
2011 October 27 version – Memorials of Deeds

These are notes of memorials of deeds that I have looked at because they link in some way to the research I am doing. I have included links to deeds that I have already transcribed and annotated and posted on to my site. It is a very idiosyncratic list, reflecting my own research needs. In some instances, my notes are not as reliable as the transcriptions done by Nick Reddan and his team of volunteers. The deed material that I gleaned from his site includes the name of the volunteer appended in red.


NOTE: Anther pdf includes the deeds from 1700-1829.

Year |File |Mem |Date |Townlands |Key Name |Transcription & Notes |x | | | | |1860-1869 |Dundalk |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas-JOHNSTON, Arthur I seem to have left off the # | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1833-1839 |Killen, Co. Louth |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas-DONALDSON, Alexander |x | |1825 |25 |173 |1855 Sep 25 |Newry |ROWN |Samulel BROWN, slater of Chapel St Newry.. land on Chapel St. | | |1829 |8 |178 |1838 Feb 24 | |COULTER |OWENS-COULTER Marriage Articles

NAMES: Edward OWENS; Sarah COULTER; Samuel COULTER; Rev. Daniel Gunn BROWNE; Simon OWENS sr.; Simon OWENS jr; Robert DICKIE; J. PURCELL. PLACES: Castlebellingham, Co. Louth; Dowdallshill, Co. Louth; Glenburn, Co. Armagh; Julianstown, Co. Meath; Killen, Co. Louth. |d | |1831 |1 |71 | | | |RUTHERFORD-TENNISON |x | |1831 |1 |72 | | | |RUTHERFORD-TENNISON |x | |1833 |1 |251 |1833 Jan 21 |Three Store Alley, City of Dublin |JACKSON |JACKSON, Joseph-MURPHY

Between Joseph JACKSON of City of Dublin, Gent & only son & heir of Henry JACKSON, late of Patrick St., in Cit of Dublin, Victualler.. Thomas MURPHY had loaned money to JACKSON and subsequently for 200 pounds had transferred dwelling house in possession of John FORTESCUE situate in Three Stone Alley, Dublin, on West Side of William St.and adjoining Castle Market 35 ft by 11 ft containing stablesand offices, house formerly a Coachhouse… stables next adjoining formerly in possession of Patrick WELDON which opens into Drury Lane formerly called Little Butter Lane and also all that piece and parcel of land fronting the lane called Chancery Lane44 feet by 53 feet. |1 | |1833 |2 |77 |1833 Jan 26 |Dame Street, City of Dublin, St. Andrews Parish |JACKSON |JACKSON, Robert-ALLOTT, Ann

Robert JACKSON of Upper Sackville St., Dublin Merchant Tailor … annuity… Robert JACKSON of 4th part…house #20 on south side of Dame St now in possession of Benjamin BINNS [near Dame Lane] WITNESS William JACKSON son of Robert JACKSON, attorney at law. |1 | |1833 |2 |163 |1833 Jan 31 |Corrickavilta, Co. Monaghan B Cremorne |JACKSON |JACKSON, Hugh-MURDOCK

Between Hugh JACKSON of Derrygooney. Co. Monaghan, Esq. & Robert MURDOCK of Eccles St., Dublin reciting indentuture Aug 6, 1791 ugh CROFT, then of the City of Dublin did demise to John JACKSON, then of Crieve, Co. Monaghan, all the towns and lands of Carrickavilla for lives of John JACKSON, Eleanor JACKSON & Mary JACKSON … lots more detail and other leases referenced. Hugh JACKSON demised to John JACKSON for lives of Hugh JACSKON, John JACKSON & Samuel CUNNINGHAM lands of Carrickavilla … John JACKSON died March 1824 and in his will left to his eldest son Hugh JACKSON said indenture which Hugh JACKSOn then for the consideration of 1,600 sterling set to Robert MURDOCK lands of Carrickavilla, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan for lives of Hugh JACKSON and Elanor JACKSON the two surviving lives.. Parich of Aghnamulle.. |1 | |1833 |3 |114 |1831 Dec 7 |Dublin City &

Ballytonny, Co. Wicklow B. Arklow |JACKSON


Between Robert DARLINGTON the elder of the City of Dublin, Gent of 1st part & John JACKSON of Dublin City, Gent of 2nd part & Robert DARLINGTON the younger of Balletonny, Co. Wicklow, Gent of 3rd part. John JACKSON had demised to DARLINGTON sr. Lands of Ballytonny and Ballynegaddy formerly called Honeycomb. WITNESS: Thomas BAYLY, City of Dublin, clerk to Edward MOONEY, attourney. Frederick JACKSON of Rathmines Road, Co. Dublin. | | |1833 |3 |267 |1832 Nov 19 |Athlunkard Bridge Limerick |JACKSON |JACKSON, Thomas-PAIN, Henry Earl of Limerick-PAINE & Thomas JACKSON of Fanningstown, Co. Limerick, Esq. | | |1833 |4 |163 |1762 Sept 8 |Cordevlish, Monaghan B Cremorne |JACKSON |JACKSON-PERRIN

Reciting lease of 8 Sept 1762 Alexander WADDELL Esq. Whole tate of Cordevlish 92A, Co. Monaghan |x | |1833 |7 |269 | |Monk Street, Belfast, Parish of Belfast |JACKSON |JACKSON, James-JACKSON, John | | |1833 |7 |290 | |Co. Clare & Dublin & City of Limerick |JACKSON |JACKSON, John-PURDON, William | | |1833 |11 |15 | | | |MILLS-PEEBLES |X | |1833 |11 |80 | | |McCULLAGH |BOWES-MARTIN (McCULLAGH included) |X | |1833 |11 |138 | |Tullamore, Kings Co. |JACKSON |JACKSON, James & Mary-LLOYD, William | | |1833 |12 |53 | |Cormeen/Carnaveagh, Aughnamullen Carricknaveagh Cremone |BREAKEY |Nixon, James-BREAKEY, James

-Killen, Robt Breakey, James

Breakey, James-Killen, Robt

Breakey, Wm-Killen, Robt | | |1833 |12 |54 | | |BREAKEY |BREAKEY-KILLOW

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

William Breakey, Carnaveagh, eldest son of James. |X | |1833 |13 |10 |1833-1839

|Brickfield, Newry |COULTER |COULTER, Richard, & - WHITEHEAD, Richard | | |1833 |13 |48 |1833 Jul17 |Lime Kiln, Youghall |JACKSON |JACKSON, Samuel-PARKER, John

Between Samuel Pim JACKSON late of City of Waterford but “who is now of Siston Cottage near the City of Bristol in Glocestershire, Esq.” Of 1st part & John Robert PARKER ... JACKSON demised Lime Kiln & lands now known as Green Park (held under corporation of Youghall). | | |1833 |13 |58 |1833 Jul 17 |Bog, Youghall |JACKSON


As in Deed 1833-13-48 but referencing lands or farm called Town Bog near Clay Castle within Liberties of the Town of Youghall 180A bounded on North by Gortnesaggart & Ballyclemesy on the south by Strand or beach on the east with the Deasert and Clay Castle ... | | |1833 |14 |162 | | |BIRCH |BIRCH-BIRCH |x | |1833 |15 |190 |1833 Sept 24 |Ballyrea, Armagh |KIDD

|KIDD, William-MACARTNEY 1833-1839

Between William Lodge KIDD of Armagh, Co. Armagh & rev. James McCARTNEY of St. Field, Co. Down reciting deed 2 Dec 1809 of one half of lands of Ballyrea from Wm MAXWELL Esq to Andrew McCARTNEY. | | |1833 |19 |200 |1833 Nov 11 |Tyrone |BROWNE |Btw James BROWNE of Carteel, John BROWN & George BROWN both of Terlugan, Co Tyrone farmers and the only surviving sons of John BROWNE decd. & Margaret BROWNE, widow & Margaret BROWNE & Sarah BRWOEN spinster daughters of John & Margarate BROWNE…. Wm STINSON & Mary Anne STINSON ose BROWNE his wife …… 46 acres Terlugow | | |1833 |20 |27 | |Leeson St. City of Dublin |JACKSON |JACKSON, Joseph D.-CARROLL, John | | |1833 |20 |224 | |Cloneroy, Co. Cork, B. Upper Loughtee |JACKSON |JACKSON, John-MOORE | | |1833 |21 |118 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-RAWSON |x | |1834 |1 |149 | |Kevins Port, City of Dublin, Parish St. Peters |JACKSON |JACKSON, Allen, Eliza-CHARLES, Thomas | | |1834 |1 |177 | |Lisdown, Co. Down, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, Agnes M- JACKSON, William | | |1834 |1 |204 | |Upper Lane Griloughs, Co. Cork, B. Dunallow |JACKSON |JACKSON, Warren H.R.- O’KEEFE, Elizabeth | | |1834 |3 |81 | |Corry, Co. Mayo, B. Tyrawly |JACKSON |JACKSON, Oliver, George, Sydney-JONES, Thomas | | |1834 |3 |110 | |Corry, Co. Mayo, B. Tyrawly |JACKSON |JACKSON, George-JACKSON, Oliver | | |1834 |3 |133 | |Drumaluan, Co. Mayo & Galway |JACKSON |JACKSON, George-JACKSON, George | | |1834 |3 |198 | |Knockagoney, Co. Down, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, Jane-STEWART, Robert | | |1834 |4 |74 |1833-1839 |£600 |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Mary-BRADFORD, Thomas

PARKER & BRADFORD – Marr. Arts |x | |1834 |4 |85 |1834 Feb 6 |Dublin Dungantown, Co. Wicklow, B. Arklow |JACKSON

|JACKSON, Humphrey-SWAN, Benjamin

Between Humphrey Thompson JACKSON of City of Dublin, Gent & Rev. Edward HAMILTON of Philipstown, Kings County, Clerk . |x | |1834 |4 |236 |1834 Feb 13 |Tipperary Tencurry, Co. Tipperary B. Iffa & Offa |JACKSON |JACKSON, Thomas-WALPOLE, William

Between Thomas JACKSON, Millgrove, Co. Tipperary of 1st part & William WALPOLE, Mary WALPOLE & Sarah WALPOLE of Tencurry, Co. Tipperary ... lands of Tencurry late in possession of Abraham JACKSON dec’d together with 6A of wood & 2 A called the Burned Grove as also full free and uninterrupted right of commonage on the mountains of Tencurry in as full large and ample manner as the same were formerly held by Abraham JACKSON ... Parish of White Church & [Tibred?] Barony of Iffa and Offa West & Co, Tipperary. | | |1834 |4 |285 | | |BREAKEY |HARWOOD & BREAKEY Marriage Articles

BREAKEY, Mary-Furlong, Michael – bond

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

1/3/1834. Marriage settlement. Robert Harwood junior, Dublin to Mary Breakey, widow, Dublin. | | |1834 |5 |66 | |North Main St, Youghal, Parish St. Mary |JACKSON |JACKSON, Benjamin – GREEEN, sr.

Demising lands in Yoghall – not of interest. | | |1834 |5 |225 | |Drumcondra, Co. Dublin, B. Coolock |JACKSON |JACKSON, Henry – SMITH, John | | |1834 |8 |202 |1833 Nov 18 |Co. Carlow Coolinana, Co. Carlow, B. Rathvilly |JACKSON

|JACKSON, Henry – JACKSON, Henry jr .

Lease between Henry JACKSON of Hackettstown, Co. Carlow, eldest son and heir at law of Thomas JACKSON late of Coolmana, Co. Carlow of 1st part & Henry JACKSON sr. Of Coolmanna eldest son & heir at law of Samuel JACKSON late of Coolmanna reciting that premises subject to debts of £850 ... part of lands of Coolmanna sometime known and called by the name of Marshesquarter ... 16A ... as formerly demised by Joseph JACKSON in lease of 27 May 1788 ... formerly demised by Esther JACKSON to Thomas JACKSON by lease 9 Oct 1788 ... meared and bounded by River Doreen on the north by late Samuel JACKSON ...

PRONI T808/8261

1834-8-202 Memorial registered 3 May 1834 of Deed of 18 Nov 1833 Henry JACKSON jr. of Hacketstown, Co. Carlow eldest son & heir at law of Thomas JACKSON of Coolmana, Co. Carlow to Henry JACKSON senior of Coolmana, eldest son & heir at law of Samuel JACKSON late of Coolmana, Co. Carlow as to the following portions of Coolmana alias Nashes or in Rathvilly Barony, Co. Carlow. 16 ½ leases 27 May 1788 by Joseph JACKSON. Loheska 38 acres leased 1788 by Estyer [Esther?] JACKSON to Thomas JACKSON bounded by River Dereen & Samuel & Joseph JACKSON. Healy & Neals 16 acres Moores 16 acres Murphys 4 ½ acres lease of 9 April 1825 WITNESSES Joshua NUN of Dublin City Gent & his son Henry NUN. Memorial signed by both Henry JACKSONs. |x | |1834 |8 |202 | | |JACKSON |JACKSON to JACKSON |x | |1834 |8 |203 | |Co. Carlow Coolmana,

B. Rathvilly |JACKSON |JACKSON, Henry-JACKSON 1834 May 1 NOBLETT-JACKSON NAMES: Estyer [Esther?] JACKSON; Joseph BRIEN; Thomas NOBLETT; Henry JACKSON; Andrew STEWART; Francis JONES; Samuel JACKSON; George BARKER aka George PARKER; Joseph BARKER aka Joseph PARKER; Joseph JACKSON; William MOORE; Widow MURPHY; Rachel JACKSON; Samuel SHARP; Thomas ALCOCK; Valentine KINSHALLA (this name may be a misreading of the text); Widow BYRNE; Abraham PARKER sr.; Abraham PARKER jr.; Joseph PARKER; Lorenzo John WALTERS; Michael HICKEY; Oliver MOORE. PLACES: Hacketstown; Coolmana; Nashe’s Quarters; Long Meadow; Soliska aka Loliska aka Starlusk aka Stralusky, Parish of Haroldstown; River Dereen; Charles’s Park. |d | |1834 |8 |204 | |Coolmana, Co. Carlow, B. Rathvilly |JACKSON |JACKSON, Henry – NOBLETT, Thomas


PRONI T808/8261

1834-8-204 Memorial registered 3 May 1834 of mortgage of 2 May 1834 by Henry JACKSON of Coolmana, Co. Carlow, farmer to Thomas NOBLET of Hacketstown, Co. Carlow mt above premises in Coolmana very long.

1834 May 2 JACKSON-NOBLETT NAMES: Estyer [Esther?] JACKSON; Joseph BRIEN; Thomas NOBLETT; Henry JACKSON; Andrew STEWART; Francis JONES; Samuel JACKSON; George BARKER aka George PARKER; Joseph BARKER aka Joseph PARKER; Joseph JACKSON; William MOORE; Widow MURPHY; Rachel JACKSON; Widow BYRNE; Abraham PARKER sr.; Abraham PARKER jr.; Joseph PARKER; Lorenzo John WALTERS; Michael HICKEY; Oliver MOORE. PLACES: Hacketstown; Coolmana; Nashe’s Quarters; Long Meadow; Soliska aka Loliska aka Starlusk aka Stralusky, Parish of Haroldstown; River Dereen; Charles’s Park. |D | |1834 |9 |18 |1834 May 8 |North Strand, City of Dublin, B. Rathvilly |JACKSON |JACKSON, Richard – HILL, Thomas

Richard JACKSON late of the City of Dublin but now of Ballafreer, Isle of Man of 1 pt demised to Thomas HILL dwelling house on North Strand | | |1834 |9 |49 |1833-1839 |Dundalk |COULTER

|COULTER, Robert – declining trust. |x | |1834 |9 |217 | |Latabeg, City of Cork, B. Rathvilly |JACKSON |JACKSON, Mary – CUMMINS, Nicholas | | |1834 |10 |40 | |Penaky, Co. Dublin, B. Rathdrum |JACKSON |JACKSON, Joseph – SWEENY | | |1834 |11 |227 | | |BIRCH |BIRCH-McDONNELL |x | |1834 |11 |228 |1833-1839 |Union St. Belfast |GILLMER

|GILLMER, Eleazer B-PLUNKETT, G |x | |1834 |12 |9 | |River Bann, Co. Down, B. Ratdrum |JACKSON |JACKSON, Alexander & wife – LAW, Hugh

JACKSON, Elizabeth & husband – LAW, Hugh | | |1834 |12 |297 | |Jackson Moor, Co. Down, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, Humphrey & - McDONNELL, James | | |1834 |14 |146 | |Ballybay, Co. Monaghan, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, John – BOYD, Alexander | | |1834 |14 |261 | |Charlemount, Co. Armagh, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, John sr – REID, James | | |1834 |14 |265 | |Anglesea St, City of Dublin, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, James-REID, William | | |1834 |15 |285 | |Eadestown, Co. Wicklow, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, Anne – PAGE, William | | |1834 |16 |67 |1828 Sep25 |Grafton St. City of Dublin, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, Richard – HOWARD, Thomas

