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Jihad ReportMay 09, 2020 -May 15, 2020Attacks39Killed226Injured189Suicide Blasts2Countries9The DNC Crime GangImran Awan was born in?Pakistan?in 1980.?He won a green card for himself and his family in the?green card lottery?when he was 14.?After emigrating to the U.S. in 1997, Awan worked at a fast-food restaurant while attending community college, then transferred to?Johns Hopkins University?where he earned a degree in information technology.?He became a U.S. citizen in 2004[8]?and resided in?Lorton, Virginia. Awan started working on?Capitol Hill?in January 2004 as an information technology director for?Robert Wexler.?His wife Hina Alvi, his two brothers, a sister-in-law, and two friends also worked as congressional information technology staffers. Awan worked as a shared employee, providing technical support for 25 other House DemocratsWexler served in the?Florida Senate?from 1990 to 1996 before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in the?1996 election, filling the open seat vacated by fellow Democrat?Harry Johnston. He has been reelected five times, never facing serious opposition in one of the most Democratic districts in Florida. On January 3, 2010, he resigned to become executive director of the?Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, a Washington-based?think tank.Think tanks publish articles, studies or even draft legislation on particular matters of policy or society. This information is then readily used by governments, businesses, media organizations, social movements or other interest groups as part of their goals.?Think tanks range from those associated with highly academic or scholarly activities to those that are overtly ideological and pushing for particular policy, with widely differing quality of research between them. Later generations of think tanks have tended to be more ideologically-oriented. Modern think tanks began as a phenomenon in the United States in the 19th and early 20th centuries, with most of the rest being established in other English-speaking countries.?Prior to 1945, they tended to focus on the economic issues associated with industrialization and urbanization. During the?Cold War, many more American and?Western?think tanks were established, which often guided governmental Cold War policy.?Since 1991, more think tanks have been established in non-Western parts of the world. More than half of all think tanks that exist today were established after 1980.In July 2017, Imran Awan was arrested on federal bank fraud charges. During an 18-month investigation into alleged misconduct involving congressional computer equipment,?he was subject to conspiracy theories involving espionage. On July 3, 2018, federal prosecutors concluded their investigation, "publicly debunking allegations" that Awan "was a Pakistani operative who stole government secrets with cover from House Democrats".?On July 3, 2018, Awan pleaded guilty to having made a false representation on a home equity line of credit application.?On August 21, 2018, U.S. District Judge?Tanya Chutkan?sentenced Awan to?time served?and three months of supervision.Awan had had unauthorized access to classified government data, and that he had provided to the Pakistani government and/or leaked some of that information. This included, but was not limited to, the?hacking of the Democratic National Committee server?in 2015 and 2016, which the U.S. intelligence community concluded Russia was responsible for.?Luke Rosiak, who led?The Daily Caller's coverage of Awan, stated in April 2018 that the affair was "straight out of James Bond." The coverage often included reports on Awan's personal finances, his business dealings, and family disputes. President?Donald Trump?called for Awan to be investigated for espionage in several posts on?Twitter, including one in April 2018 when he referred to Awan as the "Pakistani mystery man", and another in June 2018 when he wrote, "Our Justice Department must not let Awan & Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the hook."?Days after Awan was cleared of espionage accusations, Trump mentioned the conspiracy theory during a press conference with Vladimir Putin at a summit in Helsinki, asking "what happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC?" Trump had been asked if he believed Putin or American intelligence regarding 2016 election interference.?The judge who sentenced Awan in the bank fraud case criticized these conspiracy theories, calling them "an unbelievable onslaught of scurrilous media attacks to which he and his family have been subjected," adding there had been "accusations lobbed at him from the highest branches of the government, all of which have been proved to be without foundation by the FBI and the Department of Justice." In January 2020, Awan and four associates filed a lawsuit against Rosiak,?The Daily Caller?and?Regnery Publishing?in the?Superior Court of the District of Columbia?alleging?defamation?and?unjust enrichment. They were enraged that someone actually made money telling the story of the inner workings of corruption of the DNC. More than a dozen CIA agents were exposed and murdered. Billions in taxpayer funds were laundered or misappropriated. Top secret files moving through more than 80 Democrat email, phone, and phone accounts were copied to Pakistani addresses. Wexler’s departure was timed perfectly to get him out of the dragnet being dropped onto the IT scandal that he personally designed and financed.You are Being MonitoredMichigan state police are “monitoring all of the conversations” of protesters planning to descend on the capitol Thursday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told reporters.Whitmer was first asked about what “proof” she has that protesters had spread the virus around the state after previous demonstrations.“I saw one report— I don’t have proof. I’m not following everybody home and taking their temperatures and watching them for two weeks,” she said.Whitmer claimed to see a lot of activists “touching each other” at protests.She said a group analyzed cell phone data and concluded that it “translates to where we’re seeing hot spots in rural parts of Michigan.”“I don’t know the group, I’ve not vetted the data, I can’t vouch for it,” she admitted.Whitmer was then asked if she “wants to see” the Michigan State Police ticket protesters who are violating social distancing orders.“I think the Michigan State Police is monitoring all of the conversations around this event tomorrow – that they are prepared and are working with the attorney general,” she said.She said they are prepared to ticket protesters “if there’s reason to do it.”“I’m hopeful they don’t have reason to,” Whitmer said.Candace WhitelightTHANK YOU FOR COMMENTS.. here is the place to take YOUR ENERGY.. to get to a space of NO WORDS just your own ability to extend this to other people within YOUR OWN TORUS FIELD and that your can feel SAFE extending YOUR TORUS FIELD into THE AREA that you can effect.. MASTERS at this can do it at a distance.. but when first learning go into the NO MIND STATE FIRST (Alpha Brain Wave State) get your alignment with the SOLAR PLEXUS, HEART AND THIRD EYE.. POWER SOURCE, MAGNETICS, ELECTRIC CONDUCTOR OR ANTENNA And you feel all THREE activated and PROTECTED. SPIN THE FIELD.. with your hand and your BREATH !!! (take a DEEP BREATH) Physical.. Spiritual heart energy and then MENTALLY so now that you have the formula CREATE IT.. the IDEAL came to me in a lucid dream last November .. it has to work this way as since then I have changed peoples agitation to calm.. shifted the energy in a space.. and put people into a more open state.. just with my presence.. I brought this to you all originally during the lead up to the Spring Equinox March 19th and the WORLD WIDE EFFORTS of this GROUP of profoundly TUNED individuals from the Frequency of the Earth... came together to stabilize