Questions for Lewis and Clark Poster Activity Documents


Document Packet #1:

Packet #1: Document #1: Primary Source Thomas Jefferson Speech

1. Who wrote the above document?

2. What goal did this person set for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Packet #1: Document #2: Octant

1. Who entered this journal entry? What was his job?

2. What is the name of the instrument in this document and what was it used for?

Packet #1: Document #3: Sextant

1. What is the name of the object in this document? What was it used for?

2. What is the difference between this object in Document #3 and the one from Document #2? (Explain)

Packet #1: Document #4: Measurement Errors

1. According to the document was it solely human error that caused the measurements to be inaccurate?

2. According to the above document what were the reasons given as to why Lewis and Clark’s measurements were often inaccurate?

3. Do you think that in today’s technological society measurements are more accurate? Why? Explain.

Packet #1: Document #5: Maps of Lewis and Clark Expedition

1. Look at the 3 maps, list at least 3 ways in which the maps are different.

2. According to Map #3, how many states developed out of the territory Lewis and Clark traveled on their expedition?

3. According to Map #2, which route did Lewis take and which route did Clark take? Why do you think the men would have taken different routes?


Document Packet #2:

Packet #2: Document #1: Places-Names

1. Using the documents under “Place Names” explain the 3 ways Lewis and Clark chose names for places along their journey.

2. Using the map above name 3 places/natural resources named after people from the Corps of Discovery.

Packet #2: Document #2: Mountains, Montana & Idaho

1. According to the Document how wide were the Rocky Mountains?

2. Name 3 Mountain Ranges along the Continental Divide.

3. What are some problems Lewis and Clark may have faced traveling through the Rocky Mountains?

Packet#2: Document #3: Lewis and Clark Expedition Supplies

1. How much were Lewis and Clark given by Congress to fund their expedition?

2. There were several dozen men in the Corps of Discovery group, as well as supplies and a dog. The group was to gather animals, plants, and trade with the Natives. Why do you think they only had 2 pirogues (open boats) and 1 55 foot boat, and 2 horses? Would they need more transportation to fulfill their goals?

3. What was “portable soup” according to the supplies list?

4. What was the most expensive supply/item that they purchased? Why do you think they purchased it is it was so expensive?

5. You are traveling thousands of miles, why do you think Lewis and Clark would have brought the amount of books they did on their journey?

Packet#2: Document #4: Did You Know?

1. According to the document how many miles does William Clark believe the group traveled from the mouth of the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean?

2. According to the document how many total miles did the group travel and how long did it take them?

3. What was York allowed to do that others slaves and free African Americans would not be allowed to do for at least 60 more years?

4. According to the document how much meat would each man eat per day? Why do you think they ate this quantity of meat?


Document Packet #3:

Packet # 3: Document #1: Toussaint Charbonneau

1. According to the document why was Charbonneau hired on the expedition?

2. According to the document was Charbonneau good on the water? What did Lewis say about Charbonneau? Explain

3. According to the document did Charbonneau cause problems for the expedition party? If so what were some of the problems he caused?

4. What did Charbonneau do after the Lewis and Clark Expedition was over? Explain

Packet # 3: Document #2: John Ordway

1. What is special about John Orday’s journal? Explain

2. What was important to John Orday according to the quote from his journal at the beginning of the document?

3. According to the document what state was Orday from?

4. Who did Orday purchase land grants from after the expedition was over?

5. How much land did Orday now own?

6. What did he do with the land?

7. According to the document Orday was prosperous for a time until something happened- not just to him but to everyone living in New Madrid. What happened to end his prosperity?