Marriage settlement between Richard JACKSON then resideing in Moore Place, Town of Douglas, Isle of man & Mrs. Gertrude STROKER, then late of Dorset St. in City of Dublin., widow & Rev Thomas HOWARD, Vicar of Parish of Kirk Braddon, Isle of Man. .. Richard JACKSON had property at Drumneigh, Barony of Coolock,, Co. Dublin, held by him under Austen COOPER, Esq., tenanted by John Cooke ROGERS, esq. producing a profit of rent of 46 pounds Irish per year.. She had a house at 72 Grafton St., Dublin. |1 | |1834 |16 |75 |1834 Sep 10 |Dundalk, Co. Louth |COULTER


Marriage settlement between George LAWSON of Dundalk, merchant & Ann COULTER. Thomas DEWHURST & Thomas COULTER of Newtown Lodge, trustees. … sum of 1,007 pounds 7 shillings 9p. Irish consolidated annuities the property of Anne COULTER was transferred to her trustees until the marriage, and then interest to LAWSON during the marriage. WITNESSES: Thomas JACKSON of Lisnaboe, Co. Meath, Esq. & Robert COULTER of Dundalk, Co. Louth, Gent, one of the attornies. |1 | |1834 |16 |85 | |Drominare, Co. Tipperary, B. Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, Alexander- HALL, Robert

Alexander JACKSON of Gardmay Place, Dublin one of trustees in marriage settlement of Charles FARREN & Maria ORR only daughter of John ORR of Cypress Grove. Co. of Dublin |1 | |1834 |17 |227 |1834 Oct 2 |Counties Cavan, Donegal, Meath & Mayo |JACKSON |PRATT-JACKSON Marriage Settlement

JACKSON, Madeline E. – FORTESQUE, Matthew

Btw Joseph PRATT of Corney Castle, Co. of Cavan Lt. Col in Cavan Regiment of Militia of 1st pt. Merwyn PRATT of same place eldest son of Joseph PRATT & Madelina Eglintine JACKSON of Stephensotwn, Co. Louth spinster and an infant of the age of 18 or thereabouts; Catherin FORTESCUE wife of Matthew FORTESCUE, guardian… several pages follow |1 | |1834 |18 |253 |1831 Nov 11 | | |O’BRIEN-O’REILLY

Marriage settlement between John O’BRIEN of Mountjoy Sq., Dublin & Anna Maria Elizabeth O’BRIEN orse. BALL, his wife & Cecilia BALL spinster youngest daughter of John BALL the younger Esq. deceased who was the eldest son of John BALL the elder late of Eccles St., Co. Dublin, Esq. deceased… whereby reciting that a marriage had been agreed upon between Cecelia BALL & Philip O’REILLY …marriage portion 2,000 pounds…. Richard RORKE of 4th pt…… John RORKE. |1 | |1834 |18 |285 |1834 Nov 12 |Ballnamought, Co. Cork, Parish St, Annes |JACKSON |JACKSON, Jane –CUMMINS, James

Indented deed of mtg btw Thomas FARREN of Gratten Hill, in the North suburb of Cork, Gent & Walter William Harris of Glanmire Rd., in the north suburb of Cork, Esq. Doctor of Medicine and Jane HARRIS nee JACKSON his wife of the second part & John CUMMINS of the City of London, Merchant and Roger William HARRIS of the said City of Cork, attorney at Law, trustees named in the marriage settlement… |1 | |1834 |19 |27 |1833 Nov 13 |Cahernane, Co. Kerry, Parish Sheridan |JACKSON |JACKSON, George & Letitia – HERBERT, Jane

George JACKSON of Mount Pleasant, Co. Tipperary & Letitia HERBERT ors JACKSON, his wife and one of the daughters of Richard Townsend HERBERT of Cahernane, Co. Kerry, deceased…. His five daughters:Jane, Penelope, Anne, Frances, Letitia. |1 | |1834 |19 |119 |1831 Nov 17 |Larne, Co. Antrim, Upper ½ B. Glenarmy |JACKSON |JACKSON, John – ALEXANDER, Samuel

John JACKSON of Larne, Co. Antrim, carpenter of 1 pt. & Samuel ALEANDER of Larne, saddler …land in the town of Larne on the North side of the street leading to Mill from new Town, … parish of Larne. WITNESSES: Miles ATKINSON, merchant; William McCULLOCH, Doctor of Medicine, both of Larne, Co. Antrim. |1 | |1834 |20 |103 |1834 Dec 2 |Edenderry, Kings Co., B. Coolestown |JACKSON |JACKSON, Matthew H. – JACKSON, Anne

Matthew Henry JACKSON of Millmount, Kings Co. & Anne JACKSON, widow, his mother of Marrion Ave., Co. of Dublin. … sum of 400 pounds to his sister Hannah POWELL orse JACKSON… south side of Edenderry St., Edenderry 78 ft X 54 ft X 200 ft X 400 ft under lease of Marquis of Devonshire & part of the lands of Monastoris called Millmount formerly called Jacksons farm – 150 acres profitable land and 27 acres of bog together with the Mill dwelling house [?] trees and other improvements and also the Mill dam watercourses flowing to and from the mill at the yearly rate of 50 pounds, in the Barony of Coolestown, Kings Co…. lives of Matthew Henry JACKSON & Rolleston John GRATTON |1 | |1834 |20 |145 | |Drumin, Queens Co. B. Tinnehinch |JACKSON |WARBURTON-THACKER

JACKSON, Frances & Mary– THACKER, Joseph

Frances JACKSON of Mountmellick, spinster, youngest daughter of Nathaniel JACKSON the younger of Mountmellick, deceased, …. Mary JACKSON, widow, mother of Frances JACKSON …… town and lands of Drummin, Derringown, containing 333acres & 1r arable land, Irish measure, land that had been owned by Nathanial JACKSON the elder.,bounded on the north by the river Barrow, , p… parish of Rosnallis, , B [?] hinch, Co. … & land of Drinagh & Garroon 180 acres & lands of Clonaheen, formerly in possession of Nathanial JACKSON, the elder, Rosenallis, B. of Tinnehinch, Queens Co. & also dwelling house situate in town of Mountmellick |1 | |1834 |20 |181 |1834 Dec 5 |Latabeg, City of Cork, B. Rathcooney |JACKSON |JACKSON, Jane – CUMMINS

Jane JACKSON wife of Walter William HARRIS | | |1834 |20 |187 |1834 Dec 5 |Derrydarragh, Co. Longford, B Ratheline |JACKSON |JACKSON, Joseph D. – GREGG, Francis

Joseph Devonshire JACKSON of Leson St., Dublin | | |1834 |21 |10 | |Magillstown, Co. Dublin, B. Athercross |JACKSON |JACKSON, Peter - BAKER, Arthur | | |1834 |21 |11 | |Magillstown, Co. Dublin, B. Athercross |JACKSON |JACKSON, Peter - BAKER, Arthur | | |1834 |21 |12 | |Loughmartin, Co. Dublin, B. Athercross |JACKSON |JACKSON, Peter - BAKER, Arthur | | |1834 |21 |109 | |Freeloan, Co. Dublin, B. Athercross |JACKSON |JACKSON, Peter – FARRAN, Charles | | |1834 |21 |110 | |Magillstown, Co. Dublin, B. Athercross |JACKSON |JACKSON, Peter – FARRAN, Charles | | |1835 |1 |133 | |Caulogue, Co. Longford, B. Ardagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, John – WIGGINS, Jacob | | |1835 |1 |240 | |Colonary, Co. Cavan, B. Upper Loughter |JACKSON |JACKSON, John – BRADY, Patrick | | |1835 |2 |69 | |New Lodge Rd., Antrim & City of Waterford |JACKSON |JACKSON, Thomas – JACKSON, Anthony | | |1835 |2 |197 | |Dromoran, Co. Down, B. Lower Iveagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, Alexander – LAW, Hugh

JACKSON, Elizabeth – LAW, Hugh | | |1835 |3 |102 | |Moylish, City of Limerick & Co. Tipperary |JACKSON |JACKSON, George & wife – DELMAGE, Charles

JACKSON, Lydia & Husband – DELMAGE, Charles | | |1835 |3 |125 |1835 Feb 5 |Cavananore |BRADFORD |BRADFORD-DICKIE

NAMES: Thomas BRADFORD of Carnbeg; Margaret WALLACE of Roachdale; Robert DICKIE of Roachdale; John BRADFORD of Cavananore; Robert BAILLIE Esq.; Samuel BRADFORD; Andrew Coulter BRADFORD; Hugh McCULLAGH; Owen DUFFY; Robert COULTER of Dundalk; Walter GLASSCOCK. OTHER LANDS: Shortstone. |d | |1835 |3 |267 | |Farnane, Co. Waterford, B. Decius |JACKSON |JACKSON, Warren – KEEFE, John | | |1835 |4 |199 |1835 Mar 4 |A house, Monaghan, Parish of Monaghan |JACKSON |JACKSON, James –WRIGHT, James

Between James JACKSON of Clones, Co. Monaghan of 1st pt & Willaim TEMPLE of Monaghan, Co. Monaghan, Esq. M.D. & daughter Anne TEMPLE otherwise HAMILL, his wife of the 2nd part; James Wood WRIGHT of Gola f Gola & David HAMILL of Rooskey, both of Co. Monaghan, Esq. reciting lease by Brigadier Robert ECHLIN by indenture Aug 17, 1703 leased to George DALGARNOE house or houses garden or gardens in possession of James KINSALLAGH and John THOMPSON in the Town of Monaghan…. Became legally vested in James JACKSON on the intermarriage of William TEMPLE & Anne HAMMILL widow of the 2nd part; Anne HAMILL spinster of 3rd part; James Wood WRIGHT & David HAMILL of 4th part. Anne HAMMILL the elder had agreed to give to Anne HAMILL the younger 2,000 pounds sterling which had been paid into the hands of James Wood WRIGHT & David HAMILL for future marriage settlement…house formerly in possession of John THOMPSON, , afterwards in possession of Blayney Owen MITCHELL,& Andrew YOUNG, & Richard JACKSON, & Robert HODGE… | | |1835 |5 |45 | |Lickadoon, City of Limerick, Parish Cahirawalla |JACKSON |JACKSON, Catherine B. – MOUNSELL, Henry | | |1835 |6 |126 | |Grafton St., City of Dublin |JACKSON |JACKSON, William – BERNIE, Thomas | | |1835 |6 |154 | |Baherload, Co. Limerick & City of Limerick |JACKSON |JACKSON, Catherine B. – FURLONG, Will | | |1835 |6 |272 | |Cullenswood, Co. Dublin, B. Upper Cross |JACKSON |JACKSON, John – BUTLER, John | | |1835 |6 |273 | |Cullenswood, Co. Dublin, B. Upper Cross |JACKSON |JACKSON, John – WILLIAMSON, Arthur | | |1835 |7 |16 | |Russelstown |JACKSON |JACKSON, William – JACKSON, James | | |1835 |7 |68 |1835 Apr 6 |Co. Carlow & Queens, Kildare & Dublin & Dublin Town |JACKSON |BROWNE-HAMILTON Marriage arts

William BROWNE of Brownshill aka Chapelstown, Co. Carlow & Robert Clayton BROWNE, eldest so of William BROWNE…


Hnery Vincent JACKSON of Mecklenburgh St., City of Dublin, Esq of 6th pt… marriage between Robert Clayton BROWNE & Harriett Augusta HAMILTON NOTE: Long deeed – lots of description of lands and names of neighbours. |1 | |1835 |7 |123 |COULTER |St. James, Drogheda |1833-1839 |COULTER, Jane-WEIR, Archibald

John ACKLAND of St. James in Drogherda, and Jane COULTER, his wife. Jane OCULTER administrix o George COULTER, late of town of Drogheda, Gent, deceased, | | |1835 |7 |175 |1835 Ap 22 |S? Or K?]illivanogue, Co. Tipperary, B. Ikeran |JACKSON |BENNET-JACKSON Marriage articles


Between George BENNETT of Killivanouge then called Sorrill Hill, Co. Tipperary of 1st pt & Anne JACKSON, 2nd daughter of Francis JACKSON of Killavilla, Kings Co., Esq. of 2nd pt; Geroge JACKSON of Killavilla, Kings Co. and Thomas BENNETT of Eastwood, Co. Tipperary, Esq. of 3rd pt |1 | |1835 |8 |24 |1835 Apr 28 |St. James, Drogheda |COULTER

|COULTER, Jane-WEIR, Archibald

Jane ACKLAND nee COULTER | | |1835 |8 |34 |1835 Aril 28 |Jervis St. Dublin, Parish St. Marys |JACKSON |JACKSON, Alexander – HICKIE, Rev. William

Alexander JACKSON of Gardiner Place, doctor of Medicine. …land in Parish of St. Mary’s Dublin | | |1835 |8 |37 | |Pill Lane, City of Dublin |JACKSON |JACKSON, Henry V. – HIGGINBOTTOM, Thomas

Henry Vincent JACKSON, attourne at law, of Mickleburgh St., Dublin executor of last will and testament of Elizabeth SULLIVAN, widow deceased of Thomas HIGGINBOTTOM… land transfer. | | |1835 |9 |161 | |Corray, Cos Mayo, Sligo & Galway |JACKSON |JACKSON, George – JACKSON, Oliver | | |1835 |9 |201 | |Bawn, Co Cavan & Galway |JACKSON |JACKSON, Thomas B. – DUIGAN, Michael | | |1835 |10 |43 | |Ballyduftultra, Co. Waterford, B Cashmore & Cashbridge |JACKSON |JACKSON, George H. – MELVILLE, John

JACKSON, Alice [or Alex] – MELVILLE, John

George Holmes JACKSON of Crogar near Corwell in Co [Stenconth?] & Alice his wife of 1st pt… lands in Waterford. |1 | |1835 |11 |15 | | | |MILLS-PEEBLES |x | |1835 |11 |43 | | | |BARTLEY-WHITE |x | |1835 |12 |133 |1835 Apr 21 |Grafton St. City of Dublin, Parish St. Andrews |JACKSON |JACKSON, William – JACKSON, James


William JACKSON of Grafton St., China merchant & Robert NICHOLSON of Clanwilliam Place in said City & Jane NICHOLSON otherwise JACKSON his wife of the 1 pt; James JACKSON of Linley, Co. [Salop?] Esq., England of other pt. new built brick house or tenement #112 formerly #106 situate on west side of Grafton St.,, Parish of St. Andrew, City of Dublin |1 | |1835 |13 |57 |1835 Jul 21 |Frederick St., City of Dublin, Parish St.Annes |JACKSON |JACKSON, John – BAKER, John

Between John JACKSON of Frederick St., City of Dublin, Gent & John BARKER of Dawson St., Dublin reciting indenture June 3 1803 btw Rev Hayes MEADE of Kilgoblin, CO. Dublin Clk of 1 pt & James SAUNDERS… brick dwelling house on west side of Frederick St.,..details… reciting that the said James SHERIDAn by his last will and testament bearing dateAug 23 1821 demised said dwelling house with the furniture and linen therin to his daughter Sarah JACKSON wife of said John JACKSON…more details |1 | |1835 |13 |90 |1835 Jul 23 |Cullenswood, Co. Dublin, City of Dublin |JACKSON |KEARNS-KEARNS

JACKSON, Allen – KEARNS, Christopher

Thomas KEARNS of CUffe ST., Dublin, Bricklayer & Allan JACKSON of Harrold Cross, Co Dublin, house painter… part of lands of Ullienswood, situate in Anne Street Ranelah, near the City of Dublin |1 | |1835 |13 |13201 |1835 July 25 |Dublin |JACKSON |Wrong number

JACKSON Robert of Dublin Householder 3 August 1835 Deed of Sale Selling up prior to emigration to Australia Anthony | | |1835 |15 |76 | |Drummin, Queens Co. B. Tinehinch |JACKSON |JACKSON, Elizabeth – FLEETWOOD, Thomas

JACKSON, Mary – FLEETWOOD, Thomas | | |1835 |16 |186 | |Ballybay, Co. Monaghan |JACKSON |JACKSON, William – CARRAHER, John | | |1835 |17 |256 | |Moylish, Co. Limerick |JACKSON |JACKSON, George – GLOSTER, Arthur | | |1835 |18 |98 |GILLMER |Ballynaconaghy, Co. Down, B Castlereagh |1833-1839 |GILLMER, James B-AVERY, Samuel |x | |1835 |18 |184 | |Knockaginy, Co. Down, B. Catlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, William – McCANCE, David | | |1835 |20 |120 |1835 Jul 25 |Dublin |JACKSON |DROUGHT-JACKSON

