
[Pages:8]Trego Community High School

Volume 1 Issue 1

Welcome to the Eagle Eye newsletter! This newsletter

will include exciting and interesting stories that will

give students and staff a different view of what goes

on inside and outside of Trego Community High

School. The Eagle Eye newsletter will be handed out

to students during seminar on the first Friday of eve-

ry month. There will be approximately ten articles in

each newsletter on varying topics such as: restaurant

and coffee reviews, politics, advice columns, hob-

bies, school trends, crosswords and more. If you have

October 2019

2019 Eagle Eye Staff Gracie Hickson Sybil Giefer Alexis Chapman Makala Wilson Kelsey Kinderknecht Benjamin Escalante Daniel Hale Victoria Hober Ashlyn Schonthaler Advisor: Ms. Zeman

Layout by: Sybil Giefer Eagle Eye Graphic by: Micah Burk and Alexis Chapman

article suggestions you can email your ideas to


In This Issue

Teacher of the Month

Hello Gamers!

Ripped Jeans

Global Warming vs. Global Correction

Coffee Corner

Out of Context Quotes

And more!

Students pass time by playing video games such as Minecraft.

Parker Opat is a

great guy as TCHS knows.

He does his best to be a sup-

portive friend, a good stu-

dent, and a great leader.

Mr. Carl Mohler

TCHS knows Parker as the

Elected TCHS Teacher of the president of FFA. He says he

Month for the month of Octo-

wants to attend Fort Hays State University and major in


Agricultural business. While

there he wants to continue

FFA. On weekends, Parker

loves to hang out with

friends and go around town

cruising and listening to mu-

sic. "I like all kinds of music;

TCHS Teacher of the Month I like smooth jazz, classical piano, old country, new

By Kelsey Kinderknecht

country, and latest hits". He says his favorite song is

"Cool" by The Jonas Broth-

This month, Mr. Carl Mohler, TCHS' Indus-

ers. "The hardest thing about leaving TCHS is leaving my

trial Education teacher, was awarded the title of

family and friends and the mentors that guided me to be

Teacher of the Month by a vote of TCHS students.

a leader, because the place is really like home and every-

Mohler has been working at TCHS for 44 years, one is family.

and plans to retire after this year. When asked what

"Once I saw last year's seniors leave on half

he enjoys most about his job, and said, "I enjoy the

day, I felt like I was the big dog, like now I'm the leader."

subject I teach, and it is neat to think that I have

When asked if he was afraid of going to college Parker

taught some of these students' parents and grandparents." One anonymous students said, "He's a

said, "I'm not really that scared for college, I just want to stay hard at my classes."

great teacher who always makes class fun." Another

After his graduation Parker Opat wants to be remem-

student said, "He is understanding and is easy to get

bered as the guy who was always there for support and

along with." Mohler said that his high school Indus-

wanted to lead everyone. TCHS will miss him when he

trial Education teacher played a big role in his ca- leaves.

reer. Mohler said, "My high school teacher was a

great influence on me and it made me want to teach

the same subject as him." TCHS appreciates all Mr.

Mohler does for the school and the students.

Is there a teacher that you think deserves

to be teacher of the month? Look out

for the nomination form in your email.


Parker Opat, Senior walks down the stairs, showing off his headband.


Capricorn "The Goat" Dec. 22 - Jan. 21 Hardworking, Straightforward, Loyal, and Stubborn

Aquarius "The Water Bearer" Jan. 22 - Feb. 21 Sets Trends, Innovative, Admired, Distant, and Eccentric

Pisces "The Fish" Feb. 22 - Mar. 21 Alluring, Free, Exciting, and Sensitive

Aries "The Ram" Mar. 22 - Apr. 21 Independent, Assertive, and Impulsive

Taurus "The Bull" Apr. 22 - May 21 Good Tastes, Exciting, Down to Earth, and Stubborn

Gemini "The Twins" May 22 - June 21 Dynamic, Many Talents, Likes Games, Two-faced, and Mischievous

Cancer "The Crab" June 22 - July 21 Sensitive, Friend-Oriented, Practical, Hates to Argue, and Forgives but doesn't Forget

Leo "The Lion" July 22 - Aug. 21 Creative, Popular, Faithful, Dominant, and Prideful

Virgo "The Virgin" Aug. 22 - Sept. 21 Successful, Creative, Likes to Please, Clever, and Leads others on

Libra "The Scales" Sept. 22 - Oct. 21 Irresistible, Adventurous, Lavish, Indecisive, and Complicated

Scorpio "The Scorpion" Oct. 22 - Nov. 21 Self-reliant, Powerful, Wise, Dominant, and Secretive

Sagittarius "The Archer" Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Open-minded, Achiever, Loving, Insensitive, and Cold

Monthly Cartoon

For The Signs!

