School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) Requirements

School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) Requirements

Consistent with the USDE approved ESEA Flexibility Waiver, all Focus Schools and Priority Schools that are not implementing one of the four SIG intervention models are required to develop a School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP). The SCEP will be submitted as part of the District Comprehensive Improvement Plan that addresses all of the tenets outlined in the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness.

For SY 2013-14 the SCEP must:

• include an analysis of the achievement of the goals contained in the 2012-13 school year SCEP.

• be based on the findings and recommendations contained in the Integrated Intervention Team Reviews, District led Diagnostic Review, School Reviews (Focused on Tenet 3) with District Oversight, and the DCIP/SCEP feedback letter.*

• identify the supports and interventions that are aligned to the six tenets, from the list of allowable expenditures and activities approved by the Department, that the district will provide to each identified school based on the aforementioned reports.

• identify the supports and interventions that will satisfy the improvement set-aside and parent engagement set-aside requirements. Guidance about the improvement set-aside requirements can be found on pages 19-24 of the DCIP. Guidance about the parent engagement set-aside requirements can be found at:

Supports and interventions implemented in LAP schools cannot be used to satisfy the improvement set-aside or parent engagement set-aside requirements.

• explicitly delineate the school’s plan for annually increasing student performance through comprehensive instructional programs and services as well as the plan for enhancement of teacher and leader effectiveness. The SCEP must focus on the accountability subgroup(s) and measures for which the school has been identified.

• address how the school will use its full range of resources (which may include Title I, Title II, Title and/or III, 1003(a) and/or 1003(g) School Improvement, Race to the Top, School Innovation or local funds) to support improvement efforts for the identified sub-group(s) on the identified accountability measures.

• be implemented no later than the beginning of the first day of regular student attendance.

• be developed in consultation with parents, school staff and others in accordance with the requirements of Shared-Decision Making (CR 100.11) to provide a meaningful opportunity for stakeholders to participate in the development of the plan and comment on the SCEP before it is approved. The plan must be approved by the school board and be made widely available through public means, such as posting on the Internet, distribution through the media and distribution through public agencies.

* If the school identifies a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets, the school should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed.

Priority schools implementing a whole school reform model in 2013-14 must also:

• demonstrate that a minimum of 200 additional student contact hours are being offered as Expanded Learning Time in addition to the current mandated length of 900 hours per year of instruction in elementary school and 990 hours per year in high school (see pages 17-18).

Charter Schools

In lieu of a School Comprehensive Education Plan, each charter school identified as a Focus School or Priority School shall take such actions as are required by its charter authorizer pursuant to Article 56 of the Education Law, consistent with the charter agreement that each charter school has with its charter authorizer and as determined by the charter school’s board of trustees in consultation with the charter school’s authorizer. For information specifically regarding charter schools, please see pages 112 - 113 of the ESEA waiver:

Submission Checklist

Before the SCEP is submitted ensure the following are complete by checking the appropriate box:

☐ The plan has been approved and signed by the Superintendent and the Board of Education (in NEW YORK CITY, the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s Designee).

☐ The school information sheet is complete and has identified all sources of Federal funding provided to the school by the district.

☐ The recommendations contain appropriate citations e.g., Major recommendation: Consistently use CCLS curriculum documents, including pacing calendars, unit plans and assessments (DTSDE IIT report for School 11, P.7). For needs that are not based on a major recommendation from a DTSDE but that are aligned to the 6 tenets, the school has identified the need within the plan and provided a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed.

☐ If a portion of the improvement set-aside requirement is accounted for within the SCEP, the SCEP has clearly indicated such by noting the fund source, school cost, and checking the appropriate check box in column H. e.g., if the school is completing an activity from the list of allowable improvement activities (see DCIP p.19-24) the activity has been noted in the fund source column as an improvement set aside activity; e.g., Fund Source – RttT - Improvement Set-Aside.

☐ If a portion of the parent engagement set-aside requirement is accounted for within the SCEP, the SCEP has clearly indicated such by noting the fund source, school cost, and checking the appropriate check box in column H. Activities dedicated to parent engagement activities should be noted in the fund source column: e.g., Fund Source – Title IA – Parent Engagement Set-Aside.

☐ Priority Schools Only: The program description, schedule, and ELT work plan have been included with the submission.

The School Comprehensive Education Plan Template follows on pages 4 - 15.

Submission Instructions

Plans should be emailed to:


By CoB August 31, 2013

The LEA Name and DCIP/SCEP should appear in the subject line.


Based on the findings and recommendations contained in the Integrated Intervention Team Reviews, District led Diagnostic Review, School Reviews (Focused on Tenet 3) with District Oversight, and the DCIP/SCEP feedback letter, develop an action plan using the template provided on the following pages. The DCIP and SCEPs must be made widely available through public means, such as posting on the Internet, by the district.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The DCIP and School Comprehensive Educational Plans (SCEP) overlap for all statements of practice (SOP) of the Six Tenets. The DCIP requires full details for the district level SOPs and limited information for the remaining school level SOPs. The SCEP requires limited information for the district level SOPs and full details for the school level SOPs.

The SCEP must include all applicable costs from the DCIP to show how the district is allocating the necessary resources and has met the accountability set-aside requirements. The DCIP amounts must match the budget amounts for each indicated fund source. The major components of the DCIP and SCEP(s) should be in alignment. Each SCEP includes the school level costs for each activity, and shows the district support for each school. The table should be copied and pasted in order to address all relevant SOPs within a tenet.

A. Identify the SOP being addressed by selecting it from the check box. All SOPs should be addressed even if the school received a rating of highly effective or effective for that SOP. If the school received a rating of effective or highly effective for a SOP, that should be noted in the check box. If the school received a rating of effective or highly effective for an entire Tenet, the school may address the Tenet as a whole. If the school did not receive a rating for a SOP or Tenet, the school may choose to address specific SOPs or the Tenet as a whole depending on the school level priorities. The remainder of the form for that SOP, that has been rated effective/highly effective, may be left blank unless the school is allocating funds to the Highly Effective/Effective SOP/Tenet. For a complete listing of SOPs visit:

B. Identify the HEDI rating for the associated SOP that was given to the school from one of the aforementioned reports by selecting it from the check box. (Note: Schools that did not receive an Integrated Intervention Team visit in 2012-13 or have not yet received their school report should use the HEDI rating from their self-assessment or indicate “NA.”) If the SOP is a school level SOP and the District is allocating funds to that SOP for the school level work, Not Applicable should be selected in the HEDI box.*

C. Provide a list of the major recommendations that directly relate to each corresponding SOP if applicable. The source of the recommendation or rationale if it is a district identified need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 tenets must be indicated.

D. Provide a list of school goals directly aligned to the achievement of the major recommendations. Goals must be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the recommendation. Each goal should be numbered 1,2,3…

E. List the detailed activities that will be implemented to achieve each goal. Activities should be numbered to match the number of the goal to which they correspond

F. Identify all fund sources and corresponding amounts that will be used for completion of each activity. The improvement and parent engagement set-asides should be clearly indicated. Funds associated with the Expanded Learning Time Program should also be clearly indicated by hyphenating the fund source; e.g. Title IA - ELT.

G. Indicate the total school costs associated with each activity.

H. Check the box to indicate if the activity satisfies one of the mandated set-aside requirements.

I. List the projected timeline for completion of each activity, including the start and end date of each activity.

*The tenet table should be copied and pasted to a new page to ensure all SOPs are addressed.


School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP)

|SCHOOL NAME |D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 |CONTACT NAME |Elizabeth L. Giangreco |

|PHONE |716-816-3120 |E-MAIL |egiangreco@ |

|Website Link for | | | |

|Published Plan | | | |


Implementation is required no later than the first day of regular student attendance.

Signatures confirm the respective parties certify that the SCEP addresses all of the required components of the ESEA Flexibility Waiver as detailed on page 1 of this document and understand that any significant modification of the school district’s approved plan require the prior approval of the commissioner.


| | | | |

|SUPERINTENDENT |Dr. Pamela C. Brown | |___/___/___ |

| |Dr. Barbara Seals Nevergold | | |

|PRESIDENT, B.O.E. | | |___/___/___ |


Each LEA should have a single School Leadership Team (SLT) and a single school comprehensive education plan. Plan development must include all constituencies in the community as required under the Shared Decision Making Plan (CR 100.11). Participants who are regularly involved in your school improvement initiatives, such as community organizations or institutes of higher education, should be included. By signing below stakeholders acknowledge that they have actively participated in the development and revision of the SCEP. Signature of this acknowledgment does not constitute endorsement of the plan or each of its components.