Btw Frederick Stewart DROUGHT of Church St.,City of Dublin [Curveline?] Hatter of 1st pt;Julia DROUGHT of Boot Lane, city of Dublin, widow & executrix of Frederick DROUGHT late of Temple Bar, City of Dublin, Hatter & Francis JACKSON of Killavilla, Kings Co.,… reciting earlier DROUGH leases lands of Fancroft…released to Francis JACKSON lands of Fancroft, Barony of Ballybritt, Kings Co… & lands of Glassluen |1 | |1835 |20 |169 | |Aghaville, Co. Leitrim | |GODFREY, John & ors – MAXWELL & ors | | |1835 |20 |267 |1835 Dec 2 |Dunganstown, Co. Dublin, B. Catlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, William H. –PHEPOE, Thomas

William henry JACKSON of Micklinburgh, Dublin of 1 pt & Thomas PHEPOE of other…demised lands Dunganstown, Co. Dublin | | |1835 |21 |162 | | |MALEVERER |MUNLEVERER, William-HORNER |x | |1836 |1 |130 |1833-1839

|Pallerine, Down & Co. Armagh |COULTER |COULTER, Mary-COULTER, Richard | | |1836 |1 |140 | |Richhill, Co. Armagh, B. Oneiland West |JACKSON |JACKSON, Joseph – RICHARDSON, Elizabeth

Wrong number | | |1836 |2 |261 | |Rathgar, Co. Dublin, B. Newcastle |JACKSON |JACKSON, Allen – CRENAN, Bartholemew | | |1836 |3 |103 |1836 Feb |Lisburn |OLIVER, Henry, Mary, Sarah, Eliza, Jane |OLIVER-McKNIGHT

OLIVER, Henry, Mary, Sarah, Eliza, Jane Robert – McKNIGHT

Between Henry OLIVER of Tannybake, Co. Down, Cotton Weaver of 1st ptMary OLIVER & Sarah OLIVER of Tannybrake, Co. Down spinsters James LANG of Lisburn, Co. Antrim weaver & Elizabeth LANG otherwise OLIVER his wife; John HEANeY of Tannybake, Co. Down weaver and Jane HEANEY otherwise OLIVER his wife of 2nd pt… Robert OLIVER of Tannybrake of 4th pt. Henry OLIVER deceased wsa possessd of that piece of land on south side of bridge St., Lisburn, parish of Lisburn alias Blaris Barony of Upper Massarene… Henry OLIVER made his will datedJuen 8 1827 & devised said property to his son, Henry OLIVER….lives were all names of royalty… |1 | |1836 |4 |177 | | |BIRCH |HENRY, Joseph-BIRCH, ELizabeth |x | |1836 |6 |240 | |Kilmurry, Co. Mayo, B. Tyrawly |JACKSON |JACKSON, Oliver C. – WALSHE, John

JACKSON, Madelaine E – WALSHE, John | | |1836 |7 |61 | |Schoolhouse Lane, Dungannon, Parish Drumglass |JACKSON |JACKSON, James E. –GREER, Thomas | | |1836 |7 |99 | |Moylish, City Limerick, Parish ST. Munekin |JACKSON |JACKSON, George – WARNER, George | | |1836 |7 |228 |1833-1839 |Umgola, City Armagh |KIDD |KIDD, Thomas-KIDD, Joseph |x | |1836 |7 |229 |1833-1839 | |DOBBIN |DOBBIN |x | |1836 |8 |26 |1833-1839 |Water Street, Newry |KIDD |KIDD, John-GRIFFEN, Phil |x | |1836 |8 |51 |1836 Apr27 |Eadstown, Co. Wicklow, Upper Barony Talbot St |JACKSON |DIXON-GREENE

JACKSON, William, Anne & Hannah

Bwt Joseph DIXON of Mount pleasant, Co. Dublin assignee of the estate and effects of William JACKSON of Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow, and insolvent debtor & the said William JACKSON of the 1st par; Anne JACKSON orse RIGGS wife of the said William JACKSON & Robert SHAW of Baltinglass, builder & William PAGE of Leinster St., Dublin Gent of 2nd pt Robert SHAW of Baltinglass afsd & Hannah SHAW orse JACKSON his wife, Alicia SHAW,and Esther SHAW both of Baltinglass spinsters of 3rd pt; Rev. Thomas Francis GREENE of Kilrandagh, Co. Wicklow Clerk…others..reciting lease of May 22 1746 btw Rev Richard BALDWIN, D.D. &Provost of Trinity College, & James JACKSON then late of Eadstown but then of Ffunary, Co. Wicxklow ffarmer of the other part… Baldwin demised to James JACKSON all that part of Eadestown in possession of James JACKSON containing 154 a 1r land in Barony of Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow… reciting lease July 12 & 13, 1765 btw James JCSKON of 1 pt & William JACKSON of Baltinglass, butcher, son of James JACKSON… town and lands of Eadestown .. reciting lease Nov 24 & 25 1771 James JACKSON leased to Alexander JACKSON… interest of William JACKSON became vested in his son Thomas JACKSON late of Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow deceased; ..reciting lease Apr 1 1801 Thomas JACKSON set to Thomas Eves GREENE half part of undivided t Eadestown.. indenture of settlement William JACKSON and his wife Anne JACKSON orse RIGGS Dec 5 1831 … complicate deed…Rev James SAUNDERs, & William JACKSON …intermarriage of Rev. James SAUNDERS Augusta Sophia Lloyd WILLAIM Nov 17 1828 …… Morley SAUNDERS |1 | |1836 |10 |73 | |Moylin, City of Limerick & Co. Tipperary |JACKSON |JACKSON, George & Lydia - GLOSTER, Arthur | | |1836 |10 |231 |1831 June 1 |Shortstone, Co. Louth |BAILLIE |BAILLIE, Robert-DARBY, Jonathon 1833-1839

Between Robert BAILLIE of Shortstone, Co Louth of 1st part & Rev Jonathon [Lonett?] DARLEY of Acton Glebe, Co Armagh of other pt. ... granted to DARLEY 205A 2R. | | |1836 |11 |121 |1836 Jun 13 |Butterfield Lane, Co. Dublin, B. Newcastle |JACKSON |JACKSON & ors-SHAW

JACKSON, John -SHAW, Esther

John JACKSON of Rathmines, Co. Dublin Gent & acting executor of Judith AHNUTY late of rathfarm, Co. Dublin widow deceased of 1st pt…other names .. KIRKWOODs… Esther SHAW of Rathfarnham Co Dublin | | |1836 |11 |123 |1836 Jun 13 |Moy, Co. Tyrone |JACKSON | Btw William JACKSON Mercant then of Moy, Co. Tyrone, merchant of 1 pt & Robert HALLIDAY of Belfast, Co. Antrim., merchant…. Houses & land in Charlemount, Co. Armagh | | |1836 |11 |123 | |Charlemount, Co. Armagh, B. Newcastle |JACKSON |JACKSON, William – HALLIDAY, Robert | | |1836 |11 |280 | |Clonbrogan, Co. Tipperary, B. Middlethird |JACKSON |JACKSON, George – CLARKE, Patrick | | |1836 |12 |7 |1833-1839 |Anne Street, Shankill, Belfast |COULTER |COULTER, Catherine-WELISTER, Ann | | |1836 |14 |29 | |St. Stevens Green, City of Dublin, Parish of St. Peter |JACKSON |JACKSON, Allan – BONSOL, John | | |1836 |14 |159 |1833-1839 |York Steet, City? Parish St. Peter |COULTER |COULTER, John- HENRY, James | | |1836 |15 |80 |1836 Aug 16 |Drumcanver |LESLIE, Nathaniel & OLIVER, David, Joseph, Benjamin | Deed of assignment between Nathaniel LESLIE of Leslie Hall in Co. Armagh, Gent of the one part Joseph OLIVER & Benjamin OLIVER both of Ballyrea in Co. Armagh Gent of the second part. OLIVERs sold to David LESLIE part of the town and lands of Drumcanver formerly in possession of William LESLIE deceased & thereto held & enjoyed by Nathanial LESLIE in Manor of Loghey [?] Barony & Co. of Armagh 35 acres 2 r 30p in possession of Camack & Henry Mahallam. Witness Bernard McCARTEN & Thomas REILLY, Co. Monaghan. | | |1836 |15 |262 | |Tullyhubart, Co. Down, Barony of Castlereagh |JACKSON |JACKSON, Margaret – CARLISLE, Hugh | | |1836 |16 |9 |1836 Aug 2 |Cromwellstown, Co. Kildare, B. So Salt |JACKSON |JACKSON, Henry V. – GALWAY, William

Btw Catherine PEASON orse READ of Glasnevin, Co. Dublin, widow of 1st part; Henry Vincent JACKSON of City of Dublin Attorney at Law of 2nd pt & William GALWEY of Baggot St, Dublin of 3rd pt reciting that Catherin Pearson alias READ by virtue of will of r[?] PEASON her father

|1 | |1836 |22 |196 | |Backlane Birr |BREAKEY |BREAKY, Robt-Drought

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

19/12/1836. Robert Breakey, Birr, Kings Co. Two brothers: John & Francis. |x | |1837 |3 |112 | |Tofsee Cremone |BREAKEY |MILLS (includes McCULLAGH & BREAKEY)

BREAKEY, Wm-Goudy, John

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

11/2/1837. Reference to William Breakey, USA. |X | |1837 |6 |161 |1833-1839 |Hollywood, Co. Down, B. Castlereagh |COULTER |COULTER, Robert-POWER, John | | |1837 |8 |207 | |Backlane Birr |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Rbt-Callwell, Natt

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

4/5/1837. Robert Breakey, Birr, Kings Co. Two witnesses: Obadiah Breakey and John Breakey, both Birr. |x | |1837 |10 |56 |1837 May 24 |Laragh |OLIVER, William & Joseph |OLIVER, William & Joseph - Belfast Bank

Wm. OLIVER of Laragh, Co. Monaghan Gent & Joseph OLIVER of Laragh, son of William Gent of the one part & [3 directors] Belfast Banking Company for £450.13.11 secured by 50 acres of the townland of Laragh adjoining the western of the two mills erected by Joseph, William & Benjamin OLIVER & as formerly laid off by them and formerly in the actual possession of the said William OLIVER bounded on the north by the road to Castleblayney on the south by the mill race and on the east by the other of the said bleachmills and greens and on the west by the other part of the townland of Laragh [?] in the possession of the said Joseph, William and Benjamin OLIVER and also 5 acres 3 roods and 29 ½ of bog situate and being in the said townland of Laragh & Clonecarrow and also all that and those 15 acres adjoining the [?] of said two mills. [more description] | | |1837 |11 |185 |1837 June 12 |Laragh |OLIVER, William - Joseph |OLIVER- Ulster Bank

See 1837-10-56. This is another Laragh mortgage this time with the Ulster Bank for £510 for the same lands. | | |1837 |18 |233 |1837 Oct 24 |Dublin |JACKSON |Btw John JACKSON formerly a Lieutenant in in His Majesties Royal Cornwall Regiment of Militia and now of the City of Dublin a Captain in her Majesty’s Service & Bridget JACKSON orse POWELL, his wife of the 2nd pt & Jacob POWELL Junior of the City of Dublin… 500 pounds… lands on North side of Lissakelly and lands in the north east end of Glencarbury… other lands mentioned – more than a thousand acres total. Marriage Apr 8, 1813. |1 | |1837 |19 |42 | |Aghavilla | |GODLEY, John – O’BRIEN. Rev HENRY [No JACKSON or Aughaville] | | |1837 |19 |57 |1837 Sep 14 |Silverhill |M’LOUGHLIN |M’LOUGHLIN-McCANN NOTES in 2009 diary

John M’LOUGHLAN of Silverhill, Co. Louth farmer. Rudolph SMITH of Drogheda had demised to Judith REYNOLDS lands called Hachlim, Co. Louth 173 acres, Parish of Rildermark, Barony of Ardeau, Co. Louth (lots more details) reciting that a marriage was to be had between John M’LOUGHLAN & Mary REYNOLDS (daughter of Judith). | | |1837 |19 |91 |1837 Oct 23 | |BROWNE |BROWNE-MAYNE NOTES in 2009 diary

Robert BROWNE of Terlurgan, Co. Tyrone Gent, eldest son & heir at law of Robert BROWNE of Terlugan, Gent, will annexed of 1st part Thomas BROWNE, Jane BROWNE, Elizabeth BROWNE, Charlotte BROWNE, the only other children of said Robert BROWNE ... George BROWNE of Derganagh, Co. Tyrone Gent of 4th part reciting indenture 4 Apr 1697 between James MOORE then of Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone Esq ... DOUGLAS family details .... lease to James BROWNE of Terlugan, Co. Tyrone, Gent (his son was Robert BROWNE) ... Thomas BROWNE, also son of Robert.. | | |1837 |19 |103 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-LEETON |x | |1837 |21 |167 |1833-1839 |Church St., Belfast |COULTER |COULTER, Richard-GRAHAM, Mary | | |1838 |3 |124 | |Tipperary |JACKSON |MANNIN Co Tipperary & George JACKSON of same...-JACKSON

Catherine JACKSON of Mount pleasant | | |1838 |3 |125 |1833-1839 |Cavananore |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas-DICKIE, Robert wrong number |x | |1838 |3 |130 |1837 Aug 18 | |BROWNE |BROWNE & ors

Rev John BROWNE of Cheltenham & Maria Judith BROWNE otherwise HAMILTON his wife of 1st part & James HAMILTON the younger of COolmount, Co Monaghan....Dacre HAMILTON dec’d.... | | |1838 |4 |120 |1833-1839 |Gregg’s Lane, City of Dublin |COULTER |COULTER, John-WHARTON, John | | |1838 |5 |48 |1834 May 6 |Carnbeg |COULTER |COLEMAN-COULTER

1834 May 6 NAMES: Peter COLEMAN of Dundalk; Robert COULTER of Dundalk; Thomas COLEMAN of Dundalk; Thomas READ; Dr. HAMILTON; Major BROWNE; Robert BROWNE; Rev. Elias THACKERY; James PARK OF DUNDALK; James ROWAN; John TOWNLEY. |d | |1838 |5 |49 | | |COULTER |COLEMAN-COULTER similar to above |x | |1838 |5 |109 |1833-1839 |Stump, Co. Louth |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas-DICKIE, Thomas |x | |1838 |5 |111 |1833-1839 |Dowdalls Hill, Co. Louth |COULTER |COULTER, Samuel-DONALDSON, Alexander

1838 March 10 NAMES: Samuel COULTER of Molesworth; Alexander DONALDSON of Philipstown; Humphry STEVENSON; Joseph COULTER of Dowdalls Hill; DOWDALL; QUIGLEY; GEMON; FITZSIMMON; Samuel COULTER of Kingstown, Dublin; Thomas Elder FLEURY of Dublin; Walter GLASSCOCK. OTHER PLACES: Dowdalls Hill. |d | |1838 |6 |53 | | |BAILLIE |RAIT-CHAPMAN |x | |1838 |8 |16 |1833-1839 |Cortnaliona, Co. & City Cork |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Wm Revd-HARDY, John Revd | | |1838 |8 |16 |1833-1839 |Cortnaliorna, Co. & City Cork |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Martha-HARDY, John Revd | | |1838 |8 |178 |1833-1839 | |COULTER |COULTER, Sarah-COULTER, Robert |x | |1838 |8 |266 |1833-1839 |York St, City of Dublin |COULTER |COULTER, John-WHARTON, John

COULTER, Sarah E.=WHARTON, John | | |1838 |9 |87 |1833-1839 |Killen, Co. Louth

Diamond, City Dublin |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas-COULTER, Robert

COULTER, John E-WHARTON, John |x | |1838 |9 |253 |1833-1839 |Castlecarragh, Co. Louth, B. Dundalk |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas-COULTER, Robert |x | |1838 |10 |54 | | |BIRCH |WOOLSEY-BIRCH |x | |1838 |10 |70 |1833-1839 |Tullyniskie, Co Down, B. L. Iveagh |GILLMER |GILLMER, James B-WAUGH, Hugh


GILLMER, Catherine S-WAUGH, Hugh


GILLMER, Mary-WAUGH, Hugh |x | |1838 |10 |110 |1833-1839 |Diamond, City Dublin |COULTER |COULTER, Sarah E.-WHARTON, John | | |1838 |11 |253 |1833-1839 |Castlecarragh, Co. Louth, B. Dundalk |COULTER |COULTER, Samuel- COULTER, Robert | | |1838 |13 |50 |1833-1839 |Gt. George St, Belfast |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, James-ATKINSON, Richard | | |1838 |16 |5 |1833-1839 |Tray, |BAILLIE |BAILLIE, William-CAMPBELL, Hugh BAILIE-DeGUERRIN Marriage Article

1838 August 15 NAMES: William BAILEY of Annaghvackey; Adelaide Louisa de GUERIN of Armagh; Hugh CAMPBELL of Warrenpoint; James CARLOW of Armagh; John STANLEY jr. of Armagh; Robert RIDDELL of Armagh; William BLAIR. OTHER PLACES: Tray aka Trea. |d | |1838 |22 |6 |1838 Oct 25 | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH Marriage Settlement

NAMES: Rev. Andrew McCULLAGH aka McCULLOGH of Caledon; Marianne FISHER of Caledon; Robert McCULLOGH of Killnamuddy; Thomas McCARTER of Newbliss; Robert FISHER of Monree; Robert HAWTHORNE of Tandregee; Sarah FISHER of Monree; Richard TROTTER. |d | |1839 |6 |18 |1839 Mar 13 |Killen, Co. Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John, Robert, Joseph, Eliza-DICKIE -1839 NOTE: This was in ROD under 1834-unk-018 – my error.

