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Articulating AOHP Conference Attendance Value Guideline

To get your manager to see the value of attending the AOHP National Conference you must show the Return on Investment (ROI.) This needs to remain in the forefront in your communications.

STEP 1: Estimate Conference Expenses.


|Conference Registration |$465.00 |

|Pre-Conference Workshops (do not include meals) |Varies by WS selection |

|Flight | |

|Lodging |$159/night + tax |

|Airport/Hotel Transportation (to/from) | |

|Mileage Expense | |

|Airport &/or Hotel Parking | |

|Food (3 meals/day) |Conf registration includes meals except Fri evening |

|Other | |

|TOTAL | |

STEP 2: Identify Your Needs. What benefit could you bring back from the conference to your organization?


|What is your professional development need? |

|Do you have certification or licensing continuing education requirements? |

|What special skills do you need? |

|Does your organization have a dilemma or a problem that needs attention? |

|What is your most pressing professional issues? |

|What are current and future challenges you anticipate? |

|What help and insight might be beneficial? |

|What improvements in information, products, workflow and processes would be benefit worker safety? |

|What tools are you currently using? What tools may you need to explore using in the future? |

|What technologies are you currently using? What technologies may you need to explore using in the future? |

|What processes are you currently following? What processes may you need to explore using in the future? |

|What are the vendor with tools & technologies you are exploring and would like to evaluate? |

|What partnerships would you benefit from? |

|What are your needs, interests and growth opportunities? |

STEP 3: Identify the Benefits. Your focus should be what you will bring back to the organization for investing in you to attend.


|Professional Development |The 2014 AOHP Annual Conference has more that educational offerings for |

|Session Content (Identify those relevant to your |customized learning. A few topic examples presented that will benefit |

|organization) | to provide outstanding patient/employee care and customer |

|Solutions to your organizations greatest problems. |service are: |

|(new concepts, strategies, innovations, knowledge, |Professional development is critical to prepare for the most up-to-date occupational|

|competitive intelligence, resources, tools & others) |health information for our employees and to help us project future needs. Attendance|

|Relevance to your organization’s work. (Tools, Technologies,|will provide me with the tools to ensure that our employees have access to |

|Processes, Resources) |evidence-based solutions. |

|Current Tools & Future Tools Exploration |Occupational health business skills will be developed by attending the sessions |

|Current Technologies & Future Technologies Exploration |outlined and interacting with other occupational health leaders. |

|Current Processes & Future Processes Exploration |75 continuing education hours in 5 years are needed to maintain my board specialty |

|Vendors With Tools & Technologies You Are Exploring |certification and continuing education hours are required in a 2 year |

| |period to maintain my nursing license. |

| |These sessions will provide answers to many issues that and our |

| |employees face. The ideas, contacts and tools gained from this conference will save |

| |time & money while putting our company ahead of the rest. |

|Best Practice |The 2014 AOHP Annual Conference will assist in assessing best practice in |

|Sessions in areas that immediately benefit you/your |occupational health, including tools, technologies and processes, as well as |

|organization. |identify ideas and solutions that we might not even be aware of. The best practice |

| |areas that I will be researching include: . |

|Networking |Attending the AOHP National Conference will allow me to network with other |

|Interface with industry leaders facing same issues as your |professionals and vendors in the industry. We will be able to take the pulse of what|

|organization |is happening for tools, technologies and processes, and hear ideas we weren’t even |

|Develop collegial relationships |aware of. We plan to network with industry contacts and determine how they|

|Opportunity to brainstorm, share and support |are approaching . |

|Identify a target for the number of networking contacts |Example: We plan to network with 4 industry contacts and determine how they are |

|Identify the most pressing professional issues and formulate|approaching mandatory influenza vaccination. |

|questions that you can ask to get your colleagues' help and | |

|insight | |

|Vendors |While attending the AOHP National Conference I plan to connect with vendors to |

|Showcase of vendors with tools and resources you use or are |identify , which will help by . |

|Opportunity to evaluate competing tools |Example: While attending the AOHP National Conference I plan to connect with |

|The AOHP Solutions Series allows a more in depth evaluation |vendors to identity safe patient handling equipment that is available at a |

|of vendor offerings. |reasonable cost. This will help make sound decisions about |

|Make new deals, find new resources, negotiating partnerships|having safe patient handling and movement equipment readily available for patient |

|Spend time with every exhibitor to truly understand what |care. The ROI is that staff will realize reduced work related musculoskeletal |

|they offer & how it can translate into something valuable |injuries and ultimately workers compensation costs. |

|for you, your organization, patients & the employees you | |

|serve | |

|Identify your needs, interests and growth opportunities then| |

|prepare to ask the right questions & take advantage of "show| |

|specials" | |

| | |

| | |

|Training |The AOHP National Conference offers which will and ultimately we will , |

|Certification preparation resources |bringing excellence to . |

|Assistance to overcome current of future challenges | |

| |Example #1: The AOHP National Conference offers the Getting Started Workshop which |

| |will prepare me to provide the standard of Occupational/Employee Health practice to |

| |. |

| | |

| |Example #2: The AOHP National Conference offers the COHN/COHN-S Certification |

| |Preparation Course which will prepare me to take the COHN/COHN-S Board Certification|

| |Exam and ultimately we will be identified as an Occupational Health expert bringing |

| |excellence to . |

|Teambuilding (When several in your group attend) |The AOHP National Conference will help build our team, providing a forum for team |

|Identify what improvements in information, products, |members to discuss tools, technologies and processes and how we can might apply them|

|workflow and processes would be beneficial. |at to improve . |

STEP 4: Articulate the Value. The presentation needs to be concise in a one-page executive format.

Don’t assume that your manager understands the benefits of attending the AOHP National Conference and can connect-the-dots regarding the value/ROI for conference attendance. You must specifically state in a concise manner, perhaps with bulleted items and a 2-3 sentence paragraph summary, your organization’s knowledge requirements and the conference program. Focus on the conference benefits that make sense for your organization and omit the rest. Always be crystal-clear about the value of conference participation and how you can optimize your results.

Example: The 2014 AOHP Annual Conference has more that educational offerings. will benefit from my attendance in the following ways:

Professional development is critical to prepare for the most up-to-date occupational health information for our employees, and ultimately patient care, and to help us project future needs. Attendance will provide me with the tools to ensure that our employees have access to evidence-based solutions and to assist in controlling workers’ compensation costs.

STEP 5: Communicate the Value. Provide a concise executive summary of your conference learning to your supervisor upon your return to the office. This will provide you with fuel for attending the next year’s conference.

• In advance, plan to keep a one page of conference notes just for “Action Items” when you return to your office. Identify priorities for these items.

• Below is a sample.

|Action Item |Priority |Deadline |Comments |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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How To Justify Conference Attendance. Doyle, Mike. 2014. Writing Assistance, IN. 01/28/2014

Why Attend Professional Conferences?. Enelow, Wendy . 01/28/2010. . 01/28/2014


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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