Craiglockhart Primary School

Social Studies L.I-I explore and appreciate the wonders of nature in different environments.I can use digital technologies to explore and search for information. This week we are off to the Zoo. There are so many animals to see and lots of fun facts to learn.Select the animals you would like to find out about. You can use the facts you find out in your writing activity. some of the animal’s enclosures. Can you spot the animals? Link to the Live Webcams at Edinburgh Zoo. link below is to the Education section of the Zoo’s webpage. The children are directed through information, songs, clips and quizzes.Adventures of Polly Puffin - Discover the Atlantic puffin and learn more about this fantastic seabird! Design your own puffins - maybe even host a puffin puppet performance!Koalafications- Bear or not a Bear! - What makes a koala a koala? Learn about these amazing animals through fact files and a song and design your own koalafication certificate!A Tigers Tale - How does a tiger earn its stripes? Learn about these amazing animals through fact files, a tiger nursery rhyme and an activity booklet.Cheeky the Chimp - Discover the amazing work RZSS does with chimpanzees in the wild and learn about how these cheeky chimps communicate with each otherPolar Bear Explorers – Find out about the polar bears at the Highland Wildlife Park and in the wild. Discover the threats they face and what we can do to help them.Beyond the Panda – learn about pandas, Chinese culture and the Mandarin Language. Try a matching game about the animals who call China home. and Well Being L.I- I know how to keep myself safe in a variety of situations.1)Discuss and draw-Let’s pretend it’s a hot sunny day when we go to the Zoo. Can you think about what you would need to keep yourself safe and well on a hot and sunny day? Draw 3 items that you would need.2) Make- For a school trip we would need a packed lunch. Can you help to prepare a packed lunch? Remember what you learned last week about healthy eating! You could have your packed lunch in your garden or in the park.3) Imagine- After lunch we should have a wee rest. Lie back in your garden or the park or sit on a bench and look up at the clouds in the sky. What shapes and pictures can you see? Can you see any animals in the cloud shapes?4)Talking and Listening - After a rest you would have had a wee play in the park.Scenarios to discuss:You and your friend decide you need the toilet. The toilets are just close by. Should you:Just nip to the toilet because you really need?Go with your friend but tell another friend where you are so the teacher knows?Ask one of the adults that is with your class?You have been having a fun game in the park with your friends but your best friend keeps being bossy and you have fallen out. Should you:Go and see the penguins because they are your favourite and they are just close by and they will cheer you up.Walk away and find someone else to play with.Tell your teacher.A grown up that you don’t know is smiling at you. They wave. They seem nice and friendly. The grown up comes over and chats to you then asks if you would like to come and choose a toy from the shop because they think you deserve a prize for playing so nicely with your friends. Should you:Ignore the gown up and continue playing with your friends.Thank the grown up but politely say I have to stay with my class.Go to the shop and pick a lovely toy but tell your friend so as you don’t get lost.Say in a loud voice, ‘I don’t know you!’ and tell a grown up from your class.Lunch has finished and it’s time to see the last of the animals. You are off to the penguin parade next! You are having such a lovely time watching the penguins that you haven’t noticed that your class has moved on! Should you:Leave the penguins and start looking for your class.Stay with the penguins, they are fun and your class will come back for you.Tell an adult who works at the zoo that you are lost.Reading and comprehension – To begin to read across learning for a variety of purposes; To tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction.This week’s reading and comprehension activities are linked to our virtual trip to the zoo. We are reading short non-fiction books full of fascinating facts and information about wild animals.Activity 1 – RATTLESNAKEBefore reading, take a moment to think and talk about anything you already know about rattlesnakes. Now let’s discover more.Have fun reading this short non-fiction book about rattlesnakes. Watch and listen carefully to the information. Now watch again, and this time try to join in and read as many of the words as you can as they are highlighted. – rattlesnakeHere are some questions about the information. Choose the correct answer from the words below.A rattlesnake is a type of _________________________. (reptile, mammal or bird)A rattlesnake’s tongue is shaped like a _____________________. (spoon, fork or bowl)Rattlesnakes are found in _____________________. (North and South Africa, North and South Australia or North and South America)A rattlesnake rubs against rocks to loosen its _______________________. (tongue, skin or fangs.)CHALLENGE ACTIVITY – Can you make a rattlesnake? Try choosing a sock and stuffing other socks inside. Wrap paper around your snake and squeeze it to make the shape of the body. Now help your rattlesnake to shed its skin! Can you make the sound of its rattle? Think about things in your home which could make a rattling sound, or make a shaker