the WORLD GRID.. IT IS WHAT WE MUST DO RIGHT NOW to help and shift the CONSCIOUSNESS of the WORLD to achieve and create the RESONANCE that will ACTIVATE and STABILIZE OUR EMOTIONS and the EMOTIONS OF THE HUE-MeNions EVERYWHERE.. THANK YOU AND YES THE BEST IS YET TO COME.. IN RESONANCE!!!!For SethA lawyer for one of the individuals caught up in the controversy over the unsolved murder of Democratic National Committee worker Seth Rich in Washington, D.C., in 2016 is asking acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell to declassify federal records in the case.Ty Clevenger made the request in a letter on behalf of client Ed Butowsky?after Grenell pushed the House Intelligence Committee to release 57 transcripts of testimony in the panel's Russia-collusion investigation.Butowsky, according to WND columnist Jack Cashill, "dared to ask questions no one in Washington wanted asked, let alone answered." Butowsky is a high-profile author and financial adviser involved in several legal actions claiming it was Rich, not Russian hackers, who purloined data from the DNC during the 2016 presidential campaign and turned it over to Wikileaks.Clevenger's letter notes the 2016 murder of Rich in Washington near his home and the fact that it still is unsolved. Butowsky's lawsuits concern "whether former Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich played a role in leaking emails from the DNC to Wikileaks," the letter states."[Wikileaks founder] Julian Assange strongly inferred that Mr. Rich – rather than Russian hackers – was responsible for sending the emails to Wikileaks," the letter states."I am reliably informed that the NSA or its partners intercepted at least some of the communications between Mr. Rich and Wikileaks," Clevenger wrote, noting the "deep state" already has tried to cover up information about Rich."Last September, Judicial Watch inadvertently obtained records about Mr. Rich by requesting communications between FBI lawyer Lisa Page and supervisory agent Peter Strzok. The header in the heavily redacted email string is "Seth Rich" and in one email Agent Strzok boasts about having 'squashed' something pertaining to Mr. Rich," Clevenger wrote.Further, Clevenger explained, he deposed Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Sines, the prosecutor in the Rich murder case. She said the FBI investigated possible intrusion of Rich's electronic accounts, the bureau examined Rich's computer and the FBI "did have" records pertaining to Rich.Clevenger also said famed journalist Seymour Hersh reported a high-ranking FBI official said communications between Rich and Wikileaks exist.Clevenger charged that "high-level officials" have pursued "extraordinary lengths to keep the [Russia collusion] hoax alive, and that extends to the false narrative that Russian agents were responsible for hacking the DNC."That was the conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller. But Clevenger said Mueller's source was "a CNN report."And Clevenger said several former NSA officials are ready to testify the DNC emails could not have been obtained by hacking because of markings on the published emails, "including the speeds at which the email files were transmitted."The government, however, refused to release any records.The lawyer explained the rules prohibit "the use of classification for purposes of concealing wrongdoing, and I believe the NSA is trying to conceal wrongdoing that occurred during the Obama administration. I respectfully request that you de-classify the NSA's records about Seth Rich, further directing the NSA to release the records."The witness transcripts recently released at Grenell's urging showed several top Democratic officials said under oath they had no direct evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia.Yet, the officials continued to insist in television interviews that they had evidence of collusion.The day after the 2016 election, Clevenger wrote, veteran news reporter Ellen Ratner?said at a symposium at Embry Riddle University?that on the previous Saturday she had spent three hours with Wikileaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.More than an hour into the conversation, she said, Assange disclosed that "the leaks were not from, they were not from the Russians," referring to the DNC emails."They were an internal source from the Hillary campaign."Butowsky claimed Ratner told him that Assange disclosed to her that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron, "were responsible for releasing the DNC emails to Wikileaks."Rich, 27, was shot and killed as he walked home in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016; days after the meeting between Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch in Sky Harvbor Airport. Nothing was taken from him, and he was shot in the back.Assange told Dutch TV after the shooting: "Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. There's a 27-year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington."The Brokered Convention is ComingXochitl Hinojosa, communications director for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), sparked confusion this week after stating during an appearance on Fox News that it is crucial for the party to hold its convention, because they are “not officially nominating Joe Biden in order to take Donald Trump.”“There’s a real possibility the convention does not happen or it happens in a virtual sense. Is that correct as of today?” Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer asked.“First of all, our convention has to happen, because we are not officially nominating Joe Biden in order to take Donald Trump,” Hinojosa replied. “So our convention is happening. There is business that has to happen”:Joe Biden (D) officially became the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee following Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) departure from the race, as he was the last challenger standing. Sanders vowed, prior to dropping out, that he would support the eventual Democrat nominee — a promise he fulfilled last month. There are couple of sidebars here. First, Bernie kept his sizeable chunk of delegates that he won, against all odds. Second, New York’s cancelled primary is now on again, and Bernie is still on the ballot. He could win another 125 delegates or more. Third, Obiden has not won 50% of the delegates, and without the super-delegates, he stands a zero percent chance of winning the nomination on the first round of reporting. “Today I am asking all Americans — I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republican — to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy which I endorse,” Sanders said during a livestream event with the former vice president in April. Sounds a little like, I will supports whoever wins the nomination, if it’s me.”