of the tenants of Newton, etc., while the suit between the Prince and George Barlowe is pending.


1621, Sept. 23.

1. Thomas Price of Rycharston, gent., Thomas Adams of Loveston, gent., and John Phillipps of Molleston, gent.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebetch, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of the pannage of hogs and swine and wild honey within the forest of Narberth, and the rents and farms of Molleston, parcel of the lordship of Narberth, and late parcel of the lands of Katherine, Countess of Bridgewater and Rees Griffeth, attained, on condition that the said John Barlow shall lease the lands of Molleston to Sir Rowland Rudgeley, knight, for eight years and the rent shall be used in the interests of Prissilla Phillipps, widow and mother of the said John Phillipps.


[circa 1622-4]

PETITION of George Barlow, esq., to Charles, Prince of Wales, requesting deliverance from the suit between them touching the manors of Robeston and Welfray.


[circa 1622-4]

BREVIATE of the rights of commoners in Narberth Forest, the forest laws and courts.


[circa 1622-4]

MEMORANDA drawn up by George Barlow in connection with the suit concerning the title to certain manors bought of the Crown. (see No. 870 dated 1624, June 24), including notes on the manor of Welfray, an order issued by the Court until the title is settled at law, a note of manors passed in fee-farm with their annual rent, and a remembrance of a Parliament Bill touching the purchase from the Crown.


1622, May 17.

ORDERS in the cause between John Walter, knight, attorney for the Prince, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant, heard before the Master of the Rolls, touching lands in Caniston and Newhouse, the manors of Robertston and Welfrye and Taltwood, purchased from the Crown tempus Elizabeth.


1622, May 21.

PROPOSITION made to the Lord Chancellor and the Council by George Barlowe, esq,. offering to yield the manor of Welfray to the Prince of Wales and asking to be allowed to enjoy the other manors now in dispute between the Prince and himself, with other propositions.


1622, May 24.

PROPOSITION and offer made by George Barlowe, esq., to the Lord Chancellor and the Council, in connection with the suit between the Prince of Wales and George Barlowe, to hand over the manor of Welfray to the Prince provided he be allowed to enjoy the other manors purchased of the Crown.



[?circa 1623]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to John, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, touching the order in the cause between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and the petitioner, defendant; with the effect and substance of petitioner’s motion.


[circa 1623]

PANEL of jury in the suit between Henry Hobart, knight, and others, plaintiffs, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant, concerning Welfray and Roberston, tried before a Hereford jury, according to the order specified in No. 3074.


[post 1622/3, Jan. 26.]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the king concerning the suit between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant.



1623, May 15.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of George Barlowe, esq., of letters patent granting to Edward Ferrers of London, mercer, and Francis Phillipps of London, gent., a grist mill in Nerbert, parcel of the lordship of Nerbert and late parcel of the lands an possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attained, and the grist mill called Llanwathen Mille, parcel of the manor of Welfray and late parcel of the lands and possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attained, at the annual rents of £4.13.4. and 16s. respectively, dated 30 Sept., 1609.

Latin. Damaged Seal.


1623, May 15.

COPY o No. 354.


1623, May 24.

REFERENCE of the petition of George Barlowe, esq., to the King (quoted) to the consideration of the Council of the Prince of Wales.


1623, Nov. 20.

ORDER for expediting the suit between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant, touching the title of lands in Welfray, Robertston, and Taffwood.


1623, July 3.

COPY of No. 3114.


1623, July 3.

INSTRUCTIONS from the King for a speedy trial of the cause between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant, with the latter’s petition, and order for the trial, dated 3 Jan. 1622/3.


[circa 1624]

MOTION to be made in Chancery following the suit between the Prince of Wales and George Barlowe.

Draft. Two copies.


[circa 1624-8]

QUESTIONS on manorial customs and tenures, with answer thereto [drawn up in connection with the suit between George Barlow and the tenants of the lordship of Narberth].


1624, April 18.

1. Owen Eliott of Narberthe, esq.;

2. Phillip Lewes Thomas of Llanthewy Welfrey, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease from the Crown of meadow in Welfrey.



1624, May 10.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a suit in the Court of Exchequer between Henry Hobart, knight and bart., James Fullerton, knight, John Walter, knight, and Thomas Trevor, knight, plaintiffs, and George Barlow, esq., defendant, in a plea of trespass in Goughes land at Welfray, Treftorner at Robeston, and Taffwood otherwise Talchwood in the parish of Slebech.

Latin. Fragment of Seal.


1624, May 10.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of George Barlowe, of a judgement in the Exchequer suit against George Barlow, esq., touching trespass in Goughes Land at Welfray, Treftorner at Roberston and Taffe Wood otherwise Talchwood.

Latin. Copy.


1624, May 15.

EXEMPLIFICATION of the interrogatories and depositions of witnesses on behalf of George Barlowe, esq., defendant against Sir John Walter, knight, attorney general, by bill exhibited in the High Court of Chancery, touching the manors of Narbert, Templeton, Welfrey, and Roberstone, and the forest of Narbert.


1624, May 31.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of George Barlowe, of judgements concerning the liberties of the Prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England 6 Edward I, and the dispute between Roger de Mortimer and Thomas, bishop of St. Davids touching the Manor of Newehous.

Latin. Fragment of seal.


1624, May 31.

COPY of no. 12461.


[post 1624, June 1]

MEMORANDA [by George Barlowe] concerning the suit brought against him by the tenants of Welfrey, showing that Baronet Phillipes [of Picton], Sir John Stepney and Sir Thomas Canon were associated with the suit.


1624, June 16.

EXEMPLIFICATION at the request of George Barlow, esq., of the account of the beadle of Welfray 24 Henry 8.



1624, June 21.

EXEMPLIFICATION of the accounts of ministers of the lordship of Narberth with its members, 10-11 Henry 8, and of the lands late of Rice ap Griffith, attained, 1-2 Edward 6.



1624, June 24.

DECREE in the Chancery suit between Charles, Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant, concerning the title of the defendant to the manors of Welfrey, Canneston, Newhouse, Robeston and Talkewood which plaintiff claimed to be parcel of the manor of Narberth.

Latin. Portion of seal.


1624, June 24.

COPY of No. 870.


1624, June 25. (sic)

COPY of parts of No. 870.


1624, June 25.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a decree in the Chancery suit between Charles, Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant. See No. 870 supra.



post 1624, June 25.

ABSTRACT of the title of George Barlow, esq., to the manors of Newton and Newhouse, Canneston, Welfry and Robertson taken from an exemplification dated 25 June 22 James I, of a decree in Chancery between Sir John Walter, plaintiff, and George Barlow, esq., defendant. (See No. 870)


1624, Nov. 17.

DIRECTION from the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England to George Barlowe, esq., asking him to be good to William Powell who, in a petition (which is quoted), complains of George Barlowe’s appresion in the hamlet of Newton.


1624, Nov. 20.

ORDER, for the more speedy trial of the dispute between the Prince of Wales, plaintiff, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant, concerning the title to lands in Welfrey, Robertston and Taffwood, to the effect that the suit shall be brought in the Court of Exchequer.


[circa 1625]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to Sir Thomas Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, against Thomas David Morris touching the manors of Welfray, Robeston, Caniston and Newhouse.


[circa 1625]

NOTES calculated to show that Welfray and Roberston are manors, with extracts from the court rolls of Welfray and other records, [written by George Barlowe in connection with the suit of the tenants of Welfray]


[post 1625]

MEMORANDA [by George Barlowe] concerning the controversies and suits between him and the tenants of Welfray, and the parts played therein by Sir Thomas Canon and others.


[tempus Charles I]

DECLARATION by the King to the Privy Council and the Commissioners for Sales touching the disposal of all honours, manors, lands, etc., to contractors.



1624/5, March 4.

1. Owen Eliott of Narberth, esq.;

2. Owen Willy.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of a meadow in the parish of Lampeter Welfray.



[circa 1625-6]

COUNCIL’S OPINION on points arising out of the controversy between George Barlowe and the tenants of Robertston and Welfray.


[circa 1625-30]

CERTIFICATE of the freeholders and tenants of the lordships of Narbert, Templeton and Moleston and the manors of Caneston, Newton and Newhouse to the Barons of the Court of Exchequer that they are content to submit to the order of the Court touching the suites brought on their behalf against George Barlowe and John Barlowe, esquires.



PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the King requesting recompense for his costs in prosecuting a suit in the Exchequer against John Elliott, esq., deputy steward of the lordship of Narberth.




PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the King. Draft of No. 3042 (17th century). With objections and answers touching the suit concerning the forest of Narberth.


1625, April 22.

ABSTRACT of depositions in a suit against G[eorge] Barlow, esq., touching the courts, customs and divisions of the lordships of Narberth.


1625, April 27.

EXEMPLIFICATION of interrogatories to be ministered to witnesses produced on the part of Sir John Walter, knight, attorney general for Prince Charles, for and on behalf of the Prince, complainant against George Barlowe, esq., defendant in the suit concerning the lordship of Narberth, and the depositions of witnesses.



1625, May 28.

CERTIFICATE of William Hill, auditor, that the manors of Caniston, Newhouse, Welfray and Robeston are not in charge before him.


1625, May 30.

EXEMPLIFICATION of Letters Patent (9 Nov. 8 Eliz.) granting to Sir John Perrott, knight, a lease for 21 years of the corn grist mill called Llanwathan Myll in Wefraye in the tenure of Ieuan ap Ieuan, parcel of the manor of Welfraye and late parcel of the lands and possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attained, and the tenement called Llanwathan in Welfraye.

Latin. Seal.


1625, May 30.

COPY of No. 363.


1625, June 22.

WARRANT of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to William Hill, auditor of His Majesty’s Revenue, to make forth constats touching the lands decreed for George Barlowe.


1625, June 27.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of George Barlow of Slebech, esq., of the ministers’ accounts for the manors of Nerberth and Robinston, 44 Edward 3.



1625, June 27.

COPY of No. 350.


1625, Aug. 18.

1. Alban Phillipps of Greate Nash, esq.;

2. John Elliott of Narberth, gent.

ASSIGNMENT for the life of the said Alban Phillips of a lease specified in no. 302 dated 7 Feb. 1581/2.


[circa 1626]

EXCEPTIONS to a report on a petition by the inhabitants of Welfray against George Barlow in connection with the latter’s title to certain manors purchased by him from the Crown.


[circa 1626]

MEMORANDA [by George Barlowe for hi son] concerning the surrender of Welfrey, the stewardship of the lordship of Narbert, the customs of the commot of Isycoyde in Kidwelly, and searches in London for the records of the lordship of Narbert for the suit against the tenants of Welfray.


[circa 1626]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to John, Lord Bishop of Lincolne, Lord Keeper of the Great seal of England, concerning the complaint of Thomas David Morris and the tenants of the manors of Welfray and Robeston. With notes on Roman history.



[circa 1626]

PETITION of the freeholders and tenants of the lordship of Nerberth to the Commissioners for the Sale of His Majesty’s Lands against further purchases by George Barlowe, esq., of the remaining members of the lordship of Narberth.



[circa 1626]

INSTRUCTIONS [? By George Barlowe] concerning the suit in Chancery [between the tenants of Welfray and Robeston and George Barlowe].


[circa 1626]

PETITION of John Barlow, esq., to the Commissioners for Granting Lands in Fee farm concerning the purchase of the lordship and manor of Narbert and the drawing up of the particular thereof.


[circa 1626]

PETITIONS of George Barlowe, esq., to the Commissioners for Granting Lands in Fee-Farm for Fee-farm grants of the lordship of Narbert and the manor of Templeton, late the possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attained, and the grange of Blainwithnoy; and the castle and demesnes of Carewe with the mills thereto belonging, late the possessions of Sir John Perrott, Knight.



[circa 1626]

PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the Commissioners for Granting Lands, concerning the purchase of the lordship, manor and forest of Narberth and the survey thereof.



[circa 1626]

PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the Commissioners for Granting His Majesty’s lands in Fee-Farm concerning the articles to be inquired into by the Commissioners for the survey of the castle, lordship and forest of Narberth.



[circa 1626]

EXCEPTIONS [?drawn up by George Barlowe] against the uncertainty and insufficiency of a particular and certificate relating to the lordship and forest of Narberth.


[circa 1626]

PETITIONS of George Barlowe, esq., to the Commissioners for Granting Lands in Fee-Farm, asking to be allowed to deal for the lordship of Narbert, the manor of Templeton and the grange of Bainwithnoy, and touching the petition of the tenants of the manors of Newhouse and Welfray against him.



[circa 1626]

ANSWER of George Barlowe, esq,. to the petition exhibited against him to the King on behalf of the tenants and freeholders of Narberth and the grange of Blainweithnoe.


[circa 1626]

NOTES on George Barlowe’s case touching the rights of his tenants in the manors of Caniston, Robeston and Welfray as opposed to the claims of the steward of the lordship of Narberth.


[circa 1626]

NOTES on legal procedure to be taken against copyholders and a letter from Thomas Crewe on the same subject, in connection with the case against the tenants of Welfray.


[circa 1626]

ARTICLES to be enquired upon by the Commission of Survey of the castle, lordship, manor and forest of Narbert, the manor of Templeton, and the grange of Blainwithno.


[circa 1626]

PETITION of the tenants of the lordship of Nerberth and grange of Blainegwythnoe to the Duke of Buckingham, Lord High Admiral of England, against the proposed purchase by George Barlowe of the lordship of Nerberth and offering to lend money to the Crown.



[circa 1626-7]

EXCEPTIONS taken by Sir Thomas Canon to the certificate of the referees and the decrees and orders therein made touching the rights of tenants in Eastwood and Westwood in the forest of Narberth and the handling of the matter by Mr. Elliott.


[circa 1626-7]

PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the Commissioners for granting lands touching the proposed survey of the forest of Narbert.


[circa 1626-7]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the Duke of Buckingham and the Commissioners for Granting Lands in Fee-Farm against the tenants of the manors of Caniston, Newhouse, Roberston of Welfray and desiring that he may be allowed to enjoy hi purchases from the Crown.



[circa 1626-8]

LETTER from Sir John Stepneth to Sir Thomas Canon telling him to refund the rents for Welfrey and Robeston to Mr. Barloe in accordance with a decree.



[circa 1626-30]

PETITION of the inhabitants and tenants of the lordship of Narberth to Sir Henry Hobarte, knight and baronet, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and the rest of the Prince’s Council and Commissioners, against George Barlowe who by his purchase of Kanastone, Newton and Newehowse has deprived them of customary privileges in the lordship and forest of Narberth.


[circa 1626-30]

INTERROGATORIES to be ministered to witnesses on the part of Griffith Hawkwell, gent., and others, defendants, at the complaint of Thomas David Morris and others, plaintiffs.


[circa 1626-30]

EXCERPTS from the depositions of complainants in a suit concerning tenurial rights and customs in Welfray and the refusal of tenants to pay rents [to George Barlow] following a decree, with observations and notes thereon.


[circa 1626-30]

COMMENTS on the suit between Mr. Barlow and the tenants of the lordship of Narberth.


[circa 1626-30]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., Griffith Hawkewell, Thomas Lee and William Gwiliame, gent., to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, concerning costs awarded to the petitioners in a suit preferred by Thomas David Morris and others, who claim abatement of the said costs.


[circa 1626-30]

FRAGMENT of interrogatories in the suit between Thomas David Morris, John Henshowe and William Jermyn and others, plaintiffs, against George Barlowe, esq., defendant.


[circa 1626-30]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England requesting to be permitted to answer every section of the complaint of Thomas David Morris against the petitioner.



[circa 1626-30]

PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the Commissioners for sale of His Majesty’s lands.


[1626, May 10]

PETITION of Thomas David Morris on behalf of himself and other tenants and inhabitants of the lordship of Nerberth to the Commissioners of His Majesty’s Revenues in Wales, concerning the appression of George Barlow, esq., and his attempt to destroy ancient rights, customs and tenures in the lands bought by him from the Crown. With an order from the Board that George Barlow should answer the petition.


1626. May 22.

PETITION of Thomas David Morris on behalf of himself and other tenants in the lordship of Narberth addressed to the King against George Barlowe, esq., and instructions to the Lord Keeper to enquire into the business.



[post 1626, June 21]

ANSWER of George Barlow, esq., to the petition of William Powell exhibited unto the Commissioners for Granting His Majesty’s lands in Fee Farm concerning the tenures of the manors of Roberston and Welfray.


1626, Aug. 13.

A Proclamation to declare and publish His Maiesties resolution, to ascertaine His Reuenue, by granting His Lands holden as well by Copie, or otherwise in Fee-Farm.



1626, Dec.

DIRECTIONS from the King to stay the sale to George Barlowe specified in the petition of the tenants of the lordship of Narberth, with a copy of the said petition. See No. 3170.


[ante 1626, Dec. 16]

PETITION of the tenants of the lordship of Nerberth and the grange of Blangwothnoe to the King, to stay the sale of the lordship of Narberth to George Barlowe so that they might make their offer.



1626, Dec. 20.

WARRANT from the Lords Commissioners ordering the Auditor for Wales to make a new particular of Narbert, Templeton and the grange of Blaynewethnoe following George Barloe’s composition with the Crown for acquiring the same in fee-farm.



1626, Dec. 22.

PARTICULAR of the castle, manor, vill and lordship of Narbert, [manor of] Templeton, late parcel of the lands and possessions of Rice Griffith, attainted, and the grange of Blaenwethnoe, late parcel of the monastery of Whitland.

Latin-English. Copy made 5 July 1627.


[circa 1627]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the Duke of Buckingham, the Lord High Treasurer of England, and the rest of His Majesty’s Commissioners for Granting Lands in Fee-Farm, to purchase the residue of the lordship of Narberth and the forest of Narberth.


[circa 1627]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England to be release from the prison of the Fleet.



[circa 1627]

ARTICLES to be inquired upon by the Commission of Survey upon the castle, lordship, manor and forest of Nerbert, the manor of Templeton, and the grange of Blainewithnoe.


[circa 1627]

ARTICLES to be enquired upon by the Commission of Survey of the castle, lordship, manor and forest of Narbert, the manor of Templeton and the grange of Blainwithno.


[circa 1627]

ARTICLES to be enquired upon by the Commission of Survey of the castle, lordship, manor and forest of Narbert, the manor or township of Templeton, and the grange of Blaengweithnoy.


[circa 1627]

MEMORANDA on the articles to be enquired into by the Commission for surveying the lordship and forest of Narberth.


[circa 1627-8]

OBSERVATIONS [by John Barlowe] on his contract for the purchase of the lordship, manor, castle, and forest of Narberth and the attempts of Sir Thomas Canon to prevent the same.


[circa 1627-30]

ANSWER to George Barlowe, esq., to the petition exhibited against him by the tenants of Narberth and the grange of Blainwaithnoe.


1626/7, Feb. 17.

ORDER OF THE Lords Commissioners concerning the purchase of the lordship and manor of Nerbert by Mr. Barlowe, esq.



1627, April 24 – May 5.

ORDER that the petition of George Barlowe, esq., against Sir Thomas Cannon, knight, should be suppressed and torn.



[circa 1627, May 1.]

ARTICLES to be inquired upon by the Commission of Survey specified in No. 3101.



[post 1627, May 1.]

PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the Commissioners for the King’s Revenues touching the survey of the lordship and forest of Narbert and the grange of Blainewithnoe by commission dated 1 May 1627.


1627, May. 1.

ORDER of the Commissioners that the bargain made by George Barlowe, esq., for a grant of the lordship of Narberth shall stand good in spite of the objections made by Sir Thomas Cannon, knight, and other tenants within the said lordship, but ordering a survey of the lordship.


1627, May 1.

ORDER by the Table meeting at the Painted Chamber that the contract made by George Barlowe, esq., for the lordship of Nerberte should stand, after consideration of the objections made by Sir Thomas Cannon, knight, and other tenants of the lordship.



1627, May 25.

1. William Fanshawe, esq., one of the auditors of the Duchy of Lancaster, and William Bramhall of London, gent.;

2. George Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.

GRANT in fee-farm of the tenement called Molestone late in the tenure of Morgan Phillipps, a piece of waste land lying within a close of land called Caer On on the south part and the land of James ap Llîn on the north part and a wood of the King called Westwood on the west and north parts, lying in Moleston, late parcel of the lands and possessions of the late Lady Katherine, Countess of Bridgewater, and late of Rice Griffith, esq., attainted. Rent: £3.2.4. for Molstone and 2s. for the lands in Molestones annually.


1627, May 25.

COPY of No. 304.


1627, May 25.

COPY of No. 304.


1627, July 4.

NOTE of records delivered by John Parkinson, esq., to Robert Tresswell, esq., for the perfecting of a survey of Narbert.


1627, July 4.

CERTIFICATE of William Hill, auditor, of grants of lands being parcel of the possessions of Reece Griffith, attainted.


[circa 1628]

PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the Lord High Treasurer of England against the tenants of the lordship of Narbert who have cut down oaks in the forest which the petitioner has contracted to purchase.



[post 1628]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., and John Barlowe, his son, to the Lords of the Privy Council touching the fine for knighthood in not attending at the Coronation.


[post 1628]

PETITION of John Barlowe to the Lords of the Privy Council to stay the suit in the Court of the Exchequer touching a fine of £200 at which he and his father were voted in respect of ‘their knighthood’; and the motives and reasons offered for the consideration of ‘this most Honourable Board’. See No. 3097.



[?circa 1928-30.]

ANOTHER COPY of No. 3105.


[?circa 1628-30]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, to be discharged from his imprisonment in the Fleet upon a supposed contempt for not answering a bill exhibited by Thomas David Morris and others.



[circa 1928-30]

INSTRUCTIONS relating to the cause to be taken by the defendant, Barlowe, in the Chancery proceedings inaugurated by the tenants of the lordship of Narberth.


[circa 1928-30]

PETITION of John Barlowe, esq., to the King, concerning his title to the lordship and forest of Narberth and the claim of tenants to certain customs there.


[circa 1928-30]

PETITION of George Barlowe, esq., to the King for relief from the continued legal proceedings brought against him, particularly by the tenants of the manors purchased by him from the Crown.


[circa 1928-30]

REMEMBRANCES [drawn up by George Barlowe] for his son [John Barlowe] concerning the suit brought by tenants of the lordship of Narberth against John Barlowe with detailed instructions how to proceed with the defence.


[post 1628]

BREVIATE of the manor of Templeton, proving that Templeton is a manor.


1628, July 11.

1. Sir John Walter, knight, Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer, Sir James Fullerton, knight, one of the gentlemen of His Majesty’s Bedchamber, and Sir Thomas Trevor, knight, one of the Barons of His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer;

2. Henry Vaux of High Holborne, co. Middlesex, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of the residue of a term of 99 years in the grange of Blaynewethno late parcel of the dissolved monastery of Whitland, and the castle and lordship of Narberth, and the forest of Narberth, late parcel of the possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attainted, (except a mill with lands there), and the rents, etc., of the lordships and manors of Narberth.


1628, Aug. 14.

LETTERS PATENT confirming the assignment specified in No. 763 dated 11 July 1628 and granting to John Barlowe, on payment of a fine of £1,766.9.2d. and an advance in rent of £52.11s.10½d., the properties therein specified.

Latin. Part of Seal.


1628, Aug. 14.



[post 1628, Aug. 14]

OBSERVATIONS on the right to estovers and common of pasture in the forest of Narberth, in connection with a suit in which Elliot and Stepney were plaintiffs.


1628, Aug. 20.

AFFIDAVIT of Ferdinand Mason touching directions from the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal to Mr. Ludlowe as to the framing of a bill against the defendant in the suit between Thomas David Morris and others, plaintiffs, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant.


[circa 1629]

ABSTRACT of the bill of complaint in the suit between Sir Robert Heath, knight, attorney general to His Majesty, plaintiff, and John Elliott, John Phillips, Robert Philips, William Phillips, Richard Gronoe, Robert Llewellyn, William Jermin, Thomas Euan, Thomas ap Aynon, Henry Probert and others, defendants, concerning the customs of the forest of Narberth and the spoliation of timber there, etc.; and of answers and depositions.


1628/9. March 6.

OPINION of John Bankes that Welfray is a distinct manor of itself.


1629, May 11.

1. John Roche of Myneweare, senior, yeoman; and John Roche, junior, yeoman, of the same place;

2. Griffith Price of the parish of Loveston, yeoman.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified in a deed of even date.


1629, May 27.

ESTREAT of the payment of the fifth of five entire subsidies levied by the King on all persons and corpora politica in co. Pembroke.

Latin. Roll.


1629, Sept. 19.

1. John Phillipps of Moleston, gent., John Eliott of Narberth, gent., and David Vaughan of Llandoverer, clerk;

2. John Barlowe of Slebiech, esq.

BOND to observe the orders and decrees of the Great Sessions in a suit between the said John Phillipps and John Barlowe.


[circa 1630]

MEMORANDA for the instruction of counsel in suits relating to the tenures of Welfray and Robeston.


[circa 1630-40]

MEMORANDA of the course to be taken at a meeting of the tenants of Welfray, and notes touching lawsuits.


[circa 1630-40]

NOTE of the rents of assize of such customary tenants of Lampeter and Landewy as were admitted at a court held at Libnangle Simond in Welfray.


[post 1630, Aug. 24]

BILL OF COMPLAINT of John Barlow, esq., plaintiff, in a suit for debt against John Phillips, gent., defendant.

Latin. Incomplete.


1630, Nov. 15.

PETITION of the defendant in the suit between Thomas David Morris and others, plaintiffs, and George Barlowe, esq., defendant, to the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal concerning an order in the said suit, with the Lord Keeper’s answer thereto.


1631, Easter Term.

INTERROGATORIES to be administered to witnesses to be produced on the part of Sir Robert Heath, knight, His Majesty’s Attorney General, plaintiff, and John Elliott, John Phillips, William Phillipps, Richard Gronowe, Robert Lewellin, William Jermyn, Thomas Ieuan, Thomas ap Eynon and Henry Probert, defendants, in the Exchequer suit concerning the felling of timber and spoliation of the forest of Narberth; and depositions of witnesses dated 4 April 1631.


1631, Sept. 1.

1. John Phillipps of Moleston, gent., Albane Phillipps of Nashe, esq., Thomas Phillipps of Martletwye, gent., Hughe Phillipps of Stackpoole Elider, gent., Thomas Price of Rickeston, gent., Sir Thomas Cannon of Haverfordwest, knight, William Barlowe of Creswell, esq., and John Elliott of Narberth, gent.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of the pannage of hogs and swine and wild honey within the forest of Narberth and rents and farms of the tenants of Moleston.



1631, Sept. 29.

1. John Phillips of Molleston, gent.;

2. Evan Max of the parish of St. Michael in Pembroke

LEASE for 21 years of a messuage and lands in Molleston, parish of Narberth. Rent: 13s. 4d. annually.


post 1632.

BREVIATE proving Narbert to be a forest with officers and courts and observations based on ancient records touching the same. Note on the Barlowe arms.


1631/2, Feb. 8.

1. Thomas Barlowe de Cresswell, gent.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebidge, esq.

BOND for the payment of money in respect of the demise of the manor of Newhouse.


1632, April 30.

PROPOSITIONS made by George Barlowe and John Barlowe, esquires, to the tenants of the manor of Welfray who paid customary rents of assize, whereby they acknowledge the tenants to be freeholders by custom and whereby an arrangement is suggested for ending the controversy concerning the tenants’ tenures.


1632, April 30.

COPY of No. 3062.


1632, April 30.

DRAFT of No.3062, and a draft letter from [? George Barlowe] to Mr. Powell concerning the sale of coal pit timber.


1632, Aug. 3.

1. Henry Vaux of High Holborne, co. Middlesex, esq., and John Barlowe of Slebidge, esq.;

2. Henry Lovell of Blechinsley, co. Surrey, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of the town, castle and lordship of Narberth.


1632, Sept. 1.

1. John Phillipps of Moleston, gent., Alban Phillipps of Nashe, esq., Thomas Phillips of Martletwye, gent., Hugh Phillipps of Stackpoole Elider, gent., Thomas Price of Richeston, gent., Sir Thomas Cannon of the town and county of Haverfodwest, knight, William Barlow of Creswell, esq., and John Elliot of Narberth, gent.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of the pannage of hogs and wild honey within the forest of Narberth, all the rents and farms of the tenants of Moleston, parcel of the lordship of Narberth, and the tenement of Moleston, to secure the payment of sums of money by the said John Phillipps to the said John Barlowe.


1632, Oct. 9.

ORDER in Chancery (pursuant of the action between Thomas David Morris and others, tenants of the manor of Welfray, plaintiffs, and George Barlowe, defendant, as to whether they were tenants of Welfray or the lordship of Narberth) that the costs taxed at £42 should be discharged and that George Barlowe should proceed with his suit against the tenants for non-payment of rents.


circa 1633.

NOTES on the suit between John Barlow and Henry Lovell, esquires, plaintiffs, and Richard Gronow, defendant, touching an encroachment in Westwood, parcel of the forest of Nerberth.


1633, Oct.1 – 1634, Jan. 30.

RECEIPT for a list of writings touching the family of Phillips [of Picton], the lease of Treturnor in the parish of Robeston Wathan, and the mills of Narberth and Canneston. With [Sir] Richard Phillips’s receipt for the return of the said writings.


1633, Nov. 9.

EXEMPLIFICATION at the request of John Barlowe, esq., of a valor of the lordships, manors, and lands of the Duke of York in Wales, viz., in the lordship (dominium) and borough of Dinbych, co. Denbigh, town of Nerberth, lordships of Kanaston, Roberteston, Tempulton, Moylaston, Llanwaythan, co. Pembroke, St. Clears, Trayne Marche, Castra Durant, Alba Landa, co. Carmarthen, from Michaelmas 1443.


[post 1633, Nov. 29].

MEMORANDA on further steps to be taken by the plaintiffs in the Exchequer suit between John Barlow and Henry Lovell, esquires, plaintiffs, and Richard Gronow, defendant, following a decree out of the court of Exchequer dated 29 Nov. 1633 that the Westwood, parcel of the forest of Narberth, should continue to the sole use of John Barlow, and following further suits brought by the defendant in the Court of the Marches and Great Sessions.


1633, Dec. 7.

EXEMPLIFICATION of part of the account of Edward Crofte, knight, receiver general f the earldom of March, relating to the lordship of Nerberth and its members.



1634, May 11.

1. Precilla Phillipps of East Moore, parish of Mannerbeere, and John Barloe of Slevidge, esq.;

2. Susan Woolrich of the parish of St. Andrews in Holborne, co. Middlesex, spinster.

BOND for the payment of £32.8s



1634, July 4.

1. John Wyllie of Newhouse, yeoman, and Alice his wife;

2. John Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.

COVENANT to levy a fine of a messuage and lands called Newhouse, parish of Narberth.


1634, Aug. 19.

1. John James of the town and county of Haverfordwest, gent.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

GRANT of a messuage in the vill of Caneston in the occupation of Arnold Powell.



1634, Aug. 19.

1. John James of the town and county of Haverfordwest, gent.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq.

BOND for the quiet enjoyment of a messuage in Caneston in the occupation of Arnold Powell, as specified in a deed of even date.



1634, Nov. 10.

EXEMPLIFICATION of the decrees (1633, Nov. 29) of the referees in the disputes between (1) John Barlowe, esq., and others, plaintiffs, and John Elliot, gent., and others defendants, and (2) John Elliott and others, plaintiffs, and George Barlow, esq., and John Barlow and others, defendants, touching the estovers claimed by the freeholders and tenants in the forest of Narberh, the place the freeholders and tenants should be called to perform their services, and the claim made by the freeholders and tenants of common pasture and estovers in the forest of Narberth. Decrees:- (1) the freeholders and tenants of the lordships of Narberth, Templeton, Moleston, Robeston and Caniston, and of the manor of Newhouse and Newton should enjoy common of pasture and estovers in the wood called Eastwood, parcel of the said forest, in lieu of all claims in the residue of the said forest (bounds defined), on payment of the present rents for estovers, (2) the courts to be holden at Narberth village only, and two wood courts to e yearly kept as formerly, and a forester to be chosen by the freeholders for Eastwood, and Westwood otherwise Caniston Wood to remain unto the said John Barlow, (3) the freeholders and tenants have common of pasture through all the said lordships in the same manner as their ancestors did, except in Westwood.

Fragmentary seal.


1635, July 20.

1. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq.;

2. Robert Parckhurst of London, esq.

MORTGAGE of the Slebech estate (specified in detail).


1635, June 26.

1. Sir John Barlow of Slebech, bart.,

2. The Honourable Sir Edward Atkins, knight, one of the Barons of His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer, and Dame Rebenah Lytton of the parish of t. Andrews, Holbourne, co. Middlesex, widow.

MORTGAGE of the demesne lands of Arnoldishill, parish of Slebech, lands and tenements in the township of Colby, parishes of Wiston and Slebech, and a messuage called Lower Taught.



1635, July 18.

1. John Barlowe of Slebidge, esq., and George Barlowe of London, esq.;

2. George Mynne of Woodote, co. Surrey, esq.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT for a lease of the decayed mill called Caniston Myll in the parish of Robinston and free liberty of the river running near thereto and other waters running through the lands of the said John Barlowe within one mile of the said mill, with liberty to erect buildings for melting iron and the habitation of workmen and other provisions for the establishing of iron works, and for a proportion of timber for the use of the ironworks and the erection of buildings to be felled in the woods of West Wood, Mynweare Wood and Penglynes Ciffe.


1635, Nov. 19.

RECEIPT from John Phillipps to John Barlowe, esq., for £18 for the pannage of hogs and wild honey in the West Wood.


1635, Dec. 1.

1. John Phillips of Molleston, gent., Priscilla Phillips, late of Molleston now of Moore, widow, and Owen Phillips, son and heir of the said John Phillips;

2. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq.,

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT for the conveyance of the farm of Molleston and the pannage of hogs and wild honey in the forest of Narberth.


1635, Dec. 18 – 1636, April 9.

RECEIPTS from John Phillips to John Barlowe, esq., for various sums due for the bargain and sale of Moleston according to articles of agreement dated 1 Dec. 1635.


1635/6, Jan. 19.

RECEIPT from Pressilla Phillips to John Barlowe of Slebedge, esq., for £20 being part of the sum due for the farm and demesne of Molleston.


1635/6, March 1.

MEMORANDUM of an agreement between John Barlowe of Slebech, esq., John Phillips of Molleston, gent., that the articles made between the said parties shall stand in force concerning the sale of Molleston until 20 April next following.


1636, May 2.

1. John Phillipps of Moleston, gent., and Jane his wife, Owen Phillipps his son, Priscilla Phillips, widow, late wife of Owen Phillipps, father of the said John Phillips, Alban Phillipps, esq., Thomas Philipps, gent., brothers of the said Owen Phillipps, deceased, John Ellyott of Narbert, Thomas ap Rice of Ricardston, and Nicholas Lewes of St. Issells, esq.;

2. William Barlow of Cristwell, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of the pannage of hogs and wild honey in the forest of Narbert, parcel of the possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attainted, for the lives of Alban Phillipps and Thomas Phillipps.



1636, May 2.

1. John Phillipps of Moleston, gent., and Jane his wife, and Owen Phillipps his son, Priscilla Phillipps, widow, late wife of Owen Phillipps, late father of the said John Phillipps, Alban Phillipps, esq., and Thomas Phillipps, gent., brothers of the said Owen Phillipps, deceased, John Elyot of Narberth, Thomas ap Rice of Ricardston, Nicholas Lewis of St. Issells, esquires;

2. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq., John Barlowe, the younger, gent., second son of the said John Barlowe.

ASSIGNMENT of the Crown lease of the pannage of hogs and wild honey in the East Wood of the forest of Narberth, and the rents and farms of the tenants of Molleston during the lives of the said Alban and Thomas Phillipps and thereafter for the remainder of a term of 41 years.


1636, May 3.

1. John Phillipps of Moletson, gent., and Jane, his wife, Owen Phillipps, his son, Priscilla Phillipps, widow, mother of the said John Phillips, Alban Phillipps of Greate Nash, esq., Thomas Phillipps of Martheltwy, gent., John Ellyott of Narberth, esq., and Thomas ap Rice of Ricardston, esq.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq., and John Barlowe, his second son.

GRANT for the lives of the said Alban Phillips and Thomas Phillips of pannage of hogs and wild honey in the forest of Narbert, except the pannage and wild honey in the west woods and groves of the said forest, and of the rents and farms of the tenants of Moleston.


1636, May 4.

