6th, 7th, & 8th Grade General Music Curriculum Guide

Plainfield Community Middle School

May 15, 2001

Jennifer Russell


Music constitutes a fundamental component of basic education, whose primary purpose is to develop the affective domain, foster cultural literacy, and provide the opportunity to develop social, intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual potential necessary to perpetuate and improve society.

Music education stresses the comprehension and value of the quality of life, thereby enriching and enhancing the lives of all.

Music should be integrated into all disciplines of education, just as music is integrated into all aspects of life.

Music should be used to facilitate the teaching of other subject matter, but should maintain its own identity in the education process, and be taught for its own sake, as well.

Music Curriculum Rationale

The General Music branch of the music department of Plainfield Community Middle School strongly supports the mission of the Plainfield Community School Corporation. The music education program at PCMS is based on the need to provide musical experiences of breadth and depth for all students. A productive citizen in our society must be able to gather, comprehend, analyze, and apply information in order to make relevant critical judgements in developing the product or performance.

The purpose for a General Music course is to identify and develop the unique musical talents possessed by individual students; enhance the students' sense of personal worth and self-esteem; provide the opportunity for success; and bring enjoyment to learning through a heightened musical awareness, creating a desire to make music a lifelong learning process.

By recognizing each student's unique potential, we will become effective partners in the educational process with students, parents, teachers, business, and the community.

The General Music curriculum at PCMS uses a variety of methods to present the curriculum. Music teachers are expected to teach by using written, sequentially organized outcomes or objectives. Student mastery of these outcomes is verified through use of appropriate assessment methods. These goals, procedures, and assessment methods are specific to the content of music education, but are consistent and compatible with those of general education.

Modes of delivering instruction should be aligned with outcomes which represent a knowledge base of history, criticism, and aesthetics, as well as performance/production. Instruction should address a variety of learning styles and strengthen the discipline of music.

Music Curriculum Goals

The General Music branch of the music department at Plainfield Community Middle School has the following goals for students exiting the program.

Music students will be able to:

1. Make music alone and with others.

2. Read and write vocabulary and notation of music.

3. Identify and respond to the expressive qualities of music.

4. Listen to musical selections both attentively and critically.

5. Identify music from various cultures and time periods.

6. Make personal music choices based on skills developed through the program.

Music Curriculum Strands

The music curriculum at Plainfield Community Middle School is based on the desire to develop the potential in all students to perform/produce, understand and appreciate music.

The following strands have been identified by the Indiana Department of Education as being essential to this goal. Strands one and two are developed more fully through the choral and instrumental programs, but all nine strands are to be taught in every music class.

1. Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

2. Play an instrument alone and with others

3. Reading, notating, and interpreting music

4. Improvise melodies and accompaniments

5. Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines

6. Listen to, analyzing, and describing music

7. Understand the relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines

outside the arts

8. Understand music in relation to history and culture

9. Evaluate music and music performances

6th Grade General Music

Curriculum Guide

One-quarter course

This is an exploratory quarter course for students with little or no experience in music. Students will develop a knowledge of music and an ability to perform music through guided exploration of the basic elements of music. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:

Strand 1: Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music


1. Sing with confidence with others. 6.1.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Create harmony in singing two-part songs, partner songs, rounds, countermelodies,

canons, and/or descants.

Strand 2: Play an instrument alone and with others


1. Use instruments to accompany a simple repertoire of songs. 6.2.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Play selected two- and three-part music on classroom tuned instruments.

2. Perform in instrumental ensembles. 6.2.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Play in small ensembles.

-Perform a simple repertoire with expression and technical accuracy.

3. Develop the ability to accurately perform rhythms. 6.2.3

Suggested Objectives:

-Recognize and use C (common time)

-Practice identifying syncopated rhythms.

4. Develop the ability to accurately perform melodies. 6.2.4

Suggested Objectives:

-Play a major scale on a tuned classroom instrument.