“If I am the nominee, which it looks like now you just made me, I am going to need you, not just to win the campaign, but to govern,” Biden replied.The DNC rescheduled the party’s July Milwaukee convention to August, citing coronavirus-related concerns. This week, the Rules and Bylaws Committee voted to “grant convention organizers in Milwaukee the authority to design an event that won’t require delegates to attend in person amid the coronavirus pandemic.”The plan, according to DNC Chair Tom Perez, ensures that “every delegate is able to accomplish their official business without putting their own health at risk – whether that be participating in person or by other means to allow for social distancing.”Sounds like a 1940’s style upset in the making. Remember Roosevelt taking the nomination for a 3rd term, even though he wasn’t even on the ballot? If HRC has paid for the super-delegates, she may sweep a path through the stripper glitter to the balloon drop she missed in 2016. The move effectively opens the door for a virtual, albeit brokered convention. Hinojosa, as of Thursday evening, had yet to clarify her remark on social media.Virgin Births Happen All the TimeIn a study published in?Current Biology, researchers from University of Sydney have identified the single gene that determines how Cape honey bees reproduce without ever having sex. One gene,?GB45239?on chromosome 11, is responsible for virgin births."It is extremely exciting," said Professor Benjamin Oldroyd in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. "Scientists have been looking for this gene for the last 30 years. Now that we know it's on chromosome 11, we have solved a mystery."Behavioural geneticist Professor Oldroyd said: "Sex is a weird way to reproduce and yet it is the most common form of reproduction for animals and plants on the planet. It's a major biological mystery why there is so much sex going on and it doesn't make evolutionary sense. Asexuality is a much more efficient way to reproduce, and every now and then we see a species revert to it."In the Cape honey bee, found in South Africa, the gene has allowed worker bees to lay eggs that only produce females instead of the normal males that other honey bees do. "Males are mostly useless," Professor Oldroyd said. "But Cape workers can become genetically reincarnated as a female queen and that prospect changes everything."But it also causes problems. "Instead of being a cooperative society, Cape honey bee colonies are riven with conflict because any worker can be genetically reincarnated as the next queen. When a colony loses its queen the workers fight and compete to be the mother of the next queen," Professor Oldroyd said.The ability to produce daughters asexually, known as "thelytokous parthenogenesis", is restricted to a single subspecies inhabiting the Cape region of South Africa, the Cape honey bee or Apis mellifera capensis.Several other traits distinguish the Cape honey bee from other honey bee subspecies. In particular, the ovaries of worker bees are larger and more readily activated and they are able to produce queen pheromones, allowing them to assert reproductive dominance in a colony.These traits also lead to a propensity for social parasitism, a behaviour where Cape bee workers invade foreign colonies, reproduce and persuade the host colony workers to feed their larvae. Every year in South Africa, 10,000 colonies of commercial beehives die because of the social parasite behaviour in Cape honey bees."This is a bee we must keep out of Australia," Professor Oldroyd said.The existence of Cape bees with these characters has been known for over a hundred years, but it is only recently, using modern genomic tools, that we have been able to understand the actual gene that gives rise to virgin birth."Further study of Cape bees could give us insight into two major evolutionary transitions: the origin of sex and the origin of animal societies," Professor Oldroyd said.Perhaps the most exciting prospect arising from this study is the possibility to understand how the gene actually works functionally. "If we could control a switch that allows animals to reproduce asexually, that would have important applications in agriculture, biotechnology and many other fields," Professor Oldroyd said. For instance, many pest ant species like fire ants are thelytokous, though unfortunately it seems to be a different gene to the one found in Capensis."The X37-B Launches on 6th MissionThe U.S. Space Force's mysterious X-37B space plane successfully launched on its sixth mystery mission from Florida today (May 17). The on-time liftoff occurred just 24-hours after poor weather conditions at the Florida launch site forced ULA to scrub its original launch attempt, Saturday morning. While the X-37B's exact purpose is a secret, Space Force officials have revealed that the craft is packing numerous experiments on this trip to test out different systems in space. Some of those experiments include a small satellite called FalconSat-8, two NASA payloads designed to study the effects of radiation on different materials as well as seeds to grow food, and a power-beaming experiment using microwave energy.A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket launches an X-37B space plane on a classified mission for the U.S. Space Force from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on May 17, 2020.The U.S.Space Force and Air Force Rapid Response Capabilities Office have two of the miniature shuttle-like X-37B space planes (also known as Orbital Test Vehicles, or OTVs) that it uses for classified military missions in low-Earth orbit. They have flown five missions since 2010, four of them on ULA Atlas V rockets and the fifth on a SpaceX Falcon 9.Today's launch occurred just six months after the most recent mission, OTV-5, landed at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Oct. 2, 2019, completing a record-setting 780 days (just over two years) sojourn in space. Boeing built the X-37B space planes for the U.S. Air Force. The two vehicles have spent more than seven years in orbit across their missions. (Command of the mission and other space related activities transferred to the Space Force after its creation in 2019.)Space Force officials have said that the experiments and technology the X-37B carries "enables the U.S. to more efficiently and effectively develop space capabilities necessary to maintain superiority in the space domain."A U.S. Air Force X-37B space plane, encapsulated ahead of a planned May 16, 2020, launch. That liftoff will kick off the sixth mission for the X-37B program.The X-37B space plane ahead is seen tucked inside the payload fairing of its Atlas V rocket ahead of a May 17, 2020 launch. (Image credit: U.S. Air Force)To that end, this mission will have even more experiments than previous flights. That's thanks to the addition of a new service module — a cylindrical extension attached to the bottom of the craft — a first for this mission. The addition of a service module will help to increase the vehicle's capabilities, enabling it to conduct more experiments and test new technologies throughout the mission, Space Force officials have said.ULA launched the X-37B on an Atlas V rocket in the 501 configuration, which means the vehicle has a 17-foot (5 meters) wide payload fairing, a single engine Centaur upper stage, and no solid rocket boosters. It marked the 84th flight of the Atlas V, which was recently dethroned as the most flown American launcher. That superlative was snagged by SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, which became the world's most flown booster in April and is also set to launch its next flight (a Starlink satellite fleet launch) early Tuesday, May 19.The U.S. Space Force and United Launch Alliance dedicated the X-37B space plane's OTV_6 launch to the first-responders and victims of the COVID-19 pandemic.The U.S. Space Force and United Launch Alliance dedicated the X-37B space plane's OTV_6 launch to the first-responders and victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Image credit: United Launch Alliance)Saturday's launch, dubbed USSF-7, is dedicated to the first responders and medical personnel across the country who work daily to combat the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.The mission is part of the military's "America Strong" campaign, which also includes a series of flyovers by the Air Force Thunderbirds and Navy Blue Angels. ULA also stamped a tribute on the side of the Atlas V rocket that says: "In memory of COVID-19 victims and tribute to all first responders and front-line workers."COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, has infected approximately 4.5 million people globally, with 1.45 million of them in the United States. At least 87,991 have died from the disease in the U.S. as of May 16, according to Livescience."Thank you for your courage in caring for the sick and keeping us safe," ULA CEO Tory Bruno tweeted, addressing the many first responders working selflessly