PERIODIC TABLE NOTES - Morgan Park High School


|1. MENDELEEV |First credited with the Periodic Chart |

|AND MEYER |Relationship of increasing atomic masses. |

|2. PERIODIC |Elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their physical and chemical properties show a |

|LAW |periodic pattern |

|3. GROUPS OR |Vertical columns and have similar properties |


|4. PERIODS |Horizontal Rows |

|5. METALS |Luster, shine, ductile, malleable, good conductors of heat and electricity, solid at room temperature |

| |except Hg (liquid). Page 166 –167 blue squares |

|6. NONMETALS |No metallic luster, poor conductors of heat & electricity, gasses at room temperature except Bromine |

| |(liquid). Page 166 – 167 pink squares. |

|7.METTALOIDS |They have intermediate properties between metals and nonmetals. Page 166 –167 purple squares. |

|8. VALENCE |Electrons that occupy highest energy level & responsible for chemical behavior |


|9. S – BLOCK |Group 1A – Alkaline Metals – most highly reactive. |

| |Group 2A – Alkaline Earth Metals – highly reactive as well |

|10. P – BLOCK |Groups 3A – 6A and |

| |Group 7A – Halogens (Salt Formers) highly reactive |

| |Group 8A – Noble (Inert) Gas - |

| |Least reactive elements |

|11. D – BLOCK |Groups 3B – 8B & 1B – 2B |

| |Transition Metals – Valence Electrons can change |

| |Copper, Silver, and Gold have similar properities |

|12. COINAGE | |


|13. F – BLOCK |Elements 57 – 70 Lanthanides form 3+ ions, occur in nature. |

| |Elements 89 – 102 Actinides All are radioactive. Thorium and uraninum only naturally occurring elements.|

|14. KEY | |


| | |

| | |

|15. ATOMIC |Atoms get larger going down the group. |

|RADIUS |Atoms get smaller moving across the period |

|16. ION SIZE |When atom loses electrons and becomes a positive ion, the ion is smaller than the atom |

| |When atom gains electrons and becomes a negative ion, the ion is larger than the atom |

|17.IONIZATION |Amount of energy needed to remove one of an atom’s electrons. 1st ionization removes one electron, 2nd |

|ENERGY |ionization removes second electron, & so. |

| |Ionization energy decrease as you move down a group. |

| |Ionization energy increase as you move from left to right across a period. |

| | |




|19. ELECTON |The energy change that occurs when an atom gains an electron. |

|AFFINTY |Negative value – exothermic |

| |Positive value – endothermic |

| |Nonmetals (except for noble gases) tend to have higher negative values. |

|20. TRENDS OF |Metals and Nobel gases have positive values |




|21. OCTET |Atoms tend to lose, gain, or share electrons to have a full set of valence electrons (8). |

|RULE | |

|22. ELECTRO— |The ability of an atom to attract electrons to form chemical bonds. Not a measure of energy so there are|

|NEGATIVITY |no units. |

| |Increases as you move from left to right in the periods of the periodic chart |

| |Decreases as you move down the groups of the periodic chart. |

|23. TRENDS OF | |

|ELECTRO – | |


|24. SUMMARY |As periods move across and groups move up the periodic chart, atomic radius decreases, ionization energy|

|OF VALUES |and negativity increases |







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