-Interpret the expressive qualities of a selected example.

Strand 3: Reading, notating, and interpreting music


1. Recognize iconic representation of rhythm patterns. 6.3.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Recognize meter and interpret using appropriate conducting patterns.

-Read whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and dotted notes and their

corresponding rests.

2. Use standard symbols to notate music. 6.3.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Identify and reproduce melodic intervals.

-Notate original patterns in simple and compound meter.

-Develop skill in chord construction and notation.

Strand 4: Improvise melodies and accompaniments


1. Demonstrate facility in improvising melodies. 6.4.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise on given pentatonic melodies.

-Improvise on given melodies in major keys.

2. Demonstrate facility in improvising variations on a theme. 6.4.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise simple rhythmic variations.

-Improvise simple melodic variations.

3. Demonstrate facility in improvising accompaniments. 6.4.3

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise simple harmonic accompaniments.

-Improvise simple melodic accompaniments.

Strand 5: Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines


1. Create original compositions. 6.51

Suggested Objectives:

-Compose short pieces within specified guidelines.

Strand 6: Listen to, analyzing, and describing music


1. Demonstrate the ability to listen with appropriate attentiveness to a varied repertoire of

music. 6.6.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Listen to selected works of major composers and describe them in terms of the

elements of music.

-Recognize the moods and stories conveyed by selected examples of program music.

2. Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate terminology to analyze and describe a

varied repertoire of music. 6.6.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Identify fugue.

-Identify all singing voices – soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.

-Identify all major instruments of the orchestra.

Strand 7: Understand the relationships between music, the other arts,

and disciplines outside the arts


1. Use other art forms to enrich musical expression. 6.7.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Utilize body movement to respond to a musical selection.

-Create a visual image in response to a musical selection.

-Write a story based on the moods and stories from folk lore given expression in

selected examples of program music.

2. Recognize elements of disciplines outside the arts as an integral part of music. 6.7.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Relate math principles and subject matter taught in school to those of music in meter,

note values, and form.

-Relate developments in science to developments in orchestral instruments.

Strand 8: Understand music in relation to history and culture


1. Demonstrate understanding of music in relation to history. 6.8.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Describe distinguishing characteristics of varied musical works which identify them as

notable examples from a particular genre.

-Explain the characteristics that cause musical works to be considered exemplary.

2. Demonstrate understanding of music in relation to various cultures. 6.8.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Describe distinguishing characteristics of representative music genres and styles from

a variety of cultures.

-Compare, within several world cultures, the function music serves, the roles of their

musicians, and the conditions under which music is typically performed.

Strand 9: Evaluate music and music performances


1. Use various means of expression to assess the aesthetic value of a wide repertoire

of music. 6.9.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Develop criteria for evaluating the quality and effectiveness of musical performances

and compositions.

-Apply the criteria in their own personal listening and performing.

2. Use various means of expression to assess the aesthetic value of a musical

performance. 6.9.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Apply specific criteria appropriate for the style of the music.

-Develop constructive suggestions for improvement.

7th Grade General Music

Curriculum Guide

One-quarter course

This is an exploratory quarter course for students with little or no experience in music. Students will develop a knowledge of music and an ability to perform music through guided exploration of the basic elements of music. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:

Strand 1: Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music


1. Sing with confidence with others. 7.1.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Sing alone and in large and small ensembles accurately.

-Sing selected songs from memory.

2. Sing with appropriate vocal technique. 7.1.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Sing using correct expression appropriate for song.

Strand 2: Play an instrument alone and with others


1. Use instruments to accompany a varied repertoire of songs. 7.2.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of music by playing percussion

instruments and the piano.

-Play harmonic instruments to accompany songs.

2. Perform in instrumental ensembles. 7.2.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Perform in various piano ensembles using simple pentatonic songs.

-Perform a simple repertoire with expression and technical accuracy.