to support the nation in this difficult time. "There are still heroes in this world," he added. Officials at the 45th Space Wing said they have been doing their part to make sure the launch went smoothly while simultaneously protecting its workforce. "We have an obligation to keep space capabilities up and running for our nation," Gen. John Raymond, chief of space operations in the U.S. Space Force and commander of the U.S. Space Command said during a prelaunch talk on May 6. To that end, the 45th Space Wing has been rotating crews between launches, reduced on-site staff as much as possible and practiced social distancing. Both NASA's Kennedy Space Center and the nearby Cape Canaveral Air Force Station have kept public viewing areas closed for this launch as well as a SpaceX launch scheduled for Sunday morning.This mission marks the second national security launch under the Space Force since its establishment in December. (The first was the AEHF-6 military communications satellite launch in March.)The X-37B space plane is about 29 feet (8.8 meters) long and resembles a miniature space shuttle. For OTV_6, the robotic spacecraft carried a new service module that supports more experiments and longer stays in space. (Image credit: U.S. Air Force)Space Force officials have chosen to delay some of the planned missions, however, due to concerns about the pandemic. For instance, the next GPS navigation satellite mission GPS 3 SV03 has been delayed several months to no earlier than June 30 to ensure that ground control crews were able to stay safe. It's a busy time on the space coast, and the GPS constellation is healthy which reduces the pressure to get newer, upgraded satellites into orbit, officials said. Today's mission was originally part of a launch double header from Florida's Space Coast. Following the Atlas V launch, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket was supposed to take to the skies less than 24 hours later, carrying another batch of SpaceX's Starlink satellites into orbit. That launch was originally on the books for today, but weather delays at the launch site and the emergence of a tropical depression out in the Atlantic prompted SpaceX to move the launch date.When the Falcon 9 does launch, it will bring the total number of Starlink internet satellites up to nearly 500. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has said that between 400-800 satellites are needed to begin rolling out the first, albeit limited, iteration of its global internet service.The Artemis AccordsNASA is setting some guidelines for humanity's return to the moon.The space agency has long stressed that international collaboration will be key to its?Artemis program, which aims to land two astronauts near the lunar south pole in 2024 and establish a sustainable human presence on and around the moon by 2028. And today (May 15), NASA unveiled some bedrock principles that foreign partners will have to abide by."International space agencies that join NASA in the Artemis program will do so by executing bilateral Artemis Accords agreements, which will describe a shared vision for principles, grounded in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, to create a safe and transparent environment which facilitates exploration, science and commercial activities for all of humanity to enjoy," NASA officials?wrote in a statement today.It’s a new dawn for space exploration! Today I’m honored to announce the #Artemis Accords agreements — establishing a shared vision and set of principles for all international partners that join in humanity’s return to the Moon. We go, together: Outer Space Treaty (OST) is the founding document of?international space law. It has been ratified by more than 100 nations, including the United States and the world's other major space powers. The OST stipulates that space exploration should be conducted for peaceful purposes only, and that sentiment forms of the core of the Artemis Accords, NASA officials said.Transparency is also a necessity for Artemis partners; according to the new guidelines, they will be required to publicly disclose their exploration plans and policies and make their scientific data available, as NASA does.PLAY SOUNDThe Artemis Accords also cover?space mining, which NASA sees as key to humanity's exploration efforts over the long haul."The ability to extract and utilize resources on the moon, Mars and asteroids will be critical to support safe and sustainable space exploration and development," agency officials wrote in a?description of the Artemis Accords. "The Artemis Accords reinforce that space resource extraction and utilization can and will be conducted under the auspices of the Outer Space Treaty, with specific emphasis on Articles II, VI, and XI."The Accords will also implement another OST tenet — the prevention of "harmful interference" by one nation in the off-Earth affairs of another."Specifically, via the Artemis Accords, NASA and partner nations will provide public information regarding the location and general nature of operations which will inform the scale and scope of 'Safety Zones,'" NASA officials wrote. "Notification and coordination between partner nations to respect such safety zones will prevent harmful interference, implementing Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty and reinforcing the principle of due regard."Artemis Accord signatories will also pledge to, among other things, protect historic sites and artifacts on?the moon?and other cosmic locales; plan disposal of dead and dying spacecraft to keep space-junk levels down; use "interoperable" hardware whenever possible; and render emergency assistance to astronauts as needed.NASA's Artemis partners aren't just foreign space agencies; private companies are playing a big role in the moon push as well. For example, private moon landers will ferry NASA science and technology experiments to the lunar surface beginning next year, if all goes according to plan. And NASA astronauts will touch down aboard?landers built by commercial companies.IntelSat Files for BankruptcyAs I have previously discussed with listeners, the private space industrialist has only had one customer up until a couple of years ago. The US government does not protect its suppliers from economic political risks. atellite operator Intelsat, which launched the world's first commercial communications satellite Intelsat 1 in 1965, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Wednesday (May 13) in order to ease a multibillion-dollar debt and join an FCC spectrum clearing program. In a statement Wednesday, Intelsat representatives said the bankruptcy filing was spurred, in part, by the company's plan to join the FCC's accelerated clearing of the C-band spectrum to make way for faster 5G wireless satellite communications. "To meet the FCC's accelerated clearing deadlines and ultimately be eligible to receive $4.87 billion of accelerated relocation payments, Intelsat needs to spend more than $1 billion on clearing activities," Intelsat wrote in the statement. "These clearing activities must start immediately, long before costs begin to be reimbursed."The company, like many other space industry firms, is also experiencing some economic fallout from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. However, Intelsat is also dealing with $15 billion in debt, according to a SpaceNews report, which added that the company missed a $125 million dept payment in April.Intelsat representatives said Wednesday that the company has secured $1 billion in financing that, once passing court approval, will allow the company to fund its C-band spectrum clearing work for the FCC program. In order to receive the $4.87 billion from the FCC, Intelsat must compress the data rates of its customers from 500 megahertz of C-band into the 200 megahertz range by December 2023, SpaceNews reported. "Intelsat is the pioneer and foundational architect of