Official 00.00.15


Oscoda County Government Center, 311 S. Morenci Ave, P.O. Box 399, Mio, MI 48647

Official Minutes

March 23, 2021

A Regular Meeting of the Oscoda County Board of Commissioner’s was held on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. by Teleconference, in compliance with MDHHS requirements and as allowed by Public Act 228 of 2020, from the Commissioner’s Boardroom, at the Oscoda County Government Center Building, Mio Michigan 48647.

Pledge to the Flag

Roll Call of Members:

Members Present: Commissioners Yoder, Varner, Marsh and McCauley.

Members by Teleconference: Commissioner Bondar (District#3 - Big Creek Township).

Others by Teleconference 9

**Commissioner Yoder called the Teleconference Meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.; in compliance with MDHHS requirements and as allowed by Public Act 228 of 2021.

**The B.O.C approved the Agenda for March 23, 2021 as presented.

Varner/McCauley a motion to accept the Agenda for March 23, 2021, as presented.


Roll Call Vote: Varner, yes; Marsh, yes; Yoder, yes;

Bondar, yes; McCauley, yes. Motion Carried.

**The B.O.C approved the Consent Calendar Items for March 23, 2021, as presented.

Item #1 Official Minutes for March 9, 2021, were approved as presented.

Item#2 Health/Welfare Budget (101-600) Amendments.

**The B.O.C authorized to move $18,002.00 to Health/Welfare Budget (101-600), from Contingency, to cover the estimated Medical Examiner Services from Mid-Michigan Medical Examiner Group LLC (per motion 2021-083), for the balance of the year.

Item #3 Claims and Audit Docket for March 23, 2021, was approved as received from the County Clerk’s Office. Total Claims & Audit $84,139.47.

McCauley/Bondar a motion to approve the Consent Calendar Items for March 23, 2021, as

2021-089 presented.

Roll Call Vote: Bondar, yes; McCauley, yes; Varner, yes; Yoder, yes; Marsh, yes. Motion Carried.

Public Matters & Comments (Limited to three minutes per person).


**Mr. Mike Bowers, Emergency Management Coordinator, presented Resolution 2021-003 “Oscoda County 2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan”, that is in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 which identifies mitigation goals and actions to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from impacts of future hazards and disasters and is required to be eligible for State funding. Mr. Bowers informed the B.O.C that the Generator for the Government Center Building has been set and is estimated to be up and running by the end of April. Mr. Bowers thanked Mr. Joe Breaugh, Maintenance Supervisor, for his assistance. Mr. Bowers asked the B.O.C to use the balance of FY2018 and some of FY2019 Homeland Security Funds to purchase mobile radios at the Sheriff’s Department; it was the consensus of the B.O.C to allow Mr. Bowers to move forward.

Marsh/Bondar a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-003 “Oscoda County 2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan”, 2021-090 as written and presented by Mr. Mike Bowers, Oscoda County Emergency Management


Roll Call Vote: Yoder, yes; Bondar, yes; Marsh, yes;

McCauley, yes; Varner, yes. Motion Carried.

**The B.O.C approved the funds to the Oscoda County Park for the “Fiber Optic Project”. Commissioner Bonder and Yoder will follow-up with Ms. Holly Stoner, Oscoda County Park Administrator/Manager, regarding a truck the Road Commission may have available for the Park and the status on reservations, seasonal help and projects.

Varner/McCauley a motion to appropriate $3,500.00, moved from Contingency, to the County Park 2021-091 Budget (208) and authorize the Treasurer’s Office to move those funds, for the “M-33 Fiber

Optic Project” (per motion 2021-086) and so amend expense line 208-751-850.00

(Telephone/Internet) 2021 Park Budget.

Roll Call Vote: Marsh, yes; Yoder, yes; Bondar, yes;

McCauley, yes; Varner, yes. Motion Carried.


**The B.O.C accepted the resignation of Mr. Eric Purgiel, Paramedic.

Marsh/McCauley a motion to accept the written resignation from Eric Purgiel, Paramedic, from the 2021-092 Ambulance Department, as of April 3, 2021.

Roll Call Vote: McCauley, yes; Varner, yes; Marsh, yes;

Yoder, yes; Bondar, yes. Motion Carried.

Unfinished Business/New Business:

**Commissioner Varner gave a brief up-date on COVID-19. The District Health Department #2 continues to hold vaccination clinics; for those who choose to get vaccinated. For more information visit . The B.O.C intends to reopen their Board Meetings to the public on April 13, 2021, however would encourage the public to continue to call in by teleconference, in order to continue to stay in compliance with MDHHS guidelines; if need be the B.O.C will relocate their meetings to the Community Center.


**The B.O.C made the motion to move the CESF Grant reimbursement funds, awarded to the Trial Courts, back to the Courthouse Preservation Budget where expenses were paid.

Varner/Bondar a motion to authorize the County Treasurer’s Office to create a transfer-out Courthouse 2021-093 Preservation expense line, in the General Fund, and move funds reimbursed by the CESF

Grant, in the amount of $13,356.69 (per motion#2020-260) to the Courthouse Preservation

Budget 470 (Transfer-In), and so amend the budgets reflected.