8. According to the document what job did Lewis give to Orday in Lewis and Clark’s absence from camp?

9. On the return trip in 1806, what did Ordway do when they got to the Three Forks of the Missouri River?

Packet # 3: Document #3: Ebenezer Tuttle

1. What rank did Tuttle hold in the US Army according to the document?

2. According to the document when did Tuttle join the army and where?

3. Do they know for sure if Tuttle was sent back early? Explain?

Packet # 3: Document #4: Richard Windsor

1. According to the document what happened to Richard Windsor on June 7th 1805? Explain in detail.

2. What detail was Windsor assigned to? What was his duty?

3. According to the document, what did Windsor and several others vetrans do in 1807 after the expedition?


Document Packet #4:

Packet # 4: Document #1: Sacagawea

1. According to the document what tribe did Sacagawea belong to?

2. According to the document what happened to her when she was 12 years old?

3. According to the document what Native American tribe did she live with after the incident?

4. According to the document what present day state(s) were they located?

5. How did Toussaint Charbonneau come to “marry” her? What was she really to him?

6. Why do you think Sacagawea has so many different spellings for her name?

7. What does her name mean?

8. According to the document Sacagawea gave birth on the expedition. What was the boy’s name?

9. According to the document what nickname did Captain Clark give to him?

10. According to the document what contributions did Sacagawea make to the expedition?

11. According to the document when do they believe Sacagawea died?

Packet # 4: Document #2: Sacagawea- Hew Own Work

1. According to the document What was Sacagawea’s brother’s name?

2. What was his rank among the Shoshone?

3. According to the document what did the Shoshone supply to the corps for their expedition?

Packet # 4: Document #3: Sacagawea- The Interpreter’s Wife

1. According to the 1st quote in the document what was the “good news’ Sacagwea provided the corps?

2. Who was not willing to believe her guiding interpretation?

3. Why do you think he was willing to believe Sacagawea the next time she made a prediction?

Packet # 4: Document #4: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

1. According to the document where was Lewis from?

2. When did Lewis join the militia?

3. According to the document where did Lewis and Clark meet?

4. According to the document what was the first job Thomas Jefferson offered Lewis? What was the date Lewis received the information?

5. According to the document does Lewis accept this job offer?

6. According to this document what date did Congress appropriate funds for the Expedition west? Was this before or after the Louisiana Purchase?

7. How did William Clark join the ranks as co-commander of the expedition?

8. According to the document what state was William Clark from?

9. According to the document how were Lewis and Clark similar?

10. According to the document how were Lewis and Clark different?

11. What happened to Lewis after the expedition according to the document?

12. What happened to Clark after the expedition according to the document?


Document Packet #5:

Packet # 5: Document #1: Map of Native American Tribes

1. According to the map which Native American group did Lewis and Clark first encounter on their expedition?

2. According to the map which Native American group did Lewis and Clark last encounter on their expedition when they reached the Pacific Ocean?

Packet # 5: Document #2: Political Organizations of the 7 Councils

(Questions are on separate paper attached)

Packet # 5: Document #3: Missouri Indians

1. According to the document what group did the Missouri Indians belong to?

2. According to the document what river did they live along and what 2 states did it border?

3. What type of dwellings did they live in?

4. According to the document what happened to many of the Missouris that forced them to combine with the Oto tribe?

5. When did Lewis and Clark first encounter the Missouri and Otos? What were most of the Natives doing?

6. What happened on August 3rd 1804 that was significant for Lewis and Clark achieving one of the goals Thomas Jefferson set for them?

7. According to the document what did Lewis and Clark tell the Natives?

8. According to the document what did Lewis and Clark advise the Missouris to do?

9. According to the document who was the leading Missouri chief?

10. According to the document who was the leading Oto chief?

11. According to the document what happened on August 18th that made the chiefs unhappy with Lewis and Clark?

12. When did Little Chief and Big Horse finally meet with President Thomas Jefferson?

Packet # 5: Document #4: Teton Sioux

1. According to the document what area did the Teton Sioux occupy?

2. According the document what was the relationship between the teton Sioux and the Arikaras? Explain

3. According to the document how did Lewis and Clark approach the Native Americans when they first arrived at the camp?

4. According to the document were the Teton Sioux and Lewis and Clark friendly? Explain.

5. According to the document how did Clark describe the Teton Sioux in his journal?

6. What do you think was a huge obstacle for the Teton Sioux and the Corps of Discovery?

Packet # 5: Document #5: Arikara Indians

1. According to the document what area did the Arikara occupy?

2. According to the document what happened to the tribe in the 1780’s?

3. According to the document what type of dwellings(homes) did the Arikara live in?

4. What was the main occupation of the Arikara? Explain in detail.

5. Did Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery get along with the Arikaras?

6. According to the document what happened in the negotiations between Lewis and Clark and the Arikaras?

7. What fascinated the Arikaras the most about the expedition group?


Document Packet #6:

Packet # 6: Document #1: Map of Native American Tribes

1. According to the map which Native American group did Lewis and Clark first encounter on their expedition?

2. According to the map which Native American group did Lewis and Clark last encounter on their expedition when they reached the Pacific Ocean?