1. John Phillipps of Moleston, gent., Jane Phillips his wife, Owen Phillipps his son, Priscilla Phillipps his widowed mother, Alban Phillipps of Greate Nashe, esq., Thomas Phillipps of Matheltwy, gent., John Ellyott of Narbert, esq., Thomas ap Rice of Ricardston, esq.;

2. John Barlow of Slebech, esq., and John Barlow his second son.

GRANT of all their right under Letters Patent 7 Feb. 24 Elizabeth to the pannage of hogs and wild honey within the forest of Narbert (except in the west woods and groves) and rents and farms of the tenants of Moleston, during the lives of Alban Phillipps and Thomas Phillipps.



1636, Oct. 13.

1. John Barlowe of Sleebich, esq.;

2. Sir Christopher Nevill of Newton Semilowe, co. Somerset, knight, and Sir Robert Vernon of Hodnett, co. Salop, knight.

COVENANT to stand seized of the Barlow estate (specified in detail) to the use of the said John Barlowe for life with remainder to the use of George Barlowe, his eldest son and heir, remainder to John Barlowe, his second son, with divers remainders over.


1636, Oct. 13.

COPY of No. 348.


1636, Dec. 13.

1. Henry ap Robert of Narberth, gent., and Humphrey ap Robert of the same, son and heir apparent of the said Henry.

2. John Barlowe of Slebeche, esq.

BOND for the conveyance of two messuages, etc., in Narberth,



1637, Nov. 20.

1. John Elliott of Narberth, gent.;

2. John Barlowe of Minwere, esq.

Bond for the payment of money. Witnesses: Humphrey Shalcrosse, scribe, William Gwillim, Morice Morgan (by mark)

Latin-English. Seal.


1640, May 1.

1. Thomas Phillipps of Martheltwy, gent.;

2. Sir Richard Phillippe of Slebech, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of years in a tenement in Martheltwy.


1640, May 12-May 21.

COPIES of records of proceedings in the Council in the Marches of Wales in the suit between Richard Gronowe of Robeston Wathen, yeoman, plaintiff, and David Palmer, Zachary Bartlett, David Roch, Howell Watts and John Barlowe of Mynwere, defendants, concerning a forcible entry into a cottage and close, parcel of the plaintiff’s messuage and tenements called Atheston West in the parish of Robeston Wathen.


1640, June 25.

EXEMPLIFICATION of the presentments at a Court of Survey of the lordship of Narberth, 13 June 1569.

Latin. Copy.


1640, Aug. 6.

RECEIPT from Owen Phillipps to John Barlow of Slebech for 380 in respect of the sale of the lands of Moleston.


[circa 1641]

DEPOSITION of Thomas Lee of the parish of Wiston, gent., in the suit between John Barlowe and others, plaintiffs, and Richard Gronowe and others, defendants, concerning a parcel of land part of the Weste Woode.


[circa 1641]

ANSWER of John Barlowe, esq., Zachary Bartlett and Howell Wattes, three of the defendants, to the bill of complaint of Richard Gronowe, complainant, concerning the title to a house and piece of land in Caneston Wood.



BILL OF COMPLAINT of John Barlowe of Sleabeache, esq., and Henry Lovell of London, esq., against Richard Gronowe in the Court of Exchequer, concerning the latter’s encroachment in Westwood contrary to the decree of the said Court, dated 10 Nov. 1634.


1641, June 25.

LETTERS PATENT being an inspeximus at the request of John Barlowe, esq., of the findings of a Court of Survey held 1569 June 13 respecting lands of the Queen in the parishes of Narberth and Robeston Wathen. (contains place-names and names of tenants).



1641, June 26 – July 7.

PETITION of Richard Gronowe of the parish of Robiston to the Barons of the Exchequer requesting to be admitted to the Court to defend a suit against John Barlowe in forma pauperis; with the Court’s permission, certificate, and affidavit respecting the petitioner’s poverty.



July 8-9.

ATTESTATION of Thomas Lee of the parish of Wyston, gent., that he delivered the decree of the Court of Exchequer to the defendant in the suit between John Barlowe, esq., plaintiff, and Richard Gronowe, defendant, touching disputed land in the West Woode of the forest of Narberth.



1641, Sept. 28.

RECEIPT from the Commissioners for the King’s poll tax to John Barlowe for a sum of £20.


1641, Oct. 11.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Lewis Barlowe of Creswell, esq.

LEASE for 14 years of woods and trees growing on two parcels of ground in the parishes of Martheltwy Wood and Foxenholes.


1642, May 29.

LETTERS OF ATTORNEY of John Barlowe of Slebech, esq., to Richard Barnard of the parish of Wiston, yeoman, to receive from Griffith Griffith of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, gent., and others the seisin of a messuage and lands in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey


1644, May 2.

1. John Phillipps of Moleston, gent., and Jane his wife, Owen Phillipps his son, Priscilla Phillipps, widow, late wife of Owen Phillipps, late father of the said John Phillipps and Alban Phillipps, esq., and Thomas Phillipps, gent., brother of the said Owen Phillipps, deceased, John Elliott of Narbert, Thomas ap Rice of Ricardston, Nicholas Lewis of St. Issells, esq.;

2. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq., and John Barlowe the younger, gent., second son of he said John Barlowe.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease, for the lives of the said Alban and Thomas Phillipps, of the pannage of hogs and wild honey in the forest of Narbert, and the rents and farms of the tenants of Moleston, parcel of the lordship of Narbert, all of which were parcel of the lands and possessions of Katherine, late Countess of Bridgewater, and afterwards parcel of the lands and possessions of Rice Griffith, esq., attained of high treason, and leased by the Queen to the said Alban and Thomas Phillipps.




1. John Phillippes of Molleston, parish of Narberth, gent., and Owen Phillippes, his son and heir;

2. John Barlowe the younger.

GRANT of an estate and right title in the farm or farmhouse of Molleston with pannage and mellage in the forest of Narberth.


1657/8, Jan. 13.

1. John Barlowe, late of Moleston, co. Pembroke, gent.;

2. Herbert Westfalinge of the city of Hereford, esq.

LEASE for seven years of the pannage of hogs and wild honey and the tenement of Moleston.



1657/8, Feb. 20.

1. John Barlowe late of Slebege, esq., and now of Abbey-doore, co. Hereford;

2. Lewis Barlowe, gent., fifth son of the said John Barlowe.

LEASE for 99 years of a messuage called New House formerly Redd Castle, parish of Newton.


1661/2, Jan. 4.

ACCOUNT of moneys received and disbursed for John Barlowe from 22 Oct. 1661 to 17 Dec. 1661.


1662, May 12.

EXEMPLIFICATION, at the request of John Barlowe, of an assignment by George Mynne, esq., to the Crown of the bonds and debts to him owing from John Barlowe, including a schedule of the said writings and debts.

Damaged Seal.


1662, May 12.

EXEMPLIFICATION of an inquisition taken 5 Oct. 1642 of the lands of John Barlow of Slebidge in co. Pembroke in connection with debts owing to George Mynne, esq..

Latin. Damaged Seal.


1662, May 12.

COPY of No. 833.


1662, June 1.

ACCOUNT of receipts and dispursements made by Thomas Davides on behalf of Mr. Barlowe.


1662, Aug. 1.

1. The Right Honourable Henry Lord Vaux;

2. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of the manor, etc., specified in No. 763 supra dated 11 July, 1628.


1662, Aug. 1.

LETTERS OF ATTORNEY from Henry Lord Vaux to William Gwyllym of Minweare to deliver a deed of even date to John Barlow of Slebech, esq. See No. 766.


1662, Oct. 20.

1. Johan Barlowe of Slebech, widow, relict of George Barlowe, esq., deceased, late son and heir apparent of John Barlowe, of Slebech, esq.;

2. The said John Barlowe, Lewis Barlowe of Cresswell, esq., Rowland Wogan of Wyston, esq.

COVENANT to stand seised of and in a third part of eight messuages and lands in the parish of Llanrian, the island called Ynnys y Barry and a water corn grist mill and the chief rents issuing out of Trevackon in the same parish, from messuages and lands in the parish of Llanlawarne, five messuages and lands in the parish of Maenthloogg with a moiety of the water corn grist mill there, a messuage and lands in the parish of Llandilo, six mesuages and lands with a water corm grist mill in the parish of Dynas, a messuage in the parish of Moylgrove, eight messuages and lands in the parish of Nevarne, fourteen messuages and lands and a water corn grist mill called Picton Mill in the parish of Llanychllwydogg, two messuages and lands in the parish of Poncheston, the capital messuage and lands called Kylkethed in the parish of Llanychaeth, five messuages and lands in the same parish, six messuages and lands in the parish of Fishguard, two messuages in the parish of Llanykeven, a messuage in the parish of Llandissillio, twenty-nine messuages and lands in the parish of Newport, two messuages in the parish of Henrismoate, all which said messuages and lands were formerly the lands of David Lloyd, esq., deceased, father of the said Johan Barlowe, from whom the said third part descended to the said Johan Barlowe as one of the co-heirs of the said David Lloyd, to the use of the said Johan Barlowe for her life and then to use of John Barlowe, son and heir of George Barlowe and Johan Barlowe with remainder to George Barlowe and Johan Barlowe, William Barlowe, their third son, etc.


1663, Oct. 20.

1. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq.;

2. Joane Barlowe of Slebech, widow and relict of George Barlowe, esq.

LEASE for 21 years of a messuage, etc., called Jurdanston, parish of St. Florence.


1666, April 8.

1. John Barlowe of Sebetch, esq.;

2. Gorge Maye of Nangle, gent.

MORTGAGE of a capital messuage called Martletwy house, parish of Martletwy.


1667, Sept. 20.

1. John Barlow of Slebbidge, esq.;

2. Thomas Phillips of Matheltwie, labourer.

LEASE for 21 years of a close called Quarter Parke in the parish of Martheltwie.


1669/70, Jan. 11.

1. George Meare late of Nangle, gent., and John Barlow of Slebetch, esq.;

2. Thomas Carpender of Lincolns Inne, co. Middlesex, esq.

LEASE for a year of Martletwy house, parish of Martletwy.


1669/70, Jan. 12.

1. George Meare late of Nangle, gent.;

2. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

3. Thomas Carpenter of Lincolns Inne, co. Middlesex, esq.

RELEASE of the capital messuage and lands called Martletwy House, parish of Martletwy.


1670, April 14.

DECLARATION by Thomas Carpender that the conveyance specified in a lease and release dated 11 and 12 Jan., 1669/70 (see No. 384) was made to him in trust for William Barlow of Mynwear, gent.


1670, Dec. 24.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Lewis Barlow his son, gent.

LEASE for 41 years of the messuage called Moleston with pannage of hogs and wild honey to commence after the termination of the lease made by the Crown to Sir Walter Rice, knight.


1670, Dec. 24.



1672, June 6.

1. William Barlowe and Lewis Barlowe of Minweare;

2. Henry Williams.

LEASE for a year of the properties specified in No. 336 dated 1681/2, Feb. 6 infra.


1672, June 7.

PROBATE of the will of John Barlow of Slebech, esq. Will dated 12 Sept. 1670. Inventory dated 15 Aug. 1671.


1672, June 7.

DECLARATION by Henry Williams of Tenby, gent, gent., that the lands (as specified in No. 336 dated 1681/2, Feb. 6 infra) conveyed to him by William Barlow and Lewis Barlow bearing even date were conveyed in trust only for the said William Barlow and Lewis Barlow.


1675, June 28.

QUIETUS to John Barlow of Slebech, bart., on payment of £1415 towards supporting thirty foot soldiers in Ireland.



1676, Sept. 13.

1. John Thomas of the town and county of Haverfordwest, esq.;

2. William Wogan of Grayes Inne, co. Midlesex, esq., and Herbert Perrott of the Middle Temple, London, esq.;

3. Sir John Barlow of Slebetch, bart., the grandson and heir of John Barlow late of Slebetch, esq., deceased.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of years in the messuage and lands called Langwathan otherwise Llaynedgwathell, a messuage called Whiteley, land called Churchland, and the corn grist mill called Langwathan Mill.


1676, Sept. 14.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between Sir John Barlow of Slebetch, bart., of the first part, William Barlow of Martletwy, gent., of the second part, and Walter Middleton of Slebbetch, esq., and Johan his wife, mother of the said Sir John Barlow, and Lewis Wogan of Wiston, esq., of the third part, touching the capital messuage and lands called Marteltwy and Crigmaron otherwise Cregmaharon in the parish of Moncktun; closes called Rucke parke and ye Eastern Hill Close in the parish of Minweare; the capital messuage called Minweare, the rectory of Minweare, Minweare Hill, closes called Rake Parke and ye Barly parke otherwise Roches parke, and lands in Minweare Croft, parish of Minweare; the manor of Castle pill otherwise Castle Pull and Summerhill and the manor of Hubberston in the hundred of Rose; Hungerford Tenement in Marteltwy; the remainder of a term of years in Molleston and the pannage of hogs and wild honey in the forest of Narberth.


1677, June 27.

1. Sir John Barlow of Slebech, bart.;

2. Walter Middleton of Tenby, esq., and Joan his wife, mother of the said Sir John Barlow.

LEASE for 99 years of the capital messuage and lands known as Slebetch House and the rectory of Slebetch with tithes.


1678, Aug. 20.

1. Francis Davies of Greeneway in the parish of Marberth, gent.;

2. William Skyrme of Llawhadden, gent.

MORTGAGE of Narberth Mill and a covenant to levy a fine thereof, with final concords attached.


1678/9, March 10.

1. William Skyrme of Llawhadden, gent.;

2. William Barlow of Martletwy, gent.

RELEASE of a term of years and interest in several manors, messuages and lands in the parishes of Narberth, Martletwy, Mounton, Hubberston and elsewhere, being mortgaged for £600, and also a release of a judgement of £600 and costs.


1679, July 14.

1. Owen David and Katherine David, widow, his mother, of he parish of Brawdy;

2. Edward Wills, gent., Lettice his wife, and Elizabeth Wills, eldest daughter of the said Edward and Lettice, of the parish of Mynweare.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT before the marriage of the said Owen David and Elizabeth Wills.


1679, July 14.

COUNTERPART of no. 274.


1681/2, Feb. 4.

1. William Barlow of Martletwy, gent., and Lewis Wogan of Wiston, esq.;

2. Sir John Barlowe of Minweare, bart.

GRANT in pursuance of articles of agreement dated 14 Sept., 1676, of the capital messuage and lands called Martletwy, and two messuages and lands called Crigmaron otherwise Cregmaharen, parish of Monckton, in as large a manner as John Barlow, father of the said William Barlow, mortgaged the same to George Mayer of Nangle and Nicholas Lewis, esq., deceased.


1681/2, Feb. 3.

1. William Barlow of Martletwy, gent., and Lewis Wogan of Wiston, esq.;

2. Sir John Barlow of Minweare, bart.

LEASE for a year of the capital messuage and lands called Martletwy in the parish of Martletwy, two messuages and lands called Crigmaron otherwise Cregmaharen in the parish of Mounckton.


1681/2, Feb. 6.

1. William Barlow of Martletwy, gent.;

2. Sir John Barlow of Minweare, bart.

SURRENDER of the capital messuage and demesne lands called Minweare in the parishes of Minweare, Martletwy and Newton, the impropriate rectory of Minweare, the water corn grist mill called Minweare Mill in the parish of Minweare, closes and parks of land called the Rack Parke and the Barley Parke otherwise called the Roches Parke in the parish of Miweare, and lands and tenements late of John Barlow, esq., deceased, father of the said William Barlow, and grandfather of the said Sir John Barlow in Minwear Croft in the parish of Minwear.

[Contains material for the Barlow pedigree]


1684, Oct. 4.

1. William Skyrme of Llawhadden, gent.;

2. Sir John Barlow of Minweare, bart.

ASSIGNMENT of a mortgage of Narberth Mill.


1684, Oct. 31.

1. Francis Davids of Greeneway in the parish of Narberth, gent.;

2. Sir John Barlow of Minweare, bart.

RELEASE of Narberth Mill.


1685/6, Jan. 28.

1. George Browne of Slebech, yeoman, heir in law of Alban Browne of the same, father of the said George.

2. Sir John Barlowe of Slebech, bart.

LEASE for a year of a messuage, etc., in Slebech, in the tenure of Sussan David, widow. See No. 677.


1685, Sept. 29.

1. William Gronowe of Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathan, yeoman, and Margret his wife;

2. Daniell Evans of Treventie, co. Carmarthen, gent.

MORTGAGE of a messuage and lands called West Atheston.


1685, Sept. 29.

1. William Gronowe of Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathan, yeoman, and Margret his wife;

2. Daniell Evans of Treventie, co. Carmarthen, gent.

MORTGAGE of the messuage and lands called West Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathan.


1685/6, Jan. 29.

1. George Browne of the town and parish of Slebech, yeoman;

2. Sir John Barlow of Slebech, bart.

GRANT of a messuage and lands in Slebech.


1688, Nov. 17.

LETTERS PATENT granting to John Barlow, knight and baronet, the right to hold a market weekly and three fairs annually in the parish of Narberth.

Latin. Imperfect Seal.


1688, Nov. 17.

COPY of No. 874.


1688, Nov. 17.

COPY of 874.


1688, Nov. 17.

TRANSLATION into English of No. 874.


1688, Nov. 17.

TRANSLATION into English of no. 874.



ACCOUNT in respect of Slebech rents, household necessities, fodder, etc.


1688/9, Feb. 4.

DECLARATION OF TRUST by Edward Atkyns of Serjeants Inne in Chancery Lane, London, knight, to Sir Hugh Owen of Orielton in connection with a mortgage for £500 by Sir John Barlow of Slebich of the demesne lands of Arnolds Hill, lands and tenements in Coleby, and the messuage called Tought, parishes of Slebech and Wiston.


1689/90, Jan. 3.

1. William Gronow of Atheston-west otherwise West Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathan, yeoman;

2. Sir John Barlow of Cresswell, bart.

CONVEYANCE of the messuage and lands called West Atheston and one dwelling-house lately erected as part of the tenement.


1690/1, Jan. 16.

1. William Gronow of Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathen, yeoman, Margaret his wife, and Daniel Evans of Peterwell, co. Cardigan, esq.;

2. Sir John Barlow of Slebech, bart.

LEASE for a year of a messuage, etc., called West Atheston. See No. 3227.


[post 1691]

ANSWER of Sir john Barlowe, bart., one of the defendants to the bill of complaint of Phillip Morgan, gent., complainant, touching a lease of the castle of Narberth and lands thereto belonging and the market and fairs of Narberth.


1690/1, Jan. 16.

1. William Gronow of Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathan, yeoman, Margaret his wife, and Daniel Evans of Peterwell, co. Cardigan, esq.;

2. Sir John Barlow of Slebech, bart.;

ASSIGNMENT of the messuage and lands called West Atheston.


1691, Nov. 2.

1. Sir John Barlow of Minweare, bart.;

2. Phillipp Morgans of the village and parish of Narberth, mercer.

LEASE of Narberth Castle with houses, gardens and closes.


1691/2, Feb. 4.

ACCOUNT of disbursements and receipts drawn up for Sir John Barlow.


1693, March 27.

1. Sir John Barlow, bart.;

2. Francis Davies of Narberth, gent.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT concerning Narberth mill.


1693, Aug. 14-15.

1. Francis Davies of Greenway, gent., and Joan his wife;

2. Sir John Barlow of Mynweare, bart.

LEASE AND RELEASE of a water corn grist mill called Narberth mill, parish of Narberth.


[post 1693, Aug. 14-15]

ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Mr. Barlow to Narberth mill, 1678-1693.


1694, June 2.

1. John Barlowe of Slebech, esq.;

2. The Right Hon. Thomas, Earl of Southampton, the Right Hon. Edward Lord Harbert, Baron of Chepstowe, the Right Hon. Edward Lord Vauxe, Griffith Hawkewell of St. Kenockes, esq., George Bardsey of Rose Hill, gent.

COVENANT to stand seised of the Slebech estate (specified) in co. Pembroke to the use of his children.


[18th century]

NOTE giving instructions where to find a copy of the grant of a market and fairs of Narberth, the rent rolls of the tenants of the manors of Narberth, Robeston Wathan, Templeton, Canneston, etc. (i.e. Nos. 879-883).


[18th cent.] Sept. 27.

LETTER from J. Barlow at Haverford Assizes to Lord Harcourt at Cockthorpe, Oxon.

He has received His Lordship’s letter. He has always had too great demonstrations of his sister’s great kindness and friendship ever to take amiss any admonition from her. He is sorry to harbour an ill opinion of him. He will travel to Cockthorpe with the purchaser to make arrangements for the sale of lands.


[18th cent.]

WILL of John Davies of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, esq.



[18th –19th cent.]

SCHEDULES of deeds belonging to the Slebech estate.


[late 18th cent.]

FRAGMENTS of a document giving the names of certain of the parishioners of Pembrokeshire, arranged under hundreds and parishes.


[late 18th cent.]

CALCULATIONS [probably made by Nathaniel Phillipps [of the value of various parts of his estates in Slebech and Jamaica.


[late 18th cent.]

SCHEDULE of deeds relating to the allotments of Mr. Knox and Mr. Greville.


[late 18th cent.]

PARTICULAR and valuation of the Slebech estate.


[late 18th cent.]

PARTICULAR of the Slebech Estate exclusive of the jointure lands and of the lands in jointure to Mrs. Barlowe.



1703/4, Jan. 20.

1. Sir George Barlow of Slebech, bart.;

2. John Barlow of Lawreny, the elder, esq., and Owen Ford of Berry, parish of Nevern, esq.;

3. John Barlow of Slebech the younger, esq., brother of the said Sir George Barlow.

GRANT of a messuage and lands in the parish of Warren, a messuage and lands in the parish of Nangle, a messuage in the parish of Lamphey, a messuage and water corn grist mill called Hern’s mill in the parishes of St. Issells and Ambroth, two messuages called Flayton and Reddowne in the parish of St. Florence, a messuage and land in the parish of Lanikeven, messuages and lands in the parish of St. Maryes, Tenby, messuages and lands in the parishes of Lanichare, Puncheston, Llanllowerne, Llanichlloydogg, Dinas, Newport, messuage and a corn grist mill called Picton Mill, parish of Llanichlloyddogg, messuages and lands in the parish of Fishguard, messuages and lands in Colby in the parish of Wiston, and lands in Colby in the parish of Wiston, and the lime kiln called Blackpool little lime kilne in parish of Slebech.


1704, June 14.

1. Evan Lewis of the parish of Laugharne, co. Carmarthen, yeoman, and Thomas Davies of Molleston in the parish of Narberth, minister;

2. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of years in a messuage called Molleston, and lands near Greate Molleston mansion howse, and a piece of land in the parish of Narberth called Trebaron.


1704/5. March 20.

1. Sir George Barlow of Slebech, bart.;

2. Lewis Pryse of Gogerthan, co Cardigan, esq., and Owen Foord of Berry, esq.;

3. Richard Vaughan of Derwydd, co. Carmarthen, esq., William Powell of Nanteos, co. Cardigan, esq., and Mathew Seys of the town of Pembroke, gent.;

4. John Barlow of Slebech, gent., brother of the said Sir George Barlow.

COVENANT to levy a fine of the manors, messuages, lands, etc. of the said Sir George Barlow in order to provide for his son and sisters. [The manors and parishes are named in the deed]. With a final concord attached.


1705, Sept. 4.

1. Sir George Barlow of Slebech, bart., and John Barlow of the same, esq.;

2. Francis Meyrick of the Middle Temple, London, gent., and Walter Thornborough of Arnolds Hill, gent.;

3. John Laugharne of St, Brides, esq., and John Mayricke of the Middle Temple, London, esq.

RELEASE, to lead the uses of a recovery, of he manor and lordship of Slebech, the manor or lordships of Minweare, Castle Pill otherwise Castlepull, Summerhill, Holberston otherwise Hubberston, St. Tissells otherwise Kilvelgy, Tregadwogan, Llandononk, Newhouse and Newton, Caneston, Robeston, Welfrey, Narberth, Molleston and Templeton; the messuage and lands called Arnoldshill and High Talch, land called the Bothams, a messuage and lands called Pickell, messuages and lands called Lower Tough, Clerkenhill, Buckshill, Brown’s tenement, Deeplake, Dingam, Rowshill, and fifteen cottages and gardens, messuages called Moran Bowen’s tenement and Coldblow, all in the parish of Slebech; a capital messuage and lands called Minwear, lands called Churchbushes, Shipping parkes, Easterhill close, Broomhill and Blackpoolle marsh, the messuage and lands called Cotts, closes called Croft close and Barley parke, other messuages and lands (not named), the messuages and land called Elliots tenement, the water corn grist mill called Minweare mill, and other cottages, etc., all in the parish of Minweare, and the rectory of Minweare; messuages and lands called Llangwathan and Whittla, part of the messuages and land called Kilvack Simon, the messuages and lands called Reddford, Killrew, Blanegwythno, all in the parish of Lampiter; a fishery in the parish of Llandewy; the messuages and land called Catershook, Tregallet, Penrath, Trewerne, Newton, Browns tenement, all in the parish of St. Tinsells; a messuage and lands in the parish of Crunwear; the messuages and lands called Sottson, the castle and lands, Molleston Back, Killrew-vach, Killvawden, Panty-glace, the mill called Narberth Mill, Blackaldron, tolls of fairs and markets in Narberth, all in the parish of Narberth; messuages and lands called Returnor, Western Atheston, Webbs tenement, Viggin, all in the parish of Robeston Wathan; the messuage and lands called Jordason and Reddowne, in the parish of St. Florence; the messuage and lands in Velindre, parish of Lanunda; messuages and lands called Tyr Phillip Ellis, Werndew, Gillvach granck, Parky-dinas, Tyhen, Pen-y-mynydd, parish of Dinas; messuages and lands in the parishes of Ambroth and Warren; the messuages and lands called Criggmaharen, parish of Monkton; the messuages and lands called Magurnfraen, parish of Puncheston; the messuage and lands called Creswell in the parishes of Laureny and Jefreston; the messuages and lands called Tregadwogan, and Vagor-Walter, parish of Whitechurch; the messuages and lands called Waun-a-barlow, Carvay, Crufftufty, Treginnis, parish of St. Davids; the messuages and lands called Lochvein and Priscowen, parish of Brawdy; the messuage and lands called Lecha in the parish of Lanhowell; the messuages and lands called Llandonock, parish of Llandeloy; the messuage and lands called Kevennoos, parish of Llanykeven; the mill called Whitemill in the parish of Llandeloy; houses in Tenby and St. Maryes; the messuage and lands called Marribrough, Ramslee, Lee, Hancockes tenement, Fishers tenement, Colby moore tenement, all in the parish of Wiston; messuages in the parishes of Lamphy, Marthletwy, the rectory of Marthletwy; messuages and lands called Killkiffick and ?Clynhwr, Kill-rhedin, Pant-gwyn, in the parish of Llanychare; messuages and lands called Trefloyne-vawr and Trefloyne-vach, Penrallt, Tycam, a mill and Tyr-y-dyffryn, in the parishes of Llanllawern and Llanychloydogg; messuages and lands (not named), Keven-hy-dre, Hottypace, in the parish of Fishguard; messuages and lands in the parishes of Harbeston and Haskard; Meare’s tenement, etc., in the parish of Hubberston; messuages and tenements called Thornton, Webbs tenement, Castlepill, Prickspill, etc., in the parish of Stainton; Trewithrigg in the parishes of Newport and Dinas; Kerrig and Vron vawr, parish of Newport; the Priory and Coom, etc., parish of Stainton; Newhouse, Furnace, the fishery in the river Clethey, the iron forge called Blackpoolle Forge, parish of Newton.


1705, Sept. 14.

RECOVERY referred to in No. 659.


1705, Oct. 9-10.

1. Sir George Barlow of Slebech, bart., and John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Hannah Skyrme and Elizabeth Skyrme both of the parish of Lawhadden, spinsters, two of the younger daughters of William Skyrme of the same, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE (mortgage) of messuages and lands in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey called Llangwathen and Whitley, the corn grist mill called Llangwathen Mill.


1705, Oct. 10.

1. George Barlowe of Slebech, bart., and John Barlowe of the same, esq.;

2. Hannah Skyrme and Elisabeth Skyrm, parish of Lawhadden, spinster.

BOND for the performance of covenants specified n a release of even date.



1706, Nov.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Hannah Skyrme and Elizabeth Skyrme both of the parish of Lawhadden, spinsters.

MORTGAGE of the properties specified in Nos. 768-769 supra dated 9-10 Oct. 1705.


1707,Nov. 1.

1. Anne Barlow of the town of Pembroke, spinster;

2. John Barlow of Slebech, esq., son of Sir John Barlow late of Minweare.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT for the conveyance of lands on the parishes of Minweare, Crunweare and St. Issells.

Copy. Imperfect.


1708, March 9.

ABSTRACT of articles of agreement between Faith Heneage, widow, and Thomas Heneage, esq.., on the first part, and Sir George Barlowe and John Barlowe, esq., on the second part, and the Hon. Robert Price on the third part, touching trusts in behalf of Dame Winifred Barlow and her children.


1708, April 12-13.

1. Sir George Barlow late of Slebech, bart., John Barlow of Slebech, gent., younger brother of the said Sir George Barlow, Richard Vaughan of Derwydd, co. Carmarthen, esq., William Powell of Nanteos, co. Cardigan, esq., and Mathew Seys of the town of Pembroke, gent.;

2. Sir Simon Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt, co. Oxon, knight, and Ann Harcourt his daughter;

3. Robert Price, esq., one of the Barons of Her Majesty’s Exchequer, and William Banastre, serjeant-at-law;

4. Simon Harcourt, son and heir apparent f the said Sir Simon Harcourt, and Edward Winnington of the Middle Temple, London, esq.

SETTLEMENT (before the marriage of the said John Barlow and Ann Harcourt) of the Slebech estate (details given).


1. Sir George Barlow of Slebech, gent., younger brother of the said Sir George Barlow;

2. Sir Simon Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt, co. Oxon, knight, and Anne Harcourt, his daughter;

3. Robert Price, esq., one of the Barons of His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer, and William Banaster, Serjeant at Law.

DEMISE (marriage settlement) of manors and lands being part of the Slebech estate as a collateral security for indemnifying the several lands limited to the sons of John Barlow and Ann, his intended wife, chargeable as to part with a rent charge for the said Ann’s jointure against the dower of Dame Winifred Barlow.


1708, April 14.

1. Robert Price, esq., and William Banastre;

2. John Barlow, gent.;

3. Sir Simon Harcourt, knight.

DECLARATION OF TRUSTS upon an assignment for the residue of a term of 500 years and for securing £4000 with interest and also as to £1000 paid by the said Sir Simon Harcourt.


1709, June 4.

1. Sir George Barlow of Slebech, bart.; and Dame Winifred his wife;

2. John Barlow, brother of the said Sir George Barlow;

3. Richard Harcourt of the Inner Temple, esq., and Francis Meyrick of the town of Pembroke, gent.

DEED to lead the uses of fines levied of the Slebech estate (details given).


1709, July 16.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq., Robert Price, esq., one of the Barons of the Exchequer, and William Banastre, sergeant at law;

2. Sir Simon Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt, knight.

MORTGAGE of certain manors and lands belonging to the Slebech estate.


1709, Dec. 23.

LETTER from Godfrey Harcourt, Dan y parke, to Sir Simon Harcourt, Norfolke Streete, London, concerning the proposal to change the forge [? Near Blackpool] into a furnace and objections to such a scheme.


[late 18th cent.]

PARTICULAR of the estate of the late William Dawkin, esq., deceased, consisting of the manor or lordship of Llandilo-Abercowin and properties in the parishes of Llanstyphan, Llandilo-Abercowin and Llangynnog, co. Carmarthen, and in the parish of Monknash, co. Glamorgan.

Printed. With a letter, and particulars concerning the Carmarthenshire portion.


1710, May 24.

1. Peregrine Musgrave of Haverfordwest, clothier;

2. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

3. Morgan Davies of Combe, parish of Llangunnock, co. Carmarthen, gent.

MORTGAGE (transfer) of the messuages and lands called Treturner and Kingsland, parish of Robeston Wathan, and closes called Kilvadan parke and Cocks hill Parke or Close, parish of Narberth.


1710/11, Feb. 22-23.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. The Right Hon. Robert Harley, esq., Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Uvedale Price of Foxley, co. Hereford.

3. Sir Thomas Powel of Broadway, co. Carmarthen, bart., Thomas Lutwyche of the Inner Temple, Charles Cox of Lincolns Inn, esq., and William Phillipps of the town of Brecon.

LEASE AND RELEASE (revoking certain uses in his marriage settlement and appointing new ones) of manors and lands specified in schedules 3 and 4 of his marriage settlement and also the capital messuage and lands called Colby, parish of Wiston, to the uses and trusts therein mentioned.



LISTS of the cottage tenants of John Barlow [of Slebech], esq., in arrear of rent in Slebetch, Minwear, Narberth and Stainton.


1715, June 1 -.

LIST of chief rents and wood rents payable annually to John Barlow, esq., in Robeston, Molleston and Narberth.

Torn. With two undated accounts if the same rents.


1715, July 9.

LETTER from Lord Harcourt, London, to [John Barlow] concerning the Slebech estate accounts and debts.


1715, Aug. 26.

LETTER FROM [J. Barlow] at Colby to [?Lord Harcourt]. Discusses questions arising from the affairs of the family estate. Refers to a debt to Holcomb. Suggests a receiver to collect the rents.



1715, Oct. 15.

LETTER from Lord Harcourt from Cockthorp to James Harries concerning the assignment in trust for the latter of the lands conveyed by John Barlow of Slebech in the mortgage dated 1709 July 16.



1715, Nov. 18-19.

1. John Barlow of Laurenny, esq.;

2. John Laugharne of Pontvane, esq., and John Vaughan of Trecoone, esq.;

3. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE of two messuages and lands called Llangwathen and Whittley, and Llangwathen Mill, parish of Lampiter Welfry, a messuage and lands in the parish of Harbrainston, and a messuage and lands at Pill, parish of Stainton, in trust until John Barlow of Slebech pays certain moneys, etc.


1718, July 25.

1. William Barlow of Colby, esq., son of Sir John Barlow of Slebech, bart., deceased;

2. John Barlow of Slebech, esq., son of the said John Barlow.

RELEASE of a legacy of £1,000 from the said Sir John Barlow, the messuage and lands called Molleston in the parish of Narberth, messuages in the tenure of Henry Istance, and messuages in the town of Tenby, and of the legacies bequeathed by Katherine Barlow, sister of the said William and John Barlow, deceased.


1719, May 26.

1. Owen Davies of Nash, parish of Minwear, gent.;

2. John Davies of the same, gent., his son, and Mary Beckley of Templeton, parish of Narberth, spinster;

3. Thomas Davies of Chapelhill, parish of Narberth, gent., and John Beckley of Templeton aforesaid, yeoman;

4. Lewis Hitching of Rowsedowne, parish of Stackpoole, gent., and George Devanalt of the parish of Narberth, mercer.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT before the marriage of the said John Davies and Mary Beckley, including a proposed grant of a dwelling house called the West House and lands (named) in the parish of Minweare.

Two copies.


1719.20, Feb. 15-16.

1. John Davies of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, esq.;

2. Richard Phillipps of the parish of Saint Clears, co. Carmarthen, gent., and Roger Davies of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, clerk;

3. Catherine Rich of the parish of Llanvihangell Abercowyn, co. Carmarthen, widow;

4. Mary Phillipps of the same parish and county, spinster, eldest daughter of Richard Phillipps, gent., deceased, and granddaughter of the said Catherine Rich.

LEASE AND RELEASE being an agreement before the marriage of the said John Davies and Mary Philipps, including the settlement of a capital messuage, the messuage called the Street House, Wernlogin Ycha and ysha, Nurton, and lands (named) in the parish of Lampeter-Velfrey.


1723, May 1.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Martha Price of the parish of Minwear, widow.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands near Minwear.



1726, Dec.8.

LETTER from John Herbert to Mr. Francis Meyrick, attorney at law near Pembroke, concerning the affair of Mr. Barlow in respect of Narberth Mill.



1. Sir George Barlow of Rivmond near Market Reyson, co. Lincoln, bart., only son and heir of Sir George Barlow late of Slebech, bart., deceased, by Dame Winifred his wife, deceased;

2. John Barlow of Slebech, esq., brother of the said Sir George Barlow, deceased;

3. The Honourable Robert Price, esq., one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, and Thomas Heneage of Cadby, co. Lincoln, esq.

CONFIRMATION AND RELEASE of the Slebech estate. (details given)



1731, Sept. 18.