Roll Call Vote: Varner, yes; Marsh, yes; Yoder, yes;

Bondar, yes; McCauley, yes. Motion Carried.

**The B.O.C approved the Law Enforcement Agreement & Operation Plan between the Oscoda County Sheriff’s Department and the Huron-Manistee National Forests.

McCauley/Varner a motion to accept the Law Enforcement Agreement and Operating Plan between the 2021-094 Oscoda County Sheriff’s Department and the Huron-Manistee National Forests, as written and

recommended by Sheriff Kevin Grace, and authorize the Chair to sign.

Roll Call Vote: Bondar, yes; McCauley, yes; Varner, yes; Yoder, yes; Marsh, yes. Motion Carried.

**The B.O.C approved to replace the chairs in the boardroom.

Varner/Marsh a motion to purchase Boardroom Chairs, from Office Central (Impact), not to exceed 2021-095 $3,250.00, paid out of the 101-101-775.00 (B.O.C Equip. Non-Cap.) moved from

Contingency, and so amend the Budget; subject to possible reimbursement through future

COVID-19 Grants.

Roll Call Vote: Yoder, yes; Bondar, yes; Marsh, yes;

McCauley, yes; Varner, yes. Motion Carried.

**The B.O.C approved a new expense line for the MIDC Budget (260); which will allow the Courts to charge for transcripts and documentation requested by Defense Lawyers, back to the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC Budget 260), rather than to the Trail Courts Budget (101-130).

Marsh/Bondar a motion to authorized the Treasurer’s Office to create a new expense line for MIDC 2021-096 Budget (260) for Transcriptions & Documentation, and so amend the budget moving

$3,600.00 from expense line 260-695-801.00 and submit to MIDC a budget adjustment.

Roll Call Vote: Marsh, yes; Yoder, yes; Bondar, yes;

McCauley, yes; Varner, yes. Motion Carried.

Committee Reports:

Commissioner Bondar

**Landfill Board Meeting.

**Participated in meeting along with Commissioner Varner, EMS Director, Mr. Bob Hunter, Labor Attorney, Mr. Gregg Schultz, and POAM, Ambulance Personnel & Clerical Unit, Union Representatives.

**Participated in the Virtual Pipeline Safety Training CORE Program.

**N. MI Associated Board Meeting.

Note: Local Recovery Funds (The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) was signed by President Biden; details on how the funds can be specifically used and who will qualify will be forth coming.

**Landfill Claims & Accounts Committee Meeting.

**Big Creek Township Board Meeting. Ordinance Adopted. RE: Recreation Marijuana.

Commissioner McCauley

**Road Commission Board Meeting.

**Big Creek Township Board Meeting.

**District Health Department#2 (DHD#2) Board Meeting.

Commissioner Marsh

**Department of Human & Health Services (DHHS) Board Meeting.

**CHOICES Meeting.

**Human Services Community Committee (HSCC) Board Meeting.

Note: Reviewing Personnel Policy Manual.

Commissioner Varner

**Landfill Board Meeting.

**Meet & Greet at the Oscoda County Library with Michigan State Representative, Mr. Ken Borton.

**Attended the Elmer Township Board Meeting.

**Several calls Re: Medical Examiner Services for Oscoda County.

**Participated in meeting along with Commissioner Bondar, EMS Director, Mr. Bob Hunter, Labor Attorney, Mr. Gregg Schultz, and POAM, Ambulance Personnel & Clerical Unit, Union Representatives.

**AuSable Valley Community Mental Health (ASVCMH) Finance Committee Board Meeting.

**Reviewed the Claims & Audit Docket for March 23, 2021; as part of the Finance Committee.

**District Health Department#2 (DHD#2) Board Meeting.

**AuSable Valley Community Mental Health (ASVCMH) Board Meeting.

Commissioner Yoder

**Veteran Affairs Board Meeting.

**Met with Oscoda County EDC & Housing Administrator, Ms. Lee Ann Fischer and County Treasurer, Mr. Bill Kendall, regarding Loans.

**EDC & Brownfield Board Meeting.

**Northeast Michigan Council of Governments (NEMCOG) Board Meeting.

**N. E Michigan Consortium (MI Works) Board Meeting.

**Received Up-date on the Steiner Museum/Historical Commission Board Meeting. Commissioner Marsh was not notified).

**Reviewed the Claims & Audit Docket for March 23, 2021; as part of the Finance Committee.

**Gypsy Moth Inquires.

Public Comment: (Limited to three minutes per person).

**Commissioner Yoder thanked everyone for participating in today’s teleconference meeting and called for a motion to adjourn.

Marsh/McCauley a motion to adjourn today’s meeting (11:11 a.m.).


Roll Call Vote: McCauley, yes; Varner, yes; Marsh, yes; Yoder, yes; Bondar, yes. Motion Carried.

**The B.O.C will hold their next Regular B.O.C Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. held in the B.O.C Boardroom or by Teleconference by dialing 989-826-1163 (Pin#353).

__________________________________ ________________________________

Kyle Yoder, Oscoda County Ann Galbraith, Oscoda County

Board of Commissioners Chairman Clerk & Register of Deeds



Board of Commissioners

Telephone (989) 826-1130

Fax Line (989) 826-1173


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