Stetson University

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| Teamwork and Collaboration Rubric | |

| | | | | | | |

|Influence and empower others toward a common goal through awareness of one’s actions, abilities and beliefs; understanding and respecting others; | |

|strategic thinking; and decision making. | |

| | |

|-Defining Group Outcomes | |

|-Creating a Supportive Environment | |

|-Communicating Openly | |

|-Supporting Risk Taking | |

|-Defining Roles and Processes | |

|-Being Mutually Accountable | |

|-Establishing Clear Standards of Conduct and Behavior | |

|-Adapting to Changing Conditions | |

|Components |Beginning |Developing |Accomplished |Exemplary |Score | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 | | |

| |[Also see “Teamwork and | | | | | |

| |Collaboration” Rubrics | | | | | |

| |from other universities | | | | | |

| |and organizations: | | | | | |

| |(AAC&U Teamwork Value | | | | | |

| |Rubric | | | | | |

| |(Lawrence Technological | | | | | |

| |University Rubric for Peer| | | | | |

| |Evaluation in Teamwork | | | | | |

| |(Clemson University | | | | | |

| |Collaboration Rubric | | | | | |

| |(Deakin University Peer | | | | | |

| |and Self-Assessment of | | | | | |

| |Collaboration Rubric | | | | | |

| |(Rollins College Teamwork | | | | | |

| |Rubric | | | | | |

| |(Northern Arizona Teamwork| | | | | |

| |Rubric | | | | | |

| |(Texas A&M University | | | | | |

| |Teams and Groups Rubric | | | | | |

|Defining Group Outcomes |(Never has defined group |(Rarely has defined group|(Sometimes has defined |(Almost always has defined| | |

| |outcomes |outcomes |group outcomes |group outcomes | | |

| |(Never provides clear |(Rarely provides clear |(Sometimes provides clear|(Almost always provides | | |

| |direction |direction |direction |clear direction | | |

| |(Never plans and takes |(Rarely plans and takes |(Sometimes plans and |(Almost always plans and | | |

| |action toward achievement |action toward achievement|takes action toward |takes action toward | | |

| |of goals |of goals |achievement of goals |achievement of goals | | |

| |(Never thinks and acts |(Rarely thinks and acts |achievement of goals |(Almost always thinks and | | |

| |proactively and |proactively and |(Sometimes thinks and |acts proactively and | | |

| |strategically |strategically |acts proactively and |strategically | | |

| | | |strategically | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Creating a Supportive |(Never creates a |(Rarely creates a |(Sometimes creates a |(Almost always creates a | | |

|Environment |supportive environment |supportive environment |supportive environment |supportive environment | | |

| |(Never secures necessary |(Rarely secures necessary|(Sometimes secures |(Almost always secures | | |

| |resources |resources |necessary resources |necessary resources | | |

| |(Never seeks outside |(Rarely seeks outside |(Sometimes seeks outside |(Almost always seeks | | |

| |assistance |assistance |assistance |outside assistance | | |

| |(Never provides training |(Rarely provides training|(Sometimes provides |(Almost always provides | | |

| |(Never rewards and |(Rarely rewards and |training |training | | |

| |celebrates good |celebrates good |(Sometimes rewards and |(Almost always rewards and| | |

| |performance |performance |celebrates good |celebrates good | | |

| | | |performance |performance | | |

|Communicating Openly |(Never communicates openly|(Rarely communicates |(Sometimes communicates |(Almost always | | |

| |(Never shares important |openly |openly |communicates openly | | |

| |information |(Rarely shares important |(Sometimes shares |(Almost always shares | | |

| |(Never listens actively |information |important information |important information | | |

| |(Never asks thoughtful |(Rarely listens actively |(Sometimes listens |(Almost always listens | | |

| |questions |(Rarely asks thoughtful |actively |actively | | |

| |(Never provides |questions |(Sometimes asks |(Almost always asks | | |

| |constructive feedback |(Rarely provides |thoughtful questions |thoughtful questions | | |

| | |constructive feedback |(Sometimes provides |(Almost always provides | | |

| | | |constructive feedback |constructive feedback | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Supporting Risk Taking |(Never supports risk |(Rarely supports risk |(Sometimes supports risk |(Almost always supports | | |

| |taking |taking |taking |risk taking | | |

| |(Never gives members |(Rarely gives members |(Sometimes gives members |(Almost always gives | | |

| |freedom to think and act |freedom to think and act |freedom to think and act |members freedom to think | | |

| |creatively |creatively |creatively |and act creatively | | |

| |(Never tries out new |(Rarely tries out new |(Sometimes tries out new |(Almost always tries out | | |

| |things |things |things |new things | | |

| |(Is never able to take |(Is rarely able to take |(Is sometimes able to |(Is almost always able to | | |

| |calculated risks |calculated risks |take calculated risks |take calculated risks | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Defining Roles and Processes |(Never defines roles and |(Rarely defines roles and|(Sometimes defines roles |(Almost always defines | | |