1. Francis Davies of Summerhill, gent., and Priscilla his wife;

2. John Herbert of Court Henry, co. Carmarthen, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of a mortgage of a moiety of a messuage in Loveston.



1731, Sept. 22 – 1801, May 8.

ACCOUNT BOOK of the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Minwear.

Needs repairing.

Repaired April 1967.


1732, June 4.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. John Phelps of the parish of Martheltwy, yeoman.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands called Martheltwy tenement. Rent: £28 annually, two couples of f at pullets and one marketable bushel of good black oats to be delivered at Colby house by 26 Dec., yearly, and 20s., in lieu of a heriot.


1732, June 4.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. John Phelps of the parish of Martletwy, gent.

LEASE for three lives of the closes called Barleypark, Pitt park and the Ewe Park, the Moory parks, the Twohill parks, the New park, and also Mainweare Great Barn and cottages, parish of Minweare. Rent: £40.15s., two bushels of good black oats annually and 20s. in lieu of heriot.


1734, Dec. 26 – 1737, July 30.

WILL and codicil of William Thomas of Dyffrin in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1734/5; March 22.

1. John Barlow of Colby, parish of Wiston, esq.;

2. John Phelps of the parish of Martletwy, yeoman.

LEASE for three lives of Cotts Tenement and lands called Minwer croft and Cotts Mountaine, and Cole House and also the watering places enclosed from Minwer Wood called Snaggs Well and Gwithers Lake. Rent: £43 and one bushel of oats annually.


1734/5,March 22.



1734/5, March 24.

1. John Barlow of Colby, parish of Wiston, esq.;

2. Thomas Davies of the parish of Minwer, yeoman.

LEASE for three lives of messuages and lands called Eastward, Rack Park, and Minwer Mountaine, etc.


1735, April 26.

PROBATE of the will of John Davies of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, esq., with will dated 5 Aug. 1732 annexed.


1735, Sept. 6.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Richard Skrine of Warley, parish of Bathford, co. Somerset, and Anne Skrine his daughter;

3. Edward Harington, doctor of physic, and Samuel Webb, both of the city of Bath, co. Somerset.

DEED OF REVOCATION and appointment, revoking the uses of lands contained in schedules 1 and 2 to the marriage settlement of the said John Barlow and other trusts for the maintenance of the latter’s younger children, and appointing other uses upon a marriage intended between him and the said Anne Skrine.



The Book of Common Prayer ……… London. Printed by John Baskett, 1738. With manuscript entries on the fly-leaves, recording he births, christenings, marriages and deaths of members of the Swarton and Phillips families in Jamaica and London.


1738, April 17.

1. John Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. William Lewis of the parish of Lampeter Vefrey, yeoman.

LEASE for three lives of the tenements called Killrhwy and Parksayson, parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1738/9, Jan. 5.

1. John Barlow of Colby, esq.;

2. John Bardin of Slebech.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage called Ramslea, parish of Slebech.



1739, Sept. 12-Oct. 3.

WILL and codicil of John Barlow, esq.



1740, Oct. 29.

1. Gabriell Goodman late of Ruthin, co. Denbigh and now of Holywell, co. Flint, gent., and Griffith Griffiths of the latter place, gardener;

2. Robert Roberts of Bodfary, co. Denbigh, yeoman.

BOND for the performance of covenants.


1740/1, March 2-3.

1. George Barlow of Colby, esq., and Ann, his wife;

2. John Wogan of Wiston, esq., and John Bardin of Rowshill, gent.;

3. Thomas Philipps of the parish of Lampiter Velfray, gent., and Gilbert James of the same, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE to make a tenant to the praecipe for the suffering of a recovery of the Castle lands, Killvawden, Moleston Back, Moleston; Narberth mill, cottages, part of Black Aldern, Cockshill close, Jorderston, in the parish of St. Florence, Minwear, Parson Lewis his tenant, Westward Reak Park otherwise Rack Park, Beggerland and White moore, Bevans land, Minwear Mill, and Minwear or Blackpool marsh, all in the parish of Minwear. Returno in the parish of Robeston Wathen, lands in the parishes of Cronwear and Llandewy, Blackmore hill and Batemans close, parish of Newton, closes called the Hamms otherwise Bothams, and Clerkenhill, parish of Slebech.


1741, April 6.

RECOVERY specified in No. 669.



1741, Aug. 12-13.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Thomas Powell of Bedford Row, co. Middlesex, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE (mortgage) of messuages and land in the parishes of Narberth, St. Florence, Minweare, Robeston Wathen, Llandewy, and Slebech (being part of the Slebech estate, and named)


1741/2, March 1-2.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq., and Ann his wife;

2. John Fowley of the parish of Lawhaden, gent., and Thomas Davies of the parish of Slebech, gent.;

3. David Lewis of the parish of Llangoidmor, co. Cardigan, gent., and Gilbert James of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, gent.;

4. Samuel Rock of Staples Inn, London, gent., and Thomas Phillipps of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, gent.;

5. John Wogan of Wiston, esq., and John Baron of Haverfordwest, doctor of physic.

LEASE AND RELEASE being the marriage Settlement of George Barlow.


1742, April 16.

RECOVERY of the castle of Narberth, the castle of Newton, the manors or lordships of Slebech, Minwear, Martletey, Welshook, Skyber, Huberston, Pill, St. Issells, Kilvelgie, Newhouse, Canaston, Robeston, Velfrey, Narberth, Molleston and Templeton, 360 messuages, lands, etc., suffered between Gilbert James and David Lewis, gentlemen, plaintiffs, and John Foley and Thomas Davies, gentlemen, tenants.


1745, April 18.

1. Catherine Scourfield, spinster, and Judith Scourfield, spinster, both of Clover Hill, parish of New Moat;

2. William Owen of Landshipping, esq., and John Laugharn of Pontvane, esq.;

3. William Scourfield of New Moat, esq., brother of the said Catherine and Judith Scourfield.

RELEASE of a messuage and lands called Middle House otherwise Canol y dref in the hamlet of Henllan, parish of Llandewy Velfrey, and messuages and lands in Narberth.

Attested copy.


1746, Dec. 19.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. David Webb of the same.

LEASE for three lives of a dwelling house called Oxhouse, and ground leading to the Mardle pits on the south-west, parish of Slebech.



1746, Dec. 19.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, co, Pembroke, esq.;

2. David Webb of the parish of Slebech;

3. John Foley of the same, esq.

LEASE for three lives of a dwelling house called Ox house and a spot of ground leading from the said dwelling house to the Mardle pitts in the village and parish of Slebech.


1747, Aug. 11.

1. George Barow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Thomas Powell of Bedford Row, co. Middlesex, esq.

AGREEMENT touching a mortgage of messuages and lands in the parishes of St. Florence, Minweare, Robeston Wathan, Landewy, Newton and Slebech.


1747, Sept. 10.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. William Page of the parish of Minwere, mason.

LEASE of Begerland Back, with a ‘hay’, parish of Minwere.


1747, Sept. 10.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. William Page of the parish of Minwear, mason;

3. John Foley.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage called Begerland Back with a ‘hay’ in the parish of Minwear.



1749, Aug. 1-2.

1. William Davies of the parish f Lampiter Velfrey, gent.;

2. Thomas Phillips of the same parish, gent.;

3. Gilbert James of the parish of Bletherston, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE to make a tenant to the praecipe of a capital messuage and lands in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey including Street House, Wernlogin ycha and Issa, Nurton and lands (named).


1749, Nov. 8.

1. Thomas Powell of Bedford Row, co. Midlesex, esq.;

2. George Barlow of Slebech, co. Pembroke, esq.;

3. John Hooke of Bangeston, esq.

TRANSFER of a mortgage of part of the Slebech estate.


1749, Dec. 7.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Thomas Barry of Llanhowell.

LEASE for 99 years (or for the lives of Anne Barlow, daughter of the said George Barlow, Ann, wife of the said Thomas Barry and Richard his son) of a messuage and lands called Arnoldshill, parish of Slebech.


1749, Dec. 7.

COPY of No. 406.

11465 (b)

1749, Dec. 7.

COPY of No. 406.



AN ACT for vesting part of the settled estate of George Barlow, esq., in him and his heirs, and for settling another part of his estate, of greater value, to the same uses, in lieu thereof.



1750, June 27-28.

1. William Davies of the parish of Lampiter Velfrey, gent., only son of John and Mary Davies, deceased;

2. Margaret Davies of the same, spinster, Thomas Laugharne of Laugharne, merchant, and Mary his wife;

3. John Hook of Bangeston, esq., and Mary his wife;

4. Jonathan Ellis of London, merchanr, Nathaniel Neal of Naggs Head Court, Grace Church Street, London, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE being a mortgage in fee of the properties specified in Nos. 771-772 dated 1-2 Aug. 1749, in trust for the said Mary Hook for securing £800 and interest.


1750, Aug. 6.

LETTER from J. Hooke to Thomas Philipps, esq,. at Lampiter. Makes arrangements to pay Mr. Davies after having received word from Mr. Neal that Mr. Davies’s deeds are all right. Regrets that here is no likelihood of compassing Mr Sanders’s affair.


1750/1, March 8-9.

1. John Hooke of Bangeston, esq.;

2. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE of lands called Castle Lands in the parish of Narberth, Parson Lewis’s Tenement and a messuage called Minwear in the parish of Minwear, the messuage and lands called Molleston in the parish of Narberth.


1752, Dec. 4-5.

1. William Davies of the parish of Lampiter Velfrey, gent.;

2. Philipps Jones of Llanina, co Cardigan, esq., and Thomas Laugharne of Laugharne, co. Carmarthen, gent.;

3. Thomas Phillips of the parish of Lampiter Velfrey, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the equity of redemption of the properties specified in Nos. 771-772 dated 1-2 Aug. 1749.


1753, April 27.

1. Phillip Howell of Vrowen, parish of Llanboydy, co. Carmarthen, gent.;

2. Francis Skyrme of Lincolns Inn, co. Middlesex, gent.

MORTGAGE of Castle Kincoed in the parish of Landewy Velfrey, co. Pembroke.


1753, May 25-26.

1. Jonathan Ellis of the city of London, merchant, and Nathaniel Neal of Naggs Head Court, Grace Church Street, London, gent.;

2. John Hooke of Bangeston, esq., and Mary his wife;

3. Thomas Phillips of the parish of Lampiter Verlfrey, gent.;

4. John Wogan of Wiston, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE being an assignment of the mortgage specified in Nos. 773-774 dated 27-28 June 1750.


1753, June 11.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. John Hendy of Rosehill, parish of Slebech, yeoman.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands called West Buckshill and a cottage, parish of Slebech.


1753, June 11.

COPY of No. 423.


1753, June 11.

ANOTHER COPY of No. 407.


1753, Oct. 5.

1. Lewis Davies of Haverfordwest, gent., son of Francis Davies of Dudwell, parish of Camrose, gent., deceased, and Rachel Davies of Haverfordwest, sister of the deceased Francis Davies;

2. Richard Summers of Haverfordwest, merchant.

MORTGAGE of messuages and lands in the town of Narberth.



1753, Nov. 16.

1. Alexander Elliot of Earewere, esq., and Elizabeth Elliot his wife;

2. Hugh Barlow of Lawrenny, esq., and Wyrriott Owen of Nash, esq.;

3. John Lort of Prickerston, esq., and William Willams of Tenby, esq.

DEED OF REVOCATION of uses in the marriage articles of Alexander Eliot and Elizabeth Elliott his wife to the former’s estate in the parishes of St. Issells, Amroth and Narberth.

Attested copy.


1754, April 11.

1. Thomas Phillipps of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, gent., Phillipps Phillipps of the same parish, gent., and John Philipps of the same parish, gent.;

2. William Lewis of the University of Oxford, doctor physic, and David Jones of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, yeoman.

EXCHANGE of a meadow called Lloynebach near land called Brin Bach, and a meadow in Cwm Meadow, in the parish of Lampiter Velfrey, for land called Parkyr Alt in the same parish.


1754, Oct. 10.

1. George Barlow of Slebedge, esq.;

2. Sir John Philipps of Picton Castle, bart.

LEASE for three lives of the tithes issuing out of Picton demesne.


1755, April 30.

1. Francis Skyrme of Lincolns Inn, gent.;

2. Phillip Howell of Vrowen, gent.;

3. Alice Saunders of Pendine, co. Carmarthen, spinster.

ASSIGNMENT of a mortgage specified in No. 713, dated 1753 April 27.


1755, June 23.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. William Bevan of the parish of Minwere, yeoman;

3. James Meredith of Slebetch, agent of the said George Barlow.

LEASE for three lives of Minwere House.


1755, Sept. 19.

1. Margret Davies late of the Folly, parish of Minwere, widow;

2. Lewis Landoy of the Folly aforesaid.

LEASE for three lives of the Folly.


1755, Oct. 3.

AFFIDAVIT of Phillip Howell and Bridgett his wife that there is no encumbrance on the estate called Castle Kingoedd, parish of Llandewy Velfrey, co. Pembroke.


1756, Jan. 22.

1. George Barlow of Slebech, esq.;

2. Daniel Davies of the parish of Minwear, yeoman;

3. James Meredith of Slebech, agent of the said George Barlow.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage in Minwear with lands.


1756, Dec. 2-4.

WILL and codicil of George Barlow of Slebech, esq.



1758, June 1.

1. Ann Barlow of Slebech, widow, relict of George Barlow, deceased;

2. William Trevanion of Carhais, co. Cornwall, esq.

RELEASE of household goods, timber, mortgages and debts.


1759, Jan. 31.

ACCOUNT of Nathaniel Phillips senior, with James Mailhet, Jamaica.


1759, Feb. 12.

1. William Trevanion of Carhays, co. Cornwall, esq., and Ann his wife;

2. Edward Eliot of Port Eliot, co. Cornwall, esq.

COVENANT to levy a fine of messuages and lands (named) in the parish of Lanvihangell Abercowin, co. Carmarthen.


1759, March 1-2.

1. Ann Barlow, of Haverfordwest, widow;

2. William Trevannion and Ann his wife;

3. John Jones of Haverfordwest, esq., M.D., and Councill Williams of the same, esq.;

4. John Wogan the elder of Wiston, esq., and Thomas Lloyd of Bronwydd, co. Cardigan, esq.;

5. Edward Elliot of Port Eliot, co. Cornwall, esq., and John Fortesque of Penwarne, co. Cornwall, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE being a settlement after the marriage of William Trevannion and Ann his wife of the Slebech estate (specified in detail).


1759, April 17.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a recovery of lands, messuages, etc., pertaining to the Slebech estate in the parishes of Narberth, Minwear, Martletwy, Robeston Wathan, Lampiter Verlfrey, Llandewy Velfrey, Newton and Wiston, suffered between John Wogan the eldest, esq., and Thomas Lloyd, esq., plaintiffs, and John Jones, esq., doctor in physick, and Council Williams, esq., tenants.


1759, April 19.

1. William Trevanion of Carhais, co. Cornwall, esq., and Ann his wife;

2. Edward Eliot of Port Eliot, co. Cornwall, esq.

3. Anthony Champion of Middle Temple, esq., and John Fortescue of Penwarne, co. Cornwall, esq.

SETTLEMENT of manors, etc., in co. Cornwall in the parishes of Carhais, Cuby, St. Ewe, Goran, Veryan, Kenwyn, Key, St. Mary’s and borough of Truro, Trilly, Ruanlanyhorne, St. Stephens in Brannell, St. Denis, St. Austell, St. Buryan, Sennen Morvah, Sennor Ludguan, Phillack, St. Teath, and Mylor, with a covenant to levy a fine and the declaration of the uses thereof.


1759, April 19.



1759, May 11 – 1778, April 16.

LETTER BOOK of Nathaniel Phillips of Jamaica containing copies of letters, mainly concerning his estates and business in Jamaica, written to various business houses and agents in England.


1759, June 25.

1. Ann Barlow of Haverfordwest, widow and relict of George Barlow, William Trevanion and Ann his wife;

2. Thomas Kymer of Robeston Hall, esq.

LEASE for a year of lands, etc., in the parishes of Slebech, Minwear, Marteltwy, Robeston Wathen, Llandewy Velfrey, Newton, and Lampeter Velfrey.


1759, June 25.

1. Ann Barlow of Haverfordwest, widow, William Trevanion and Ann his wife, and others;

2. Thomas Kymer of Robeston Hall, esq.

LEASE for a year of part of the Slebech estate in the parishes specified in No. 863, supra.


1759, Aug. 24.

RECOVERY suffered between John Wogan the elder, esq., and Thomas Lloyd, esq., demandants, and John Jones, esq., doctor of Physic, and Counsell Williams, esq., defendants, of the Slebech estate (details given).


1759, Oct. 10.

1. Edward Eliot of Port Eliot, co. Cornwall, esq., and John Fortescue of Penwarne, co. Cornwall, esq.;

2. William Trevanion of Carhais, co. Cornwall, esq.;

3. Jenkin Ferrior of Pembroke, gent., and John Foley of Ridgeway, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of Solston otherwise Sodston, Moleston Back, Narberth Mill, parish of Narberth, the capital messuages and lands called Slebech, Kants, Piccell, Toch, High Toch, parish of Slebetch, messuages and lands in Minwear parish, Ruturno in Robeston Wathan parish, and Kilrew and Blaenwithnoe in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1759, Oct. 10.

1. John Foley of Ridgeway, gent.;

2. Jenkin Ferrior of Pembroke, gent.;

3. William Trevanion of Carhais, co. Cornwall, esq.;

4. John Mathias of Killey, esq., and Richard Bowling of Pembroke, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of a bond and judgment in trust and as a collateral security.


1759, Oct. 10.

1. Edward Eliot of Port Eliot, co. Cornwall, esq., and John Fortescue of Pemwarne co. Cornwall, esq.;

2. William Trevanion of Carhais, co. Cornwall, esq.;

3. Jenkin Ferrier of Pembroke, gent., and John Foley of Ridgeway, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of the properties specified in No. 684.


1760, ----- 6.

1. William Trevanion of Carhays, co. Cornwall, esq.;

2. Bartholomew Brown of Narberth, innkeeper.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands in the parish of Narberth late in the possession of Stephen Gwynn.


[circa 1760, Jan. 14]

ATTESTED COPY of the will of James Mailhet of the parish of Kingston, Jamaica, 17 March 1755.



1760, March 19.

PROBATE of the will of James Mailhet of the parish of Kingston in the island of Jamaica, with will dated 17 March 17555, attached.


1760, April 1 – 1770, July 10.

LETTERS from Esther Gregg, F. Gillett, Richard Phillips of Chichester, Nathaniel Phillips, C. Seyliard, and Walter Brett to Nathaniel Phillips, merchant of Kingston, Jamaica, concerning family and money matters, the death of the recipient’s father and his will, the death and estate of E. Gregg’s brother in Jamaica; and letters to the same recipient from James Laroche of Bristol, David Barclay and Sons, William Gomm and Sons, John Pardoe and Samuel Bean concerning the sale of the recipient’s sugar on the English market and his financial affairs.


1760, April 8.

FINAL CONCORD in a fine levied between Thomas Phillips, plaintiff, and Phillip Howell and Bridget his wife, deforciants, of a messuage and lands, etc., in the parish of Llandewy Welfrey.

Two copies.


1760, April 12.

1. Phillip Howell of Vrowen, parish of Llanboidy, co. Carmarthen, gent.;

2. Thomas Phillips of Court Mawr, parish of Llanboidy aforesaid.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the messuage and lands called Castle Kincoed, parish of Llandewy Velfrey.


1760, April 15-March 20.

DOCUMENTS belonging to Nathaniel Phillips of Jamaica, including his appointments in the Jamaica Army, 1760-1762, a printed act for vesting the estates of John Gardner Kemeys 1772, counsel’s opinion on a case arising out of a stranded ship on the coast of the island, statistics of imports of rum and sugar to the port of London 1742-1773, price-lists of goods in Philadelphia, rates of freight from London to the Sugar Colonies in 1777, an agreement respecting land in Jamaica 1782, and valuations and reports on the Blackheath, Coleshill Amity Hall and Winchester estates in Jamaica and a letter from T. Allen, London, to Nathaniel Phillips.


1760, June 7 – 1767, Dec. 29.

LETTERS from Hilton and Biscoe of London to Nathaniel Phillips, merchant of Kingston, Jamaica, relating to the latter’s accounts and the said of his sugar in England.


1760, July 1- 1792, Dec. 16.

ACCOUNT BOOK of the partnership of Mailhet and Phillips, Nathaniel Phillips, senior, and Nathaniel Phillips, junior, in England and Jamaica.


1760, Aug. 24.

EXEMPLIFICATION of a recovery suffered between Gilbert James, gent., demandant, and Thomas Phillipps, gent., tenant, of six messuages and lands, etc., in the parish of Lampiter Velfrey.



1760, Sept. 26.

1. William Trevanion of Carhayes, co. Cornwall, esq.;

2. Robert Morgan of Carmarthen, merchant.

LEASE for three lives of the iron forge, etc., in the several parishes of Newton and Robeston Wathan, and the fishery at Blackpool, parish of Newton.


1760, Sept. 29.

1. Phillip Howell of Vrowen, parish of Llanboidy, co. Carmarthen, gent., and Bridget his wife;

2. Thomas Phillips of Court Mawr, co. Carmarthen, gent.

COVENANT to levy a fine of Castle Kincoed, parish of Llandewy Velfrey, and declaration of the uses thereof.


1760, Sept. 29.

1. Alice Saunders of Pendine, co. Carmarthen, spinster;

2. Phillip Howell of Vrowen, parish of Llanboidy, co. Carmarthen, gent.;

3. Thomas of Court Mawr, parish of Llanboidy aforesaid, gent.;

4. Lewis Phillipps of Penpopmpren, parish of Llanboidy aforesaid, minister of the gospel.

ASSIGNMENT of a mortgage of the messuage and lands, etc., of Castle Kincoed, parish of Llandewy Velfrey.


1760, Oct. 6.

1. William Trevanion of Carhais, co. Cornwall, esq.;

2. Bartholomew Brown of Narberth, innkeeper.

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE of a messuage and lands in the parish of Narberth. (See No. 701 infra)


1760, Oct. 13.

1. William Trevanion of Carhays, co. Cornwall, esq.;

2. David Cousins of Deeplake, parish of Slebech, husbandman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands called Deeplake and Smith’s tenement, parish of Slebech.


1760, Oct. 20.

DUPLICATE of No. 415.


1760, Oct. 20.

1. William Trevanion of Carhays, co. Cornwall, esq.;

2. James Prickett of the parish of Slebech, blacksmith;

3. Thomas Stokes of the town and county of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage called Clarkenhill, parish of Slebetch.



1761, Jan. 3.

1. William Trevanion of Carhays, co. Cornwall, esq.;

2. John Evan of the parish of Minwear, co. Pembroke, husbandman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands in the parish of Minwear.


1761, May 23.

WILL of Richard Swarton of the parish of St. Thomas in the East, co. Surrey in the island of Jamaica.



1761, Aug. 25.

LETTER from William Davies to Thomas Phillipps, attorney at law, Lampiter, expressing surprise that the recipient was informed that he took liberty with his character and was made drunk hen he prepared and executed the conveyance of his estate to recipient, and raising the question of paying off the mortgage.


1762, Dec. 9-1765, March 8.

INVENTORY of the goods and chattels of Richard Swarton of Jamaica (see No. 3327), consisting mostly of slaves, letters of administration of the will of the same dated 9 Dec. 1762, and counsel’s opinion on the will.


1763, June 13

1. Ann Barlow of Haverfodwest, widow;

2. Thomas George of Moleston, parish of Narberth, husbandman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE of the messuage and lands called West Atheston and another messuage in the parish of Robeston Wathan.


1763, July 6-7.

1. John Wogan of Wiston, esq.;

2. William Davies of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, gent., Thomas Philipps and Philipps Philipps of the same, gentlemen;

3. William Thomas of Castle Gorood, co. Carmarthen, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a mortgage of messuages and lands called the Street House, Wernlogin Ycha, Nurton, etc., in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1763, July 7.

DUPLICATE of No. 839 supra.


1763, July 7.

1. Thomas Philipps, etc.;

2. William Thomas.

BOND for the payment of £40 interest.


1763, July 26-1764, Sept. 3.

PAPERS relating to the suit in the Great Sessions between William Trevanion of Caerhays, co. Cornwall, esq., plaintiff, and John Poyer of Grove, parish of Narberth, esq., defendant, concerning the ownerships of lands called Long Park, Kears Park or Back, and Old Walls and lands in Molleston Back in the parish of Narberth, including draft bills, case and counsel’s opinion thereon, arbitration bond, evidence of witnesses, arbitration award, correspondence, bill of costs, etc.


1763, Sept. 6.

LETTER from Thomas Philipps to William Thomas at Castle Gorvod. Requests him to send his sons marriage articles, etc., by the bearer. With a receipt for same from the bearer, William Williams.


1763, Oct. 12-1764, Oct. 19.

WILLS of Nathaniel Phillips, esq.



[circa 1764]

PROPOSALS made by Nathaniel Phillips, esq., for the disposal of his estate.



SURVEY of Minar House tenement including repairs, acreage and annual value, by Henry John.


1764, July 19-Sept. 3.

DEPOSITIONS of witnesses in a dispute between Mrs. Elizabeth Barlow of Lawrenny and William Trevanion, esq., touching the boundary of Minwear wood in the parish of Newton, with the award of Thomas Kymer.


1764, July 21 and before.

PAPERS relating to the suit in the Court of Exchequer between William Trevanion, esq., plaintiff, and James Rees and John Rees, defendants, who were charged with digging stones on Narberth Mountain.


1765, Sept. 5 – 1769, April 17.

LETTERS from Hilton and Brown, M. Hilton and Vincent Biscoe to Nathaniel Phillips, Jamaica, concerning the death of the latter’s father, his will, the sugar market and shipments from Jamaica, and other business matters.


1766, Jan. 29.

AFFIDAVIT of Elizabeth Gillett of Mile End, parish of Stepney, co. Middlesex, concerning the destruction of one will made by her father, Nathaniel Phillips.


1766, March 27.

PROBATE of the will of Nathaniel Phillips late of the island of Jamaica and now of Mile End, co. Middlesex, esq., with will, dated 12 Oct. 1763.


1766, June 14.

WILL of Thomas Phillips of Kilevach in the parish of Llandisilio, co. Carmarthen.




MEMORIAL addressed to the persons having rights of common on Narberth Mountain by paying wood rent, informing them of the proposal to erect a house of industry for the reception of the poor and sick of the parishes o Narberth, Robeston, etc., on a plot of land on the said mountain and requesting them to undertake not to disturb the overseers in their possession of such premises for the poor.

(See No. 813)


1767, March 25.

LETTER from Francis Skyrme at The Exchequer, Lincoln’s Inn, to -------. Refers to a request made for permission to enclose part of Narberth Mountain for a house, etc., to employ industrious poor people. Encloses a memorial (No. 814) and a plan.


1767, Aug. 21.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. David Morris of the parish of Narberth, yeoman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE of a house and two fields in the parish of Narberth.


1767, Aug. 21.

1. Anne Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Vaughan Thomas of the parish of Bletherston, gent.

LEASE for three lives of the dwelling house of Blackpool and land called Blackmorehill, Batemans Close, parish of Newton, the Bottoms otherwise the Hams, parish of Slebech, Blackpool Marsh, parish of Minwear, and Furnan Field, parish of Narberth.


1767, Aug. 21.

1. Anne Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Richard Thomas of the parish of Newton, yeoman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a house in the parish of Newton and three fields in the parish of Narberth.


1767, Aug. 21.

COPY of No. 592.


1767, Aug. 21.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Joseph Thomas of the parish of Slebech, yeoman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE of Clerkenwell, parish of Slebech.


1767, Aug. 21.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebetch, widow;

2. Thomas John of the parish of Newton, yeoman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a house in the parish of Newton and a field and garden in the parish of Narberth.


1767, Aug. 21.

COPY of No. 593.


1767, Aug. 21.

1. Anne Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Vaughan Thomas of the parish of Bletherston, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a dwelling house at Blackpool with lands called Batemans close, the Bottoms otherwise the Homs, Blackpool March with the Little Island in the river, parishes of Slebech and Minwear.


1768, Jan. 14 – 1771, Jan. 23.

LETTERS from Vincent Biscoe, John Purrier and Messrs. Hibbert, Purrier and Horton to Nathaniel Phillips of Jamaica, concerning the arrival of cargoes from Jamaica and the disposal of same on the English market; and a letter from William Bond about the estate of Sir Samuel Duckinfields.


1768, May 24.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Thomas Barzey of the parish of Slebech, yeoman;

3. John Stokes of the town and county of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands called Arnolds Hill, parish of Slebech. Rent £4 annually, and one bushel of oats at Christmas and 6s. in respect of tithes annually.


1768, May 24.

ATTESTED COPY of No. 278, made 1792 Sept. 22.


1768, May 24.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Thomas Barzey of the parish of Slebech, yeoman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands called Arnolds Hill, parish of Slebech.


1768, June 22.

PROBATE of the will of Thomas Philipps of Lampiter Velfrey, gent., with will dated 2 Nov. 1765 annexed.


1768, Nov. 7.

1. Jenkin Ferrior of Pembroke, esq., and Bridget Foley of Ridgeway, widow, executrix of John Foley, gent., her late husband, deceased;

2. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow of William Trevanion late of Carhais, co. Cornwall, deceased.

SURRENDER of a mortgage of the castle of Narberth and the lands, etc., specified in No. 684.


1768, Nov. 7.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Bridget Foley of Ridgeway, widow.

MORTGAGE of Sodston in parish of Narberth, Kilrew and Blaenwithno in the parish of Lampiter Velfrey, and High Toch in the parish of Slebech.


1768, Nov. 7.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Bridget Foley of Ridgeway, widow.

MORTGAGE of messuages and lands, etc., called Sodston, parish of Narberth, Kilrew and Blainwithno, parish of Lampeter Velfrey, and High Toch, parish of Slebech.


1769, March 6.

CASE AND OPINION touching the escheat of a messuage and lands called Castle King0Coed in the parish of Llandewy Velfrey which Thomas Phillips devised by his will (No. 4083) dated 14 June 1766 to Margaret Phillip. With a copy of the presentment of the grand jury of the reeveship of villa franca or villa free in the lordship of Narberth made 29 Oct. 1731 concerning freehold tenure in the reeveship.


1769, May 11-12.

1. David John Rees, yeoman;

2. Ann Trevannion, widow.

LEASE AND RELEASE of a messuage and lands called Castle Linkoed, parish of Llandewy Velfrey.


1769, May 19.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. David John Rees of the parish of Penrith, husbandman;

3. John Stokes of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE of Castle Kingkoed, parish of Llandewy Velfrey.


1770, March 24.

1. Ann Trevanon of Slebech, widow;

2. William Mathias of Haverfordwest, shopman;

3. Gilbert James of Holloway, gent.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands called Cumberland consisting of two closes and one small burgage or hay by the wayside near Midcounty and one house called Morgan Bowene house in Colby Lane, parish of Slebech.


1770, April 7.

MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT of Lucius Tucker and Fanny Jenkyns both of p. St. Mary, co. Middlesex, Jamaica touching a plantation called Crescents, Jamaica.



1770, April 19 – 1772, May 27.

LETTERS from John Gray to Nathaniel Phillips, two of which are written from Cowbridge and give impressions of the writer’s visits to Cardiff, Cowbridge and Swansea; and a copy of Bryan Edwards’s satire on Douglas and Graham.


1770, July – 1783, April 30.

ACCOUNTS of Nathaniel Phillips of Jamaica with Messrs. Hibbert, Purrier and Horton, London, in respect of business carried out by them on behalf of Nathaniel Phillips, including accounts of the sale of sugar, rum and wine, invoices of merchandise shipped to Jamaica and sundry papers relating to the sugar trade.


1770, Aug. 10 – 1777, Jan. 1.

LETTERS from John Gray, London, to Nathaniel Phillips, Jamaica, describing England on his return from Jamaica, and a draft reply from the recipient giving news of life in Jamaica.


1770, Michaelmas – 1771, Michaelmas.

ACCOUNT of rent and money received by Gilbert James to the use of Mrs. Ann Trevanion and money paid to and for the use of the said Gilbert James and a rental of the estate of Mrs. Ann Trevaniuon in the parishes of Narberth, Slebech, Minwear, Robeston Wathan, Landewy and Lampeter Velfrey.


1770, Dec. 13 – 1797, Jan. 26.

ACCOUNTS and receipts and insurance policies in respect of furnishings, repairs, and household goods, belonging to Nathaniel Phillips’s house in Titchfield Street, London.


1771, June 19 – 1811, Aug. 23.

LETTER from Edward Hassell to Nathaniel Phillips concerning accounts; letter (printed) from William Jenkyns to Lucius Tacher concerning the latter’s marriage to the writer’s daughter; account of crops on estates in Jamaica, 1781-1788; accounts pertaining to the estate of Robert Hall and the annuity of Mrs. Elizabeth Laprimaudaye.


1771, Michaelmas – 1773, Michaelmas.

RENTALS of the estate of John Symmons, esq., in right of Ann his wife, in the parishes of Narberth, Slebech, Minweare, Newton, Robeston Wathan, Lampeter Velfrey, Landewy Velfrey.


1771, Oct. 3 – 1775, Sept. 5.

RECEIPT BOOK belonging to Nathaniel Phillips.


1771,Nov. 22 – 1796, Sept. 13.

CONVEYANCE AND LEASES to Nathaniel Phillips of lands and slaves in Jamaica, and a deed of separation between Daniel Crockatt and his wife.


1772, Jan. 11 – 1813, Dec. 6.

VOUCHERS and accounts of Nathaniel Phillips with London tradesmen and others in respect of purchases of household goods, clothing, house-rent and taxes, wages, and children’s education at Eton College and elsewhere.


1772, Feb. 14.

1. Bridget Foley, widow, now residing in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, co. Middlesex;

2. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT of the receipt of part of mortgage money.


1772, March 30 – 1773, Aug. 19.

LETTERS from Weller Rayment, Sudbury, Edward Hughes, and Robert Carper Lee to Nathaniel Phillips concerning the latter’s estate in the parish of Felstead, co. Essex, and other business matters.


1772, Aug. 20 – 1788, April 18.

LETTER from Thomas Hibbert, junior, Kingston, to Nathaniel Phillips, giving an account of business and personal affairs in Jamaica; copies of letters from William Thomson to John Davies (Kingston) and the latter’s reply concerning an account, and a copy of a letter from Edward Woolery of Jamaica to Thomas Goulding, London, concerning parts for machinery for Nathaniel Phillips.


1772, Oct. 14.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Sir Richard Phillips of Picton Castle, bart.

LEASE for three lives of the tithes of closes called Rhose and Ash Parks, part of Millin Mountain, close called Newhouse Meadow, land called Picton Ewehill, all in the parish of Boulston.


1772, Oct. 14.

1. Ann Trevanion of Slebech, widow;

2. Rowland Bateman of Canaston Bridge House, parish of Robeston Wathan, yeoman.

LEASE of Canaston Bridge House and lands in the parishes of Robeston Wathan and Newton.


1773, March 27.

PROBATE of the will of Dorothy Phillips of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, widow, with will dated 26 Dec. 1770 annexed.


1773, July 14 – 1774, June 12.

LETTERS from James Wright and Robert Logan of Pleasant Hill, Jamaica, to Nathaniel Phillips, relating to Wright’s dismissal from his post in Jamaica, the plantations and workers, and the shipment of products to England.


1773, Aug. 4-5.

1. Ann Barlow of Haverfordwest, widow of George Barlow of Slebech;

2. John Symmons of Lanstinan, esq., and Ann his wife, late Ann Trevanion and only child of the said George Barlow by the said Ann Barlow;

3. John Jones of Haverfordwest, doctor of Physic, and Counsel Williams of Haverfordwest, esq.;

4. Thomas Lloyd of Bronwydd, esq.;

5. Maurice Morgan of the Mint in the Tower of London, esq.;

6. John Wogan of Wiston, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the Slebech estate (specified in detail) to make a tenant to the praecipe to suffer a common recovery thereof.


1773, Aug. 4-5.

DUPLICATE of Nos. 731-732.


1773, Aug. 4-5.

DUPLICATE of Nos. 731-732.


1773, Aug. 30.

RECOVERY specified in Nos. 864-865 (dated 4-5 Aug. 1773) suffered between John Wogan, plaintiff, and Maurice Morgann, tenant.


1774, Feb. 4.