Instructions: List of stakeholders who participated in developing the SCEP as required by Commissioner’s Regulations §100.18. Provide dates, locations, agendas and supporting documentation of Local Stakeholder meetings.

|Name |Title |Signature |

|Elizabeth Giangreco |Principal | |

|Ginna Willson |Assistant Principal | |

|Jennifer Molfese |Literacy Coach | |

|Nicole Buccilli |Building Math Teacher | |

|Erica Carr |Building Math Teacher | |

|Gina Kupfer |Special Education Teacher | |

|Rebecca Zuch |ESL Teacher | |

|Yolanda Quintana |Kindergarten Teacher | |

|Christie Hy |Building ReadingTeacher | |

|Maria Velickovic | ESL Teacher | |

|Kelly Horsmon |Art Teacher | |

|Katia McCalla |Parent | |

|Meeting Date(s) |Location(s) |Agenda attached? |Supporting documents included? |

| | | | |

| | |Yes No |Yes No |

|7/23/2013 |D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 | | |

| | | | |

|8/7/2013 |D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 |Yes No |Yes No |

|8/21/2013 |D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 |Yes No |Yes No |

|8/26/2013 |D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 |Yes No |Yes No |

|School Information Sheet |

|Grade Configuration |

|% Free Lunch |

|% American Indian or Alaska Native |

|Years Principal |

|Assigned to School |

|Priority School |

|2012-2013 ELA Performance at levels 3 & 4 |

|% of 1st yr. students who earned 10+ credits |

| |American Indian or Alaska Native | x |Black or African American |

| x |Hispanic or Latino | |Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander |

| |White | |Multi-racial |

| x |Students with Disabilities | x |Limited English Proficient |

| x |Economically Disadvantaged | | |

|Did Not Meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Mathematics |

| |American Indian or Alaska Native | |Black or African American |

| x |Hispanic or Latino | |Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander |

| |White | |Multi-racial |

| x |Students with Disabilities | x |Limited English Proficient |

| x |Economically Disadvantaged | | |

|Did Not Meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Science |

| |American Indian or Alaska Native | X |Black or African American |

| X |Hispanic or Latino | |Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander |

| |White | |Multi-racial |

| X |Students with Disabilities | X |Limited English Proficient |

| X |Economically Disadvantaged | | |

|Did Not Meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for Effective Annual Measurable Achievement Objective |

| x |Limited English Proficiency |

SCEP Overview

In this section, the school must describe the development of the plan, the degree to which the 2012-13 school year SCEP was successfully implemented, overall improvement mission or guiding principles at the core of the SCEP, strategy for executing the mission/guiding principles, the key design elements of the SCEP, and other unique characteristics of the plan (if any), and provide evidence of the school’s capacity to effectively oversee and manage the improvement plan.

The SCEP must be made widely available through public means, such as posting on the Internet, by the district. The Overview will serve as the at-a-glance summary of how the school will use various funding sources to improve student achievement. This Overview should be no more than five pages in length.

Reflecting upon the 12-13 plan:

1. What were the strengths of the plan? What were the weaknesses?

In reflecting upon the 2012-2013 SCEP, a considerable amount of strengths can be noted. A primary strength of the 2012-2013 SCEP was the professional development offered at grade level meetings and faculty meetings. Monthly faculty meetings were held to inform staff on the SCEP goals and to work with staff toward accomplishing these goals, as well as to offer the foundation in training staff the RtI model and the Data Driven Dialogue model. Grade level meetings offered a time to delve deeper into the RtI model and the Data Driven Dialogue model. Grade level meetings were offered to all teachers in Kindergarten through eighth grade once per cycle, and were a time when staff members could examine student data and work with their colleagues to create data driven plans to increase student achievement. Grade level meetings yielded the concrete outcomes of: RtI and AIS folder expectations, methods in the Data Driven Inquiry process, and action plans to increase achievement in specific concepts in the contents of English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Another strength of the 2012-2013 SCEP was the creation of multiple committees within the building, and the voluntary teacher participation within those committees. Committees created include: LEP Action Team, ELA Action Team, Math Action Team, Wellness Committee, Literacy Across Content Areas Committee, DASA Committee, and Co-Teaching Book Club. The progress and activities of these committees was reported at the monthly Site Based Management Team (SBMT) meetings. A third strength of the 2012-2013 SCEP was adherence to district requirements for Common Core implementation. All teachers in Kindergarten through eighth grade implemented Common Core Learning Standard aligned curricular by using Buffalo Public Schools-created supplements for English Language Arts and Mathematics. All staff also complied with daily minimum time requirements for English Language Arts and Mathematics instruction. A fourth strength of the 2012-2013 SCEP was the steps taken toward increasing parental involvement. In an effort to increase parent involvement, a Parent Facilitator was hired, whose job was to reach out to families and get them to come to school to volunteer in classrooms, and to come to school-sponsored evening and day events. Increased parental involvement was also initiated by the mailing of 5 week progress reports and 8 week quarter grades, for all families of students in grades Kindergarten through 8.

One of the largest highlights of the 2012-2013 SCEP was an increase in attendance and positive behavior of students, accompanied by a decrease in suspensions. Over the course of the 2012-2013 school year, the school’s attendance increased to 92.6% from 88.6% three years prior, whereas the suspension rates decreased from 142 short term to 60 and long term suspensions decreased 50% from 16 to 7. The number of behavioral referrals also decreased. This improvement can be largely credited to the school-wide implementation and adherence to the Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS), which promotes positive behaviors around the school. Within this system was implemented a SAIG (student academic intervention group) referred to as “lunch bunch” groups for at risk students for behavioral, academic and attendance concerns, focusing upon the promotion of positive behavior and the strengthening of academics.

Reflection upon the 2012-2013 SCEP also yields some weaknesses within the plan and opportunities for improvement for the upcoming year. A primary weakness within the 2012-2013 SCEP plan is the fact that the school did not meet the targeted goals for achievement on the 2013 New York State English Language Arts or Mathematics assessments. While the failure to achieve the targets could be partially credited to the increased rigor on the exam, there are some building-based weaknesses that could also explain the failure to meet these targets. First, although all staff did follow the district curriculum supplements to align to CCLS, many teachers’ lesson plan did not reflect continual use of CCLS and its shifts and practices. Further, many staff members did not have student-friendly objectives written and displayed for every lesson, and many staff members did not work on specific rigorous tasks, such as work on answering text-based questions. These all allow for future improvement, as full, specific, and rigorous CCLS implementation can become a primary goal for the 2013-2014 SCEP. Second, although some staff did utilize the training provided at grade level meetings on Data Driven Inquiry (DDI), many staff members did not consistently use data analysis to drive their instruction. This yielded in inadequate differentiation of instruction for Students with Disabilities and Limited English Proficient students.

A major weakness noted within the 2012-2013 SCEP plan lies with classroom teachers co-planning with their Special education and English as a Second Language co-teachers. While some co-teachers did take time during and outside of the school day to co-plan lessons, many teachers voiced that they were provided insufficient time during the school day to co-plan the lessons. This resulted in lesson plans that were not specific as to what each teacher’s role was within the lesson. The provision of a common planning time during the school day can be an important goal for the 2013-2014 SCEP document. A third weakness within the 2012-2013 SCEP plan derived from inconsistency in grade level meeting times. As local and formative assessment directives came through, many grade level meetings, particularly for Kindergarten through third grade teachers, had to be canceled to accommodate for testing. This is an important consideration to take into account for the upcoming school year, as district adherence to the posted testing calendar would be critical to ensuring that schools can schedule accordingly, to minimize disruptions. A final weakness within the 2012-2013 SCEP plan was insufficient parental involvement. Although a Parent Facilitator was hired to work on increasing parent involvement and although parent involvement did increase slightly, it still remained very low. An increase in parent involvement will remain a critical goal for the 2013-2014 SCEP plan.

2.Were you able to accomplish all of the goals detailed in the plan? If not, what were some of the barriers?

Although the school did attempt to accomplish all of the goals detailed within the plan, there were some barriers that stood in the way of full goal implementation. One barrier that hindered accomplishment of all goals was limited to no paid professional development opportunities. While some paid professional development opportunities were offered focusing upon CCLS implementation and the DDI process, budgetary constraints hindered the offering of paid professional development opportunities to delve deeper into the two professional development areas that were offered, and to broach other areas in need of improvement. Another barrier that hindered accomplishment of all goals was insufficient grade level meeting time, and canceled grade level meeting times. While grade level meeting times were scheduled to be held once per cycle, it was often found that this once-per-cycle schedule was insufficient to cover all of the topics necessary, in the depth needed. A third barrier that hindered accomplishment of all goals was the lack of a full time Student Support Team (SST) to attend grade level meetings. While the SST chair personnel is at the building full time, other members of the SST are half time or less than half time employees, and couldn’t be scheduled to consistently attend grade level meetings. This limited our implementation of SST involvement in grade level meetings to track and discuss student behaviors.

3.Did the identified activities receive the funding necessary to achieve the corresponding goals?

The activities identified above received limited, but insufficient funding to achieve the corresponding goals. Funding was sufficient to provide very limited work with CCLS and DDI implementation. With more funding, the school could have provided professional development that delved deeper into Common Core alignment and how to use the Data Driven Inquiry process to drive instruction. Greater funding could also have provided professional development on differentiating instruction for SWD and LEP students, as well as professional development on specific teaching strategies to increase skills in reading comprehension and writing.

