East Tennessee State University

Chris E. Gregg

Assistant Professor of Geology

Curriculum Vitae


Address: ETSU

Department of Geosciences Phone: 423-439-7526

Box 70652. Hutcheson Hall, Rm. 204 Fax: 423-439-6905

Johnson City, TN 37614, U.S.A. Email: gregg@etsu.edu

Citizenship: USA



Professional Geologist (i.e., by National Association of State Boards of Geology, USA).


Ph.D. Geology & Geophysics, University of Hawai‘i 2005

Dissertation title: Natural hazards in the Hawaiian Islands:

Some studies of awareness, risk perceptions and preparedness

Post Graduate Diploma Geology, University of Canterbury, New Zealand 1998

Additional courses Physics & calculus, Cleveland State Comm. Coll., TN 1993

B.Sc. Geology, Tennessee Technological University 1992

Work Experience and Professional Appointments


• East Tennessee State University, Department of Geosciences. Assistant Professor of Geology (tenure track) 2005-2008

• Université de Genève, Départment de Minéralogie, Certificat de formation

approfondie en Etude et management des Risques Géologiques (CERG). Instructor 2008-2010

• University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Geology and Geophysics. Researcher 2005-2008


• Université de Genève, CERG, Consulting Instructor in hazards and risk. 2007

• University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes.

Instructor for Field Methods in Volcanology. 2002-2004

• Research Corp. of the Univ. of Hawai‘i/Hawai‘i Infomart II. Research Assistant

in remote sensing imagery for emergency management 2001-2002

• Law Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc.

o Senior Geologist. Project management, extensive report and proposal writing. 1999-2000

o Staff & Project Geologist. Environmental assessments, monitoring,

remediation, proposals, reports. 1993-1997

• US Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Volunteer for Science. 1992

• U.S. Borax & Chemical Corp. Mineral exploration Field Geologist/summer intern. 1992

Published Papers

• Paton, D, Houghton, BF, Gregg, CE, Gill, DA, Ritchie, LA, McIvor, D, Larin, P, Meinhold, S, Horan, J, Johnston, DM (2008) Managing tsunami risk in coastal communities: Identifying

predictors of preparedness. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 23:1, 4-9

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Swanson, DA, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Bonk, W. (2008) Hawaiian cultural influences on attitudes toward engineered lava flow mitigation measures during the 1960 eruption of Kīlauea volcano, Kapoho, Hawai‘i. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 172: 300-307.

• Paton, D, Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, Johnston, DM, Wongbusarakum, S (2008) The Impact of the December 26th, 2004 tsunami on coastal Thai communities: Accessing adaptive capacity. Disasters, 32:1, 106-119

• Johnston, D., Becker, J., Gregg, C., Houghton, B., Paton, D., Leonard, G., Garside, R. (2007) Developing warning and disaster response capacity in the tourism sector in coastal Washington, USA. Disaster Prevention and Management, 16:2, 210-216

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Paton, D, Swanson, DA, Johnston, DM, and Yanagi, B (2007a) Tsunami Warnings: Understanding in Hawaii. Natural Hazards, v. 40, 71-87.

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, Johnston, DM, Wongbusarakum, S (2006) Natural Warning Signs of Tsunamis: Human Sensory Experience and Response to the December 26, 2004 Earthquake and Tsunami, Thailand. Earthquake Spectra, v. 22, no. S3, 671-691

• Houghton, BF, Bonadonna, C, Gregg, CE, Johnston, DM, Cousins, WJ, Cole, JW, del Carlo, P (2006) Proximal tephra hazards: recent eruption studies applied to volcanic risk in the Auckland volcanic field, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 155, 138-149

• Houghton, BF, Gregg, CE, and Klawonn, M (2006) Volcanic Hazards in the 21st Century: An Asian-Pacific Perspective, Liaison, A Journal of Civil-Military Humanitarian Relief Collaborations, 3:3, 17-21

• Gregg, C., Houghton, B., Paton, D., Swanson, D.A., & Johnston, D. (2004a) Community preparedness for lava flows from Mauna Loa and Hualālai volcanoes, Kona, Hawai‘i. Bulletin of Volcanology, 66, 531–540

• Gregg CE, Houghton BF, Johnston DM, Paton D, & Swanson DA (2004b) The perception of volcanic risk in Kona communities from Mauna Loa and Hualalai volcanoes, Hawaii. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 130, 179-196.

