Gunshot Wounds: Principles and Treatment - Podiatry M

Continuing Medical Education

MedicaCl oEndtuincuatiniogn

Gunshot Wounds: Principles and Treatment

Here's an in-depth look at these traumatic injuries.

By Ritchard Rosen, DPM

Educational Goals:

After completion of this CME, the reader will:

1) Understand the differences between low and high velocity gunshot wounds.

2) Gain information

on treatment of gun-

shot wounds.


3) Understand the Gustilo classification of compound fractures.

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Following this article, an answer sheet and full set of instructions are provided (pg. 156).--Editor

Civilian injuries due to firearms are increasing in the United States.1, 2 As podiatric surgeons become more involved with trauma, it is important to understand the principles and types of gunshot wounds we are faced with every day. Gunshot wound damage varies with the type of weapon and caliber of the

ammunition as well as the distance a missile is shot from.

Low Versus High Velocity Gunshot Wounds

Gunshots are classified as high velocity, low velocity, high energy low velocity shotgun and low energy low velocity gunshots. High velocity is seen in the military, and low veloc-

ity is generally seen in civilian populations (Figure 1).

A small entrance wound and a large explosive exit wound is indicative of a high velocity projectile fired at close range. A small entrance wound with a small or no exit wound with the missile retained within the host's tissue generally is indicative

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CME MCeodnitcianluEindgucatGiounnshot Wounds (from page 149)

velocity projectiles, and therefore the amount of tissue damage encoun-

nerves, skin, and subcutaneous fat. Although each structure is evaluated,

of a low velocity bullet speed less tered as well as the amount of con- the close proximity of all these struc-

than 2000 ft./sec (Figures 2,3).3

tamination is much less than with tures in the foot requires knowledge

In evaluating

the military injury of anatomy as well as function of

and treating gunshot

(Figure 4).5

each of the above.

wounds, the extent

The shotgun is

When confronting a gunshot

of the tissue damage

another type of in- wound, the following protocol should

caused by the bullet is

jury encountered be followed:

of utmost importance.

in private practice.

1) Take an adequate history. It

The local effects

Tissue damage is is important to ascertain if a "flash

of missile injuries



on the range

1) Laceration and

at which the


shotgun is

2) Production of

fired.8 Fired

shockwave and tem-

at point

porary cavitation

Figure 1: High velocity gunshot wound blank range

Laceration and

(less than 15

crushing are the principle effects of yards), the shotgun pellets are

the bullet passing through the tissue extremely lethal, and produce

planes and causing damage primarily an extensive wound with sub-

to the permanent cavity region of the stantial bone and soft tissue

150 bullet track.3

loss with comminution and

Temporary cavitation is more of damage to the neurovascular a concern with high velocity wounds. structures (Figures 5,6).4, 6, 8, 9 Figure 2: Low velocity GSW

Laceration and crushing are principles of Low velocity wounds.

As the missile penetrates the tissue planes, an extension of injury occurs and expands the damage and size of the track greater than the size of the missile. The temporary track can cause damage at distances remote to the original clinically observed track.3, 4, 9

Most gunshot wounds encountered in private practice involve low

Fired at long range, shot-

gun velocity diminishes and

the pellets disperse as they

reach their target. Subsequent-

ly, long range shotgun pellets

cause minimal damage, and

experience has shown that Figure 3: High velocity GSW

these wounds sustained are of

little sequella to the patient (Figure 7). bleed" has occurred. Flash bleed is

rapid blood loss at the time of the

Management of Gunshot Wounds


When encountering gunshot

2) Check vital signs.

wounds to the lower extremity, one

3) Inspect for burns to the tissue,

must evaluate bones and joints, mus- swelling, and pallor. These must be

cle, tendon units, vascular structures, noted. Entrance and exit wounds must

be identified. If, however, there is no

exit wound, imaging must be utilized

to identify the location of the bullet.