In developing the 13-14 plan:

1. How was the plan developed?

The 2013-2014 SCEP document was developed in collaboration with the leadership team, which is comprised of building administrators, district administrators (Multilingual Department), a special education teacher, an English as a Second Language teacher, two building math teachers, and a reading teacher. based on an informal self-assessment using the Comprehensive School Rubric For DTSDE Tenets. Included in the 2013-2014 are several data sources including but not limited to, DIBELS, NYS ELA and Math Assessments, Terra Nova, beginning of the year Acuity, the Tri-State Rubric and the APPR were analyzed and D’Youville Porter School #3 ‘s strengths and weaknesses were identified. Each committee contributed recommendations, goals, and activities to enhance areas of strengths and support areas of weaknesses to improve student achievement.

2. How will the plan be made widely available to the public?

The 2013-2014 SCEP plan will be made available to the public by being posted on the school website. The plan will also be given to each teacher at the beginning of the school, will be presented at SBMT meetings, and will be presented to parents and students at August Student Orientation. The SCEP is a working document that will be modified quarterly and shared to all stakeholders.

3. What are the identified needs of the school?

The plan is driven by six primary needs: LEP subgroup focus ,professional development, collaboration and planning, middle school foundational transition. First, the school wide focus on the needs of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students, and best practices in differentiating instruction to LEP students. It is critical to incorporate the school needs that are to the existing Bilingual Education program, including: time required for instruction in English & Spanish, strategies for ensuring educational equity for bilingual students, and guidelines for students exiting the bilingual program. A third need for the school is that of professional development. Within professional development, the school would like to offer the following three topics: Step Up to Writing, in an effort to introduce a common writing curriculum across grade level within the school; Ways to increase student engagement, in an effort to move away from independent seat work within classrooms; and Flexible grouping, in an effort to promote integration of bilingual students with their monolingual peers.

A fourth need of the school lies in collaboration and planning. A primary necessity within this need is common planning time for classrooms where there is a co-teacher both in special education and ESL. Allowing for this common planning time will allow for the implementation of lessons where both teachers are integrated and have equal roles within the classroom. Within the need for collaboration and planning also lies the need for vertical and horizontal planning for staff. A fifth need of the school is that of bridging the gap between elementary and middle school. This need is evident as many students struggle to transition into the structure of seventh and eighth grade classes. Work is needed with the sixth grade team, to help students prepare for the following year’s transition into middle school. Along with this need of bridging the gap is the need to strengthen student engagement and heighten academic expectations within the middle school classes. Increasing these areas would help better prepare these students for the rigor and expectations that they will encounter when they transition into high school. A final need for the school is to strengthen community partnerships. Strengthening community partnerships will result in higher community involvement within the school, which would ultimately increase student achievement.

4. What are the guiding principles that are connected to the identified needs of the school?

The guiding principles that connected to the identified needs of the school are the mission and beliefs of Buffalo Public Schools, and the mission and beliefs of D’Youville Porter Campus School #3, as listed below:

Buffalo Public Schools Mission:

• To ensure that every student will have the confidence, knowledge thinking skills, character and hope to assume responsibility for her/his life and contribute to the lives of others; and

• We will champion excellence and innovative learning experiences in partnership with family and community; and

• We will hold ourselves accountable for education our students and for working to energize all members of the community to actively participate in the accomplishment of our mission.

Buffalo Public Schools Beliefs:

• All children can and must have a world-class education.

• Great leaders and teachers make schools thrive.

• Victory is won in the classroom.

• A “whatever it takes” attitude makes the difference.

• Parents and Community members are our partners.

D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 Mission:

To establish a culture of excellence that incorporates rigorous instruction, accountability, and parent and community partnerships that ensure every student will have the confidence, knowledge, thinking skills, character and hope to assume responsibility for his or her life and contribute to the lives of others. Using data-driven planning to recruit, develop, and equip faculty and staff to thrive as we raise student achievement.

D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 Beliefs:

• All students have the ability to learn

• Strong instructional leadership is fundamental

• A safe and supportive learning environment is essential

• Rigorous instruction is required to create college and career ready students

• Data informs our instructional practices

• Establishing meaningful partnerships is crucial to building a strong community.

5. What is the strategy and overall timeline for accomplishing the guiding principles? Are there any anticipated barriers?

The timeline for accomplishing the guiding principles is the September 2013 to June 2014. The strategy in accomplishing the guiding principles is, first, to inform the staff of the principles and foster a passion for increasing the achievement of the students and, next, to create a detailed schedule of professional development opportunities that can lead to fulfillment of listed goals.

6. What are the 13-14 student academic achievement targets for the identified sub-groups?

The identified sub-groups for ELA and Math are Black or African American students, Hispanic students, LEP students, students with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged students. The academic achievement target over 8 years for Black or African American students for ELA is a 9.5% increase and for math an increase of 10% per year. The 2013-2014 student academic achievement targets for identified sub-groups are as listed in the chart below:

|Grade & Subject |# Tested |% Level 1 |% Level 2 |% Level 3 |% Level 4 |Target |

|Grade 3 ELA |65 |69.2 |21.5 |9.2 |0 |24.3 |

|Grade 3 Math |69 |66.7 |29 |4.3 |0 |20.3 |

|Grade 4 ELA |73 |58.9 |38.4 |1.4 |1.4 |19.0 |

|Grade 4 Math |73 |69.9 |24.7 |5.5 |0 |21.3 |

|Grade 5 ELA |75 |62.7 |29.3 |8 |0 |23.3 |

|Grade 5 Math |76 |68.4 |27.6 |3.9 |0 |19.9 |

|Grade 6 ELA |63 |44.4 |50.8 |1.6 |3.2 |20.7 |

|Grade 6 Math |65 |49.2 |46.2 |3.1 |1.5 |20.5 |

|Grade 7 ELA |64 |67.2 |23.4 |9.4 |0 |24.5 |

|Grade 7 Math |65 |87.7 |10.8 |1.5 |0 |17.9 |

|Grade 8 ELA |53 |52.8 |39.6 |5.7 |1.9 |23.0 |

|Grade 8 Math |53 |62.3 |35.8 |1.9 |0 |18.3 |

7. How will professional development for school staff be selected and delivered?

The professional development for the school staff will be based on teachers’ needs, student needs, and state and local data. Some professional development opportunities will be embedded within the school day and substitutes will be hired to provide teacher coverage. Professional development for school staff will be selected by reviewing various data sources including assessment data, informal walkthrough data, teacher APPR data, and by conducting a needs assessment. Professional Development will be delivered on a district level, school level by the Principal and/or Instructional Coach at grade level meetings, faculty meetings, voluntary after school in-services, and on an individual basis through working with the Instructional Coach. . Other professional development opportunities will be offered before and after school, in both paid and unpaid modalities.

8. How will the school leaders communicate with school staff and the community?

The school leaders will communicate with the staff via a daily bulletin that is emailed to all staff members and posted in the office. School leaders will communicate with families and community members by mail communications, Tuesday folders, and Connect Education phone calls. Staff members will communicate with families via telephone calls and via monthly newsletters that will be written by each classroom teacher. All staff members will use the School #3 webpage as an avenue for communication during the 2013-2014 school year. A monthly newsletter is published by the Principal specifically strategies for parents to use at home to reinforce curriculum. In the school newspaper the school leader features a communication piece to inform the community of pertinent school information including activities, curriculum, and suggestions of how to support grade level curriculum at home to enhance student learning. In addition to weekly written communication information is posted on the School #3 website. In addition, all school committee agendas and minutes will be shared at SMBT meetings and at PTO meetings.

9. What are the highlights of the initiatives described in the SCEP? How are these initiatives supported through all funding sources?

One initiative that will be described in the 2013-2014 SCEP document is the implementation of an Title III LEP After School Program. This initiative will be funded with Title III funding and will include LEP students and bilingual and ESL teachers. Another initiative that will be described in the 2013-2014 SCEP is the Say Yes! Extended School Day Program. This initiative will be funded by the Say Yes! Program and will be offered to all students and all interested staff members. A third initiative that will be described in the 2013-2014 SCEP is increased parent involvement, via PTO meetings and the increased involvement of the Parent Facilitator. This initiative will be funded by Title I funding and will allow for greater parental participation within the school. Academically, during the 2011-2012 school year, the CCLS and instructional shifts were initially implemented with full implementation during the 2013-2013 school year. The 2013-2014 school year will include delving deeper into the standards and shifts to ensure students’ mastery of standards based content and skills.

