Economic Performance Chapter 12: Evaluating the Economy Lesson 1 ...

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Economic Performance

Chapter 12: Evaluating the Economy

Lesson 1: Measuring the Nation¡¯s Output and Income

Gross Domestic Product:

Intermediate Products:

Secondhand Sales:

Nonmarket Transactions:

Underground Economy:

Base Year:

Real GDP:

Current GDP:

Real GDP Per Capita:


Net Exports of Goods and Services:

Output-Expenditure Model:

1. Why is real GDP a more accurate measure of economic growth?

2. What does GDP not tell us?

Lesson 2: Population Growth and Trends



Population Pyramid:

Dependency Ratio:


Fertility Rate:

Life Expectancy:

Net Immigration:

Period: ______

Lesson 3: Poverty and the Distribution of Income

Poverty Threshold:

Lorenz Curve:


Food Stamps:


Earned Income Tax Credit:


Negative Income Tax:

1. What are the reasons for income inequality?


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