Classification Tasks -

NAME ____________________________________________FORM_____________________________________________TEACHER__________________________________________The Governor’s dinnerNine Martians landed in the schoolyard this morning and introduced themselves as Eena, Daie, Noag, Mrap, Galk, Tocs, Ezag, Nisps and Tyco. As ambassadors for the planet Mars they have been invited to dine with the Governor. You are the Governor’s aide, and the Governor has asked you to make up a key so she will know their names without having to ask.Use the pictures below to make up a classification key to help the Governor.Read through the following list of organisms:FrogSnakePine TreeMagpieSpiderFernWormMosquitoDolphinBatHorseRoseStarfishMossEucalyptFishLizardChickenSeaweedMushroom Sort the organisms into 3 or 4 groups so that the organisms in each group have similar characteristics.Which characteristics did you use to do this?Q 1 - Match one group in the left-hand column with its description in the right-hand column.A. Coelenterates or CnidariansN. body in hard shell, six jointed legsB. WormsO. hard shell, jointed legs, marineC. MolluscsP. hard shell, many pairs of jointed legsD. EchinodermsQ. hollow body, stinging cells on tentaclesE. Arthropods (Crustaceans)R. internal skeleton, gills, scales, finsF. Arthropods (Centipedes)S. body in hard shell, eight jointed legsG. Arthropods (Arachnids)T. hairy or furry, feeds milk to its youngH. Arthropods (Insects)U. spiny skin, radiating armsI.FishV. vertebrate that lives in water and on landJ. AmphibiansW. soft body, enclosed in 0, 1 or 2 shellsK. ReptilesX. internal skeleton, feathers, lays eggsL. BirdsY.internal skeleton,scales on body,0-4 legs M. Mammals Z. soft body, elongated, no legsA___ B___ C___ D___ E___ F___ G___ H___ I ___ J___ K___ L ___ M___Q 2 – Match one invertebrate animal in the left-hand column with its group in the right-hand column.A. lobsterS. MolluscB. centipedeT. Arthropod (Insect)C. earthwormU. Arthropod (Arachnid)D. starfishV. Arthropod (Centipede and Millipede)E. redback spiderW. Arthropod (Crustacean)F. jellyfishX. WormG. snailY. Coelenterate or CnidarianH. flyZ. EchinodermA___ B___ C___ D___ E___ F___ G___ H___ Q 3 – Match one vertebrate animal in the left-hand column with its group in the right-hand column.A. chickenT. FishB. humanU. Mammal (Monotreme)C. toadV. ReptileD. barramundiW. BirdE. anaconda snakeX. Mammal (Marsupial)F. kangarooY. Mammal (Placental)G. platypusZ. AmphibianA___ B___ C___ D___ E___ F___ G___ Classifying thingsWe sort things that are alike into groups every day. When we do this we classify them. This makes things easier to remember, and easier to discuss.If we were talking about fish to someone, we would not want to have to list every type of fist there was whenever we mentioned them. It is easy to group them all together and give the group a name- like fish.What about if you were travelling to Mt Magnet, and you hadn’t seen another car for about half an hour. If you were to say this to the person sitting next to you, you wouldn’t want to say “I haven’t seen a falcon, a lancer, a commodore, a combi, a Mitsubishi…………..or a mini minor for over half an hour” by the time you had listed them all you would have arrived in Mt Magnet! It is easier to group these things together and call them all something like “cars”.Classify the following things under the headings in the table below:LionB2 VenusbeetleAppleGraniteSandstone mustangRosepearorangegerberaFerraripumalotus ChewbaccaBasaltSiameseslate daffodilPantherMGcarnation tabbyLynxiristulip LabradorMagna cherrytiger petuniaCatFlowerRockCarFruitWhich things didn’t fit into the groups above and why not?1All living things do the following things. Match each action with its correct definition.ActionDefinitionexcreterespond to the world around themmoveneed to take in foodrespireactneed nutritionmake living things like themselvesreproduceget biggerare sensitiveget rid of wastesgrowuse the oxygen they breathe in2Classify the animals below by writing the correct word under each picture.VERTEBRATE OR INVERTEBRATE?MAMMAL OR BIRD?FISH, AMPHIBIAN OR REPTILE?Classification Tasks 1. a) Use the key above to classify the 3 football jumpers in the picture (i.e. to state which team they belong to)b) In the space next to the drawing, draw the jumper of the “Sharks”. /43. Create a key to classify these: /3OR TRY A KEY OF YOUR OWN DESIGN.What feature do most vertebrates have in common?Summarise the information about each of the vertebrate groups in a table. To which group of vertebrates does each of the following animals belong?SnakeCane toadGoldfishDolphinPenguinSharkStingrayWhat is an invertebrate?What are the three body segments of an insect? This phylum of animals is the Chordata. They are often called the vertebrates. Unlike worms, spiders and insects, which we call invertebrates, the vertebrates have a backbone.There are five groups (classes)FishReptilesAmphibiansBirdsMammalsFish These live in water and are usually streamlined in shape. Their bodies are covered in scales and they have fins to help them move. They usually lay eggs and they get their oxygen from the water through their gills. Some fish have soft bones called cartilage, for example the sharks. Cod and herring have hard bones.AmphibiansSome of these also live in water but most have to live in moist areas. This is because they get a lot of their oxygen through their skin, not just through their lungs. The young hatch from eggs in the water and they have gills. Frogs and toads are very similar. Newts have tails.ReptilesInstead of moist skins the reptiles have dry, scaly skins. Most of them lay eggs, but not in the