Published Book Chapters

• Gregg, CE and Houghton, BF. (2006) Natural Hazards. In: Paton, D, Johnston, DM (eds) Disaster Resilience: An Integrated Approach. Springfield, Ill, Charles C. Thomas, p 19-39

Other Papers In Progress

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Swanson, DA. Impacts of the 1959 Kilauea Iki eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii

• Gregg, CE and Houghton, BF. Tsunami-generated ground shaking? A Case Study in Thailand

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Johnston DM and Wongbusarakum, S. An Integrated Tsunami Warnings Source Model: Lessons from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

• Wheeler, D, Trusdell, F, and Gregg, CE. Natural Hazards in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

• Wheeler, D, Gregg, CE and Trusdell, F. Affects of long-term evacuation and displacement on perceptions of risk: a case study of the 1981 eruption of Pagan volcano, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, and Johnston. Understanding of tsunami warnings and protective action response in the coastal USA.

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, and Larin, P. Tsunami preparedness in Coronado, California.

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, and Larin, P. Tsunami preparedness in Seaside, Oregon.

• Larin, P, Houghton, BF, and Gregg, CE. Tsunami preparedness in Kauai, Hawaii.

• Larin, P, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM, and Gregg, CE. Tsunami preparedness in Ocean Shores, Washington.

• Paton, D, Gill, DA, Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM, and Ritchie, L. Social cognitive modeling of tsunami preparedness.

Institutional Reports

• Larin, P, Houghton, BF, Gregg, CE, Johnston, DM (2008). US Tsunami Survey, Kaua’i County, Hawai’i, Collaborators Report. Geology and Geophysics, University of Hawaii at Manoa. May, 43 pp.

• Larin, P, Houghton, BF, Gregg, CE, Johnston, DM (2008). US Tsunami Survey, Seaside, Oregon, Collaborators Report. University of Hawaii at Manoa. 44 pp.

• Larin, P, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM, Gregg, CE (2008). US Tsunami Survey, Ocean Shores, Washington, Collaborators Report. University of Hawaii at Manoa. 42 pp.

• Larin, P, Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM (2008). US Tsunami Survey, Coronado, California, Collaborators Report. University of Hawaii at Manoa. 39 pp.

• CERG (2007). Exercise on volcanic risk assessment: Vulcano Island, Italy. Submitted to the Italian Civil Protection Authority, Rome, by the staff and students participating in the 2008 CERG Geological Risk Assessment Course in Vulcano.

• Gregg, CE, Wongbusarakum, S, Houghton, BF, Leonard, GS, Johnston, DM, and Suit, N (2007b). Summary Report: Integration of Tsunami Warnings in Thailand. Issued to U.S. Agency for International Development, June 25, pp. 20

• Gregg, CE, Wongbusarakum, S, Houghton, BF, Suit, N, Johnston, D, Leonard, G, and Whitelaw, M (2007c). Report on Human Experience with Natural, Informal and Official Tsunami Warnings during the Earthquake and Tsunami Events of December 26, 2004 and March 2005, Thailand. Report issued to U.S. Agency for International Development, May 30, pp. 40

• Davis, M, Johnston, D, Becker, J, Leonard, G, Coomer, M, and Gregg, CE (2006) Risk perceptions and preparedness: Mt Rainier 2006 community assessment tabulated results. GNS Science Report 2006/17

• Johnston, D, Ronan, K, Becker, J, Gregg, CE and Davis, M (2005). Children’s risk perceptions and preparedness: Mt Rainier 2005 hazard education assessment, tabulated results. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences science report 2005/59

• Gregg has written over one hundred reports and proposals concerning soil, surface water and ground water assessments, monitoring, remediation, and geotechnical investigations during 7 years as a consulting geologist at Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc (now MACTEC).

o Project states included: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.

o Job sites included: solid waste and low level radioactive waste landfills; industrial and commercial complexes; TVA nuclear, coal, hydro and combustion turbine energy plants; nuclear facilities at the Department of Energy and Nuclear Fuel Services; hog farms; plus many other job sites ranging from inner city metropolitan areas to rural mountain land.

