Accounting II Syllabus

Accounting II SyllabusThis course is designed to continue the study of accounting principles. The content includes voucher systems, cash receipts, petty cash, payroll records, and internal control systems. Accounting lab fee - $10Course expectations:Come to class regularly and on time with materials ready and home learning completed. Complete class work and participate when asked to do so. Ask for help when needed. ALWAYS try your BEST! Course objectives include: Apply principles and concepts of the full accounting cycle to corporations and other entities. Develop an awareness of internal control systems. Compare and contrast the cost of merchandise inventory using various inventory evaluation methods (e.g., LIFO, FIFO, weighted average, gross profit). Analyze financial statement items to make informed business decisions. Required materials:Three ring binder (Copy of this syllabus should be included in your notebook) Calculator 6 inch ruler Pencils, mechanical pencils, erasable ink pen, eraser ?Attendance- All work is expected to be done on time. However, if you have an excused absence upon your return it is the student’s responsibility to catch up on all missed work.? Tardiness- Tardiness will result in lower conduct grades. ? Unexcused late work- It is imperative that all students exercise responsibility and turn in all assignments on the date that they are due. The student will receive a 10-point reduction in their grade for each day their assignment is late. Classroom rulesRespect others and their property. No food or drinks in class room. Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on. Work quietly and do not disturb others while they are working. Use appropriate language and classroom etiquette at all times. Consequences for breaking classroom rulesVerbal Warning Parent Contact/Detention Referral to Administration Grading systemEffort grading systemCategory weightA = 100 - 90% ?????????????????1 = OutstandingTest = 30%B = 89 - 80%2 = Satisfactory Homework = 20%C = 79 - 70%3 = InsufficientClass work = 30%D = 69 - 60%?Quiz= 20%F?< 60??? ................

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