Constitution Study Guide



Constitution Study Guide

Federal Constitution

Federalism – system of government that divides power between state and national governments

Check and Balances – ways each branch can check and balance power of other two branches

Concurrent Powers – powers shared by both the federal and state governments

Article I – Legislative Branch

Chief Duty = Makes Laws

House of Representatives

Term Length = 2 years

Salary = $169,300

Number of Members = 435

Number of Representatives for Illinois = 19

Qualifications = 25 years old, 7 years citizen of United States, live in state you represent

Officer = Speaker of the House




Term Length = 6 years

Salary = $169,300

Number of Members = 100

Number of Senators for Illinois = 2

Qualifications = 30 years old, 9 years citizen of United States, live in state you represent

How much of Senate is elected every two years? 1/3

Officer = President of the Senate (VICE-PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES)

President Pro Tempore takes over is VP is absent.

Used to be elected by state legislatures – now elected by people.



**** Cannot be arrested for petty crimes going to and from Congress

****Freedom of speech in session

****Filibuster – expanding length of debate so bill dies on floor

Enumerated Powers –



Borrow Money

Regulate trade

Naturalization and Bankruptcy

Make Money

Punish counterfeiting

Establish post offices

Copyrights and Patents

Create lower courts


Declare war

Provide and maintain armed forces

National Guard

Oversee D.C.

Denied Powers –

Cannot take away Habeas corpus - You have the right to test the legality of your detention - judge is not concerned with guilt or innocence

No ex post facto – laws made after the fact

No titles of nobility

Elastic Powers –

Necessary and Proper

Article II – Executive Branch

Chief Duty = Enforce Laws

Salary = President = $400,000

Term Length = 4 years – maximum of 2 terms or 10 years

Qualifications = Natural born citizen, 35 years old, 14 years resident of United States

Order of Succession – if President dies, resigns

1) Vice President

2) Speaker of the House

3) President Pro Tempore

4-19) Cabinet Positions

Powers of President – List

Appoints judges

Grants pardons

Commander in Chief of Armed Forces

Veto Bills

Signs Bills

Submits Budgets to Congress for Approval

****President selects new Vice-President if position becomes vacant (dies, resigns, impeached).

Article III – Judicial Branch

Chief Duty = Interprets Laws

Number of Justices in Supreme Court = 9 Justices

Head of Supreme Court = Chief Justice of Supreme Court

Where do cases heard in Supreme Court come from?

1) Appeals

2) Some directly

Judicial Review – allows courts to declare laws or acts to unconstitutional

****Only crime defined in Constitution is Treason.

Article IV – Relations among States

Full Faith and Credit - rights and privileges of citizen in one state are honored in other states

Extradition – states must surrender criminals from one state to the state crime was committed

How does a new state get admitted? Become territory and then submit Constitution to Congress for approval

Article V - Rules for Amendments

Step 1 - Amendment proposed by 2/3 of Congress

Step 2 - Ratified by ¾ of State Legislatures

Article VI

All officials must take oath to uphold Constitution.

No religious test or qualifications for holding office.

Article VII

9 states had to ratify (approve) it. (1789)

How a Bill Becomes Law

1. passed by majority of Congress, signed by President

2. passed by majority of Congress, vetoed by President, passed by 2/3 of Congress over veto

3. passed by majority of Congress, President does not sign it or veto it for ten working days

POCKET VETO = passed by majority of Congress, President does not sign it or veto it for ten working days and Congress leaves session the bill does not become law.

Amendments – changes to Constitution

Total Number of Amendments = 27

1-10 – Bill of Rights

5th – Must be indicted by a Grand jury, No self-incrimination, Right to Due Process, No Double Jeopardy

13th – Abolished Slavery

14th – Equal Rights Amendment – grants citizenship to Freedmen, equal protection under law

18th - Prohibits sale, manufacture, distribution of alcohol

Election of President

1) Primary Elections (40 states) and Caucuses (10 states) - choose delegates for parties National Convention

2) National Convention – nominate Parties Presidential Candidate

3) General Election – Tuesday after first Monday in November

4) Electoral College Meets – in state capitals (270 needs to win).

Each state gets number of representatives + number of Senate/

Illinois = 21

5) Joint Sessions of Congress (Jan. 3) – open envelopes, count votes, officially announce winner

6) Tie – House of Representatives decide by a vote


Illinois State Constitution

Legislative Branch - General Assembly

House of Representatives

Term Length = 2 Years

Number of Members = 118

Qualifications = 21 years old, U.S. Citizen, Resident of district for two years


Term Length = 4 Years

Number of Members = 59

Qualifications = 21 years old, U.S. Citizen, Resident of district for two years

How much of Senate is elected every two years? 1/2

Executive Branch

List jobs description for each state official below:

Governor Chief Executive Officer

Lt. Governor Takes over for Governor if necessary

Attorney General Chief Legal Officer

Secretary of State Keeps official records – licenses, marriage certificates, etc.

Comptroller Pays Bills

Treasurer Banker – Keeps track of money going in and out.

Judicial Branch - Supreme Court of Illinois

Number of Justices in Supreme Court = 7 Justices

Voting Requirements for Illinois = 18 Years old, 6 months resident of state, 30 days resident of district

Last time a new Illinois State Constitution was written was 1970.


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