
Month / Season: August/September Class: Primary 6 Level: Second

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Mystery of God |I recognise that when people suffer |Class – Watch the PowerPoint Presentation ‘Why Does God Allow Us To Suffer’ found on |PowerPoint Presentation |The children will understand|

|RERC 2-01b |today it can be their natural response |the EDC denominational Glow Group. *This presentation has sound, if you don’t have |‘Why does God allow us to |that there are many |

|I explore the Biblical stories|to question God but I understand that |sound capabilities it is a good idea to play some gentle music while watching. |suffer?’ |different types of suffering|

|of Creation and I can reflect |God helps us to bear our sufferings with|The PowerPoint is set to change scene automatically so click view only when you’re | |in the world. |

|on how we understand these |love and hope. |ready and it will play from start to finish. | |They will realise that God |

|truths in our modern world. | | | |is not to blame and yet we |

| | |After the PP – Discuss. What do you think the difference is between ‘Moral Evil’ and | |should pray for strength and|

|Son of God |I can investigate who are the poor in |‘Natural Evil’? What does ‘moral’ mean? Moral Evil is actions carried out by humans | |support to help us bear our |

|RERC 2-06a |the world today and respond to their |and Natural Evil is events which happen in our natural world which can cause | |worries and fears. |

|I have examined some, |needs with justice, compassion and care.|suffering. Ask the children to brainstorm in their groups some examples of both. | | |

|political, social, historical | | | | |

|and religious elements in | |Discuss – Regroup and share examples. Ask the children who causes the suffering in | | |

|first century Palestine and | |our world? Even natural disasters can be caused by human neglect. It is important to | | |

|gained an understanding of | |state that God does care and we can see that love coming from those who do care about| | |

|Jesus’ life on earth. | |others and who do care about the environment. | | |

| | |God wants us to use our ‘free will’ to make good choices. We live in a society where | | |

| | |people find humour in other peoples misfortune, we play computer games associated | | |

| | |with war and killing, television gives an unrealistic view of life, where the elderly| | |

| | |are neglected and forgotten when they can no longer look after themselves etc. We | | |

| | |have become ‘desensitised’. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |How can we as Christians make better use of our ‘free will’? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ICT – Research organisation who work to relieve suffering .i.e. Action and Distress, | | |

| | |Amnesty International, Local Hospices, Oxfam, The Red Cross. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Internet access. | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Word of God |I can locate scriptural references using|Class - It is important that we remind the children to show reverence and respect |Bibles |Children demonstrate an |

|RERC 2-11a |chapter and verse. |when we are reading from the Bible. | |ability to locate specific |

|I have studied the structure | | | |scripture texts as prompted |

|of the Bible. I can identify |Old Testament |Discuss. We are going to be looking at the Book of Exodus. Which Testament do you | |by the teacher and can |

|the different parts of the |(The focus in P6 is on the book of |think this book will be in? What do you think ‘Exodus’ means? (exit, leave) What | |identify the different parts|

|Bible and I have explored |Exodus.) |might the stories in the book be about? | |of the Bible. |

|God's message in these. | | | | |

| |I know that the Book of Exodus recounts |Begin with the Passover story. Ask the children to locate the Bible passage and read |Cartoon strip template | |

| |the story of the journey of God’s Chosen|together as a class. Why then is it called Passover? Why did God spare only some |Art materials | |

| |People from slavery to freedom and I can|people? Was everyone else who the angel killed as guilty as the Pharaoh? Did they | | |

| |identify some key moments in the |deserve to be punished? | | |

| |narrative e.g., | | | |

| | |Explain to the children that the Jewish people still celebrate the feast of |Passover PowerPoint | |

| |Passover (Exodus 12:1-28) |‘Passover’ today. | | |

| |Crossing the Red Sea and Song of Victory|Use PowerPoint ‘Passover P6’ found on the EDC denominational GLOW page. | | |

| |(Exodus 14:15-31 and 15:1-19) | | | |

| |The Gift of Manna (Exodus 16:1-18) |This is a super interactive activity to use on the whiteboard for whole class | | |

