Periodic Table Families

Periodic Table FamiliesProjectFamily Album?? Your group will be assigned a group/family from the periodic table??Your group will make a “family album” power point of the elements in your family.??Each group member will make an album page (power point slide) for all 3 of their assigned elements AND PRESENT IT TO THE CLASS.Groups of 2-3 students??Group A – Alkali metals AND Alkaline earth metals??Group B – Transition Elements (choose any 8 elements only)??Group C – Lanthanides and Actinides ??Group D – Noble Gases??Group E –Metalloids??Group F – Carbon group and the Halogens ??Group G – Nitrogen and Oxygen families Families-3785235419101001411670593345m.00m.e&JI Pml.f---1!\lobJ' e Gum.- ------5118102559050036512550736500--1 .11..m,--Requirements For Each Slide?? Each element should have its own slide that includes the following:–? Number of protons, neutrons & electrons–? Number of valence electrons–? Found in nature or lab–? Picture of the element–? In what is it found or for what is it used? (at least 3 things)–? 2 pictures (anything related to the element)–? Put your name on the slides you createPutting it together??When all of your group’s slides are done, you will put it together into 1 slide show?? Include an extra slide to your presentation that explains which element/elements your group feels is most important and why?? Your group will present your presentation to the classRubricContentPresentationFormatGroup collaborationSlide includes: Number of PNE, Natural or synthetic, Uses (3)Student shows knowledge and preparation: he/ she can answer questions on the element and understands the relationship between the element and its groupImages shown in the presentation are of good quality and related to the subject, presentation is attractive, colorful and interesting for classmates.All students worked together and equally distributed assignments5 points5 points5 points5 points ................

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