Required Activities

Use this table to demonstrate costs associated with public school choice (SC), the DTSDE, the Distinguished Educator (DE) (if applicable), the Outside Educational Expert (OEE), and Supplemental Education Services (SES)(if applicable).

|Category: Identify the | Activity(ies): Must detail the actions |Fund Source(s): |School Cost(s): |Improvement/Parent Engagement |Targeted Schools: |Timeline: Identify|

|appropriate category associated |that will take place. |Identify all |Identify the school |Set-Aside (PE): If the activity |Identify the |the projected |

|with the activity, fund | |Federal, State, and |cost associated with|satisfies one of the mandated |school(s) targeted by|timeline for each |

|source(s), district cost(s), | |Local fund sources |each fund source. |set-aside requirements check the |each activity and |activity which is |

|set-asides, targeted schools, | |that will be used | |appropriate box below. |their identification |to include a start|

|and timeline referenced; e.g.: | |for the completion | | |status. |and end date. |

|SC, DTSDE, DE, OEE, or SES. | |of each activity. | | | | |

| | | | |Improvement PE | | |

| | | | |NA | | |

| | | | |Improvement PE | | |

| | | | |NA | | |

| | | | |Improvement PE | | |

| | | | |NA | | |

| | | | |Improvement PE | | |

| | | | |NA | | |

| | | | |Improvement PE | | |

| | | | |NA | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Tenet 2

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 2 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| |SOP 2.2: Leaders ensure an articulated vision, understood and shared across the community, | |

| |with a shared sense of urgency about achieving school-wide goals aligned with the vision as | |

| |outlined in the School Comprehensive Educational Plan (SCEP). | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Complete the revised vision, mission and core beliefs, utilizing a broad base of stakeholder input including families, staff and students. Use symbolism and active references to highlight these |

|three elements, creating a sense of unified purpose, urgency and shared pursuit. Revisit elements of the vision, mission and core beliefs within existing structures such as faculty meetings, |

|parent meetings, grade level meetings; and discuss, for short introductory segments, what that particular component looks like in practice as a means of building culture. (DTSDE School Report |

|May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

| |

|1. During the 2013-2014 school year, the school wide vision and mission is clearly and consistently articulated during: Staff Organizational Day, Early Release/Faculty meetings, SBMT meetings, |

|parent informational events, PTO meetings, grade level meetings, August Orientation, opening student assembly, and other student/staff assemblies. The school community will share and promote a |

|distinctive and robust vision for student achievement and well -being based on data. |

| |

|2. By August 30, 2013, the school wide 6 core beliefs will be developed by all stakeholders and will be continually shared and visible for all staff members to be able to articulate and all work |

|are centered around the established core beliefs to build school culture and reinforce the school wide mission. |

| |

|3.By August 30, 2013, the mission will be developed by all stakeholders creating a sense of unified purpose, urgency and shared pursuit. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1.Articulation of mission, vision and core beliefs: |O & M |$3,000 |Improvement PE NA |August 2013-June 2014 |

|Opening teacher meeting | | | | |

|Early Release Days | | | | |

|Faculty meetings | | | | |

|Opening Parent Meet & Greet | | | | |

|SBMT | | | | |

|Data presented at PTO meetings | | | | |

|Goals articulated at all parent meetings | | | | |

|Student Assemblies | | | | |

|2. All staff meetings and school wide meetings will begin |O & M |$328,000 |Improvement PE NA |August 2013-June 2014 |

|with a focus on the 6 Core Beliefs at DPCS#3 |Title I | | | |

| | | |Improvement PE NA | |

Tenet 2

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 2 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| |SOP 2.4 Leaders make strategic decisions to organize resources concerning human, | |

| |programmatic and fiscal capital so that school improvement and student goals are achieved | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Resolve the issue of appropriate support for the teachers of ELLs as related to use of District resources and personnel. Make certain all materials are appropriately translated and available. |

|Start with a facilitated forum of professionals, District and school-based, to discuss the needs, concerns and solutions. Provide needed PD support to the teachers and students of ELLs. |

|Consideration should be given to grade seven and eight, as currently staff is indicating that support for ELLs is insufficient. Closely examine the co-teach model for ELLs in terms of its |

|effectiveness. (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

| |

|1. In August 2013, Create a professional development plan to support teachers and students of ELLs in collaboration with all BPS District stakeholders. |

| |

|2. Increase percent proficient in ELA and Math within the subgroup of ELLS through a multiple instructional practices. |

| |

|3. Beginning in November 2013 an afterschool program will be implemented to meet the needs of our level I and level II, and ELL students. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|(a)Develop and implement and modify the 2013-2014 SCEP in |O & M |N/A |Improvement PE NA |August 2013-June 2014 |

|collaboration with District personnel to ensure all | | | | |

|resources are being utilized. | | | | |

|(b) Establish six week classroom visits with all pertinent| | | | |

|District personnel to monitor instruction and | | | | |

|effectiveness of professional development provided. | | | | |

|(a)Starting in September 2013, all ESL teachers will be |O & M |$7,500 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June2014& |

|using the model of co-teaching with ELLs to increase |Title III | | |Opening Day- September 4, 2013 |

|student achievement. | | | | |

|(b) Multilingual Dept. will provide direct and clear | | | | |

|expectations on the ICT model for ESL staff. | | | | |

|(c) ICT professional development is provided to staff that| | | | |

|will use the ICT model with ELLS | | | | |

|Title III Afterschool program will target LEP/Bilingual |Title III |$7,520 |Improvement PE NA |November 2013-April 2014 |

|students to increase academic performance in writing, ELA | | | | |

|and Math as well as content area literacy skills. | | | | |

Tenet 2

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 2 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 2.5 The school leader has a fully functional system in place to conduct targeted and | |

| |frequent observations; track progress of teacher practices based on student data, feedback | |

| |and professional development opportunities; and hold administrators and staff accountable | |

| |for continuous improvement. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Create a master list for all formal and informal observations, visits and walkthroughs to take place, in alignment with the agreements of the APPR. Provide explicit, detailed feedback to staff |

|in areas of instructional practice and in particular, the evidence of CCLS integration. Create an expectancy that staff will actively implement PD offered by the District and school; that is, |

|that there is evidence in the classroom that learning from PD has transferred and is having a positive impact on instruction and student outcomes. (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

| |

|Implement a classroom observation schedule to monitor the quality of teaching and learning. Provide thorough written feedback for all formal observations including clear targets for improvement. |

|Follow up observations will be included to monitor progress. |

|The school leaders strategically use student data over time, feedback from formal and informal observations, and professional development opportunities connected to improvement plans and |

|conversations to assess and adjust supports provided to teachers and other staff members |

| |

|3.Increse RIGOR in the classrooms through frequent observations and deliberate, timely feedback both oral and written . |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|Individual teacher data meetings will be conducted with |O & M |$5,525 |Improvement PE NA |4Minimun 4 times a year with each teacher |

|Administration after CFAs to analyze data and develop | | | |beginning in September 2013-June 2014 |

|action plans for individual students through a | | | | |

|collaborative process. | | | | |

|(a)Observation schedule will be created and monitored |O & M |$12,500 |Improvement PE NA |Weekly- Starting September 5, 2013-June26, |

|weekly by Administration. | | | |2014 |

|(b)Administration conducts daily informal and formal | | | | |

|targeted instructional rounds and provides feedback to | | | | |

|teachers . | | | | |

|(c)Principal and Assistant Principal conduct formal | | | | |

|observations for teachers and teacher assistants/aides and| | | | |

|provide feedback. Follow the APPR process with fidelity. | | | | |

|(d)All ineffective teachers will have a Teacher | | | | |

|Improvement Plan in place. Teachers and administrators | | | | |

|will meet bi-weekly to monitor TIP process. | | | | |

| |O &M |$3,800 |Improvement PE NA |Daily/Weekly- Starting September 5, |

|Data Driven Instruction to increase RIGOR: | | | |2013-June26, 2014 |

|Data analysis is an on-going process during grade level | | | | |

|meetings. Assessments: NYS ELA and Math, HMH Journeys | | | | |

|assessments, Core Knowledge and HMH Journeys end of | | | | |

|selection, DIBELS, CIRCLE, Terra Nova, mClass, Common | | | | |

|Formative Assessments, JGB unit tests, and CORE multiple | | | | |

|measures are administered and analyzed. | | | | |

Tenet 3

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 3 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 3.2: The school leader and staff support and facilitate the quality implementation of | |

| |rigorous and coherent curricula appropriately aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards | |

| |(CCLS) in Pre K-12. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Create a model that requires teachers to engage in reflective practice as a means of integrating learning. As an example, for PD attended, staff could utilize a protocol which would ask |

|essential questions such as: What are the three most leveraged strategies/ideas that you learned? What is the “one thing” you found most useful? What questions do you have? This easy to-use |

|self-reflection can roll into grade level meetings as a way to share learning and to generate innovative ideas to assist students. (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|By May of 2014, all teachers will engage in reflective practice during collaborative meetings. |

|By May of 2014, teachers will make meaningful reflections about how professional development impacts their own teaching practices using the DDI process with embedded probing. |

| By June 2014 staff will have fully aligned ELA and Math curriculum to the CCLS as evidenced by lesson /unit plans . |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1. A Meeting Reflection Ticket Out of the Door sheet will |O &M | |Improvement PE NA | |

|be implemented at the end of each grade level and staff | | | |September 2013-June 2014 |

|meeting. This Ticket Out sheet will ask the following | | | | |

|questions: What is one thing you found most useful from | | | | |

|today’s professional development? What is one question | | | | |

|that you have after today’s professional development? What| | | | |

|is something you can apply to your instruction that you | | | | |

|learned from today’s professional development? | | | | |

|2a. Continue the DDI process to drive instruction by |O & M |$4000 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013: establish protocol. |

|analyzing formative data from Common Formative |1003a |$4000 | |October 2013 – June 2014: implementation |