the satellite industry," CEO Stephen Spengler said in the statement. "We intend to move forward with the accelerated clearing of C-band spectrum in the United States and to achieve a comprehensive solution that would result in a stronger balance sheet."Intelsat is the third satellite operator in as many months to file for bankruptcy. Satellite constellation startup OneWeb filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March, followed by Speedcast in April. Intelsat's news comes just weeks after one of the company's older satellites, Intelsat 901, was boosted into a new orbit in the world's first commercial satellite servicing mission. In that flight, a Northrop Grumman space tug (called Mission Extension Vehicle 1) attached itself to Intelsat 901 and corrected the older satellite's orbit. Intelsat 901 launched in 2001 and was out of fuel and unable to correct its course on its own.Refueling in space using fuel made in space is a key to success for private companies to succeed. Launching fuel into space will never be profitable.The End of the University FranchiseAbout a decade ago, I said that universities were losing their franchise on higher education. The internet was changing the way people learn things. Vimeo and YouTube have virtually every single graduate level class online for free. Granted, even at that pace, much of it is already obsolete. The most current free educational material is at best 2 years old, but that still is years ahead of even the most current college professors. Colleges and universities are scrambling to figure out what to do next year if students can’t come back to campus. Half the schools have pushed back their May 1 deadlines for accepting seats. What do you expect to happen over the next month?There’s a recognition that education — the value, the price, the product — has fundamentally shifted. The value of education has been substantially degraded. There’s the education certification and then there’s the experience part of college. The experience part of it is down to zero, and the education part has been dramatically reduced. You get a degree that, over time, will be reduced in value as we realize it’s not the same to be a graduate of a liberal-arts college if you never went to campus. You can see already how students and their parents are responding.At universities, we’re having constant meetings, and we’ve all adopted this narrative of “This is unprecedented, and we’re in this together,” which is Latin for “We’re not lowering our prices, bitches.” Universities are still in a period of consensual hallucination with each saying, “We’re going to maintain these prices for what has become, overnight, a dramatically less compelling product offering.”In fact, the coronavirus is forcing people to take a hard look at that $51,000 tuition they’re spending. Even wealthy people just can’t swallow the jagged pill of tuition if it doesn’t involve getting to send their kids away for four years. It’s like, “Wait, my kid’s going to be home most of the year? Staring at a computer screen?” There’s this horrific awakening being delivered via Zoom of just how substandard and overpriced education is at every level.What is worse, is that industry needs skilled people. They traditionally have thought that this comes from degreed people, but that is collapsing as we speak. A degree in Women’s Transgender Studies no longer qualifies you to do much of anything. Even though a woman with a degree in social work is running California’s Department of Health, the weakness in those poor choices are costing employers billions a month. The way to fix it is to be freed up to choose people with skills, rather than with sheepskins from one school or another. As usual, bureaucracies stand in the way. Insurance companies and States offer discounts and tax credits ONLY if the new hire has a college degree. Homeschooled students need not apply.I foresee this last barrier falling soon, if for nothing else, Operation Corona-Scare offers hope to the self-educated genius over the college degreed idiot. Trust me, I have several degrees and they never taught me the skills that are making me a good living or allowed me to solve high level problems.The COVID WarIn the midst of their constant?lecturing to the world?that globalism must occur and be done their way,?the Chinese Communists intentionally spread a biowarfare virus to the world, to demonstrate the point. Brilliant. Yet, so many still kowtow to these, whose face should be lost down the storm drain, to drift to the sewerage treatment plant.Many of us, by now, understand this despotic regime of China is at war with the U.S. and the Wuhan virus may be only one phase of it, more to come. And COVID-19 is not the first wave of their war crime atrocities. As?Cliff Kincad has pointed out, they have been dumping the pandemonium of Fentanyl into America by probably the murderous ton, by now, causing tens of thousands of deaths in addition to widespread debilitation.Early in his administration, Pres. Trump raised a furor for calling some nations of the world “sh**-holes.” He and we need to understand very clearly that China is led from a Hell hole.China intentionally spread the SARS-Cov-2 virus throughout the world is something we must now take as obviously demonstrated, by their continuing to foster travel from Wuhan Province to other nations during COVID-19’s rise, even while banning such travel within their own country. Do you think this truth chilling? Do you think that I am being deceptive or alarmist in any way? Let me share with you a speech from their own general. This is the core of the Chinese government speaking, not some obscure radical.Remember this 1992 speech by Gen. Chi: “The Chinese Communist Party’s intention is to militarily defeat, occupy, and colonize the United States. This plan has been confirmed by a Russian defector source who worked in China and had information about a joint Sino-Russian plan to invade North America. This plan was drawn up in 1992, after the fall of the Soviet Union. The division of spoils was described thus: “Russia would get Alaska and parts of Canada. China would get the lower 48 states, with other countries invited in for ‘looting rights.’”As we all know, Nazi Germany also placed much emphasis on the education of the people, especially the younger generation. The Nazi Party and government organized and established various propaganda and educational institutions such as the “Guiding Bureau of National Propaganda,” “Department of National Education and Propaganda,” “Supervising Bureau of Worldview Study and Education,” and “Information Office,” all aimed at instilling into the people’s minds, from elementary schools to colleges, the idea that German people are superior, and convincing people that the historical mission of the Aryan people is to become the “lords of the earth” whose right it is to “rule over the world.” Back then the German people were much more united than we are today.Nonetheless, Germany was defeated in utter shame, along with its ally, Japan. Why? We reached some conclusions at the study meetings of the Politburo, in which we were searching for the laws that governed the vicissitudes of the big powers, and trying to analyze Germany and Japan’s rapid growth. When we decide to revitalize based on the German model, we must not repeat the mistakes they made.Specifically, the following are the fundamental causes for their defeat: First, they had too many enemies all at once, as they did not adhere to the principle of eliminating enemies one at a time; second, they were too impetuous, lacking the patience and perseverance required for great accomplishments; third, when the time came for them to be ruthless, they turned out to be too soft, therefore leaving troubles that resurfaced later on.Let’s presume that back then Germany and Japan had been able to keep the United States neutral and had fought a protracted war step by step on the Soviet front. If they had adopted this approach, gained some time to advance their research, eventually succeeded in obtaining the technology of nuclear weapons and missiles, and launched surprise attacks against the United States and the Soviet Union using them, then the United States and the Soviet Union would not have been able to defend themselves and would have had to surrender. Little Japan, in particular, made an egregious mistake in launching the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. This attack did not hit the vital parts of the United States. Instead, it dragged the United States into the war, into the ranks of the gravediggers that eventually buried the German and Japanese fascists.The reason that the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its enemies aim at the mainland, these enemies would reach Washington before its congress finishes debating and authorizes the president to declare war. But for us, we don’t waste time on these trivial things. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, “The Party’s leadership is prompt in making decisions. Once a decision is made, it is immediately implemented. There’s no wasting time on trivial things like in capitalist countries.When China made the decision to attack America within hours of the trade treaty being signed with President Trump, it took less than 21 days to crush the world’s greatest economy. The bottom line is, only China is a reliable force in resisting the Western parliament-based democratic system. Hitler’s dictatorship in Germany was perhaps but a momentary mistake in history. One time, some Americans came to visit and tried to convince us that the relationship between China and the United States is one of interdependence. Comrade Xiaoping replied in a polite manner: “Go tell your government, China and the United States do not have such a relationship that is interdependent and mutually reliant.” Actually, Comrade Xiaoping was being too polite, he could have been more frank, “The relationship between China and the United States is one of life-and-death struggle.” Of course, right now it is not the time to openly break up with them yet. Our reform and opening to the outside world still rely on their capital and technology, we still need America. Therefore, we must do everything we can to promote our relationship with America, learn from America in all aspects and use America as an example to reconstruct our country.How have we managed our foreign affairs in these years? Even if we had to put on a smiling face in order to please them, even if we have to give them the right cheek after they had hit our left cheek, we still must endure in order to further our relationship with the United States. Do you remember the character of Wuxun in the movie the “Story of Wuxun”? In order to accomplish his mission, he endured so much pain and suffered so much beating and kicking! The United States is the most successful country in the world today. Only after we have learned all of its useful experiences can we replace it in the future. Even though we are presently imitating the American tone “China and the United States rely on each other and share honor and disgrace,” we must not forget that the history of our civilization repeatedly has taught us that one mountain does not allow two tigers to live together.We also must never forget what Comrade Xiaoping emphasized: “Refrain from revealing ambitions and put others off the track.” The hidden message is: we must put up with America; we must conceal our ultimate goals, hide our capabilities, and await the opportunity. In this way, our mind is clear. Why have we not updated our national anthem with something peaceful? Why did we not change the anthem’s theme of war? Instead, when revising the Constitution this time, for the first time we clearly specified “March of the Volunteers” is our national anthem. Thus we will understand why we constantly talk loudly about the “Taiwan issue” but not the “American issue.” We all know the principle of “doing one thing under the cover of another.”Conventional weapons such as fighters, canons, missiles and battleships won’t do; neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons, despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden.Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place. According to the computation of the author of Yellow Peril, more than half of the Chinese will die, and that figure would be more than 800 million people! Just after the liberation, our yellow land supported nearly 500 million people, while today the official figure of the population is more than 1.3 billion. This yellow land has reached the limit of its capacity. One day, who knows how soon it will come, the great collapse will occur any time and more than half the population will have to go.We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios. If our biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack, the Chinese people will be able to keep their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United States. If, however, the attack fails and triggers a nuclear retaliation from the United States, China would perhaps suffer a catastrophe in which more than half of its population would perish. That is why we need to be ready with air defense systems for our big and medium-sized cities. Whatever the case may be, we can only move forward fearlessly, for the sake of our Party and State and our nation’s future, regardless of the hardships we have to face and the sacrifices we have to make. The population, even if more than half dies, can be reproduced. But if the Party falls, everything is gone, and forever gone.Bioweapons that target specific genetics have not reached the stage of actual deployment. We have cooperated with Israel on some research. Perhaps we can introduce some of the technologies used to protect Israelis and remold these technologies to protect the yellow people. But their technologies are not mature yet, and it is difficult for us to surpass them in a few years. If it has to be five or ten years before some breakthrough can be achieved in genetic weapons, we cannot afford to wait any longer.The Party must give up its expectations about genetic weapons. Of course, from another perspective, the majority of those Chinese living in the United States have become our burden, because they have been corrupted by the bourgeois liberal values for a long time and it would be difficult for them to accept our Party’s leadership. If they survived the war, we would have to launch campaigns in the future to deal with them, to reform them.Maybe we can put it this way: death is the engine that moves history forward.It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century in which the CCP leads the world. We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths. But if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of Chinese and those of Americans, we’d have to pick the latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives of the Chinese people and the life of our Party. That is because, after all, we are Chinese and members of the CCP. Since the day we joined the CCP, the Party, life has always been above all else! History will prove that we made the right choice.Currently, we are at the crossroad of moving forward or backward. Some comrades saw problems flooding everywhere in our country – the corruption problem, the state-owned enterprise problem, the bank’s bad accounts problem, environmental problems, society security problems, education problems, the AIDS problem, various appeals problems, even the riots problem. These comrades vacillated in the determination to prepare for military battles. They thought: they should first grab the political reform problem, that is, our own political reform comes first. After resolving the domestic problems, we can then deal with the foreign military battle problem. As