The Practice of English Language Teaching 5th edition ...

The Practice of English Language Teaching 5th edition ¨C resources for use with book

Guided reading worksheet

Chapter 13










Name four different aspects of language which a student needs to study, e.g. morphology.


Name two ways to check how familiar a class of students is with a speci?c language form you plan

to teach.

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Complete this diagram, which shows the ¡®explain-and-practise¡¯ teaching sequence, using the terms in

the box.










Give three reasons why you might change or modify activities or activity sequences in a coursebook.



How many different techniques for explaining the meaning of language forms can you list? Which,

for you, are the most effective? Why?


What are the main advantages of using a process of discovery to get the students to identify the

underlying rules of language construction?

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Look at the following teacher¨Cstudent dialogue. Which techniques does the teacher use to teach

grammar? How effective do you think this approach is?

T: So, what did you do last night?

S: I go the cinema.

T: Hmm. Go?

S: Yes, I go to the cinema?

T: Last night? Go? (pause) Sure? (smiles)

S: Ah, OK. I went. I went to the cinema.

T: Yes. Go. Past simple. Went. Went.

S: OK. I went. It was a new film. A Spain film.

T: Sorry? Spain or Spanish?

S: A Spanish film.

T: OK. Spanish is adjective. Spain is noun, the country. So, a Spanish film. So ¡­ (pause, smiles) Everything? I ¡­

S: I went to the cinema last night. I saw a Spanish film.



Think about an aspect of grammar or vocabulary which you plan to present and practise in the

coming weeks. Think creatively about how to integrate all of the following techniques in some way,

in order to create a rich teaching approach which is likely to meet the needs of students with diverse

learning needs.









Use of pictures/diagrams




Take time to reflect on your teaching after using these different techniques. Think about what

went well and less well, and why. Decide how best to continue developing your techniques: either

practising more with familiar approaches or by trying new ones.

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1 (Suggested answers)

Syntax, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling

2 (Suggested answers)

Ask questions which force students to demonstrate how effectively they can use the form, and see how well they use it. Elicit an explanation of

the language form directly.

3 1 Elicitation 2 Students perform well 3 Explanation 4 Immediate creativity 5 Students perform badly

4 (Suggested answers)

The coursebook activities may not suit specific learner styles. We may want to introduce new and less repetitive activities. We may want to

design activities which personalise the learning to our students¡¯ needs and contexts.

5 (Suggested answers)

Showing the form on a whiteboard, mime, gesture, using pictures/diagrams, explanation, translation

6 (Suggested answers)

Students are motivated by the challenge of trying to find things out.

The cognitive effort involved produces a more permanent learning effect.

It is extremely useful as a revision technique for students to consolidate their knowledge of familiar forms.

7 (Suggested answers)

The teacher is using a dialogic approach, trying to work with natural conversation to encourage the student¡¯s use of the specific form (the

past simple), as well as drawing the student¡¯s attention to context and meaning with questions like ¡®Last night?¡¯ and ¡®Go?¡¯. Humour and

pausing, which encourages self-reflection and self-correction, are also used, alongside explicit correction and repetition of the target form, plus

positive feedback.


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