Presentations (bold indicates student)

Invited Oral Presentations

Gregg, CE (2008) Hawaiian Cultural Influences on Lava Flow Hazard Mitigation Measures During the 1960 Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano, Kapoho. Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Catania, 22 May

Gregg, CE (2008). Early Warnings. Certificat de formation approfondie en Etude et management des Risques Géologiques, Université de Genève, May 8

Gregg, CE (2008). Social Science in Hazards Research. Certificat de formation approfondie en Etude et management des Risques Géologiques, Université de Genève, May 9

Gregg, CE (2008). Public Education for Natural Hazards. Certificat de formation approfondie en Etude et management des Risques Géologiques, Université de Genève, May 9

Gregg, CE (2007) Post Disaster Stress in Evacuees of Volcanic Eruptions. International Volcanic Health Hazard Network Workshop, Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference, Tsukumo Hotel, Shimabara, Japan, Nov 22

Worley, CM, Gregg, C.E., Wongbusarakum, S., and Houghton, B.F. (2007). Tsunami-Generated Ground Shaking? A case Study in Thailand. Ronald E McNair Conference for Undergraduate Student Research, Univ. of Cali., Berkeley, Aug. 10

Gregg, CE (2007). Early Warnings for Natural Hazards. Certificat de formation approfondie en Etude et management des Risques Géologiques, Université de Genève, May 3

Gregg, CE (2007). Social Science Applications to Natural Hazard Studies. Certificat de formation approfondie en Etude et management des Risques Géologiques, Université de Genève, May 4

Gregg, CE (2007). Public Education for Natural Hazards. Certificat de formation approfondie en Etude et management des Risques Géologiques, Université de Genève, May 4

Gregg, CE (2007). Human behavior in response to warnings of volcanic eruptions, Commemorative Conference on El Chichón Volcano: Twenty five years later, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México, March 20-25

Gregg, CE (2006). Tsunami Warnings: Perspective from Hawaii and Thailand. Workshop C: Developing Tsunami Ready Communities: Lessons from the USA. 7th New Zealand Natural Hazards Management Conference 2006, From Science to Practice, Christchurch Town Hall, New Zealand, Aug. 22-25

Gregg, CE (2005). Tsunami warnings: Understanding in Hawaii and Thailand. GeoForchungsZentrum Potsdam International Training Course on Seismology, Seismic Hazard Assessment and Risk Mitigation; Special Session on Tsunami Hazard Assessment and Tsunami Early Warnings, Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 29-30

Gregg, CE and Houghton, BF (2005) Social response to the East Asian Tsunami in Thailand. National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics PI Meeting, Washington, DC, Sep. 15-16

Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, Wongbusarakum, S, and Johnston, DM (2005) Social Data collected from Thailand. National Earthquake Engineering Simulator Cyberinfrastructure Center and Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Tsunami Reconnaissance Data Preservation Workshop, San Diego Supercomputer Center, La Jolla, CA, Sep 21-22

Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, Wongbusarakum, S, and Johnston, DM (2005) Factors affecting behavioral response to natural warning signs of tsunami: the case study of the 12-26-04 earthquake. Annual Natural Hazards Workshop, University of Colorado, Natural Hazards Research Center, Boulder, Colorado

Gregg, CE and Houghton, BF (2005) Social readiness for the next eruption of Mauna Loa volcano, Kona, Hawaii. Joint US Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory and University of Hawaii conference on Mauna Loa Volcano, East-West Center, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu

Other Recent Conference and Workshop Oral Presentations

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Swanson, DA, and Stovall, WK (2008) The 1959 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano at Kilauea Iki, Hawaii: Impacts Then and of a Repeat Eruption Today. IAVCEI General Assembly, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 17-22

• Gregg, CE, Gill, D, Horan, J, Houghton, BF, Meinhold, S, Ritchie, L (2008). Tsunami Risk Across Six Communities. 33rd Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. Bloomfield, Colorado, July 12-15