3. Develop the ability to accurately perform rhythms. 7.2.3

Suggested Objectives:

-Perform selections in duple and triple meter.

-Perform rhythms to steady beat using sixteenth notes.

4. Develop the ability to accurately perform melodies. 7.2.4

Suggested Objectives:

-Develop skill in performing major scales on the piano.

Strand 3: Reading, notating, and interpreting music


1. Recognize iconic representation of rhythm patterns. 7.3.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Identify duple and triple meter.

-Read whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and dotted notes and rests in simple and

compound meters.

2. Use standard symbols to notate music. 7.3.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Notate melodies in treble clef.

-Utilize standard notation symbols for pitch, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, articulation,

and expression to record their own musical ideas and ideas of others.

Strand 4: Improvise melodies and accompaniments


1. Demonstrate facility in improvising melodies. 7.4.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise on given pentatonic melodies.

-Improvise on a given melody in a major key.

2. Demonstrate facility in improvising variations on a theme. 7.4.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise simple rhythmic variations to a familiar tune.

-Improvise simple melodic variations to a familiar tune.

3. Demonstrate facility in improvising accompaniments. 7.4.3

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise simple harmonic accompaniments.

-Improvise simple melodic accompaniments.

Strand 5: Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines


1. Create original compositions. 7.5.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Compose short pieces within specified guidelines.

Strand 6: Listen to, analyzing, and describing music


1. Demonstrate the ability to listen with appropriate attentiveness to a varied repertoire of

music. 7.6.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Listen to selected works of major composers and describe them in terms of the

elements of music.

-Develop an understanding of the significance of opera.

2. Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate terminology to analyze and describe a

varied repertoire of music. 7.6.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Recognize and classify major and minor tonalities.

Strand 7: Understand the relationships between music, the other arts,

and disciplines outside the arts


1. Use other art forms to enrich musical expression. 7.7.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Compare and contrast the importance of sound in music to the importance of visual

stimuli in art.

-Create a visual image in response to a musical selection.

-Write a story based on the moods and stories from folk lore given expression in

selected examples of program music.

-Identify differences and similarities in meanings of terms found common to various

art forms.

2. Recognize elements of disciplines outside the arts as an integral part of music. 7.7.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Relate math principles and subject matter taught in school to those of music in meter,

note values, and form.

Strand 8: Understand music in relation to history and culture


1. Demonstrate understanding of music in relation to human history. 7.8.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Describe distinguishing characteristics of varied musical works which identify them as

notable examples from a particular genre.

-Explain the characteristics that cause musical works to be considered exemplary.

2. Demonstrate understanding of music in relation to various cultures. 7.8.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Describe the distinguishing characteristics of music from different cultures.

-Compare the functions music serves, roles of musicians, and conditions under which

music is typically performed in several cultures of the world.

Strand 9: Evaluate music and music performances


1. Use various means of expression to assess the aesthetic value of a wide repertoire

of music. 7.9.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Develop criteria for evaluating the quality and effectiveness of musical performances

and compositions.

-Apply the criteria in their own personal listening and performing.

2. Use various means of expression to assess the aesthetic value of a musical

performance. 7.9.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Apply specific criteria appropriate for the style of the music.

-Develop constructive suggestions for improvement.

8th Grade General Music

Curriculum Guide

One-quarter course

This is an exploratory quarter course for students with little or no experience in music. Students will develop a knowledge of music and an ability to perform music through guided exploration of the basic elements of music. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:

Strand 1: Sing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music


1. Sing with confidence with others. 8.1.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Sing alone and in large and small ensembles accurately.

-Sing selected songs from memory.

2. Sing with appropriate vocal technique. 8.1.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Sing using correct expression appropriate for song.

-Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of music through singing.

Strand 2: Play an instrument alone and with others


1. Use instruments to accompany a varied repertoire of songs. 8.2.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of music by playing percussion

instruments and a guitar.