Marriage Articles between Matthew PATTESON of Dundalk, woollen draper of 1st part & Robert DICKIE of Roachdale, John Thomas DICKIE of Clonaleenan, Robert DICKIE jr. of Killen & Rev Joseph DICKIE of Rathfriland, Co. Down executors named in will of James DICKIE late of Killen, Esq, dec’d of 2nd part. Eliza DICKIE of Killan, spinster, daughter of James DICKIE ... 1833 |x | |1839 |9 |87 | | |COULTER |COULTER-DONALDSON |x | |1839 |10 |110 |1839 May 11 |Killen, Co. Louth |COULTER |COULTER-COULTER

1839 May 11 NAMES: Dr. Thomas COULTER of Dublin; Robert COULTER of Dundalk; Charles [LYNAM?]; J.H. RANSON of Dundalk; John PURCELL; A. WILSON. OTHER PLACES: Killeen aka Killen and part of Kane called The Stump; Ballinshull aka Bailinfuil. |d | |1839 |18 |233 |1838 Dec 18 |Clones

Aughafin, Co. Monaghan |BROWN |BROWN, Isabella, Anne J., Mary, Margaret, James, Charlotte - PHILLIPS 1833-1839

Between Isabella BROWNE of Crooked Holm near Kilmarnock, Scotland ; Thomas BAIRD of Crooked Holm near Kilmarnock, Scotland shoemaker Anee Jane BAIRD orse BROWN his wife; John CARSON of Crooked Holm near Kilmarnock, Scotland shoemaker & Mary CARSON orse BROWN his wife; Isabella McMAHON orse BROWN of Crooked Holm near Kilmarnock, Scotland widow; James LEONARD of Kilmarnock labourer & Margaret LEONARD orse BROWN his wife; & James & Charlotte BROWN of Crooked Holm near Kilmarnock, Scotland minors under the age of 21 all children of James BROWN of Clones, Co. Monaghan re: lands of Aughafin, Co. Monaghan, Barony of Dartry. | | |1839 |18 |266 |1839 Oct 1 |Monaghan |OLIVER |OLIVER, Charles

... Charles OLIVER & Thomas OLIVER of Baltimore named as trustees in will of Robert OLIVER of Baltimore but previously of Troopersfield...Charles OLIVER eldest son & heir at law of Robert OLIVER ...... annuities for widows and children of Presbyterian ministers ... | | |1839 |18 |287 |1839 Oct 1 |Monaghan |OLIVER |OLIVER, Thomas

Btw Robert Morgan GIBBS, Charles OLIVER & Thomas OLIVER all of Baltimore in the United States Esq. Last will & Testament of Robert OLIVER of Troopersfield then of Baltimore dec’d .. lots of lands in Barony & Co Monaghan... | | |1839 |19 |98 |1835 Feb 12 |Annavackey, Co. Louth |BAILLIE |BAILLIE, John Rev-Partition 1833-1839

BAILLIE, William-Partition

NAMES: Rev. Charles ATKINSON; Robert MURPHY of Marion Sq., Dublin; Robert Ellis BAILLIE; Rev. John BALLIE of Clonaleenan; William BAILLIE of Tray, Co. Monaghan; Stewart KING; John FOSTER of Collon; Sir John Charles HAMILTON, Bart.; Sir John Stewart HAMILTON, formerly of Dublin, deceased; Frederick HAMILTON of [Dunfreath?]; Frederick HAMILTON, Esq.; Richard HEATHERINGTON; Capt. Charles GRANT; Robert BAILLIE of Shortstone; Robert DICKIE of Clonaleenan; Thomas BRADFORD & Samuel BRADFORD of Cavananore; John BUNTON; William PARKER; Arthur ELLIS; Walter GLASSCOCK. |d | |1839 |23 |125 |1839 Nov 13 | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-BEATTY

NAMES: William McCULLAGH of Dundalk; James BEATTIE, Rev of [Knockakean?] Lodge, Co. Armagh; Samuel BRADFORD of Cavananore; Samuel BRADFORD late of Dundalk; Bridgit McKENNA; John NICHOLSON; Edward TOWNLEY; William Robert ROGERS; William HILL; John TOWNLEY; Lucas SHERLOCK. |d | |1840 |1 |228 | | |McCULLAGH |HORNER-MULLEN |x | |1840 |4 |270 | |Aghaville | |GILLMAN-George Holmes JACKSON Digital record 10131 | | |1840 |4 |271 | |Aghaville | |JACKSON-JACKSON Digital record 10133

John Holmes JACKSON & John JACKSON | | |1840 |4 |272 | |Aghaville | |JACKSON-FOLEY Digital record 10134 | | |1840 |4 |273 | |Aghaville | |JACKSON-REILY Digital record 10135

George Holmes JACKSON | | |1840 |4 |284 | |Aghaville |O’BRIEN |O’BRIEN-DEAN Digital record 10136

William Acheson O’BRIEN of Drumsilla, Co.Leitrim, eldest son of Acheson O’BRIEN of Drumsilla & Richard DEANE of Killylevlin & Juliana DEANE, spinster dau of Richard DEANE... marriage arts incl land of Aughaville... and by virtue of will of Richard IRWIN therin recited the said Wm O’BRIEN entitled to lands .... after death of father.... Juliana DANE [aka DEANE] executor of her uncle Paul DANE. NOTE: IRWIN-JACKSON connections may be of interest here. | | |1840 |6 |25 |1840 Mar 19 |Dundalk |BROWN |MARMIAN-BROWN

Deed of release btw Henry Richard MARMION Esq near Kibbereen, Co. Cork. & Elizabeth Barclay Eveans MARMION orse BROWN his wife & Rev John BROWN of Aberdeen Scotland quit claim 50 a Grange Park, Barony of Toome, Co. Antrim… also land on south side of Carrickfergus st, Belfast… formerly in possession of Charles GILLESPIE held by late John Brown dec’d father of said John BROWN BY LEASE 20 July 1767… land east side of Shankhill, Peters Hill St, town of Belfast..3 pages of deeds recited in Belfast incl on beside William BROWN, innkeeper, Belfast 7 one occupied by Robert JACKSON… also acreage….. John BROWN & Alan Gardener BROWN, his brother leases obtained 12 Jul 1828. |1 | |1840 |6 |31 |1838 Jun 30 |Dundalk, Co. Loth |BOYD |Countess of Roden-BOYD

Lots of deeds recited…. Incl Grahm JOHNSTON, Dundalk…10 page deed…… incl Sportsmans Hall, Carranbeg, … tons of names incl Grace & Catherine BOYD and Margaret REID. |1 | |1840 |8 |64 |1840-1849 |Co Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Robert –WALLACE |x | |1840 |11 |57 |1840 May 14 |Monaghan |BROWN |Robert BROWN-Thomas McCULLAGH

Robert BROWN of Glasgow, weaver of 1 pt & Thomas McCULLAGH of Derrivalley, Co. Monaghan, Gent.. Reciting indenture of lease 27 Dec 1796 by the late Thomas McCULLAGH of Derrivally, dec’d demised unto William BROWN since deceased all that part of the lands of Ednafirkin mentined held to him and lives of Archibald BROWN then aged about 8 years, son of John BROWN and Samuel BROWN party thereto all of Ednafirkin and Thomas McCULLAGH party hereto then aged about ten years son of James McCULLAGH of Shantoagh… the late William BROWN granted, set and to farm let unto his son Samuel BROWNE a certain part or portion of said lands containing 4 acres Late Irish Measure… and wheras the said Samuel BROWNE having died intestate the said Robert BROWN party hereto his only son and heir at law stands possessed of title… whereas the said Thomas McCULLAGH agreed to purchase lands from Robert BROWNE for 141 pounds 11s 6p… NOTE: complicated deed – perhaps worth ordering. |1 | |1840 |12 |127 | |Aghaville |O’BRIEN |O’BRIEN-FARRIS Digital record 10138 101-0140

Acheson O’BRIEN of Drumsill, Co. Leitrim Esq. Of 1st pt & Charles Robers PEYTON of 2nd pt of Castlecarrow, Co. Leitrim & Aleander FARRIS of Shannonbridge, Co. Leirim Esq ... 130 acres of Ahavilla for 99 years if O’BRIEN lives... Richard IRWIN... | | |1840 |14 |26 | |Enagh |OLIVER |

Deed of Settlement 6 April 1840 between Andrew OLIVER of Enagh , Co. Armagh Farmer of the first part Mary Jane OLIVER otherwise HAYES wife of the said Andrew OLIVER of the second part. William OLIVER jr of Killynure , Co. Armagh farmer, brother of the said Andrew OLIVER & James HAYES of Magherry Kilcranny, Co. Armagh father of the said Mary Jane OLIVER ... the trustees named by Andrew OLIVER and Mary Jane OLIVER £200 to Andrew OLIVER paid by James HAYES.. | | |1841 |9 |132 |1841 Apr 20 |Moy, Co. Turone & Armagh |Brown |Rev Wm BROWN-Wm. L KIDD

Indenture of a lease btw Rev. William BROWN of Moy, Co. Tyrone, independent minister, executor of estate of Marth BOYD, spinster, dec’d of the one part. & William Lodge KIDD, Dr. of Medicine, of other pt. Demised tenement in English street then in possession of John McWATERS, bookseller. Bounded on the east by English St., on the West by the common passage adjoining the late Mary Mongomery’s garden on the north by the house formerly in the possession of Thomas ANDERSON dec’d & then occu[pied by Surgeon BRICE & on the south by the house formerly in the possession of James WAUGH. Dec’d then occupied by John Duncan, City of Armagh… |1 | |1841 |16 |267 | | | |ENNIS-RUTHERFORD |x | |1841 |16 |286 | | |RUTHERFORD |BLACKHALL-LITTLE |x | |1841 |18 |176 | | | |RUTHERFORD-RUTHERFORD |x | |1841 |21 |71 |1841 Oct 28 | |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas-DAVISON, Rev. David County Louth Archives PP54/6/4 |x | |1841 |21 |241 |1841 Nov 6 |Ballygibbon, Co. Kildare |JACKSON |JACKSON-FAWCETT

Marriage settlement datedMarch 14 1839 btw William JACKSON of Ballygibbon, Co. Kildare. Gent of the 1st pt & Matthew JACKSON of Edenderry, Kings Co., Gentleman and miller, son of William JACKSON. Of 2nd pt. Margaret FAWCETT eldest daughter of Thomas FAWCETT of Edenderry of 3rd pt. Thomas FAWCETT, father of Margaret of 4th pt. marriage was intended shortly ot be had.. lands of Ballygibbon jointure, Parish and Barony of Carbury, Co. Kildare containing 222acres 2 roods 32 perches for life of William JACKSON or for term of 21 years…92 acres was in the actual possession and control of William JACKSON… lengthy deed. |1 | |1841 |23 |22 | |Belfast | |BROWN-DONNELLY

Rev. John BROWN of Aberdeen, Scotland – Alan Gardner BROWN – not useful to me |1 | |1842 |2 |277 | |Aughaville |O’BRIEN |Acheson O’BRIEN & Charles Robert PEYTON mtg. No new info | | |1842 |5 |103 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-BARTLEY |x | |1842 |12 |26 |1842 June 8 |Largh, Co. Monaghan |OLIVER |William OLIVER- David LESLIE

Indented deed of conveyance bearing date 12 Jan 1835 btwWilliam OLIVER of Laragh, Gent of 1 pt & David LESLIE of Drumaconver, Co. Monaghan of other pt. recited 2 indentures of lease 2 Sept 1815 btw David McTEAR of 1 pt & Joseph OLIVER of Tullymore, , Co. Armagh, Gent; the said William OLIVER & Benjamin OLIVER…. |1 | |1842 |13 |77 |1842 Jun 18 | |JACKSON |JACKSON- Charles Robinson

Charles ROBINSON of ?? Road, Dublin of 1st part and Anne JACKSON, spinster of the other part. For the consideration of 250 pounds paid to Anne JACKSON transfer land on the south side of New Road from Rathmines to ??? called and known by the name of [Leinister?] Road& property in the possession of Thomas and John Richard JACKSON… in presence of Thomas JACKSON … Frederick JACKSON |x | |1842 |13 |78 |1840-1849 |Co. Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-DICKIE, John


DICKIE, Joseph, Rev-DICKIE, John

DICKIE, John -DICKIE, Robert |x | |1842 |13 |264 | | |BRADFORD |BRADFORD-GRAYBURN |x | |1842 |14 |1 |1840-1849 |Co. Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Robert-DONALDSON, Alexander |x | |1842 |17 |8 |1840-1849 |Co. Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Mary A-DONALDSON, Alexander |x | |1842 |18 |222 | |Aghavilla, Co Leitrim | |O’BRIEN, ACHESON, WELDON NOTES in 2009 diary Nothing there | | |1842 |18 |257 | |Aghaville, Co. Leitrim |O’BRIEN |O’BRIEN, Acheson, WELDON

1842 Sept 1 Acheson O’BRIEN of Drumsilla to William St. Lawrence WELDON, City of Dublin, Esq. Loan of 1000 pounds on mtg... incl lands of Aghavilla... original term of years granted by Lord Bishop of Kilmore. Witness: John FARIS of Henrietta St., Dublin, Gent & Thomas HARTE of Richmond Place South, Co. Dublin. NOTE: Cancellation books have the names WELDON & O’BRIEN connected with Cavananore after Griffiths. In terms of tracking David JACKSON’s connections, this may be significant. | | |1842 |22 |170 |1842 Oct 6 |Ballsmills |COULTER |HILL-HILL

1842 October 6 NAMES: William HILL of Balls Mills; Esther HILL nèe COULTER; John HILL of Grange, Gorman Lane, Co. Dublin; Samuel McCORMACK; Francis McCORMACK; Richard NEIL; Patrick CONNOLLY; Peter MORGAN; Owen CONLON; Charles CROWE; Widow CONLON; William HILL of Dundalk; William Robert ROGERS. OTHER PLACES: Tullyumphry aka Tullyhumphry. |d | |1842 |23 |53 |1842 Nov 17 | |OLIVER, William |OLIVER, William - LESLIE, David

A complicated deed Need order | | |1842 |25 |11 |1842 Dec 19 |Kildare & Kings Co |JACKSON, Matthew |FOSSITT-TINKLER

Deed btw Thomas FOSSITT of Ballymurreen, Co. Wicklow but late of Edenderry, Kings Co. Louth & Sarah FOSSITT otherwise NORTH his wife of 1 pt;Harrington TINKLER of Portarlington, Queens Co. Gent & said Sarah FOSSITT of 2nd pt; Rachel FOSSITT, Mary Anne FOSSITT, Sarah FOSSIT,Charlotte FOSSITT,and Rebecca FOSSITT five of the daughters of the said Thomas FOSSITT and SArh his wife of Ballymurren House aforesaid of 3rd pt; Matthew JACKSON and Margaret JACKSON otherwise FOSSITT, his wife late of Millmount, Kings Co. but now of Prosperous, Co. Kildare Gent of 4th pt..refers to earlier 1837 deed FOSSITT-TINKLER |1 | |1842 |25 |159 |1842 Dec 21 | |COULTER |LAWSON, George; OWENS,Edward; COULTER, Thomas-HALE, Henry

County Louth Archives PP54/6/4 |x | |1843 |6 |82 | |Kings Co. | |MANLEY-JACKSON Digital record 010146-8

Charlotte JACKSON of Kings Co widow of Matthew Henry JACKSON late of Miil___ of Kings Co & mother & guardian of Roland William JACKSON only son & heir a minor. Indenture April 8, 1824 ... part of town & lands of Monstergri aka Millenough commonly known as Jackson’s Farm. 150 acres Barony of Coolestown, Parish of Monsteroris, Kings Co. | | |1843 |6 |84 | |Aghaville |O’BRIEN |O’BRIEN-GIBSON Image 10149

Wm Acheson O’BRIEN, Drumken, Co. Fermanagh ^ Margaret GIBSON of Mullaloon, Co Fermanagh lease 16 Nov 1823 whereby Richard IRWIN to James GIBSON... William Acheson O’BRIEN died without altering his will – July 25, 1851. | | |1843 |6 |95 |1840-1849 |Louth |BAILLIE |BAILLIE, Robert-BAILLIE, Margaret

Margaret BAILIE widow and mother of Robert BAILIE of 1st part & William [Nassan?] IRWIN of Castleblayney re: lands of West Shortstone containing 205 acres 2 roods |x | |1843 |6 |96 |1840-1849 | |DOBBIN |DOBBIN |x | |1843 |8 |159 |1843 May 18 |Brootally |OLIVER, Andrew |OLIVER, Andrew & William - HANNAH, John I have this deed.