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Wongbusarakum, S, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, and Johnston, DM (2007) Integrating Different Types of Tsunami Warnings: Lessons from Thailand. Workshop C: Developing effective warning systems for multiple hazards. Autralasian Natural Hazards Management Conference, From Warnings to Response and Recovery, Mercure Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, Jul 4

• Gregg, CE, and Wongbusarakum, S, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM, and Leonard, G (2007) International Workshop: Natural Tsunami Warnings and Integrating Different Types of Tsunami Warning Systems. In support of the US Agency for International Development, US Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System, Maritime Park and Spa, Krabi, Thailand. Jun 18-20

• Gregg, CE and Wongbusarakum, S (2007). Provincial workshop on Integration of Official, Natural and Informal Tsunami Warnings in Thailand. In support of the US Agency for International Development, US Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System. Ban Kluai Nong, Ranong, Thailand, Jun 16

• Gregg, CE and Wongbusarakum, S (2007). Provincial workshop on Integration of Official, Natural and Informal Tsunami Warnings in Thailand. In support of the US Agency for International Development, US Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System. Ban Hue Laem, Krabi, Thailand, Jun 13

• Gregg, CE, and Wongbusarakum, S (2007). Provincial workshop on Integration of Official, Natural and Informal Tsunami Warnings in Thailand. In support of the US Agency for International Development, US Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System. Satun, Thailand, Jun 11

• Gregg, CE and Wongbusarakum, S (2007). Provincial workshop on Integration of Official, Natural and Informal Tsunami Warnings in Thailand. In support of the US Agency for International Development, US Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System. Ban Koh Mook, Thailand, Jun 10

• Gregg, CE and Wongbusarakum, S. (2007). Provincial workshop on Integration of Official, Natural and Informal Tsunami Warnings in Thailand. In support of the US Agency for International Development, US Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System, Trang, Thailand, Jun 7

• Wongbusarakum, S, Gregg, C, Suit, N and Wittantirawat, P (2007). Human Experience with the Natural Warning Signs of Tsunami in Thailand, 2004. A workshop co-funded and co-hosted by the US Agency for International Development and the Thai Economic and Social Advisory Council; Boon-Siam Hotel; Krabi, Thailand; Jan 9

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, Wongbusarakum, S, and Johnston, DM (2006) The role of natural signs of tsunamis in Tsunami Early Warning systems: lessons from Thailand and the literature. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr 2-7. Geophysical Research Abstracts 04271

• Paton, D, Gregg, C, Johnston, D, Bürgelt, P, and Houghton, B (2005) Preparing for Tsunami: Community Issues and Engagement. United Nations and Queensland, Australia International Conference on Engaging Communities, Brisbane, Australia, Aug 14-17, p 198

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, B, Paton, D, Johnston, D, and Yanagi, B (2005) Tsunami Warnings: Public Understanding and Expectations in Hawai‘i, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr 24-29. Geophysical Research Abstracts 02178

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, B, Paton, D, Swanson, D, Lachman, R, and Bonk, W (2005)

Hawaiian Cultural Influences on Lava Flow Hazard Mitigation Measures during the January 1960 Eruption of Kîlauea Volcano, Kapoho, Hawai‘i, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr 24-29. Geophysical Research Abstracts 02181

• Paton, D, Gregg, CE, and Houghton, BF (2004) Modeling Natural Hazard Preparedness: Evidence from Earthquake and Tsunami Studies. Eos Trans. AGU 85(28), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract U22B-01, Honolulu, Aug 16-20

• Gregg, CE, Paton, D, Houghton, BF, Swanson, DA, and Johnston, DM (2004) Community preparedness for lava flow hazards: The role of knowledge, perception and history. 6th New Zealand Natural Hazards Conference: From Science to Practice, Tauranga, NZ, Aug 10-11

• Paton, D, Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Swanson, DA, and Johnston, DM (2004) Community preparedness for lava flows from Mauna Loa and Hualālai volcanoes, Kona, Hawai‘i. 17th Australian Geological Convention, Hobart, Feb 8-13