|Assessments, in Math and ELA. | | | | |

|2b. Develop action plans as grade level teams to use the | | | | |

|reteach cycle as needed based on data analysis. | | | | |

|2c. Teachers will keep meeting minute agendas with | | | | |

|completed action plans in their data binders. | | | | |

|3a. All staff will have access to PD on the implementation|Title 11a |$16,000 |Improvement PE NA |August 2013-June 2014 |

|of Houghton Mifflin Journey’s K-6/ Spanish Native | | | | |

|Senderos. | | | | |

|3b. Continue to provided PD on CCLS in ELA and Math | | | | |

|3b. All staff will have access to engageNY as resource to | | | | |

|assist in planning, alignment and additional resources for| | | | |

|lesson planning. | | | | |

Tenet 3

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 3 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 3.3: Teachers ensure that unit and lesson plans that are appropriately aligned to the | |

| |CCLS coherent curriculum introduce complex materials that stimulate higher-order thinking | |

| |and build deep conceptual understanding and knowledge around specific content. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Require all staff to complete and submit lesson plans tied to units of instruction aligned to the CCLS which include the elements of identified standards, student learning targets, essential |

|questions, higher-order inquiry questions, activities, selection of complex materials, formative assessments, differentiated groupings and end of unit assessment. When checking lesson plans, |

|school leaders should provide detailed feedback in the form of notes and offer open invitations for staff follow-up conversations. Lesson plan exemplars should be available. Establish question|

|shells or stems for higher-order questions using the action verbs of Bloom’s Taxonomy so that staff may readily engage these in “real time.” (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. By October of 2014 teachers will complete and submit lesson plans tied to units of instruction aligned to the CCLS for Mathematics and CCLS for English Language Arts evaluated by the Tri-State|

|Rubric. |

|2. By October of 2014, all teachers will have lesson plan exemplars containing the following criteria: student learning targets, essential questions, higher-order inquiry questions, activities, |

|selection of complex materials, formative assessments, and differentiated groupings. |

|3. By May of 2014, higher-order thinking questions will be incorporated into lesson planning on a daily basis as reflected in lesson plans. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1. PD will be provided to all staff on how to write |O & M |$1950 |Improvement PE NA |Opening Day- September 3, 2013 & |

|lesson plans aligned to CCLS and the Tri –State rubric |1003a |$4200 | |September 2013-June 2014 |

|lesson plan expectations | | | | |

|2a. Lesson exemplars will be included in the faculty |O&M |$13,300 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|handbook and discussed at the organizational day. | | | | |

|2b. Teachers will bring student work to grade level | | | | |

|meetings based on the 6 shifts for ELA instruction. The | | | | |

|student work will reflect careful lesson planning based on| | | | |

|CCLS for English Language Arts. founded in the Common Core| | | | |

|Learning Standards in English Language Arts and | | | | |

|Mathematics, and aligned to the ELA Shifts and Math | | | | |

|Practices | | | | |

|3a. Teachers will incorporate “Bloom’s Taxonomy” |O & M |8,500 |Improvement PE NA |October 2013 – June 2014 |

|higher-order thinking questions for creating lesson plan | | | | |

|outcomes . Professional development will be provided at | | | | |

|faculty meetings and grade level cycles on Bloom’s | | | | |

|taxonomy and how to incorporate higher order thinking | | | | |

|skills into lesson planning. | | | | |

|3b. Provide PD Professional development will be provided | | | | |

|on the Implementation on Houghton Mifflin Journey’s K-6 to| | | | |

|ensure higher order inquiry questions are being utilized | | | | |

|during instruction. alignment of ELA curriculum to the | | | | |

|Common Core Learning Standards | | | | |

|3c. Regular classroom visits and observations by the | | | | |

|building leadership team will be conducted, to ensure that| | | | |

|all instruction incorporates higher level thinking skills | | | | |

|and that high levels of thinking and learning are similar | | | | |

|in monolingual and bilingual classrooms. | | | | |

Tenet 3

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 3 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 3.4: The school leader and teachers ensure that teacher collaboration within and across | |

| |grades and subjects exists to enable students to have access to a robust curriculum that | |

| |incorporates the arts, technology and other enrichment opportunities. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Streamline and refine meeting efficacy so that staff benefits from clear outcomes during any team meeting. Provide PD to team members on the essentials of facilitating highly effective, |

|results-based strategy sessions. Conduct process checks at the end of every meeting to evaluate results and establish team ownership for outcomes. Monitor building level meetings and visit for |

|segments on a rotating basis. Identify time during the academic year for grade bands to meet vertically. Provide time for special area teachers to plan, collaborate and specifically discuss |

|implementation of CC Literacy Standards. (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. By June 2014, grade level bands will meet collaboratively horizontally at grade level meetings to discuss the implementation of the CCLS for Literacy. |

|2. By September 2014, each grade level will identify a team leader to help evaluate results of team meetings and establish team ownership for outcomes. |

|2. By June 2014, grade level bands will meet horizontally at common planning times to plan for co-teaching instruction and ensure curricular alignment among classes within grade level bands. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1. Grade level bands (two grade levels at a time) will |O&M |$840 |Improvement PE NA |October 2013 |

|meet three times per year, to plan vertically. These | | | |January 2014 |

|meetings can take place during grade level meeting times | | | |June 2014 |

|or during faculty meetings. Teachers and administrators | | | | |

|use S.M.A.R.T. goals to collaboratively plan. | | | | |

|2. Grade level teams establish the essentials of |O&M |$279,300 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013- June 2014 |

|facilitating highly effective, results-based strategy | | | | |

|sessions by working collaboratively using the DDI process | | | | |

|for establishing goals and developing action plans. | | | | |

|3. A grade level lead teacher will be appointed to each |O& M |$279,300 | |September 2013 – June 2014 |

|grade level team to facilitate collaboration and complete | | |Improvement PE NA | |

|the necessary steps for reaching the team’s goals. | | | | |

|Reflection of progress and needs assessments will be | | | | |

|conducted regularly at grade level meetings and common | | | | |

|planning time. | | | | |

Tenet 3

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 3 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 3.5: The school leader and teachers develop a data-driven culture based on student | |

| |needs, assessments and analysis, which leads to strategic action-planning that informs | |

| |instruction and results in greater student achievement outcomes. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Provide PD on formative assessments, increasing the variety and frequency of formatives used in daily instruction. Equip staff with the research on formative assessment, so there is a |

|school-wide understanding of those techniques that predictably lead to improved student learning outcomes. Decrease the timeframe between the CFA administration and assessment discussions, |

|providing earlier opportunities for staff re-teaching and intervention. (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. By May of 2014, all staff will have a school-wide understanding of DDI techniques that predictably lead to improved student learning outcomes. |

|2. By May of 2014, all grade level teams will administer district-created Math and ELA Common Formative Assessments on a regularly three times within the school year, and analyze student work |

|using the DDI Criteria Analysis Tool on a monthly basis. |

|3. By May of 2014, all CFA assessment data will be provided in a timely manner for staff re-teaching and intervention. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1. Team leaders within grade level teams will disperse |O&M |$279,300 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013 –June 2014 |

|essential data information to their grade level team | | | | |

|members, within the grade level meetings. The | | | | |

|instructional coach and program coordinator will dispense | | | | |

|essential data to grade level team members, within grade | | | | |

|level meetings.These DDI procedures will be modeled and | | | | |

|practiced by the School DDI team. | | | | |

|2. Professional development will be provided for teachers|C4E |$700 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013 –June 2014 |

|on using the DDI Criteria Analysis tool. Building Math | | | | |

|Teachers will facilitate the grade level teams in the |O&M |$14,630 | | |

|development of the classroom- created CFAs. | | | | |

|3. The timeframe between the CFA administration and |O&M |n/a |Improvement PE NA |September 2013 –June 2014 |

|assessment discussions will be decreased as much as | | | | |

|possible by using the new CFA creation assessment | | | | |

|management program, Illuminate. This system allows for | | | | |

|quick student, online testing for grades 3 through 8, | | | | |

|resulting in immediate data results and a quicker | | | | |

|turnaround time for re-teaching. | | | | |

Tenet 4

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 4 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 4.2: Teachers use instructional practices and strategies organized around annual, unit | |

| |and daily lesson plans to meet established student goals and promote high levels of student | |

| |engagement and inquiry. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Ensure the dynamic use of student learning goals (I can statements) including students rearticulating the goal, teachers referencing during instruction, tying it to a rubric and making certain |

|all students are tracking in formats such as journals. There should be a strong and obvious emphasis on student ownership of learning. Institute Learning Walks as a means for staff to visit |

|other classrooms for short periods of time, view a particular segment of instruction (pre-planned), discuss, debrief and roll into grade level meetings as a vehicle for sharing best practices. |

|This must be teacher-led and non-administrative or evaluative. (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. By December 2013 all teachers will utilize the “I can statements” during daily instruction as evidenced though classroom visit and student observations. |

|2. By November 2013 During the school year, the staff will be using Blooms Taxonomy to establish student learning goals to increase higher levels of metacognition. |

|3. By December 2013 learning walks will be implemented as a mean for staff to visit other classrooms and view a segment of instruction to enhance their practice. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1. The Instructional Coach will provide all staff members |O&M |$1,400 |Improvement PE NA |October 2013 |

