Drama Unit Planner

Drama Unit Planner

Year __1___ Teacher Syndicate _______ Suggested Duration __5 ____

|Unit/Topic/Theme | | |The Big Question |

| | | |What influences the way we feel? |

|Feelings/kindness | | |(How do the things we say and do to others affect the |

| | | |way that they feel?) |

| | | | |

|Achievement Objective |Level | | |Elements |

|Practical Knowledge |1 |Explore and play with elementary drama. | |Role |

| | | | |Time and Space |

|Developing Ideas |1 |Students will contribute ideas and participate in drama | |Action |

| | |using personal experiences and imagination. | |Tension |

| | | | |Focus |

|Communicating & Interpreting |1 | | | |

| | | | |Techniques |

|Understanding the Arts in context. |1 | | |Voice |

| | | | |Movement |

| | | | |Gesture |

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|Learning Outcomes | |Facial Expression |

|The students will be able to… | | |

|Use facial expression and body language to portray feelings. | | |

|Use freeze frame images | | |

|Respond to the teacher in role. | | |

|Identify some influences that change/create our feelings. | | |

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| | |Conventions |

| | |Teacher in role |

| | |Freeze frame |

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|Summative Assessment Opportunities | |Essential Skill Development |

|Digital images of the children using their face and body to portray a | | |

|feeling. | | |

|Record (with a video camera) the children’s responses to the teacher in | | |

|role. | | |

| | |Communication |Some strategies |

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| | |Problem solving |Through Communication: expressing,|

| | | |sharing ideas, agreeing, |

| | | |compromise. |

|Collaboration with Other Learning Areas |Resources / Materials |

|Health. –Personal growth and development. -Personal identity.(health links through out)|Georges Birthday Surprise-by Sally Instone. |

|Technology- ICT (camera use). |Hurrah For Ethelyn-by Babette Cole. |

|English- writing (shared, guided). |Letters from Miss Nibble and Ethelyn. |

| |A hat and a Scarf. |

| |Digital Camera. |

| |Poem- ‘smile’ |

| |Big book- feelings. |

| |Mr Grump by Joy Cowley |

|Teaching Learning Sequence |Key questions to guide formative assessment and/or |

| |develop the Drama |

|Lesson one: 20- 30 minutes | |

|Discuss as a class what feelings are- look at and discuss the big book- ‘Feelings’. | |

|Read Georges Birthday Surprise to the class- Encourage the children to be thinking about the |List George’s feelings, which the children identify |

|different feelings George experienced. |from the story, on the board- discuss why George had |

| |these feelings. |

|Class discussion about the different times when they have experienced feelings from the list. | |

| |Children may wish to share how they felt, why they felt|

|Explain that the expression on our face and our posture can tell others a lot about how we |that way… |

|feel- give examples. (Use the list of George’s feelings). |And times when their feelings have changed from one to |

|-First have a general exploration through mime, where the children explore what they can do |another- why did this happen did some one say or do |

|with their face to show emotions. |anything? |

|-Hide the face- children and teacher cover their face with their hands, teacher (or child) | |

|calls out a feeling the children quickly take their hands away revealing their expression on | |

|their face. |Mime-Ensure that the children understand that there is |

|-Guess the emotion- a volunteer stands in front of the class with an emotion from the list on |no sound so that all the detail of the feeling must be |

|their face, they need to clearly show it so that the other children can guess. |shown in their face. |

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|Read through the story again. This time encourage the children to show the feelings (those |Model all these activities first as a teacher, so that |

|George experiences), on their face as the story is being read. |the children have a guide line and can see what is |

| |expected of them- also helps them to see their teacher |

|Lesson two: 30 minutes |not holding back when joining in. |

|-Short recap of George’s birthday, what they did in the last lesson, what feelings are etc. | |

| |Give feed back as to how effective they are e.g. “I |

|The children in partners are to practice showing the different feelings from the list by using|like the way that your eyes were wide open to show how |

|their face, one partner watching and commenting on the other. |surprised you were.” Or I could tell ….was scared |

| |because of the way….” |

|Explore whole body to portraying a feeling- posture/and a gesture could move on to moving | |

|around the room while portraying a feeling. Call freeze and children freeze in mood. |Informal assessment opportunity here. As the story is |

| |read observe the children’s expressions. |

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|Chart brainstorm ideas about what makes us feel…. | |