water. They use their lungs to get oxygen from the air. Tortoises live on land, but many turtles need to live in water. Crocodiles also like to live in water but can move fast on land. An adder is an example of a UK reptile.Birds These have feathers instead of scales, except on their legs and feet. All birds have wings but not all can fly. The kiwi and the emu can't fly, and neither can the penguin, but it can move fast in water. Ducks float on the water.Mammals These are all animals that suckle their young (feed them milk from the mother's mammary glands). All mammals have hair or fur on their bodies. Cows have been bred by farmers to produce too much milk for their calves so that we can drink the excess. Questions1) What does 'suckle' mean?2) Give one difference between the skin of a reptile and the skin of an amphibian.3) Which other group has scales? 4) Which groups lay eggs? Where do they lay them?5) Give an example of an invertebrate. What does this mean?6) What do all vertebrates have in common?7) Name two characteristics that all mammals have in common.8) What is one main difference between a shark and a herring?9) Name two reptiles that live in water.10) To which group do dolphins and whales belong?Classify these animals into the groups, Mammal, Reptile, Amphibian, Bird or Fish. You may write in the spaces provided.NameGroupNameGroupRabbitOtterFrogBadgerAnteaterSalmonSlothPythonCarpPossumTurtleEagleFinchKoalaLionStingrayEchidnaTasmanian DevilSharkDuckSkinkHorseNewtHawkMouseCodTunaKangarooWhaleMagpieSealionLemurToadEmuINTERVIEW WITH PART OF A PLANTYou are about to be interviewed as if you were a part of a plant – root, stem, leaf or flower. Choose the part of a plant you wish to be and then answer the questions in the spaces.Which plant part have you chosen? Of what plant are you a part? Where are you found on this plant? Are the parts like you all alike in different plants? If not, how are they different? How do you get all your energy? How do you grow? If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your job? If something happened to you, could the plant survive without you? I know I’m getting personal now but please tell me if you’re tough or a bit soft, and a colourful part or a bit dull? Thank you for your timeMatch the words in the first column to the best available answer in the second column. ____cone1)The brightly colored part of the flower that attracts insects.?____germinate2)The process by which pollen reaches a pistil.?____petal3)A cone's woody part on which seeds grow.?____pistil4)The central part in a flower that produces the seed.?____pollen5)The powdery grains in a flower that must be carried from stamen to the pistil in order for seeds to form?____pollination6)The part of a seed that protects the plant embryo.?____scale7)The part of a conifer that produces pollen or seeds.?____seed coat8)To sprout and begin to develop into a seedling?____stamen9)The part of the flower that produces pollen.?LEAF ANATOMY The leaf is the primary photosynthetic organ of the plant. It consists of a flattened portion, called the blade, that is attached to the plant by a structure called the petiole. Sometimes leaves are divided into two or more sections called leaflets. Leaves with a single undivided blade are called simple, those with two or more leaflets are called compound. The outer surface of the leaf has a thin waxy covering called the cuticle (A), this layer's primary function is to prevent water loss within the leaf. (Plants that leave entirely within water do not have a cuticle). Directly underneath the cuticle is a layer of cells called the epidermis (B). The vascular tissue, xylem and phloem are found within the veins of the leaf. Veins are actually extensions that run from to tips of the roots all the way up to the edges of the leaves. The outer layer of the vein is made of cells called bundle sheath cells (C), and they create a circle around the xylem and the phloem. One the picture, xylem is the upper layer of cells (D) and is shaded a little lighter than the lower layer of cells - phloem (E). Recall that xylem transports water and phloem transports sugar (food). Within the leaf, there is a layer of cells called the mesophyll. The word mesophyll is greek and means "middle" (meso) "leaf" (phyllon). Mesophyll can then be divided into two layers, the palisade layer (F) and the spongy layer (G). Palisade cells are more column-like, and lie just under the epidermis, the spongy cells are more loosely packed and lie between the palisade layer and the lower epidermis. The air spaces between the spongy cells allow for gas exchange. Mesophyll cells (both palisade and spongy) are packed with chloroplasts, and this is where photosynthesis actually occurs. Epidermis also lines the lower area of the leaf (as does the cuticle). The leaf also has tiny holes within the epidermis called stomata (H). Specialized cells, called guard cells (I) surround the stomata and are shaped like two cupped hands. Changes within water pressure cause the stoma (singular of stomata) to open or close. If the guard cells are full of water, they swell up and bend away from each other which opens the stoma. During dry times, the guard cells close. Color the structures underlined above. Make sure that the entire picture is colored and that the color matches the words. For simplicity only part of the picture is labeled. Questions:1. What two tissues are found within a vein?2. What does the word "mesophyll" mean?3. What two layers of the plant contain chloroplasts?4. The outermost layer of cells: _________________________5. The waxy covering of the leaf.: _______________________6. These cells function to open