Aries: Cheshire Cat Taurus: The Red Devil From Scream Queens Gemini: Velma From Scooby Doo Cancer: Electra Heart Leo: Taylor Swift in Bad Blood Virgo: White Nun From AHS: Asylum Libra: Maleficent Scorpio: Sweeney Todd Sagittarius: Lana Del Rey In Ride Capricorn: Student Loans Sign Aquarius: Amethyst From Steven Universe Pisces: Annabelle Doll When Libra season comes around, Libras tend to feel energized and dramatic! They also want to have fun, network, and get to know people. Usually, Libras put others before themselves, but don't forget Libras, this is YOUR season. Reconnect with yourself, your goals, and your visions. By Makala Wilson

Hello, Gamers!


survival all the way..." He also mentioned the fact that he pre-

Spooky Season Birthdays

fers "normal" over the other 3

By Victoria Hober

This recurring column difficulties. Not only that, but

will be about video games, popu- he went on to say, "I don't ever It's spooky season yet again at

lar or not. Video games have

play mini games. Most of them

been around since 1962 and have suck." The mini games, known as

Trego Community High School,

become a sensation worldwide. Glide, Battle, and Tumble, are a let's take a look at the spooky

They have also reached TCHS great way to make new friends and have become a large part of or just have fun, but they don't

season birthdays!

several students' lives.

catch the interest of everyone.

One game TCHS students Roblox and Minecraft are both play is Roblox. This game was great multiplayer platfirst released in 2005 and has forms. People play games for

October 4th- Ashlyn Schonthaler, Freshman

slowly become popular over the several different reasons, such October 4th- Kolby Walt, Senior

years. David Baszucki and Erik Cassel created this game to

as communication, entertainment, accomplishment, and just general

October 4th- Lori Dietz, Art

communicate and have fun. Rob- distraction. When both of these Teacher

lox can be played on Chromebooks, phones and tablets, PC, Xbox 1, Nintendo Switch, and

gamers were asked what these games distracted them from,

October 4th- Kate Howland, Ag

they both replied along the lines Teacher

PS4. The game is recommended of, "It's a nice escape from all for audiences ages ten and up. of the boring stuff." Such as Jamie Haddaway, a Sophomore, the stress of school, work, and

October 8th- Jorja Molitor. Sophomore

says, "I like Roblox because of sports.

October 10th- Colby Burkhart,

multiple [game] choices." Roblox is a game in which multiple other

The choices offered in these games also play a big part in why


games such as fighting, fantasy, students like them so much.

October 11th? Dawn Knipp, Math

tycoons, and much more can be played. She plays on PC and

They have a variety of devices you can play on and they're also


went on to say, "I don't have a great for multiple age groups. October 16th- Gracie Pfannen-

favorite [game]." Roblox allows These two games, Roblox and players to choose games that Minecraft, are great because might interest them. For a small they're distracting and a great

stiel, Senior October 17th- Harley Rowlison,

price, Roblox allows you to buy "Robux" and customize your character in order to express

way to make new friends or play Freshman

with friends you already have. They have several amazing op-

October 18th- Floyd Dinkel, Bus

yourself. Jamie said, "I bought tions to choose from to keep you Driver

them for my entertainment." This is a great game to play

distracted from all the stress of school, work, and sports. In a

October 19th- Katelyn Cody, Sen-

with friends.

way, video games are a bored- ior

Made in 2009 by Markus scape for students and help us Persson, Jens Bergensten, and endure the stresses that life

October 19th- Joleen Schoenthal-

Stephen McManus, Minecraft puts on us.

er, Counselor

has been around for a while and

has had its ups and downs in

By MaKaLa Wilson

popularity. Recently, it has come

October 24th- Taylor Tomsic, History Teacher

to several people's attention once more. This game can be played on several different con-

October 25th- Mackenzie Bliss, Freshman

soles such as PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox 1, and PC. Although Minecraft is recommended for

October 26th- Benjamin Anderson, Senior

ages seven and up, this doesn't

October 30th- Megan Zeman,

stop highschoolers from playing. Senior Mason Gobin plays on

English and Journalism Teacher

Xbox 1 and says, "The game is

October 31st- Hayden Opat,

literally just a sandbox where you craft, mine, and build, and


it will keep you distracted for

houuurrrrrssss." Minecraft can be played on two original game modes: creative and survival.

