The 15 Laws of Growth Online Learning Program

"Everything rises and falls on leadership." John C. Maxwell

The 15 Laws of Growth Online Learning Program

This online learning program is an immersive experience into John C. Maxwell's book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, and explores the foundational principles that guide successful people.

The program is so much more than just the book on video. It features over 8 hours of John C. Maxwell delivering the fifteen principles from the book and in a deeper dive sharing recent insights and additional wisdom.

The content is broken down into 14 individual modules creating a self-paced environment which allow each individual to soak in the content as it fits their personal schedule.

Participants can start at the beginning and work through the program or select any learning video of interest as a stand-alone resource.

And because you'll always be stretching your potential, you can review and refine your growth in the months and years ahead with lifetime access to this platform!

Program Highlights:

? Expanded Video Content on each of The 15 Laws of Growth. ? PDF Application Document for each session with notes, key takeaways, and

reflection questions. ? Lifetime access to all content. ? A copy of the Hardcover book, The 15 Laws of Growth.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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