Introduction to Section II - Creighton University

Biology 449 - Animal Physiology Fall 2007

Midterm 2

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Multiple choice: As always, choose the best answer for each multiple-choice question. Answer on your scantron form. Each question is worth 3 points.

1. By definition, a tropic hormone is one that

a. promotes growth.

b. promotes the release of another hormone.

c. is released from a modified neuron.

d. is a modified form of cholesterol.

e. is not carried in the blood.

2. Which of the following secretes only amine hormones?

a. Adrenal cortex

b. Adrenal medulla

c. Anterior pituitary

d. Gonads

e. Hypothalamus

3. Most hormones bring about a response in target cells through which of the following mechanisms?

a. The hormone binds to and opens or closes channel proteins in the cell membrane.

b. The hormone binds to and activates G-protein complexes that open or close channel proteins in the cell membrane.

c. The hormone binds to and activates G-protein complexes that activate secondary messengers or enzymes that cause changes in cellular activity.

d. The hormone passes through the membrane and directly activates secondary messengers or enzymes.

e. The hormone passes through the membrane and changes RNA transcription rates.

4. Gonadotropin releasing hormone promotes the release of

a. follicle stimulating hormone.

b. growth hormone.

c. growth hormone releasing hormone.

d. prolactin.

e. prolactin releasing hormone.

5. Which of the following mechanisms can increase the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone from the anterior pituitary?

a. An increase in corticotropin releasing hormone

b. A decrease in cortisol levels

c. A decrease in corticotropin inhibiting hormone

d. Two of the above increase the secretion of ACTH.

e. All of the above increase the secretion of ACTH.

6. Which of the following describes the pattern of growth you might expect to see in a person that never entered puberty, so that sex hormone levels stayed low throughout his lifetime?

a. The person would stop growing at the age when puberty should have started.

b. The person would continue growing at a moderate rate until the age when puberty normally ends, when he would stop growing.

c. The person would continue growing at a moderate rate and growth would continue until a later age than in a normal person.

d. The person would show an increase in growth rate at the age when puberty would normally begin and would stop growing at the age when puberty normally ends.

e. The person would show an increase in growth rate at the age when puberty would normally begin and would continue until a later age than in a normal person.

7. Which of the following components is/are part of the thick filaments?

a. Actin

b. Myosin

c. Tropomyosin

d. Two of the above are part of the thick filaments.

e. All of the above are part of the thick filaments.

8. What would be the likely effects of a drug that caused the channels of the ryanodine receptors of a muscle fiber to remain open permanently?

a. The muscle would not contract at all.

b. The muscle would contract for a brief period of time and then relax again.

c. The muscle would alternate between contraction and relaxation in a cyclical fashion.

d. The muscle would contract indefinitely, or until it fatigued.

e. The thin filaments would fall to pieces.

9. During cross-bridge cycling, which of the following is the first event triggered by an ATP molecule associating with a myosin molecule?

a. The myosin head is energized.

b. The myosin binds to actin.

c. The myosin head moves to the low energy conformation.

d. The myosin head dissociates from the actin.

e. ATP does not affect myosin.

10. An isolated muscle has a mass hanging from it that weighs less than the force the muscle can produce. If the muscle is stimulated to produce a twitch contraction, which of the following best describes what will happen?

a. The muscle will start shortening immediately.

b. The muscle will start shortening as soon as it starts producing force.

c. The muscle will start shortening as soon as it produces enough force to exceed the weight (i.e. force) of the mass.

d. The muscle will not be able to shorten at all.

e. The muscle will not be able to shorten or contract.

11. Compared to a slow oxidative fiber, a fast glycolytic fiber has

a. a greater density of capillaries.

b. more resistance to fatigue.

c. greater force production.

d. a greater density of mitochondria.

e. reduced glycogen stores.

12. In reference to muscle function, a motor unit is

a. a single muscle fiber.

b. all the fibers innervated by a single motor neuron.

c. all the fibers of a particular type (SO, FO, or FG) in a muscle.

d. all the fibers in a muscle.

e. all the muscles attached to a particular bone.