| | |teaching. |Internet Access | |

| |I can recognise that Jesus was the | | | |

| |fulfilment of God’s promises made in the| | | |

| |Old Covenant and through the prophets. |Children should complete the ‘Seder Plate’ activity attached to the planner. | | |

| | | |Seder Plate Worksheet | |

| | |Class – Split the class into two. Ask one half of the class to read the story of the |Attached to planner. | |

| | |crossing of the Red Sea Exodus 14:15-31 and the other half of the class to read about| | |

| | |The gift of Mana Exodus 16:1-18. |Bibles | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ask the children to read their scripture passage carefully and create a storyboard | | |

| | |depicting the story. (Template attached to planner) | | |

| | | |Storyboard Template | |

| | |The children should pair with someone who created a storyboard of the story they |Attached to planner | |

| | |didn’t read and swap storyboards. Ask the children to peer assess this piece of work.| | |

| | |*Teacher to give guidance on what is expected before peer assessment begins. | | |

| | | | | |

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|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I have studied the life of Moses and I |Class – Ask the children to brainstorm everything they know about Moses from his | |The children will have a |

| |understand that Moses entered into a |birth to the end of his life. | |deepened understanding of |

| |relationship of Covenant with God. | | |the life of Moses and the |

| | |Children should complete the Moses Timeline Activity attached to the planner. They |Bibles |important part he plays in |

| |The Birth of Moses (Exodus 2:1-10) |should remember to check their answers in the Book of Exodus. After the activity ask |Moses Timeline Activity |the Catholic and Jewish |

| |The Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-15) |the children if they have learnt anything new about Moses from the activity and if |Attached to planner |Religion. |

| |God Promises a Covenant (Exodus 19:3-8)|there are any questions they have about this important Bible character. | | |

| |Moses and the Decalogue (Exodus 19:3-8)| | |The children will correctly |

| |The Golden Calf (Exodus 32:1-10) | | |sequence the events in the |

| | | | |life of Moses. |

| |I know that, in this way, God reveals | | | |

| |himself and displays his everlasting | | | |

| |faithfulness to his people at all |Class – Discuss. Think back upon all we have learnt about Moses. God communicated | | |

| |times. |with him in several ways. Can you think of them? (The Burning Bush, turning his rod | | |

| | |into a snake (divine intervention), the ten commandments, the plagues etc) How does | | |

| | |God communicate with us? | | |

| | |Sometimes we feel God has abandoned us but we need to seek him out. God works in | | |

| | |mysterious ways and he never leaves us. It may be a kind word from another, an | | |

| | |opportunity, a heroic act etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Word of God | | | | |

|RERC 2-12a | |KEY VOCABULARY: covenant, conversion, Moses, Exodus, mission, Decalogue = (The Ten | | |

|I know that the Bible is the |I am developing the ability to read |Commandments) | | |

|inspired Word of God and that |aloud from Sacred Scripture in such a | | | |

|I should treat it with |way that I am proclaiming the Word of | | |The children will understand|

|reverence. |God. |Class: Involve the children in planning and setting up a class altar. Ensure that the| |the four pillars. |

| | |Bible is prominently displayed and discuss the reasons for this. |Artefacts/Bible/Altar | |

| | |Provide regular opportunities for children to read aloud from Sacred Scripture, e.g. |cloths/flowers etc. | |

| | |as part of an RE lesson, at assembly, during a class Mass/prayer service, in an | | |

| | |infant class, as part of morning/end of day prayers, etc. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |School: Provide opportunities for children to read aloud from Sacred Scripture at | | |

| | |weekly assemblies/whole school Masses. | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can identify actions of the |Parish: Organise a visit to the local church and involve the parish priest in talking|Contact the local parish |Children can say why the |

| |priest/deacon which afford special marks|to the children about actions of the priest during Mass which afford special marks of|priest to arrange a visit.|priest/deacon performs |

| |of honour to the reading of the Gospel |honour to the reading of the Gospel (e.g., bowing, elevation of the Gospel, | |particular actions in |

| |(e.g., bowing, elevation of the Gospel, |veneration of the book of the Gospels, incensing of Scripture on special occasions |If this is not possible |relation to the reading of |

| |veneration of the book of the Gospels, |and feasts). |ask the priest to visit |the Gospel. |

