1. What is the Electoral College? A group of people named by each state congress to select the President and Vice President.

2.Each state has members of the Electoral College. The number of members in the Electoral College for each state is based on what? Congressional representation

3. Electoral College votes are only used in campaigns for: President and Vice President


How many Electoral College votes does a candidate need to win an election?


5. How is the slate of Electors chosen in each state? By popular vote (during General Elections)

6. How does the winner--take--all system influence candidates in their campaigning? Where do they spend a lot of time? It convinces them to target large states for campaigning.

7. Can candidates ignore states with small electoral numbers? Why or why not? No, they must pay attention to small states because their electoral votes may make a difference in a tight election.

8. The requirements for a majority vote to win in the Electoral College favors what kind of political party system? Two--party system

9. Why did Political Parties emerge?

Differences in views on government and the Constitution

10. What are the four functions ("jobs") of political parties? a. recruit and nominate candidates

b. educate electorate on issues


help candidates win elections

d. monitor actions of officeholders (act as a "watchdog")

11.The U.S. political party system is mainly a:

two--party system.

12. What are the two major political parties in the United States? Democrats and Republicans

13.List the 4 similarities between political parties.

a. organize to win elections

b. influence public policies

c. reflect both liberal and conservative views

d. they win majority votes by appealing to the

political center

14. What is the one major difference between parties, according to our notes?-- Their platform and how they campaign to reflect it

15. What do Third Parties do that makes them important to campaigns?

What is one way that third parties gain support/members? -- introduce new ideas or promote an issue and force the two main parties to address these issues

-- Sometimes they gain support and momentum through identifying with `celebrity--type' personalities such as Theodore Roosevelt

16. Name 5 ways rising campaign costs have affected campaigns.

a. make running for office more expensive

b. Require candidates to conduct extensive fund--raising activities

c. Limit opportunities to run for public office

d. Give an advantage to wealthy individuals who run for office

e. Encourage the development of political action committees (PAC)& Give issue--oriented special interest groups increased influence

17. What has caused the creation of campaign finance laws?

--Rising campaign costs

18. What do campaign finance laws do? They limit the amount an individual may contribute to political candidates and campaigns and require that where the donations come from must be disclosed to the public.

19. What are special interest groups? An organization of people with common interest who try to influence government decisions.


Why are P.A.C.'s and special interest groups so powerful and important to political candidates? They provide huge amounts of money (contributions, funding, donations) to campaigns and candidates.

21. What role does the media play in elections? a. helps to identify candidates

b. emphasizes certain issues (jobs, economy, health care, etc.)

c. write editorials, create political cartoons, and publish op-- ed. pieces

--broadcast different points of view

22. Name four strategies voters could use to evaluate campaign speeches, literature, and advertisements. (What should they do when listening to these things?):

a. Separate fact from opinion

b. detect bias

c. evaluate multiple sources

d. identify propaganda

Public Policy (9a--c) 23.What is public policy? A strategy designed by the government that tries to achieve a certain goal (laws).

24. How does the media inform policymakers and influence public policies (3 ways)?

a. By focusing attention on selected issues. b. By offering a forum (place) for people to debate opposing viewpoints. c. By holding government officials accountable to the public.

25. How do government officials use the media? They use the media to communicate with the public.

For example, the President will go on television to ask citizens to pressure Congress to pass a bill.

26.What do lobbyists do? They seek to influence legislators to introduce or vote for or against a bill.

Lobbyists typically work for special interest groups.

27.How do individuals influence public policy (3 ways)?

a. By participating in politics (voting, campaigning, seeking office) b. By expressing their opinions ( lobbying, demonstrating, writing letters) c. Joining interest groups

28.How do interest groups influenced public policy (3 ways)?

a. By identifying issues that may have been overlooked (gay rights, animal rights)

b. By making political contributions (PACs)

c. Lobbying government officials


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