long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved.Marxism pointed out that violence is the midwife for the birth of China’s century. As war approaches, I am full of hope for our next generation.”Please, also be concerned about?nursing home patients. Trump’s COVID-19 Task Force knew full well?by early March, of the likelihood of great harm to our elderly in nursing homes nationwide, due to the Washington State catastrophe. But did they focus on that red-light-critical matter? No, they did not. Adequate federal guidelines (or mandates) were not made. Why? Did some of the Obama holdovers in the White House team think it not such a bad idea to kill-off the old folks? Remember what Obama said while selling Obamacare in 2009,?give grandma a pain pill and let that be it.Why has this White House team not been focused on quarantining the vulnerable, rather than all the rest of us who need to make money to pay for their care? And where has Vice President Pence been on the nursing home crisis, bless his sleep deprived soul? Trump and Pence continue to be perplexingly Deep-State-gullible. They can both be excellent strategists and tacticians, but where is the principle, where is the scrutiny, and where, the discernment? A vocabulary word for you, Messrs. Trump and Pence:?perspicacity. Please?get more, get?lots and lots?more and add sufficient doses of skepticism of Democrats. They are?just not like us?patriotic Americans.And be concerned, dear reader, about?largely Democrat physicians, largely in our major cities, who refuse to prescribe the?successful?hydroxychloroquine-zinc-antibiotic cocktails to their largely Democrat patients, who then fail to find another doctor, because… they’re Democrats. That may make for better electoral results, but at what point does it become murder by omission?Gravity Waves on EarthRippling gravity waves in the sky are usually invisible, but a satellite recently caught a rare glimpse of the phenomenon off the coast of northwestern Australia.In the images, captured Oct. 21, air moves away from land and over the ocean, and rows of curved white lines emerge, like ripples do in disturbed water. Those thin white bands are clouds forming on the crests of atmospheric gravity waves, according to the Australian meteorology site Weatherzone, which tweeted an animation of the satellite view on Oct. 22. Gravity waves appear following atmospheric disturbances; in this case, storms in the area produced cold air — which is denser than the warm air over land, Weatherzone says. Interaction between cool and warm air agitated the atmosphere, and the ripples that formed are gravity's way of restoring that lost equilibrium.Unlike gravitational waves — theoretical ripples in space-time, proposed by Einstein's theory of general relativity — gravity waves are a physical phenomenon. It's easy to picture the physical appearance of gravity waves in liquid: Think of ocean waves, or the ripples that form in a pond after you drop a pebble in the water. While we usually can't see gravity waves in the atmosphere, they behave in the same way that liquids do when they're disturbed, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Atmospheric gravity waves take shape from the push and pull between gravity and buoyancy; when air is perturbed, gravity pulls the air down and the air's buoyancy pushes it back up. In some cases, when there is enough moisture in the air, water condensation creates white vapor outlines along the crests of the oscillating air waves; the white lines dissipate as the air sinks into troughs. When that happens, the waves' rippling lines are visible to satellites — such as Japan's geostationary weather satellite Himawari-8, which captured the images featured on Weatherzone.A large, brownish dust plume carried over the ocean from the Australian coast was also visible in the satellite images, making the ripples even easier to spot, the Australian Broadcasting Corp.For SethA lawyer for one of the individuals caught up in the controversy over the unsolved murder of Democratic National Committee worker Seth Rich in Washington, D.C., in 2016 is asking acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell to declassify federal records in the case.Ty Clevenger made the request in a letter on behalf of client Ed Butowsky?after Grenell pushed the House Intelligence Committee to release 57 transcripts of testimony in the panel's Russia-collusion investigation.Butowsky, according to WND columnist Jack Cashill, "dared to ask questions no one in Washington wanted asked, let alone answered." Butowsky is a high-profile author and financial adviser involved in several legal actions claiming it was Rich, not Russian hackers, who purloined data from the DNC during the 2016 presidential campaign and turned it over to Wikileaks.Clevenger's letter notes the 2016 murder of Rich in Washington near his home and the fact that it still is unsolved.TRENDING:?James Woods: 'You bet' Obama's concerned about Flynn charges droppedButowsky's lawsuits concern "whether former Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich played a role in leaking emails from the DNC to Wikileaks," the letter states."[Wikileaks founder] Julian Assange strongly inferred that Mr. Rich – rather than Russian hackers – was responsible for sending the emails to Wikileaks," the letter states."I am reliably informed that the NSA or its partners intercepted at least some of the communications between Mr. Rich and Wikileaks," Clevenger wrote, noting the "deep state" already has tried to cover up information about Rich."Last September, Judicial Watch inadvertently obtained records about Mr. Rich by requesting communications between FBI lawyer Lisa Page and supervisory agent Peter Strzok. The header in the heavily redacted email string is "Seth Rich" and in one email Agent Strzok boasts about having 'squashed' something pertaining to Mr. Rich," Clevenger wrote.Further, Clevenger explained, he deposed Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Sines, the prosecutor in the Rich murder case. She said the FBI investigated possible intrusion of Rich's electronic accounts, the bureau examined Rich's computer and the FBI "did have" records pertaining to Rich.Clevenger also said famed journalist Seymour Hersh reported a high-ranking FBI official said communications between Rich and Wikileaks exist.Clevenger charged that "high-level officials" have pursued "extraordinary lengths to keep the [Russia collusion] hoax alive, and that extends to the false narrative that Russian agents were responsible for hacking the DNC."That was the conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller. But Clevenger said Mueller's source was "a CNN report."And Clevenger said several former NSA officials are ready to testify the DNC emails could not have been obtained by hacking because of markings on the published emails, "including the speeds at which the email files were transmitted."The government, however, refused to release any records.The lawyer explained the rules prohibit "the use of classification for purposes of concealing wrongdoing, and I believe the NSA is trying to conceal wrongdoing that occurred during the Obama administration. I respectfully request that you de-classify the NSA's records about Seth Rich, further directing the NSA to release the records."The witness transcripts recently released at Grenell's urging showed several top Democratic officials said under oath they had no direct evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia.Yet, the officials continued to insist in television interviews that they had evidence of collusion.The day after the 2016 election, Clevenger wrote, veteran news reporter Ellen Ratner?said at a symposium at Embry Riddle University?that on the previous Saturday she had spent three hours with Wikileaks founder Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.More than an hour into the conversation, she said, Assange disclosed