| |incensing of Scripture on special | |the school and bring the | |

| |occasions and feasts). | |Gospel and other artefacts| |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Sacred Scripture, liturgical, procession, Word of God, proclaiming, |with him. | |

| |I have been given opportunities, with |honour, elevation, veneration, incensing, prominent | | |

| |support from my teacher and chaplain, to| | | |

| |be involved in planning a celebration of| | | |

| |the Eucharist. |Class/School – The children will prepare a class mass. | | |

| | |*This may take place at another point in the year should | | |

| |I know that, as a Catholic I have a duty|your school issue a class mass timetable. | | |

| |to attend Mass on Sundays and holidays | | | |

| |of obligation, requiring me to | | | |

| |prioritising my time to do so and I am | | | |

| |able to connect this with my | | | |

| |understanding of the Third Commandment: | | | |

| |Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Mass and I can actively and prayerfully | | | |

| |participate each time I attend. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I recognise the contribution of music to| |Raise Your Voices |Children will recognise the |

|Hours of God |liturgy in Church. |Class – Discuss. Why do we have music in church? What do we sing? When do we sing? |Worksheet attached to |importance of music in the |

|RERC 2-16a |I am growing in my ability to prepare |It’s emotive |planner. |liturgy and will have |

|I know that the Mass is at the|for Sunday Mass through reflection on |It’s Biblical | |explored different kinds of |

|heart of Catholic community |the readings during each week with the |It’s effective | |Christian music. |

|life and I am developing an |help of my teacher, chaplain and family.|It’s rousing | | |

|understanding of how to | | | | |

|participate fully in this | |We have different hymns for different times of the year. Look through hymn books with| | |

|celebration. | |the children at hymns, part of the Mass. Show the children the index and how it is | | |

| | |categorised into themes. | | |

| | |We are going to look in the Bible to find reason as to why we believe God wants us to| | |

| | |use our voices to praise Him. | | |

| | |Complete ‘Raise Your Voices’ worksheet attached to the planner. | | |

| | | | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences|Core Learning | |Resources |Assessment |

|and Outcomes | |Learning & Teaching | | |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Explain to the children that throughout history people have praised God with their |Internet Access | |

| | |voices. Listen to examples of different Christian singing. | | |

| | |Let the children listen to the following songs on You Tube. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | (Gregorian Chant) | | |

| | | (Gospel Choir) | | |

| | | (The Salvation Army) | | |

| | | (Altar Boys Choir) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Ask the children to comment on each sound and discuss the similarities and | | |

| | |differences. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know of the general requirement of |Class - What are the rules of fasting before Communion and why do | |The children will understand |

| |Church law that I should fast for an |we fast? | |why we fast before communion |

| |hour before receiving Holy Communion. I |For the Teacher: The Eucharistic fast is intended to focus our minds on the solemnity| |and reflect on scripture |

| |know that this is a mark of respect for |of what we are doing in receiving Communion. Originally, the fast was from midnight | |passages which refer to |

| |the Eucharist and is known as the |before receiving Communion, later that was reduced to three hours for food, and now | |fasting. |

| |Eucharistic Fast. |it is one hour from food and liquids other than water and medicine. | | |

| | |For a lay person, the fast is one hour before receiving, not an hour before Mass | | |

| | |begins. This applies to everyone who is of age to receive Communion. In case of | | |

| | |severe hardship or very advanced age or illness, even the one hour can be dispensed. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Discuss – What is fasting? (It is important to stress that fasting is something that | | |

| | |we do voluntarily). Explain to the children that the word ‘breakfast’ actually means| | |

| | |‘to break the fast’. |Bibles | |

| | |As Catholics we fast for one hour before communion. Why do you think we do this? It | | |

| | |is meant to help us prepare to receive the body and blood of Jesus. | | |

| | |Fasting appears many times in the Bible. When did Jesus fast? (40 days and 40 night | | |

| | |in the desert = Lent). He also gave instruction on fasting. Read Matthew 6:16-18. | | |

| | |Discuss the passage. | | |

| | | | | |

| |I have studied the words of the Nicene | | | |

| |Creed and am deepening my understanding |Class – Do not show the Creed to the children before the task. The teacher should | | |

