Guided Reading Activity 13-4

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5 Guided Reading Activity 13-4

DIRECTIONS: Filling in the Blanks In the space provided, write the word or words that best complete the sentence. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks.

1. Populism was a movement to increase farmers'

and to work for

in their interest.

2. One specific problem that greatly concerned farmers was the nation's


3. To help finance the Union war effort, the United States issued millions of dollars in

, which could not be exchanged for



4. A rapid increase in the money supply without an increase in goods for sale caused

, which is a decline in the value of money.

5. Realizing that their problems were caused by a

, many farmers

concluded that

had pressured Congress into reducing the

money supply.

6. Some people, particularly those living in

, wanted the

government to



pooled farmers' crops and held them off the market in order



8. In Wabash v. Illinois, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not



9. The exchanges had success with

in Texas and

in Illinois.

10. A plan by Charles Macune called for farmers to store their crops in government ware-

houses called


11. Populists who attended the Omaha convention called for federal ownership of

and a graduated


12. Both the

and the

nominated William

Jennings Bryan for president in 1896.

13. William McKinley's personal reputation helped to improve the Republican Party's

image with



14. Although the Populist Party began to decline after 1896, some of the

they favored did come about in later decades.



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