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Human Population Growth Web Exercise

Directions Part One: Access a reputable website and answer these questions below.

1) What is the current world population?

2) What is the world’s current growth rate?

3) Knowing this growth rate, how long until the world population doubles (Use the doubling time equation)?

Directions Part Two: Access the website . Clikc ont the link that says “6 Billion Human Beings” (even though there are now 7 billion on Earth). Look through the website and read. Answer the questions below using the information found on that website.

1) What was the world population when you were born?

2) What is the United Nations estimate for population size in 2100?

3) How many people are born each day?

4) What factors keep family sizes smaller than 15?

5) Examine average age of marriage in different areas of the world. How does it compare to what you might have expected?

6) Compare the length of breastfeeding in different areas of the world. Why do you think the length is so low in the US?

7) What percentage of people in Africa use birth control? Why do you think this might be?

8) How many people die each day in the world? How does this number compare to the number of people born each day?

9) Is increasing world population due to an increase in the birth rate or a decrease in death rate? Explain.

10) What factor causes population size to start increasing slowly at 100,000 BC?

11) Did the Bubonic Plague have much influence on the growth of the world population?

12) What is your reaction to the information presented on this website? (At least 1 paragraph in length)

13) Write at least two questions that you have about this topic.


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