Packet # 6: Document #2: Mandan Indians

1. According to the document where were the Mandan tribes located?

2. According to the document how many villages did they live in and what were the names of the villages?

3. Since Lewis and Clark mispronounced the names what are the real names of the villages according to the document?

4. According to the document when did the Corps of Discovery reach the Mandan villages?

5. According to the document what do they say is the importance of the village?

6. According to the document the Mandan people had an important object that stood at the center of their village. What was the object and what did it symbolize?

7. According to the document how was the Mandan village set up (laid out)?

8. What tribe could the Mandan not get along with?

9. According to the document did the Mandan people understand and accept the goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition had in store for them?

10. What did the Mandan’s supply the Corps of Discovery with?

Packet # 6: Document #3: Hidatsa Indians

1. According to the document how many villages did the Hidatsa Indians have?

2. According to the document what were the names of the villages and where were they located?

3. According to the document what type of dwellings did the Hidatsa live in?

4. According to the document what did the Hidatsa grow?

5. According to the document how were the Hidatsa and the Mandan tribes different?

6. According to the document what did the Mandans do to trick the Hidatsa into not wanting to trade with Lewis and Clark? Did this affect how the Hidatsa treated Lewis and Clark?

7. Who did the Hidatsa introduce Lewis and Clark to?

Packet # 6: Document #4: Assinibon Indians

1. According to the document where were the Assinibon tribe located?

2. According to the document what tribe did they originally belong to?

3. What foreign country had established trade with the Assinibon before Lewis and Clark arrived?

4. According to the document which group of Native Americans was a center of trade?

5. According to the document which Native Americans traded friendly with one another?

6. According to the document did the Assinibon look favorably on the expedition and Lewis and Clark? Explain.

Packet # 6: Document #5: Blackfeet Indians

1. According to the document where were the Blackfeet tribe located?

2. According to the document were the Blackfeet friendly to foreigners? Explain.

3. What did Lewis and Clark explain to the Blackfeet while they camped together in July 1806?

4. According to the document how did the Blackfeet feel about the American’s message?

5. After Lewis and Clark explained their goal were the Blackfeet friendly or unfriendly?


Document Packet #7:

Packet # 7: Document #1: Map of Native American Tribes

1. According to the map which Native American group did Lewis and Clark first encounter on their expedition?

2. According to the map which Native American group did Lewis and Clark last encounter on their expedition when they reached the Pacific Ocean?

Packet # 7: Document #2: Shoshone Indians

1. According to the document what was another name for the Shoshone?

2. According to the document where were the Shoshone located?

3. According to the document what type of dwellings did the Shoshone live in?

4. According to the document what did the Shoshone mostly hunt?

5. How was this different from the natives who lived west of the Rockies?

6. What did the Astinas do to the Shoshone hunting party in 1805?

7. What did the Lemhi Shoshones live off of?

8. What was the name of the Shoshone chief who helped Lewis and Clark?

9. What supplies did he give to Lewis and Clark?

10. According to the document what was the Shoshone’s biggest concern for their tribe?

Packet # 7: Document #3: Nez Perce Indians

1. According to the document where were the Nez Perce located?

2. According to the document what were the Nez Perce famous for?

3. According to the document how did not owning guns hurt the Nez Perce tribe?

4. According to the document were the Nez Perce friendly or unfriendly to Lewis and Clark? Explain.

5. Who was the Chief who helped Clark? How did he help the expedition?

6. What did Clark do to help the Indians? What nickname did he earn?

Packet # 7: Document #4: Walla Walla Indians

1. According to the document where were the Walla Walla located?

2. Why was the chief upset with Lewis and Clark?

3. According to the document what was the make up of the Walla Walla village?

4. According to the document what did Lewis and Clark trade with the chief of the Walla Walla?

Packet # 7: Document #5: Wishram Indians and Wasco Indians

1. According to the document where were the Wishram and Wasco located?

2. What was the name of the Wishram village that meant “Trading places”?

3. What type of dwelling did the Wishram live in and how many families lived in each?

4. What native American groups came to trade with the Wishram?

5. What types of items did the Native American groups above trade?


Document Packet #8:

