Chapter: 5 Digestive System Match the following digestive system structures with their meaning below.anusesophaguslivercecumgallbladderpancreascolonileumpharynxduodenumjejunumsigmoid colonconsists of ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid sections__________________________.small sac under the liver; stores bile____________________first part of the large intestine __________________________end of the digestive tract opening to the outside of the body________________________second part of the small intestine ________________________tube connecting the throat to the stomach ___________________third part of the small intestine _____________________large organ in the RUQ;secretes bile, stores sugar, produce blood proteins _______________________throat ___________________________________lowest part of the colon ________________________first part of the small intestine ____________________organ under the stomach; produces insulin and digestive enzymes __________________________B. Label the following flow chart of the pathway of food through the gastrointestinal tract. The terms you will need are listed below:anusgallbladderrectumascending colonileumsalivary glandscecumjejunumsigmoid colondescending colonliverstomachduodenumpancreastransverse colonesophaguspharynxC. Circle the term that fits the given definition. You should be able to define the other terms as well!microscopic projections in the walls of the small intestine:papillaevilli rugaesalivary gland near the ear:submandibularsublingualparotidring of muscle at the end of the stomach:pyloric sphincteruvulalower esophageal sphinctersoft, inner section of a tooth:dentinenamelpulpchemical that speeds up reactions and helps digest foods:triglycerideamino acidenzymepigment released with bile:glycogenbilirubinmelenahormone produced by endocrine cells of the pancreas:insulinamylaselipaserhythm-like contraction of the muscles in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract:deglutitionmasticationperistalsisbreakdown of large fat globules:absorptionemulsificationanabolismpointed, dog-like tooth medial to premolars:incisorcaninemolarD. Complete the following.Labi/o and cheil/o mean __________________Gloss/o and lingu/o mean ___________________Or/o and stomat/o mean _______________________Dent/i and odont/o mean __________________________Lapar/o and celi/o mean ______________________________Gluc/o and glyc/o mean _________________________________Lip/o, steat/o, and adip/o mean _____________________________The suffixes -iasis and -osis mean __________________________Chol/e and bil/i mean ___________________________________Resection and -ectomy mean ________________________E. Build medical terms based on the given definitions.removal of salivary gland _________________________pertaining to the throat _____________________________hernia of the rectum ________________________________enlargement of the liver _______________________________surgical repair of the roof of the mouth _____________________after meals _________________________________visual examination of the anal and rectal region _______________study of the cause (of disease) _______________________incision of the common bile duct ________________________pertaining to teeth and cheek _________________________disease condition of the small intestine __________________new opening between the common bile duct and the jejunum _________________pertaining to surrounding the anus ____________________new opening from the colon to the outside of the body ________under the lower jaw _________________________pertaining to the face ________________________F. Match the following doctors or dentists with their specialties.colorectal surgeonnephrologistperiodontistendodontistoral surgeonproctologistgastroenterologistorthodontisturologisttreats disorders of the anus and rectum ______________________operates on the organs of the urinary tract _____________straightens teeth __________________________performs root canal therapy __________________operates on the mouth and teeth _________________________treats kidney disorders ______________________________diagnoses and treats gastrointestinal disorders ________________treats gum disease __________________________operates on the intestinal tract _________________G. Build medical terms to describe the following inflammations.inflammation of the appendix ___________________inflammation of the large intestine ______________________inflammation of the passageway from the throat to the stomach___________________________________inflammation of the membrane surrounding the abdomen________________________inflammation of the gallbladder ____________________inflammation of the third part of the small intestine _____________inflammation of the pancreas ______________inflammation of the gums ______________inflammation of the liver ______________________inflammation of the mouth _______________________inflammation of the salivary gland ___________________inflammation of the small and large intestines ____________H. Match the following terms with their meanings below.anastomosisgluconeogenesismesenterybiliaryglycogenolysismucosadefecationhyperbilirubinemiaparenteralcheilitishyperglycemiaportal veinhigh level of blood sugar ____________________________inflammation of the lip ________________________________pertaining to