PROBATE of the will of William Scourfield of New Moat, esq., with will dated 1772 May 23 annexed.



1774, June 4 – 1785, April 14.

ACCOUNTS AND RECEIPTS in respect of disbursements made by Nathaniel Phillips in London.


1774, Sept. 28.

HEADS of a lease by John Harbert Foley of Ridgeway, esq., to James Lewis of Gelly Dowhill, co. Carmarthen, esq., in trust of John Symmons of Llanstinan, esq., of land in the parish of Slebech, where the limekiln stood. See No. 835.


1774, Sept. 28.

1. Josh Herbert Foley of Ridgeway, esq., eldest son and heir of John Foley of the same, esq., deceased;

2. James Lewis of Gellydewill, co. Carmarthen, esq.;

3. John Symmons of Llanstinan, esq.

LEASE of the messuage and lands called High Touch otherwise Tough or Toch, parish of Slebech, in trust for John Symmons.


1774, Nov. 19.

1. John Phillips of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, gent.;

2. Sir Richard Phillips of Picton Castle, bart., and John Symmons of Llanstinan, esq.;

3. William Edwardes of Johnstone, esq.;

4. Edward Philipps of the parish of Llampeter Velfrey, clerk.

RELEASE of messuages called Dyffrin, Cwmllan, Plaindealings and Flathouse, in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, also a piece of land in the parish of Cronwear, and a messuage and lands called Berllan in the parish of St. Clears, co. Carmarthen.


1774, Dec. 3 – 1778, Feb. 2.

CASES, with opinion, touching Pleasant Hill Plantation and other affairs in Jamaica, with copies of the wills of John Swarton, (No. 8757, dated 1733) letters and other documents bearing on the suits;

Receipts for bills of exchange 1774-1778; and a record entitled ‘General State of the Island of Tobago from June 1774 to Sept. 1775.


1775, Sept. 5 – 1792, July 3.

LETTER BOOK of Nathaniel Phillips containing copies of letters, mainly concerning his estates and business in Jamaica, written from Jamaica and London to Hibbert, Purrier and Co., London, and Thomas Barritt, Jamaica.


1775, Sept. 14 – 1789, July 29.

DIARIES kept by Nathaniel Phillips on voyages between England to Jamaica in 1775, 1784 and 1789.


1775, Nov. 17 – 1780, April 30.

RECORDS of business transactions executed by Hibbert, Purrier and Horton, merchants, on behalf of Nathaniel Phillips in connection with the latter’s Jamaica interests, including accounts, insurances of cargoes of sugar and rum from Jamaica, invoices of sundry goods shipped to Jamaica, and accounts of sales of sugar on the English market.


1775, Nov. 30 – 1784, June.

CASH-BOOK of Nathaniel Phillips.



DIARIES of Nathaniel Phillips, Jamaica. [kept in printed Jamaican almanacs]


1776, Jan. 29.

1. Bridget Foley of Ridgeway, widow;

2. James Lewis of Gellyduwill, co. Carmarthen, esq.;

3. John Symmons of Llanstinan, esq. and Ann his wife, late Ann Trevannion, widow.

TRANSFER of the mortgage of properties specified in No. 688 above.


1776, April 7 – 1779, May 11.

VOUCHERS in respect of expenditure for household goods, clothing, etc., by Nathaniel Phillips of Titchfield Street, London and on his behalf; and bills of exchange.


1776, Oct. 15.

1. Owen Thomas of Pickell, parish of Slebech, husbandman;

2. John Symmons of Slebech, esq.

SURRENDER of a messuage, etc., called Pickell, and a field called the Big Marsh, parish of Slebech.


1776, Oct. 23.

1. Richard, Baron Milford of the Kingdom of Ireland, and now of Picton Castle, son and heir of Sir John Phillips late of Picton Castle, bart., deceased;

2. John Philipps late of the parish of Lampiter Velfrey and now of the parish of Begelly, gent.

LEASE for a year of a messuage and lands called Difrin, parish of Lampiter Velfrey, and a messuage and lands called Cwm Llan, parish of Llandewy Velfrey.


1777, June 12 – 1785, Jan. 31.

PAPERS belonging to Nathaniel Phillips including letters and draft replies and reports touching the estates of William Beckford at Stanton and Harbourhead, Jamaica, 1777, bills of exchange and bills of lading from Jamaica, and a letter from Samuel Beane of Richmond touching Castlehill Estate.


1777, Sept. 3 – 1782, Nov. 6.

LETTERS from John Purrier of London and Thomas Hibbert to Nathaniel Phillips, St. Thomas in the East, Jamaica, concerning the purchase of Castle Hill estate, family affairs of Nathaniel Phillips, business in Jamaica and England and political news and comments. With draft replies by Nathaniel Phillips.


1777, Sept. 5 – 1784, Nov. 18.

LETTERS, accounts and receipts, including letters from Nathaniel Phillips of Kingston, Jamaica to John Purrier, Mincing Lane, London, concerning his accounts, family affairs, his sister Mrs. E Laprimaudaye, the upbringing, education and allowances of his daughters and the marriage of his daughter Ann Phillips to [Alan] Cameron; letters from L. Laprimaudaye, Francis Laprimaudaye from Lisle, and Elizabeth Laprimaudaye, and letters and accounts from tradesmen in respect of goods supplied to Nathaniel Phillips’s family.


1777, Dec. 2.

1. The Reverend Francis Scourfield of Chobham, co. Surrey, clerk, second son and devisee of William Scourfield late of the town of Brecon, co. Brecon, esq., deceased, and Hugh Bold of the town of Brecon, gent.;

2. John Roberts of the town of Narberth, innkeeper.

LEASE for a year of the White Hart Inn, a messuage called Woolcocks Stables, and a messuage called Plain Dealings, in the town and parish of Narberth.


1777, Dec. 3.

1. The Reverend Francis Scourfield;

2. Hugh Bold;

3. John Roberts.

RELEASE of the property specified in No. 603 supra.


1777, Dec. 31.

ATTESTED COPY of the will of john Scourfield of Clynpattle, gent. Will dated 14 Feb. 1722/3.


1777, Dec. 31.

ATTESTED COPY of the will of William Scourfield the elder of the parish of New Moate, esq. Will dated 8 May 1730.


1778, April 17 – 1780, Dec. 6.

LETTERS from J. Purrier and Thomas Hibbert to Nathaniel Phillips, Kingston, Jamaica, and draft letters from Nathaniel Phillips to J Purrier, Thomas Hibbert, Mrs. Laprimaudaye, Ann Phillips and Elizabeth Phillips (his daughters), concerning family matters and the marriage of Ann Phillips to Alan Cameron.


1778, Aug. 3-4.

1. John Roberts of the town of Narberth, innkeeper;

2. John Gibby of Clover Hill, parish of New Moat, farmer.

LEASE AND RELEASE (mortgage) of the White hart Inn with the yard, malthouse, stables etc., in the town of Narberth.


1779, Jan. 11.

1. Edward Philipps;

2. John Mathias.

LEASE for a year of the properties specified in NO. 443 dated 1779, Jan. 12.


1779, Jan. 12.

1. Edward Philipps, rector of Begelly, clerk;

2. John Mathias of Langwarran, parish of Jordaston, esq.

RELEASE (Mortgage) of Diffrin and the fulling mill called Diffrin Mill, parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1779, Jan. 12.



1779, Aug. 5. – 1783, Nov. 17.

LETTERS from E. Laprimaudaye and Ann Cameron to Nathaniel Phillips concerning family matters. With draft replies by the recipient to the writers (i.e. his sister and daughter).


1780, Jan. 12.

1. Edward Philipps of Begelly, clerk;

2. John Mathias of Langwarren, esq.

BOND for the performance of covenants.


1780, Jan. 14.

1. Edward Philipps of Begeley, clerk;

2. John Mathias of Llangwarren, esq.

BOND for the payment of money and performance of covenants.


1780, July 22.

INSTRUCTIONS to his attorneys for the care and management of the plantation and property of John Gardner, Garden River Plantation, St. Thomas in the East, Jamaica.


1786, Sept 1.

1. John Symmons of the parish of St. Johns within the Liberties of Westminster, co. Middlesex, esq.;

2. William Knox of Slebech, esq.;

3. Peter Holford of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middlesex, esq., one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of a thousand years in manors and freehold estate belonging to the Slebech estate in co. Pembroke (specified in detail).



MAP of the late Counsellar Davies’s land in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey. Endorsed: Map Maker Thomas Philipps.


1782, Feb. 12 – 1784, March 11.

LETTERS from Hibbert, Purrier and Company of London to Nathaniel Phillips, Saint Thomas’s in the far East, Jamaica, relating to the arrival and disposal of cargoes of sugar and rum from Jamaica, prices and quality of these products pertaining to the trade.


1782, July 10.

1. John Hendy late of Flemington, parish of S. Florence, co. Pembroke, gent., deceased;

2. John Philipps of Penclawdd, co. Glamorgan, officer of excise.

LEASE for one year of a messuage, etc., called West Buckshill, parish of Slebech.



1782, July 11.

1. John Hendy of the parish of St. Nicholas, co. Glamorgan, officer of excise, eldest son and heir at law of John Hendy late of Flemington, parish of St. Florence, gent., deceased;

2. John Phillips of Penclawdd, co. Glamorgan, officer of excise.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of a messuage and lands called West Buckshill, parish of Slebech.


1782, July 15-16.

1. William Davies of Nash, gent.;

2. John Poyer of Grove, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE (mortgage in fee) of the messuage and lands called Nash and other lands in the parish of Minwear.


1782, July 15-16.

DUPLICATE of Nos. 824-825. supra.


1782, Oct. 24 – 1783, Dec. 24.

VALUATIONS AND ACCOUNTS of crops of the Phillipsfield and Suffolk Park estates in Jamaica in connection with the proposed sale thereof.


1783 - n.d.

LIST of Negroes in the several parishes of Jamaica; list of purchasers of estates in Granadoes, giving prices, acreage, quality, etc.; a memorandum touching the Latante Estate, Granada.


1783, May 2.

1. Margaret George of Moleston, widow;

2. John Davies of Robeston, gent.

LEASE of West Atheston, etc., parish of Robeston Wathan.




Oct. 4.

1. John Symmons of Slebech, esq.;

2. Abraham Hendy of Lanstinan, gent.

BOND for the payment of money.



INVENTORY of household goods, plate, etc., belonging to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., and left in the house in Great Titchfield Street, London, with some accounts of purchases.



BOILING HOUSE AND STILLHOUSE BOOKS of Phillipsfield and Pleasant Hill, Jamaica, recording the qualities of sugar and rum manufactured there and the cargoes shipped to England.



DIARIES of [Nathaniel Phillips] giving a day-to-day account of his life in London and Pembrokeshire and of his daily expenditure.


1784, Jan. 3 – 1784, Dec. 31.

LETTERS from Thomas Hibbert of Kingston to Thomas Barritt, Pleasant Hill, Jamaica, with a draft reply, concerning price of provisions and corn on the island, and an offer of the management of Thomas Hibbert’s properties to the recipient.


1784, May -- - 1788, April 16.

INSTRUCTIONS FROM Nathaniel Phillips to his attorneys and agent in Jamaica as to the management of his plantations and affairs in his absence, letters of attorney to Robert Hibbert of Kingston, accounts, inventory of stores at Pleasant Hill, crop account for 1784; also letter relating to an infringement of trade laws in one of his ships, 1789.


1784, May 3-4.

1. John Symmons of Slebech, esq.;

2. William Knox of Soho Square, co. Middlesex, esq., and Edward Boodle of the parish of Saint George, Hanver Square, co. Middlesex, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the Slebech estate (specified in detail) in the parishes of Slebech, Minweare, Robeston Wathen, Lampeter Velfrey, Newton, Narberth, and Landewy Velfrey.


1784, May 4.

1. John Symmons of Slebech, esq.;

2. William Knox and Edward Boodle.

BARGAIN AND SALE and covenant to levy a fine of the estate specified in Nos. 749-750 supra. With Final Concords attached.


1784, May 5.

1. William Knox;

2. John Symmons.

LEASE for a year of the manor of Carway, and lands called Tyryruman otherwise Tyryroman, parish of St. Davids, and Lambedy Mock, parish of Mathwy.

Attested Copy.


1784, May 5.

1. William Knox;

2. John Symmons.

LEASE for a year of the rectory and parsonage of Lanstinan.

Attested copy.


1784, May 6.

1. William Knox and Edward Boodle;

2. John Symmons;

3. Richard Foley of the town and county of Haverfordwest, gent.

MORTGAGE of the manor or lordship of Llanvairnanty gof, messuages, etc. called Llanstinan, Penybiccas, Llanstinan Mill, in the parish of Llanstinan, messuages and lands called Tyresaise and Little Skyber, parish of Llanfairnant y gof, and messuages and lands in the parish of Fishguard, Little Newcastle; and other portions of the Slebech estate in North and south Pembrokeshire.


1784, May 6.

COPIES of no. 752.


1784, May 10- May 24.

INVENTORY AND VALUATION of the estates of Nathaniel Phillips in Jamaica including land, premises, negroes and stock.


1784, May 23 – 1811, May 11.

LETTERS from Thomas Barritt of Jamaica, G.R.W and S. Hibbert, George Hibbert, and Samuel Hibbert, all of London, to Nathaniel Phillips of Portman Square, London, concerning the market for products imported from the recipient’s estate in Jamaica, financial matters and merchandise shipped to Jamaica.


1784, July 6.

COPY of an endorsement on a mortgage from William Knox to John Symmons.


1784, Oct. 1.

1. Richard Summers of Chewmagna, co. Somerset, esq.;

2. John Tucker of Pembroke, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of the mortgage specified in No. 11425 dated 1753 Oct. 5.



1785, Feb. 19.

1. William Knox of Slebech, esq.;

2. Richard William of the parish of Slebech, yeoman,

LEASE for three years of a messuage and lands called Buckshill or Eastern Buckshill and a parcel of land called Dingham parcel of the demesne lands of Slebech.


1785, Feb. 19.



1785, March 29 – 1795, June 9.

LETTERS from Edward Fuhr, Dr. John ?Drysdale, . Christie, Thomas Barritt, and Thomas Milner, to Nathaniel Phillips, Jamaica, with some draft letters by the latter, mainly concerning the management of Nathaniel Phillips’s plantations in Jamaica and matters concerning the sugar industry, There is one draft letter from Nathaniel Phillips to Messrs. Hibbert, Fuhr and Hibbert about the duel which he was involved.


1785, May 4 – 1788, Nov. 5.

LETTERS from George Hibbert, London, to Nathaniel Phillips, Jamaica, concerning family affairs, news of friends and social events in London, the affairs of Thomas Barritt’s son, George B. Barritt, and the duel fought by Nathaniel Phillips. With draft replies.


1785, July 13-14.

1. Lewis Davies of Pembroke, gent., and Elizabeth, his wife;

2. John Tucker and Charles Tucker, both of Pembroke, gentlemen.

LEASE AND RELEASE of a messuage, etc., called White horse and Golden Lyon, and other messuages and lands in or near the town of Narberth.



1785, Aug. 3 – 1789, Feb. 4.

LETTERS from Thomas Hibbert and Edward Fuhr, both of London, to Nathaniel Phillips, Jamaica, with draft replies, concerning the duel, the recipient’s prolongation of his stay in Jamaica, the plantations and slaves, family affairs, education of the recipient’s niece, Sophia Seyliard and the affairs of Mr. Laprimaudaye.


1785, Dec. 1.

1. William Knox of Slebetch, esq.;

2. John Havard of the parish of Minivere, yeoman.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage called Minwere.


1786, Jan. 19.

1. Ann Barlow of Haverfordwest, widow, and William Knox, of Slebech, esq.;

2. Charles Hassall of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE of Minweare House tenement and Cott with lands, parish of Minweare.


1786, Jan. 19.

COUNTERPART of no. 693.


circa 1786, Feb. 4.

MEMORANDUM on the price and running expense of a file engine for the plantations and on the prices of coal from Britain.


1786, Feb. 6.

1. William Knox of Slebetch, esq.;

2. John Phillips of the parish of Slebetch, yeoman.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage in the parish of Slebech called Low Togh.


1786, Feb. 13.

1. Willaim Knox, esq., of Slebech;

2. John Morris of the parish of Minwere, yeoman.

LEASE of minwere House farm in the parish of Minwere.


1786, Aug. 30-31.

1. George Bowen of Llwyngwair, esq., and Easter his wife, and Walter Lloyd of Coedmore, co. Cardigan, esq., and Anna Posthuma his wife;

2. John Smith of Jefreston, esq.;

3. Edward Phillips of the parish of Lampeter Velfray, clerk;

4. Thomas Jones of Carmarthen, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE in trust of the properties specified in Nos. 773-774 dated 27-28 June 1750.


1786, Sept. 1.

1. William Knox of Slebech, esq.;

2. Peter Holford;

3. Henry Bell of Grays Inn, gent.;

4. John Symmons;

5. Richard Foley of Haverfordwest, gent.

DEED appointing the said Henry Bell receiver of certain manors and lands in co. Pembroke for securing the punctual payment of the interest of the mortgage thereof made to Peter Holford. With covenants for the production of title deeds. (See No. 695)


1786, Sept. 1.

COPY of No. 696.


1786, Sept. 1.

DRAFT of No. 696.


1786, Sept. 1.

1. John Symmons;

2. William Knox;

3. Peter Holford of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middlesex, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of lands, etc., in the parishes of Lampiter Velfrey, Narberth and Robeston Wathan (specified in detail)

Attested copy.


1786, Sept.1.

1. John Symmons;

2. William Knox;

3. Thomas Lewis of Gellydowill, co. Carmarthen, esq.;

4. Peter Holford;

5. Samuel Hillier of Symonds Inn, London, gent.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of 500 years in the messuages and lands called Kibiew alias Kibihew and Parksaison and Blainwithno, parish of Lampiter Velfrey.

Attested copy.


1786, Sept. 19-20.

1. Thomas Mansell of Grove, surgeon, and Margret his wife, relict of John Poyer of Grove, esq.;

2. William Callen of Merixton, parish of Amroth, gent., and Anne his wife, William Oliver of the city of Bristol, gent., and Louisa his wife (which Anne and Louisa are the only surviving sisters of the said John Poyer);

3. William Davies of Nash, parish of Minwear, gent.;

4. John Higgon of Haverfordwest, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the messuage, etc., called Nash and other lands in the parish of Minwear.


1786, Sept. 26.

1. John Symmons;

2. William Knox;

3. Peter Holford of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middlesex, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of 1000 years in messuages and lands in the parishes of Lampeter Velfrey, Narbeth and Robeston Wathan (specified in detail) for securing £4,000 and interest.



1786, Oct. 18.

1. Anne Barlow of Haverfordwest, widow of George Barlow of Slebech, esq., deceased;

2. Isaac Llewellyn of Newhouse, parish of Newton, farmer.

LEASE for three lives of Newhouse aforesaid.



ACCOUNT of the parish tax for the parish of St. Thomas in the East, Jamaica, giving details of places, slaves, castle and tax.


1787, Jan. 5 – 1788, Oct. 10.

PAPERS relating to the duel between Nathaniel Phillips and James Cameron in Jamaica, the events leading up thereto, and the subsequent legal action, including letters from James Donaldson, Robert Richards, Richard Grant, Thomas Harrison, John Pinnoch, Thomas Osborn, R. Hibbert, Kean Osborn and John Scott, and draft letters by Nathaniel Phillips.


1787, Jan. 12.

1. John Symmons of the parish of St. John within the Liberty of Westminster, co. Middlesex, esq., and William Knox of Slebech, esq.;

2. Robert Dent of Temple Bar, London, esq., and John Church of the same place, esq.

LEASE for a year of the manor of Carway in the parish of St. Davids and land called Tyryraman otherwise Tynyroman, parish of St. Davids, and the messuage and lands called Lambedy Moch, parish of Mathry.


1787, Jan. 12.

1. John Symmons;

2. Robert Dent and John Church.

LEASE for a year of the rectory and parsonage of Lanstinan.

Attested copy.


1787, Jan. 13.

1. William Knox of Slebech, esq.;

2. John Symmons of the parish of St. John within the liberty of the city of Westminster, co. Middlesex, esq.;

3. Robert Dent and John Church both of Temple bar, London, esquires;

MORTGAGE of the equity of redemption of estates specified in a deed dated 1 Sept. 1786 as a further security for £16000 ad interest.


1787, Jan. 13.



1787, Jan. 13.



1787, Jan. 13.

1. John Symmons;

2. William Knox;

3. Robert Dent and John Church.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of 1000 years in the estates specified in No. 982 date 1784 May 4 for securing £16000 and interest.

Attested copy.


1787, Jan. 13.

ATTESTED COPY of the assignment specified in No. 3603.


1787, Jan. 13.

1. John Symmons;

2. Robert Dent and John Church;

3. Stafford Esquire Baxter of Furnivals Inn, city of London, gent., and Thomas Greene of Grays Inn, co. Middlesex, gent.

APPOINTMENT of receivers in connection with No. 843.


1787, Jan. 13.

1. John Symmons;

2. William Knox;

3. Richard Foley of Haverfordwest, gent.;

4. Robert Dent and John Church.

5. John Keysall.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of 1000 years in the manors, etc., of Llanstinan and Skyber, and messuages and lands in the parishes of Llanstinan, Lanvainanty Grove, Fish Guard, Little New Castle, Puncheston, Castle Bithe, Hays Castle, Nevern, Bridell, Kilgerrian, Lanunda, Lambed and Clegar, co. Pembroke and Mount and Vervig, co. Cardigan.

Attested copy.


1787, Feb. 1-2.

1. William Knox of Slebech, esq.;

2. John Symmons of the parish of St. Johns within the Liberty of Westminster, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE being a mortgage of the equity of redemption of estates in co. Pembroke for securing £50,000 and interest.


1787, Feb. 2.



1787, Feb. 2.

COPY of No. 698.


1787, April 10.

FINAL CONCORD in a fine levied between John Higgon, esq., plaintiff, and William Called, gent., and Ann his wife, William Oliver, gent., and Louisa his wife, and William Davies, gent., deforciants, when the deforciants acknowledged four messuages, lands, etc., in the parish of Minwear to be the right of the plaintiff.

Two copies.


1787, April 14.

1. Edward Philipps of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, co. Pembroke, clerk;

2. Margaret James of the county of the borough of Carmarthen, spinster.

MORTGAGE of the capital messuage called Loer House and messuages called the Street House, Wern y login ucha, and Wern y login issa, messuage and land called the Nurton, with lands (named), in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1787, July 13.

1. Peter Holford of Lincolns Inn Fields, co. Middlesex, esq., one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery;

2. William Knox of Slebech, esq.;

3. Robert Dent and John Church both of Temple Bar, London, esquires.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of 1000 years in manors and estates in the parishes of Narberth, Robeston Wathan, and Lampeter Velfrey for securing £4000 and interest.


1787, July 13.



1787, July13.

1. Peter Holford;

2. William Knox;

3. Samuel Hillier of Symmonds Inn in the city of London, gent.;

4. Robert Dent and John Church, both of Temple Bar, London, esquires.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of 500 years in messuages and lands called Kilrew and Parksaison and Blainwithno, parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1787, July 13.

COPY of No. 844.


1787, July 15.

1. William Knox;

2. Robert Dent and John Church.

3. Stafford Square Baxter of Furnivals Inn, city of London, gent., and Thomas Greene of Grays Inn, co. Middlesex, gent.

APPOINTMENT of receivers in connection with No. 844.



1787, Aug. 11.

1. The Reverend Edward Philipps, rector of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey;

2. Thomas John of Lower Henllan, parish of Llandewy Velfrey;

3. Henry Evans of Llangwathan, parish of Llampeter Velfrey, and Richard Wiley of the same, parish, gent.

LEASE for three lives of the messuage and lands called Loer Duffryn, and a moor being part of the tenement of Llangwathan, and the tithes of the aforesaid Loer Duffryn, parish of Lampeter Velfrey. Rent: £99 and three couples of fat hens in lieu of duties on Shrove Tuesday annually.


1787, Nov. 8.

AGREEMENT between Nathaniel Phillips and Ambrose Carter, mason, for the construction of a dam on Pleasant Hill estate, Jamaica.


1788, March 19.

1. John Evans of the parish of Saint George Hanover Square, co. Middlesex, glazier;

2. John Salisbury of the parish of St. Paul, Covent Garden, gent.

LEASE of a messuage on the east side of Baker Street (No. 4), Portman Square, parish of St, Mary le Bone, co. Middlesex.


1788, April – 1793, April.

ACCOUNTS of Nathaniel Phillips with Hibbert, Fuhr and Hibbert and Co. in respect of merchandise, such as sugar and rum, shipped from Jamaica, and of sales of the same and disbursements; also invoices of merchandise shipped to Jamaica for Nathaniel Phillips and correspondence touching the same.


1788, April 30 – 1789, March 31.

LETTERS from Hibbert, Fuhr and Hibbert, London, to Nathaniel Phillips, Jamaica, concerning the sugar and rum trade and the abolition of slavery.


1788, Aug. 7.

1. Ann Barlow of Haverfordwest, widow of George Barlow of Slebech, esq., deceased;

2. William Hitchings of the parish of Minweare, miller.

LEASE of a water corn grist mill in the parish of Minweare.


[post 1788, Aug. 17]

BRIEF on the part of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., in the action Rex v. Phillips in the Surry Assize Court, Jamaica, in which Nathaniel Phillips was charged with mortally wounding James Donaldson, esq., in a duel on 17 Aug. 1788.


1788, Sept.1.

1. The Rev. David Grifith of Rhydwen, parish of Llandissilio, co. Carmarthen, clerk, and Ann his wife, only surviving child at Bartholomew Brown of Narberth, innkeeper, deceased;

2. Charles Hassall of Haverfordwest, gent.;

3. William Knox heretofore of Slebech but now of Soho Square in the city of Westminster, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a lease of a messuage, etc., called Captain ?Stye in the parish of Narberth, (endorsed: Captain Stile).


1788, Dec. 31 – 1789, June.

ACCOUNT of Nathaniel Phillips with Hibbert and Racster, sales of rum from Phillipsfield, Jamaica, sundry calculations, and prices of cast iron goods at Carron.



RECORDS of the sugar plantations of Nathaniel Phillips at Phillipsfield, Pleasant Hill, Suffolk Park and Boxford Lodge in Jamaica, including accounts and reports on the production of sugar and rum, boiling-house books, still-house books, accounts of shipments of sugar and rum to England, records of the acreage of cane cut in various seasons, farm journals, daily records of work performed by Negro employees and sickness reports on negroes, records of increase and decrease of slaves and stock on the estate, and letters touching the management of the plantations.


1789, Jan. – June 9.

INVENTORY AND VALUATION of the Jamaica estates, the Negroes, stock, stores, deeds, receipts and instructions delivered up by Nathaniel Phillips to Thomas Barritt 9 June 1789 when the former embarked for England.


1789, March 28 – 1796, Dec. 5.

ACCOUNTS of Nathaniel Phillips with Capt. Benjamin Raffles and receipts in respect of the maintenance and education of Richard and Elisabeth Wynter, the children of Charlotte Wynter of Jamaica.


1789, June – 1790, Aug. 23.

PAPERS connected with the settlement of the estate of Anthony Langley Swymmer in Jamaica and of the Mold estate in Wales, which Nathaniel Phillips and Robert Cooper Lee assisted in doing on the instruction of Sir Thomas Champneys, Bart.


1789, June 9 – July 10.

RECORDS pertaining to Nathaniel Phillips’s estates in Jamaica, including a letter from Thomas Barritt about his remuneration, a draft letter from Nathaniel Phillips, a survey of part of Phillipsfield, and notes of grants by Charles II of lands in the parish of St. Thomas in the East.


1789, July – August.

BILL OF COSTS directed to Mrs Cecilia Philipps in respect of legal services.


1789, July 7 – 1790, Feb. 6.

LETTERS from James Murray of Airy Castle, Jamaica, Richard Lee, John Pennock and M Bevill to Nathaniel Phillips, concerning business and money matters, with a prospectus of a new mill-cutter for sugar works in Jamaica.


1789, July 7 – 1794, Dec. 10.

LETTERS from Thomas Barritt, Pleasant Hill, Jamaica, to Nathaniel Phillips, London, giving periodical reports of the sugar plantations and manufacture on the latter’s estate in Jamaica, the health and work of Negro slaves, the purchase of slaves, the shipment of rum and sugar to England, accounts, and requirements from England. With one letter from Simon Tayler, Kingston, and one from William Walker, Pleasant hill, Jamaica to the same recipient concerning the Jamaica estate and business.


1789, July 25.

1. Jane Barlow of the town and county of Haverfordwest, widow of George Barlow late of Slebech, deceased;

2. Sarah Hill of he parish of Mineweare, widow.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage, etc., in the parish of Mineweare.


1789, Aug. 1. – 1798, May 18.

ACCOUNTS AND RECEIPTS in respect of disbursements made by Nathaniel Phillips in London.


1789, Aug. 8 – 1796, Oct. 13.

LETTERS from Edward Fuhr, Hibbert, Fuhr and Hibbert, W.W. Evans (Clapham), J. Purrier, Benj. Raffles, Alan Cameron and Don. Cameron to Nathaniel Phillips at 75 Great Titchfield Street, London, Margate, Edinburgh and Slebech Hall, with a number of draft replies, concerning business matters, the sugar market, the arrival of ships from Jamaica with cargoes for Nathaniel Phillips, political and family affairs.


1789, Aug. 21.

1. Edward Philipps of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, clerk;

2. Cecilia Philipps of the parish of St. Mary in Tenby, spinster.

LEASE for a year of the property specified in No. 437 dated 14 April 1787.


1789, Aug. 22.

1. Edward Phillips of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, clerk;

2. Cecilia Philipps of the parish of Saint Marys in the town of Tenby, spinster.

MORTGAGE of Lower House Farm, Street House, Wern Login Ucha and Wern Login Issa, Newton, etc. (named) in the parishes of Lampeter Velfrey, for securing the repayment of £1716 and interest.


1789, Aug. 24.

1. Cecilia Philipps of the parish of St. Mary, Tenby, spinster;

2. Grace Phillips of the same, widow.

DECLARATION of trust as to £785 included in mortgage from Edward Philipps, clerk, and the interest thereof.


1789, Sept. 4 – 1791, June 30.

LETTERS, agreements and other documents concerning the sale of the Boxford Lodge estate, Jamaica, to Nathaniel Phillips; and an inventory of sundries belonging to Pleasant Hill house, 1789.


1789, Sept. 24 – 1791, Oct. 14.

Particulars of sale of various estates in England.



1789, Oct. 28 – 1795, April 30

LETTERS from Kean Osborn of Spanish Town and Montpellier, Hibbert, Fuhr and Hibbert, R. Hibbert of Kingston, William Younger of Liverpool, Robert Logan and Richard Grant to Nathaniel Phillips, and draft replies by the latter, concerning life, trade, plantations and news in Jamaica, prices of sugar, shipping and the Caswell Hill estate. Also enclosures and draft notes and calculations by Nathaniel Phillips.


1789, Nov. 23 – 1794, Jan. 13.

ACCOUNTS of Nathaniel Phillips with Messrs. Hibbert, Fuhr and Hibbert, London, with rough calculations; also letters from G. Hibbert to Nathaniel Phillips and Alan Cameron.


[circa 1790-1800]

LETTER from [Nathaniel Phillips] to ------- concerning his affairs in Jamaica.




VOUCHERS for London and Pembs. properties, mostly arranged in annual bundles.


1790, Jan. 25.

1. George Elwes and John Elwes of Welback Street, parish of Mary le Bone, co. Middlesex, esquires;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Great Titchfield Street in the same parish.

LEASE of No. 25 Portman Square, parish of Mary le Bone.


1790, March 1 – 1810, April 14.

ACCOUNT BOOK of Nathaniel Phillips recording household expenditure and servant’s wages.

9653- 9739.

1790, April 17 – 1796, Jan.

RECEIPTS to Nathaniel Phillips in respect of rents, water rates, subscriptions, etc., paid in London.


1790, April 19.

1. Edward Phillipps of Lampiter clerk;

2. John Mathias of Llwyngwarren, esq.

BOND for the payment of money.


1790, May 10.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between William Knox of Slebech, esq., and Charles Hassall of Haverfordwest, gent., concerning the lease of Captain Style, Ormonde Place, and lands in the Narberth Forest and Narberth Mountain.


1790, July.

PLAN of part of Cannaston Wood surveyed by Jas. Goode.


1790, Sept. 29.

1. William Knox. Esq.;

2. Robert Dent;

3. John Symmons;

4. Charles Hassall of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE of lands, etc., as specified in No. 3752 dated 10 May 1790.




PARTICULAR of the Slebech estate. (Roll: too long for box).


1791, March 1 – March 30.

REPORTS of meetings of West Indian Planters, memorial and petition of West Indian planters and merchants to William Pitt, and papers relating to insurrections and slave trade.


1791, March 7.

WILL of John Tucker of the town of Pembroke, gent.



1791, July 7 – Sept. 7.

DIARY [of Nathaniel Phillips] of a tour in the North of England, Scotland, and Isle of Mull, starting and ending in London.


1791, July 31 – 1792, April 25.

ACCOUNT of Nathaniel Phillips with Charles Elliott in respect of household furnishings and decorations, with receipts.



COPY of the proof taken at London in the case depending in the Court of Session at the instance of the Right Honourable Henry Dundas and others, Trustees of Donald Cameron of Lochiel, esq., against Allan Cameron of Portman Square, London, esq., and copies of letters pertaining thereto.


circa 1792.

PEDIGREE of the Barlow family of Slebech, with observations on the title of the heirs-at-law, Thomas Lloyd of Bronwydd and his cousin Anna Emma Gower.


1792, ------

DRAFT of No. 619 dated 1793, Aug. 26.


1792 – 1780, Dec. 17.

BILLS of lading from Jamaica, lottery tickets, accounts in respect of the education and clothing of Masters Nathaniel and Evan Cameron, Capt. Phillips Cameron, Miss Cameron, and the clothing of Colonel Cameron’s regiment.


1792, Jan. 3 – 1813, June 26.

LEDGER of housekeeping accounts and wages belonging to Nathaniel Phillips.


1792, Jan. 17 – 1794, July 30.

RECORDS relating to the purchase of the Slebech estate by Nathaniel Phillips from William Knox, including an agreement for the purchase of the furniture at Slebech, memoranda on the financial agreements between John Symmons and William Knox, counsel’s opinion on the Slebech title and other matters, bills of cost, the execution of the purchase deeds, papers concerning a further purchase of the estate by Nathaniel Phillips, a writ and note concerning the suit between John Jones, plaintiff, and John Symmons, William Knox, and Nathaniel Phillips, defendants, and a copy of No. 870 dated 28 June 1624.


1792, Feb. 25.

LETTER from James Good at Crickydovy to Thomas Knox, esq., Soho Square, London, enclosing a survey of Mr. Knox’s allotment of Templeton Mountain.


1792, April 14 – 1794, July 5.

PAPERS relating to the purchase of the Slebech estate by Nathaniel Phillips, including letters to him from William Phillips (at Court Henry), John Symmons, William Knox, Robert Cooper Lee, Simon Taylor, Charles Hassall and others, draft replies by Nathaniel Phillips, catalogues of sale, schedule of deeds, records concerning the demands of Dr. John Jones of Haverfordwest on the Slebech estate, particulars of sale of the Wiston estate, 1793, and a particular of the Slebech estate.


1792, May. 2.

PARTICULARS and condition of sale of the Slebech estate.



1792, May 2.

PARTICULARS of the Slebech estate sold by Mr. Christie 1792, and a quittance from the Receiver General to Nathaniel Phillips for £13. 4s. 2d.


1792, May 2 – 1793, May 15.

PARTICULARS OF SALE of the Slebech estate, 1792, May 2; with other records relating to the purchase of the estate by Nathaniel Phillips, including statements of the accounts between John Symmons and William Knox, letters and notes; also particulars of sale of part of the estate in the lordship of Narberth 1792, Sept. 5.


1792, May 2.

PARTICULARS and CONDITIONS OF SALE of the Slebech Estate, with manuscript notes and calculations.

Printed. Two copies.


1792, May 5 – 1793, Jan. 14.

LETTERS from William Knox, Soho square, [London] to Nathaniel Phillips, Portland Square, [London], concerning the purchase of part of the Slebech estate. With one letter from Robert Cooper Lee, Bedford Square, touching the deeds.


1792, May 16 – Nov. 21.

LETTERS from Thomas Lewis, land surveyor, London and Carmarthen, to Nathaniel Phillips, concerning a proposed survey of the Slebech estate.