4) Physical exam. Examination

by system must be performed (vascu-

lar, neurologic and musculoskeletal).

Figure 4: Low velocity from distance Figure 5: Shotgun, close range

Bone By definition, a gunshot fracture

is a high energy open fracture. SevContinued on page 151



Gunshot Wounds (from page 150)

Stabilizing the Fracture is of

followed by copious irrigMae-dicaCloEndtuincuatiniogn

Utmost Importance (Figure 8).

tion and early fixation of the

eral studies demonstrated that the

Stabilization options include fracture (Figure 9, 10).

heat generated during firing does not splints or cast or, usually, hard-

Berg, et al. in their study iden-

make the bullet sterile.15 Most low ware such as external or internal tified that one-fifth of the fractures

velocity gunshot fractures resemble fixation. The choice and timing of were treated by debridement only

Gustilo and Ander-

without hardware

son grade I or II open

fixation. These were

fracture due to the

fractures that are

comparatively mild

inherently stable or

to moderate soft tis-

do not require sta-

sue damage.

bilization (e.g., fib-

Definitive treat-

ula). Only 8% of

ment must be follow

the fractures were

the rules of treating

treated with open

open fractures.

reduction and inter-

The Gustilo

nal fixation.14 These

open fracture clas-

numbers agree with

sification system

the report by Weil

is the most com-

and co-authors.30 As

monly used classification system for

Figure 6: Shotgun, close range pellets remain

Figure 7: Long range shotgun pellets

reported before, in 8 of the 12 fractures

open fractures. It

treated with prima-

was created by Ramon Gustilo and the stabilization method depends ry external fixators, this was the 151

J.T. Anderson, and then further ex- on the fracture site, pattern and definitive treatment for union. This

panded by Gustilo, Mendoza, and comminution, the soft tissue injury, high percentage emphasizes the

Williams.10, 11, 12

and the patient's general condition. comminuted nature of the gunshot

Primary fixation is especially useful fracture, type, and the tendency to

The Gustilo Classification is as

in patients with multiple injuries, prefer a biological splint fixation,


complex ipsilateral extremity inju- maintaining a fracture-healing envi-

I Open fracture, clean wound, ries, severe injuries that require in- ronment.

wound 1 cm intra-articular fractures, or open Skin Soft Tissue

but 10 cm),

damage, or loss or an open seg-

mental fracture. This type also includes open fractures caused by

Temporary cavitation is more of a concern

farm injuries, fractures requiring vascular repair, or fractures that

with high velocity wounds.

have been open for eight hours

prior to treatment.

IIIA Type III fracture with ad- the final projectile location, the frac- cent had minor fractures not re-

equate periosteal coverage of the ture pattern, and the level of con- quiring operative stabilization. The

fracture bone despite the extensive tamination. In their opinion, stable, patients were treated with local

soft-tissue laceration or damage.

non-contaminated extra-articu- wound debridement, irrigation, and

IIIB Type III fracture with exten- lar gunshot wounds can be treat- an antibiotic ointment. Only 1.8%

sive soft-tissue loss and periosteal ed non-operatively with antibiotics had wound infections that respond-

stripping and bone damage. This is only, whereas intra-articular pro- ed well to oral antibiotics without

usually associated with massive con- jectiles should be removed, and un- requiring hospital admission. In

tamination and will often need fur- stable fractures stabilized. For most their study of 163 patients with ci-

ther soft-tissue coverage procedure high velocity injuries in the extrem- vilian gunshot wounds, Brunner

(i.e., free or rotational flap).

ities, external fixation is the treat- and Fallon19 found no differences

IIIC Type III fracture associated ment of choice. The standard of care between patients who had debride-

with an arterial injury requiring re- for gunshot fractures is meticulous ment and wound care and patients

pair, irrespective of degree of soft-tis- operative debridement of all devital- who had local wound care alone.

sue injury.

ized soft tissue and bone fragments,

Continued on page 152


CME MCeodnitcianluEindgucatGiounnshot Wounds (from page 151)

Neither group received antibiotics, and both were treated as outpatients. The wounds were neither closed primarily nor did they have a delayed primary closure but were left to drain and close secondarily.

