NUR352 Course Plan - KSU

King Saud University

Faculty of Nursing




NUR 352 Course Plan


SEMESTER:          1st term 1431 -1432



Course Overview (1+2):

This course is designed to study past, present and future perspectives in women’s reproductive health problems, Reproductive anatomy and physiology, Pharmacologic and invasive management of reproductive system problems, nursing care pre, during and after medical intervention & nursing care of women with complications associated with gynecological procedures.

The 2-week module in Gynecological nursing precede the clinical rotation offers the student an opportunity to develop and utilize knowledge and skills in the care of gynecological patient. The nurse directs her energy toward helping women to develop positive attitudes toward self-care& cope with the stress of gynecological procedures & operations. Concurrent clinical experience is also provided so that the student will be able to correlate and implement material learned in the classroom during actual clinical work.


A. The student will demonstrate a basic knowledge of female reproductive anatomy & physiology and a basic knowledge of the factors that put the female at risk of gynecological health problems, approaches of medical & nursing management.

B. The student will demonstrate a basic knowledge & skills of interviewing & history taking.

C. The student will understand the individual differences in women’s needs and recognize the vast potential for achievement of these needs in regards to the Saudi community.



Upon completion of the Gynecology nursing modules the student will be able to:

1. Discuss how one’ culture affects concepts & attitude toward reproductive health problems.

2. Explain the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system.

3. Explain the nurse’s role in different gynecological care settings.

4. Explain nursing care for each gynecological procedure.

5. Explain use of diagnostic tests in women reproductive health problems.

6. Compare advantages and disadvantages for each type of medical intervention for managing gynecological problems

7. Plan appropriate discharge teaching for the gynecological woman .

8. Explain nursing car of women experiencing the following postoperative complications: hemorrhage, infection, thromboembolitic disease, and mood disorders.

9. Explain aspects of preventive health care for women.

10. Describe various methods of birth control, including side effects and contraindications of each method.

11. Sate the cause and appearance of sexually transmitted diseases.

12. Compare between the structural & functional reproductive system disorders.

13. Appropriately utilize the steps of the nursing process in the nursing care of gynecological patients.

14. Document appropriately and thoroughly all assessments and nursing care provided.

Course Outline:

|Subject |Time |Date |

| | |Saturday |

|Biological aspects of the female reproductive system; | |1 |

|Anatomy and physiology | | |

| | |Saturday |

|Bleeding in early pregnancy: | | |

|*Abortion | |2 |

|*Ectopic pregnancy | | |

|*Molar pregnancy | | |

|* Nursing Implications | | |

| | | |

|Infertility Problem: | |Saturday |

|*Male and Female causes | | |

|*Diagnosis and management | |3 |

|*Assisted reproductive technology | | |

|* Nursing Implications | | |

| | |Saturday |

|Functional disorders of the female Reproductive system: | | |

|*Menstrual problems | |4 |

|*Menopause | | |

|Quiz I | |Saturday |

| | | |

|Structural disorders of the female Reproductive system: | |5 |

| | | |

|* Prolepses and displacement | | |

|* nursing implications | | |

| | |Saturday |

|Structural disorders of the female Reproductive system: | | |

|Fistulas* | |6 |

|* nursing implications | | |

| | |Saturday |

|Gynecological Examinations and Procedures; | |7 |

|Laparoscopy & endoscope* | | |

|Pap Smear* | | |

|* Genital & pelvic Examination | | |

|Midterm Exam | |Saturday |

| | |8 |

|Gynecological Operations: | |Saturday |

|* D & C | |9 |

|Hysterectomy* | | |

|Sexually Transmitted Diseases: | |Saturday |

|* Bacterial | |10 |

|* Viral | | |

|* Fungus | | |

|Quiz II | |Saturday |

|Sexually Transmitted Diseases( cont) | |11 |

|Family Planning & Birth Control Methods | |Saturday |

| | |12 |

|Family Planning & Birth Control Methods( cont) | |Saturday |

| | |13 |

|REVISION | |Saturday |

| | |14 |


Upon completion of the gynecological clinical experience the student will demonstrate competence in the role of the practical nurse as follows:

Out patient Clinic:

1-Take patient complete health history.