1792, Sept. 5.

PARTICULARS and conditions of sale of part of the Slebech Estate.



1792, Sept. 15.

AGREEMENT between William Knox and Nathaniel Phillips for the purchase of lands, tenements and woods in Slebech, Minwear and Canniston.


1792, Sept. 28-29.

1. John Gibby of Clover hill, parish of New Moat, farmer;

2. John Roberts of Tavernspite, parish of Kiffig, co. Carmarthen, innkeeper;

3. William Evans of the town and parish of Narberth, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE (in fee) of the White Hart Inn, in the town and parish of Narberth.


1792, Nov. 2 – 1793, Oct. 21.

LETTERS from George Currie, agent at Slebech, to Nathaniel Phillips concerning estate matters, the gardens, hot-house, fencing, the farms, money, survey of Minwear Wood, trespass by Lord Milford’s deer, culm from Mr. Knox’s new work at Lears Park, taxes, etc.


1792, Oct. 4.

LETTER from James Allen, secretary of the West Indian Planters, to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., requesting the latter to meet the rest of the Sub-Committee. With rough calculations by the recipient.


1792, Dec. 20.

1. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.;

2. Mary Lewis of Minwere, widow.

LEASE for life of Minwere Lodge.



ACCOUNT of rents due from William Knox, esq., to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., with a letter from John Bateman to R. Foley touching the same.



ESTIMATED VALUE of timber etc., in Cannaston Wood and other rough calculations touching the Slebech estate made by Nathaniel Phillips.


1793, -----

1. Thomas Lewis of Gellydowill, co. Carmarthen, esq., administrator of the goods and chattels of James Lewis, esq., his late brother, deceased;

2. John Symmons late of Slebech, now of Paddington House, co. Middlesex, esq.;

3. William Knox of Soho Square, parish of St. Anne, Westminster, co. Middlesex, esq.;

4. Nathaniel Phillips of Portman Square, co. Middlesex, esq.;

5. --------

ASSIGNMENT of the tenement and land called High Toch, parish of Slebech, purchased by Nathaniel Phillips, esq., for the residue of a term of 500 years in trust to attend the inheritance.


1793, ----

DRAFT of No. 618 dated 1793, Aug. 26.


1793, ----

DRAFT of the release specified in No. 615-616 dated 1793, Aug. 25-26.


1793, Jan. – 1796, Oct. 12.

CORRESPONDENCE from the Reverend B. Twyning, C. Philipps of Lampeter and Thomas Philipps from Haverfodwest, touching the Dyffrin estate, parish of Lampiter Velfrey.


1793, Feb. 5-6.

1. John Mathias of Langwarran, parish of Jordaston, esq.;

2. Edward Philipps of Lampeter-Velfrey, clerk, and Catherine his wife;

3. Abraham Leach of the town of Pembroke, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE being an assignment of a mortgage on Dyffrin, parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1793, Feb. 6.



1793, April 25 – n.d.

BOND from Margaret Hall of Rathbone Place, parish of St. Mar La Bowe, and Nohn Hood Lingard of the same place to Nathaniel Phillips of Portman Square, and letters pertaining thereto.


1793, June 24 – Oct. 18.

ACCOUNT of Nathaniel Phillips with Boldero, Adey, Lushington and Co.


1793, Aug.

1. William Knox of Soho Square, parish of St. Anne, Soho, co. Middlesex, esq., and ---- Knox, his eldest son;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Portman Square, co. Middlesex, esq.

BOND to indemnify the said Nathaniel Phillips against the exercise of Ann Barlow’s power to grant further leases of parts of the Slebech estate.



1793, Aug. ---

1. William Knox;

2. Nathaniel Phillips.

COVENANT to produce deeds of the Slebech estate.



1793, Aug. 25-26.

1. William Knox of Soho Square, co. Middlesex, esq.;

2. Edward Boodle of the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, co. Middlesex, gent.;

3. Nathaniel Phillips of Portman Square, co. Middlesex, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the manors or lordships of Slebech, Cannaston, Newhouse, Newton and Robeston Wathan, the rectory of Slebech, the advowsons of the churches of Slebech and Minwear, the fishery and navigation in the Eastern Cleddy, the capital messuage of Slebech, the demesne lands, the cottage called Mid county, messuage called Pickets gate in the occupation of James Picket, messuage called Pickell and Pickell Wood, lands called Toch otherwise High Toch, messuages called Lower Toch, Arnolds Hill, Little Arnolds Hill otherwise Cold Blow, Buckshill, Deeplake, Cumberland, Fishers tenement otherwise Greenhill, Rosehill otherwise Rowshill, the Bottoms, Buckshill otherwise West Buckshill and Thorney Heath, Clerkenhill and other lands in the parish of Slebech; also Minwear Wood, Penglins Mill, Canaston Wood, Bowers tenement otherwise Returney Bank, in the parishes of Newton, Minwear, Slebech and Robeston Wathan; also Newhouse, the Furnace, Blackpool Forge, Blackpool Farm with the Island in the Cleddy and the fishery and quay at Blackpool, parishes of Slebech, Minwear and Newton; also Atherston, Canaston Bridge, Heath tenement and Panty Glaze, parishes of Robeston wathan and Narberh; as well as sundry other lands belonging to the estate (not named).


1793, Aug. 26.

1. William Knox;

2. Nathaniel Phillips.

COVENANT to deliver deeds of the Slebech estate.


1793, Aug. 26.

1. William Knox;

2. John Symmons late of Slebech but now of Paddington, esq.;

3. Nathaniel Phillips;

4. Robert Cooper Lee of Bedford Square; co. Middlesex, esq.

ASSIGNMENT by the direction of William Knox of the Slebech estate to party No. 4 for the residue of a term of years in trust for the purchaser Nathaniel Phillips and to attend the inheritance and covenants for assigning other hereditaments comprised in the same term and purchased by the said Nathaniel Phillips on the decease of Mrs. Ann Barlow.


1793, Aug. 26.

1. William Knox;

2. Edward Boodle, trustee of the said William;

3. Nathaniel Phillips.

BARGAIN AND SALE of the Slebech estate, specified in detail (see Nos. 615-616). With schedule of leases dated 1754-1786.


1793, Aug. 26.

1. Robert Dent of Temple Bar, London, esq.;

2. William Knox of Soho Square, esq.;

3. Nathaniel Phillips of Portman Square, esq.;

4. Robert Cooper Lee of Bedford Square, co. Middlesex, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of the manor of Robeston Wathan and Woodside tenement, for the residue of a term of 1000 years in trust for Nathaniel Phillips, esq., to attend the inheritance.


1793, Aug. 29.

ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between William Knox of the parish of St. Ann, Soho, co. Middlesex, esq., and Nathaniel Phillips of Portland Square, co. Middlesex, esq., for a bargain and sale at Canaston Wood for a period to enable William Knox to cut the timber and clear it from the ground.



1793, Aug. 31 – 1795.

REPORT by R. E. Raspe, Haverfordwest, on mining trials in the parishes of Minwere and Martletwy carried out for William Knox, esq., containing observations on old mining operations, the so-called old silver mines, mineral deposits, and coal deposits in Layers Park; with plans, maps, and sections of the area, and borers’ accounts and records.


1793, Dec. 16.

1. John Jones of Haverfordwest, esq., Bachelor of Physick;

2. John Symmons of Grosvenor House in the city of Westminster.

RELEASE from a bond on payment of sums of money.



VALUE of Cannaston wood.



MAP of the farm of Great Cannaston, parish of Robeston Wathan, by C. Hassall.


1794, Jan. 6.

LETTER from J. Goode at Cuckyderry to Thomas Knox, esq., Llanstinan Grove. He sends a survey of Cannaston Wood which was cut by Mr. Cunn in 1792 and 1793.


1794, Jan. 27 – 1797, April 24.

LETTERS from Major (later Lt-Col.) Alan Cameron, 79th Regt., to Nathaniel Phillips at Portman Square and Slebech, relating to his business affairs, preparations for service abroad with his regiment, promotion, and family matters; letters from Charles MacLean and Alex. Fraser to Nathaniel Phillips concerning the former’s debt to Lt. Col. Cameron; and accounts and receipts pertaining to Lt. Col. Cameron.


1794, Feb. 25 – 1795, Jan. 22.

LETTERS from William Knox, senior, and William Knox, junior, and Robert Cooper Lee to Nathaniel Phillips and Robert Cooper Lee, concerning Canniston Wood timber on the Slebech estate, and a particular of the acreage of some farms near Slebech.


1794, March 15.

LETTER from the Reverend O. Lewis to Nathaniel Phillips giving an account of the boring tests for coal on Slebech estate, and information on the timber.


1794, May 14.

1. Thomas Lewes of Gellydowill, co. Carmarthen, esq., administrator of the estate of James Lewes, esq., his late brother;

2. John Symmons of Paddington House, co. Middlesex, esq.;

3. William Knox;

4. Nathaniel Phillips;

5. George Hibbert of the city of London, merchant.

ASSIGNMENT of the tenement and lands called High Toch, parish of Slebech, purchased by Nathaniel Phillips, to George Hibbert for the residue of a term of 500 years in trust to attend the inheritance.


1794, May 14.

COPY of No. 620.


1794, May 14.

1. William Knox of Soho Square, co. Middlesex, esq.;

2. John Symmons late of Slebech, now of Paddington House, co. Middlesex, esq.;

3. Richard Foley of Haverfordwest, gent.;

4. Nathaniel Phillips of Portman square, co. Middlesex, esq.

DEED OF COVENANTS respecting the title deeds of the Slebech estate (details given).


1794, May 14.

DRAFT of No. 706.


1794, May 14.

1. William Knox;

2. John Symmons;

3. Richard Foley of Haverfordwest, gent.;

4. Nathaniel Phillips.

DEED OF COVENANTS respecting several title deeds relating to the Slebech estate.


1794, June 27 – Dec. 4.

LETTERS from James Christie, Pall Mall, concerning the sale of Petersham Lodge, Richmond, Surrey, with a sale catalogue of furniture at Petersham and a letter from Col. Charles MacLean from Calcutta to Col. Alan Cameron.


1794, Nov. 22 – 1797, April 18.

MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS, including a memorandum of the debts of Alan Cameron and bills in respect of Phillips Cameron; also letter from A. Wilson to Nathaniel Phillips concerning the disposal of the writer’s house and particulars for furnishing No. 15 Great Cumberland Place.


circa 1795.

VALUE of parts of the Slebech estate [calculated by Nathaniel Phillips.]



LETTER from Thomas Knox at Minwere Lodge to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., Slebech, stating that his father is in London, with a draft letter by N[athaniel] P[hillips] dated 2 Sept. 1795 to William Knox touching conditions in the West Indies and the disposal of the Slebech estate.



COST of the damage done to Toch bottoms by the carting timber from Blackpool.


1795, Jan. 13.

1. James Cousins of the city of Bristol, yeoman, eldest son and heir at law of David Cousins late of Deeplake, parish of Slebech, husbandman, deceased, and Mary Cousins late of Deeplake, widow and relict of the said David Cousins;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.

SURRENDER of a lease of Deeplake, parish of Slebech.


795, Jan. 16 – 1796, Jan. 1.

LETTERS from Thomas Barritt, Pleasant Hill, Jamaica, to Nathaniel Phillips, London, giving reports on the management and work of the estates in Jamaica.


1795, Jan. 25.

LETTER from J. Goode at Cucky derry to Thomas Knox, esq., concerning Canaston wood.


1795, May 25-26.

1. Charles Tucker of the town of Pembroke, gent., and Mary, his wife;

2. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.;

3. Samuel Evans of the town of Narberth, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE of three messuages called the Lamb and Flag in the town of Narberth.


1795, July 8.

ORDER from the Justices of the Peace of the Hundred of Dungleddy to the surveyors of the highways of the parish of Slebech to attend to the repair of the highway at Larman’s March, near Larmon’s Ford, parish of Slebech.


1795, Aug. 28.

LETTER from William Knox at Soho Square to Nathaniel Phillips, Slebech, giving news of the French forces in the West Indies, and the disposal of Mrs Barlow’s jointure tenements and the Slebech estate.


1795, Sept.

SURVEY of the timber that is standing in Canaston Wood by J. Goode.


1795, Sept. 12.

LETTER from J. Goode at Cuckyderry to Thomas Knox, esq., Llanstinan Grove. Concerning the timber in Canston Wood. A survey of that part of the wood that was cut by William Knox in 1795.


1795, Oct. 20.

1. John Morris of the parish of Minwear, gent.;

2. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.

SURRENDER of a lease of Catts tenement.


1795, Oct. 20.

1. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.;

2. John Morris of the parish of Minwear, gent.

LEASE of the messuage and lands called Cotts and land on Cott Mountain, parish of Miwear.


1795, Oct. 20.



1795, Dec. 1.

1. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.;

2. John Davies of the parish of Narberth, farmer.

LEASE for three lives of a messuage and lands, part of the said William Knox’s allotment of Molleston Mountain, parish of Narberth.


1795, Dec. 1.

1. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.;

2. Benjamin Walters of the parish of Narberth, farmer.

LEASE of the messuage and lands of Templeton Mountain, parish of Narberth,


1795, Dec. 1.

1. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.;

2. John Lewis of the parish of Narberth, farmer.

LEASE of a messuage and lands, being part of the said William Knox’s allotment of Templeton Mountain.


1796, Feb. 5.

LETTERS PATENT appointing Nathaniel Phillips, esq., sheriff of co. Pembroke.

Fragment of seal.


1796, Feb. 5.

LETTERS PATENT commanding the people of co. Pembroke to assist Nathaniel Phillips, esq., in his office of sheriff.

Fragmentary seal.


1796, Feb.5.

LETTERS PATENT to John Herbert Foley, esq., commanding him to deliver to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., the appurtenances of the office of sheriff.


1796, Feb. 23.

1. Nathaniel Phillips;

2. Thomas Hibbert of Upper Grosvenor Street, co. Middlesex, esq., and John Purrier the younger of the city of London, gent.

LEASE for a year of the manor or lordship of Slebech and messuages and lands (specified in detail).


1796, March 21.

LETTER from William Knox to Nathaniel Phillips enclosing a particular of the Narberth estate.


1796, Aug. 31.

MEMORANDUM of an exchange of lands in the parish of Minweare belonging to Cott and Nash.


1796, Oct. 14 – 1800, Dec. 4.

LETTERS from Thomas Barritt, Pleasant Hill, Jamaica, to Nathaniel Phillips, London, containing periodical reports on the recipient’s Jamaican plantations, staff, the sugar and rum industry, local news, and shipments of produce to England.


1797, Jan. 29.

Bell’s Weekly Messenger, in which is recorded the birth of a daughter to the lady of Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech Hall.



1797, Feb. 1.

LETTERS PATENT to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., commanding him to deliver to Abraham Leach the appurtenances of the office of sheriff of co. Pembroke.

Damaged seal.


1797, March 12.

LETTER from [Lord] Cawdor from Oxford Street, [London], to Nathaniel Phillips, High Sheriff, concerning his report to the king and his ministers of the French expedition and landing in the county.


1797, May 5.

1. William Knox;

2. John Symmons;

3. Nathaniel Phillips;

4. Richard Lee of the city of London, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of 1000 years in Arnolds Hill, Newhouse, Penglins Mill, Atherston, parishes of Slebech, Newton, Minwear and Robeston Wathan, which had been subject to the life estate of Mrs. Ann Barlow, in trust to attend the inheritance.


1797, July 22.

1. John Symmons;

2. William Knox;

3. Robert Dent of Temple Bar, London, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a term of 1000 years of messuages and lands in the parishes of Minwear and Martletwy.


1798, Feb. 21.

CERTIFICATE of the purchase by William Knox from the Crown of the fee-farm rent of £52. 11s.10½d. in respect of the grange of Blainwthno, the castle, lordship and town of Narberth, the forest of Narberth, and the towns, villages and hamlets of Templeton and Moleston, granted to John Barlow, 14 Aug. 14 Charles I. Consideration money £1010. 5s. 0d.


1798, May 1.

PROBATE of the will of Grace Phillips of Tenby, widow, with will dated 24 June 1783 annexed.


1798, May 3.

1. William Knox of Llanstinan, co. Pembroke, esq.;

2. John Whittle of the parish of Narberth, innkeeper.

LEASE for 21 years of a garden and haggard behind the stables of the said John Whittle, parish of Narberth.


1798, Oct. 1-2

1. Thomas Philipps of Canonbury Placce, parish of St, Mary, Islington, co. Middlesex, son and heir of Edward Philipps of Lampeter Velfrey, clerk, deceased;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE of a messuage and lands called Dyffrin, parish of Lampeter Velfrey with a fulling mill called Dyffrin Mill.


1798, Dec. 20.

1. William Knox;

2. Mary Lewis.

LEASE for life of Minwear Lodge.


1799, March 7.

CERTIFICATE of the contract for the redemption of Land Tax on the White Hart Inn in Narberth.


1799, March 29.

CERTIFICATE of the contract for the redemption of Land Tax with Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.


1799, June 7 – 1805, June 25.

LETTERS from Hibbert, Fuhr and Hibbert, George Hibbert, George Robart and William Hibbert, and Guy Adams and Co., to Nathaniel Phillips, concerning accounts and stocks; with certificates and stock accounts.


1799, Sept. 7 – 1804, Nov. 17.

LETTERS from Richard Lee to Richard Grant, Russel Place, London, T.W. Milner, Burton on Trent, and Richard Grant to Nathaniel Phillips, Portman Square and Slebech, with notes and documents, concerning the Wheelerfield estate.


[early 19th cent.]

PARTICULARS of leases of parts of the Slebech estate, repairs to be carried out, modifications of rents, etc.


[19th cent.]

LIST of inhabitants of the parish of Narberth, with their occupations.


[19th cent.]

SCHEDULE of Nos. 3026-3047.


[19th cent.]

SCHEDULE of Slebech deeds and records as kept in deed boxes at Slebech.


n.d. [19th cent.]

LETTER from [Charles Frederick Baron de] Rutzen to William Ellyot Oliver, esq., touching financial matters. Reference to the opening of the new Market House in Narberth.


[19th cent.]

MEMORANDUM of an agreement between Baron de Rutzen and J. Marychurch relating to Black Pool, and notes on Slebech accounts.


[19th cent.]

VOLUME containing records of the acreage and valuation of parts of the Slebech estate during the period 1830-1887.


[19th cent.]

PARTICULARS of estates in the parishes of Slebech, Martletwy and Newton, and woods in the parish of Minwear, proposed as security for a sum of money.


[19th cent.]

EXTRACT from the will of Robert Dent of Temple Bar, London, 19 Jan. 1805.


[19th cent.] July 30.

LETTER concerning a deed of demise dated 1843, July 29 specified in No. 101 dated 1843 July 29 infra.


[19th cent.]

PLANS of the site of the proposed Masonic Hall at Narberth.


[19th cent.]

SCHEDULE of rentals of properties in the parishes of Slebech, Narberth, Martletwy, Robeston Wathan and Newton.


[19th cent.]

TRACINGS of maps of Low Toch Farm and Minwear House Farm.


[19th cent.] VOLUME containing memoranda of letters, documents and opinions of counsel relating to the church of Slebech.


[19th cent.]

FRAGMENTS of abstracts f title relating to the Slebech estate.


[19th cent.]

ABSTRACT of title to the advowson of Yerbeston.



[19th cent.]

COPY of the inscription on the Bateman family tablet recording the death of Mallett Bateman 21 May 1699.


[19th cent.]

ACCOUNT of the Turnpike Trust in south Pembrokeshire.


[19th cent.]

TERMS upon which John A.G. Williams is prepared to take High and Low Toch, with a tracing of High Toch farm.


[19th cent.]

ABSTRACT of the settlement on the marriage of Julius Deedes of the city of Exeter, merchant, and Mary Wyse of the city of London, spinster (1696, June 12-13), and the will of the said Julius Deedes (1712, March 5), devising to his nephew Julius Deedes, the new chapels of Thelisprause and Newton.


[19th cent.]

ABSTRACT of the will of Nathaniel Philips, esq.


[19th cent.]

TRACING [?from the tithe map] of Lampeter farm belonging to the Baron de Rutzen.


[19th cent.]

PLAN of the estates of Baron and Baroness de Rutzen in the parishes of Slebech, Minwear, Newton North, Narberth and Lampeter Velfrey.


[19th cent.]

LETTER from Nathaniel Phillips, Slebech Hall to [the Baroness de Rutzen], concerning arrangements for departure from Slebech and refers to the recipient’s music studies.


[19th cent.]

LETTER from A. M. Anson to the Baroness de Rutzen, concerning arrangements for departure from Slebech and refers to the recipient’s music studies.


[19th cent.]

LETTER from Emily Foley to the Barones de Rutzen concerning the children’s health and family matters.


[19th cent.]

LETTER from Henry Richards to the Baroness de Rutzen, concerning his children’s musical education and thanking her patronage.


[19th cent.]

PEDIGREE CHARTS of the Romanoff dynasty ad the descendants of Napoleon Buonaparte.


[19th cent.]

MAP of Broomhill [Farm], probably traced from the tithe map.


[19th cent.]

The Ash Grove. A Welsh Melody ……. London. N.d. Also a selection of band music and Cambria, A Selection of Welsh Melodies by Bonnisseau.



[19th cent.]

MISCELLANEOUS bundle of verses, songs, recipes, puzzles and problems.


[19th cent.]

NOTES on the genealogy of the de Rutzen family.


[19th cent.]

PLAN of premises in the town of Narberth, near gardens belonging to the Rutzen Hotel.


[19th cent.] April 9

LETTER from [Charles Frederick Baron de] Rutzen to William Elliot Oliver, esq., New Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London, concerning the application for poles by two parties from near Tenby.


[late 19th cent.] May 23.

LETTER from A. de R[utzen], Merthyr, to Fritz de Rutzen, concerning changes at Merthyr and its proposed incorporation as a borough, and concerning Canaston Wood rates.


[late 19th cent.] Sept. 12.

LETTERS from A. de Rutzen to Bob ----- concerning future arrangements and thanking him for past kindnesses.


[19th cent.]

TRANSCRIPTS, translations, and abstracts of deeds in the Slebech collection.


1800, Oct. 18.

1. James Hiatt of the county of the borough of Carmarthen, and Margaret his wife (late Margaret James);

2. Thomas Philipps of Grays Inn, co. Middlesex, esq., eldest son and heir of Edward Philipps of Lampeter Velfrey, clerk, deceased.

3. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of a mortgage on the Lampeter Velfrey estate.


1800, Nov. 15.

1. John Philipps of Penclawdd, co. Glamorgan, officer of excise;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.

SURRENDER of a lease of West Buckshill, parish of Slebech.


1800, Nov. 22.

1. Thomas Gwynne of Kilkiffeth, parish of Llanychare, gent., nephew and executor of Vaughan Thomas of Bletherston;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.

SURRENDER of the lease specified in No. 589 dated 1767, Aug. 21 supra.


1800, Dec. 15 – 1835, June 18.

PAPERS relating to the Iron Forge at Blackpool and the fishery there, including letters from William Morgan, John Morgan and Charles Morgan of Carmarthen, the lessees, Alex. Raby of Llanelly, a prospective lessee, Thomas Lewis, John Milly of Haverfordwest to Nathaniel Phillips, with the latter’s draft replies, and from Thomas Hughes to the Baron de Rutzen, estimates of the cost of producing iron at the Forge, valuations and costs of repairs, and accounts of navigation and warfage dues collected at Blackpool.


1801, Jan. 23.

1. Joseph Davies of the parish of Minwere, farmer;

2. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.

SURRENDER of a lease of a messuage and lands and Widdow Davies’s land in Minwere.


1801, Feb. 12.

1. William Hitchings of Minwear Mill, miller;

2. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.;

3. David Beddoe of the town of Narberth, miller, and William Harries of the same place, joiner.

SURRENDER and assignment of Minwere Mill.


1801, Feb. 12.

1. William Hitchings;

2. William Knox of Lanstinan, esq.;

3. David Beddoe of Narberth, miller, and William Harries of the same, joiner.

SURRENDER AND ASSIGNMENT of the lease specified in No. 731 dated 7 Aug. 1788.


1801, May 4.

1. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.;

2. Richard Cole of the parish of Minwear, carpenter.

LEASE of a cottage and lands called Nash Bottoms East, parish of Minwear.


1801, May 20 – June 26.

ACCOUNTS AND RECEIPTS in respect of disbursements made by Nathaniel Phillips in London.


1801, July 3.

1. William Evans of the town of Narberth, gent.;

2. James Williams of the same, innkeeper.

LEASE for three lives of the White Hart Inn, in Narberth.


1801, July 3.

DUPLICATE of No. 607.


1801, Nov. 22.

1. William Knox of Llansinan, esq.;

2. Thomas Bowen of the parish of Narberth, mercer.

LESE for 21 years of a messuage, etc., called the Castle Inn in the parish of Narberth lately in the tenure of Edward Griffiths, officer of excise.


1801, Nov. 23.

1. William Knox;

2. Thomas Rogers of Williamston Park, parish of Carew, farmer.

LEASE of the messuage and lands called Minwere.


[circa 1801, Nov. 23] – 1804, Feb. 28.

AGREEMENT relating to No. 3903 dated 1801, Nov. 23, a schedule of lands, and a copy of the will of Thomas Rogers.


1802, April 15.

1. Mary Laundry of the Folly, parish of Minwere, spinster;

2. William Knox of Llanstinan, esq.

SURRENDER of a lease at the Folly.


1802, May 7 – 1821, March 28.

ACCOUNTS BOOK of the overseers of the poor for the parish of Slebech, recording the rates levied, disbursements, and business relating to the relief of the poor transacted at Vestries held in the church of Slebech.


1802, June 10.

RECEIPT from Maurice Bateman for £9 paid by Mrs. Cecilia Philipps.


1802, Aug.

PLAN of a road leading from Cannaston Bridge through the parishes of Robeston Wathan, Newton and Minweer to Laymans Ford, by J. Goode.


1803, March 1.

SURRENDER by John Morris to William Knox of land on Cott Mountain lying next of New House Farm, parish of Minwear.



1803, Dec. 30.

1. Hugh Barlow of Lawrenny Hall, esq.;

2. David Protheroe of North Newton, parish of Newton, farmer.

LEASE of the messuage and lands called North Newton.


1803, Dec. 30.

COPY of No. 847.


1804, April 18 – 1705, July.

ACCOUNTS of Nathaniel Phillips with London tradesmen receipts for the settlement of the said accounts.


1804, May 1.

1. John Kipling and others;

2. John Herbert Foley, esq.

LEASE for a year of the properties specified in No. 626 infra.


1804, May 2.

1. Letitia Bowen late of the town of Pembroke, spinster, devisee in fee and sole executrix of Thomas Skyrme late of Vaynor, esq., deceased;

2. William Skyrme of Laugharne, esq., only son and heir at law of William Skyrme of Laugharne aforesaid, esq., brother and heir at law of the said Thomas Skyrme;

3. John Kipling, esq., and Randle Ford, esq., clerks of the High Court of Chancery;

4. Magdalene Phillips of Dale, widow, heir at law of Richard Knethell of Haverfordwest, gent., deceased;

5. John Herbert Foley of Ridgeway, esq., Thomas Foley, esq., a captain in the Navy and John Willy of Haverfordwest, gent.;

6. John Herbert Foley and Thomas Foley, the acting executors of Richard Foley late of Grays Inn;

7. John Herbert Foley.

RELEASE (conveyance) of Canaston and the Cross Parks, parish of Robeston Wathan.


1804, Oct. 5.

1. Mayor and bailiffs of Tenby;

2. William Edwards of the same, gent.

LEASE of a garden called Breakman’s Shins being fugitive land, a garden on the north side of Cresswell Street, and two slangs in the Ball Meadow, borough of Tenby.




LETTER from Charles Hassall at Eastwood to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., Slebech Hall, touching the purchase of property and the question of the advowson of Yerbeston, with a copy of part of a letter to the writer from Mr. Knox about the proposed sale of property, dated 28 March 1805.


1805, March 23 – Aug. 30.

LETTERS from William Knox, Thomas Knox, Charles Hassall, and Richard Grant to Nathaniel Phillips concerning the sale of he Minwear and Narberth estates (see Nos. 3443-3470), with subsidiary documents relating to the proposed transfer.


1805, March 25-26.

1. John Higgon of the parish of St. Mary, Haverfordwest, esq.;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the properties specified in Nos. 824-825 supra dated 1782 July 15-16.


1805, April 15.

PROBATE of the will of Cecilia Phillips of the parish of St. Marys, Tenby, with will attached.


1805, July 26.

1. Thomas Philipps of Neeston, esq., eldest son and heir of the Reverend Edward Philipps late of the parish of Lampeter Velfrey, clerk, deceased, and also the executor of Cecilia Philipps late of the parish of St. Mary’s in the town of Tenby;

2. Nathaniel Philipps of Slebech Hall, esq.

LEASE for a year of the property specified in No. 437 dated 14 April 1787.


1805, July 27.

NOTE of a conveyance from Thomas Phillips and another to Nathaniel Phillips of Loer House, parish of Lampeter Velfrey and copies of receipts (1798-1807) in respect of consideration money.


1805, July 27.

1. Thomas Philipps of Neeston, esq., eldest son of the Reverend Edward Philipps late of Lampeter Velfrey, clerk, deceased;

2. Thomas Philipps of Jeffreston, esq., nephew of Cecilia Philipps;

3. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech Hall, esq.

CONVEYANCE of the messuage called Lower House, etc., in the parish o Lampeter Velfrey.


1805, Aug. – 1810, Jan. 15.

BUNDLE of papers relating to the conveyance by William Knox to Nathaniel Phillips of estates in Minweare and Narberth, 1805 Sept. 30 (See No 850), including letters from William Knox, Thomas Knox, William Evans, Haverfordwest, Richard Grant, Russell Square, London, Charles Hassall, John Willy, and George Currie, with draft replies by Nathaniel Phillips, a printed bill advertising the sale of Treoslin, parish of Llandewy Velfrey, valuations of the furniture and the property of William Knox at Minware Lodge and the Folly, parish of Minwear, valuation and survey of corn and stock at Folly Farm, and accounts.


1805, Sept. 30.

1. William Knox;

2. Edward Boodle;

3. Nathaniel Phillips.

BARGAIN AND SALE of the manors of Minwear and Martletwy, and other messuages and lands pertaining to the Slebech estate.


1805, Sept. 28. 30.

1. William Knox late of Soho Square, now of Great Ealing, co. Middlesex, esq.;

2. Edward Bootle of the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, co. Middlesex, esq.;

3. John Symmons of Paddington House, co. Middlesex, esq.;

4. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.;

5. John Dent of Temple Bar, London, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the manor and castle of Narberth and the manors of Minwear and Martletwy and other messuages and lands in co. Pembroke, subject to a subsisting mortgage thereon.


1805, Oct. 4.

CODICIL to the will of Nathaniel Phillips of Portman Square, co. Middlesex, and Slebech Hall, esq.


1805, Dec. 12 – 1811, Aug. 19.

MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS relating to the Slebech estate, including agreements for letting farms and houses, receipts, accounts, accounts of repairs of Penglyn and Narberth Mills, and letters.


1806, March 22.

NOTICE by Charles Morgan and John Morgan to Nathaniel Phillips esq., that they will quit Black Pool Forge and land, etc., at Michaelmas.


1807, April 5 – 1813, Nov. 15.

ACCOUNT BOOK of Nathaniel Philllips in respect of the Jamaica Property Tax and letters and receipts thereto pertaining.


1806, May 17 – 1807, Nov. 11.

ACCOUNTS AND RECEIPTS in respect of disbursements made by Nathaniel Phillips in London and Pembrokeshire.


1806, Aug. 22.

1. Thomas Harries of Templeton, parish of Narberth, yeoman;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech Hall, esq.

SURRENDER of a lease of tenements and lands called Eastward, Rack Park and Minwear Mountain, parish of Minwear.


1807, Aug. 27.

1. Abraham Leach of the town of Pembroke, esq.;

2. Nathaniel Phillips, of Slebech Hall, esq.

LEASE for a year of Diffrin and Diffrin mill, parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1807, Aug. 28.

1. Abraham Leach of the town of Pembroke, esq.;

2. Nathaniel Philips of Slebech Hall, esq.

RECONVEYANCE of a messuage, etc., specified in a deed dated 11-12 Jan. 1779, a messuage, etc,. called Dyffrin and a fulling mill, parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1807, Oct. 30 – 1811, Feb. 22.

LETTERS from Thomas Philipps of Milford, John Philipps, Bosanquet, Beachcroft and Reeves, R. Harries, J. Brown, E. Jones of Pembroke, E. Fenton, Richard Charles Fenton of Glynamel, William Cozens of Sandyhaven, Williams, Hawkins and Co., Gibbins, Eaton and Gibbins of Swansea, mainly to Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech and London, concerning the Milford Bank owned by Charles Allen Philipps and Thomas Philipps, bankers, of Milford, and the run on the said bank in 1810. With sundry other papers relating thereto, and to the affairs of Nathaniel Phillips, the proceedings respecting the election of Common Council men, politics and the parliamentary election in the county.


1808, April 5.

1. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech Hall, esq.;

2. Jason John of Dyffrin, parish of Lampeter Velfrey, farmer.

LEASE for life of messuage and lands called Diffrin otherwise Dyffrin in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1808, Dec. 26 – 1813, Jan. 22.

ACCOUNTS of Nathaniel Phillips with Mary Mathias of Cartlet and other tradesmen in respect of household goods, clothing, ironmongery, paint, etc.


1809, Sept. 4.

SCHEDULE of deeds (1703-1786) relating to the Slebech estate deposited with Mr. Richard Foley. With a letter referring to the same from John Willy, Solicitor, Haverfordwest, to Nathaniel Phillips, Portman Square, London, dated 4 Sept. 1809.


1809, Sept. 29.

1. John Dent of Temple Bar, London, esq.;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebch, esq.;

3. William Knox;

4. Richard Grant of Russell Square, co. Middlesex, esq.

ASSIGNMENT of the mortgage specified in Nos. 848-849.


1802, Oct. 7.

AGREEMENT between William Knox, esq., of Llanstinan, and Benjamin Boston of Rhoside, gent., relating to a lease for 21 years of lands at Little Molleston.



Synopsis o the Contents of the British Museum. Third Edition. London, 1810.



1810, March 16.

1. Mary Lewis of Haverfordwest, widow;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.

SURRENDER of a lease o. 565 supra dated 1792, Dec. 20.


1810, Sept. 1.

1. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech, esq.;

2. Benjamin Jenkins of Narberth, cordwainer.

LEASE for one life of the messuage, etc., in the occupation of the said Benjamin Jenkins in the town of Narberth, and also a small cottage lately erected by the said Benjamin Jenkins.



ACCOUNTS in respect of the various estates of Nathaniel Phillips in Jamaica.


1811, April 23 – 1823, July 30.

LETTERS from G.W. and Gamuel Hibbert, George Hibbert and Samuel Hibbert, London, to Nathaniel Phillips, Slebech and London, concerning the sale of sugar and rum, insurances, shipment of goods to Jamaica, with draft replies.


April 30 – 1813, July 3.

LETTERS from Anthony Palmer, junior, solicitor, Bristol, Butler Claxton and Son, Bristol, and Sweets and Miller, to Nathaniel Phillips, Slebech and London, concerning the bankruptcy of David Lewis and accounts in respect of the sales of sugar and rum in Bristol on behalf of the recipient, with accounts and draft replies.


1811, May 23.

1. Emily Mary Anne Foley;

2. Thomas James Birch and Charles Symmons (See No. 628).

LEASE for a year of four messuages and lands called Tyrcloseytrine, Nantymabe otherwise Nantymabe ycha and Nantymabe issa, Tirpenderry otherwise Tythin Penderry, and Cwmtrayle, also the messuage called Glandulas otherwise Glandulowr, parish of Llanegwad, co. Carmarthen, and the messuage and lands called Keveniskib, parish of Llangathen, co. Carmarthen, and the capital messuage and lands called Canaston otherwise Great Cannaston and Cross Parks, parish of Robeston Wathan, co. Pembroke.


1811, May 23.

1. Emily Mary Anne Foley of Ridgeway, widow;

2. Thomas James Birch of Wishford, co. Wilts, esq., and Charles Symmons of Richmond, co. Survey, doctor of divinity.

LEASE for a year of the prebend of Llawhadden, the capital messuage called Saint Kenox, and all lands, etc., thereto belonging.


1811, May 24.