Vascular Injuries Vascular structures are fre-

quently injured because of their proximity to bone.20 A delay in the diagnosis or treatment can result in a chronic debilitating handicap due to ischemia and limb loss. Prompt restoration of blood flow is mandatory in traumatic peripheral arterial injuries.21 Damage to vessels can result also in death due to exsanguination. The damage may result directly from the bullet, from secondary missiles such as 152

trauma in cases of an arteriovenous fistula. The presence of "hard signs" of arterial injury such as absent pulses, unequivocal signs of ischemia, profuse hemorrhage, and pulsating or expanding hematoma war-

are obstruction, extravasation of contrast agent, early venous filling, irregularity of the vessel wall, a filling defect, and a false aneurysm. There is, however, a low yet measurable complication rate, with complications

Fired at point blank range(less than 15 yards), the shotgun pellets are extremely lethal.

rants urgent surgical intervention.23 Furthermore, Berg and colleagues

identified that arterial pressure index is a sensitive tool for identifying a vascular injury. According to their protocol, an arterial pressure index ratio of 0.9 or less warrants further investigation. For patients with equivocal findings of vascular inju-

such as allergic reaction, renal failure, formation of a local hematoma, or a false aneurysm at the site of catheterization.

Historically, angiography was the imaging modality of choice, but recent studies show that non-invasive studies such as duplex Doppler ultrasonography are as sensitive as ar-

Figure 8: Low velocity

Figure 9: Initial stabilization with external fixator

bone fragment, from cavitation, or shockwave effects. The injury to the vessel can be occlusive (due to transection or thrombosis of the vessel) or non-occlusive (an intimal flap tear or a pseudoaneurysm).

Due to advances in diagnosis

ry such as diminished pulses, angiography yields the greatest benefit, particularly in avoiding unnecessary surgery.14

Angiography reduces unnecessary explorations for proximity wounds and can provide therapeu-

Flash bleed is rapid blood loss at the time of the injury.

and treatment of vascular injuries, rates of amputation decreased dramatically, with limb salvage rates exceeding 86%.22 In a Berg, et al. study, none of their patients required amputation--primary or delayed.14 Injuries can present acutely or up to several months after the

tic intervention such as stenting or embolization. In a study using routine arteriography, the negative surgical exploration rate in patients with "soft signs" of arterial injury or with proximity wounds fell from 84% to 2%.24

Significant angiographic findings

Figure 10: Bone graft for reconstruction and length of 1st metatarsal

teriography in most cases. In a study by Knudson et al.,25 86 extremity injuries were assessed using color-flow duplex imaging. No missed arterial injuries were found. Many centers now successfully manage proximity wounds by repeated physical examination over a 24 hour period and reserve angiography only for those patients with abnormal physical findings or an arterial pressure index less than 0.9.26

Norman and co-workers27 studied gunshot fractures to long bones and concluded that routine use of arteriography is not indicated unless there are abnormal findings on vascular examination. Many investigators still recommend that a gunshot wound in the immediate vicinity of major vessels should be studied an-

Continued on page 153



Gunshot Wounds (from page 152)

and axonotmesis. Several studies ad-

syndrome must be identifiMededicaCloEndtuincuatiniogn

dressed this issue. Omer29 reported in a timely fashion, and emer-

giographically or explored surgical- spontaneous recovery in 69% of pa- gency fasciotomy is indicated.

ly. Wound exploration involves low tients with nerve injuries due to gun-

Tetanus prophylaxis is always

morbidity (3%) and is often a routine shot wounds between three and nine indicated: however, antibiotics pro-

part of wound management. Angiog- months after the injury.