Packet # 8: Document #1: Map of Native American Tribes

1. According to the map which Native American group did Lewis and Clark first encounter on their expedition?

2. According to the map which Native American group did Lewis and Clark last encounter on their expedition when they reached the Pacific Ocean?

Packet # 8: Document #2: Tillamook Indians

1. According to the document where were the Tillamook located?

2. Which village was the southernmost village Lewis and Clark reached?

3. How and where did the Tillamook and the Corps of Discovery first meet? What were the circumstances?

4. Where were Lewis and Clark wintering?

5. Why did Clark lead a party from the Corps to the whale?

Packet # 8: Document #3: Clatsop Indians

1. According to the document where were the Clatsop located?

2. According to the document who were the Clatsop neighbors with?

3. According to the document which Clatsop chief was the only one who meet with the Corps of Discovery?

4. According to the document how did the Clatsop aid/help the Corps of discovery?

5. What was a negative incident that took place between the Clatsop and the Corps of Discovery?

Packet # 8: Document #4: Chinook Indians

1. According to the document where were the Chinook located?

2. According to the document who were the relatives of the Chinook?

3. According to the document how did William Clark in his journal excerpt describe the dress of the Chinook people?

4. According to the document how did the meeting with the Chinook and Lewis and Clark go in October 1805? Explain what they traded and how they acted in detail.

5. According to the document what was a negative thing that happened between the Chinook and the Corps of Discovery?

6. What was a determining factor about where the group would camp during the winter of 1805-1806?


Document Packet #9:

Packet # 9: Document #1: Prairie Dogs

1. Make a generalization about the information from the first journal entry from September 7th 1804.

2. According to the first journal entry above, what species of animals, reptiles, and such were encountered upon their digging and investigating?

3. According to William Clark’s journal entry from September 7th 1804, how did he describe the prairie dog and how it lived?

Packet # 9: Document #2: Grizzly Bear Encounters

1. According to the map and the journal entry where did Lewis and Clark first encounter Grizzly Bears?

2. According to the document what had Lewis learned about the grizzly bear?

Packet # 9: Document #3: Journal entries From April 29th and May 5th 1805

1. According to the journal entry how does Meriwether Lewis describe the bears?

2. According to the journal entry from May 5th 1805, what other animal always seems to travel with the Buffalo?

3. According to the journal entry describe the difficulties the expedition faced because of the bears. Use specific detail from the documents.

Packet # 9: Document #4: Journal entries From May 11th and June 5th 1805

1. In the entry from May 11th why was Bratton running so fast?

2. What happened to the bear?

3. Why was Lewis so astonished about the condition of the bear?

4. Why were the bears so troublesome and bothersome to the expedition crew?

Packet # 9: Document #5: Mistaken Identity

1. Why did the bear pursue the Corps of Discovery?

Packet # 9: Document #6: Bison Along the Trail

1. According to the map, what present day states did Lewis and Clark encounter Buffalo (Bison)?

2. According to the document, when and where did Lewis and Clark first encounter Buffalo?

3. According to the document how does Lewis describe the Buffalo’s behavior?

Packet # 9: Document #7: Journal Entries April 25th 1805 and May 9th 1805

1. According to the document, what animals did Lewis describe as gentle?

2. According to the journal entry why do the animals keep approaching the group?

3. In the May 9th journal entry why does Charbonneau call the stream “The Big dry river”?

4. In the document Meriwether Lewis is concerned about the river, what is his concern?

Packet # 9: Document #8: Moose

1. In the document what does Lewis write about Moose?


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