| |of its meaning. |write the word ‘Creed’ on the board. Ask the children what they think this is. | | |

| | |Explain that it comes from the Latin word ‘Credo’ meaning ‘I believe’. The Creed is | |The children will have a |

| | |recited at all Catholic Masses on a Sunday around the world. |The Creed Worksheet |deeper understanding of the |

| | | |Attached to planner |Creed and correctly order the|

| | | |Internet Access |prayer in the jotter. |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences|Core Learning | |Resources |Assessment |

|and Outcomes | |Learning & Teaching | | |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The children should complete the Creed activity attached to the planner. This could | | |

| | |be worked on with a partner. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The following website has the words to the Creed which can be placed on the |Internet Access | |

| | |whiteboard to allow the children to check their answers. | | |

| | |*It is a good idea to ask them to check their answers before gluing! | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class – Explain to the children that the Book of Acts in the Bible comes after the | | |

|Word of God |New Testament Focus |Gospels and is about the lives of those who carried on Jesus ministry on earth after |Bibles |The children will have a |

|RERC 2-11a | |His ascension into Heaven. | |good understanding of the |

|I have studied the structure |I can hear, read and recount scripture |It begins with the story of Pentecost. Ask the children to recall this story and why | |life of St Paul and his role|

|of the Bible. I can identify |passages present in the Son of God |it was important as the starting point of Christianity. | |in the early life of the |

|the different parts of the |strand. | | |Catholic Church. |

|Bible and I have explored | |Explain to the children that they are going to be learning about the life and | | |

|God's message in these. |I recognise that the Act of the Apostles|ministry of Saint Paul. Do they know anything about this important figure in the New | | |

| |is a major book in the New Testament and|Testament? | | |

| |tells us about the life of the early | | | |

| |Christian communities and of the |Use the ‘Saint Paul’ biography which is attached to the planner. This can be | | |

| |missionary journey of Saint Paul. |completed as a whole class or read reciprocally. |Saint Paul Biography | |

| | |Give time for the children to ask questions about content or tricky vocabulary. |Attached to Planner | |

| |I can locate the following key texts in | | | |

| |the Acts of the Apostles: |Use the attached worksheets on the Conversion of Paul (2 of them) and Bibles to | | |

| | |complete the task. Instructions are also attached. | | |

| |*The early Christian community (Acts | |Conversion of St Paul | |

| |4:32-35) |A good interactive game about the journey of Saint Paul can be found at the following|worksheets (x3) attached | |

| |*The baptism of the Ethiopian official |website. |to planner | |

| |(Acts 8:26-39) | | | |

| |*The conversion of St Paul | | | |

| |*The early preaching of Paul at Damascus|Class - Armour of God. |Internet Access | |

| |(Acts 9:20-25) |The Apostle Paul tells us: "We have a fight, not against blood and flesh, but . . . | | |

| | |against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the | | |

| |I can recognise that the early Christian|heavenly places." This means that every Christian must "take up the complete suit of |Armour of God worksheet | |

| |community continued the ministry of |armour from God, that [he] may be able to resist in the wicked day." Ephesians. |attached to planner | |

| |Jesus by their witness, that this |6:11-13. |(x2) | |

| |continues in the church today and that |What do you think Saint Paul was referring to when he talked of ‘Armour’? |printed photos of | |

| |we are called to join in this mission. |The children should complete the attached activity (2 pages). It is a good idea to |children’s faces. | |

| | |have pre-printed images of the children’s faces so that they can create an image of | | |

| | |themselves wearing God’s Armour. | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences|Core Learning | |Resources |Assessment |

|and Outcomes | |Learning & Teaching | | |

| | |Class/School/Home/Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know that the church seeks to |Hymn – read the word of the hymn ‘Be Thou My Vision’ and relate it to what Saint Paul|Internet Access |The children will realise |

| |interpret the scriptures and to guide |was teaching us. |Hymn Books |that scripture is not only |

| |its members in their action and that it |The following version by Van Morrison can be found on you tube however there are | |to reflect on in prayer but |

| |is part of the mission of the Church to |other good versions available. | |also to guide us in how we |