• Gregg, CE and Houghton, BF (2004) The Role of Social Science in Tsunami Preparedness: Examples from Hawai‘i, Washington and New Zealand. NOAA National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Committee, Tsunami Coordination Meeting, Honolulu, Mar 3 Gregg, CE (2003) The role of hazard awareness and risk perceptions in lava flow mitigation. Cities on Volcanoes III post-conf. workshop on Lava Flow Mitigation, Hilo, Hawai‘i, Jul 19

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM, Paton, D, and Swanson, DA (2003) The perception of volcanic risk in Kona communities from Mauna Loa and Hualalai volcanoes, Hawai’i. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior, Cities on Volcanoes III International Conference, Hilo, Hawai’i, USA, Jul 14-18

Recent Conference Poster Presentations

• Wheeler, D, Gregg, CE, and Trusdell, F (2007). Displaced Residents of Pagan Island: Perceptions of Natural Hazards on Saipan 25 years after evacuation and relocation. Cities on Volcanoes 5 Conference, Shimabara, Japan, Nov 18-23

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Wongbusarakum, S, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, and Johnston, DM (2007) Tsunami Warnings: lessons from Thailand. GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, Oct28

• Houghton, BF, Gregg, CE, Gill, DA, Ritchie, LA, Meinhold, S, Horan, J, Larin, P, Paton, D, and Johnston, DM (2007) Tsunami warnings and preparedness in coastal communities in USA, GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, Oct28

• Gibson, RN, and Gregg, C.E. (2007). Tsunami Warnings and Public Response in the United States: A preliminary Study on Oahu, Hawaii. Posters at the Capital, Undergraduate Student Research. State of Tennessee, Capital Building. Feb. 7

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, Wongbusarakum, S, and Johnston, DM (2006) Natural warning signs of tsunamis: A case study in Thailand following the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami events of 2004. National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics, Principal Investigators Meeting, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Sep 13-15

• Houghton, BF, Gregg, CE, Gill, DA, Paton, D, Ritchie, LA, and Johnston, DM (2006)

Tsunami preparedness and effectiveness of warnings in USA. National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics, Principal Investigators Meeting, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Sep 13-15

• Houghton, BF, Gregg, CE, Gill, DA, Paton, D, Ritchie, LA, and Johnston, DM (2006)

Modeling of tsunami preparedness and effectiveness of warnings in USA. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr 2-7. Geophysical Research Abstracts 05485

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Swanson, DA, and Stovall, WK (2006) Impacts of the 1959 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Kilauea Iki, Hawaii. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior, Cities on Volcanoes IV International Conference, Quito, Ecuador, Jan 22-27

• Johnston, D, Becker, J, Davis, M, and Gregg, CE (2006) Lahar hazards: Education for evacuation. Mount Rainier hazards for Orting School District, Washington State, USA. Cities on Volcanoes 4 Conference, Quito Ecuador, Jan 22-27

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Paton, D, Lachman, R, Lachman, J, Wongbusarakum, S, and Johnston, DM (2005) Factors Affecting Behavioral Response to Natural Warning Signs of Tsunamis: The Case Study of the December 26, 2004 Earthquake. National Science Foundation, Human and Social Dynamics, Principal Investigators Meeting, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, Sep 15-16

• Gregg, CE, Paton, D, Houghton, BF, Swanson, DA, and Johnston, DM (2004) Lava flow hazards: How knowledge, perception and history affects community preparedness. American Geophysical Union, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai’i, Aug 17th.

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM and Johnston, DM (2003) Public Awareness of a Long-Established Siren-Based Warning System for Tsunami in the Hawaiian Islands. American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, California, 10-14 December EOS Transactions 84 (46)

• Gregg, CE, Paton, D, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM, and Swanson, DA (2003) The perception of volcanic risk in Kona communities from Mauna Loa and Hualālai volcanoes, Hawai‘i. Australian Disaster Conference, Canberra, Australia, Sept 10-12

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, B, Paton, D, Swanson, DA, and Johnston, D (2003) Emergency response to lava flows from Mauna Loa and Hualalai volcanoes in Kona communities, Hawai’i. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior, Cities on Volcanoes International Conference, Hilo, Hawai’i, USA, Jul 14-18.