Deed of Settlement between Andrew OLIVER of Brootally, Co. Armagh of the first part. William OLIVER of Brootally, Co. Armagh, Uncle of the said Andrew OLIVER of the second part the said William OLIVER and Andrew Coulter BRADFORD of Cavananore in the Co of Louth former trustees named in a certain deed of assignment bearing date 2 Sept 1841 of the third part. Anne HANNA of Tarakane, Co. Armagh spinster, 3rd daughter of William HANNA late of Taraskane aforesaid farmer, deceased of the fourth part and John HANNA of Taraskane (Faraskane?] aforesaid a trustee names and appointed to and for the several uses .. of the 5th par. Whereby after reciting ... that a marriage was there intended to be shortly had and solemnized between the said Andrew OLIVER, therefore William OLIVER and Andrew Coulter BRADFORD granted to John HANNA Brootally lands .. 25 acres 3 roods 10 perches as described in the lease 1 Nov 1828 between Maxwell CLOSE of Elm Park, Co. Armagh & James OLIVER of Brootelly in parish of Derrynoose ... lands of Killylea 18 acres 2 perches, parish of Tynan as described in the lease of 15 Aug 1830 made between Sir James Maxwell STRONG of Tynan House, Co. Armagh Bart & Henry Samuel CLOSE & John Tew AMSTRONG, both of the City of Dublin esq., executors of John MAXWELL, late of Fellows Hall Co. Armagh of the one part and William OLIVER of the other part. Witnesses: William OLIVER the younger of Brootelly, Co. Armagh, farmer & Saul HANNA of Terreskane, City of Armagh, Farmer. Witness David SCARLETT of Tynan, Co. Armagh. NOTE: There was a marriage bond between OLIVER, Andrew & HANNA Anne p. 55 of 2007 diary) | | |1843 |8 |230 |1843 May 8 | |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas-SEAVER, Anne M.

County Louth Archives PP54/6/4

1843 May 8 NAMES: Thomas COULTER of Sky Hill; Anna Maria SEAVER of Downshire Place, Newry; Jonathon SEAVER; Mr. FLEURY; Michael CASEY; Thomas SHEWELL deceased; William SUCH of Newry; George CRAWLEY of Fleury Bridge; [William?] GLENNY. OTHER PLACES: Killeen aka Killen, Co. Louth. |d | |1843 |15 |31 | | |McCULLAGH |SPEER-McCULLAGH |x | |1843 |17 |141 | |Aghavilla |O’BRIEN |Digital record 101-0141 & 0142

Acheson O’BRIEN of Drumsilla & Robert Johnston GORE of Woodford, Co. Leitrim, Esq. Loan as part of portion with his daughter Maria Sarah O’BRIEN | | |1843 |17 |142 | |Aghaville |HARTIGAN |Not likely relevant. Image 10143 | | |1843 |18 |5 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McMORRAN |x | |1843 |18 |6 | | | |RUTHERFORD-McMORRAN | | |1844 | |10 | | | |O’BRIEN-KING SEE Image 10151

Acheson O’BRIEN of Drumsilla & John KING of Merrion Sq., Dublin | | |1844 |2 |275 | |Downpatrick |BROWN |William Henry BROWNE- John WARNOCK

Not needed. | | |1844 |3 |231 |1840-1849 |Marriage Art. Lots in Co. Carlow etc |JACKSON |JACKSON, John-McCULLAGH, Jane Marriage Articles

NAMES: James McCULLAGH, sr. of Shantenagh; Elizabeth McCULLAGH; John JACKSON of Liscalgot; James McCULLAGH jr.; Andrew Coulter BRADFORD of Cavananore; Rev. Charles MOSSE; Thomas TERESON of Rosefield; Thomas TERESON jr.; John GILLESPIE; James SMITH; John SMITH; Essie COULTER; Philip SMITH; Thomas McMURRY; John DONALDSON; Walter GLASSCOCKE. OTHER PLACES: Drummuck

Note: I saw no mention of lands in Carlow – although my notes seem to indicate that was what the index entry said.This memorial parallels the 1811 version that I have on the site with a few more details added. NOTE: Perhaps a look at the deed rather than the memorial could be revealing. |x | |1844 |3 |248 | | | |BLACK-WALLACE |x | |1844 |7 |10 |1844 Oct 4 |Aghavilla |O’BRIEN |Digital Record 0151-0153

Acheson O’BRIEN of Drumsilla & John KING of Merrion Sq., City of Dublin, Esq, Indenture of Mtg 7 Dec 1810 between Richard Williams NESBITT of Bellville, Co. Donegal Esq & Edward LAUDER of CLoverhill, Co. Leitrim Esq of 1st pt & Acheson O’BRIEN of 2nd pt & John LaTOUCHE of Marrion Sq City of Dublin Esq of the other.

Richard NESBITT & Edward LAUDER held under lease from Bishop of Kilmore [R. Rev John FORD] ... indenture Robert LaTOUCHE 1842 of Harristown, Co. Kildare ... 130 acres Aghailla | | |1844 |7 |51 | |Laragh |OLIVER, William |OLIVER, William - LESLIE, David

OLIVER in consideration of £2278 & interest granted land of Laragh & Carnecarrow to David LESLIE. Lands formerly held and enjoyed by David OLIVER (original lease 1775) Witness Joseph OLIVER of Laragh, Gent & George SADLER. | | |1844 |7 |53 | | | |SMYTH-SMYTH |x | |1844 |8 |133 | | |BARTLEY |McKEAN-NIXON |x | |1844 |18 |10 |1840-1849 | |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T- Marr art |x | |1844 |18 |250 |1844 Nov 23 |Aghnafirkin |BROWN |Deed of assignment btw George Rusk of Ednafirkin, Co. Monaghan & Jane BROWN also RUSK, his wife. Of the1 pt. & Robert RUCK of Ballybay, Co. Monaghan, Grocer of 2nd pt & George BROWN of 24 Merchants Quay, Dublin Gent of 3rd pt. transfer 6a Ednafyrken, Parish of Tullycorbet,, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan. WITNESSES: James HAMILTON, Samuel BROWN,Archibald BROWN all of Ednafirkin, famers, all age 30 or more. |1 | |1845 | | |1845 Mar 13 |Aghavilla | |LaTOUCHE-IRWIN

SEE: 2010 Image 10125

Peter LaTOUCHE of Belview, Co. Limerick & Richard IRWIN of Drumsilla, Co. Leitrim... various lands incl Aghavilla, Barony of Carrigallen by est 320 acres ... various lives incl Acheson O’BRIEN Capt of Leitrim Militia aged abt 35. | | |1845 |1 |107 |1840-1849 | |DICKIE |DICKIE, Robert-IRVINE, Hill |x | |1845 |2 |71 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCULLAGH |x | |1845 |4 |194 |1845 Feb 28 |Moy |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-BARRY

SEE Image 10123

Thomas BARTLEY of Moy, Co. Tyrone, Gent & David BARRY of Moy, Merchant. | | |1845 |4 |264 | | |DICKIE

COULTER |William CHARLETON of 1st pt Thomas DICKIE of CLonaleenan of 2nd pt Robert COULTER of Dundalk & Rev. David DAVISON reciting 1839 mtg btw Thomas COULTER & Alexander DONALDSON dec’d of Philipstown ... lands of Killen & Kane... lease 1794 ... natural life of Samuel Alexander COULTER, eldest son of Alexander COULTER then aged about __ years [Note - left blank in Memorial] & Joseph Arthur COULTER 2nd son of Robert COULTER, aged __ years. | | |1845 |4 |270 | |Aughaville |O’BRIEN |Peter LaTOUCHE to Richard IRWIN of Drumnella, Co. Leitrim... Aughavilla 327 acres 2 r Plantation Measure. Reciting April 8, 1814 ... William Acheson O’BRIEN signed as a devisee in the will of Richard IRWIN, lessee. One of the lives was Acheson O’BRIEN aged abt 35 – but I am unsure whether he was this age in 1845 or 1814. | | |1845 |5 |204 | | |COULTER |COULTER-DAVISON

NAMES: Robert COULTER of Dundalk; David DAVISON of London; Unnamed JEFFRIE; Lennox BIGGER; James Neil McNEIL; Samuel McCULLAGH; Jonathan PURCELL. OTHER PLACES: Carnbeg; Carranmore; Ballinahattina aka Ballynahattin; Glebe; Townpark; Sportsmans Hall. |d | |1845 |5 |264 |1840-1849 | |DICKIE |DICKIE, Joseph, Rev.-DICKIE, Robert

DICKIE, John T-DAVISON, David |x | |1845 |8 |8 | | |COULTER |COULTER-COULTER |x | |1845 |10 |125 |1845 May 30 | |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas & Jane-CHARLETON, William | | |1845 |14 |26 |1840 April 6 |Enagh

Killynure |OLIVER, Andrew, Wiliam, Mary Jane |OLIVER, Andrew - OLIVER, William

Deed of Settlement 6 April 1840 between Andrew OLIVER of Enagh, Co. Armagh Farmer of the first part Mary Jane OLIVER otherwise HAYES wife of the said Andrew OLIVER of the second part. William OLIVER jr of Killynure, Co. Armagh farmer, brother of the said Andrew OLIVER & James HAYES of Magherry Kilcranny, Co. Armagh father of the said Mary Jane OLIVER ... the trustees named by Andrew OLIVER and Mary Jane OLIVER £200 to Andrew OLIVER paid by James HAYES.. | | |1845 |15 |38 |1845 Sept 6 |Aghavilla | |William Acheson OBRIEN of Cloghla, Co. Leitrim of the first part & Paul DANE of Killyhevlin, Co. Fermanagh & Wm TREDENNICK of Fortwilliam, Co. Donegal trustees for marriage of Wm Acheson OBRIEN & Juliana his wife & Richard JOHNSTON of Grafton St., Dublin, merchant. Reciting indenture of 28 May 1740 between Richard MORGAN of City of Dublin Esq. & John IRWIN of Drumsillagh, Co. Leitrim ... lands of Aghavilla 304 A plantation measure.for the term of three lives ... and reciting that lease and release dated 29 July 1766 between David Latouche of Dublin Esq. Of the one part & Acheson IRWIN of Drumsilla afsd. ... David LaTouche demised to Acheson IRWIN... John FORDE of the City of Dublin demised to Richard IRWIN lands incl Aghavilly with covenant for renewal.. several renewals and lands vested in this Richard IRWIN and reciting that this Richard IRWIN was dead and by his last will and testament dated 13 Dec 1832 devised to Acheson OBRIEN father of William Acheson OBRIEN .. marriage of Juliana DEANE to OBRIEN ... renewal in 1845 wiht La TOUCHE.... loan from Richard JOHNSTON to OBRIEN for 600 pounds... | | |1845 |15 |38 |1845 Sep 6 |Aughaville |O’BRIEN |William Acheson O’BRIEN of Clogha, Co. Leitrim Esq. & Paul DANE of Killyhevlin, Co. Fermanagh & William TREDENNICK of Fortwilliam, Co. Donegal trustees... marriage of William Acheson O’BRIEN & Juliana his wife & Richard JOHNSTON of Grafton ST, City of Dublin, Gent. Reciting indenture 28 May 1740 btw Richard MORGAN of City of Dublin Esq & John IRWINof Drumsillagh, Co. Leitrim incl lands of Aghavilla, 304 acres. | | |1845 |19 |122 | |Monaghan |BREAKY |Wm BREAKEY-Thomas McCULLAGH


Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

William Breakey, Annvill, farmer & Margaret Breakey, nee Mills. |x | |1846 |6 |161 | |Carrichnaveagh |BREAKEY |Campbell-BREAKEY, Humphrey

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

9/4/1846. Humphrey Thompson Breakey, Monaghan town, merchant. Reference to townland of Carrickneveagh & William Breakey deceased. | | |1846 |9 |165 |1840-1849 |Drogheda |COULTER |COULTER, Jane-AKLAND |x | |1846 |10 |66 |1846 June 10 |Ballymore, Armagh |OLIVER, Catherine & Joseph |OLIVER, Catherine - KEENAN, Phillip

Between Elizabeth GUNNING of Armagh, Co. Armagh spinster of the first part, Catherine OLIVER of Armagh aforesaid widow executrix of Joseph OLIVER late of Ballymore in the Co. Armagh, Gent deceased of the econd part & Phillip KEENAN of Armagh, Co. Armagh, Hotel keeper (then some confusing legal language where it seems that Elizabeth GUNNING possibly with help from Catherne OLIVER) sold to Philip KEENAN land formerly in the possession of David OLIVER deceased in townland of Derryhaw, Parish of Tynan (it seems the land was mortgaged to some extent) refers to 1804 April 20 lease. Witness Jacob BARRETT & John McKEE both Gents of Armagh. | | |1846 |15 |38 | |Monaghan |BREAKEY |BREAKEY-STEENSON

BREAKEY, Wm & BREAKEY, Martha-Stenson, Wm

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

10/9/1846. William Breakey and wife Martha Mitchell. |x | |1846 |16 |181 |1846 Sept 29 |Aghavilla | |John GODLEY of Killegar, Co. Leitrim & John Robert GODLEY eldest son of John GODLEY – marriage settlement Charlotte Griffith WYNNE of Voclas, Co.Denbigh, Wales.... Rev James GODLEY of Beltebrurd, Co. Cavan. ... & Rev Henry OBRIEN of Killegar, Co. Leitrim .. many townlands incl Aghavilla. | | |1846 |16 |181 | |Aughaville | | | | |1846 |17 |136 | | |COULTER |DAVISON-Belfast Railway |x | |1846 |19 |124 |1846 Nov 13 |Aghavilla | |Richard JOHNSTON of Grafton St. Dublin & William Acheson OBRIAN of Cloghla, Co. Leitrim Esq. & Anna DANE late of Daneville, Co. Donegal and now of North Cumberland St, Dublin widow of 3rd part reciting indenture 6 Sept 1845 between William Acheson OBRIEN and Paul DEANE of Killhevlin. NOTE: A complex legal case follows and the lands of Aghavilla were caught up in this. This could be the Jackson of Urker connection to Leitrim land (through the JOHNSTON-JACKSON connection). | | |1846 |19 |124 | |Aughaville | | | | |1847 |8 |170 |1847 Apr 24 | |COULTER |Joseph COULTER- Robert WOODE. Nigel DICKIE deeds.