administration of medicines and fluid other than by mouth _____________________________mucous membrane ___________________________expulsion of feces from the body through the anus _____________breakdown (conversion) of starch to sugar __________________ fan-like membrane that connects the small intestine to the abdominal wall ____________________large vessel that takes blood to the liver from the intestines _______new surgical connection between structures or organs___________pertaining to bile ducts _______________________process of forming new sugar from proteins and fats__________high levels of a bile pigment in the bloodstream______________Give the names of the following gastrointestinal signs or symptoms based on their descriptions.passage of bright red blood from the rectum ___________________lack of appetite _________________________fat in the feces ____________________________black, tarry stools; feces containing digested blood ____________abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen________________rumbling noise produced by gas in the GI tract _____________gas expelled through the anus ___________________an unpleasant sensation in the stomach and a tendency to vomit_____________________loose, watery stools _________________difficulty in passing stools (feces) ___________________difficulty in swallowing _________________gas expelled from the stomach through the mouth _____________J. Write short answers for the following questions.What is jaundice? _______________________List three ways in which a patient can become jaundiceda. __________________________________________b. __________________________________________c.___________________________________________What does it mean when a disease is described as idiopathic?______________________K. Select from the list of pathologic condition to make a diagnosis.achalasiacolorectal cancerherpetic stomatitisanal fistulaCrohn disease (Crohn’s)oral leukoplakiaaphthous stomatitisdental cariespancreatic cancercolonic polypsesophageal cancerperiodontal diseaseMr. Jones, a smoker and heavy drinker, complaint of dysphagia in recent months. A longstanding condition of Barrett esophagus resulted in his malignant condition.Diagnosis: _________________________________An abnormal tube-like passageway near his anus caused Mr. Rosen’s proctalgia. His doctor performed surgery to close off the abnormality.Diagnosis: ___________________________Carol’s dentist informed her that the enamel of three teeth was damaged by bacteria-producing acid.Diagnosis:________________________________Paola’s symptoms of chronic diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever led her doctor to suspect that she suffered from an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the distal portion of her ileum. The doctor prescribed steroid drugs to heal her condition. Diagnosis: _______________________________Mr. Hart learned that his colonoscopy showed the presence of small benign growths protruding from the mucous membrane of his large intestine.Diagnosis:________________________During a routine dental checkup, Dr. Friedman discovered white plaques on Mr. Longo’s buccal mucosa. He advised Mr. Longo, who was a chronic smoker and heavy drinker, to have these precancerous lesions removed. Diagnosis:_______________________________Every time Carl had a stressful time at work, he developed a fever blister (cold sore) on his lip, resulting from reactivation of a previous viral infection. His doctor told him that there was no treatment 100% effective in preventing the reappearance of these lesions.Diagnosis:_________________________________Mr. Green had a biopsy of neoplastic lesion in his descending colon. The pathology report indicated a malignancy. A partial colectomy was necessary. Diagnosis: ______________________Small ulcers (canker sores) appeared on Diane’ gums. They were painful and annoying. Diagnosis:_______________________Sharon’s failure to floss her teeth and remove dental plaque regularly led to development of gingivitis and pyorrhea. Her dentist advised consulting a specialist who could treat her condition.Diagnosis:_____________________________Imaging tests revealed a tumor in a section of Mr. Smith’s pancreas. His physician told him that since it had not spread, he could hope for a cure with surgery. He had a pancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure), which was successful.Diagnosis: _______________________Mr. Clark complained of pain during swallowing. His physician explained that the pain was caused by a failure of muscles in his lower esophagus to relax during swallowing.Diagnosis: _________________________L. Match the following pathologic diagnoses with their definitions.cholecystolithiasis (gallstones)hemorrhoids pancreatitiscirrhosishiatal hernia peptic ulcerdiverticulosisileus ulcerative colitisdysenteryintussusception viral hepatitisesophageal varicesvolvulusirritable bowel syndromeprotrusion of the upper part of the stomach through the diaphragm_________________________________painful, inflamed intestines caused by bacterial infection ______________________swollen, twisted veins in the rectal region __________________open sore or lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum _______________________ loss of peristalsis ______________________________twisting of the intestine