• Gregg, CE, Paton, D, and Johnston, D (2003) Resilience of Hawaiian coastal communities to tsunami and volcanic hazards. International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior, Cities on Volcanoes III International Conference, Hilo, Hawai’i, USA, Jul 14-18.

• Lachman, R, Bonk, W, Gregg, CE, Houghton BF, and Swanson, DA (2003) Human behavior and beliefs during the 1960 eruption of Kīlauea volcano in Kapoho, Hawai‘i. Cities on Volcanoes International Conference, Hilo, Hawai’i, USA, Jul 14-18.

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Paton, D, Swanson, DA, and Johnston, DM (2002) The perception of volcanic risk in Kona communities from Mauna Loa and Hualālai volcanoes, Hawai‘i. Eos Trans. AGU 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V12B-1431, San Francisco, Dec 6-10

• Gregg, CE, Houghton, BF, Johnston, DM, Paton, D, and Swanson, DA (2001) Perception of lava flow hazards and risk at Mauna Loa and Hualalai volcanoes, Kona, Hawaii. American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, California, 10-14 December. EOS Transactions 82 (47)

Student Research Projects Supervised/Co-Supervised

• Understanding attitudes, beliefs and preparedness for climate change impacts and other coastal hazards in Hawaii, Penny Larin, MSc thesis, 2008. Univ of Hawaii, Geology & Geophysics.

• Role of Information Systems (IS) in Disaster Communications. Naci Dilekli. PhD candidate, Univ of Oklahoma. Participant in Université de Genève, Certificat de formation approfondie en Etude et management des Risques Géologiques (CERG) 2007. CERG Memoir.

• Review of hazard early warning systems in the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation- Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan. Md. Atikuzzaman. Director, Regional Public Administration Training Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh and 2008 CERG Participant. CERG Memoir

• The Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale: Geologic Summary and gas-producing potential assessment. Morgan V. Pate, BSc Honors Thesis, ETSU, Geology Program, 2008.

• Developing a resilient multi-use trail system. Josh Callahan. ETSU MSc thesis. 2008

• Tsunami-Generated Ground Shaking? A Case Study in Thailand. Cheri Worley, BSc Student, Ronald E McNair Undergraduate Researcher, ETSU, 2007

• Volcanic Hazard Risk Perception in Iceland, Deanne Bird, PhD Candidate, Department of Physical Geography, Macquarie University, Australia and 2007 CERG Participant. CERG Memoir.

• Displaced Residents of Pagan Island: Perceptions of Natural Hazards on Saipan 25 years after evacuation and relocation. D. Wheeler, prospective 2008 ETSU MSc student, MSc research.

• Natural Hazards in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mairana Islands. D. Wheeler, prospective 2008 ETSU MSc student, MSc research.

• Tsunami Preparedness in Haleiwa, North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii. Robyn N. Gibson, BSc student, ETSU, 2006. Honor’s Project.

• The 1984 eruption of Mauna Loa volcano: Contrasting social and economic impacts of the eruption with a repeat eruption today. Jeremy Kimura, BSc student, Univ of Hawaii. Senior thesis. 2004

Teaching Experience

GEOL 3000 Volcanology, ETSU. 2008

GEOL 3481 Environmental Geology, ETSU. 2008

GEOL 4905 Independent Study: Physical volcanology of the Hawaiian Islands: Selected

Topics. Field trip leader to Oahu and Hawaii Island. 25 students and

faculty from ETSU, Los Alamos National Lab and NC Central Univ. 2008

GEOL 4587 Engineering Geology, ETSU. 2007

GEOL 1040 Physical Geology, ETSU. 2007

GEOL 2060 Introduction to Natural Hazards and Society, ETSU. 2006-2007

GEOL 1051 Historical Geology, ETSU. 2005-2007

GEOL 3001 Mineralogy. 2005-2006

Geology of Oceanic Islands. Field trip organizer and leader for Spring Break field trip

to Hawaii. 17 students from ETSU and Tennessee Tech Univ. 2006

GEOL 3001 Mineralogy, ETSU. 2005-2006

Field Methods in Physical Volcanology. Univ. Hawaii, Hilo. Field methods in effusive and explosive volcanism. Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes, summer. 2002-2004