13. The blood vessels with the smallest individual diameter are the

a. arteries.

b. arterioles.

c. capillaries.

d. venules.

e. veins.

14. In contractile heart muscle, action potentials are

a. a few milliseconds long and can stimulate tetanic contractions.

b. a few milliseconds long and cannot stimulate tetanic contractions.

c. over a hundred milliseconds long and can stimulate tetanic contractions.

d. over a hundred milliseconds long and cannot stimulate tetanic contractions.

e. Action potentials do not occur in cardiac muscle.

15. During the heartbeat cycle, the atrioventricular valves close when

a. pressure in the atria exceeds pressure in the ventricles due to the relaxation of the ventricles.

b. pressure in the atria exceeds pressure in the ventricles due to the buildup of blood entering the atria from the veins.

c. pressure in the ventricles exceeds pressure in the atria due to buildup of blood entering the ventricles from the atria.

d. pressure in the ventricles exceeding pressure in the atria due to the contraction of the ventricles.

e. motor neurons activate the valve muscles.

16. During ventricular diastole, arterial pressure is maintained by

a. active contraction of smooth muscle in the artery walls.

b. elasticity of the arterial walls.

c. increased vasoconstriction of arterioles.

d. compression of the arteries by adjacent skeletal muscles.

e. thinking happy thoughts.

17. According to Poiseuille’s Law, a doubling of the pressure gradient along a tube would cause the flow to

a. decrease to 1/16 its original value.

b. decrease to one-half its original value.

c. remain unchanged.

d. double its original value.

e. increase its original value by 16-fold.

18. If the total peripheral resistance of a healthy person were to increase by twofold, which of the following physiological responses would be most likely?

a. Heart rate would stay about the same so that mean arterial pressure would increase by about twofold.

b. Heart rate would stay about the same so that mean arterial pressure would decrease by about twofold.

c. Heart rate would increase by about twofold so that mean arterial pressure would stay about the same.

d. Heart rate would decrease by about twofold so that mean arterial pressure would stay about the same.

e. Heart rate and mean arterial pressure would both be unchanged in response to the increase in total peripheral resistance.

19. Which of the following is not true about alveoli?

a. They are the endpoint for the branching tubes that bring air into the lungs.

b. They are reinforced with cartilage.

c. They are the main location for gas exchange in the lungs.

d. They are each covered in a network of capillaries.

e. They increase and decrease in size as the lungs expand and contract.

20. As breaths become shallower (i.e., as tidal volume decreases), the alveolar ventilation rate per breath

a. decreases.

b. stays the same.

c. increases.

d. becomes negative.

e. Thank goodness the multiple choice is done.

Short answer: Write a concise answer to each of the following questions. Your answers should fit in the spaces provided. Diagrams may be used but must be accompanied by written explanations. Each question is worth 8 points.

21. The following questions relate to the thyroid hormone pathway.

a. Describe or diagram the pathways controlling the release of the thyroid hormones. Be sure to give the full names of the all hormones, including the two hormones released by the thyroid gland. You do not need to discuss the specific effects of thyroid hormone on body tissues.

b. If someone were to develop an autoimmune disease in which antibodies bound to TSH and deactivated it, what would be the effects on the level of each hormone (including deactivated TSH)? (Your answer should be based on the pathway you provided in a above.)

22. The following questions relate to the force produced by a single sarcomere.

a. Describe or graph the change in the force produced by the sarcomere as its length changes, and explain the reasons the force changes.

b. Imagine a mutation that causes the “bald spot” of the thick filament to be much wider than normal, without affecting anything else about the thick filament (it still has the same overall length, density of myosin heads, etc.). How would this change the pattern described in a above, and why?

23. List and briefly (one sentence) describe the effects of three pathways or mechanisms that can influence heart rate, and three pathways or mechanisms that can influence stroke volume.

Heart rate:

Stroke volume:

24. How is lymph formed, and what happens to it after it forms?

25. What is the pattern of change in intrapleural pressure and alveolar pressure during the inhalation portion of the ventilatory cycle, and what is the importance of these changes to ventilation?


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