on itself______________________swollen, varicose veins on the surface of the distal portion of the esophagus __________________________abnormal outpouchings in the intestines wall _________________chronic inflammation of the colon with destruction of its inner surface___________________________telescoping of the intestines________________________inflammation of the liver caused by type A, type B, or type C, virus _____________________________inflammation of the pancreas______________________calculi in the sac that stores bile___________________chronic degenerative liver disease with scarring resulting from alcoholism or infectious hepatitis____________________gastrointestinal symptoms ( diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, bloating) with no evidence of structural abnormalities__________________________________________M. Complete the following terms from their meanings given below.membrane (peritoneal fold) that holds the intestines together: mes____________removal of the gallbladder:____________ectomyblack or dark brown, tarry stools containing blood: mel_____________high levels of pigment in the blood (jaundice): hyper_____________pertaining to under the tongue: sub_______________twisting of the intestine on itself: vol___________organ under the stomach that produces insulin and digestive enzymes: pan_______________lack of appetite: an___________swollen, twisted veins in the rectal region:___________oidsnew connection between two previously unconnected tubes: ana_____________________absence of acid in the stomach: a ______________return of solids and fluids to the mouth from the stomach: gastro re__________________diseaseremoval of soft tissue hanging from the roof of the mouth:__________________ectomyformation of stones: ____________________genesis.Chapter 5: Digestive SystemAnswersA.colongallbladdercecumanusjejunumesophagusileumliverpharynxsigmoid colonduodenumpancreas B. C. Villi. Papillae are nipple-like projections in the tongue where taste buds are located, and rugae are folds in the mucous membrane of the stomach and hard palate.Parotid. The submandibular gland is under the lower jaw, and the sublingual gland is under the tongue.Pyloric sphincter. The uvula is soft tissue hanging from the soft palate, and the lower esophageal sphincter is a ring of muscle between the esophagus and stomach.Pulp. Dentin is the hard part of the tooth directly under the enamel and in the root, and enamel is the hard, outermost part of the tooth composing the crown.Enzyme. A triglyceride is a large fat molecule, and an amino acid is a substance produced when proteins are digested.Bilirubin. Glycogen is animal starch that is produced in liver cells from sugar, and melena is dark, tarry stools.Insulin. Amylase and lipase are digestive enzymes produced by the exocrine cells of the pancreas.Peristalsis. Deglutition is swallowing, and mastication is chewing.Emulsification. Absorption is the passage of materials through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream, and anabolism is the process of building up proteins in a cell (protein synthesis).Canine. An incisor is one of the four front teeth in the dental arch (not pointed or like a dog’s tooth), and a molar is any of three large teeth just behind (distal to ) the two premolar teeth.D. liptonguemouthtoothabdomensugarfatabnormal conditiongall, bileremoval, excisionE. sialadenectomypharyngealrectocelehepatomegalypalatoplastypostprandial (post cibum-cib/o refers to meals or feeding)proctoscopyetiologycholedochotomydentibuccalenteropathycholedocheojejunostomyperianalcolostomysubmandibularfacialF.proctologisturologistorthodontistendodontistoral surgeonnephrologistgastroenterologistperiodontistcolorectal surgeonG.appendicitiscolitisesophagitisperitonitis (note that the e is dropped)cholecystitisileitispancreatitisgingivitishepatitisstomatitissialadenitisenterocolitis (when two combining forms for gastrointestinal organs are in term, use the one that is closest to the mouth first)H. hyperglycemiacheilitisparenteralmucosadefecationglycogenolysismesenteryportal veinanastomosisbiliarygluconeogenesishyperbilirubinemiaI.hematocheziaanorexiasteatorrheamelenaascitesborborygmusflatusnauseadiarrheaconstipationdysphagiaeructationJ.yellow-orange coloration of the skin and other tissues (hyperbilirubinemia)a. any liver disease (hepatopathy-- such as cirrhosis, hepatoma, or hepatitis), so that bilirubin is not processed into bile and cannot be excreted in feces.b.obstruction of bile flow, so that bile and bilirubin are not excreted and accumulate in the bloodstream.c.excessive hemolysis leading to overproduction of bilirubin and high levels in the bloodstreamcause is not known.K.esophageal canceranal fistuladental cariesCrohn disease (Crohn’s)colonic polypsoral leukoplakiaherpetic stomatitiscolorectal canceraphthous stomatitisperiodontal diseasepancreatic cancerachalasiaL.hiatal herniadysenteryhemorrhoidspeptic ulcerileusvolvulusesophageal varicesdiverticulosisulcerative colitisintussusceptionviral hepatitispancreatitischolecystolithiasis (gallstones)cirrhosisirritable bowel syndromeM.mesenterycholecystectomymelenahyperbilirubinemiasublingualvolvuluspancreasanorexiahemorrhoidsanastomosisachlorhydriagastroesophageal refluxuvulectomylithogenesis ................

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