and close stomata. _____________________7. Outer layer of the vein: ________________________8. Column like cells that lie just under the epidermis. ___________________9. Openings that allow for gas exchange. _________________________10. The stalk that connects the leaf to the stem. ______________________Cuticle (light blue) Epidermis (yellow)Guard cells (pink) Palisade Mesophyll (dark green)Phloem (purple) Xylem (orange) Spongy Mesophyll (light green) Bundle Sheath(dark blue)1234567891011121314151617Use the following clues to complete the crossword above.Across?6The process in which the energy in food is released. (11)?9Sugars that are produced in plants are stored in the form of ___. (6)10Animals without backbones. (13)11Fish, reptiles and amphibians are said to be ‘cold-blooded’ or ___. (11)13A fungus that breaks down the dead organisms on which it is living. (10)15Animals with a fairly constant body temperature are said to be ‘warm-blooded’ or ___. (11)16Living organisms can be classified into five major groups, called ___. (8)17Animals with backbones. (11)Down?1Fungi on living plants and animals. (8)?2The ability of an organism to make more of its own kind. (12)?3The female part of a flower. (6)?4To breathe in air. (6)?5The food-making process of plants. (14)?7The substance that causes the green colour in the leaves of plants. (11)?8When a male sex cell joins with the female egg. (13)12An antibiotic is a ___ that inhibits or stops bacterial growth. (4)14To breathe out. (6)Identify the Food ChainsUse the picture above to answer the following question. Please write your answers in the space provided. 1. Identify the organism(s) that are producers? 2. Identify the organism(s) that are consumers? 3. List some of the food chains by writing the organism's name and drawing a line that points to the next organism in the food chain. 4. How many food chains can you find in the above food web? Food chainsA food chain shows how energy moves or flows from one organism to another organism as it is eaten. Most food chains start with energy that comes from the Sun.The Sun gives out light energy.Plants use this energy during photosynthesis.Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that makes food in plants.Grasshoppers (herbivores) eat plants.Kookaburras (carnivores) eat grasshoppers, and fungi (decomposers) use the nutrients left in the remains of dead kookaburras.ExampleSun Grass Grasshopper Kookaburra FungiThe arrows show the direction of flow of energy. The energy flows from the organism being eaten to the organism that is eating it.To doJoin the images in the next page by drawing an arrow between them as in the example above.ProducersPlants that make their own food using energy from the Sun, e.g. grass, treesConsumersAnimals cannot make their own food and must eat other consumers orproducers, e.g. birds, insects.DecomposersLiving things that break down plants or animals that have died, e.g. fungi,bacteria.56927754030980In your food chain label the following: Producers, Consumers and Decomposers. Look again at the organisms you have labelled consumers and label them as first-order and second-order consumers.When you constructed your food chain you did not use one of the organisms from the pictures on the next page. aWhat is this organism? bWhere do you think it would fit into the food chain? cPlace this organism in its correct place in the food chain. dLabel it as a producer or as consumer. eDecide if it is a first-order or second-order consumer.fHow does adding this organism to the food chain change the labels you had applied previously?.1Arrange the plants and animals below in their correct order in food chains A and B.2Choose words from the box to complete the sentences below.habitat?ecosystem?adaptations?environmentecology?population?communitySpecial characteristics that help living things (organisms) to survive in their habitat are called ____________________.The study of how living things interact with their environment is called ____________________.The ____________________ is everything, both living and non-living, that surrounds and affects an organism.The place where a plant or animal lives is called its ____________________.A ____________________ is a group of living things of the same species that live in the same habitat.A ____________________ is a group of living things of different species that live in the same habitat.Living and non-living things in a particular habitat are part of an?____________________.A freshwater habitatUse the diagram of the food web below to answer the questions. You will also need the following information.?Consumers which eat producers are called first-order consumers.?Consumers which eat first-order consumers are called second-order consumers, and so on.?An animal may be both a first- and second-order consumer, depending on what it is eating.A food web in a freshwater habitat.?1Name the first-order consumers in this food web.?2List the producers in this web.?3From where do the producers obtain their food and energy??4What do dragonfly nymphs feed on??5Do dragonflies, at any stage in their life cycle, have different predators? What are they??6Which consumers feed on zooplankton??7Name four second-order consumers in the food web.?8Why is the caddisfly larva both a first- and a second-order consumer??9Mussels are second-order consumers when they feed on which organism?10Imagine that all the fish in the freshwater habitat were killed. What would happen to the water birds in the food web? What would be the effect on other organisms such as dragonfly nymphs and water beetles? ................

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