1. Emily Mary Anne Foley;

2. Thomas Foley of Abermarlies, co. Carmarthen, esq.;

3. Thomas James Birch and Charles Symmons;

4. Richard Debary of the Inner Temple, esq.;

RELEASE (mortgage) of the properties specified in No. 627 supra.


1811, Nov. 13 – 1812, Michaelmas.

LIST of the tenants who were made burgesses of Tenby and of the tenants at will who had notices to quit (Slebech estate).


1811, Nov. 20.

RECORD of the suit between the King, plaintiff, and George Parry, defendant, whose election as a Common Councilman of Haverfordwest was in dispute as he had not taken the sacrament within twelve months prior to his election.


1811, Dec. 8-13.

CASE on the part of Nathaniel Phillips touching a right of way through East Buckshill, with counsel’s opinion thereon.



LETTER from James Hughes at Boulston Farm to Mr. Currie of Rosehill, concerning No. 557 infra.


1812, Jan. 11 – 1813, Dec. 16.

ACCOUNTS AND RECEIPTS in respect of purchases and payments made by, and on behalf of, Nathaniel Phillips in Pembrokeshire, London and elsewhere.


1812, April 5.

PLAN of Milford Haven in Pembrokeshire with the recent improvements.



ante 1812, Michaelmas.

AGREEMENT between James Hughes of the parish of Angle, farmer, and Nathaniel Phillips, esq., for a lease of the farm of Toch, parish of Slebech.



1812, Oct.

VERSES written in a storm off the coast of France by Lieut. Co. Church.



WILL of Nathaniel Phillips of Glocester place, Portman Square, co. Middlesex, and of Slebech Hall, esq.




LETTERS from continental correspondents to the Baron de Rutzen (including one from his father); and draft replies by the latter; letters from Daniel Birkett of London concerning C. D Meyer’s affairs, invitation cards and tickets, miscellaneous papers and prints.


1813, Jan. 27.

1. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech Hall, esq.;

2. Thomas John of Narberth, shopkeeper.

LEASE of Diffrin and Diffrin Mill, parish of Lampeter Velfrey.


1813, Jan. 30.

1. Thomas John of Narberth, shopkeeper, David Thomas of Blaengwaithnoah, parish of Lampeter Velfrey, farmer, and Evan Thomas of Blackmoor Hill, parish of Narberth, farmer;

2. Nathaniel Phillips of Slebech Hall, esq.

BOND for the performance of covenants.


1813, June 18-19.

POWER OF ATTORNEY granted by Nathaniel Philips of Gloucester Place, co. Middlesex, esq., to Robert Taylor and John Junor of the parish of St. Thomas in the East, Jamaica. With attestations.


1813, July 26.

LETTER from Thomas Carter, Eton College, to [Nathaniel Phillips] concerning the account of the latter’s son.


1813, Sept. 8.

LETTER from Ann Moris of Miner house to Mrs. Mary Prikat of Slebach. Complains of the treatment she receives at the hands of two of the worst brutes in this world and is in danger of her life. John Moris encourages them. She is willing for Mr. Phillips to have the place.


1813, Nov. 9.

WILL of Nathaniel Phillips of Glocester place, Portman Square, co. Middlesex, and of Slebech Hall, esq.



1813, Nov. 10 – Dec. 4.

LETTERS from William Cole, New York Coffee House, London, Bigoe Cha. Williams, and [General Sir] Thomas Picton to Nathaniel Phillips, Slebech and London, concerning the plan for the improvement of Milford, the floating dock there, and the proposed purchase of the Neaston estate; power of attorney from Sir Thomas Picton to Nathaniel Phillips; one letter from Daniel Alexander to William Cole.


1813, Nov. 10.

PROPOSALS for forming a joint stock company …for the improvement of Milford in Milford Haven …..



1813, Nov. 22.

LETTER from Robert F. Greville, The Ringers’ Lodge, Richmond Park, to Nathaniel Phillips, making arrangement to interview the recipient, adding that Lady Mansfield and he would be happy to see him.


1813, Nov. 23.

COPY of a preamble to a list of subscribers for the furthering of a petition to Parliament to obtain an Act of Parliament for the improvement of the port of Milford.


1813, Dec. 2.

LETTER of Thomas Picton from Portsmouth to Nathaniel Phillips, Gloster Place, London, concerning the Milford floating dock business.


1814, April 18.

PROBATE of the will of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., deceased.


1815, Feb. 13 – 1849, Feb. 17.

VALENTINE for Miss Phillips, Gloucester Place, London, will of the Baron de Rutzen 1831, and a letter from Sir W.P.L. Phillips concerning the disposal of his reversion in the Picton Castle estate 1849.


1815, April 13 – 1845.

ACCOUNT AND VESTRY RECORD BOOK of the churchwardens of the parish of Slebech. It records the business connected with the building of the new church of Slebech.



MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS including verses in English and Italian, a sketch of the Earl of Ellesmere’s monument in Worsley church, a map of the Rhine 1816, music by Rossini, letters.



AUTOGRAPH ALBUM belonging to the Baroness de Rutzen.


1818, Jan. 15 – 1827, Dec. 3.

COPIES of Mitausches Intelligenz-blatt and Libausches Wochen-blatt.



1818, July 29.

CERTIFICATE from Francis Kienitz, esq., His Britannic Majesty’s Consul for all the Ports and Cities of Courland, that the Right Honourable Charles Frederick, Baron de Rutzen is son and heir apparent of John Frederick, Baron de Rutzen, etc.


1518, Dec. 11.

1. Nathaniel Cameron, Lieutenant Col.;

2. Andrew Laurie of Sydenham, co. Kent.

ASSIGNMENT of a legacy of £2000 to secure the sum of £2000 and interest.


[circa 1820-30] Oct. 31.

LETTERS from Nathaniel Phillips to his sister Baroness de Rutzen. Refers to a box of game, congratulations, and his physician’s order to return to Slebech.


[circa 1820-30]

FRAGMENT of a diary [?kept by the Baroness de Rutzen].


1821, July 19.

The ceremonies to be observed at the Royal Coronation…of King George the Fourth.



1822, Jan. 19 – 21.

1. William Evans of Haverfordwest, gent.;

2. George Bowling, of Pembroke, gent.

MORTGAGE (lease and release) for securing £3000 and interest of the properties specified in Nos. 11385-11386 dated 1829, Nov. 2-3.



1822, Oct. 1.

LETTER from the Ringers of Haverfordwest to Miss Harries, drawing attention to the fact that they rang peals of bells on the marriage of her niece Miss Phillips.


1822, Oct. 22 – 1831, May 15.

DOCUMENTS and letters relating to the Jamaica estates of the late Nathaniel Phillips, the state of Mr. Phillips’s mind, 1824, the law touching aliens, the Spittal and Hill estates, affidavits and birth certificates of the children of the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen, and the articles of marriage of the Baron de Rutzen and Mrs. Phillips, 1822.


[post 1822 Oct. 30].

ABSTRACT of title to the advowson of Yerbeston.


1822, Nov. 13.

Letter in French.


1823, April 3 – 1826, Nov. 17.

BILL OF COSTS of Bourdillon and Hewitt, Broad Street, directed to the Baron de Rutzen, in respect of the business of the estate of Nathaniel Phillips.


1823, April 4.

BOOK of quotations from Lacon, Rochefoucalt, the Bible and other sources.


1823, May 26.

OPINION of A.R. Sidebottom on the title of children of a marriage with any alien to estates in England and the West Indies [i.e. estate of Nathaniel Philips]


1823, Aug. 24.

LETTER from M.A. Anson at Sudbury to the Baroness de Rutzen, concerning her forthcoming marriage.


1823, Dec. 19.

PATENT of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem conferred on Baron Frederic de Rutzen.


1823, Aug. 8 – n.d.

AFFIDAVITS respecting the birth of Frederick Leopold S.M de Rutzen, notes on the Philipps family and the de Rutzen line.


1825, Sept. 26.

LETTER from George Currie to [?the Baroness de Rutzen] concerning the particulars of the Wiston property.


1825, Oct. 12.

PARTICULARS OF SALE of a freehold estate in the parishes of Wiston and Slebech.



1827, June 6 – 1842, Jan. 14.

LETTERS from the Baron de Rutzen, Mary de Rutzen, N. Cameron, W.P. Currie, G.W.S. Hibbert and Co., Rock Life Assurance Co., Sir John Owen, Orielton, and J. Williams, Haverfordwest, and others to W.G. Oliver, solicitor and Messrs. Le Blanc Oliver & Co., concerning the financial affairs of the Baron de Rutzen and the Slebech estate, legal matters, insurance policies, conveyances, rents, etc.


1827, June 9.

1. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

2. Messrs. Hibbert.

ASSIGNMENT of the interest on a legacy of £10,000 bequeathed to the Baroness de Rutzen by the will of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., deceased, for securing £315 and £1150 and interest.



LETTER from Roger Harries to …. Respecting the new road and toll gate.

See Nos. 911-913


1828, March 28

LETTER from William Pitt Currie, Rosehill, to Mrs. Phillips, concerning the proposed new road from New Bridge to New House, parish of Newton, with a map thereof, and elsewhere on or near the Slebech estate.


1828, June 19.

An act for Repairing the Roads from Tavernspite to the Towns of Pembroke and Tenby …… and from the Parish of Crunwear to Pembroke Dock and Hobbs Point, all in the county of Pembroke.



circa 1828, June 19.

MEMORANDA relating to No. 4546 supra.


1829, April 15.

BILL intituled An Act to authorize the Sale of Game, and to alter the Qualification for taking and killing Game.



1829, Nov. 2-3.

1. George Bowling of the town of Pembroke, esq.;

2. Margaret Jones of Haverfordwest, spinster.

LEASE AND RELEASE being an assignment of the sum of £2000 secured by mortgage of Sychpant, parish of Llanykeven, the White Hart in Narberth, Great Molleston, parish of Narberth, Penygraig in the parish of Kilymaenllwyd, co. Carmarthen, Finnon brodyr in the same parish, and Tower Hill in Haverfordwest.




LETTERS addressed to the Baroness de Rutzen from members of her family and friends, including M.D. Phillips (her mother), Lady Louisa C. Lichfield (her sister), (formerly Lady Anson), Lord Anson, C. Anson, Luis Anson, W. Anson, George Anson, Anne H. Anson, Baron de Rutzen, Catherine King, M.A. Jones, Elizabeth Fryer, Alice Maria Whyte, Lucretia Philips, W.P. Cameron, Marcella Cameron, Caroline Augusta Phillips, Lady Lisburne, Elizabeth Phillips, Harriet Cole (governess), M. Scourfield, J.P.Cameron, C. Ackland, Mary Eilizabeth Johnston (governess), Edward Foley, J. Harries (Piginsford), M. Scott, Lord Cawdor, Henry King, Sidney King, F. Herbert, Henry Richards, (Carmarthen, musician), John Owen, Angelina Owen, [Baron] Braye, A.M.E. Walsham, M.A. Plumer Ward, F. Fior (artist), H. Belfust; E. Cumby, Bill Jenkins, R.A.C. Hamilton, Messrs. Watten and Challen, Frederick de Rutzen, H. Jenkinson (Abergwili Palace) and others. This collection of letters deals mainly with social and family affairs, local events and sporting occasions, gossip, travel, London and country life.


[circa 1830-1840]

LETTERS from the Baroness de Rutzen to the Baron de Rutzen and others concerning family affairs, the proposal to get Fritz made a page boy at the Coronation, country sport, social events and the rebuilding of Slebech church.



LETTER of J.H. Philipps from Robeston to the Baroness de Rutzen concerning the death of Aunt Scourfield.


[circa 1830]

LETTER of Elizabeth Philipps from London to her cousin Mary [Baroness de Rutzen}, concerning social life and family matters.


[circa 1830-40]

LETTERS from the Baroness de Rutzen to [the Baron de Rutzen]. Family and social matters. Arrangements for a journey from London.



LETTER from W.D. Phillips to the Baroness de Rutzen, Slebech Hall, enclosing Nos. 911-913.



CASE for opinion ex parte the Baroness de Rutzen touching the interference caused to their property by the Tavernspite Turnpike Bill, particularly to a bridge and mill lately built by Nathaniel Phillips.




1. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen.

2. Trustee for Messrs. Hibbert, London, Merchants and carpenters.

DEMISE of messuages and lands of the Slebech estate and all other estates whereof the said Baroness de Rutzen is seised for life under the will of Nathaniel Phillips, as collateral security for moneys mentioned.



[circa 1830]

DRAFT CASE for the Agent of the Slebech estate against members of the Llewhellin family of Robeston Wathan charged with poaching in the Cleddy fishery between Canaston and Blackpool.



1. ….. of Slebech Hall;

2. Daniel Gibbon of Narberth, blacksmith.

LEASE of a messuage near the market place in the town of Narberth.




NEWSPAPERS including The Carmarthen Journal 1830 July 6, 1833 Sept. 22, 1841 Nov. 19, 1845 July 4, The Welshman 1869 Oct 1, 1883 March 30, 1883 April 13, The Cambrian 1838 Oct. 6 The Pembrokeshire Herald 1845 Feb 21, March 7, March 14, 1857 Sept 11, 1869 Oct 1, The Field 1869 Oct. 2.


1830, May 3.

1. Mary Evans of Haverfordwest, widow and relict of William Evans of the same, gent., deceased;

2. Thomas Evans of Haverfordwest, gent., son of the said William Evans, and Mary his wife.

APPOINTMENT in exercise of a power given by the will of the said William Evans and surrender and release of life estate under the said will.



1830, May 19.

LETTER from the inhabitants of Narberth to the Baron de Rutzen informing him of the custom of drawing the Slebech squire’s carriage through the town and drinking his health at the Castle Inn.


[1830] May 25.

LETTER from the Duke of Marlborough at Blenheim to the Baroness de Rutzen, replying to a letter of condolence on the death of his dear departed Charlotte and describing his remorse.


1830, June 24.

WILL of Thomas Walsh Jermin of Chapel Hill, parish of Narberth, gent.



June 24-25

1. Thomas Evans of Haverfordwest, gent.;

2. William Evans of the same, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE of the properties specified in Nos. 11385-11386 dated 1829, Nov. 2-3.



1830, July 8 – 1834, Feb. 22.

LETTERS from Major General A. Adams of Holyland to the Baron de Rutzen concerning the Tavernspite Turnpike Trust.


1830, Aug. 7 – 1836.

PAPERS relating to the suit specified in No. 4794-4965 dated 1830, Autumn.


1830, Aug. 15 – 1849, May 19.

LETTERS from the Baron de Rutzen (mainly), the Baroness de Rutzen, Ben Thomas, Hibbert and Co., T. Eaton, John William Bury, J.C. and H. Freshfield and others to William Elliott Oliver, solicitor, with other correspondance and enclosures, mostly concerning financial matters, suits against Hibbert and Liddiard, Narberth fair and market tolls, the livings of Minwear, Yerbeston and Newton, proposed railway to Pennar, insurance policies, etc.


1830, Aug. 26.

OPINION o the Attorney General on the case respecting the fishery at Blackpool.


1830, Sept. 9.

1. Charles Frederick, Baron de Rutzen, of Slebech Hall;

2. James Nunn of the parish of Minwear, yeoman.

APPOINTMENT of the said James Nunn as gamekeeper.


1830, Autumn.

RECORDS of the Great Sessions suit between The King on the prosecution of William Pitt Currie of Rosehill (steward of the Slebech estate), plaintiff, and John Llewhellin and others of the parish of Robeston Wathan, defendants, who were charged with assault and riot at a poaching affray at the fishery at Blackpool.


1830, Oct. 20 – 1831, Aug. 11.

LETTERS from Baron de Rutzen to William Elliot Oliver, solicitor, London, concerning the financial affairs of the Slebech estate.


1830, Nov. 27 – 1836, May 3.

PAPERS relating to the suit in the Exchequer of Pleas (Lent Assizes, 1836) between William Rowlands, master builder, of Haverfordwest, plaintiff, and Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen, defendant, in an action of debt incurred in building a market place, an inn and five houses in the town of Narberth in the years 1832 to 1834. The records include briefs, surveys, bills of cost, estimates, correspondence, regulations of the market and fairs at Narberth dated 4 Oct. 1832, plans, etc.


1830, Dec. 16.

RETURN of stall-holders and tolls paid in Narberth market, in connection with the proposed new market.


1831, Jan. 10 – 1842, April 25.

LETTERS of Charlotte Beauchamp from Worthing, Maria J. Herbert, Frances Herbert from 52 Green Street, Park Lane, Mary [Countess of Lisburne], Louisa C. Anson, Harriet Cole from Brixton, F. de Rutzen from Ranton Abbey, L.S.M. de Rutzen and Charles Anson to the Baroness de Rutzen. Mainly concerning social and family events, country sports, dances and personal affairs.


1831, Jan. 11-12.

1. William Evans of Haverfordwest, gent.;

2. Cecil Warlow of Springfields, spinster;

3. Grismond Philipps of Roft Cottage, co. Carmarthen, esq., and Thomas Lloyd of Haverfordwest, esq.

SETTLEMENT before the marriage of the said William Evans and Cecil Warlow.



1831, Jan. 27.

1. Priscilla Williams of Templeton, parish of Narberth, widow;

2. The Baron de Rutzen.

SURRENDER of a lease of a messuage and lands, being part of Templeton Mountain, parish of Narberth.


1831, July 24 – 1834, Nov. 8.

LETTERS from Hariett Cole from Scarborough and Brunswick, Germany, and her mother Eleanora Cole to the Baroness de Rutzen, concerning holidays in Scarborough and on the continent as members of he Duke of Brunswick’s household, and life and persons in Germany. One letter dated 1834 Nov. 8 refers to a gift of two wild boars from the Duke to the Baron de Rutzen.


1831, Nov. 2.

CASE, with the opinion of Richard Preston, Lincolns Inn, thereon, concerning the right to eject the tenant of Minwere House Farm who holds the same by lease dated 13 Feb 1786. (i.e. No. 743).


1831, Nov. 5 – 1832, Aug. 1.

PAPERS relating to the petition for three extra fairs at Narberth including a petition from local inhabitants, notes on the proper procedure for holding inquisition under a writ ad quod damnum, and a fiat for a writ ad quod damnum.


1832 –

PEDIGREE of Sir William P.L. Philipps of Orlandon, and genealogical notes from Camden’s Britannia on the families of Cecil, Bardolfe, Lovell, Stapleton and Beaumont, etc.



DOCUMENTS relating to the Kings Bench suits between John Doe on the demise of Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea Baroness de Rutzen, his wife, plaintiff, and John Lewis, defendant, being actions of ejectment against the defendant as tenant of Minwear House Farm.



LETTERS of M.D. Phillips to her daughter, the Baroness de Rutzen. News of members of the family and social events.


1832, April 10 – 1835, July 4.

LETTERS of Louisa C. Lichfield to the Baroness de Rutzen, mostly concerning family and personal affairs.


1832, April 25.

LETTERS from John Llewellyn of Newhouse to the Baron de Rutzen and another, concerning the threats of the cottagers of Tavern Spite Common over the payment of rent and road-making near Slebech.


1832, April 30 – 1839, Feb. 11.

LETTERS from M.A. Jones from Ystrad, Carmarthen and Rhydygors; ‘Nurse’ Martha Evans from Cartlet; Emma Heathcote from Grahams Town; Lucretia Philipps from Southampton; and Louisa C. Lichfield from Fern Hill and London to the Baroness de Rutzen, Slebech Hall and family affairs.



RECORDS pertaining to the suits in the King’s Bench between Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea his wife, plaintiffs, and Edward Farr, defendant, in a plea of debt in respect of tolls for the sale of cattle in Narberth fair.


1833, Easter and Midsummer.

BRIEFS for the prosecution in the Quarter Sessions suit Rex on the prosecution of John Davies of Narberth against John Thomas, Thomas Thomas, John Enright and Benjamin Rogers, for riot an assault arising out of the collection of tolls by the plaintiff in Narberth Market on behalf of the Baron de Rutzen.


1833, Michaelmas Term – 1834, April 30.

RECORDS of the suit in the King’s Bench between the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen, plaintiffs, and Paul Phillipps, defendant, concerning a debt in respect of dues and tolls at Narberth Market.


1833, Nov. 4 – n.d.

LETTER relating to references on the maps of Sir William Hamilton’s estate, small map of part of the road from Cumberland to Colby, the acreage and valuation of Minwear Farm circa 1838.


1833, Dec. 13.

INSURANCE POLICY in respect of Blackpool Corn Mill.



RECORDS of the suits between the Baron de Rutzen and John Lewis concerning Minwear Farm (1834-1835), and between the Baron de Rutzen and Mary Roch concerning trespass and ejectment on Narberth common (1835-1837).



DOCUMENTS relating to the chief rents and wood rents o the Slebech estate (1841-1857), the sale of bark, claim against the Midland Railway Company (1855), the suits against George Butler (1855) and Frederick Stocken (1855), insurance policies (1843), lease of land near Narberth cross (1861), timber from Minwear Wood (1852), draft cases, dispute over Penglyn’s Mill (1834), and miscellaneous accounts and correspondence.


1834, Hilary Term –1836, June 20.

RECORDS of various suits in the King’s Bench brought by Baron and Baroness de Rutzen against sundry defendants to recover debts in respect of tolls payable at Narberth market.


1834, Spring – 1851, April.

RECORDS of the suits between the Baron de Rutzen, plaintiff, and Thomas David, Paul Phillips, Jason Lewis, Daniel John and others, concerning the tolls of Narberth market.


1834, May 16 – Sept. 26.

NOTES, and The Welshman 16 May 1834 giving a report of the trial de Rutzen v. Farr, concerning the tolls of Narberth Market.


1834, Aug. 26 – 1835, Jan. 3.

CORRESPONDENCE between H.P. Goode of Haverfordwest, John Jackson of Rotherham, and the Baron de Rutzen, concerning the renting of Black Pool Mill.


1834, Oct. 2.

1. The Baron de Rutzen and the Baroness de Rutzen;

2. Dame Mary Dorothea Phillips of Leamington, co. Warwick, widow, relict of Nathaniel Phillips and mother of the said Baroness de Rutzen.

LEASE, by virtue of the power reserved in the said Baron de Rutzen, of a parcel of ground, market house, market and fair, and buildings including the Lamb and Hog, in the town of Narberth.


1834, Oct. 2.

1. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

2. Dame Mary Dororthea Phillips of Leamington, co. Warwick, widow, relict of Nathaniel Phillips, and mother of the Baroness de Rutzen.

LEASE of land in Castle Street, Narberth, the Market House and five messuages, the market and fairs, the Lamb and Hog, the Rutzen Arms, etc., in the town of Narberth.


1834, Oct. 2.

DECLARATION OF TRUST of a lease of the market, etc., in Narberth. See No. 852.


1834, Oct. 2.

COPY of No. 1514.


1834, Dec. 6 – 1845. Jan. 8.

INSURANCE policy on property in Narberth, receipt for a premium, and memoranda.


1835, Dec. 29-30.

1. John May of Nash, parish of Minwear, farmer;

2. Baron de Rutzen and the Baroness de Rutzen.

LEASE AND RELEASE of Nash and Cott, parish of Minwear.



TITHE ASSESSMENT for the parish of Minwear.



TITHE ASSESSMENT for the parish of Minwear.



DOCUMENTS pertaining to the suit between the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen, plaintiffs, and John Lewis, defendant, being an action of ejectment against the latter as tenant of Minwear House Farm.


1835, April 28 – 1836, Nov. 4.

REPORTS from a short-hand writer’s notes on the proceedings in the suits between the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen, plaintiffs, and Farr, Morris and Lloyd, defendants, touching the tolls of Narberth market.


1835, May 14.

LETTER from the Baron de Rutzen to the Bishop of St. Davids concerning the rebuilding of Slebech church.



1835, June 4.

CASE respecting proceedings in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of St. Davids for the purpose of obtaining a faculty for the pulling down of the church of Slebech and building a new church on a new site, with the opinion of J. Addams thereon.


1835, Aug. 18.

LETTER from J.W. Tyrrell, Narberth, to the Baron de Rutzen concerning the account (enclosed) of a former clerk of the Narberth market, 1833-1834.


1835, Sept. 18.

LIST of subscribers to the fund for building a new church and enclosing a new churchyard at Slebech.


1835, Sept. 18.

POSTER of an auction of the stock and crop of Arnold’s Hill.



1835, Sept. 29.

1. Susanna Sloper of Narberth, spinster;

2. William Evans of Haverfordwest, gent.

SURRENDER of the White Hart Inn in Narberth.


1835, Oct. 6 – 1862, July 7.

LETTERS from William Courthop, Somerset Herald, to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning the title and the arms of the de Rutzen family and their registration at the College of Heralds, with draft replies by Baron de Rutzen and a copy of a patent.


1835, Dec. 30.

1. John May of Nash, parish of Minwear, farmer;

2. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

3. William Evans of Haverfordwest, gent.

CONVEYANCE of leasehold hereditaments in the parish of Minwear.




RECORDS of suits, tolls, and other matters relating to Narberth market.


1836, Jan. 13 – April 18.

LETTERS concerning the sale of bark to Messrs. Ellis and Jenkins, tanners, Haverfordwest.


1836, Jan. 13.

ATTESTED COPY of the administration of the William Evans of the town and county of Haverfordwest, gent., will dated 16 Dec. 1807.


1836, April 13-20.

PAPERS connected with the suit between the Baron de Rutzen, plaintiff, and Margaret Blathwayt, defendant, concerning the rent of a cottage in Narberth occupied by the constable.


1836, April 18-19.

1. Dame Katherine Mathias of Haverfordwest, widow;

2. William Evans of the same, gent., and Cecilia his wife;

3. Grismond Philipps late of Croft Cottage but now of Cwmgwilly, co. Carmarthen, esq., and Thomas Lloyd late of Haverfordwest but now of Millbank Cottage, esq.;

4. William Lloyd, clerk, rector of Narberth, and Jonathan Rogers Powell of Haverfordwest, gent.

LEASE AND RELEASE (appointment and conveyance) of the White Hart Inn in Narberth.


1836, April 19.

1. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen of Slebech Hall;

2. The Reverend William Lloyd, clerk, rector of Narberth, and Jonathan Rogers Powell of Haverfordwest, gent.

DECLARATION of trust in the White Hart Inn, Narberth.


1836, Summer Assizes.

RECORDS of the King’s Bench suit between the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen, plaintiffs and Thomas Morris of Haverfordwest, huxter, defendant, for the recovery of debt in respect of tolls at Narberth market.


1836, June – Aug.

DRAFTS of No. 853 dated 1836 Aug. 6.


1836, Aug. 6.

1. Mary Dorothea Phillips late of Leamington, co. Warwick, now of Clarges Street, co. Middlesex, widow;

2. Baron de Rutzen, and George Hibbert and others of Billiter Court, London, merchants.

ASSIGNMENT of the lease specified in No. 852 supra dated 1834 Oct. 2.


1836, Aug. 8.

1. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

2. Messrs. Hibbert of Billiter Square, London.

ASSIGNMENT of arrears of interest on a legacy of £10,000 bequeathed to the Baroness de Rutzen by the will of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., deceased, as a collateral security for debt.


1836, Oct. 3.

RECORD that the foundation stone of [Slebech] church was laid by the Baroness de Rutzen.


1836, Nov. 11 – 1837, Jan. 5.

DECLARATIONS and other documents in the suits Jane Jenkins v. William Pitt Currie, Peter Putsey v. W.P. Currie, David Jones v W.P. Currie, David John v. W.P. Currie, John Pillar v. John Davies, etc., concerning trespass.



ABSTRACT OF TITLE of George Parry of Haverfordwest, gent., to lands called Little Camp-Hill, parish of Narberth.



ABSTRACT of title of Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea Baroness de Rutzen his wife to land in the parish of Narberth intended to be conveyed to the Guardians of the Poor of Narberth Union for the purpose of erecting a workhouse thereon.


1837, Jan. 4 – 1842, Feb. 14.

LETTERS from William Evans, John Harvey, J. Rogers Powell, H.P. Goode, J.W. Owens, J. Crymes James, all of Haverfordwest, and Sir Richard Philipps of Picton, mostly to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning the exchange of lands (part of Crisboro and Newfoundland near Slebech), the new road and the dispute arising therefrom. With maps, plans, reports and other documents touching the exchange and the dispute between the Picton and Slebech families.


1837, Feb. 6 – Nov. 28.

DRAFTS pf the conveyance specified in Nos. 854-85 dated 1837, Nov. 24-5, and correspondence from Baron de Rutzen, G.A. Crowder, etc., to W. Elliott Oliver relating to the same.


1837, March 9.

LETTER from William Owen, Haverfordwest, to the Baron de Rutzen, referring to the act for the repair of churches, and the appointment of a surveyor for the archdeaconry of St. Davids.


1837, March 13.

STATEMENT by [the Reverend] J. Williams, perpetual curate of Slebech, concerning the Bounty Lands belonging to the churches of Slebech and Minwear in the parishes of Camrose and Nash.


1837, April 15.

1. Martha Evans of the Rutzen Arms Inn in the town of Narberth, widow and innkeeper;

2. Baron de Rutzen and the Baroness de Rutzen.

ASSIGNMENT of household goods and furniture in the Rutzen Arms Inn, (With inventory) to secure arrears of rent.


1837, Aug. 11.

LETTER of Thomas Carne Philipps of St, Dogmals to the Baron de Rutzen concerning payments of annuities to his grandmother, and his own claim to be a descendant of the first baronet of Picton Castle.


1837, Nov. 24-25.

1. Sir John Owen of Orielton, bart.;

2. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

3. Samuel Hibbert and George Hibbert of Billiter Court, London, esquires.

LEASE AND RELEASE of lands in the parish of Minwear.


1837, Dec. 26 – 1839, April 29.

COPIES of letters from James Mitchell and Sir R. Philipps of Picton Castle, and R.H.A. Philipps of the same to [W.P.] Currie of Rosehill and the Baron de Rutzen, concerning the building of the new Slebech church and the family pew; notice of a vestry meeting of the parish of Slebech and minutes recording Queen Adelaide’s donation to the building fund and Lord Howe’s letter concerning it; a circular letter from the parishioners requesting donations to the building fund; and the inscription in the church tower recording the laying of the foundation stone.


1837, Dec. 5.

STATEMENT by the Reverend J. Williams, of the tithe belonging to him as perpetual curate of the parish of Slebech.


1837, Dec. 5 – 1838, April 21.

SCHEDULE of papers relating to the tithes of Slebech, letter from John Harvey on the same subject, and case for opinion regarding the consolidation of the livings of Newton and Minwear.


[circa 1838]

MEMORANDUM BOOK showing the income and other particulars of the benefices of Slebech, Minwere and Newton.


1838, Feb. 2.

1. Sir Richard Bulkeley Philipps of Picton Castle, bart.;

2. The Reverend William Lloyd, clerk, rector of Narberth, and Jonathan Rogers Powell of Haverfordwest, gent.

COVENANT for the production of title deeds to lands in Slebech.


1838, Feb. 1-2.

1. Sir Richard Bulkeley Philipps of Picton Castle, bart.;

2. The Reverend William Lloyd, clerk, rector of Narberth, and Jonathan Rogers Powell of the town and county of Haverfordwest, gent.;

3. Robert Innes Ackland of Boulston, esq.

LEASE AND RELEASE being an exchange of part of Crisborough, parish of Slebech, for Cockshutt otherwise Newfoundland, parish of Robeston Wathan.


1838, Feb. 2.

1. The Reverend William Lloyd, and Jonathan Rogers Powell;

2. Baron de Rutzen and his wife.

DECLARATION of trusts in the property exchanged in Nos. 584-585 supra.


1838, Oct. 3.

SERMON and prayers delivered on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of Slebech church, and a sermon preached at the funeral of Edward Anson, esq., at Slebech; and an address to be delivered by the Baroness de Rutzen on the occasion of her laying the foundation stone.


1838, Oct. 25.

ACCOUNT of the annual receipts of the perpetual curate of Slebech and Minwere.


1838, Dec. 14.

PLANS, elevations, and sections for the intended vicarage of the united beneficies of Slebech, Minwere and Newton.



SPECIFICATION and estimate for building a vicarage house in the parish of Slebech.


1839, Feb. 22.

LETTER from [the Reverend] J. Williams to T. Harvey, esq., [Haverfordwest], concerning Mr. Currie’s lease and the preparation of a case for the Commissioners.


1839, May 19.

LETTER from Frederick Anson of Sudbury, Uttoxeter, to the Baroness de Rutzen, concerning his new living in Lincolnshire.


1839, Aug. 29 – 1841, March 6.

LETTERS from John George, Brinscombe Port, concerning the sale of bark from the Slebech estate, and papers relating to a suit arising therefrom.


1839, Oct. 3.

LETTER from the architect with alterations to the to the elevations of the Rectory House, addressed to Mr. Cooper, Builder, Slebech Hall.


1839, Oct. 4 – 1858, May 29.

PAPERS relating to the proposed union of the livings of Slebech, Minwear and Newton, including letters from Eaton Evans, J. Harvey and Sons, Valentine Davies, Mr. London, and W. Oliver mostly to the Baron de Rutzen, draft letters from the Baron de Rutzen, valuation of the livings of Newton, Slebech, and Minwear, copy of a letter from the parishioners of Newton North to the Archbishop protesting against the proposed union of benefices, and a memorandum relating to the consolidation.



LETTERS mainly from the Baron de Rutzen to William Elliott Oliver, solicitor, relating to the business of the Slebech estate.



SCHEDULE of title deeds and writings belonging to Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea his wife relating to the Slebech estate.



1. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen of Slebech Hall, and Mary Dorothea Baroness de Rutzen, his wife;

2. Inigo William Jones, esq., a captain in Her Majesty’s 11th Regiment of Hussars.

LEASE (mortgage), for securing £3000 and interest, of messuages and lands called the Slebech Estate and other messuages, etc., in the parishes of Slebech, Minwear and Martlehoy, and an assignment of a policy of assurance in the life of the said Baroness de Rutzen.



circa 1840.

VALUATION of the livings of Slebech and Minwere, Newton North, and Yerbeston, and copies of forms and instructions concerning the union of benefices under 1 and 2 Victoria, cap. 106.



TABLES showing what the intended consolidation of the livings of Slebech, Minwere, Newton and the chapelry of Mounton with the rectory of Yerbeston would produce.


1840, Lady Day – 1853, Lady Day.

RENTALS of the Slebech estate, (not boxed).


1840, May 4.

CASE AND OPINION concerning the value of the next presentation of three livings which are to be consolidated.


1840, Aug. 27.

BILL advertising the sale of the Crofts alias Nant-y-Gof Issaf, parish of Llandekeven, the Chapel of Mounton, parish of Mounton, and land in Loveston.



1840, Sept 11.

SCHEDULE of title deeds belonging to Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea Baroness de Rutzen his wife relating to the Slebech estate in possession of Messrs. William vans and Powell and by them delivered to the said Baron de Rutzen.


1840, Oct. 10 – 1842, Easter Term and undated.

INSTRUCTIONS concerning the will of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., deceased, and the disentailing deed and settlement of Baron and Baroness de Rutzen, and other writings concerning this matter, and the suit between Joseph Tombs and the Baron de Rutzen in the Exchequer of Pleas, copy of the rental of E.A. Phillips 1824 and of the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen 1846, notice of an assignment of an insurance policy from the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen to Capt. J.W. Jones, and a memorandum relating between the Baron de Rutzen and Sir Richard Philipps.


1841, Jan. 7 – 1845, March 3.

LETTERS from Messrs. Goode and Philpott and J. Rogers Powell to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning tithe commutation in the parishes of Narberth and Lampeter Velfrey, and the borrowing of maps.


1841, March –

1. George Lort Phillips of Dumpledale;

2. Isabella Georgina Allen of Crosselly, spinster;

3. John Hensleigh Allen of Cresselly, esq.;

4. Seymour Phillips Allen of Cresselly, esq., Henry George Allen of Lincolns Inn, esq., George Roch of Butterhill, esq., John Henry Philipps of Williamston, esq., and Henry George Fownes of the Middle Temple, London, esq., barrister at law, now residing in Haverfordwest.

SETTLEMENT on the marriage of the said George Lort Phillips and Isabella Georgina Allen of the Lawrenny estate.



1841, March 31.

LETTER from George Munyard at Greenwich, Kent, to the Baron de Rutzen concerning the sale of timber from Slebech estate.


1841, May 11 – Sept. 27.

PAPERS, letters and accounts pertaining to the conveyance specified in No. 742 dated 27 Sept. 1841.