-Develop skill in playing selections from diverse genres.

2. Perform in instrumental ensembles. 8.2.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Perform in various guitar ensembles using simple I-IV-V chords.

-Perform a simple repertoire with expression and technical accuracy.

3. Develop the ability to accurately perform rhythms. 8.2.3

Suggested Objectives:

-Perform selections which contain meter changes.

-Perform rhythmic motives in a selected piece.

4. Develop the ability to accurately perform melodies. 8.2.4

Suggested Objectives:

-Interpret the expressive qualities of a selected example.

Strand 3: Reading, notating, and interpreting music


1. Recognize iconic representation of rhythm patterns. 8.3.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Identify duple, triple, and quadruple meter.

-Identify irregular rhythm (i.e., 5/4).

2. Use standard symbols to notate music. 8.3.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Notate melodies in treble clef.

-Utilize standard notation symbols for pitch, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, articulation,

and expression to record their own musical ideas and ideas of others.

Strand 4: Improvise melodies and accompaniments


1. Demonstrate facility in improvising melodies. 8.4.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise on given pentatonic melodies.

-Improvise on given a melody in a major key.

2. Demonstrate facility in improvising variations on a theme. 8.4.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise simple rhythmic variations to a familiar tune.

-Improvise simple melodic variations to a familiar tune.

3. Demonstrate facility in improvising accompaniments. 8.4.3

Suggested Objectives:

-Improvise simple harmonic accompaniments.

-Improvise simple melodic accompaniments.

Strand 5: Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines


1. Create original compositions. 8.5.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Compose short pieces within specified guidelines.

Strand 6: Listen to, analyzing, and describing music


1. Demonstrate the ability to listen with appropriate attentiveness to a varied repertoire of

music. 8.6.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Listen to selected works of major composers and describe them in terms of the

elements of music.

-Develop an understanding of the significance of musical theatre

-Listen to film music and Broadway musicals.

-Identify selected examples of electronic music.

-Identify homophonic, polyphonic, and monophonic selections.

2. Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate terminology to analyze and describe a

varied repertoire of music. 8.6.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Identify 12-bar blues form.

-Visually and aurally recognize AM, ABA form, introductions, interlude, codas, and


-Demonstrate the analysis of music, knowledge of the basic principles of meter,

rhythm, tonality, intervals, chords, and harmonic progression.

Strand 7: Understand the relationships between music, the other arts,

and disciplines outside the arts


1. Use other art forms to enrich musical expression. 8.7.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Compare and contrast the importance of sound in music to the importance of visual

stimuli in art.

-Compare and contrast the importance of sound in music to the importance of

movement in dance.

-Compare and contrast the importance of sound in music to the importance of human

interaction in theater.

2. Recognize elements of disciplines outside the arts as an integral part of music. 8.7.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Relate math principles and subject matter taught in school to those of music in meter,

note values, and form.

Strand 8: Understand music in relation to history and culture


1. Demonstrate understanding of music in relation to history. 8.8.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Describe distinguishing characteristics of varied musical works, which identify them as

notable examples from a particular genre.

-Explain the characteristics that cause musical works to be considered exemplary.

2. Demonstrate understanding of music in relation to various cultures. 8.8.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Describe the distinguishing characteristics of music from different cultures.

-Compare the functions music serves, roles of musicians, and conditions under which

music is typically performed in several cultures of the world.

Strand 9: Evaluate music and music performances


1. Use various means of expression to assess the aesthetic value of a wide repertoire

of music. 8.9.1

Suggested Objectives:

-Develop criteria for evaluating the quality and effectiveness of musical performances

and compositions.

-Apply the criteria in their own personal listening and performing.

2. Use various means of expression to assess the aesthetic value of a musical

performance. 8.9.2

Suggested Objectives:

-Apply specific criteria appropriate for the style of the music.

-Develop constructive suggestions for improvement.


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