
CORPORATE IDENTITY DESIGNGRD4200/6200Semester: Fall 2019Class times: Tuesday/Thursday 2:30p-5:10pClassroom: 460CInstructor: Jeff Boortz, Professor of Practice - Graphic DesignOffice:?Room 459B – Arts and Humanities BuildingOffice Hours: Tu/Th-1:00p- 2:00p; before or after class, by appointmentOffice Phone: 484-343-7276 E-mail:?jboortz@gsu.eduProject 3 | Logo (Brand Mark) Development: Overview:The logo is the cornerstone of any brand. It is the most basic element for asserting ownership of the emotional experience of a company’s products and services. After a while it is able to evoke an emotional response on its own, without being paired with other elements of the brand.In this project you will design a new logo for the company you are building an identity for in the following steps: Step 1: Articulate the Goals of the Logo RedesignWhile this step doesn’t have a specific deliverable, it is essential to arriving at a great solution. The ideas you articulate here can be used in drafting your logo guidelines at the end of the project.What name must be communicated by your brand mark?What product, service, or industry must be literally referenced in your Brand Mark?Based on your understanding of the brand’s mission, position, and values, what subtext must your brand mark communicate in order to be successful?What do your client’s competitor’s logos look like? What elements, color palettes, should be avoided in order to create contrast?Step 2: Development-- Brand MarkGenerate at least 3 new brand marks for you company in each of the following categories.Word Marks and Letterform MarksWIP Pinup - Thurs. Sept. 12th Pictorial Marks and Brand Mascot/CharactersWIP Pinup - Tues. Sept 17th Abstract Marks and EmblemsWIP Pinup - Thurs Sept. 19thPresent the 6 best Logos to Client Proxy in Class Formal PPT Presentation - Tues. Sept 24thYour presentation should include: Cover PageFor each of 6 logosLogo Concept Logo in full color (big and small)Logo in BW (big and small)Logo in multiple various brand appropriate contexts – aka. “mood board”All 6 color logos on a single page for easy comparison and discussion.Your contact info. “Next steps” page.Step 3– MACProcess – WIP Pinup Tuesday Oct. 1st Pick 2 or 3 logos you and your client feel best achieve the goals you’ve outlined for this project. Then run them through a development cycle to refine them.MultiplyAlterCombinePresent your top half dozen choices in the WIP Pinup- with a strong recommend. Revise/refine per the class’ input.Present final logo to Client ProxyFormal PPT Presentation - Tues. Oct. 8th Step 4: Brand Standards Manual—Logo/Brand MarkWIP Check-in – Thurs. Oct 17th.Deliverable: Brand Mark Specs and Usage Guideline PDFDUE: Thurs. December 5th Create design specs for your final logo:Vector LogosB/W2 Color4 Color ProcessCreate usage specs for your final logo:Full Signature, Logo, and Icon UsageLogo Do’s and Don’t’sNOTE: Don’t Forget to gather Project Materials for Your Process BookGreat design is the result of: a well thought-out problem solving processa through exploration of potential solutionsthe iterative development of promising solutionsYour sketchbook should demonstrate each of the above.Metrics of Success:Goal Setting: How well are the goals for your Brand Mark project articulated?Development: How deeply and thoughtfully are possible Brand Marks explored?Presentation: How well are your potential solutions presented to the client?Design: How successfully does your final Brand Mark satisfy the project goals you articulated?Brand Standards: Is your final brand mark professionally specified and does it have adequate and clearly articulated usage guidelines?This project will count for 10% of final grade.Project 3: Client LogoWord and Letterform MarksPictorial Marks and CharactersAbstract Marks and EmblemsMAC –Multiply/Alter/CombineClient PresentationLogo Guidelines10%100pts20pts20pts20pts20pts10pts10pts ................

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