If you see these people on their special day, wish them a happy

When asked which mode he pre-


ferred playing in, Mason re-

sponded with, "...simply put,

Below: When people make a clover leaf shape with their tongue, it is rather disgusting and cool

at the same time! .6 percent of TCHS students can make a clover leaf shape with their tongue. In the world, 64 to 81 percent of people have this strange talent. The TCHS average is way lower than the global average. Come on TCHS, let's step up clover

leaf game!

Maddy Moritz and Allison Schneider, freshmen, are wearing ripped jeans. They are walking down the stairs at TCHS laughing with each other on September 3, 2019.

Ripped Jeans

By Ashlyn Schonthaler Ripped jeans are back in style! They are certainly in style at TCHS for fall. They are stylish, comfortable, and trendy. Jeans were first designed in the late 1870s by German designer Loeb Strauss. Later, he changed his name to Levi and started the Levi's denim brand. Ripped jeans came into style 100 years later, in the 1980s. Not many parents liked ripped jeans back then because they

thought it looked messy. Ripped jeans went away for a while, and then came back in 2010. Now they are more popular than ever, and many teens wear them. During the summer, ripped jean shorts are popular and worn by many teen girls. In the fall, you're likely to see students wearing ripped denim capris or longer pants. I don't think ripped jeans are going out of style any time soon!

Coffee Corner

By Victoria Hober

Starbucks' Caramel

Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino

is absolutely delicious! This

smooth iced coffee bever-

age has many delicious lay-

ers. Starting at the bottom

is a layer of whipped

cream, then buttery cara-

mel sauce, then ice, coffee,

and milk, blended and

topped off with another

layer of whipped cream,

more caramel sauce, and

crunchy caramel bits. A Tall

Some people are concerned about global warming. Could it be something else? is 340 calories, a Grande is

Global Warming vs. Global Correction

490 calories, and a Venti Iced is 600 calories. I found

By Daniel Hale

The temperature of the Earth's atmosphere

this drink at my local Starbucks in Hays, Kansas. I rec-

is increasing at a fast rate. Some people call this ommend this drink to any-

"global warming". I think "global warming" is one with a sweet tooth

actually global correction. The increasing of the such as myself. If your

world's atmospheric temperature is causing ocean levels to rise. But in the Bible, God says, "I will establish my covenant with you; neither will all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of the flood; neither will there any more be a

thing is more healthy drinks, you're welcome to try it, but you might not enjoy it. The price ranges

from $3.95- $4.95.

Photo credit: Victoria Hober

flood to destroy the earth" (Genesis 9:11). That's

why I think that the Earth is correcting itself in-

stead of flooding.

If we don't take care of our planet, it will begin

to correct itself. This correction could take the

form of forest fires, animals dying, and even

hotter temperatures. We need to be cleaning our

planet and taking care of our home. If we don't,

the Earth will continue to correct itself and we

will see the devastating effects of that correc-


Photo credit: The Wichita Eagle

Monthly Crossword

Out of Context Quotes

"I am a freshman, and I am stressed" ~ Anonymous

"I printed a goose" -Mackenzie Bliss

"Shush, pilgrims" -Jamie Haddaway

"Oh God, where'd Nebraska go?" - Benjamin Anderson

"What if you named your kid after the number 4, and then put an S-T at the end?" -Benjamin Escalante

"Ow! My Croc!" -Kelsey Kinderknecht

"I'm going to name my car, Chuck Pheasant." -Kelsey Kinderknecht

"We need to still have Show & Tell. Because I have a lot of things to show" -Kelsey Kinderknecht

By Alexis Chapman

October Contest

By Victoria Hober

The first student to correctly answer this math equation

and bring it to Ms. Zeman will win a prize!

Editorial Submissions

An editorial is a newspaper article that is written by someone not on the newspaper staff. This section will give you, the students of TCHS, a chance to write an article that can be featured in the new school newspaper. If you have an article that you

feel should be shared, please email us at news@. We will gladly read through your arti-

cles, and hopefully be able to feature you in our next issue!

Do you know a local business who may like to purchase ad space in the next issue of Eagle's Eye? Con-

tact us at news@

Article Ideas Are you a TCHS student who isn't in Journalism? Would you like to suggest an article for us to write? Email us at news@

When you're done with your copy of Eagle Eye, please recycle it!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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