Not needed. | | |1847 |18 |275 | |Aughaville | | | | |1847 |18 |275 |1847 Nov 29 | |LATOUCHE |Drainage works – great long list & scads of it owned by Peter LaTOUCHE – but I couldn’t find Aughavilly in it. | | |1848 |4 |115 |1848 Feb 21 | |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas & wife; COULTER, Launcelot-COULTER, John Henry

County Louth Archives PP54/6/4

1847 May 15 NAMES: Thomas COULTER of Skyhill; Anne COULTER nèe DOWDALL; Launcelot COULTER of Killeen Cottage; John COULTER of Skyhill; George CRAWLEY of Killeen Cottage;Thomas SHEWELL, deceased; Unnamed COUGAN, COLEMAN, ROBERT & DILLON; William HILL of Ballsmills; Thomas CRAWLEY; Samuel GLENNIE. OTHER PLACES: The Hamilton Arms tenement. |d | |1848 |4 |176 | |Fermanagh |McCULLAGH |Public Works Commission

James McCullagh Esq. of Corfadd, Co. Monaghan – loan approved of £400 for improvement of lands of Baragh Drumbulcan, Barony Tirkennedy, Co. Fermanagh. |x | |1848 |5 |36 |1848 Mar 1 |Corfadd, Co. Monaghan |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-Public Works

James McCullagh Esq of Corfadd,Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan, loan to McCullagh – owner “within the meaning of said act” of Corfadd, |x | |1848 |6 |81 |1848 Mar 13 | |DICKIE |WALLACE-DICKIE

1848 March 13 NAMES: James WALLACE of Clements Lane, London; John Barklie WALLACE of New Orleans; O'Neal BAYLY of Belfast; William McNaghton DICKIE; George SWAYNE; George Hinton BOVELL; George Kennedy SMITH; Edward O'ROURKE; Robert TORRENCE. OTHER PLACES: The Muckamore Mills. |d | |1848 |6 |207 |1847 Feb 22 | |COULTER |COULTER-POLLOCK

1847 February 22 NAMES: John COULTER of Ballsmill; William POLLOCK of Dundalk; Thomas SHEWELL deceased; Samuel BRADFORD of Cavananore; John COULTER jr.; John TOWNLEY. |d | |1848 |6 |272 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-Dundalk & Enniskillen Railway |x | |1848 |19 |186 |1848 Nov 6 |Dublin |JACKSON |JACKSON-PRONI T808/8257 Groves Manuscripts

Memorial registered 6 Nov 1848 of Deed of 29 Dec 1845 between Anne JACKSON of Harcourt Street, Dublin City widow & Executrix of John JACKSON Esq. deceased of 1st part Fred JACKSON of same Esq. of 2nd part John Richard JACKSON a lieutenant in H.M. 20th foot regiment of 3rd part. Rev Thomas GREGG of Blackhall St. Dublin & Thomas Arthur Aughmuty KIRKWOOD of Glenbrook, Co. Dublin Esq. both of 4th part George Arthur BRERETON of Leinster Road, Co. Dublin Esq. of 5th part. Refers to deed of 22 Feb 1836 as to Coolatrindle &c Co. Wexford [NOTE: Parish of Kiltrisk, Barony of Gorey] Carigneslaney [NOTE: there are two townlands named Carrickslaney, one in Parish Aghade, and one in Parish Balone, both in Barony Forth] | | |1848 |20 |19 |1840-1849 |Drogheda |COULTER |COULTER, Jane-Railway Co. | | |1848 |20 |152 | |Co Down |BREAKEY |CROTHERS-BREAKEY


Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

24/11/1848. Marriage settlement for Rev. William Breakey, Loughbrickland & Jane Crothers, Banbridge; also reference to Rev Edward Breakey and Robert Luther Breakey, Dublin. |x | |1848 |21 |283 |1838 Dec 21 |Philipstown |DONALDSON |NOTES from Louth Archives – the date surprises me. It is out of synch with others

1848 December 21 NAMES: Alexander McEVOY, Philipstown;William CHARLETON, Philipstown; Alexander DONALDSON late of Philipstown; James McEVOY. |d | |1849 |1 |68 | | | |OSBREY-ROCHE (link to Patrick Adair BLACK) |x | |1849 |1 |124 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCREERY |x | |1849 |1 |125 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-HANNA |X | |1849 |8 |27 |1848 Sept 29 |Aughavilla, Leitrim |JACKSON |JACKSON – Townland Indexes bk 296

Although David JACKSON & Eliza OLIVER (his wife) lived at Aughavilla after their marriage in 1838 (it was the birthplace of their first four children), this is the only Memorial connecting him to this townland that I have so far been able to find. | | |1849 |8 |27 | |Aughaville | | | | |1849 |9 |44 | |Aughaville |LATOUCHE |Public Works document Proprieter John LATOUCHE of Harristown... various lands incl Aughaviila | | |1849 |10 |135 | |Aughaville | | | | |1849 |16 |61 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-IRWIN |X | |1849 |16 |62 | | |BARTLEY |IRWIN-McKNIGHT |X | |1849 |20 |163 | | |McCULLAGH |GRAY-CAMPBELL |X | |1850 |2 |118 | | |BREAKEY |Breakey – no details noted | | |1850 |2 |156 | | |McCULLAGH |GORDON-McKAY |x | |1850 |2 |193 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCULLAGH |x | |1850 |4 |27 |1840-1849 |Louth |BAILLIE |BAILLIE, Elizabeth-BAILLIE, John | | |1850 |4 |269 | |Monaghan Co

Carnaveigh |BREAKEY |BREAKY, Humphrey T & James to Watson William & anr

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

1/3/1850. Marriage settlement Humphrey Thompson Breakey & Isabella Gillis, Belfast; also reference to James Breakey, Carrickneveagh. |x | |1850 |11 |155 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCULLAGH |x | |1850 |17 |133 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-McDOWELL, John | | |1850 |17 |239 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-DICKIE, Samuel

DICKIE, Joseph Rev.-DICKIE, Sara |x | |1850 |17 |240 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Thomas-DICKIE, Robert | | |1850 |18 |204 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Samuel-McCOMBE. Alexander

DICKIE, Thomas-McCOMBE, Alexander

SEE Also PRONI D462 223 also deed 1850 bk18 #204

Indenture between Samuel DICKIE of Killen, Co. Louth Esq & Thomas DICKIE of Trinidad in the West Indies, Esq. & Alexander McCOMBE of Darkley House … whereas indenture of 14 Nov 1806 between Alexander McCOMBE & James FORDE then of Dundalk Esq. since deceased … part of the town and lands of Killen formerly in possession of Rev Wm NEILSON & Alexander McCOMBE, … Barony of Roach… 28 A 2r 12p … and a later indenture 31 Dec 1825 .. Robert GIBSON of 1st part … James FORDE of 2nd & James DICKIE then of Carrickistuck Esq. since deceased …for 2850 pd by James DICKIE … James DICKIE d 26 Aug 1835… bequeathed his lands to his brother Robert DICKIE of Roachdale since deceased/ John Thomas DICKIE of Clonaleenan and to his son Robert DICKIE of Killen and to his son Rev Joseph DICKIE .. details of trust … | | |1850 |20 |90 |1850 Dec 21 |Derryroosk, Co. Monaghan |OLIVER |OLIVER, Turner B

OLIVER, Hugh – FLETCHER, Thomas Henry

Monaghan Lease 21 December 1850 between Rev. John OLIVER late of Derryroosk, Co. Monaghan but now of Belfast, Co. Antrim Methodist Minister. Hugh OLIVER formerly of Derryroosk now of Rockcorry Co. Monaghan, Farmer. Turner Barrett OLIVER formerly of Derryroosk but now of Dowdalls Hill near Dundalk, Co. Louth, Gent & Turner Barrett of Dowdalls Hill, Co. Louth Gent of the one part & Thomas Henry Fletcher of Newry, Co. Down of the other part. Sold lands of Derryroosk & also part of the corn mill of Aghnamullen …legal language. | | |1851 |6 |100 |1850-1859 |Louth & Carlingford |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-PARKER, William | | |1851 |11 |243 |1850-1859 |Monaghan |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, John-BRADFORD, Robert



BRADFORD, Thomas-BRADFORD, Robert | | |1851 |12 |97 |1850-1859 |Louth |COULTER |COULTER, Henry-CHARLETON, Wm

1851 April 28 NAMES: Henry COULTER of Carrickastuck; William CHARLETON of Philipstown; Ann COULTER of Carrickastuck; Andrew HAMILTON of Longfield; James TREACY; Alexander DONALDSON of Philipstown; Mary COULTER; Eliza COULTER; William COULTER; Ralph COULTER; Sarah Anne COULTER; John COULTER; Margaret COULTER; Richard LONDON [perhaps LONDAN] of Castletown; Joseph DICKIE; [Jos?] H. HARRIOT. |d | |1851 |12 |213 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Robert-TOWNLEY, John

BAILLIE, Elizabeth-TOWNLEY, John | | |1851 |13 |52 | | |BARTLEY |CLINTON-DEVERDON |x | |1852 |1 |280 |1851 May 3 |Monaghan |GILMORE |GILMORE, Samuel-COULTER, John

1851 May 3 NAMES: Samuel GILMER of Liscalgot; Jane GILMER nèe COULTER; Thomas BURDEKEN of Manchester; Jessy BURDEKEN; Anne DEYELL of Northope in Upper Canada; Rev. John COULTER of Ballyhanwood, Co. Down; Rev. George Bartley COULTER of Kelly card Cottage, Monaghan; William HAMILTON of Castleblayney; James JOHNSTON of Castleblayney; Hamilton James JOHNSTON; John SMITH of Castleblayney; Andrew McMATH. OTHER PLACES: Mullahcrunk aka Mullycrock. |d | |1852 |2 |147 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-ANDERSON |x | |1852 |4 |8 |1850-1859 |Louth |BRADFORD



DONALDSON, Joseph Rev.-DICKIE, James


DICKIE, Alexander-DICKIE, James

DICKIE, Elizabeth-DICKIE, James

DICKIE, Elizabeth-DICKIE, James


DICKIE, Joseph Rev.-DICKIE, James

DICKIE, Margaret-DICKIE, James

DICKIE, Mary-DICKIE, James |x | |1852 |4 |9 |1850-1859 | |JACKSON |JACKSON |x | |1852 |5 |215 |1852 Feb 17 |Louth |COULTER |COULTER, John-COULTER, Lancelot Wedding art

NAMES: John COULTER of Skyhill, Co. Louth; Hannah LUNDY of Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan; Launcelot COULTER of Ballymascanlon, Co.; Henry CRANSON aka CRANSTON of Lisgar, Co. Cavan; Thomas SHEWEL of Killeen aka Killen, Co. Louth; Edward CRANSTON of Lisgar; Lawrence LEVINS of Carrickmacross; James Neale MACNALL. |d | |1852 |8 |66 |1850-1859 |Monaghan |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Moses-BRADFORD, Robert

BRADFORD, Robert-partition | | |1852 |9 |192 |1850-1859 |Monaghan |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Robert-BRADFORD, Stuart |x | |1852 |10 |101 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, James-BRADFORD, William J |x | |1852 |13 |38 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Mary-DICKIE, Robert | | |1852 |17 |148 | | |OLIVER |OLIVER, Turner Barrett

7 perches of land to the Dublin & Wicklow Railway. | | |1852 |18 |37 |1850-1859 |Louth |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas-PARKER, Mary




DICKIE, Ellen-DICKIE, Robert

DICKIE, Robert-DICKIE, Mary | | |1853 |2 |202 |1850-1859 |Fermanagh |COULTER |COULTER, Ann-MOFFATT, James | | |1853 |8 |182 |1850-1859 |Armagh |COULTER |COULTER, James-KILPATRICK, John | | |1853 |10 |61 | | |OLIVER |OLIVER, Turner B | | |1853 |10 |214 |1853 Apr 16 |Lislooney |OLIVER, Benjamin, Letitia, James, Benjamin Robert |OLIVER, Benjamin & Letitia - DOBBIN, I have this deed

George Killen CAMPBELL of Portnaghy Co. Monaghan administrator of Benjamin OLIVER late of Lislooney. He seems to be the father of James OLIVER of Lislooney & Letitia OLIVER (née SIMPSON) wife of James OLIVER parents of Benjamin Robert OLIVER eldest son of James & Letitia. James & Letitia indenture of marriage 1830 June 18. Mentions Leonard DOBBIN of Gardiners Place, Dublin Esq. Lislooney, estate of Woodpark, Manor of Caledon formerly demised by indenture 1788 Feb 6 to & in posession of Arthur OLIVER & Benjamin OLIVER & lately in the possession of James OLIVER refers to lease 6 Feb 1788 renewed 13 April 1829 & a debt judgement 1822 against Benjamin OLIVER for £400 to John BURNS. Witness Henry Leslie PRENTICE of Caledon. | | |1853 |18 |211 | |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-GILLICHAN, James | | |1853 |27 |237 | |Carnaveigh |BREAKEY |Johnston, Wm-BREAKEY, Humphrey Th

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

28/10/1853. Humphrey Thompson Breakey; Carrickneveagh; witness William Breakey. | | |1853 |32 |208 | |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Eliza-BELL, Thomas

DICKIE, Robert-BELL, Thomas

DICKIE, Samuel-BELL, Thomas

DICKIE, Thomas-BELL, Thomas |X | |1853 |32 |209 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE-deed of release PATTERSON

DICKIE, Eliza-BELL, Thomas

DICKIE, Robert-BELL, Thomas |X | |1853 |32 |210 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Eliza-BELL, Thomas

BELL-HARDON |X | |1854 |1 |45 | | |BARTLEY |MURPHY-FRENCH |X | |1854 |11 |283 | |Monaghan Co |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, John to Mullen, John & anr

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

8/5/1854. John Breakey, Drumskelt, linen draper; witness Jane Breakey. |X | |1854 |12 |152 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCULLAGH |X | |1854 |13 |299 | |Carnaveigh |BREAKEY |Lucas-BREAKEY, H Rev

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

6/1854. Humphrey Thompson Breakey; William Breakey, deceased. | | |1854 |20 |96 | |Monaghan Co

Carnaveigh |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey T to McMurry, Thomas & anr

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

7/8/1854. Humphrey Thompson Breakey; Carrickneveagh |X | |1854 |22 |199 |1850-1859 |Louth |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, William J-DICKIE, James | | |1854 |22 |200 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Joseph Rev-DICKIE, Mary | | |1854 |23 |32 |1850-1859 |Louth |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas-DICKIE, Thomas | | |1854 |24 |154 | |Aughaville | | | | |1854 |24 |154 |1854 Sept 19 |Aghavilly | |DISNEY-MILLER Marriage Settlement

Btw Rev Edward Ogle DISNEY of Newtownhamilton, co Armagh, Clerk Rector of the Parish of Newtownhamilton of 1st part & Matilda MILLER of the City and Co Armagh spinster of 2nd part Rev Cahrles MILLER of Ballymakenning, Glebe in the Co of Louth, Clerk & William MILLER of Gardiners Place in the City of Dublin Esq of the 3rd part & George MILLER of City & Co of Armagh & the Rev James DISNEY of Kilyman Rectory in Co Tyrone.. after reciting will of Rev George MILLER father of Matilda one property to be divided between his 3 daughters: Elizabeth Ann & Matilds & appointed his sons Charles & William MILLER executors.... portion to John GODLEY at Killeger, Co. Leitrim Esq. And his son Denis GODLEY ... dozens of townlands incl Aghavilly. {the memorial is 4 pages long] | | |1854 |27 |82 |1850-1859 |Louth |COULTER |COULTER, Lancelot-MAGILL, James

NAMES: Jane MAGILL; Launcelot COULTER of Killeen; William PARSONS; Thomas BRYAN; Samuel REID. OTHER PLACES: Edentubber aka Edentober; Clanlyard possibly Clontygora; Clanbrassil St., Dundalk.

|X | |1854 |31 |58 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-BROWN |X | |1855 |4 |281 | | |BARTLEY |RUTHERFORD-BARTLEY |X | |1855 |5 |106 | |Drummuck |BREAKEY |McCullough, James-BREAKEY, Sam

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

20/2/1855. Samuel Breakey, Balladian, farmer. |x | |1855 |10 |214 | | |BARTLEY |MOORE-BARTLEY |X | |1855 |10 |215 | | |BROWNE |MOORE-BROWNE (of Sligo) |X | |1855 |17 |134 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-GILMORE, Sarah |X | |1855 |23 |251 |1850-1859 |Dundalk |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Samuel-McCULLAGH, William |x | |1855 |24 |11 |1850-1859 |No denomination |COULTER |COULTER, Thomas-COULTER, William | | |1855 |32 |247 | |Downpatrick |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Andrew Rev

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

20/12/1855. Rev. Andrew Breakey, Killyleagh, Presbyterian minister, guardian of Anne Sweeney re marriage. | | |1856 |8 |67 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-BROWNE |x | |1856 |9 |133 | |Monaghan |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey J-Belfast Railway

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

1/4/1856. Humphrey Thompson Breakey; Carrickneveagh. | | |1856 |9 |171 |1850-1859 |Down |DICKIE |DICKIE, Joseph Rev.-HART, Henry | | |1856 |10 |237 | |Armagh |DICKIE |DICKIE, Joseph-ARMSTRONG, John | | |1856 |11 |276 |1850-1859 |Armagh |GILMORE |GILMORE, George-WADDELL, Margaret | | |1856 |12 |270 |1856 May 14 |Monaghan |DONALDSON BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas- Dundalk & Enniskillen

DONALDSON, Barbara-Dundalk |x | |1856 |12 |271 |1850-1859 |Monaghan |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas- Dundalk & Enniskillen

DONALDSON, Barbara-Dundalk

DICKIE, John T-Dundalk & environs

NAMES: James McCULLAGH of Derryvalley; Elizabeth McCULLAGH nèe WALLACE; Barbara DONALDSON nèe BRADFORD; Eliza DONALDSON of Bloomfield Place; Thomas BRADFORD of Carnbeg; Richard HENRY of Newbliss and Clones; John Thomas DICKIE of Clonaleenan; Alexander WADDELL; George BEATTY; James McCULLAGH, jr.; John TOWNLEY; Michael MASTERTON. OTHER PLACES: Drumgavney. |d | |1856 |18 |204 | | |DICKIE |DICKIE-McCOMBE PRONI D462.223 | | |1856 |19 |80 | |Dublin City |BREAKEY |BREAKY Isabella & Robt L to King, Patrick

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

5/7/1856. Robert L. Breakey, Dublin & Isabella Breakey, nee Meares. |x | |1856 |24 |254 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-GILLMER |x | |1856 |27 |183 | |Monaghan Co

Carricknaveagh |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey T & James to Watson, William

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

30/9/1856. James Breakey, Carrickneveagh, farmer & Humphrey Thompson Breakey, Carrickneveagh; William Breakey, deceased. |X | |1856 |30 |62 | | |GODLEY |John GODLEY father of William Alexander GODLEY marriage arts. Image 10129 | | |1857 |3 |80 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCULLAGH |X | |1857 |5 |102 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-BOYD |X | |1857 |5 |103 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH_BROWN |X | |1857 |8 |116 | |Monaghan Co

Down |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, William Revd & anr to BREAKEY, Jas. Revd & ors