phylaxis is not essential for wounds

raphy can be used intra-operatively

In light of the above literature, that are not grossly contaminated.

with a fluoroscope. In our institution, the podiatric surgeon should be fa- Antibiotic coverage is, however, indi-

we do not use angiography routinely, miliar with anatomy and function cated for compound fractures.

even in proximity wounds, but rely

on serial physical examination of the

limb at risk. Limbs can tolerate warm isch-

emia time of up to six hours. More

Gunshot wounds are generally not closed by primary intention as they may be

than six hours of ischemia will almost always result in muscle necro-

considered contaminated.

sis and possibly permanent damage.

In patients with combined vascu-

lar and nerve injuries, prophylactic prior to entering the surgical field. Summary

fasciotomy should be performed at This brief summary should be kept in

? Civilian gunshot wounds are

the time of arterial repair unless mind as you treat gunshot wounds: generally low velocity, resulting in

a method for continuous pressure Surgical debridement and surgical laceration and crushing damage to

measurement is available. Since cleansing is always indicated in gun- the bullet track. Low velocity, small

most vascular gunshot injuries in- shot wounds.3

entrance and small exit wounds can 153

volve damage to a segment of the

Cleansing a wound involves copi- lead to simple fractures or to commi-

artery, a temporary shunt, followed ous irrigation at the entrance wound nution. Treatment should consist of

by prompt skeletal stabilization and with removal of surface debris. Prob- debridement and stabilization, and

then a definite arterial repair should ing the wound blindly should never the bullet may or may not be excised.

be performed.14

be performed and extending the inci-

? In military practice, high veloc-

sion for visibility is not indicated.13

ity wounds cause temporary cavita-


Gunshot wounds are generally tion and severe loss of soft tissue.

Nerves pass in close proximity not closed by primary intention as

? Close range shot gun blasts

to bones and vascular structures and they may be considered contami- also cause massive damage and are

fraught with a large degree of con-


Surgical debridement and surgical cleansing is

? Surgical debridement is imperative due to cavitation and retained

always indicated in gunshot wounds.

foreign bodies. ? The judgment of the initial

treating podiatric surgeon is of ut-

most importance. Adhering to the

are commonly injured when vascular nated. Foreign bodies should be re- principles of treatment previously

injury is present. In fact, a physi- moved as long as excessive dissec- identified will benefit the prognosis

cal examination demonstrating acute tion is not required. Bullets are also of the patient.

nerve injury raises suspicion of vas- not recommended to be excised if

? Aggressive yet prudent judg-

cular injury and usually warrants fur- extensive exploration is necessary.

ment and treatment are the best ways

ther investigation to rule out arteri-

Stabilizing large fragments of to approach a gunshot wound.

al injury. Concomitant arterial and bone, whether with external fixation

nerve injury will most likely result in if there are large tissue defects, or by Case 1: Low Velocity Gunshot

a non-functional limb.

K-wire fixation, is indicated. (Figures Wound

In a study by Visser, et al.28, only 11-18)

A 46-year old male presented to

7% of patients with concomitant

In stable gunshot wounds where the emergency department with a low

nerve and arterial injury had a nor- there is no damage to the vascular velocity gunshot wound. A small en-

mal functioning limb, despite suc- status, irrigate, splint, and observe trance wound was noted on the dorsal

cessful vascular repair, as opposed to for signs of infection. The patient aspect of the foot. X-rays revealed a

39% of patients with arterial injury may be discharged from the emer- comminuted fracture of the 2nd meta-

alone. Nerve injury presents clinical- gency department. In unstable or tarsal. The wound was debrided and

ly with hypoesthesia parasthesias, vascular compromised patients, ex- the fragments of bone were irrigated

or paralysis. Spontaneous recovery ploration is indicated immediately.

with copious amounts of saline. An

is usually expected in neuropraxia

In gunshot wounds, compartment

Continued on page 154



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