|with a grade-level specific document that includes “I can”| | | | |

|statements aligned to specific Common Core Learning | | | | |

|Standards. | | | | |

|2. During Differentiated Instruction students will write |O & M |N/A |Improvement PE NA |October 2013-June 2014 |

|and reflect on their “I can statements” in their math | | | | |

|journal. | | | | |

|3. The staff will be presented with professional |O&M |$1,400 |Improvement PE NA |September- opening day |

|development on Blooms Taxonomy to assist in establishing | | | |Follow Up PD at GLMs |

|student learning goals. | | | | |

|4. The Instructional Coach will facilitate the Learning |O&M |$2,100 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013 – June 2014 |

|walk between teachers. During grade level meetings the | | | | |

|instructional coach will facilitate best practices | | | | |

|observed during the learning walk. | | | | |

Tenet 4

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 4 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 4.3: Teachers provide coherent, appropriately aligned Common Core Learning Standards | |

| |(CCLS)-based instruction that leads to multiple points of access for all students to achieve| |

| |targeted goals. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Review the research on cognitive engagement as opposed to compliant behavior. As a part of grade level meetings, discuss, plan and outline strategies for creating higher levels of student |

|interest through the introduction of culturally-relevant materials, meaningful activities and varied instructional techniques. Establish dynamic instruction, varying pacing and modes of critical|

|input. (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

| By January 2013 all teachers will be using varied instructional techniques and meaningful activities in daily lessons. |

|Throughout the 2013-2014 school year, grade level meetings will be a time to discuss, plan and outline strategies for creating higher levels of student interest for teachers to use during |

|instruction. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1.(a) During grade level meetings and professional |C4E |$6,300 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|development teachers will observe best practices from | | | | |

|EngageNY video library and Teaching Channel Videos. |O&M |$13,790 | | |

|Teachers will reflect on the high level of student | | | | |

|interest and varied instructional techniques they | | | | |

|observed. | | | | |

|(b) Instructional coach will model various instructional | | | | |

|techniques in teacher’s classrooms. (c)Step Up to Writing | | | | |

|and additional writing strategies will be used to support | | | | |

|CCLS aligned writing across content areas. (d)SIOP PD will| | | | |

|be provided and strategies utilized. | | | | |

|2. (a)During grade level meetings teachers will bring |O&M |$229,000 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|strategies to share for creating higher levels of student | | | | |

|interest.(b) Writing rubrics for K-8 will be used school | | | | |

|wide to ensure meaningful student feedback. | | | | |

|3. The school leadership team will complete a book study |O& M | |Improvement PE NA |January 2014-June 2014 |

|of the book “Teach Like a Champion” and will turn-key the | | | | |

|strategies within the book to the staff. | | | | |

Tenet 4

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 4 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 4.4: Teachers create a safe environment that is responsive to students’ varied | |

| |experiences, tailored to the strengths and needs of all students, and leads to high levels | |

| |of student engagement and inquiry. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Continue to reinforce and build on the safe, secure culture as a foundation for learning. Identify and explore different grouping formats and physical arrangements in the classroom (i.e. |

|horseshoe, quads, stations, color teams, elbow partners …) so that varied groups may be assembled quickly with minimal transition time for use in differentiated activities. (DTSDE School Report |

|May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. By May of 2014, staff will have created a safe and secure learning environment as a foundation for learning, by exploring differentiated groupings and physical arrangements, in order to |

|maximize learning and decrease transition time. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1.(a)Instructional Coach will devote grade level meetings |O&M |$4,060 |Improvement PE NA |09/13-05/14 – as needed throughout GLMs |

|to data analysis and on the creation of effective and | | | | |

|flexible grouping.(b) Teachers visit other classrooms to | | | | |

|observe physical arrangements and transition times | | | | |

Tenet 4

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 4 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |SOP 4.5: Teachers use a variety of data sources including screening, interim measures and | |

| |progress monitoring to inform lesson planning, develop explicit teacher plans and foster | |

| |student participation in their own learning process. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Develop skill as instructional staff in giving explicit, descriptive feedback, constructively delivered so that students have a clearer idea of how to make corrections into their learning. |

|Develop specific means for all students to track their learning and offer them choices for mediums (i.e. rubric, journal, chart…) so that a partnership for learning is established – teacher and |

|student together. (DTSDE School Report May 2013) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. By December 2013June 2014 staff will have fully developed skills in giving explicit, descriptive feedback, constructively delivered so that students have a clearer idea of how to make |

|corrections in their learning. |

|2. By December 2013June 2014 staff will have fully developed student friendly rubrics so that all students are aware of academic expectations, are able to monitor their own progress and are |

|cognoscente of their own learning and achievement. (Changed wording completely) |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|Instructional Coach will provide building level |O&M |$2,660 |Improvement PE NA |09/13-06/14 |

|professional development on explicit and descriptive | | | | |

|feedback. | | | | |

|Select SLT Meetings will be devoted to the development of |O&M |$3,990 |Improvement PE NA |Designated SLT meeting days. 09/13-06/14 |

|student friendly rubrics at each grade level. (Changed | | | | |

|wording completely) | | | | |

Tenet 5

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 5 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |5.2: The school cultivates the development of overarching systems and partnerships that | |

| |support and sustain social and emotional developmental health. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Data |

| |

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|[pic] |

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|[pic] |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: |

|Proactively address students’ behavior in a multi-tier approach in which expected and more socially acceptable behaviors are directly taught, regular practiced in a natural environment, and |

|followed by frequent positive reinforcement. Continue to implement the principles of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) with fidelity to the program. (District Code of Conduct)|

|Integration of all support services available at D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 to foster student social and emotional development. ( 12-13 SCEP) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. Decrease the number of discipline referral s in the in the highest locations, grade levels, and major causes . |

|2. Increase attendance by 1%- school wide target on 94% during the 2013-2014 school-year. |

|3. Create common expectations and language using the PBIS Model and the PBIS School Wide Behavior Matrix. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1a. Presentations from all agencies Student Support Team |WNY United |$285 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013- June 2014 |

|and Say Yes! Facilitator and supports to all faculty and |Say Yes Facilitator | | | |

|staff will be given on a monthly basis, to monitor data |O & M | | | |

|and make programmatic changes on an as-needed basis. | | | | |

|1b. Increase the use of teacher-generated behavior plans | | | | |

|and parent involvement meetings that aim to address | | | | |

|academic, social –emotional issues systematically | | | | |

|1b. Establish Parent/Teacher Conferences in order to | | | | |

|increase communications between school and home, and to | | | | |

|monitor academic and behavioral progress. | | | | |

|2a. Establish CICO/Connect Check-in-Check-out and |Say Yes Facilitator |$27,450 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013- June 2014 |

|Check-and-Connect with students that are at severe and |O &M | | | |

|critical attendance rates. | | | | |

|2b. Daily attendance phone contact/written letters will be| | | | |

|given. | | | | |

|2c. School- wide monthly attendance incentives will be | | | | |

|implemented, including a bulletin board to chart | | | | |

|attendance data. | | | | |

|3a. Student Support Team Secondary Systems will have |O &M |$157,500 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|collaborations bi-weekly meetings to consistently review | | | | |

|students in need of extra support and review the programs | | | | |

|that they are currently involved in. | | | | |

|3b. Tier II Behavioral Interventions will be implemented | | | | |

|with fidelity including: Check In/Check Out, Check | | | | |

|In/Check Out with individual features, SAIG groups | | | | |

|3c. Use the EBS Survey is will be used by school staff for| | | | |

|initial and annual assessment of effective behavior | | | | |

|support systems in their school. The survey examines the | | | | |

|status and need for improvement of three behavior support | | | | |

|systems. | | | | |

|3d. On opening day, administration will review school | | | | |

|date, and layout the school’s PBIS plan and outcome data | | | | |

| | | | | |

Tenet 5

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 5 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |5.3: The school articulates and systematically promotes a vision for social and emotional | |

| |developmental health that is connected to learning experiences and results in building a | |

| |safer and healthier environment for families, teachers, and students. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Data |