with recycled materials. Have fun! Activity 2 – GIRAFFEBefore reading, take a moment to think and talk about anything you already know about giraffes. Now let’s find out more.Have fun reading this short non-fiction book about giraffes. Watch and listen carefully to the facts. Now watch again and try to join in with reading the words as they are highlighted. – giraffeQUIZ TIME!Can you answer these quiz questions about giraffes?Why are a giraffe’s really long legs useful?How do giraffes sleep?How is a giraffe’s long neck helpful?Giraffes don’t need to drink very often. Why not?Where do giraffes live?CHALLENGE ACTIVITY – Can you find a pattern? A giraffe has a pattern of spots which makes it different from any other giraffe in the world. Look around your home or look out when you are outside. Can you see a pattern? It could be stripes on a rug, spots on a tin, flowers on a picture, or a tile pattern in the bathroom or kitchen. Outside can you notice any patterns on trees or plants? Look at the bark on tree trunks, flower petals, little tiny lines on leaves, paving slabs or cobbles on the ground. Is the pattern the same over and over again – is it a repeating pattern? Or does it change? Can you design your own pattern using paper and pens, or how about making a pattern with fruit or vegetables or cutlery? Please take a photo as we would love to see your ideas!Activity 3 – AFRICAN ELEPHANTBefore reading, take a moment to think and talk about anything you already know about elephants. Now let’s discover more.Have fun reading this short non-fiction book about African elephants. Watch and listen carefully to the information. Now watch again and try to join in with reading the words as they are highlighted – African elephantCan you remember these facts from the information?African elephants live in grasslands, rainforests and _____________________. (deserts, beaches or canals)African elephants use their trunk to throw water onto their back, then they throw ______________________. (leaves, dust or shells)An African elephant also uses its trunk to breathe, drink and _______________________. (wave to its friends or grab food)African elephants have long teeth called tusks which they use to dig for _______________. (branches, roots or twigs)Elephants are in danger because people hunt them for their _____________________. (tusks, tails or trunks)CHALLENGE ACTIVITY – Walk like an elephant! Can you walk like an elephant? Think about big heavy round feet, a swishing tail to flick away the flies, a swinging trunk to breathe, drink, grab food, spray water…. Here is some music to help you to move. It is called ‘The Elephant’ from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saints-Saens. It is played on piano and double bass. Have fun! 4 – CHEETAHBefore reading, take a moment to think and talk about anything you already know about cheetahs. Now let’s find out more.Have fun reading this short non-fiction book about cheetahs. Watch and listen carefully to the information. Now watch again and try to join in with reading the words as they are highlighted – cheetahQUIZ TIME! Can you answer these quiz questions about cheetahs? To which family of animals does the cheetah belong?Why is the cheetah’s coat covered in black spots?For how long can the cheetah run before it needs a rest?What types of animals does a cheetah eat?Where does a cheetah live?CHALLENGE ACTIVITY – Run like a cheetah!Cheetahs sneak up on their prey and then run extremely fast to catch it. They can only run for one minute and then they need to rest. When you are outside, ask someone in your family to time you running as fast as you can for one minute. Do you need a rest? How long do you need to rest before you can run again? You might want to take your water bottle for a drink while you are resting. Have fun!Writing – I can write to convey ideas, messages and information in different ways.This week’s writing tasks are linked to our virtual trip to the zoo. There are three different writing activities – you can do them all if you would like!Create a fact book for one of the animals you have learnt about on your virtual trip. You could even include a range of animals in your fact book if you would like! There is a link below to a blank fact file template you can use to help you structure your information. , you can follow the link below to learn how to make a mini book from one piece of paper. You could put a different fact about your chosen animal on each page of your book! can use this link to help you with your research. the very important roles of the zoo is to protect endangered animals – these are animals that are in danger of becoming extinct, meaning there will be no more left in the world! For example, there are only 1,864 pandas left in the wild in the whole world! Make a poster about one of the endangered animals that Edinburgh zoo are helping to look after. In the poster you can explain why this animal needs our help and what we can do to help it!A poster needs to be bright and colourful and have a clear and simple message. Do these examples do that? Write a story about your favourite animal in the zoo. For example, you could imagine you had one of these animals as a pet. Or maybe this animal sneaked into your bag as you left the zoo and has now appeared in your house! What are you going to do now!! You could make your story into a book using the youtube link above to learn how to make a mini book!Maths – I can recognise symbols on a map and find important landmarks