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

12/3/1857. Rev William Breakey, Lisburn, Rev James Breakey Sheffield, Presbyterian minister, now trustee. |X | |1857 |20 |284 |1850-1859 |Armagh |GILMORE |GILMORE, Margaret-DUNWOODY, Andrew | | |1857 |23 |38 |1850-1859 |Louth |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas-CHARLETON, William

NAMES: Robert COULTER; Thomas BRADFORD; Alexander PARKER; Mary BRADFORD; William CHARLETON; Catherine DONALDSON; Joseph DONALDSON; Joseph DICKIE; Pat RUSSEL; R.A. THOMPSON. PLACES: Carrickastuck; Philipstown; Carnbeg. |d | |1857 |23 |244 |1850-1859 | |OLIVER |OLIVER, Catherine - KEENAN, Judith | | |1857 |34 |134 | |Tullycorbett |JACKSON |EARLE-JACKSON |X | |1858 |4 |100 |1850-1859 |Louth |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, John-BRADFORD, Thomas |X | |1858 |5 |152 | | |McCULLAGH |McMORRAN-Dundalk Railway |X | |1858 |7 |156 |1850-1859 |Fermanagh |COULTER |COULTER, Anne-MOFFATT, James Rev. | | |1858 |11 |298 |1858 Mar 13 |Louth |COULTER |COULTER, John-COULTER, Lancelot

1858 March 13 NAMES: John COULTER of Skyhill; Launcelot COULTER of Ballymascanlon; Robert SIBTHORPE; Thomas SHEWELL; Thomas COULTER of Skyhill; Anna Maria SEAVER; Hannah LUNDY; Launcelot COULTER; Henry CRANSTON; Joseph DICKIE of Dundalk; John Askey DRANSFIELD; Edward GREER; A. ENGLISH. OTHER PLACES: Killeen aka Killen. |d | |1858 |17 |178 | |Monaghan

Carrichnaveagh |BREAKEY |BREAKY, Humphrey J-Robinson, John

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

15/6/1857. Marriage settlement Humphrey Thompson Breakey & Jemima Graham, Belfast; reference to Carrickneveagh & William Breakey deceased. | | |1858 |19 |189 |1850-1859 |Kiltybane, Armagh |BRADFORD |DONALDSON, Elizabeth-BRADFORD, Margaret |X | |1859 |1 |265 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCLAVE |X | |1859 |10 |45 | | | |OSBREY-MOORE (mention of Patrick Adair BLACK) |X | |1859 |12 |110 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCULLAGH

NOTE: see also negative search in PRONI D1968/11 |x | |1859 |17 |187 |1850-1859 |Down |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, John- WADDELL, John | | |1859 |17 |195 | | |BROWN |BROWN-KEARNEY (long shot) |X | |1859 |17 |196 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-GILMORE |X | |1859 |18 |19 |1850-1859 |Louth |COULTER |COULTER, Lancelot-BELL, Leonard | | |1859 |21 |73 |1850-1859 |Dundalk |COULTER |COULTER, Lancelot-FEGAN, James | | |1859 |25 |140 |1850-1859 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-GILMER, Sarah |X | |1859 |32 |240 |1850-1859 |Louth |COULTER |COULTER, Lancelot-DICKIE, NAMES: Launcelot COULTER of Ballymascanlon; John DICKIE of Moyles, Co. Monaghan; Russell PATTESON of Fairhill; Mountifest LONGFIELD; Charles James HARGRAN possibly HARGREAVE; WIlliam CARVILLE; Thomas George ROWLAND of Whitemills; Mary BELL aka CROZIER of Christianson; Sir John McNEILL.

|X | |1859 |39 |155 | | | |MILLS |X | |1859 |39 |156 | | |McCULLAGH |MILLS-GOUDY |X | |1860 |1 |84 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-WALLACE, Henry |X | |1860 |10 |224 |1860-1869 |Louth |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas-agreement |X | |1860 |11 |27 |1860-1869 |Louth |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Thomas-Deed

DICKIE, Alexander-Deed

DICKIE, Elizabeth J-Deed

DICKIE, James-Deed

DICKIE, John T-Deed

DICKIE, John-Deed

DICKIE, Joseph-Deed

DICKIE, Margaret-Deed

DICKIE, Mary A.-Deed

DICKIE, Mary-Deed |x | |1860 |12 |229 | | |JACKSON |Transcribed |1 | |1860 |12 |230 | | |JACKSON |Transcribed |1 | |1860 |13 |220 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Alexander-TWIBILL, Anne | | |1860 |23 |248 | |Louth |OLIVER |OLIVER, Turner - THOMPSON, Acheson | | |1860 |24 |195 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-DONALDSON |X | |1860 |39 |11 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-BARTLEY |X | |1861 |8 |34 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-ENGLISH |X | |1861 |12 |37 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Elizabeth J-DICKIE, Alexander

DICKIE, Margaret-DICKIE, Alexander |X | |1861 |12 |38 |1860-1869 | |COULTER |COULTER, Lancelot

NAMES: John TOWNLEY of Ballymascanlon; Launcelot COULTER; James Wolfe McNEALE; James MOORE; Thomas Coulter DICKIE; James STOKES; Robert ROGERS; John HANBURY. OTHER PLACES: Mountpleasant aka Mount Pleasant; Culfore.

|d | |1861 |14 |63 | |Armagh |BROWN |Rev Daniel Gunn BROWNE- Henry G. JOHNSTON

Rev Daniel Gunn BROWN of Glenburn, Co Armagh, Prebyterian Minister of 1st pt Robert McKINSTRY of Armagh, Co, Armagh Esq. Medical Doctor of 2nd pt & Henry George JOHNSTON of Fort Johnston, Co. Monaghan Esq, Trustee… of 3rd pt. Reciting indenture 22 Mar 1842 betw Rt Hon Ld John George BERESFORD, Lord Archbishop of Armagh of 1st pt, The Ecclessiastical Commission of Ireland of 2nd pt; & Rev Wm BROWN of Moy Co Tyrone since deceased of 3rd pt. Recitinf indenture of lease 2 May 1838 btw Archbishop of Armagh & William BROWN- renewal for 21 years of lands of Drumarg, part of the desmene lands of Armagh… 8 acres of townland of Drumarg… William BROWNE last will and testament 3 Jan 2844 bequeathed & devised to his only son Daniel Gunn BROWNE in trust for his wife Beatrice BROWN and afterwards for his son. And reciting that Beatrice departed this life 1850.. Daniel Gunn BROWN inherited land on Market St with several buildings and appurtenances 79 ft in front to Enlish St. 250 ft in depth to the north adjoining Mr. BURGESSES’ 176 ft in the west… rent of 129 pounds 17s 10p |1 | |1861 |22 |257 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Alexander-Receipt | | |1861 |22 |258 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Alexander-Receipt | | |1861 |22 |259 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Alexander-Receipt | | |1861 |23 |44 |1861 Jul 8 |Dundalk |COULTER |COULTER, Mary [spinster]; LAWSON, George; OWENS, Edward-DUNN, Revd.?

County Louth Archives PP54/6/41860-1869 |X | |1861 |34 |45 | |Co Mon |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Wm & BREAKEY, Jane-Dundalk & Enniskillen Railway

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

1861. William Breakey, Lislea, County Monaghan, farmer & Jane Breakey, widow, nee Renwick, his mother. | | |1862 |9 |63 |1862 Mar 11 |Meath |JACKSON |JACKSON-DALY

Deed of Assignment Dec 31 1861 between Thomas JACKSON of Lisnaboe, Co. Meath Esq. of 1st part & Henry BLACKWELL of Dunleer, Co. Louth Gent of 2nd part & Robert Bedford DALY of Drogheda of 3rd part… various lands mortgaged. WITNESSES: James F. SHEILDS and Gordon JACKSON. |1 | |1862 |14 |101 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Jane & Husb-TWIBILL, George

DICKIE, John T & wife-TWIBILL, George | | |1862 |18 |102 |1860-1869 |Armagh |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Samuel-SMITH, Robert | | |1862 |24 |224 | |Cavananore |BRADFORD |McCULLAGH, Thomas-BRADFORD, Margaret |X | |1862 |31 |229 | |Antrim |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey J-Butt, Ed.

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

9/9/1862. Humphrey Thompson Breakey, Isabella Gillis, deceased. | | |1863 |27 |213 | |Monaghan Town |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey J-Belfast Banking

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

13/8/1863. Humphrey Thompson Breakey, mortgage. | | |1863 |33 |29 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-DONALDSON |X | |1864 |3 |267 |1860-1869 | |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Moses-STEWART, John | | |1864 |4 |219 |1860-1869 |Armagh & Louth |COULTER |COULTER, Lancelot-KENNY

NAMES: Launcelot COULTER of Ballymascanlon; Edward KENNEY aka KENNY of Killen; Charles McMAHON; William McBRITNEY; William Robert ROGERS jr.; Francis Louis KENNEDY. |X | |1864 |20 |195 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, James-SCOTT | | |1864 |24 |136 | | |McCULLAGH |REED-McCULLAGH Marriage Settlement |X | |1864 |32 |226 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCULLAGH |X | |1864 |32 |240 | |Newtownlimavady or Londonderry |OLIVER |OLIVER, Alexander | | |1865 |15 |189 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-REED |X | |1865 |17 |157 | | |McCULLAGH |McCULLAGH-McCULLAGH |X | |1865 |29 |1 |1860-1869 |Louth |BRADFORD |BRADFORD, Samuel-DICKIE, Joseph

DICKIE, James-DICKIE | | |1865 |33 |118 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John T-OLIVER, Mary |X | |1866 |7 |267 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, John-BOOTH, Joseph | | |1866 |23 |52 |1860-1869 |Louth & Carrickistuck |COULTER |COULTER, Henry -JOHNSTON, Arthur

1866 July 13 NAMES: Henry COULTER of Carrickastuck; Arthur JOHNSTON of Dundalk; Alexander DONALDSON of Philipstown; Henry COULTER; Bernard CLARK of Mill Park; Augustus GRAHAM of Lisdoo; John McCABE; John M. NUGENT; Richard William McDERMOTT. OTHER PLACES: Castletown River; Shortstone; Cloughmaguigan; Barronstown. |d | |1866 |25 |81 |1860-1869 |No situation |DICKIE |DICKIE, Joseph-KELLY, Michael | | |1866 |25 |82 |1866 Aug 23 | |MCCULLAGH |PRONI D1968/11 Negative search


Deed 23 Aug 1866 B25 No 82 William RYAN 1st part Thomas McCULLAGH 2nd part John Wallace McCULLAGH Thomas McCULLAGH and Joseph DICKIE 3rd pt & James McCULLAGH 4th part | | |1867 |3 |233 | |Allistragh |CALVERT |Judgement against Henry CALVERT won by David GILLESPIE | | |1867 |4 |180 |1860-1869 |Monaghan |DICKIE |DICKIE, Joseph-CARLISLE, John C. | | |1867 |8 |102 |1860-1869 |Monaghan |DICKIE |DICKIE, Joseph-McCREEDY, Robert | | |1867 |8 |220 | | |BARTLEY |CHAMBERS-LANCASHIRE |x | |1867 |10 |270 |1867 Apr 4 |Louth |BAILLIE |BAILLIE, Robert- BAILLIE, Robert

BAILLIE, Robert-GORDON, George1860-1869

Bet Robert BAILLIE of Shortstone of 1st pt & Robert Ellis BAILLIE Esq only son of Robert BAILLIE | | |1867 |11 |25 |1860-1869 |Louth |BAILLIE |BAILLIE, Robert-BAILLIE, John Rev. | | |1867 |18 |241 |1860-1869 |Louth |DICKIE |DICKIE, Alexander-GILLICHAN, James

DICKIE, John-GILLICHAN, James | | |1867 |21 |226 |1867 Jun 28 |Armagh |DONALDSON |DONALDSON, Elizabeth-JACKSON, Elizabeth 1860-1869

NAMES: Elizabeth DONALDSON of Napolean Terrace, Belfast; Elizabeth JACKSON of Fernglenn, Newtownhamilton; James CORRAGHER; Patrick GARLAND; Alexander BELL; Francis WHITE; Henry Oliver BARKER. OTHER PLACES: Kiltybane. |d | |1868 |6 |140 |1860-1869 |Louth & Carrickistuck |COULTER |COULTER, Henry -JOHNSTON, Arthur

1868 January 27 NAMES: Henry COULTER of Carrickastuck; Arthur JOHNSTON of Lisdoo; Alexander DONALDSON of Philipstown; Henry COULTER; Matthew Moore GRAHAM of Lisdoo; Edward FERRER; William ARNOTT. OTHER PLACES: Shortstone; Cloughmaguigan. |d | |1868 |12 |186 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-BARTLEY |x | |1868 |30 |278 |1860-1869 |Monaghan |DICKIE |DICKIE, Joseph-PARKER, William | | |1869 |4 |292 | | |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Samuel L Revd to Crowe Wainwrith

BREAKEY, Sam Rev-Wainwright Crowe

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

9/2/1869. Rev Samuel Leslie Brakey [changed spelling of his name], parish of Magheracross, County Fermanagh & Frances Louisa Matilda Crowe, Ennis, County Clare. |x | |1869 |16 |62 | | |BREAKEY |IRWIN-McKNIGHT BREAKEY & BARTLEY |x | |1869 |28 |46 |1860-1869 |Louth |BAILLIE |BAILLIE, John Rev.-KNAGGS, George | | |1869 |32 |144 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-DIGNAM |x | |1869 |38 |149 | | |BARTLEY |BARTLEY-McCLATCHY |x | |1870 |17 |192 |1870 Jun 11 |Roscrea |JACKSON |JACKSON-JACKSON

Memorial of an Indenture: between George Jackson sr. of Laurel Hill, Roscrea, Kings Co. Esq. Constance Peppard JACKSON of Laurel Hill Roscea, spinster & Bessie JACKSON of Laurel Hill, spinster all of 1st pt. George JACKSON jr. of Camden St, Dublin Esq of the other part… reciting that John Joseph JONES (then) late of Mount Salem, Co. Limerick Esq. made his will dated Sept 6, 1864 & devised to his brother-in-law the said George JACKSON senior & the Rev. Robert KERR property in trust ……memorial mentioned his nephew Arthur Henry JACKSON |1 | |1870 |21 |277 | |Monaghan C |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey T & ors - Partition Order |X | |1871 |3 |162 | |Down Co |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Sarah E & ors to BREAKEY, Thomas

Marr Arts Sarah Breakey & John Ellis Morton. NOTE: part of family land saga. |X | |1871 |9 |252 | |Co Monaghan |McCULLAGH |John W McCULLAGH to Margaret BROWN |X | |1871 |16 |300 | |Co Cavan |McCULLAGH |James (jnr) McCULLAGH to William HENRY |X | |1871 |37 |58 | |Monaghan C

Carricknaveigh |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey T to MontgomeryAlexr & anr

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

8/12/1871. Humphrey Thompson Breakey re Carrickneveagh & Henrietta Frances Montgomery (otherwise Chornlery), widow, of Carrickneveagh; also reference to William Breakey, linen draper, & James Breakey. |X | |1871 |37 |59 | | |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey J-Montgomery, Alex | | |1871 |37 |59 | |Monaghan C

Carricknaveigh |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, Humphrey T to Montgomery Alexr & anr |X | |1872 |9 |161 | | |OLIVER |OLIVER, Elizabeth - KENNY, Edward | | |1872 |17 |72 | |Co Monaghan |McCULLAGH |James (jnr) McCULLAGH to Revd Patk FAY |X | |1872 |32 |278 |1870 Sept 26 |Co. Leitrim |JACKSON |Reciting indenture of settlement 21 Sept 1826 marriage William WHITELAW & Eliza JACKSON – his daughter Mary Kidd JACKSON orse WHITELAW wife of Christopher JACKSON (lots more WHITELAW relations mentioned) Henry JACKSON... lands of Kilclammore in Bewry & Co. Leitrim. |1 | |1872 |40 |193 | | |BREAKEY |Researched by Ken BREAKEY The number was also recorded as 1136 | | |1873 |1 |123 |1870-1879 | |STITT |STITT, William-Jane |x | |1873 |2 |119 & 120 | | |BREAKEY |Breakey – no details noted | | |1873 |8 |225 | |Aghavilla | |O’BRIEN, ACHESON, PEYTON I had it as 8-225-207. Placing it here is based on a guess. | | |1873 |46 |101 |1873 Dec 31 |Cavananore,

Louth |OLIVER, Mary Jane |OLIVER, Mary Jane - DICKIE C

Mary Jane OLIVER of Cavananore & Thomas Coulter DICKIE of Omagh, Co. Tyrone. A mortgage between John Thomas DICKIE of Phillipstown & Mary Jane OLIVER in consideration of £400 to Mary Jane OLIVER “all that part of the lands of Clonaleenan, Co. Louth.” 68 acres. Witness James HENRY Clones. William GIBBON, Dundalk. | | |1876 |39 |72 | |Drumskelt |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, John & BREAKEY, Thomas-BREAKEY, Thomas Cov