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|Ask the children to choose a time when they felt a certain way (refer to list from the last | |

|lesson) and they are to spread out in the space and think of a way they can use their face and| |

|body to show this. Call out freeze every so often- opportunity to comment and draw children’s| |

|attention to what others are doing successfully. | |

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|Scenarios-For a start all children have a go at same time at every scenario they must show |Model to the children what is expected first. |

|their emotion on their face and body, and freeze when asked- use this time to comment and draw|Could included gestures that they may incorporate with |

|attention to others keep some groups frozen while the other look. - If the children feel |that mood or feeling. |

|comfortable enough after this initial practice as a whole class, individual groups of three to|How would you walk if you were….. |

|four could stand in front of the class and perform- creating group freeze frames- teacher |Practice for later freeze frame images. |

|takes a photo. | |

|Scenarios could include: | |

|- A group of supporters at a rugby game, their team has just scored a try…. | |

|- Children at Christmas who have just unwrapped a very cool present…. | |

|-Mum has just finished baking and you get to lick the bowl…. |Still image or freeze frame-a convention in which the |

|-You are making a sand castle, when your big brother runs through and ruins it. |members of a group use their bodies to make an image or|

|Any scenario with relevance to the children in the class, where someone has said or done |tableau capturing an idea, theme or moment in time, |

|something to effect/ change the mood. |also called a group sculpture or tableau or freeze |

| |frame |

| | |

| |ICT- Children can take photos of each other -Using a |

| |digital camera- safe holding, correct setting, half |

| |click then full click. |

|Lesson three: 20-30 minutes |Writing- during writing time the children can complete |

|Warm up: |a sentence to go along with their photo explaining what|

|Children move in response to an imaginative story- see attached (The Hoodoo goo boo). |they were feeling in their role and why. |

| |(link to Te reo- kei te pehea koe) |

|Introduce Hurrah for Ethelyn- by Babette Cole. Read to end of page 8. | |

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|Read letter to the class from Miss Nibble- (see attached). |Discuss the feelings that each blanket role may feel in|

|Miss Nibble comes into the class as a teacher in role wearing a scarf, she asks for the |each scenario and how they might move before the |

|children’s help for ways that she can help Ethelyn feel better, enjoy school, get on with the |children mime then freeze. |

|others…. | |

|-Brainstorm as a class with Miss Nibble how they can help Ethelyn, and create a plan of action| |

|(the children do this, facilitated by the teacher in role). - Write these ideas and the plan | |

|of action up as a class- shared writing. | |

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|Teacher in role: as Tina Toerat the leader of the nasty schools bullies tough image doesn’t | |

|think she has done anything wrong, didn’t realise had made life so horrible for Ethelyn, was | |

|jealous, wants to put things right. (Wears a hat, explain to the children this means- when the|As the children progress with this technique voice |

|hat is on no longer the teacher but the character.) |could be introduced- keep this simple and ask the |

| |children for one word or sound they could use during |

|Reflection- ask the children to recap what the problem was- why was Ethelyn so miserable? - |their mime to express the feeling more. (optional) |

|The children should be guided towards the idea that what people say affects other people’s | |

|feelings. | |

| | |

|Lesson four: | |

|Read Ethelyn’s letter to the class. - This provides a wrap of previous lesson, discussion | |

|about the outcome may be needed. Ask the children if: Ethelyn had come to their class would | |