| |processes |processes |and processes |roles and processes | | |

| |(Never clearly spells out |(Rarely clearly spells |(Sometimes clearly spells|(Almost always clearly | | |

| |responsibilities |out responsibilities |out responsibilities |spells out | | |

| |(Never uses team member |(Rarely uses team member |(Sometimes uses team |responsibilities | | |

| |strengths to the advantage|strengths to the |member strengths to the |(Almost always uses team | | |

| |of all |advantage of all |advantage of all |member strengths to the | | |

| |(Never provides clearly |(Rarely provides clearly |(Sometimes provides |advantage of all | | |

| |written policies and |written policies and |clearly written policies |(Almost always provides | | |

| |procedures |procedures |and procedures |clearly written policies | | |

| | | | |and procedures | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Being Mutually Accountable |(Is never mutually |(Is rarely mutually |(Is sometimes mutually |(Is almost always mutually| | |

| |accountable |accountable |accountable |accountable | | |

| |(Never takes |(Rarely takes |(Sometimes takes |(Almost always takes | | |

| |responsibility for the |responsibility for the |responsibility for the |responsibility for the | | |

| |success of the group |success of the group |success of the group |success of the group | | |

| |(Never participates in |(Rarely participates in |(Sometimes participates |(Almost always | | |

| |group decision making |group decision making |in group decision making |participates in group | | |

| |(Never contributes to the |(Rarely contributes to |(Sometimes contributes to|decision making | | |

| |group with ideas, |the group with ideas, |the group with ideas, |(Almost always contributes| | |

| |suggestions, and effort |suggestions, and effort |suggestions, and effort |to the group with ideas, | | |

| |(Never promotes a sense of|(Rarely promotes a sense |(Sometimes promotes a |suggestions, and effort | | |

| |shared values and identity|of shared values and |sense of shared values |(Almost always promotes a | | |

| |(Never willing to help |identity |and identity |sense of shared values and| | |

| |others when needed |(Rarely willing to help |(Sometimes willing to |identity | | |

| |(Never trusts teammates |others when needed |help others when needed |(Almost always willing to | | |

| |and key collaborators to |(Rarely trusts teammates |(Sometimes trusts |help others when needed | | |

| |deliver what they promise |and key collaborators to |teammates and key |(Almost always trusts | | |

| | |deliver what they promise|collaborators to deliver |teammates and key | | |

| | | |what they promise |collaborators to deliver | | |

| | | | |what they promise | | |

|Establishing Clear Standards |(Never establishes clear |(Rarely establishes clear|(Sometimes establishes |(Almost always establishes| | |

|of Conduct and Behavior |standards of conduct and |standards of conduct and |clear standards of |clear standards of conduct| | |

| |behavior |behavior |conduct and behavior |and behavior | | |

| |(Never encourages |(Rarely encourages |(Sometimes encourages |(Almost always encourages | | |

| |differences in opinion |differences in opinion |differences in opinion |differences in opinion | | |

| |(Never gives teammates an |(Rarely gives teammates |(Sometimes gives |(Almost always gives | | |

| |opportunity to contribute |an opportunity to |teammates an opportunity |teammates an opportunity | | |

| |(Never enforces rules |contribute |to contribute |to contribute | | |

| |against interrupting team |(Rarely enforces rules |(Sometimes enforces rules|(Almost always enforces | | |

| |members or being rude |against interrupting team|against interrupting team|rules against interrupting| | |

| |(Never exhibits a positive|members or being rude |members or being rude |team members or being rude| | |

| |mindset |(Rarely exhibits a |(Sometimes exhibits a |(Almost always exhibits a | | |

| |(Never resolves conflicts |positive mindset |positive mindset |positive mindset | | |

| | |(Rarely resolves |(Sometimes resolves |(Almost always resolves | | |

| | |conflicts |conflicts |conflicts | | |

|Adapting to Changing |(Never adapts to changing |(Rarely adapts to |(Sometimes adapts to |(Almost always adapts to | | |

|Conditions |conditions |changing conditions |changing conditions |changing conditions | | |

| |(Never evolves team |(Rarely evolves team |(Sometimes evolves team |(Almost always evolves | | |

| |strategies, goals, |strategies, goals, |strategies, goals, |team strategies, goals, | | |

| |processes, and members |processes, and members |processes, and members |processes, and members | | |

| |over time as circumstances|over time as |over time as |over time as circumstances| | |

| |change |circumstances change |circumstances change |change | | |

| |(Never provides |(Rarely provides |(Sometimes provides |(Almost always provides | | |

| |opportunities for team |opportunities for team |opportunities for team |opportunities for team | | |

| |members who are ready to |members who are ready to |members who are ready to |members who are ready to | | |

| |take on new challenges |take on new challenges |take on new challenges |take on new challenges | | |

| | | | | | | |


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