Workshop- Volcanic Hazards & Society. Instructor. NSF Student Workshop Co-Convener.2003

GG 601 Explosive Volcanism. Fill-in lecturer. 2002-2005

GG 711 Special Topics in Geology & Geophysics (Volcanology). Fill-in lecturer. 2001

GG300 Volcanology. Fill-in lecturer. Field trips. 2001-2005

GG301 Mineralogy. TA. 2000

GG200 Geological Inquiry. Lab Instructor. 2000-2001

GG103 Geology of the Hawaiian Islands. TA. 2000-2001

GG101 Dynamic Earth (Physical Geology). TA. 2000-2001

Conference Sessions Convened/Moderated, Workshops Taught

• Moderator: Tsunami Risk Across Six Communities. 33rd Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Bloomfield, Colorado. July 12-15, 2008

• Convener: International Workshop on Natural Tsunami Warnings and Integrating Different Types of Tsunami Warning Systems. In support of the US Agency for International Development, US Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System, Maritime Park and Spa, Krabi, Thailand. June 18-20, 2007. Co-convened with the Save Andaman Network,

• Convener: Five Thai Provincial Workshops on Integration of Official, Natural and Informal Tsunami Warnings in Thailand. In support of the US Agency for International Development, US Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System.

o Ban Kluai Nong, Ranong, Thailand, June 16, 2007

o Ban Hue Laem, Krabi, Thailand, June 13

o Satun, Thailand, June 11

o Ban Koh Mook, Thailand, June 11

o Trang, Trang, Thailand, June 7

• Convener and Presenter: Integrating natural warnings signs of tsunamis in tsunami early warning systems. A workshop co-funded and co-hosted by the US Agency for International Development and the Thai Economic and Social Advisory Council; Boon-Siam Hotel; Krabi, Thailand; Jan 9, 2007

• Session Moderator and Presenter: Social Impacts of Volcanism. El Chichón Volcano: Twenty Five Years Later. International Conference, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México, March 20-25, 2007

• Co-Convener and Presenter: Workshop C: Developing Tsunami Ready Communities: Lessons from the USA. 7th New Zealand Natural Hazards Management Conference 2006, From Science to Practice, Christchurch Town Hall, New Zealand, Aug. 22-25.

• Convener and Presenter: American Geophysical Union, Western Pacific Geophysics meeting Union session titled, Natural Hazards and the Public, Honolulu (2004)

• Co-convener and Presenter: NSF student workshop at Cities on Volcanoes III International conference in Hilo, Hawai‘i, 2003. Taught a module on Volcanic Hazards and Society

Grants and Proposals

Current and Pending Grant Support

• 2008-2009. Gregg (PI) and Davenport, K (Co-PI). Development of an integrated model of risk from natural hazards: a Case Study of volcanic and seismic hazards at Vulcano Island, Italy─ a Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Proposal, $3,832 (pending)

• 2008-2011. Gregg, CE (PI), Sorensen, Hillhouse, J., Lindell, MK, Wongbusarakum S, and Srichai, N. Effects of Environmental Cues and Informal and Official Warnings on Behavioral protective Action Decision Making: A Case Study for Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. NSF, IMEE, $484,695 (pending).

• 2008-2009. Gregg, CE (PI). Collaborative Research: Development of an integrated model of risk from natural hazards: a Case Study of volcanic and seismic hazards at Vulcano Island, Italy. ETSU Research Development Committee Major Grant. $8,275.

• 2005-2008. Houghton, BF (PI), Gill, Gregg, CE (Co-I), D, Ritchie, L and Johnston, DM. DRU: Tsunami: Social Cognitive Modeling of Preparedness and Effectiveness of Warnings. National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant, Human and Social Dynamics (HSD): Decision, Risk and Uncertainty (DRU), #0527387. $555,623.

• 2008-2011. Houghton, BF (PI), Fletcher, C, Larin, P, Lowry, K, Gregg, CE (Co-I), Johnston, DM. Understanding attitudes, beliefs and preparedness for climate change impacts and other coastal hazards in Hawaii. NOAA, Hawaii Sea Grant College Program, $67,832.