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

23/8/1876. John Breakey, Drumskelt & Thomas, son, Elizabeth Ferguson, nee Breakey, wife of Isaiah, Mary Gillespie, nee Breakey, wife of Rev John Gillespie. | | |1877 |12 |262 |1877 Mar 19 |Carlow |JACKSON |Landed Estates to McCULLAGH

Memorial of an indenture 17 Mar 1877 refers to an indenture Jan 3 1720 btw Wm HUNT & John PHIPPS... land formerly held by Mary HARRIS widow... Benjamin BARTON... James HAMILTON... in 27th year of reign of Queen Victoria transfer of land after £540 pd to Elizabeth J. mcCULLOCH of Brighton Terrace, Sandy [?] Dublin, widow...£480 due to Elizabeth JACKSON the petitioner.... estate of Mary Ames JACKSON ... lands of Rattonpeile 10A 3R 11P in town of Carlow ... # 9 & 10 Carlow St... [Note this was a lengthy memorial, and I haven’t a clue of half of what they were on about]. |1 | |1877 |16 |263 | | |OLIVER |OLIVER, Elizabeth - WILSON, Thomas Notes in 2009 diary | | |1877 |60 |259 |1877 Apr 14 |Ballymascanlan Cottage, Co. Louth |OLIVER |OLIVER-WILSON Notes in 2009 diary

Between Elizabeth OLIVER presently residing at Ballymascanlon Cottage in Co. Louth, widow of the 1st part & John McILWAINE of Newry, Co. Louth Gent of the 2nd part & Thomas WILSON of Ballymascanlon Cottage, Co. Louth of 3rd part (Maria CRAWLEY, siste of Elizabeth OLIVER was married to Thomas WILSON) ... in consideration of 10 shillings paid to Elizabeth OLIVER by said Thomas WILSON ... she, Eliza OLIVER by said Thomas WILSON did grant ... to Thomas WILSON .. (her) undivided 5th share or part, or other her estate & interest of or in the rents and profits of said lands of Clontygord containing 693A 1R 33P called Clontygora North & that part of the lands of Clontygora South containing 552A 16P in Parish of Killeavay, Barony of Upper Orier & Co. Armagh & also that part of the lands of Edentobber containing 446A 6P Barony of Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth ... arising out of the said lands and charged theron by the will of the said Launcelot COULTER deceased and also all that the said sum of £1000 costs at present in the hands of the said Thomas WILSON being the actual and proper money of the said Elizabeth OLIVER ... upon trust for the said Elizabeth OLIVER ... until the intended marriage (what marriage???) WITNESS: Thomas CAREY of Newry, solicitor; William STINSON of Newry, book keeper. | | |1879 |11 |55 |1879 Feb 22 |Co. Louth |STITT |STITT, William-STITT, Alexander 1870-1879

Between William STITT of Derryfalone, Co. Louth farmer of one part & Alexander STITT of Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh Merchant of the other part. William STITT granted to Alexander STITT ... life insurance policy & also town and lands of Cregganduff containing 37A, Parish of Creggan ... WITNESS: William Addye SIMSON of Armagh, solicitor & William James DONALDSON of Newtownhamilton. | | |1880 |60 |259 |1880 Dec 20 |Killylea |OLIVER |OLIVER, John - ARMSTRONG, Henry B Notes in 2009 diary

OLIVER, William

In consideration of £350 by Henry Bruce ARMSTRONG of Killilea, Co. Armagh. Esq pd to John OLIVER … and of Trustee William OLIVER owner and petitioner and of David JACKSON and others … grant to ARMSTRONG part of lands of Lisdrummond containing 66A 2R 4P … lands of Drumgar 1A 34 P excepted by the 36th Division of Trinity College Dublin Leasing & Perpetuity Oct 1851. Excepted from Sir James Matthew STRONG … former conveyance of said lands 16 Feb 1869 between STRONG & William OLIVER & Thomas OLIVER … (relating to) indenture 15 Sept 1837 between Rev Joseph LEATHLY of the one part & William OLIVER & Thomas OLIVER of the other part. Schedule included:

Part of the lands of Lisdrummond [66.2.4], the lands of Knockagraphy [24.3.6] & part of lands of Drumgarr [1.0.34]. Tenant: William KNIPE-Robert KNIPE£150. Agreement dated 5 Nov 1867 between William OLIVER of the one part & Robert KNIPE of the other part … (lots of detail). WITNESS: Edward ARCHER. (NOTE: see Chart p104 2009 black diary) | | |1882 |6 |164 | |Keady |DOBBIN |PRONI D889/2/53 OLIVERs may also be in this one. See PRONI notes. | | |1892 |32 |188 |1892 July 14 |Derryfalone, Co. Louth |STITT |STITT-WALSH 1880-1889

Between Fanny STITT of Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh widow of the one part & Michael WALSH of Dundalk, Co. Louth, shopkeeper of the other part ... in consideration of £650 paid to Fanny STITT ... farm of land known as Derryfalone & Barronstown ... lately in occupation of Fanny STITT and then in occupation of WALSH ... Fanny STITT tenant by virtue of Land Law Ireland 1881. WITNESS: Thomas W. KILPATRICK, solicitor & Thomas WRIGHT, solicitor, both of Armagh. | | |1893 |35 |45 | | |BREAKEY |Researched by Ken BREAKEY The number was recorded as 1045 – but I suspect #45 | | |1895 |39 |280 | | |BREAKEY |Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

9/7/1895. Josiah Breakey, Mullanagore, Rockcorry, farmer. | | |1896 |61 |74 |1896 Sept 24 |Gortmellon, o. Tyrone |OLIVER, Wm |Part of the lands of Gortmellon cont. 146 a 3r 5p in Barony of Strabane, Co. Tyrone, held in fee simple by William OLIVER of GOrtmellon Dunemanagh, Co. Tyrone, farmer. | | |1897 |8 |277 |1897 Feb 8 |Ballyscandle, Co. Armagh |OLIVER |OLIVER, Andrew C.B. – BRAWLY

Andrew Coulter Bradford OLIVER of Ballyscandle, Co. Armagh Farmer for £140 from William BRAWLEY of Terreskane. Andrew Coulter Bradford OLIVER assigned 11 acres 14 p of the farm at Ballyscandle. | | |1897 |14 |283 |1897 Feb 26 |Lisbane, Co. Armagh |OLIVER |OLIVER, Andrew C.B. – GILLESPIE

Between David GILLESPIE of Armagh, Merchant and Andrew Coulter Bradford OLIVER of Ballybrockey, Co. Armagh, Farmer for £50 GILLESPIE assigned to OLIVER part of Lisbane 10 acres 2 roods 25 perches in the Parish of Eglish. | | |1898 |17 |228 |JACKSON |Ballygibbon, , Barony of Carbury, Co. Kildare |1898 Mar 12 |JACKSON – certification of title lands of Ballygibbon West containing 115 acres 3r 29 p statute measure, Barony of Carbury, Co. Kildare – fee simple. William JACKSON farmer of Ballygibbon West, Edenderry, Kings Co, |1 | |1898 |19 |178 |JACKSON |Killenane, Co. Kildare |1898 Mar 21 |JACKSON-JACKSON

Indenture of assignment 18 Mar 1898 btw Richard JACKSON of Killenane, Co. Kildare, farmer of the one part and John JACKSON of Fairview, Dunlavin, Co. Kildare, rate collector. Of the other part. Reciting indenture of lease Aug 10 1841 and made between William Truelock BOOKEY of 1st pt & John JACKSON of 2nd pt and Richard JACKSON of 3rd pt where Richard JACKSON as beneficial owner did assign to John JACKSON lands of Canny Court containing 76 acres, Parish of Gilltown, Barony of South Naas, Co. Kildare |1 | |1898 |20 |155 |JACKSON |Mayo |1898 Mar 23 |JACKSON-KENNY

Btw Sidney JACKSON of Curroy, Co. Mayo spinster…reciting 24 Sept 1862 Rev William Oliver JACKSON then of Pickle Point Co. Mayo obtained a judgement against James Vaughan JACKSON of 600 pounds against lands of Ballina, Barnoy of Tyrawly, Co. Mayo formerly in possession of Arthur VAUGH deceased. |1 | |1898 |20 |156 |JACKSON |Mayo |1898 Mar 23 |JACKSON-KENNY

Susan Anne JACKSON, widow of Curroy, Co. Mayo & Sidney JACKSON, spinster & Louisa KENNY of Currow, sipinster, Co. Mayo…. Several lands in Barony of Gallon, Co. Mayo. |1 | |1898 |55 |219 |1898 Aug 3 |Tyrone |OLIVER |Indenture btw Mary OLIVER of Lismullydown in Co of Tyrone, spinster of 1st part & Jane OLIVER, widow and Andrew OLIVER farmer, both of Lismullydown of 2nd pt.Willaim MILLAR of Stillao farmer, James CADDOO of Tullygiven farmer & Eliza GRAY of Gortmeron widow all in CO of Tyrone of 3rd pt. Red Daniel MANDERSON Presbyterian Minister of Minterburn of 4th pt…for 88 pounds released of townland of Lismullydoon previously in occupation of James OLIVER deceased cont 35 acres, Parish of Aghaloo,… |1 | |1900 |41 |202 |1900 Jun 20 |Tyrone |OLIVER |Lands of Drumkirk cont. 65.1.25 stature measure. Ownership: James OLIVER of Drumkirk Augher, Co. Tyrone, farmer. | | |1900 |76 |204 | |Killynure |BROWN |Lands of Killynure 56.0.13 & of Enagh 49.0.22 feee simple ownership of Thompson Brown, farmer. | | |1900 |82 |209 |1900 Dec 22 |Armagh |OLIVER |OLIVER, David – MAGAHAN

Mtg. btw David OLIVER of Lurgan, Co. Armagh retired Grocer. & Fred W. MAGAHAN of Lurgan, Clerk of petty sessions…. Piece of building round in front to Union Street 20 in front & rear & 120 ft deep. | | |1901 |95 |71 | | |BREAKEY |Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

11/12/1901. William Breakey, Corleck, Laknamard (?), Newbliss | | |1902 |4 |148 | |Cornanure |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, James

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

14/1/1902. James Breakey, junior, farmer of Cornanure, Ballybay. | | |1902 |62 |92 | | |BROWN



McCULLAGH |A Memorial of an Indenture made the 18th day of July one thousand nine hundred and two between the Rev. William REID of 39 Cedar Ave, Antrim Road Belfast in the County of the City of elfast Presbyterian Minister. Eliezer GILMORE of Liscalgot in the County of Armagh farmer of the first part. Mary REID otherwise McCULLAGH wife of the said William REID the said William REID and Sarah WHITESIDE wife of William Sherlock WHITESIDE of the parsonage Santa Maria Santa Barbara County, California United States America and James McCULLAGH of Derryvalley Ballybay in the County of Monaghan, Gentleman of the second part. Eliza JACKSON otherwise OLIVER of Urker in the County of Armagh widow. Sarah GILMORE otherwise JACKSON wife of the said Eliezer GILMORE, the said Eliezer GILMORE Margaret McCULLAGH otherwise JACKSON of Slieveroe in the OCunty of Monaghan, widow. Elizabeth BROWN otherwise JACKSON wife of the said Thompson BROWN, the said Thompson BROWN and Mary GRIFFIN otherwise JACKSON of Urker aforesaid widow of the third part. John NORRIS of Cairns in the state of Queensland in the Commonwealth of Australia Blacksmith of the fourth part. Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON of Fostertown in the County of Meath of the fifth part and Sir Thomas JACKSON of Stanstead House, Stanstead, Essexshire, England, Banker of the sixth part. |1 | |1903 |26 |6 |1903 Apr 9 |Tyrone |OLIVER |John James OLIVER, farmer of Magheraerigan, Co. Tyrone of 1 pt & James LONG of Ballysally, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, farmer. OLIVER had transferred 30 Sept 1875 part of town and lands of Carncoran Glebe, Barony of West Omagh, Co. Tyrone cont 20 acres. Now in possession of Mary Jane KERR in townland of Magheracreggan… held by James OLIVER under Duke of Abercorn for yearly rent of 27 pounds in Parish of Ardstraw, Barony of Strabane, Co. Tyrone… |1 | |1903 |47 |148 |1903 Jul 6 |Edenderry, Co. Kildare |JACKSON |Anne JACKSON of Ballyhagan, Carbury, Co. Kildare, widow & Benjamin WALKER of Martin’s Row, Chapelizod, Co. Dublin Esq. of one part & rural council of Edenderry…under Settled Land Acts 1882-1890 as owenrs in fee… conveyed to Council.part of townlnd of Killinagh Lower, Parish of Kilpatrick, Barony of Carbury, Co. Kildare – 2 roods 16 perches. |1 | |1905 |90 |253 |1905 Nov 1 |Mills in Townland of Cormillan, Co. Monaghan |JACKSON |Sydney JACKSON of Longfield, Co. Monaghan

Compensation paid to him as owner & occupier of 2 mills in Townland of Cormillan, Co. Monaghan from Rural & District Council acting as Sanitary Authority for the Purposes of the Public Health Act 2 1878 for the rural district of Castleblayney sum of 2 shillings to take and use water for town of Ballybay. |1 | |1906 |52 |24 |1906 Jun 15 |Ednaferkin, Co. Monaghan |JACKSON |JACKSON-NESBITT

Sir Thomas JACKSON of Urker & John NESBITT of Ednafirkin, famer… granted 31 acres 25 perches of Ednaferkin to NESBITT formerly held in fee form … rent 23 pounds 4 shillings & ip but recently purchased from the landlord under Land Purchase Acts subject to an annuity of 15 pounds 19s 9p.

Sealed by Sir Thomas Jackson baronet witnessed by John WEAVER & Edward J. STEVENS both clerks to Messrs STEVENSON HARWOOD & Co., of 31 Lombard St., London. |1 | |1906 |85 |218 |JACKSON, David |Mulladry, Co. Armagh |1906 Oct 11 |Reistration: David JACKSON – part of lands of Mulladry cont 2a 2r 30p in Barony of ONeiland West, Co Armagh Folio 3424 Mulladry, Richill, Co Armagh, Farmer, owner |1 | |1906 |85 |220 |JACKSON, Stephenson |Mulladry, Co. Armagh |1906 Oct 11 |Reistration: Stephenson JACKSON – part of lands of Mulladry cont 17a 1r 37p in Barony of ONeiland West, Co Armagh Folio 3386 Mulladry, Richill, Co Armagh, Farmer, owner |1 | |1908 |68 |80 | |Antrim |BREAKEY |BREAKEY, James Rev-Ballyrashane Co-op

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

11/9/1908. James Percival Russell Breakey, rectory, Armoy, County Antrim. | | |1911 |29 |123 |1911 Apr 4 | | |Memorial of an indenture 9 Mar 1911 endorsed on an indenture dated 7 Jan 1897 between Joseph McWILLIAMs of ballinahonebeg, Co. Armagh farmer of 1 pt & Robert H. Garmony McCRUM of Milford, Co. Armagh, Linen Manufacturer. & Thomas BROWN of Killynure farmer of the other part. A memorial was reistereed 19 Jan 1897 Bk 14 # 138. The Indenture of wich this is a Memorial is made made between Robert Garmony McCRUM & Thompson BROWN of the 1 pt & Alexander WALLACE of Scotch St., Armagh, Merchant & Thomas Archiblad MONTGOMERY of Milford, Linen Manufacturer… after reciting the death of Thomas WYNNE the said Robert armony McCRUM and Thompson BROWN appointed the said Alexander WALLACE and Thomas Archibald MONTGOMERY to be trustees of the therin written indenture re.. plot of land 3a 2r 21p in Ballinahonebeg in Parish & Co.A Armagh bounded on the north by the Brady’s holding on the south by the road [?] from the country road first the entrance to the said Joseph McWILLIAMs residence on the east by the said Country road on the west by other land in possessin of Joseph McWILIAMS. WITNESSED Thomas Kirkpatrick of Armagh, CO. Armagh, Solicitor & Thomas VILLIERS of Armagh, law clerk Henry W. KIRKPATRICK |1 | |1912 |24 |227 |1912 Feb 19 |Cregganbane Glebe, Armagh |JACKSON |Transcribed in full |1 | |1914 |8 |254 |1914 Feb 9 |Armagh |JACKSON |Lessors names same as in 1912-8-254.- David GILMORE, Joseph HALE & John J. JOHNSTON members of the school committee of the Parish of Creggan were lessees… lands of Cregganbane. | | |1916 |26 |41 | |Castleblaney |BREAKEY |Campbell, Mary-BREAKEY, Elizabeth

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

29/6/1916. Reference to Elizabeth Breakey, Drumskelt House, widow | | |1916 |44 |152 | |Camry |BREAKEY |Morrell, Harriett-BREAKEY, James

Abbreviated notations compiled by author Ken Breakey

17/11/1916. James Breakey, Ballydian [sic], farmer. | | |


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