| |do this in every age, including our own.| | |should act. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know that, as well as using Scriptures|ICT – Allow the children time research the places visited by Saint Paul outlined on |Internet Access | |

| |to help me pray, I can also use them to |the following website. |Art Materials for wall | |

| |guide me as to how I should act. | |display | |

| | |This site can be used in many ways. You may wish to read the instructions and create | | |

| | |a wall display with an enlarged map drawn out using your whiteboard marked with ships| | |

| | |(PDF file available on the site) as the children learn about each place. | | |

| | |The children could add information about Paul’s journeys that they have learnt | | |

| | |through personal research or this task. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class – Take time to reflect on the life of Saint Paul. What have we learnt that we | | |

| | |didn’t already know? What was interesting? What was shocking? Explain to the children| | |

| | |that God wants us to continue the Church’s mission in spreading His love and His | | |

| | |word. It is important that we realise that Saint Paul was a role model. What can we | | |

| | |learn from Saint Paul? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |The children should create a poster which reminds people that God is always with us | | |

| | |and His love for us is real. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Seder Plate Activity

Cut out the blank Seder plate below and paste into your jotter. Cut out the correct items which should appear on the plate and write a brief description of what they represent during the feast of Passover.


Exodus Storyboard

Moses Timeline

Complete a timeline on the life of Moses and cut and paste it into your jotter.

Before gluing make sure you check your final timeline with the Book of Exodus.

Raise Your Voices

Complete the following passages from scripture.

1.Music was around from the very beginning. Read Job 38:6-7.

Who laid the corner-stone of the world? In the dawn of that day ________________________.

2.Read Genesis 4:21

His brother Jubal, the ancestor of all musicians who play _______________________________.

3.Moses sang a song of victory when God saved the Israelites from slavery. Read Exodus 15

Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord. “I will sing to the Lord, because_____


4.David played his harp for Saul to ward away evil spirits. Read 1 Samuel 23

From then on, whenever the evil spirit sent by God came on Saul, David___________________


5.The angels sang praise to God at the birth of Jesus. Read Luke 2:13

Suddenly a great army of heaven’s angels ___________________________________________.

6.Jesus and His disciples sang hymns to God. Read Matthew 26:30

Then they sang a hymn and ______________________________________________________.

7. There is a very special book in the Old Testament called the Book of Psalms. Find this book and read the introduction to this section of the Bible.

Challenge: Try to find out about the Psalmists (people who write the Psalms) and think of when we use these during Holy Mass.

Seven Sacrament Connection

Do you know the seven sacraments? Sacrament is the name for the seven special signs of God’s presence in our lives. Sacraments are rooted in the life and ministry of Jesus and help us to recognise God in our everyday actions.

To describe each sacrament, connect the sacrament in column A with a phrase in column B and in column C. The first has been done for you.

Alternatively this can be written into your RERC jotter.

The Creed

Cut and paste the words of The Creed in the correct order in your RERC jotter. Your teacher will put the correct order on the whiteboard for you to check your answers.

St Paul

Feast Day: January 25

Paul was born at Tarsus in Cilicia (Turkey) lived around the time of Jesus but never met Him. Paul was first called Saul. As a young man, he was a very bright student of the Hebrew religion. He was a Pharisee and a tent-maker by trade.

He hated the Christians. When he grew older he tortured and harassed the followers of Jesus. He even helped at the stoning of St. Stephen the martyr.

In the Bible's Acts of the Apostles, we read about Saul's amazing conversion (chapters 9, 22, 26). What happened?

One day, Paul was on his way to the city of Damascus to hunt down more Christians. Suddenly, a great light shone all around him and he was knocked to the ground. He was struck blind; and he heard a voice say, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"

Saul answered, "Who are you, Sir?" And the voice said, "I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting." Saul was shocked and confused. After a few seconds, he asked, "What do you want me to do?" Jesus told him to continue on to Damascus and there he would be told what to do.

At that moment, through the power of God, Saul received the gift to believe in Jesus. Weak and trembling, he reached out for help and his companions led him into Damascus. The light had blinded him temporarily. Now that he was blind he could really "see" the truth.