1841, Sept. 27.

1. John Lewis of Minwere House, parish of Minwere, farmer;

2. Baron de Rutzen;

3. William Evans of Haverfordwest, gent.

CONVEYANCE of the leasehold messuage and lands called Minwere House in the parish of Minwere upon trust to secure an annuity of £60 to the said John Lewis during the life of Mr. Joseph Davies, and subject thereto in trust to the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen.


[circa 1842.]

NOTE BOOK containing particulars of the church and living of Slebech and the revenues of the parishes of Minwere, Newton and Yerbeston.



PAPERS relating to the livings of Slebech, Minwear, Yerbeston and Newton, including valuations, sale of benefices, next presentations, tithes, advertisements and applications for vacancies, and letters on the same subjects from the Baron de Rutzen, Henry G. Allen, Cresselly, the Reverend R.R. Bloxam, and W. N. Landon.


1842, Jan. 7 – 1847, Feb. 26.

ACCOUNT BOOK of wages paid to the workmen at Slebech.


1842, March 3.

LETTER from [Charles Frederick Baron de] Rutzen to -----, touching a settlement asked for by Messrs. Freshfields.


1842, March 17.

LETTER from [Charles Frederick Baron de] Rutzen to -----, touching financial matters, the claim of Messrs. Hibberts and the Narberth mortgage, money laid out on the Rutzen Arms in Narberth, the sale of bark and timber to meet liabilities.


1842, April.

LETTER from [Lord] Anson to the Baroness de Rutzen concerning his journey from Naples to London.


1842, May 2 – 1858, July 14.

PARTICULARS OF SALE of the advowsons of Heydon and Chisill, co. Essex, Lingfield, co. Surrey, and of a residence called Sunnyside in Reigate.



1842, May 9 – 1857, May 9.

CORRESPONDENCE concerning negotiations for the rectory of Newton from William Deedes of Sandling, co. Kent., deeds relating thereto, lease of the glebe lands and tithes of the chapelry of Newton to G.W. Sheriff, and a draft of the conveyance of the rectory to W.E. Oliver.


1842, July 7-8.

LETTER from William Evans and Powell to James Furze, esq., with the latter’s reply concerning the purchase of the next presentation to the livings of Slebech, Minwere and Newton (proposed to be consolidated) and Yerbeston.


1842, July 7 – 1844, July.

LETTERS from Louisa C. Lichfield and others to the Baroness de Rutzen concerning family and social affairs.


1842, July 12 – 1844, June 26.

LETTERS from William Evans and Powell, W.H. Landon, G.W. Sherriff and W. Wilson Beechey to W. Elliott Oliver concerning the livings of Slebech, Yerbeston, Minwear and Newton.


1842, Aug. 27 – 1843, Oct. 24.

LETTERS from Wm. Evans and Powell, Haverfordwest, Baroness de Rutzen, Baron de Rutzen to W.G. Oliver, solicitor, relating to the Slebech estate and the livings of Newton and Minwear.


1842, Sept. 3.

COPY of a schedule to an agreement dated 3 Sept. 1842.


1842, Sept. 16.

1. Evan Phillips of Low Toch, parish of Slebech, farmer;

2. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen.

DEED OF COVENANT for payment of an annual sum of £12 in lieu of tithes during the continuance of the lease of Low Toch.


1842, Dec. 26 – 1843, Jan. 31.

ABSTRACT OF TITLE of William Deedes, esq., and his trustees to the rectory of Newton, with opinions thereon.



PAPERS relating to the Tavernspite Turnpike Trust and the diversion of the road near Slebech.


1843- 1861, Sept. 6.

PAPERS relating to the Arms, title and genealogy of the de Rutzen family and a declaration by Mary Dorothea Phillips, wife of Nathaniel Phillips, touching the deaths of her sons and the estate of her daughter, the Baroness de Rutzen.


1843- 1847.

PAPERS AND LETTERS, mainly from the Baron de Rutzen to William Elliot Oliver, solicitor, London, concerning various estate and financial matters and the South Wales and Great Western Union Railway, and the Phillips’s estate in Jamaica.


1843, April 27 – May 9.

OPINION of William Hayes, Cloisters Temple, as the abstract of title to the advowson of Yerbeston, with further comments by Oliver and Raven, solicitors.



1843, April 27.

ABSTRACT OF TITLE to the advowson of Yerbeston, with the opinion of William Hayes thereon.


1843, May 1.

LETTER from Louisa [?Anson] at Jerusalem to the Viscount Anson at Blundtisham Rectory, St. Ives, describing travel on the continent.


1843, May 1.

DECLARATION in the Exchequer suit between William Hibbert and others, plaintiffs, and Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen, defendant.


1843, May 18.

EXTRACTS from the ‘Episcopal Act Book’ of the bishop of St. Davids of the records of institutions to the rectory of Yerbeston, 1718 - ; extract from the register of the parish of Colwich, co. Stafford, recording the marriage of Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea Phillips, 1822.


1843, June 13.

The Morning Post, containing a letter from a reader concerning the new church at Slebech built mainly at the expense of the Baron de Rutzen.



1843, June 30.

1. John Deeds of the Middle Temple, co. Middlesex, esq., and Samuel Forster of Lincolns Inn, co. Middlesex, esq.;

2. William Deedes of Sandling, co. Kent, eldest son of William Deedes of the same place, esq., deceased;

3. George Washington Sherriff of Friday Street in the city of London, esq.;

4. William Elliot Oliver of New Bridge Street in the city of London, gent.

APPOINTMENT AND CONVEYANCE in fee of the rectory of Newton, parish of Newton.


1843, June 30.

1. William Deedes;

2. George Washington Sherrif.

COVENANT for the production of title deeds in connection with the conveyance specified in No. 630 supra.


1843, June 30.

1. George Washington Sherriff;

2. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen.

DECLARATION OF TRUST in connection with No. 630 supra.


1843, July 7 – 1844, March 13.

ACCOUNTS of the churchwardens of the parish of Slebech and other records and papers concerning the building of the new church. (Loose documents removed from No. 11486)


1843, July 29.

1. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea Baroness de Rutzen, his wife, formerly Mary Dorothea Phillips, spinster;

2. Onley Savill Onley of Stisted Hall, co. Essex, esq.

MORTGAGE, for securing £1500 and interest, of the estate of the said Baroness, and the assignment of a policy of assurance on her life.


1843, Sept. 1 – 1851, Jan. 17.

LETTERS from Ben R. Thomas and N. Owen of Pater concerning a tenant for the Rutzen Arms, Narberth, and the rentals and estate repairs, receipts and accounts of the tithe rent charge for Slebech and Minwear 1848-1851, and the appointment of a gamekeeper 1843.


1843, Michaelmas – 1847, Oct. 21.

RECEIPTS for Crown Rents paid by the Baron de Rutzen, with letters and protests concerning same.


[1843], Oct. 2.

LETTER from A.F. Rosebury to the Baroness de Rutzen referring to Lord Rosebery’s illness and other personal and social matters.



1. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

2. John William Liddiard of Streatham, co. Surrey, esq.;

3. George Washington Sheriff.

SECURITY for £800 to be repaid in the event of the death of the Baroness de Rutzen before the presentation specified in 638 dated 1844 June 28.




LETTERS from the Baron de Rutzen to W. E. Oliver, solicitor, relating to the Slebech estate and Newton tithes.


1844, Feb. 2 – 1855, June 6.

LETTERS from the Baron de Rutzen to W.E. Oliver, solicitor, relating to the Slebech estate and Newton tithes.


1844, April 3 – 1847, March 3.

LETTERS from John Butler and Ben R. Thomas concerning repairs to Blackpool Mill and the dispute with Marychurch.


1844, June 28.

1. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea his wife;

2. William Liddiard of Streatham, co. Surrey, esq.

GRANT of the next presentation to the rectory of Yerbeston.


1844, June 28.

NOTICES to various Insurance Companies of the assignment of policies by the Baron de Rutzen to Lord Gardiner.


[post 1844, June 28]

ABSTRACT of deeds of mortgage upon the life estate of Baroness de Rutzen of and in hereditaments devised by the will of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., deceased, situate in co. Pembroke.


1844, June 28.

1. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

2. The Right Honourable Alan Legge, Lord Gardner, Baron Gardner of Uttoxeter, co. Nottingham.

RELEASE of a life estate in part of the Slebech property in the parishes of Slebech, Minwear, Martletwy, Narberth, Newton, Robeston Wathen, and Lampeter Velfrey, and assignment of five policies of assurance on the life of the Baron de Rutzen for securing £10,000 and interest.


1844, June 28.

DRAFT of No. 856.


1844, July 3.

LETTER from J.C. and H. Freshfield, New Bank Buildings, to W. E. Oliver, esq., relating to insurance policies on premises in Narberth and to Nos. 852 and 1514 dated 1834, Oct. 2.


1844, July 29 – Dec. 16.

LETTERS from J. C. and H. Freshfield, the Baron de Rutzen, J. W. Berry and Hibbert and Co. to W.E. Oliver, solicitor, concerning estate and financial matters.


1844, Aug. 27 – 1850.

BILL OF COSTS of W.E. Oliver in connection with the land at Slebech appropriated to the church and churchyard.


1844, Oct. 23 – 1852, April 15.

NOTICES to various insurance companies of the assignment of policies, and memoranda in regard to the deposit of title deeds.


circa 1845-1846.

BOOK of pencil drawings of views and buildings in England and on the Continent, with one loose water-colour (? of Slebech old church)


1845, April 21.

LETTER from R.B. Williams of Stackpole Court to the Baron de Rutzen enclosing a particular of the rent charge in lieu of tithes in the parish of Wiston.


2845, July 12.

LETTER from the Incorporated Society for the promoting the enlargement and repairing of Churches and Chapels to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning a grant for Slebech church.


1845, Dec. 4 – 1855, June 19.

LETTERS from Baron de Rutzen, W. V. James, Norris and Allen, J. Roger Powell, Ben R. Thomas, Narberth, John Adams, Holyland, and others to Messrs. Oliver and Sons, solicitors concerning the affairs of the Slebech estate, the magistrateship of Baron de Rutzen, Narberth Market, the railway and Pembroke Dock, etc.


1846, April 4 – 1855, Nov. 8.

PAPERS AND LETTERS relating to the jointure of Mrs. Mary Dorothea Phillips, arrears due to her, her death, will and estate.


1846, July 27.

1. William Elliott Oliver of new Bridge Street in the city of London, gent.;

2. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

3. Inigo William Jones, esq., and Henry Richmond Jones.

MORTGAGE of estates in the parishes of Newton, Robeston Wathan, Narberth and Lampeter Velfrey.


1846, July 28.

1. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

2. Frederick Baron de Rutzen;

3. William Elliot Oliver.

CONVEYANCE to bar the entail and make a new settlement of estates devised by the will of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., deceased.



1846, Nov. 4.- 1847, Sept. 10.

LETTERS from Henry G. Allen of Cresselly, R.B.Williams of Stackpole Court, and W. Bowling to the Baron de Rutzen concerning the rectory of Loveston, together with other papers on the same subject.


1846, Nov. 8.

Bell’s life in London and Sporting Chronicle.




SPECIAL APPORTIONMENT of rent charge on the messuages and lands called Little Arnolds Hill, Arnolds hill, Deeplake, and Square, parish of Slebech, and documents relating to the apportionment in the parishes of Slebech, Minwear and Newton.




LETTERS from Baron de Rutzen, F. de Rutzen, Messrs. Freshfield, Arthur Lort Phillips, J. Roger Powell and others, mainly to Messrs. Oliver and Sons, solicitors, concerning mortgages, policies, securities, etc., pertaining to the Slebech estate, other estate matters, and the construction of the railway line through the estate. Also other miscellaneous papers such as accounts, schedules and valuations relating to the Slebech estate.


1847, March 9 – 1850, Nov. 12.

ACCOUNT BOOK of J. Lewis pertaining to the Slebech estate.


1847, Aug. 10 – 1895, Jan. 31.

MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS of the Slebech estate, including a letter concerning the draft apportionment of the tithe rent charge for the parishes of Slebech, Minwear and Newton 1847, and papers concerning the purchase of Newton Farm from George Lort Philipps, Martletwy Farm, Broomhill Farm, Upton the reading-room and Cross Inn, Narberth, the Pembroke and Tenby Railway Company’s line at Templeton, Templeton brick works, Rutzen Hotel in Narberth, Newton sale, the rents and accounts of Blackpool Mill, the sale of timber and bark, chief and wood rents, schedule of Cannaston Farm deeds, and poor-rate receipts.


1847, Nov. 2 – Dec. 29.

LETTERS from [Connop Thirwall] bishop of St. Davids, to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning the consecration of the new Slebech church and churchyard and the fencing of the latter, and the removal of certain ornaments from the church.


1848, May 19 – 1850, Nov. 1.

ACCOUNT BOOK of wages paid to workmen on the Slebech estate.


1848, Sept. 5.

1. Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

2. Thomas Hodges of Trewynt, parish of Llawhaden.

AGREEMENT for the tenancy of Minwear Lodge and Minwear House Farms, parish of Minwear.



MAP of property in the parish of Robeston Wathen belonging to Mrs. Emily Foley.


1849, June 6 –

ACCOUNT BOOK of wages paid to workmen on the Slebech estate.


1849, Sept. 18 – 1855, Sept. 22.

RECORDS relating to High Toch, parish of Slebech, in the tenure of William Keddy of Greengrove, parish of Robeston Wathan, and Madam de Bavois.



1. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen of Slebech Hall, and Mary Dorothea Baroness de Rutzen, his wife;

2. Inigo William Jones, esq., a major in the 11th Regiment o Light Dragoons o Prince Albert’s Hussars.

3. The Right Honourable Allan Legge, Lord Gardner, Baron Gardner;

4. The said Inigo William Jones and Henry Richmond, esq., of the 6th Regiment of Dragoons, Guards or Carobineers;

5. Charles Bernard Gilpin of Pulverbach, co. Salop, esq., the Reverend Barnard Gilpin of Bengeo, co. Hertford, clerk, and the Reverend John Benson of Norton sub Hamdon, co. Somerset, clerk;

6. William Elliott Oliver of New Bridge Street, London, gent., and Lionel Oliver of the Inner Temple, barrister at law.

APPOINTMENT and authority to receive rents of estates (specified in a schedule) in co. Pembroke and elsewhere mortgaged to Inigo Jones, esq., and others upon trusts.


1850, Oct. 1.

ACCOUNT of a rent-charge due from Lord Milford to the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen, 1847-1850.


1850, Dec. 7.

MEMORANDUM of an agreement between George Lort Phillips of Ashdale, esq., and Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen, for the exchange of North Newton in the parish of Newton for another estate more convenient to the Lawrenny estate.




ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Thomas Mansel and John Miles, esq., to certain messuages and hereditaments in the parish of Minwear, with requisitions and observations thereon.



PAPERS relating to the suit in the Exchequer of Pleas between the Baron de Rutzen, plaintiff, and John Lewis, defendant, for the recovery of debt.


1851, Feb. 20.

1. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and his wife;

2. James Davies of Narberth, draper.

LEASE for 60 years of a piece of land in the town of Narberth.


1851, Feb. 20.

COPY of No. 561.


1851, May 30.

CASE for opinion concerning the will of Elizabeth Crun, widow, of the town and parish of Narberth, with the opinion of J. Erle.


1851, Aug. 21.

1. George Lort Phillips of Ashdale, esq.;

2. John Henry Philipps of Williamston, esq., James Higgon of Scolton, esq., and the Reverend William Roch of Herbrandston, clerk;

3. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen.

AGREEMENT for the sale of the messuage and lands called North Newton, parish of Newton.


1851, Aug. 21 – 1852.

CONTRACT between Thomas Mansel, esq., and the Baron de Rutzen for the sale of messuages and lands in the parish of Minwear, with other papers relating thereto.


[circa 1852, Jan. 30]

ANOTHER COPY of the abstract specified in No. 3568, with opinion thereon 1852, Jan. 30.


[circa 1852, Jan. 30]

ANOTHER COPY of No 3580.


1852, Jan. 31.

REQUISITIONS AND OBSERVATIONS on the title of the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen to the Slebech estate.


1852, Feb. 13.

ABSTRACT comprising the Narberth Enclosure Act and Award, and certificate of sale of a fee-farm rent.


1852, Lady Day – Michaelmas.

RENTAL of the Slebech estates in the parishes of Slebech, Minwear, Myrtletwy, Newton, Robeston Wathan, Narberth and Lampeter Velfrey.


1852, Lady Day – 1893 Michaelmas.

RENTALS of the Slebech estate, 1882-3, 1890-1893, and correspondence and accounts touching tithe rent-charge.


1852, April 3.

1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. Baroness de Rutzen;

3. William Elliot Oliver of New Bridge Street, London, gent.;

4. Edward Goldsmid, etc.;

5. James William Freshfield the younger and Henry Roy Freshfield both of New Bank Buildings, London, gents.;

6. Charles Kaye Freshfield of the same, gent.

APPOINTMENT of receiver of the Slebech and other estates of the Baron de Rutzen, co. Pembroke.


1852, April 17.

1. George Lort Phillips of Ashdale, esq.;

2. Lionel Oliver of Inner Temple London, esq.

COVENANT for the production of title deeds of North Newton.


1852, April 24.

1. Thomas Mansel of the town of Pembroke, surgeon, and Eliza his wife;

2. John Miles of Templeton, gent.;

3. Baron de Rutzen;

4. Baroness de Rutzen and the eldest son of the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

5. Lionel Oliver of the Inner Temple, London, esq., barrister at law.

CONVEYANCE of messuages and lands in the parish of Minweare.


1852, Nov. 23.

The London Gazette, No. 21383. Contains notices relating to railways in Wales.



1852, Dec. 9.

1. Mary Dorothea de Rutzen and Frederick Leopold Sapieha Manteuffel de Rutzen, Baron de Frenz, of Slebech Hall, the eldest son of the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen;

2. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen;

3. Lionel Oliver of the Inner Temple, London, esq.;

4. Charles Bernard Gilpin late of Pulverbach, co. Salop but now of Edinburgh, esq., The Reverend Bernard Gilpin of Bengeo, co. Hertford, clerk, the Reverend John Benson of Norton sub Hamdon, co. Somerset, clerk;

5. Samuel Miles Benson of New Bridge Street, city of London, gent.

MORTGAGE of a messuage called North Newton and lands in the parishes of Newton and Minwear, as collateral security for £5500 and interest.


1853, March 23.

MEMORIAL of Eugene Ferdinand de Rutzen to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty requesting to be restated in the Navy after dismissal; and testimonials and certificates on the same subject, (1849-1851).



1853, Oct. 11.

1. Mary Dorothea, Baroness de Rutzen, and her son Frederick Leopold;

2. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen;

3. George Carr Glyn and Boyce Comb, esquires, and Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmith, bart.

MORTGAGE of North Newton and lands in the parishes of Newton and Minwear, as collateral security for £2000 and interest.



LETTERS FROM Baron de Rutzen, M.D. de Rutzen and F. de Rutzen to Mr. Oliver, solicitor; papers relating to income tax and insurance policies.



PAPERS relating to Dally’s Land, Minwear, Minwear Farm, bark accounts, and the suit de Rutzen v. George Butler. Also the marriage settlement of Morris John of Little Camphill.


1854, Oct. 7.

1. John Colby of Ffynnone, esq.;

2. Baron de Rutzen;

3. Baroness de Rutzen;

4. Lionel Oliver of the Inner Temple, esq.

CONVEYANCE of a piece of woodland in the parish of Robeston Wathan, in trust for the Baroness de Rutzen.



1. The Baron de Rutzen;

2. Thomas Joseph Turner.

MORTGAGE (assignment of an annuity) for securing £200 and interest. With letters from T.J. Turner to W.E. Oliver concerning same.



PAPERS relating to the dispute between the Baron de Rutzen and John Mends, collector of tolls in Narberth market.



RECORDS of the suit in Chancery between John William Liddiard, plaintiff, and Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen, and George Washington Sherriff, defendants, arising out of an agreement relating to the glebe and tithes of the chapelry of Newton.


1855, Jan. 9 – 1857, May. 4.

RECORDS of a suit in Chancery between John William Liddiard, plaintiff, and Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen, George Washington Sherriff and others, defendants, touching agreements concerning the rectories or parish churches of Slebech, Minivear and Yerbeston, and the chapelry of Newton.



Papers relating to the suit in Chancery between John William Liddiard, plaintiff, and Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen, George Washington Sherriff and others (see above).


1855, Mar. 25.

VALUATION of the living of Slebech, Minwere and Newton.


1855, March 31 – June 21.

LETTERS from Bothamley and Freeman, 39 Coleman Street, London to W.E. Oliver, solicitor, relating to the suit Liddiard v. De Rutzen, and other papers on the same subject.


1855, July 9 – 1857, Jan.

As Nos. 5119-5274 supra.


circa 1856.

SCHEDULE of deeds and writings (1793-1856) relating to estates in the parishes of Slebech, Minwear and Martletwy, comprised in a mortgage dated 1 Feb. 1856.

2139-2240, 12525-12562.


LETTERS from Baron de Rutzen, F. de Rutzen, R. de Rutzen, Albert de Rutzen, Bottomley and Freeman, J. Eaton Evans, J. Roger Powell, T.J. Marriott, Georgiana Cathcart and others, mainly addressed to Messrs. Oliver & Sons, solicitors, concerning the Slebech estate, insurance policies, construction of the railway, presentation to the church of Yerbeston, slander against Mrs. Vincent of Milford and other family matters. Also bills of costs, receipts and memoranda.


[post 1856]

MEMORANDUM of deeds comprised in the abstract of title to the Slebech estate mortgaged to A. Colvile.



LETTING BOOKS containing the conditions and particulars of lettings of lands at Minwear Lodge, parish of Minwear.


[post 1856, Jan. 31]

ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Baroness de Rutzen and Baron F. de Rutzen to the manor and capital messuage and demesnes of Slebech and divers other manors, messuages and lands in co. Pembroke devised by the will of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., deceased.


[circa 1856 Jan. 31]

SUPPLEMENT to the title specified in No. 3568.


[post 1856, Jan. 31]

ABSTRACT OF TITLE to a messuage, farm, and hereditaments in the parish o North Newton.


circa 1856, Feb. 1.

SCHEDULE of deeds and writings relating to estates devised by the will of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., and now in the possession of the Baron and Baroness de Rutzen.


1856, Feb. 1 –

SCHEDULES of deeds relating to the mortgage specified in No. 636, and other papers touching the same.


1856, Feb. 1.

1. Mary Dorothea Baroness de Rutzen, and her son Frederic Leopold;

2. The Baron de Rutzen;

3. Inigo William Jones of Ludford House near Ludlow, co. Salop, esq., and Henry Richmond Jones, esq.;

4. Andrew Colvile of Fenchurch Buildings, London, merchant, Daniel Mildred of Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street, banker, George Hibbert of Billiter Court, London, merchant, James Gordon Murdoch of Haymarket, banker;

5. Sir Jervoise Clarke Jervoise of Idsworth, co. Southampton, bart., Sir William Wellesley Knighton of Blendworth, co. Southampton, bart., and John Malcolm of Lamorby, co. Kent, esq.;

6. William Elliot Oliver of New Bridge Street in the city of London, esq.

APPOINTMENT of a receiver of the Slebech estate with schedules of rents.


1856, Feb. 1.

1. Baroness de Rutzen, and Frederic Baron de Rutzen;

2. Baron de Rutzen;

3. Frederic Baron de Rutzen and William Elliot Oliver of New Bridge Street, London, gent.

DEED OF TRUST involving the Slebech estate and policies of assurance.


1856, Feb. 1.

COPY of No. 755.


1856, Feb. 1.

SCHEDULES of deeds and writings (1793-1856) relating to estates in the parishes of Minwear comprised in a mortgage to Sir Jervoise C. Jervoise and others.


1856, Feb. 1 – 1896, Aug. 6.

COPIES AND DRAFTS of mortgages of estates in the parishes of Minwear and Slebech.


1856, May 31 – 1871, Aug. 25.

LETTERS from the Baron e Rutzen, James and James (Haverfordwest) and W.E. Oliver, relating to the Slebech estate, the Slebech Road case and Newton tithes.


circa 1856, July 29.

SCHEDULE of deeds relating to estates in the parishes of Newton, Robeston Wathan, Narberth and Lampeter Velfrey comprised in a mortgage dated 29 July 1856.



DRAFT of the mortgage of the rectory of Newton to Col. Inigo William Jones.


1857, Feb. 27.

1. John William Liddiard of Streatham, co. Surrey, esq.;

2. Charles Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Mary Dorothea Baroness de Rutzen.

GRANT of the next presentation to the rectory of Yerbeston upon the same becoming vacant during the life of he said Baroness de Rutzen.


1857, Feb. 27.

DRAFT of No. 637 supra.


1857, Feb. 28.

LETTER from ------- at Ascot Lodge, Windsor, to the Baroness de Rutzen, referring to family affairs and the death of her (the writer’s) husband at Inkurman.


1857, March 3.

LETTER from William Courthop, Somerset Herald, of the College of Arms to the Baroness de Rutzen, concerning the question of succession to the baronetcy on the death of Sir Godwin Philipps.


1857, March 13.

LETTER from Elizabeth, Marquise of Rosebury at Paris to the Baroness de Rutzen, concerning her marriage in Paris, travel on the continent, and the Phillipps family.


1857, April 3-27.

PAPERS relating to the case of William Cozens of Cotlays, parish of Wiston, debtor.


1857, May 9.

1. George Washington Sherriff of Friday Street in the city of London, esq.;

2. Baroness de Rutzen and her son Frederic Leopold;

3. Baron de Rutzen;

4. William Elliott Oliver of New Bridge Street, London, gent.

APPOINTMENT AND CONVEYANCE in fee of the rectory of Newton to the uses specified therein.


1857, June 22 – 1861, Jan. 18.

LETTERS from Eaton Evans, George Clarke, and W. Bowling to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning the population and stipend of Reynoldston, the sale of the advowson of Martletwy, the value of the livings of Loveston and Yerbeston and their consolidation, the purchase of the advowson of Loveston; and draft letters from the Baron de Rutzen, one being corrections to the Clergy List in respect of Loveston, Newton, Minwere and Slebech.


1857, Nov. 26.

1. Baroness de Rutzen and Frederic Baron de Rutzen;

2. Charles Baron de Rutzen;

3. Thomas Reece Thomas of Lampeter House, esq.;

4. William Elliot Oliver of New Bridge Street, London, gent.

EXCHANGE of lands in the parish of Lampeter Velfrey.



RECEIPTS for legal costs and correspondence relating thereto in connection with the suits between Baron de Rutzen and Alfred Stannard and Alfred Beynon.



ABSTRACT OF TITLE of the Right Honourable the Earl of Cawdor to the lordship or manor of Stackpole.


1858, Jan. 9 – June 26.

PAPERS relating to the rectories of Yerbeston and Loveston, including letters from John Harvey and Sons, Haverfordwest, to the Baron de Rutzen, from Newell, Mathias and Evans, Haverfordwest, to W.E. Oliver, solicitor, London, and from W.E. Oliver to H.E.Z. Post Office, Bristol, touching the value of the said rectories and arrangements for the sale of the next presentation; particulars of the rectories; tracings from the maps of the parishes of Nash, Loveston and Yerbeston with extracts from the tithe apportionments relating to the glebe lands, etc.


1858, April 30.

MEMORANDUM relating to the de Rutzen Trust and certain loans obtained on security of policies of assurance. See No. 755 dated 1 Feb. 1856.


1858, April 30.

1. Baroness de Rutzen and Frederic Baron de Rutzen, her eldest son;

2. Charles Baron de Rutzen;

3. Frederic Baron de Rutzen and William Elliot Oliver.

APPOINTMENT and further declaration of trust respecting policies of assurance assigned by trust deed dated 1 Feb. 1856.


1858, May 11.

PARTICULARS OF SALE o land at Wear Point, parish of Llanstadwell.



1858, June 15.

1. The Right Honourable John Frederick, Earl of Cawdor of Stackpole Court, and the Honourable John Frederick Vaughan Campbell;

2. Baron de Rutzen;

3. Baroness de Rutzen and Frederic Leopold her son.

4. Lionel Oliver of the Inner Temple, esq.

CONVEYANCE of the advowson of the church of Loveston, parish of Loveston.


1858, June 15.

COVENANT between the parties specified in No. 640 supra for the production of title deeds touching the advowson of the church of Loveston.



VOLUME entitled ‘Slebech Sale Book’ recording the lots sold, amounts and purchasers.


1859, May 12.

PEDIGREE of the de Rutzen family extracted from the records of the College of Arms by William Courthope, Somerset Herald. (Roll: too long for box)


1859, Aug. 16.

LETTER of [Sir] Thomas Phillipps of Middle hill to the Baroness de Rutzen, concerning a search in two volumes of Fenton’s MSS. for material on the Barlow family and the Slebech estate, and referring to Lady King’s Collection.


1859, Sep. 26.

LETTER of [Sir] Thomas Phillipps of Middle hill to the Baroness de Rutzen. He encloses a copy of the receipt from the Crown dated 25 Oct. 38 Henry VIII for the purchase money paid by Roger Barlow and Thomas Barlow in respect of the estates of Slebech, Pill Priory, etc., found among the Fenton MSS. A great number of the old papers of Fenton’s came from Sir John Wynne of Gwydir’s house in Caernarvonshire. He sends thanks for the Lampeter inscriptions.


1859, Nov. 20 – 1872, Sept. 20.

MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS including letters from Albert de Rutzen, C. Sainger, and R. de Rutzen, will of Baron de Rutzen, 1860, grant of space for interment in the vault of Slebech church, will of Baroness de Rutzen, 1860, receipts for bequests under the latter’s will, note on the removal of Mrs. Phillips’s coffin to the New Church, draft inscription for Mrs. Elizabeth Nerbert, accounts, passport, and a draft letter by the Baron de Rutzen on the death and burial of the Baroness.


1860, Feb. 9.

LETTER from the Baron de Rutzen to his son Fritz, giving instructions about the building of a fireplace, care of the pictures, and money matters.


1860, Feb. 29.

LETTER from R.B. Williams Stackpole Court, to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning breeds of cattle.


1860, April 18 – 1864, April 13.

SALE OF LETTING BOOKS of Minwere Lodge lands and timber.


1860, July 25.

LETTER from John Edmond, Haverfordwest, to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning the bed in the vault.


1860, Sept. 3 – 1861, Dec. 13.

BILL OF COSTS of W.E. and F.W. Oliver in connection with the will of the Baron de Rutzen and the grant of space for interment in the vault of Slebech Church.


1860, Oct. 11.

SURRENDER of the mortgage specified in No. 748 dated 1846 July 27.


[post 1860, Oct. 11]

ABSTRACT OF TITLE to the castle of Narberth, the manor of Narberth, the reeveship of Velfy, etc.




WILL of Frederick L.S.M. Baron de Rutzen.



1861, March 25 – 1907, Sept. 28.

AGREEMENTS for the sale of bark at Blackpool, the letting of farms on the Slebech estate, and the tolls of Narberth market; copies of notices to quit.


1861, April 3 – Aug.

PAPERS pertaining to the Rutzen Arms, Narberth, including an inventory and valuation, accounts of rent, agreement with the tenants, distraint certificates, etc.


1861, June 4 – n.d.

LETTER from Sir Thomas Phillipps, Haverfordwest, to the Baron de Rutzen and notes by the latter concerning the pedigree of the family of Nathaniel Phillips of Jamaica and Slebech.


1861, Aug. 31.

LETTER from Lewis Morris, Carmarthen, to the Baron de Rutzen, recommending his nephew to any living in the patronage of the Baron.


1861, Oct. 31.

CERTIFICATE of the coat of arms of the Barons Fon-Rutzen, with description and explanation.




PAPERS concerning the stopping up of a highway in Narberth and the widening of another highway.


1861, Nov. 5.

PLAN of the site of premises to be used for the Court House, etc., in the town of Narberth.


1862, Jan. 2.

1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. Baron Frederick de Rutzen.

ASSIGNMENT of furniture and effects at Slebech Park.


1862, May.

PLAN of buildings in Market Street, Narberth.


1862, Oct. 6 – Nov. 4.

PAPERS relating to General Christian Heinrich Sanger, grand uncle of the Baron de Rutzen.


1864, March 7 – 1896, Sept. 26.

LETTERS and miscellaneous papers relating to the lease of a house in Templeton, the fishing mill dam at Blackpool, the valuation of effects at Slebech, tithe rent-charge, High Toch sale, the Baron de Rutzen’s razors, and receipts, counterfoils, accounts, plan of lands near Narberth 1869, conveyance of Canaston Toll House, and returns.


1864, April 13.

AGREEMENT between A.H. Lascelles of Narberth, gent., and the Baron de Rutzen, regarding the tenure of a shop in Market Street, Narberth.


1864, May – Sept.

ACCOUNT of bark sold on the Slebech estate.


1864, June 1 – 1873, June 11.

LETTERS from H.S. de Rutzen, F. de Rutzen, etc., to Rudolph de Rutzen, concerning money and family matters.


1864, Michaelmas – 1880, Lady Day.

RENT LEDGER of the Slebech estate.


1864, Dec. 14.

1. William Chambers late of Llanelly House, co. Carmarthen, now of Havod, co. Cardigan, esq., and Thomas Charles Morris of Carmarthen, esq.;

2. Angel Emily Vernon of the Mount Hanbury, co. Worcester, widow.

RECONVEYANCE of freehold and lifehold estates in the parishes of Llanegwad and Llangathan, co. Carmarthen, and in the parish of Robeston Wathan, co. Pembroke, comprised in Nos. 627-8 supra.


1864, Nov. 8.

THE VALUATION LIST of the parish of Minwear in the Narberth Union, in accordance with the Union Assessment Committee Act, 1862.



ABSTRACT OF TITLES of Margaret Eizabeth Lloyd, late of Brunant, co. Carmarthen, but now of Ferryside, co. Carmarthen, spinster, Charles Lloyd of Brunant aforesaid, esq., and Joseph Sylvanus Hill Lloyd late of Brunant aforesaid but now of Westbury upon Trym, co. Gloucester, esq., to two cottages and gardens, part of Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathan.



ABSTRACT of a lease dated 12 May 1827 of the property specified in No. 510.



SUPPLEMENT to No. 510.


1865, April 6.

PARTICULARS OF SALE of Atheston estate in the parish of Robeston Wathan.



1865, April 6.

PARTICULARS OF SALE of Atheston estate in the parish of Robeston Wathan.



1865, May 2.

1. Margaret Elizabeth Lloyd late of Brunant, co. Carmarthen, now of Westbury on Trym, co. Gloucester, spinster, and others;

2. Baron de Rutzen.

AGREEMENT for the sale and purchase of cottages and land part of Atheston Farm, parish of Robeston Wathen.


1865, July 10 – 1892, Oct. 12.

CONVEYANCES, schedule of deeds, receipts and accounts pertaining to the Jamaica property of the Baron de Rutzen.


1865, Nov. 7.

1. John Thomas of Narberth, gent., and William George of Coedcanlas, farmer;

2. Benjamin Howell of Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathan, farmer;

3. Margaret Elizabeth Lloyd of Ferryside, co. Carmarthen, spinster, Charles Lloyd of Brunant, co. Carmarthen, spinster, Charles Lloyd of Brunant, co. Carmarthen, esq., and Joseph Sylvanus Hill Lloyd or Westbury upon Trym, co. Gloucester, esq.

SURRENDER of a lease of cottages and lands, being part of Atheston farm, parish of Robeston Wathen.


1865, Nov. 8.

1. Margaret Elizabeth Lloyd and others;

2. Baron de Rutzen.

CONVEYANCE of cottages and lands (part of Atheston farm), parish of Robeston Wathen.


1866, March 10.

LETTER from Alex W. Atkinson, Kingston, Jamaica, to Messrs. Oliver, New Bridge Street, London, with an abstract of a deed dated 11 Feb. 1819 from Viscount Anson to Messrs. Hibbert assigning a legacy of £10,000 bequeathed under the will of Nathaniel Phillips.


1866, March 26.

1. Miss Margaret Elizabeth Lloyd and Charles Lloyd;

2. The Baron de Rutzen.

COVENANT for the production of deeds relating to Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathen.


1866, March 27.

1. Baron Frederick de Rutzen, of Slebech Hall;

2. Wyndham Pike of Slebech Hall, gamekeeper, and William Hood of Forest Lodge, parish of Minwear.

APPOINTMENT of the said Wyndham Pike and William Hood as gamekeepers.


1866, June.

