'You can't tell the kids to stop the violence with the ...

Million Mom Marcher broke gun-control laws

Million Mom Marcher Barbara Graham was convicted on nine counts of breaking seven different laws after she shot construction worker Kikko Smith. Million Mom March (MMM) co-organizer Barbara Graham is also known as Barbara Lipscomb, Barbara Graham, Barbara Martin, Barbara Ann Lipscomb, Barbara Ann Graham, and Barbara Ann Martin. Barbara Graham was convicted of breaking these laws after she spoke against gun violence at the first Million Mom March in Washington DC.

Barbara Graham broke the following seven local laws in Washington DC:

• Carrying Pistol Without License

• Unregistered Firearm

• Illegal Possession Of Ammunition

• Assault With Intent To Kill While Armed

• Aggravated Assault While Armed

• Mayhem While Armed

• Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Crime of Violence (3 counts)

Children pay more attention to what adults do than to what they say. There would be fewer shootings if gun-control lobbyists started obeying laws and stopped shooting people. What is the point of passing more gun-control laws when not even gun-control lobbyists obey the existing ones?

Source: The trial court was Superior Court For The District Of Columbia – Criminal Division. The court case number was F423600. Trial transcripts are available from the Court Reporter Service at telephone number 202-879-1010. The trial transcript costs $675 and the sentencing transcript costs $15. The judge was Judge Michael L. Rankin. The trial started 23 January 2001 and ended 29 January 2001. The court reporter for the trial was Maura Simon. The sentencing was on 26 June 2001. The court reporter for the sentencing was Celestine R. Franklin.

More details on this case are available from the website at


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