And Jesus had come personally to meet him, to invite him to conversion. Saul became a great lover of Jesus. He was baptized and changed his name to Paul to show that he was a changed person. Now he thought only of helping everyone know and love Jesus, the Saviour.

We know Saul by his Roman name of Paul. He is called "the apostle." He travelled all over the world, preaching the Good News and led so many people to Jesus. He worked and suffered.

His enemies tried to kill him several times but nothing could stop him. When he was old and tired, he was once again put in prison and sentenced to die. Still St. Paul was happy to suffer and even die for Christ.

This great apostle wrote wonderful letters to the Christians. They are in the Bible. These letters, called epistles, are read often during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass.


(Following Two Pages)

1. Cut out both pages - in order to align the pages correctly and fold them. The pages do have to be cut on the outer line.

2. If you do not want the pages to flop, put a dot of glue on the 4 corners ON THE BACK OF ONE PAGE.

3. Keeping both pages up, glue them back to back.

4. With the Paul picture facing up, fold over the right side on the dotted line. (You will see the zap picture now)

5. Fold the left side over the zap picture. (you will see Saul on top) The booklet is now in the right order to begin your discoveries in this story.

6. With your Bible, Start investigating who Saul was (Cover)

and turn the whole thing over and research the two more pieces of information about who Saul was and what he did. Write in the answers in your own words - Do not copy from the Bible.

[pic]NOW YOU KNOW SAUL'S BACKGROUND. You could stop and discuss and or compare findings at this point.

7. Open the cover (Saul) page. You should see the zap image. Dig into your Bible and find out what happened. Write it in your own words - Do not copy from the Bible.

8. Turn over the whole thing. Find and complete "zapped for a purpose".

[pic]NOW YOU KNOW ABOUT A BIG EVENT THAT CHANGED SAUL'S LIFE. You could stop and discuss and or compare findings at this point.

9. Open both flaps to see Paul. Start on the RIGHT and find out how his experience changed him and what happened next.

[pic]Paul became the greatest disciple to the Gentiles, visiting them on his missionary journeys, staring churches, strengthening churches, and writing letters to help them along. 10. Stop and discuss and or compare findings with the others in the class at this point. Do you all agree?



Be Thou My Vision Hymn

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;

Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art

Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,

Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;

I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;

Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;

Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;

Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;

Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:

Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,

Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:

Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,

High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,

May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!

Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,

Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.



1. Why is there Suffering?

2. The Israelites




Roasted Egg


Unleavened Bread

Bitter Herbs

Salt and Pepper


Shank bone



Roasted broccoli


Moses discovers his true identity and becomes an enemy of the Pharaoh.

Moses spends his childhood in the Pharaoh’s palace.

Moses was found by Princess Fatima, the Pharaoh’s daughter.

Moses’ mother hid him in a basket on the River Nile.

Moses is born in Egypt.

Moses encounters the burning bush at Mount Sinai.

He went back to Egypt as God’s messenger.

Moses demanded that the Pharaoh release the Israelites he refused and various plagues visited Egypt.

Pharaoh released the Israelites.

Moses’ led the Israelites out of Egypt.

Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his soldiers to recapture the Israelites.

God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites but returned the waters when the soldiers passed and they were drowned.

Moses led the Israelites to Mount Sinai where God gave them the Ten Commandments.

The Israelites made an image of a golden calf to worship and were punished by God to wander through the desert for 40 years.

Moses dies in Midian before his people reached the Promised Land,





Anointing of the sick

Holy Orders


anointing the forehead and hands

exchange of vows

pouring water

laying on of hands

breaking bread

Prayer of absolution

“Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

celebrate forgiveness

makes one a child of God

commissons service

strengthens and seals one’s Baptism

celebrates Jesus’ life, death, resurrection

unites couples in commitment of love

stengthens and comforts in times of sickness

I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

True God form true God

Begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father;

Through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come.

I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.


When you have correctly completed this task try to learn the words to The Creed by heart.

Next time you’re at Mass try to make a real effort to join in.

The Armour of God

Saint Paul tells us that we must take up the armour of God.

Complete the tasks below and cut and paste the armour in your jotter.

Your teacher may supply you with a printout of your face so that you can create an image of yourself wearing the armour of God.

Complete the tasks and colouring before cutting and gluing.


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Literature Lottery

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