

“Read the best books first . . .” Henry David Thoreau

“So many books, so little time.” Frank Zappa

“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.” Groucho Marx

Mrs. Hurdle

School Phone: 336-771-4500

School Email: blhurdle@wsfcs.k12.nc.us


Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday 3:45-4:15 pm;

Tuesday/Thursday 8:15-8:45 am; or by appointment.


The College and Career Ready Common Core Standards for English IV students states that students who are proficient in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and Language should display the following attributes:

• They demonstrate independence.

• They build strong content knowledge.

• They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline.

• They comprehend as well as critique.

• They value evidence.

• They use technology and digital media strategically and capably.

• They come to understand other perspectives and cultures.

Students in English IV will integrate all the language arts skills gained throughout their education. Students continue to explore informational and literary texts with a focus on British Literature.


Expectations For Students

All students will be expected to adhere to the following classroom expectations:

1. Students will come to class (attendance) and will be ready to begin class when the bell rings (tardiness).

• WSFCS policy states that a student who is absent (excused or unexcused) 5 times during a grading period or 10 times during a semester may be denied credit for the course. The option to attend Saturday Academy to recover coursework and credit missed due to absences over five days will be initiated by the teacher (see student handbook for details). If you are ill, have a doctor’s appointment, court appearance, etc., please bring an official note to excuse your absence when you return to class.

• The classroom door will close when the bell sounds. If you are outside the door, you are tardy. After three tardies, and with each subsequent tardy you will be referred to Time-Out. Glenn High School policy states that a student with six or more cumulative (all classes counted together) tardies during a grading period can be subject to parental contact, ISS, Saturday Academy, and/or OSS.

2. Students will be responsible by fully participating in class discussions, diligently completing class work and homework, and earnestly striving to do their best at all times.

• Time management skills are absolutely essential to success in this class as in all areas of life. Just like a parent or an employer, I dislike procrastination and late work. You are in my class to prepare yourself for your post-graduation studies and for life. I put in many long hours to be the best teacher I can be for you; I expect you to be the best student you can for me. Therefore, all assignments will be turned in at the beginning of the period on the day they are due. Students who are absent on the day an assignment is due will be expected to turn in the assignment on the day they return to class. Students who are absent on the day work is assigned will have two days for each day absent to turn in missed assignments. Tests and quizzes must be made up within five days. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed assignments when absent.

3. Students will take care of all personal needs (restroom, water break, trips to office, guidance, etc.) prior to the beginning of the class period.

4. Students will show respect to people and property. This means all people and all property. I will treat you with the utmost respect, and I expect you to do the same for me as well as every other student in the class. There is almost nothing I dislike more than someone cursing (this will not be tolerated), raising his/her voice, or interrupting/ disrespecting others during class. I also dislike people who pack up before class is finished, do make-up/hair, or sleep/snore in class. In addition, gum and trash belong in the wastebasket and paper is for writing on, not desks.

5. Students will follow the school rules of dress found in the student handbook. School is your job-come dressed to be successful.

6. Students will refrain from using and/or displaying any and all technology in class except when indicated by the teacher for instructional purposes. The student will be given one warning, and then the item in question will be confiscated and given to the student’s administrator (see student handbook).

7. Students will refrain from photographing or recording any other person (including teachers) without that person’s consent. It is a violation of a person’s right to privacy to photograph or record a person without his/her permission.

Plagiarism/ Cheating

I begin the semester with complete trust and faith in each student. Please do not lower yourself in my eyes or, more importantly, in your own, by cheating or being dishonest in any way. You have only one reputation, and it takes only one negligent act to destroy it. The WSFCS policy states that plagiarism and cheating are Level II D-1 offenses (1-3 days suspension) and will include a zero on the work and contact with a parent/guardian.


Each student will need a pack of composition notebook, spiral bound note cards, a pack of 3x5 note cards, a folder with pockets or a binder, notebook paper, pen, pencil, and highlighters for class each day.

A wi-fi capable laptop, tablet or phone is recommended.


Progress Reports:

All students will receive progress reports every three weeks. In addition, parents can access grade reports via Power School ParentPortal at any time. If there are any questions regarding your progress, please discuss it with me as soon as possible.


All assignments (including class work, homework, independent reading, journal entries, etc.), projects, quizzes, and tests, as well as preparation for class and class participation, may be included in the semester grade. All work will count equally unless specified by the teacher (i.e. a project may count twice as much as a homework assignment)

The final grade for English IV is computed as follows:

Quarter 1 Grade 40%

Quarter 2 Grade 40%

Final Exam Grade 20%

Senior Exemption for Final Exam: WSFCS policy states that a senior may not be exempt from a course that has an NC Final Exam or an EOC Test. Since English IV has an NC Final Exam, no student may be exempt.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

I have read and listened to Ms. Hurdle’s explanation of the previous guidelines, including the attendance/tardy policy, the grading policy, and the expectations for student behavior, and I

understand that I must follow these guidelines while in her classroom. I also understand that

English IV is a required course for graduation. Failure of English IV may result in my being unable to

graduate in June.

Student Name (Print): ________________________________________________________

Student Signature: __________________________________________________________

I certify that I have read the rules and expectations for Ms. Hurdle’s classroom, and I understand that my student must commit to them for success in English IV. I understand that English IV is a required class for graduation and failure of this class may prevent my student from graduating in June.

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Number: __________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian E-Mail: ________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Comments or Concerns:

Parents/Guardians-Consider signing up for my REMIND messaging system. I will periodically send students messages about what we did in class and/or due dates for assignments. You can stay informed by signing up and by checking my website for a schedule of daily assignments.


Remind is a one-way text messaging and email system. With Remind, all personal information remains completely confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you ever see theirs. Visit to learn more.

How to sign up for Mrs. Hurdle's English IV REMIND messages:

To receive messages via text, text @hurdle58 to 81010. You can opt-out of messages at anytime

by replying, 'unsubscribe @hurdle58'.

Or to receive messages via email, visit join/hurdle58. To unsubscribe, reply with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line.


Contract for English iv


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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