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|[pic] |

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|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: |

| |

|Schools play a critical role in addressing the physical, mental, social, and environmental factors related to health and well-being that can affect learning. The student, family, and staff at |

|School #3 face increasing health risks that can affect the health and wellness, academic performance, and untimely affect their quality of life (District Wellness Policy). |

| |

|Data Source: Youth Risk Survey (Result Oct. 2012) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. Continue to use the Character Education initiative as a systematic approach for teaching of children in a manner that will help them develop variously as moral, civic, good, mannered, behaved,|

|non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant and/ or socially acceptable beings. |

|2. Student Support Team , Say Yes Site Facilitator, and Guidance counselor will work with students to focus on specific social and emotional needs . |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1. Students will take the Middle School Youth Risk Survey |SAY Yes |N/A |Improvement PE NA |October 2013 |

|and all students and parents will take the SAY YES survey.| | | | |

|2. Grade 3-5 (30 students) Girls on the Run will be |GOTR |GOTR Grant source |Improvement PE NA |September9,2013-November 10, 2013 |

|established to develop self- esteem and confidence for at | | | | |

|risk girls. | | | | |

|3. Character Trait of the Month initiative will be |O & M |N/A |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|continued and will that introduce commendable traits to be| | | | |

|taught and practiced in order to improve students’ | | | | |

|behavior. Every teacher is will be expected to teach a 2-3| | | | |

|mini lesson at the beginning of the school day prompted | | | | |

|during morning announcements.  | | | | |

|4. Members of the Student Support Team will attend Faculty|O & M |$1400 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|meeting to discuss students at risk and levels of supports| | | | |

|needed. | | | | |

|5. Soccer for Success program will be established for |Independent Health |N/A |Improvement PE NA |October 2013, June 2014 |

|students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade, to teach | | | | |

|healthy habits and promote and healthy lifestyle through | | | | |

|the medium of soccer. | | | | |

|6. In March 2014, partnerships were established with the |Erie County | |Improvement PE NA |March 2014-June 2014 |

|Erie County Council for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol| | | | |

|Abuse, as well as the Apple a Day Program to provide | | | | |

|students with drug and alcohol prevention strategies (in | | | | |

|junior high) and friendship and social skills (in | | | | |

|pre-kindergarten through second grade) | | | | |

|7. The State University at Buffalo STEP/ STEM Program came|University at Buffalo | |Improvement PE NA |March 2014 |

|in March 2014 to instruction sixth, seventh, and eighth | | | | |

|grade students on science and introduce them to possible | | | | |

|careers in the field of science. | | | | |

Tenet 5

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 5 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |5.4: All school constituents are able to articulate how the school community is safe, | |

| |conducive to learning, and fosters a sense of ownership that leads to greater student | |

| |outcomes. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

| |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: |

|The students and staff see School 3 as a safe place, concurring that improvements have been made school-wide. The safe environment has created a foundation for learning. (DCIP, 15) Classroom |

|teachers need targeted training in the context of what is considered student insubordination (Infinite Campus). |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|Goals |

|1. All staff will model, teach, and promote school initiatives with students and inform parents on various safety practices and procedures in accordance the State and District expectations. |

|2. Social skills are taught in the same way as academic skills, and the reduction of problem behaviors is addressed by teaching functional replacement behaviors. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1. All faculty and staff in the school will demonstrate |O & M |$1,600 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|and implement the referral process and strategies | | | | |

|available, to address students’ social and emotional | | | | |

|needs. follow the Committee on Special Education referral | | | | |

|process for referring students for behavioral and academic| | | | |

|classification. | | | | |

|2. Administration will make behavioral and academic |O&M |$1,600 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|referrals to Student Support Team based on student data | | | | |

|retrieved from Infinite Campus. Members of the Student | | | | |

|Support Team will meet with teachers in the secondary | | | | |

|problem solving team. | | | | |

|3. Members of the Student Support Team will provide |O&M |$5,600 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|targeted (in -class) intervention based on students needs.| | | | |

|They will provide written feedback and action plans will | | | | |

|be provided to staff. | | | | |

|4. Staff will post and review of all classroom routines |O & M |N/A |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|and procedures in every classroom and have grade level | | | | |

|behavior expectation that align to the Code of Conduct and| | | | |

|SCEP. | | | | |

|5. A School Family Involvement Policy will be created with|Title I Parental |N/A |Improvement PE NA |October 2013- June 2014 |

|collaboration from families and teachers, and will be |Involvement | | | |

|posted in two places in the building, to inform all school| | | | |

|constituents of their responsibilities and roles in the | | | | |

|school building. | | | | |

Tenet 5

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 5 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |5.5: The school leader and student support staff work together to develop teachers’ ability | |

| |to use data to respond to students’ social and emotional developmental health needs, so | |

| |students can become academically and socially successful. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: |

|Proactively addresses students’ behavior in a multi-tier approach in which expected and more socially acceptable behaviors are directly taught, regular practiced in a natural environment, and |

|followed by frequent positive reinforcement. |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. SST and Guidance Counselor will create individualized, specific social skills are taught & reinforced based on functional behavioral assessments for students who are considered high risk. |

|2. Administration, SST, and other school leader will provide professional development that will focused on defining, teaching, and encouraging expectations in all areas of the school. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1a. Administration Instructional coach and program |O&M |$8,370 |Improvement PE NA |October 2013-June 2014 & |

|coordinator will provide training on: Documentation of | | | |Monthly at Faculty meetings |

|Office Discipline referrals in Infinite Campus; and | | | | |

|accessing Student Management System in Data Dashboard; and| | | | |

|Bullying Reporting System and how it should be documented | | | | |

|Infinite Campus. | | | | |

|1b. SST and Guidance Counselor will create individualized,| | | | |

|specific social skills based on functional behavioral | | | | |

|assessments for students who are considered high risk. | | | | |

|1c. Check in Check Out, a daily brief contact (about one | | | | |

|minute) with a staff member who reinforces behavioral | | | | |

|expectations, will be established for at-risk students. | | | | |

|1d. Daily “Lunch Bunch” Social/ Academic Instructional | | | | |

|Group will continue to provide students focused small | | | | |

|groups on how to achieve expected behavioral outcomes. | | | | |

Tenet 6

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 6 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |6.2: The school atmosphere is welcoming and fosters a feeling of belonging and trust, which | |

| |encourages families to freely and frequently engage with the school leading to increased | |

| |student success. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|Staff will collaborate to develop and implement a plan (method) that will inform parents of their students’ assessments and feedback of their students’ learning. (12-13 SCEP) |

|The Parent Teacher Organization will be actively involved to increase student achievement.(12-13 SCEP) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. By November of 2013 teachers will develop and implement a way to increase parent awareness of their child’s progress and areas in need of improvement. |

|2. Throughout the school year there will be an increase in parent participation as literacy partners and teachers will provide activities and ideas to enhance literacy at home. |

|3. By September 2013 a parent facilitator will be hired to recruit parent participation throughout the year. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected timeline for each |

|that will take place in order to achieve the |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |activity which is to include a start and end date. |

|identified goal(s). Number the activities to |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the | |

|match the number of the goal to which they |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

|correspond. |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held |Parent Engagement |$200 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|throughout the school year. 5 week progress | | | | |

|reports. Parent contact logs. Student | | | | |

|agendas. Tuesday folders. Parent training | | | | |

|will be offered in the School #3 Parent Room | | | | |

|to show parents to how to access their | | | | |

|child’s data on Infinite Campus. | | | | |

|2. The following parent events will be held |Title I |$2,263 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013- June 2014 |

|during the school year: Title I ELA and Math |Say Yes | | | |

|Nights, Hispanic Read Aloud, Grandparent | | | | |

|Read-Along Day, Mother’s Day Tea, Science | | | | |

|Fair, Summer Reading Event, Afterschool LEP | | | | |

|Program. School connect automated phone | | | | |

|calls, D’Youville Porter Campus school | | | | |

|website, Tuesday folders, and newsletters | | | | |

|sent home are other ways to reach out to | | | | |

|parents. | | | | |

|3. The parent facilitator will recruit |Title I |$2,000 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013- June 2014 |

|parents to participate and be an active | | | | |

|member of our school community including PTO | | | | |

Tenet 6

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 6 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |6.3: The school engages in effective planning and reciprocal communication with family and | |

| |community stakeholders so that students’ strengths and needs are identified and used to | |

| |augment learning. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the 6 |

|tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|The school leaders, teachers, and staff will seek the support of the district to identify high performing schools that serve similar student populations and develop a plan for staff to observe |

|students in effectively structures and supported classrooms. The school leaders will work with teachers subsequent to the visits to other schools to develop plans to effectively meet the needs of all |

|the students through differentiated instruction and lessons created to involve the students. (2012-2013 SQR) |

|The school engages in effective planning and reciprocal communication with family and community stakeholders so that student strengths and needs are identified and used to augment learning. (2012-2013|

|SQR) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. School leaders, teachers, staff and PTO members will share observations and ideas on a monthly basis at Site Based Management Team (SBMT) meetings |

| |

| |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected timeline for|

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |each activity which is to include a start and |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|Monthly SBMT meetings will be conducted with a PTO |Parent Engagement |$350 |Improvement PE NA |ool Year |

|representative present. SBMT will plan and review policies| | | | |

|as it pertains to the District Parent Involvement Policy | | | | |

|(DPIP) and School Parent Compacts. | | | | |

|School leaders, teachers, staff and parents will |Title 1 |$625 |Improvement PE NA |2013-2014 School Year |

|communicate with each other, regularly . Teachers will | | | | |

|complete 5 week interval progress reports. Title I parent | | | | |

|activities will be used to share the following crucial | | | | |

|school information: data shared and discussed, grade level| | | | |

|expectations, materials provided to parents, grade level | | | | |

|appropriate CCLS aligned materials for skill reinforcement| | | | |

|at home, pathways to success for ELA and Math | | | | |

Tenet 6

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 6 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |6.4: The entire school community partners with families and community agencies to promote | |

| |and provide professional development across all areas (academic and social and emotional | |

| |developmental health) to support student success. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|The school leaders will ensure that all staff as well as all students and their parents are informed, understand, and implement the school’s code of conduct. The school leaders and staff should |