TRACING of a map of Big House Farm, Lampeter Velfrey.


1868, June 6.

LETTER from B.T.Williams of 1 Pump Court, Temple [London], E.C., to the Baron de Rutzen, Slebech Park, enclosing the original grant by Henry 8 of the Slebech estate (i.e. No. 877 supra).


1868, July 22.

PARTICULARS and conditions of sale of the farms of Great Canaston, parish of Robeston Wathan, Black Alders or Penrhew near Narberth, Kilshave, parish f Fishguard, and Havod Tidfil, parish of Meline.



1868, July 22.

COPY of No. 1340.


1868, Aug. 4.

ABSTRACT of the tithe of Miss Emily Vernon and John Beresford Herbert, esq., to a freehold estate called Canaston, parish of Robeston Wathan, with the opinion of Joshua Williams, Lincolns Inn, thereon.


1868, Aug. 14 – Nov. 3.

OPINIONS in the matter of the title of Miss Emily Vernon and John Beresford Herbert, esq., as devisees of the legal estate under the will of the late Mrs. Angel Emily Vernon who was the sole trustee under the will of the late Mrs. Emily Mary Ann Foley to the freehold estate called Cannaston, parish of Robeston Wathen.


1868, Sept. 24.

1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. A.H. Lascelles of Narberth, gent.

LEASE of a piece of land in the town of Narberth.


1868, Oct. 1 – 1869, Feb. 6.

OPINIONS on the title of the Foley estate. See No. 653.



ACCOUNT of the Baron F. de Rutzen with Powell, Mathias and Evans relating to the sale of the Lampeter estate and the cost of the Canaston purchase.



ABSTRACT OF TITLE of the Baron de Rutzen to Dyffrin and Lower House parish of Lampeter Velfrey.



1869, March 22.

APPOINTMENT by Emily Vernon of Barsham House, Great Malvern, spinster, and J.B. Herbert, esq., executors of the late Angel Emily Vernon, of new trustees of the will of the late Emily Mary Ann Foley.


1869, March 22.

DRAFT of no. 645.


1869, March 23.

1. The Reverend William Foley Vernon of Shrawley Rectory, co. Worcester, clerk, the only son and heir at law of Emily Vernon, widow, deceased;

2. Emily Vernon of Busham House, Great Malvern, spinster, and john Beresford Herbert of no. 5 Old Square, Lincolns Inn, esq.;

3. John Beresford Herbert, Robert William Henry Herbert of no. 1 Hobart Place, Eaton Square, co. Middlesex, and John Taylor the younger of No. 7 Grays Inn Square, co. Middlesex, solicitor.

CONVEYANCE AND ASSIGNMENT of the outstanding residuary real and personal estates of the late Emily M.A. Foley to the new trustees of the will.


1869, March 24.

1. John Beresford Herbert of No. 5 Old Square, Lincolns Inn, co. Middlesex, barrister at law, Robert William Henry Herbert of no. 1 Hobart place, Eaton Square, co. Middlesex, and john Taylor the younger of No. 7 Grays Inn Square, co. Middlesex, solicitor;

2. Emily Vernon, spinster, Adela Vernon, spinster, and Henrietta Vernon, spinster, all of Barsham House, Great Malvern, co. Worcester;

3. Frederick Leopold Sapieha Manteuffel de Rutzen, Baron de Rutzen, Baron de Rutzen, of Slebech Park.

CONVEYANCE of the farm and land called Great Cannaston, parish of Robeston Wathen.


1869, March 24.

1. John Beresford Herbert, esq., and others;

2. Baron de Rutzen.

COVENANT for delivery of title deeds and the interim production thereof.

See No. 647.


1869, March 25.

BONDS from the Baron Frederick de Rutzen to various persons for securing sums of money.


1869, March 23.

DRAFT of No. 643.


1869, June 8.

STATUTORY DECLARATION of John Harvey of Haverfordwest, land agent, touching the title of the trustees of Emily Mary Ann Foley, widow, deceased, to Great Cannaston.

See No. 647.


1869, June 24.

PARTICULARS and Conditions of sale of Dyddryn and Lower house, parish of Lampeter Velfrey.



1869, Oct. 4 – 1870, Oct. 4.

RECORD of proceedings (extension of short-hand notes) in a Court of Inquiry touching the claim of the Baron de Rutzen to a fishing mill dam on the Cleddy at Blackpool.


1869, Oct. 13.

AGREEMENT for the restoration of the old church of Minwear by the Baron de Rutzen.


1870, Aug. 10.

FACULTY to restore the old church of Minwear and to add to a piece of ground as an additional burial ground to the old churchyard.


1870, Aug. 31.

NOTICE to Baron Frederick de Rutzen to appear before the Special Commissioners for English Fisheries for an inquiry touching the fishing, mill and fixed engines in the River Cleddy.


1870, Oct. 4.

CERTIFICATE of the Special Commissioners for English Fisheries to the effect that the fishing mill dam near Blackpool is legal.


1870, Nov. 19-28.

LETTERS from George Clark, Robeston Wathen, to the Baron de Rutzen, concerning the proposed school at Robeston.


1871, July 8.

WILL of Frederic L.S.M. Baron de Rutzen.


1871, Aug. 28.

AGREEMENT concerning the assignment of the lease specified in No. 3897 dated 1 Dec. 1795.



1871, Oct. 14.

1. Baron Frederick de Rutzen of Slebech Hall;

2. Wyndham Pike of Slebech and George Freeman of Church Park, parish of Newton.

APPOINTMENT of the said Wyndham Pike and George Freeman as gamekeepers.


1871, Oct. 31.

1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. Sir Jervoise Clark-Jervoise of Idsworth, co. Southampton, bart., Sir William Wellesley Knighton of Blendworth, co. Southampton, bart., and John Malcolm formerly of Lamorbey, co. Kent, esq.;

3. The said Baron de Rutzen.

APPOINTMENT AND RELEASE by mortgage of pieces of land adjoining the churchyard at Minwear to the use of the Baron de Rutzen in fee.


1873, March 12.

LETTER from J. Eaton Evans of Haverfordwest to the Baron de Rutzen concerning Narberth market, the valuation of the Templeton lands, the salmon fishery bills in the House and enclosing the commissioners’ certificate. (No. 539 supra).


1873, March 24.

TRACING from he tithe map of the Barn, Jackhill, etc., at Templeton.


1873, Aug. 30.

1. The Baron de Rutzen;

2. Daniel Davies.

LEASE of the messuage and lands called Barn, parish of Templeton.


1873, Sept. 27 – 1904, Sept. 28.

AGREEMENTS between the Baron de Rutzen and tenants for letting the farms and lands of Arnolds hill, Great Cannaston, parish of Slebech, Minwear Farm, Nash Farm, Folly, parish of Minwear, Martletwy, parish of Martletwy, and West Atheston, parish of Robeston Wathan, and for the purchase of timber in Woodside, Kilvoden, and Cannaston.


1875, April 14.

LETTER from Goode and Owen, Land Agency Offices, Haverfordwest, to the Baron Leopold de Rutzen, concerning the fencing of Canaston Wood.


1876, March 15.

LETTER from Oliver and sons, Union Bank chambers, London, to A. Badin, esq., concerning Baron de Rutzen’s loan.


1877, Feb. 28 – 1887, Aug. 25.

LETTERS from Oliver and Sons, solicitors, concerning title deeds of the Slebech estate.


1877, April.

EVIDENCE taken by the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the proposed resignation of the Reverend W.H. Landon and the value of the living of Slebech cum Minwere and Newton.



1877, April 30.

WILL of Baron Frederic Leopold S.M. Baron de Rutzen of Slebech Park.



1877, June 25 – 1891, Sept. 4.

LETTERS, sale poster, valuations, draft conveyances, case, and other documents pertaining to the Templeton Selica Brick Works.



VALUATION of the living of Slebech.



RENTAL of the Ridgeway Estates.


1878, July 4.

1. The Baron de Rutzen;

2. John Lewis of Saundersfoot, hotel-keeper.

LEASE for 21 years of the Rutzen Arms hotel, Narberth.


1880, Aug. – 1881, Nov. 15.

LETTERS from Sir C.E.G.Philipps of Picton Castle to the Baron de Rutzen, with the latter’s draft replies, concerning the family pew in the new Slebech church.


1880, Oct. 11.

1. Frederic Baron de Rutzen;

2. Lionel Oliver of Heacham, Kings Lynn, co. Norfolk, esq., the Reverend Lionel Oliver Bigg of Crowhurst, co. Surrey, clerk, Edward Arthur Bigg of Clifton, Bristol, esq,. and Edgar Oliver of Wimbledon, co. Surrey, esq.

MORTGAGE of Minwear Lodge and Farm, Minwear Mill and Nova Scotia with lands in the parish of Minwear.


1881, Sept. 30.

1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. S.H. Owen.

AGREEMENT on letting a house, etc., in Narberth.


1883, July 31.

PASSPORT for Rudolph de Rutzen to travel on the continent.


1883, Sept. 15 – 1889, June 13.

LETTERS from the Reverend W. Scott from the Grammar School and Williamston House, Haverfordwest, J. Eaton Evans, the bishop of St. Davids and R. de Rutzen to the Baron de Rutzen, with copies of the latter’s replies, concerning the appointment of W. Scott to the living of Slebech, the question of a parsonage for the incumbent, the sale of property in Camrose and negotiations with the Governors of Queen Anne’s Bounty, and the importance of public worship.


1884, May.

EXTRACTS from an abstract of title touching the fishery and right of navigation in the Cleddy belonging to the Slebech estate.


1885, May 16.

The Golden Argosy. English Edition.



circa 1886.

EXTRACTS from the confirmed apportionment of the rent charge in lieu of tithes for the parishes of Narberth, Martletwy, Robeston, Slebech and Newton and tracings from the tithe maps.



1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. Charles Barclay and others.

TRANSFER of a mortgage debt of £28,700 and the securities for the same and mortgage by way of collateral security of Newhouse Farm, parish of Newhouse.




SCHEDULE of deeds and writings relating to the farm of Great Canaston, parish of Robeston Wathen.


1886, May 3 – Nov.

RECEIPTED BILL OF COSTS for repairs at the Rutzen Arms, Narberth, and estimates for repairs.


1886, July 3 –1887, Oct. 22.

PAPERS AND LETTERS addressed to Messrs. Oliver and Sons, solicitors, mainly from Eaton Evans and Williams, solicitors, Haverfordwest, and the Imperial Life Insurance Company, concerning estate matters and mortgages.



Parnellism and Crime. Reprinted from The Times. Second Edition.



1887, May 23.

MEMORANDUM touching the deposit of title deeds relating to the farm of Great Canaston, parish of Robeston Wathen.


1887, May 23.

MEMORANDUM relating to the deposit of the deeds of Great Canaston with Charles Barlday and others. With map tracing.


1887, May 23.

COPY of No. 1350.


1887, Oct. 24 – 1888, Jan. 27.

CORRESPONDENCE concerning the letting of Minwear Farm to George Macken (see No. 11441), and notices to quit.



BILL OF COSTS, particulars of tithe rent charge on properties for sale, valuation of properties in the sale 1895 Sept., schedule of deeds, memoranda, sale of timber and a document relating to the will of Baron de Rutzen.


1888, Aug. 15.

1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. George Macken of Market Gate, parish of Jeffreyston, farmer.

AGREEMENT for letting Minwear Farm.


1889, Feb. 7 – 1890, Nov. 10.

CORRESPONDENCE relating to the Slebech estate and its financial and business affairs.



RENTALS of the Slebech estate.



ACCOUNTS of the Baron de Rutzen with Eaton-Evans and Williams, solicitors, Haverfordwest.


1890, March 25.

RENTAL of the Slebech estate for the half year due Ladyday 1890.


[post 1890, May 20]

ABSTRACT OF TITLE of the Baron de Rutzen to the advowson of Loveston cum Yerbeston.


1890, May 22 – July 12.

ACCOUNT of the executors of the late Baron de Rutzen with Eaton-Evans and Williams, solicitors.


1890, June – 1891, Jan. 6.

PAPERS relating to the will and estate of Frederic Leopold Sapieha Manteuffel Baron de Rutzen, Baron of Frentz, deceased, including probate expenses, succession accounts, particulars of rentals, inland revenue accounts, schedules of debts and correspondence.


1890, Oct.

INLAND REVENUE return giving an account of the succession in real property of Rudolph, Baron de Rutzen, upon the death of Frederick, Baron de Rutzen.


1890, Nov. 11.

RESIDUARY ACCOUNT (Inland Revenue) of the estate of Baron de Rutzen, deceased.



LIST of existing leases pertaining to the Slebech estate.



INLAND REVENUE forms and papers pertaining to the estate of Baron de Rutzen, including estate duties and duties on the sale of timber.


1891, Jan. 1 – 1891, Dec. 31.

LETTERS from the Baron de Rutzen, the Imperial Life Insurance Company, J.H.H. Williams, Haverfordwest, Eaton Evans and Williams, solicitors, Haverfordwest, Narberth Gas Company, A. du Rutzen, W.E. Stark, and others to Messrs. Oliver and Sons, Solicitors, concerning the Slebech estate.


1891, March 25 – 1896, Feb. 26.

CORRESPONDENCE relating to the sale and carting of timber on the Slebech estate, with valuations and a map of Martletwy and Boston’s Woods.


1891, June 9.

INSURANCE POLICY on houses in Narberth.


1891, Aug. – 1893, June 8.

LETTERS from tenants of the Slebech estate concerning rents, improvements, leases, etc., accounts and rent of Rosehill, memoranda of improvements required to be done on the estate, receipts, income tax returns, particulars of tithe on the estate, papers concerning the shrievalty, the Boars Head Farm quarry, and the rent of Cross Inn, Narberth.


1891, Aug. 12.

OPINION on a case relating to the will of Baron de Rutzen.


circa 1891, Oct.

BILL advertising the sale of the advowson of the rectory of Loveston-cum-Yerbeston.

Printed. Five copies.



LIST of the outlying portions of the Slebech estate in parishes of Robeston Wathen and Narberth South.



ACT to provide or repealing the deed of settlement of the Imperial Life Insurance Company …..




RENTAL of estates of the Baron de Rutzen in the parish of Minwear.



ACCOUNTS, BILLS and charges, including the application of the proceeds of the sale of timber (1892-1896), list of leases of lands for sale, particulars of mortgages, all relating to the Slebech estate.



PARTICULARS agreement and correspondence concerning Newhouse Farm.



ACCOUNTS, rents, estate duties and correspondence on the de Rutzen estates in Jamaica.


1892, Jan. 5 – 1897, Jan. 27.

LETTERS from Baron de Rutzen, W. Emery Stark, Cooper and Blake, solicitors, A. de Rutzen, Lloyds Bank, Emeline C.C. de Rutzen, Reverend Benjamin Thomas, Frederica Phillips, Imperial Life Insurance Company, H. Salter and Sons, John Roberts, Narberth, to Messrs Oliver and Sons, concerning the affairs of the Slebech estate, mortgages, sales, the advowson of Yerbeston-cum-Loveston, the timber on the estate, damage to roads, etc.


1892, March 25.

CONDITIONS OF SALE of timber on the Slebech estate.



1892, March 25.

BILL advertising the sale of timber on Slebech estate.

Two copies. Printed.


1892, March 25-April 5.

CONDITIONS OF SALE of various lots of timber on the Slebech estate.



1892, April 15 – 1896, March 3.

LETTERS from Eaton vans and Williams, solicitor, Haverfordwest, Robert Williams, Neath, Baron de Rutzen, William Tibbette Hart, solicitor, London, Imperial Life Insurance Co., and others to Frederick W. Oliver and son, solicitors, London, relating to matters of business and estate management, mortgages insurance timber, advowson of Yerbeston, etc.


1892, May 4.

ACCOUNT of the surveyor and auctioneer for valuation and sale of timber on the Slebech estate.


1892, Aug. 29 –

RECEIPT from Walter Barrell, tailor and draper, London, to A. de Rutzen; and undated draft accounts and rough calculations.


circa 1892, Sept. 30.

MEMORANDUM on the will of Emmeline Charlotte Catherine de Rutzen, dated 20 Nov. 1890.


1892, Oct.

PARTICULARS of a mortgage to the Trustees of the Imperial Life Assurance Company.




1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. Edward Field of Hazelhurst, Gravesend, co. Kent, and James W. Thompson of Edinburgh.

AGREEMENT for a mortgage of £36,000 on the Slebech estate.



PRESS CUTTINGS BOOK belonging to Alan F. de Rutzen and relating to Eton College and Pembrokeshire events.


1893, March 4.

LETTER from Messrs.W. Emery Stark & Co. to Messrs. Oliver and Sons relating to the ‘Church Patronage Bill’.


1893, Nov. 17.

ACCOUNT of the funeral of the late Miss Mabel Philipps of Picton Castle reprinted from the Pembrokeshire Herald.



BILLS OF COSTS and receipts relating to the Slebech estate.


1894, Sept. 7 – 1895, May 16.

DOCUMENTS connected with the suit between Narberth District Highway Board and the Trusteed of he Slebech estate concerning the damage done to roads by the conveyance of timber from the Slebech estate.



PARTICULARS OF SALE of part of the Slebech estate (duplicate of No. 899) and letters and papers touching the said sale.



PAPERS and letters relating to No. 1410 dated 1896 March 27.



ABSTRACT OF TITLE of the trustees of the will of the late Frederic Leopold S.M. Baron de Rutzen to estates in the parish of Narberth North and South and the town of Narberth.



COPY of No. 3569.



ANOTHER COPY of No. 3569.



SUPPLEMENT to No. 3569.



ANOTHER COPY of No. 3570.



ANOTHER COPY of No. 3569.



ANOTHER COPY of No. 3570.



REQUISITIONS AND OBSERVATIONS on the title to properties conveyed by No. 1602 dated 1896 April 9.


1895, March 25.

STATEMENT of the expenses incurred by the Narberth Highway Board in repairing damage to their roads caused by the extraordinary traffic from Canaston Wood (1891-1895), and receipt for payment of the expenses by the Trustees of Slebech estate.


1895, April 15.

Spanish paper – La Lidia (with a picture of a toreador)


1895, May 1-9.

CERTIFICATES of the surveyors of the Narberth and Lawhaden Highway Boards in respect of the amount of damage done by the carting of timber from the Slebech estate, 1892-1895.


1895, May 20 – 1896, June 16.

LETTERS from Eaton Evans and Williams, Longbourne Stevens and Powell, T. Rule Owen, Imperial Life Insurance Company, Baron de Rutzen and others to Messrs. Oliver and Sons relating to the Slebech estate and sales of part thereof.


1895,May 22.

LETTER from Eaton Evans and Williams concerning the subject of Nos. 1506-1507 dated 1895, May 1-9.


1895, July 28.

LETTER from the Baron de Rutzen to F.W. Oliver acknowledging a letter relating to the interest on mortgages.


1895, Sept. 26.

PARTICULARS of sale of lands and tenements in the parishes of Narberth North and South, the town of Narberth and the parish of Martletwy, including Boar’s Head, Stoney Leys, Washfields, Molleston Back, Redhill, the Rutzen Arms, Market House, etc. with plans.


1895, Sept. 26 – 1896, March 25.

COPIES of No. 899 and draft conveyances of certain lots sold at the sale of parts of the Slebech estate in Narberth with correspondence, and requisitions on titles.


1895, Sept. 26.

COPIES of No. 899, with notes on purchasers.


1895, Sept. 26.

ANOTHER COPY of No. 899.


1895, Sept. 26.

COPIES of No. 899.


1895, Sept.

DRAFT of No. 899.


1895, Sept. 26 – 1896, April 27.

PARTICULARS OF SALE of parts of the Slebech estate in the parishes of Narberth North and South and the town of Narberth, 1895 Sept. 26, correspondence concerning the conveyance of lots (houses in Narberth) from A. H. Lascelles, solicitor, Narberth, draft conveyances and requisitions on title to the lots sold to A.H. Lascelles and Frederick Phillips.


1895, Sept. 26 –

PAPERS and documents relating to the sale specified in Nos. 2375-3290, including draft conveyances following the sale.


1895, Nov. 8 – 1896, May 3.

LETTERS from w. Howell, solicitor, Llanelly, and Thomas Davies Jones, solicitor, Strand, London, to Messrs. Oliver and Son, solicitors, London, concerning the conveyance of the Rutzen Arms.


1895, Nov. 18 – 1896, April 2.

REQUISITIONS and observations on the title to properties conveyed to ---- Lewis and Allen and letters relating to the same.


1895, Nov. 18 – 1896, May 23.

REQUISITIONS on the title of the properties specified in No. 1735 dated 1896 April 30 and letters from David Lewis, solicitor, Narberth, to Messrs. Oliver concerning the same.


1895, Nov. 29 – Dec. 24.

REQUISITIONS ON THE TITLE OF the Trustees of the will of the late Baron de Rutzen to the Rutzen Arms hotel and land in Narberth, with replies.


1895, Dec. 2.

LIST of leases and agreements sent to Messrs. Oliver and Sons in connection with the Slebech estate sale.



REQUISITIONS on the title of properties included in the mortgage to the Imperial Company 17 April 1852.



WILL (copy) of Rudolph Baron de Rutzen and papers arising out of the management o his estate.


1896, Feb. 14.

BILL to amend the law respecting the transfer and exercise of Church Patronage and the admission to and avoidance of Benefices, and to further amend the Pluralities Acts Amendment Act, 1885.



post 1896, March.

SUPPLEMENTAL ABSTRACT of the title of the trustees of the will of Frederic Leopold S.M. Baron de Rutzen to estates in the parish of Martletwy.


1896, March 27.

1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. Bishop of Llandaff.

CONVEYANCE of lands and premises in the parish of Narberth.



1896, March 31.

1. Baron de Rutzen;

2. John Davies of the Barn Farm, parish of Narberth South, farmer.

CONVEYANCE of Stoney Leys and Barn Farm and the ‘Boars Head’, public house, parish of Narberth South.



1896, April 9.

1. Baron de Rutzen, and others;

2. Henry Seymour Allen of Cresselly, esq.

CONVEYANCE of Little Waddock and Martletwy, parish of Martletwy.



1896, April 9.

1. Rutzen and F.W. Oliver;

2. The Baron de Rutzen;

3. William David Lewis of Narberth, solicitor;

4. Laura Gertrude Bellamy.

CONVEYANCE of a freehold dwelling house and out-buildings in Castle Terrace, Narberth.



1896, April 25.

1. Albert Richard Francis Maximilian de Rutzen and others;

2. Baron de Rutzen;

3. James Lewis Hamilton Williams of Narberth, spirit merchant.

CONVEYANCE of the Rutzen Arms and other hereditaments in the town of Narberth.


1896, April 30.

1. Baron de Rutzen and others;

2. George Lort Bushell of Narberth.

CONVEYANCE of Redhill Farm and a dwelling house in Narberth, parish of Narberth.



1896, May 6 – July 9.

LETTERS from John Roberts, solicitor, Narberth, to Messrs. Oliver and Sons, relating to No. 1523 dated 1896, July 4.


1896, May 23 – 1913, July 28.

ESTATE PAPERS, including agreements for letting farms, accounts, notices to quit, machinery, Martletwy rent account, and correspondence, etc., concerning West Jordanston, Slebech Lodge, Broomhill, Newton Farm, and Rosehill; recipients and letters from the Land Improvement Company, documents concerning Lady Vivian’s marriage settlement.


1896, May 26.

1. Albert Richard Francis Maximilian de Rutzen of 90 St. George Square, co. Middlesex, esq., and F.W. Oliver, solicitor;

2. Rudolph William Henry Erhard de Rutzen, Baron de Rutzen;

3. William Edward Jenkins of Market Street, Narberth.

CONVEYANCE of the Masonic Hall, Narberth.



1896, July 4.

1. Albert Richard Francis Maximilian de Rutzen and F.W. Oliver;

2. Baron de Rutzen;

3. The Narberth Market and Public Hall Company, Ltd.

CONVEYANCE of freehold premises in Narberth.



1896, July 22.

1. The Trustees of the Assurance Fund of the Imperial Life Insurance Company;

2. The Trustees of the will of the late Frederic Baron de Rutzen.

RECONVEYANCE of Newhouse Farm, parish of Newton.


1896, Aug. 6 – 1918, Jan. 31.

DRAFT deeds: transfer of securities, transfer of mortgage on Minwear property, and schedule of deeds, all relating to the Slebech estate.


1896, Oct. 24.

WILL of Rudolph William Henry Erhard Baron de Rutzen of Slebech Park.



1897, July 15.

LETTER from the Baron de Rutzen to Frederick W. Oliver concerning his legal rights and privileges in the old and new church of Slebech.


1897, Oct. 26 – 1904, March 21.

CORRESPONDENCE concerning Blackpool Mill, Rosehill, and the living of Slebech,


1897, Nov. 28 –

CASE for counsel’s opinion concerning the rights of the Baron de Rutzen as lay rector in the church of Slebech, arising out of a dispute with the family of Philipps of Picton, and a petition (copy) from the parishioners to the bishop of St. Davids for the consecration of a burial ground.


1898, March – 1914, May 22.

ACCOUNTS and other documents relating to succession duties arising from the sale of timber.



RATE BOOK of the parishes of Slebech 1899, and Minwear 1911.


1899, Sept. 28.

APPOINTMENT of Edward Eaton Evans as trustee of the will of Baron de Rutzen, deceased.



[20th cent]

COPY of entries in the Old Bible given to Slebech Church 6 No. 1726 by John Barlow, esq., and recording the births and deaths of members of the Barlow family 1710-1722; and copies of letters from William Scott (vicar) dated 24 Sept. 1900, concerning the latter’s offer of anew bible in place of the ‘Barlow’ bible.



VOUCHERS, accounts, and workmen’s time-sheets belonging to the Slebech estate; correspondence and receipts pertaining to Blackpool Mill.


1901, Jan. 15 – 1922, Jan 10.

CORRESPONDENCE between the Baroness de Rutzen, Eaton Evans and others concerning the affairs of the estate and de Rutzen family, papers concerning the Slebech Estate Trust, income tax and insurance, a stove for Minwear church, the income of the living of Slebech, Narberth fair, Jamaica rents, and Cannaston quarry.


1901, June 11 – 1928, July 30.

MISCELLANEOUS ESTATE PAPERS and letters concerning accounts, rentals, the advowson of Slebech and Minwear, improvements of the Slebech estate and Slebech Park including the installation of electric light, receipts, letters from Lilian Edwards relating to her share in the Jamaica property and from Sir Frank Newnes, draft mortgages, valuation of the tithe rent-charge of Newton parish in 1918, particulars of damage done to Slebech Park in 1922, correspondence concerning the Narberth Rifle Range, plan of road improvements from Canaston to Robeston Wathan, and reports on various farms on the Slebech estate in 1928.


1901, June 25 – 1916.

MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS relating to the management of the Slebech estate, including letters, income tax, insurance and rate forms, notices to quit, accounts, valuation of Minwear Farm, 1914, and documents touching rents, tenancies, requirements, game, and poaching.


1902, July 17 – 1903, March 18.

DOCUMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE touching the claim in respect of unexhausted manorial value on Minwear Farm.


1902, July 18 – 1904, April 1.

EXTRACTS from the Pembrokeshire Herald describing the restoration of Slebech Church by the Baron de Rutzen, the presentation of various articles to the church, and the re-erection of old monuments from the ruined church in the new church.



WAGE BOOK of gardeners and other workmen on the Slebech estate.


1903, March 25 – 1916, Sept. 29.

RENTALS of the Slebech estate.


1904, June 23.

LETTER from C.F. Egerton Allen to the Baron de Rutzen, giving thanks for dates extracted from the ‘Barlow’ bible.



CORRESPONDENCE and other documents relating to the will of Mrs. Frederica Phillips Von Almen (died 1 Nov. 1904) and the share of Mrs. Lilian Edwards (her daughter) in the Jamaica Estates.


post 1906.

MAP of parts of the parishes of Robeston Wathan, Newton North, Mounton, Loveton, Narberth South and Narberth North, being Sheet XXIX S.W. of the 6” O.S. Map, revised 1905-06.



1906, March 9 – 1917, July 11.

INCOME TAX county rate papers, with extracts from the rate book of Slebech parish.



RECEIPTS for disbursements made by Sir Albert de Rutzen in London.



INSURANCE POLICIES on Slebech and Slebech church, with correspondence and claims.



ACCOUNTS pertaining to the Slebech estate.


1911, May 23. LETTER from the clerk of the County Council, with a new basis for the county rate for Pembrokeshire.


1912, Feb. 5 – 1917, April 20.

PAPERS relating to property and business in Jamaica, including draft leases and correspondence.


1912, Aug. 26.

LETTER from john Dickinson, Isle of Wight, to Sir Albert de Rutzen, giving advice on a proposed scheme.



ACCOUNTS and correspondence concerning Blackpool Mill.



CORRESPONDENCE relating to land called Phillipsfield and Pleasant Hill in the parish of St, Thomas in the island of Jamaica, with copies of conveyances and documents touching the title to the property.


1913, Jan. 29 – 1914, Dec. 10.

VALUATIONS of land, pertaining to the Slebech estate, submitted by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, for computation of duties on land values.


1913, Aug. 15.

LETTER from Druces and Attlee to Sir Albert de Rutzen concerning Mr. Johnston Brown’s account.


1913, Aug. 30

VALUATION of furniture in Slebech Park.



RENTALS of the Slebech Park estate.



ACCOUNTS and balance sheets of the Slebech estate, with auditors’ reports and correspondence belonging thereto.



MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS concerning accounts, repairs and agreement of the Slebech estate.



AGREEMENT for the sale of timber on the Slebech estate, with correspondence and other documents relating to the same subject.



ACCOUNTS, income tax assessments, letters, sale of timber, all pertaining to the Slebech estate.



RETURNS and forms connected with inland revenue taxes on the Slebech Estate.



BANK ACCOUNT BOOKS and cheque books counterfoils relating to Slebech estate.



VOUCHERS and workmen’s accounts of the Slebech estate.



BANK BOOKS, counterfoils, and pay-in books of the Baron de Rutzen and Trustees of the Slebech estate.


1915, March 17 – 1920, Jan. 9.

INSURANCE POLICY against fire and correspondence concerning workmen’s compensation insurances.


1915, Sept. 30 – Nov. 13.

CORRESPONDENCE from Joseph Armfield and Co. concerning new plant for Blackpool Mill.


1915, Nov. 1 – 1922, April 19.

MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS relating to the affairs of the Slebech estate and Baron de Rutzen, including income tax estimates, letters and accounts in respect of timber sold to Hook Colliery 1915-1916, Slebech audit accounts, rates, receipts, and insurance.



INLAND REVENUE PAPERS pertaining to the Slebech estate, and succession duty accounts.



PAY-SHEETS in respect of workmen on the Slebech estate.


1918, June 25 – 1921, June 3.

LETTERS from Sackvill Owen of Narberth, agent to the Slebech estate, to Eaton Evans, solicitor, Haverfordwest, concerning estate matters, with copies of other letters, accounts, etc.



VOUCHERS and paysheets pertaining to the Slebech estate.



CASE touching the will of Frederick Baron de Rutzen and Chancery suit Eaton-Evans v. de Rutzen re de Rutzen settled estates, etc., with correspondence and other papers relating to the same.



CORRESPONDENCE addressed to the solicitor of the Slebech estate concerning the financial position of the estate and the proposed sale of part of it.


1921, Aug. 6-26.

PAPERS relating to the sale specified in Nos. 4150, 5993-5995.


1921, Sept. 8 – Dec. 10.

PARTICULARS OF SALE of outlying portions of the Slebech estate near Slebech and Narberth, with draft conveyances to the purchasers thereof.


1921, Sept. 8.

PARTICULARS OF SALE. See No. 4150 supra.



1922, April 4-10.

DOCUMENTS and correspondence concerning the Slebech estate trust.


1922, Dec. 31 – 1932, March 31.

BALANCE SHEETS and accounts of the Slebech estate.


1923, Jan. 22.

LETTER concerning the damage to Slebech Drive bridges occasioned by the haulage of timber, with map.


1925, July 29.

PARTICULARS AND OBSERVATIONS of the Official Receiver on the bankruptcy of William Joseph Edgar Lewis of Pembroke Dock.


1926, Aug. – 1927, Jan. 21.

PLANS and claims for compensation in connection with Cannaston Bridge Road Improvement Scheme.



LETTER stating the writer will not disannul any act of Mrs. Trevannion.




PARTICULARS of sale of the Wiston Estate in the barony of Dungleddy.




RECEIPT from Sarah Gallen to Francis Laprimaudaye on account of Nathaniel Phillips, esq., for £21.



FORMS (blank) of yearly agreements for tenants of the Slebech estate.




[post 1789]

TRANSCRIPT from Richard Gough’s edition of Camden’s Britannica, relating to Milford Haven and the ancient commandry of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem at Slebech, co. Pembs.



MEMORANDUM relating to an allotment belonging to William Knox, esq., on Templeton Mountain, [p. TEMPLETON, co. Pemb.], surveyed by James Goode.



NOTE of rents, tithes and taxes paid annually for an un-named farm.


1803, Michaelmas

RENTAL of William Knox’s estate in p. MINWEAR, co. Pembs.


(Watermark 1803)

LETTER from William Hassall to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., at Slebech Hall, sending the Minwear map, the inclosure Act, and other papers.


1804, Michaelmas

RENTAL of William Knox’s estate in p. NARBERTH, co. Pemb.


1804, Dec.

MEMORANDUM BOOK relating to the estates of William Knox, esq.


1805, Jan.

NOTES made by Charles Hassall, relating to a valuation of William Knox’s estates in p’s MINWEAR and NARBERTH, co. Pemb.



PAPERS relating to the fisheries on the Eastern Cleddau and at Blackpool. Both co. Pemb., comprising an extract of a conveyance, date 1793, from William Knox, esq., to Nathaniel Phillips, esq., of the manor of Slebech and other lands, (postmark 1803), and a letter from George Husband, water bailiff of the Harbour of Milford, to Mr Currie, agent to Baron de Rutzen, that the writer has no right to act in any river in which another has an exclusive right of fishery, 1837. See No. 537, dated 1830, Aug. 26.



CASE AND OPINION OF COUNSEL, relating to an intended turnpike road along the previously private Foch Lane between Tavernspite, [p’s LAMPETER VELFREY, co. Pemb., and EGLWYS GYMUN, co. Carm.], and Hubberstone Hakin, [p’s HUBBERTSTON and HALKIN, co. Pemb.], including a bridge over the river Cleddau, and two letters from W. Elliott Oliver, New Bridge Street, to Baron de Rutzen, relating to the same.


1832, Sept. 8

NOTICE signed by John Evans of the shutting up of parts of the public highway between Crafty Corner and Pembroke Dock, p’s ST MARY’S and COSHESTON, co. Pemb.



PAPERS relating to a road between the Haverfordwest – Narberth turnpike road and Picton Castle Lodge, p. SLEBECH, co. Pemb., including a notice of a meeting of the Vestry, and the resolution of the Vestry that the Picton Lodge – Pricketts Shop and Pricketts Shop – Larmansford roads should be shut up, May 1836 (12597-8); an agreement between William Pitt Currie of Rosehill, p. Slebech, and Sir Richard Bulkley Philipps Philipps of Picton Castle, bart, and Charles Frederick, baron de Rutzen of Slebech Hall, to make and fence a road (which Philipps and Rutzen have decided to make at their joint expense) from Picton Lodge to the Haverfordwest – Narberth turnpike road at Arnolds-hill, to be made to the satisfaction of Harry Phelps Goode of Haverfordwest, land surveyor, March 1837 (12602); a certificate of completion by Thomas Martin and john Pugh, JPs, of a new highway from Picton Castle Lodge to the Narberth - Haverfordwest turnpike road at Thorney Heath, appropriated as a public highway at the Quarter Sessions on 18 Oct. 1836, July 1841 (12604); and a letter from John Evans at Camphill to Baron de Rutzen, sending a copy of an order [12594?] for shutting up roads under the old Act (12605)



LETTERS relating to Lord Cawdor’s offer of a site for a proposed parsonage house in p. SLEBECH, co. Pemb., declined by Baron de Rutzen, patron of the parish. See also No. 3363, dated 1838, Dec. 14.


1841, April 21

APPOINTMENT at a court leet of the manor of Slebech, of James Rowe of Slebech and John Rees of Cumberland, both p. Slebech, co. Pemb., as petty constables for the parish for the ensuing year.


1846, March 25.

LETTER from Jenkin Thomas at Narberth to Baroness de Rutzen, relating to rents.


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