that "the leaks were not from, they were not from the Russians," referring to the DNC emails."They were an internal source from the Hillary campaign."Butowsky claimed Ratner told him that Assange disclosed to her that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron, "were responsible for releasing the DNC emails to Wikileaks."Rich, 27, was shot and killed as he walked home in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016. Nothing was taken from him, and he was shot in the back.Assange told Dutch TV after the shooting: "Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. There's a 27-year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington."All Virus Roads Lead to SocialismOne fallout of the COVID-19 crisis is its severe thrashing of our economy. Not only have all the impressive economic gains of the Trump administration evaporated, but we are now adding to our national debt in scary ways. I hope that all the bailouts are temporary means to solve a temporary problem.To use an analogy: One of the saddest things about a midlife crisis is that?permanent damage?can be done to "solve" what turns out to be only a?temporary problem.?I pray that America won't adopt the permanent solution of socialism to solve our temporary coronavirus crisis.One of the most frightening things about the bailouts is that some people find that they are receiving more money for not working than they did when they were working.Long before the crisis, we have seen the rise of popularity of socialism among the young in America. A Gallup poll about a year ago found that 4 in 10 Americans embrace some form of socialism. Yipes.In short, if we are not careful, this crisis could end up greasing the skids toward socialism.President Trump wants to see us "inch" back to work and to recovery. But many Americans want to see us embrace socialism. Long before the coronavirus crisis, NYC socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was arguing that the "super wealthy" should be taxed up to 70% of their income in order to fund the "green new deal."Dr. Richard Land, the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, N.C., knows firsthand what it is like to live in a socialist country. After graduating Princeton, he studied at Oxford to earn his Ph.D. He lived in the U.K. from 1972-1975 and experienced socialism there before Margaret Thatcher turned things around, beginning in the late 1970s. He said, "It was horrible."In a?radio segment?warning against socialism, he told me, "In Great Britain, nothing worked."Some people had been paying 91% taxes before Thatcher's policies lowered it to 29%. She also privatized a lot of industries.The results were amazing. Before Thatcher's capitalist reforms, notes Land, England had the lowest per capita income in Western Europe. Because of her reforms, they ended up having the highest per capita income.But, someone might ask, "What about Scandinavia?" Land notes that they too abandoned socialism because it doesn't work. Instead, they have capitalism with a "liberal welfare state."What about all the young Americans who claim to embrace socialism? Land notes that they are thinking of socialism as just being "share and share alike." But that's not what it is. In socialism, the state becomes god. In a nanny state, you get the people more and more dependent upon the government for their very living.That is what makes this present meltdown of the economy so frightening. There may be many on the marginal side of life who are content to rely upon the government – even as a way of life beyond the crisis.Some people claim that the Scriptures advocate socialism. The Bible certainly promotes "share and share alike." However, sharing is voluntary. Socialism involves government coercion and theft from Citizen A's property on behalf of Citizen B. Meanwhile, the socialist government makes more money than either citizen in the administration of this theft by taxation and coercion.Dr. Land observes, "Some people have said that the Bible teaches socialism. They're wrong. They're simply wrong and they're very simplistic. The Bible tells us a great deal about the nature of man, which is pretty basic. And the heart of man, according to Jeremiah, is 'deceitful and desperately wicked; who can know it?'"Dennis Prager, founder of PragerU, once told me in a TV interview, "[Socialism] is against human nature. The moment you tell people that the community will take care of you, they work less. It undermines character."During the heyday of the Obama administration and their over-abundant spending on domestic programs, I asked Stephen Moore, an economist who has served both Presidents Reagan and Trump, about those who promote socialistic solutions because "it's the Christian thing to do."Moore answered, "I always laugh and sometimes frown when people say the Christian thing to do is to continue to spend money recklessly like we are doing now. … If the government spends a dollar, that dollar has to come from somebody or somewhere. … The real problem here is people say, 'Oh, it's so Christian to be spending all of this money on all these programs,' and I say, 'Wait a minute. Who's going to pay the cost? Isn't it Christian to care about your kids and your grandkids?'"May the coronavirus crisis be a temporary one. And may we be on our guard against any socialist framework that will do irreparable damage as a "solution" to this, Lord-willing, temporary problem.Starship SuccessSpaceX successfully test-fired a?Falcon 9 rocket in Florida today (May 13), setting the stage for a predawn launch of a a new fleet of? HYPERLINK "" Starlink internet satellites?this weekend.?The?SpaceX?rocket ignited the nine Merlin engines on its first stage in a brief static fire test atop a pad at Space Launch Complex 40 of the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Liftoff is set for Sunday at 3:53 a.m. EDT (0753 GMT).?"Static fire test of?Falcon 9?complete — targeting Sunday, May 17 at 3:53 a.m. EDT, 7:53 UTC, for launch of the eighth Starlink mission, which will lift off from SLC-40 in Florida," SpaceX?wrote on Twitter today.? HYPERLINK "" SpaceX test-fired a Falcon 9 rocket on pad 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 10am EDT (1400 GMT) in preparation for launch no earlier than Sunday with the next batch of Starlink satellites.Static-fire tests are routine preflight checks for SpaceX to ensure its rockets are ready for flight. The Falcon 9 rocket on this flight has flown four times before, launching two Starlink missions for SpaceX, as well as the?Iridium-8 mission in 2019?and?Telstar 18 VANTAGE satellite in 2018.For this flight, the Falcon 9 will carry 60 Starlink satellites for SpaceX's growing constellation of broadband internet satellites. The company has launched 422 satellites to date, making it the largest satellite fleet operator today.The upcoming Starlink mission will be SpaceX's eighth since mid-2019 and bring the number of satellites launched to 482. The Starlink constellation is designed to provide high-speed internet access to users around the world.?LAY SOUNDSpaceX CEO?Elon Musk?has said that at least 400 Starlink satellites would be required to begin internet service, with 800 satellites needed for moderate coverage. That service will be accessible through a ground-based terminal. SpaceX plans to launch at least 12,000 Starlink satellites for the main constellation.?Sunday's Falcon 9 launch will mark the second time a SpaceX booster has flown five times (the first was in March of this year). The 229-foot-tall (70 meters) Falcon 9 is a two-stage rocket capable of returning its first stage to Earth for a landing on either a ground-based pad or drone ship in the ocean.SpaceX has been reusing Falcon 9 boosters since 2017. The company has made resuability a cornerstone of its rocket technology in order to lower the cost of spaceflight.? ................

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