|revisit the PBIS initiative and the student handbook that includes the code; post the policies throughout the school; and ensure a consistent implementation of expectations, consequences and |

|incentives. School leaders, through observations and walkthroughs, should ensure that staff consistently reinforces the high behavioral expectations that are set.(12-13 SCEP) |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. By October of 2013 all staff members, students, and parents will be informed of and understand the district code of conduct, and our school-wide PBIS initiative. |

|2.Throughout the 2013-2014 school year all staff members will implement and adhere to the school wide PBIS initiative, including its behavior expectations and consequences. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1.School-wide presentations on Code of Conduct and PBIS |Parent Engagement |$1,960 |Improvement PE NA |Beginning of 2013-2014 school year: |

|initiative. Tuesday folders sent home with a copy of Code | | | |September 5, 2013 |

|of Conduct and PBIS Matrix, sign-off of understanding from| | | |January 2014 |

|parents/guardians. PBIS Matrix hung throughout the school | | | |March 2014 |

|and in classrooms. | | | | |

|2.Frequent use of PBIS matrix and incentives. With the |Parent Engagement |$700 |Improvement PE NA |September 2013-June 2014 |

|support of the Say Yes! Site Facilitators, involve outside| | | | |

|community members as positive reinforcements and activity | | | | |

|participants. | | | | |

Tenet 6

|A. Statement of Practice Addressed |6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 |B. HEDI Rating: |

| |Tenet 6 as a whole NA |H E D I NA |

| | | |

| |6.5: The entire school shares data in a way that empowers and encourages families to use and| |

| |understand data to promote dialogue between parents, students and school constituents | |

| |centered on student learning and success. | |

|C. Major Recommendation(s)/Rationale: In the boxes below identify the major recommendation(s) and source citation; if a need that is not contained in a major recommendation but is aligned to the |

|6 tenets is identified, the district should address the identified need within the plan and provide a strong rationale explaining why the need is being addressed. |

|The school will conduct a thorough items analysis and subgroup analysis to determine the causes of underperformance and use this as the basis for developing the SCEP. The data will be reviewed |

|from year to year across cohorts with instructional needs adjusted accordingly. |

|The school leaders and all other staff will articulate a clear vision and strategic plan that drives the students towards high achievement in all subject areas. |

|The school provides current data regarding student scores and standardized testing to parents. |

|D. Goal(s): Must be in direct alignment with the achievement of the major recommendation or identified need. They should be written as specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to the |

|recommendation. |

|1. Throughout the 2013-2014 school year, the school will keep parents informed of student progress in relation to peers throughout the district and other Western New York school districts. |

|E. Activity(ies): Must detail the actions that will take |F. Fund Source(s): |G. School Cost(s): |H. Improvement/Parent Engagement Set-Aside |J. Timeline: Identify the projected |

|place in order to achieve the identified goal(s). Number |Identify all Federal, |Identify the school |(PE): If the activity satisfies one of the |timeline for each activity which is to |

|the activities to match the number of the goal to which |State, and Local fund |cost associated with |mandated set-aside requirements check the |include a start and end date. |

|they correspond. |sources that will be |each fund source. |appropriate box below. | |

| |used for the completion| | | |

| |of each activity. | | | |

|1.Grade level meetings dedicated to DDI process and |Funded under tenet 3& |$2150 |Improvement PE NA |2013-2014 School Year |

|analyzing student data. (b) Mission statement to be posted| | | | |

|on School #3 website and throughout the school for all |Parent Engagement | | | |

|staff, students, and parents to see.(c) PTO Meetings and | | | | |

|SBMT meetings occur monthly to inform parents about | | | | |

|student and school data. | | | | |


In this section, Priority Schools implementing a whole school reform model must provide evidence of the implementation of the Expanded Learning Time (ELT) program. Priority Schools must submit the Program Description, a modified school schedule demonstrating implementation of the additional 200 hours, and the ELT work plan.

Program Narrative

As part of the Expanded Learning Time (ELT) program, D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 is implementing both a Title III LEP After School Program, and a Say Yes! After School Program. The Title III LEP After School Program is a program designed for English Language Learners. Because the majority of Limited English Proficient students at D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 are bilingual students whose first language is Spanish and because research shows that a foundation in a student’s first language allows for a more rapid acquisition of a second language, the focus of the program will be on building literacy in Spanish and in English. The program will meet twice per week for two hours each. The first hour of instruction will be targeted to building linguistic capacity in Spanish. The second hour will be dedicated to increasing literacy skills in English. The program focus will be narrative and expository writing, in both Spanish and English, utilizing the Step Up to Writing model, on which all teachers in K-8th grade will have received training prior to the start of the program. The target population served by the program will be ELL students in Kindergarten through third grade, as we believe that a strong literacy foundation in early grades sets a powerful foundation for increased literacy skills in later grades. Participation in this program will be voluntary to students and students will be encouraged to participate by their bilingual classroom teachers, who will be recruited to teach within the program. It is our goal to build powerful relationships between our bilingual staff and students, that can increase the students’ achievement in an after school setting. This program will be funded by Title III funds, and the staff will be provided with school district employees who are currently employed at D’Youville Porter Campus School #3.

The Say Yes! After School Program is a program that will be offered to all students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. The program will be based in English Language Arts and Mathematics instruction, and will provide both curriculum-based and hands-on instruction to the students enrolled. Representatives from the Say Yes! Program will also be available to talk to students about the importance of attending college and how the Say Yes! Partnership with Buffalo Public Schools can make their college dreams attainable. Say Yes! Representatives will also be available to reach out to families of students involved in the program and assist in social and emotional needs throughout the course of the program. The additional hours that students will stay will be voluntary and the staff of the school will ensure that 60% or more of students are participating by explaining to the students that participation can help them become more successful in their classes and on the New York State assessments. The program will be planned through the Say Yes! Partnership established with Buffalo Public Schools, and staffing will come from currently employed teachers at D’Youville Porter Campus School #3.

Previously held Supplemental Education Services have not come from the district. Rather, in years past, the Supplemental Education Services offered at D’Youville Porter Campus School #3 have come from Title I funding. The impact of SES programs is evaluated by comparing scores on beginning-of-program and end-of-program assessments, as well as by monitoring student academic progress on their report cards and state and local assessments.

The Buffalo Public Schools district ensures that instruction in core academic subjects offered is delivered under the supervision of a teacher who is New York State certified in that particular content area because the teachers who qualify for employment through the programs are already certified classroom, bilingual, or English as a Second Language teachers within the district. When hiring candidates, Buffalo Public Schools strives to ensure that all candidates are certified in the area in which they are hired to teach. Once teaching in the building, the hiring committee for the SES programs considers the staffing needs and the applicant availability and hires only applicants whose certification area matches the SES program teaching need.

ELT Work Plan

Use the following table to demonstrate that a minimum of 200 additional student contact hours are being offered as Expanded Learning Time in addition to the current mandated length of 900 hours per year of instruction in elementary school and 990 hours per year in high school.

A. Program goals must be set to be results-based and time-bound.

B. Activities must be clearly written and should convey the actions that will be taken for successful implementation of the ELT program.

C. Identify the Fund Source(s) associated with the ELT program. Clearly indicate if the ELT program is being used to satisfy a portion of the mandated improvement set-aside requirement. For example, Fund Source: Title IA – Improvement Set-Aside.

D. Identify the cost associated with each fund source.

E. Identify the high-quality community partners and their scope of involvement in the ELT program

|Program Goals |Activities | Fund Source(s) |Cost |

|85% of students participating in the Title III LEP After School |A pre and post assessment will be given to each student participating|Title III Funding |$7518.60 (total cost of program) |

|program will show an increase of 20% or more on the Program |in the program, by the teacher who is teaching their class within the| | |

|Assessment, given at the beginning and end of the ten week program. |program. | | |

|Four New York State certified bilingual education or English as a |Recruitment for certified bilingual and ESL teachers will be posted |Title III Funding |$7518.60 (total cost of program) |

|Second Language teachers will apply to be hired to teach in the Title |and interviews held within the building, at School #3. | | |

|III LEP After School Program. | | | |

|85% of students participating in the Say Yes! After School Program |A pre and post assessment will be given to each student participating|Title 1 |$ 368,284(total cost of entire program |

|will show an increase of 25% or more on the Program Assessment, given |in the program, by the teacher who is teaching their class within the|O &M |from October 2013-June 26, 2014) |

|at the beginning and at the end of the year-long program. |program. | | |

|All Say Yes! After School Program teachers will implement bi-weekly |Each program teacher will assign a hands-on project that demonstrates|Say Yes! Funding |Cost unknown to the school |

|project-based assessments that will be scored using a rubric. |understand of topics learned in class, every other week. | | |

| Community Partnerships |Involvement | |

|D’Youville College |Student teachers provided through the college will be welcomed to | |

| |stay for either the Title III LEP Program or the Say Yes! Program, in| |

| |order to build stronger relationships with the students and to gain | |

| |valuable teaching experiences in an after-school setting. | |

|Say Yes! |The Say Yes! Organization will be funding the Say Yes! Program. Say | |

| |Yes! Representatives will be available to speak to students about | |

| |college opportunities and to provide social and emotional support to | |

| |students and families. | |


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