I can use simple terms to give directions such as left, right, forwards, backwardsThis week’s Maths tasks are linked to our trip to the zoo. We are going to explore maps and directions.Maps and DirectionsYou may want to use a map when going on a trip to the zoo. Follow this link below to download the map of Edinburgh zoo. which places you may visit on the virtual trip and find them on the map.Which animals would you like to visit? Where will you go for lunch?Where would you like to lie if you were watching the clouds, can you find a nice grassy area on the map?Where would you find the playpark?Discuss the different symbols on the map with an adult. Can you find these places on the map using the symbols?Below is a link to a fun song about maps and following directions may enjoy sharing this Cat in the Hat story about maps- There’s a map on my lap you make your own simple map of a zoo, showing the places you want to visit? Include some of your favourite animals. Use similar symbols to the ones on the Edinburgh zoo map.Can you give directions to an adult to tell them where to go to find the toilets?Can you give directions to your favourite animal?Can you give directions to the playpark?The clip below shares a little more about maps and has some ideas for making other maps. - To practise saying the names of wild animals in FrenchThis week’s French activities are linked to our virtual trip to the zoo. We are practising saying the names of different wild animals in French. Have you ever seen these animals, perhaps in a zoo or a safari park, or even in the wild? Here is a short clip to help you to hear and repeat the names of the wild animals in French. Try hard to listen and pronounce the words exactly as you hear them. . Un éléphant – an elephant2. Un pingouin – a penguin 3. Un panda – a panda4. Un lion – a lion5. Un rhinocéros – a rhinoceros6. Un singe – a monkey7. Un chimpanzé – a chimpanzee 8. Un ours – a bear9. Un crocodile – a crocodile10. Une girafe – a giraffe11. Un hippopotame – a hippopotamus12. Un léopard – a leopard13. Un kangourou – a kangaroo14. Un tigre – a tiger15. Un loup – a wolf16. Un zèbre – a zebraSome of the French names of wild animals are very similar to the English words. If you know another language, practise saying the names of the wild animals in that language too. Technology/Art – Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas within art and design.Edinburgh Zoo are working on getting giraffes to come and join them! In order for them to live in the zoo they need their own enclosure. Imagine they asked you to design a new enclosure for the giraffes. You will need to make sure this enclosure has enough space for them to move around and places for them to eat and sleep. What features could you design in your enclosure to keep the giraffes entertained and warm? In addition, your enclosure could include some information panels about how giraffes live in the wild to educate people who come to see the giraffes. If you would prefer to you could design an enclosure for a different animal. You could even design one for a fairy tale animal like a dragon, his enclosure would have to be fireproof!You can draw and label your design, or you could make it out of junk by raiding your family’s recycling collection! Here are some junk modelling examples, the green one has been made from a shoe box! In the other example the child has made a whole zoo out of junk! Please take a photo of your finished enclosure and email it or post it on Teams as we would love to see it!P.E- L.I- To move and control my body well. To describe how my body feels after exercise.?Try this animal HIIT workout.? Can you do all of the movements?? Think about how your body feels when you have done them.? Are you hot? Breathless? Any tired muscles??Can you create some new moves? Think about the animals you have seen at the zoo.?Literacy-L.I To read and write two-syllable words, tricky words and sentences.This week we are continuing with two-syllable words. They have two syllables eg jack et, lem on but they are not compound words because they are not made from shorter actual words.Activity 1 – read and write these new two-syllable spelling words. Can you put some of them into a spoken sentence?contact, river, wagon, jigsaw, lemon, planetAdult please write these sentences – ‘Cactus plants grow in very dry places and don’t need much water. In winter the farmer takes the cows inside the barn and feeds them hay.’ Read the sentences. Ask your child to find the compound and two-syllable words. Read the sentences again, pointing to the words as you both read.Write new tricky word ‘know’. Read it, write it, hide it and say the letter sounds.CHALLENGE – Look around the room to see if you can find five items or objects with two syllables eg table, paperEXTRA CHALLENGE – how many items or objects can you find that have three syllables? Eg spaghetti, banana….Activity 2 – read these new two-syllable spelling words – limit, rocket, jacket, jackpot, leader, seven. Talk about their meanings.Adult please write these sentences – ‘Read another story to me from my book and then I know I will be fast asleep. Jane went into the forest with her friend and they had a picnic lunch.’Read the sentences. Ask your child to find two-syllable words, tricky words, punctuation. Read the sentences again, pointing to the words as you both read.Write new tricky word ‘walk’. Read it, write it, hide it and say the letter sounds. Say a sentence using the word ‘walk’.CHALLENGE – In your jotter draw lines to make 4 boxes at the top of the page. Choose 4 two-syllable words and draw a picture for each. On the lines underneath write a sentence using one or two of the words eg ‘We can buy a lemon for our pancakes.’ Activity 3 – read these new two-syllable spelling words -object, normal, melon, never, number, market. Do you know the meaning of each word?DICTATION – in your yellow jotter make six dots at the top of your page and write these words – napkin, problem, picnic, order, sister, winter.Now write this sentence remembering capital letter, finger spaces and full stop: ‘Try to finish the jigsaw of the space rocket.’ Read your sentence through when you have written it.CHALLENGE – FUN QUIZ TIME! Guess the word from these clues: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SAThis Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SAThis starts in the hills or mountains and flows all the way down to the sea. This is a place where you can go shopping and buy things from little stalls, often outside. This season comes after Autumn and before Spring. This is a picture puzzle made of cardboard or wooden pieces.Activity 4 – read and write the new tricky word ‘talk’. Read it, write it, hide it and say the letter sounds.Make up a spoken sentence with each of our new tricky words this week – know, walk, talkCHALLENGE – Can you invent a sentence using all three of our new tricky words? GAMEAlphabetical orderShuffle all of your tricky word cards. Choose 5 tricky word cards face down. Now turn these 5 over and look at the first letter of each word. Put the cards into alphabetical order ie do any of the words start with a? or b? or c? Put the first word down on the table, then look for the second one and put it below the first until you have all 5 words in a ‘list’ in alphabetical order. You may wish to have the alphabet beside you to check. When you have finished, read your list of 5 tricky words and check the order. Well done. CHALLENGE – Tricky word hide and seek game. You will need your tricky word cards and a bowl or tub.Turn your tricky word cards over so that you can’t see the words. Pick 7 cards and hide them around the room but do not look at the words! Now as fast as you can find each word card, turn it over and try to read the word. If you know it, you can keep it. If you don’t know it yet, drop it in the pot or tub. You could ask someone in your family to time you. Choose a different 7 cards to play again. When you are ready to finish, count up how many cards you have. Well done! Here is a reminder of our most recent tricky words:usual, idea, answer, first, buy, those, won’t, don’t, both, money, learn, eight, four, again, people, know, walk, talk.Here is a ‘Mr Thorne does phonics’ clip about words which have ‘al’ in them like walk and talk. here is Geraldine the Giraffe having fun learning ‘al’ words too! Giraffe also learns ‘silent k’ words like our new tricky word ‘know’. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SAThis Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA HandwritingThis week we are continuing to practise our handwriting. We are writing the letters e, j, f, v, w, s, x, z.Follow the link to Doorway Online. on the little cross in the letter boxes to delete the letters which were there already. Now select the letters e, j, f, v, w, s, x, z. Watch how the letters are formed. Try writing them on the screen if you can, or follow with your finger. Select shuffle for a different order. Experiment with different sizes and speeds. You might also be able to write the letters by selecting ‘free draw’.Now write the letters in your yellow jotter or on your whiteboard. Please check that you are sitting properly and that you are holding your pencil correctly. Leave a space between your letters. Write 5 or 6 of each letter in a line. Put a dot or tick beside a good one that you are pleased with in each line.Just for Fun!Wild about June – follow the link to see the wild activity suggestions from Edinburgh Zoo. a school trip we might have a sing song on the bus. Sing some of your favourite songs. Ask your grown up to look them up on YouTube – you could look for The Wheels on the Bus, but you might want to make up your own verses and actions!Use your toy animals/soft toys to give your family a Zoo tour, telling them interesting facts about each of the animals - What is their enclosure like? What are their names? What do they like to eat?A Message from my TeacherHello Primary Two!We hope that you had a great sports week.Soon it will be the end of the school year and we are sorry that we didn’t get the chance to go on a class trip. This week we hope that you will enjoy our virtual trip to Edinburgh Zoo! There are lots of fun learning activities to explore. Please remember to send us an email, send us photos, and post a message or a photo on Teams. We would love to know how you are getting on. Thank you.Have a great week. Love and best wishes from Mrs Hall and Miss Burkejane.hall@craiglockhart.edin.sch.ukeileen.burke@craiglockhart.edin.sch.ukSend photos of your work and successes to to be loaded onto our school website and post work onto your class Team/Nursery, P1 Learning JournalDaily tasks:Start each day with the calendar; talk about the day of the week, the month, the season, the weather and how you are feeling today.Read for at least 15 minutesTake some daily exercise- Check out Joe Wicks Body Coach for kids at ................

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