Recently Expired Grant Support

• 2006-2007. Gregg, CE (PI), Wongbusarakum, S, Witantirawat, P. Collaborative Project: Building Community Capacity and Technical Assistance to Effectively Respond to Warnings of Tsunamis and Other Hazards. Funded by the US Agency for International Development under the US contribution to the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System. USAID-SAN (Save Andaman Network, Thailand) Grant No. 04-12-IOTWS-06 ($68,640)

• 2006-2007. Gregg, CE (PI) and Wongbusarakum. Collaborative Project: Building Community Capacity and Technical Assistance to Effectively Respond to Warnings of Tsunamis and Other Hazards. Funded by the US Agency for International Development under the US contribution to the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System. USAID-ETSU Grant No. 04-11-IOTWS-06 ($23,970)

• 2005-2006. Houghton, BF, Gregg, CE (Co-PI), and Lachman, R Factors affecting human behavioral response to natural warning signs of tsunamis: The case study of the December 26, 2004 earthquake. NSF Grant, HSD, Small Grant for Exploratory Research, #0522301. $71,278.

• 2006-2007. Gibson, RN (student) and Gregg, CE (PI). Modeling Public Understanding of Tsunami, Kauai, Hawaii. Student-Faculty Collaborative Research Grant. Office of Sponsored Research Programs and Honor’s College, East Tennessee State University. $1,000

• 2002-2005. Houghton, BF (PI) and Gregg, CE (Co-PI). Resilience of Hawaiian coastal communities to natural hazards. NOAA, Hawaii Sea Grant College Program. $40,869.

Other Proposals Written or Co-Written:

• Gregg, C.E. (PI) and Houghton, BF (2006). NSF, HSD Collaborative Research: DRU: Factors affecting behavioral response to warnings of tsunami (natural, official, and informal): Thailand, 2004-2005. $720,000. Not funded.

• Karsten, H (PI) , Liyanage, KM, Pirapaharan, K., Amarashinge, S.W., Karambas, T.V., Zervakis, V., Kalabokidis, K.D., Wulf, V, Klann, M, Gregg, C.E. (Co-PI) Citizen Observing Tsunami. Proposal for specific targeted research project FP6-2005-IST-6. (2005)€1,720,580. Not funded

• Houghton, BF (PI) and Gregg, CE (Co-PI) (2004). Six year project to test and refine an empirical model that predicts adoption of protective measures for acts of terrorism in US cities (modified from studies of natural hazards). Submitted to Mississippi State University in their proposal to house the Department of Homeland Security, Center for Behavioral and Social Aspects of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism. $7million. Not funded, but short-listed.

• Houghton, BF (PI) and Gregg (Co-PI) (2001). Resilience of San Salvador to earthquake and volcanic hazards. NSF. Not funded.

Professional Memberships

• American Geophysical Union

• European Geosciences Union

• Geological Society of America

• International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior

Department, University, Professional, Community Service

Assistant Youth (ages 7-8) Football Coach, Junior Toppers, Gold, Johnson City. 2007-2008

Department Chair Search Committee Member, ETSU, 2007

AYSO U4, U6 Coach and Assistant coach (Honolulu, Hawaii, 2000-2004). Rock and mineral displays for local elementary schools.

• USGS National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS) Town Hall Meeting, Panel Member. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Marriott, Dec 14.

• USGS National Volcano Early Warnings System (NVEWS), committee member (2006-present)

ETSU Educational Affairs Committee, member, 2005-2007

Public Service Papers Published

Gregg, CE (2005) Waiting for the Sirens? Nature is already giving you the signals. University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. Ka Pili Kai, v26, n4, p10-11.

Houghton and Gregg (2005) TSUNAMI – GG Responds; lessons Learned. University of Hawaii, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology Newsletter, Nuhou Kanaka Puka, p 1-2

Gregg, CE (2004) April: Tsunami Awareness Month. Makai, University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program 26:1, 3-7


Achievement Rewards for College Scientists recipient. $5,000 2001-02

Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholar, to New Zealand. $24,000 1998-99

Tennessee Tech Four-year Academic Scholarship. (Full academic scholarship) 1988-92

Interests Family, piano, guitar, cooking, hiking, camping


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