Toolkit Contents

This toolkit provides resources for supermarket-based strategies to encourage healthy eating, including in-store marketing, nutrition education, tasting events, supermarket tours, community events and nutrition classes, and outreach to the Food Stamps/SNAP population.

The toolkit is organized into the following 6 sections:

In-Store Marketing

Nutrition Education

Tasting Events Store Tours

Look for the color-coded tabs.

Community Events

SNAP Outreach

Each section includes a tip sheet with corresponding resources and materials for implementation.

Supermarkets can use a variety of tools to provide customers with helpful information to encourage healthy eating, and these strategies can be customized for each supermarket, depending on shoppers' needs and preferences, and existing resources in the store and local community. Supermarkets can select strategies in this toolkit to provide nutrition guidance for customers in a way that fits their store environment.

Supermarket Strategies to Encourage Healthy Eating | Welcome

Supermarket-Based Nutrition Strategies

Following is a list of recommended supermarket-based nutrition strategies. Select strategies that are of interest and see toolkit sections for more information.

Checklist Mark all areas of interest.


In-Store Marketing

Provide ready-to-eat/pre-cut fruits and vegetables/value produce section.

Create promotional shelf space designated for healthier snacks/lunch items.

Use shelf talkers to provide guidance on healthier products at point of sale.

Use shelf space, shelf position, and endcap displays to promote healthy items (e.g., stock more low-fat milk, water, whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables, etc. at eye level).

Maximize customer exposure: stock healthier options in high traffic and high visibility areas such as endcaps and candy-free checkout aisles.

Use promotional strategies such as coupons, contests, and Buy One Get One Free offers on healthier products.

Nutrition Education

Provide print nutrition education materials in a variety of venues (point of purchase, targeted store areas like produce section, during tours or classes).

Provide a variety of consumer-friendly materials such as healthy recipes, information about specific nutrients and/or health conditions, tips for shopping on a budget, and tips for selecting and storing fresh produce.

Tasting Events

Provide in-store tasting events that include bite-sized portions of low-cost, easy to prepare, healthy foods and related materials and promotions.

Store Tours Coordinate store tours to highlight availability of healthier items. Provide incentives to tour participants (e.g., shopping bags, gift cards).

Community Events Offer free nutrition classes to help customers learn to shop for healthier foods. (Topics such as reading food labels, shopping on a budget, shopping for specific health conditions, etc.). Organize community day events. Increase publicity for store-based events by involving local media and community leaders. Participate in community events and health fairs.

SNAP Outreach

Contact the organizations throughout New York that assist families in applying for SNAP. Contact a nutrition educator who will provide information to customers in your store. Hang signs and outreach materials about enrolling in the SNAP program on community bulletin boards in your store.

Supermarket Strategies to Encourage Healthy Eating | Welcome

Supermarket: Address:

Contact: Phone:



According to the New York City Department of City Planning, 3 million city residents lack access to fresh, healthy food near their homes. Inadequate access to fresh food has been linked to poor health outcomes in these neighborhoods, including high rates of obesity and diabetes.

The New York Healthy Food & Healthy Communities Fund (HFHCF) is an innovative financing program, established to facilitate the development of healthy food markets in underserved communities throughout New York. Grocers who participate in the fund can obtain grants and loans for the construction and expansion of stores.

HFHCF is part of New York Governor David A. Paterson's initiative to promote healthy communities statewide. The Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF), The Reinvestment Fund, and The Food Trust are partnering to meet the financing needs of food markets in underserved communities across the state.

By providing capital and technical assistance to help grocery store operators establish or expand local food markets, HFHCF increases access to healthy foods, creates local jobs, and supports the health and well-being of New Yorkers.

This toolkit, funded by a grant from Goldman Sachs, is designed to complement and reinforce HFHCF's goal to support the health and well-being of New Yorkers. The toolkit provides resources for grocers and community groups seeking strategies to promote healthy eating.

Supermarket Strategies to Encourage Healthy Eating | Introduction

Supermarkets and Good Health

Supermarkets are valuable resources to a neighborhood, not only because they provide access to healthy, nutritious food but also because they can be a pivotal connection point in the community. People regularly go grocery shopping, making supermarkets a prime venue to engage and educate the community about healthy eating and nutrition. Supermarkets are uniquely positioned to help shoppers eat more healthfully, and many shoppers would welcome guidance on choosing and preparing foods to help them stay healthy. A recent report by Catalina Marketing Institute found that 66% of grocery shoppers are looking for ways to improve their health and wellness, and that shoppers are receptive to services to help them make healthy food choices and manage health concerns. However, only half agree that their primary supermarket helps them in these efforts. Just 1 in 4 shoppers feels their supermarket helps them manage their personal health concerns.1

The materials in this toolkit aim to: 1. Provide strategies and resources for supermarkets to encourage and incentivize

consumers to make healthy food choices, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk and milk products, lean meats, and healthy snack and beverage choices. 2. Support supermarkets with profitable business strategies for marketing and increasing sales of healthier items. 3. Improve nutrition and shopping patterns by motivating consumers to prepare and consume healthy foods at home. In-store nutrition related events, such as supermarket tours, cooking demonstrations and food tastings, distribution of recipes and outreach materials help stores showcase healthy products and build demand for nutritious foods. Stores and community partners can use one, or all of the following approaches, to help guide consumers towards healthy purchases.

1 Catalina Marketing Institute (2010). Helping Shoppers Overcome the Barriers to Choosing Healthful Foods.

Supermarket Strategies to Encourage Healthy Eating | Introduction

In-Store Marketing

In-Store Marketing


? Supermarkets are in a unique position to market nutritious products and increase their appeal and affordability for consumers.

? Many factors influence what consumers buy in a supermarket including supermarket layout, in-store marketing activities and promotions, and the atmosphere of the supermarket.

? Approximately 60% of purchase decisions are made in the supermarket and are unplanned. Marketing tactics employed inside grocery stores have huge potential to help shift families purchases towards healthier options.2

? 50% of shoppers feel that their supermarket helps them make healthful choices. Increasing in-store marketing techniques to promote healthy product lines is a competitive strategy to keep up with the growing consumer demand for nutritious food.3

? Parents rate the grocery store as one of the top places where they are most likely to pay attention to information regarding food and health topics.4

Photo courtesy of Fresh Grocer, Philadelphia 2 Leigh McAlister, Barbara E. Kahn, Grocery Revolution: The New Focus on the Consumer (1997). 3 New Grocery Shopper Attitude Study Reveals Barriers to Healthy Eating and Lifestyle. Catalina Marketing. Published: 11/01/2010 4 Helping Shoppers Overcome the Barriers to Choosing Healthful Foods. St. Petersburg, FL: Catalina Marketing, 2010,

Supermarket Strategies to Encourage Healthy Eating | In-Store Marketing


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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