CHAMPs Implementation Rubric - Guilford County Schools

CHAMPs Implementation Rubric

Note: Each progressive block assumes the activities in the previous blocks have been attained.


| |CWE are in rough-draft form and have not yet|CWE have been identified, |CWE are posted and reviewed |Students can identify at least one|

| |been communicated to students |finalized and posted. Teacher|one or more times weekly. |CWE when asked and can describe |

|Classwide | |and students occasionally | |the meaning of the Guideline. |

|Expectations | |refer to them during class | | |

| | |period. | | |

| |Attention signal is used, but not |Attention signal that is |Attention signal is used, but |Students respond to attention |

|Attention Signal |appropriate (“shh”) or portable (i.e. |appropriate and portable is |inconsistently with students |signal in an acceptable manner |

| |flicking lights). |taught to and practiced with |also responding |consistently. |

| | |the students. |inconsistently. | |

| |No planned routines are evident or, if |Routines are infrequently |Routines are evident and are |Routines are re-taught on a |

|Routines: Beginning,|evident are communicated verbally only. |reviewed. |implemented consistently. |regular basis leaving students |

|Ending, Student Work| | | |with few questions about what they|

| | | | |are to do. |

| |Rules and consequences are in the planning |Rules and consequences have |Students have been taught the |Rules are re-taught as needed |

|Class Rules and |stages. |been finalized and posted, but|rules and consequences, but |including after breaks in the |

|Consequences for | |not yet taught to students. |the teacher does not reference|school calendar and they are |

|Rule Violations | | |the rules when correcting |quoted when students need to be |

| | | |misbehavior. |redirected. |

| |Teacher exhibits a ratio of one positive for|Teacher occasionally meets the|Teacher exhibits a ratio of |Teacher consistently exhibits a |

|Ratio of |every negative interaction (or less). |3:1 ratio, but not with |two or more positive |3:1 ratio (or greater) of positive|

|Interactions | |consistency. |interactions for each negative|interactions for each negative |

|3 to 1 | | |interaction. |interaction. |

| |Teacher is beginning to identify the details|Plan has been developed, |Plan is being used daily by |Plan is re-addressed by the |

| |of the plan, which may be written, but not |written and taught to |the teacher. |teacher on a regular basis and |

|Classroom Management|implemented. |students. | |students are able to refer to the |

|Plan | | | |plan for information on procedures|

| | | | |covered by the plan. |

| |Expectations for classroom activities |Expectations have been |Expectations are communicated |Expectations are presented in a |

|Expectation for |(academic activities) are communicated |documented in written format, |to the students prior to start|written format and are |

|Classroom Activities|verbally only. |but have not yet been |of activity, but process is |communicated to students before |

| | |communicated to the students. |not yet consistent. |each activity. |

| |Expectations for classroom transitions in |Expectations have been |Expectations are communicated |Expectations are presented in a |

|Expectation for |the classroom are communicated verbally |documented in written format, |to the students prior to start|written format and are |

|Classroom |only. |but have not yet been |of transition, but process is |communicated to students before |

|Transitions | |communicated to the students. |not yet consistent. |each transition. |

| |Teacher seems to have limited or no |Teacher has identified some |Teacher occasionally |Teacher consistently addresses |

|Corrective |repertoire of effective corrective |corrective procedures on the |effectively interrupts and is |misbehavior and consistently |

|Procedures |strategies and may refer minor infractions |classroom management plan but |able to redirect misbehavior. |applies consequences to the |

| |to the office due to this limited |has not begun to use them with| |misbehavior with students being |

| |repertoire. |students effectively or needs | |referred to the office for serious|

| | |to expand repertoire of | |behavior infractions only. |

| | |strategies. | | |

Adapted from Duval County Public Schools – Benson, Bowles, Novelly


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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