|they have treated her the way that the Rat gang did? What would they have done differently and|Encourage children to use their face as well as their |

|why? |bodies. This warm up exercise requires the children to |

| |use their imagination, which will be needed in the |

|Tell the children that I am going to be pretending to be a new child in the class, just like |following activity. |

|Ethelyn was; - they will know when I am that girl when I have a bright red ribbon around my | |

|head. Have a brief discussion about how the new girl may be feeling- think back to Ethelyn if | |

|necessary read the first pages again. | |

| | |

|After-Have a discussion about how the children thought the new girl felt when she arrived, and|Can we help Mrs Nibble? What could we do? What needs to|

|what they did to make her feel differently. |be done? What would you like if you were Ethelyn? |

| |What if the bullies don’t stop do you think perhaps we |

|With the same scenario ask for volunteer children to take on a role each- 3children, let the |need to find out why they are mean to Ethelyn? And |

|other children know that their role is to still make the new child feel welcome. |perhaps help them to stop? What they should do? (Guide|

|Take the 3 children out into the corridor while the children continue their “before school |the children to the idea of talking to Tina Toerat). |

|play”, and explain to the children their role i.e. | |

|Child one: won’t let the new child play the game he/she is playing. | |

|Child two: laughs at the new girl’s hair ribbon. | |

|Child three: snatches away a car the new child was playing with. | |

|Discuss how with the children how the new child was affected this time. | |

|Have the children sit in a circle for a reflection. | |

|Children can contribute if they wish. | |

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|Lesson five: | |

|Start the lesson by having each child contribute using the line… Yesterday/ Today I felt …… | |

|because…… | |

|A variation could be Yesterday/ Today I helped…… feel…….. by …………. | |

| | |

|Warm Up: Pass the Face.- | |

|Children stand in a circle holding hands. The leader begins by turning to her/his left and | |

|passing a goofy face.  Each person passes a different face.  They shouldn't copy the face of | |

|the person before them. | |

|Playing options: instead of passing goofy faces, pass emotional faces. | |

| |Set the scene by telling the children that it is in the|

|Read the poem ‘Smile.’ |morning before school starts and they are all able to |

|Discuss the meaning of the poem. |play in the class room as they would if this was true |

|Ask the children to stand up, move around the space exploring a variety of emotions. |(noise quieter though because of the classes next |

|Then pick one child to be the ‘smiler’ (the other children must be unaware of who this is) all|door.). They have been told by their teacher that a new|

|the other children must move around with an emotion that does not involve a smile, when they |girl is coming from another school this morning and |

|make eye contact with the smiler they must smile. Continue until all are smiling. |that they are to make her feel welcome. Then leave the |

| |class and put ribbon in hair- wait a while to allow the|

|Encourage the children to keep this poem in mind when they are out in the play ground and see |children to settle into their ‘role’, and then enter. |

|how many smiles they pass on or receive. | |

| | |

|Pass the face- this time pass the smile right around the circle. |Why do you think this? |

|As a class complete chart- ‘Our feelings are influences by…’ |How were you trying to make her feel? How did you do |

|Read Mr Grump |this? What else could you have done? |

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| |Make sure the children realise that the volunteers have|

| |been given their role to play and are only pretending. |

| |After the scenarios have a quick role lifting activity-|

| |a shaking of all the body parts would work. |

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| |Ask the children to think about Ethelyn and the role |

| |play just carried out. |

| |-do the things we say or do to others change their |

| |feelings? |

| |-What can be people do or say to make you feel happy? –|

| |making the discussion meaningful, in a context they can|

| |relate to. |

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| |- Relate the poem to them-Do you like it when someone |

| |smiles at you? Why? |

| |-could we start a smiling epidemic at school? How would|

| |we do that? |

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| |-once they have received a smile the way that they are |

| |moving should change to express this new mood. |

|Teaching / Learning Reflection |

|What went well |What needs to change |Where to next |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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