2- Perform required physical assessment.

3-Assist in preparation of the clinic setup for conduction

Of gynecological examination.

4- Use interpersonal communication skills with patient.

5- Assist in gynecological procedures carried for patients.

6- Apply principals of infection control.

7-Provied health education about gynecological health.

8- Use writing skills in documentation forms.


1-Take patient complete health history.

2- Perform required physical assessment.

3-Assist with gynecological investigation & treatment.

4- Use interpersonal communication skills with patient.

5- Provide pre & post operative care for women with

gynecological problems.

6- Provide hygienic care & teach self care for patients.

7- Demonstrate patient safety measures.

8- Apply principals of infection control.

9-Provied health education about gynecological health.

10- Use writing skills in documentation forms

Operating Room:

1- Apply principles of infection control measures.

2- Assist in preparation of supplies& equipment of the


3- Demonstrate skills in identifying surgical instruments.

4-Provied care for gynecological patient during recovery.

- monitor vital signs.

- monitor adequate hydration (intake & output).

- monitor wound condition

- demonstrate skills for patient safety measures.

5- Assist in biopsy procedure.

6- Use writing skills in documentation forms


- Lecture/ discussion - Audiovisuals

- Student’s presentation (shared Teaching sessions) - active learning

- Net work , e-mail contact

- Clinical experiences:

Mothers Classes Nursing care plans

Post-conferences Clinical assignments

Nursing assessments Nursing care and documentation

Anecdotal notes

Constructive criticism and positive reinforcement

Student evaluation- sees criteria for satisfactory clinical experience outlined

On evaluation forms.


-All examinations will be based upon the principle concepts and theory presented in the

Module objectives and all objectives outlined at the beginning of each lecture in the

text. Examinations will cover class lectures and assigned reading.

- It is expected that students will write examinations at scheduled times. Special arrangements may be made for rescheduling by contacting the instructor prior to the examination. This privilege will be granted for unusual circumstances only.

- The gynecology clinical module requires one mother class in subject that support & enrich the course content. Appropriate forms for clinical papers are attached to the syllabus.



Theory: 60%

Written midterm exam 10 marks

Quizzes ( 2/ sems) 10 marks

Final Term exam 40 marks

Clinical: 40%

Mother class assignment and exercises 10 marks

Nursing records & plan 10 marks

Clinical exam 10 marks

Written exam 10 marks


Katz,R:, (2007), Comprehensive Gynecology, 5th ed. Mosby, An Imprint of Elsevier

Smith, Netter's,( 2008), Obstetrics and Gynecology, ,2nd ed. Saunders, An Imprint of Elsevier

Nursing College

Maternal & Pediatric Department

OR Report

Hospital: Date: Diagnosis:

Patient age: Operation: Duration:

Type of anesthesia:

Type of incision:

Type of repair:

Site of operation: Abd Vg

Fluids intake: Type: Amount:




Blood Transfusion:


Name: Dose: Route: Action:




Surgical instrument:

1- 2-

3- 4-

5- 6-

7- 8-

9- 10-

Student Sign;

Recovery Room Report

Patient age: Diagnosis: Operation:

Vital signs:

Temp: Pulse: Resp: B/P:

Fluids intake: Type: Amount:




Blood Transfusion:


Name: Dose: Route: Action:




Physical Assessment:

1- Skin color: Temp: Moisture:

2- Neurological: Oriented: Confused: lethargic:

3- Cardiovascular: capillary refill: Peripheral pulse:

4-Urinary: Catheter: Voiding: Urine Amount:

5- Genital: Vg Bleeding: Color: Amount:

6- Pain: Location: Intensity: Type:

Nursing Management:

Student Sign;

King Saud University

Nursing College

Maternal & Pediatric Department

المواضيع الخاصة بالتثقيف الصحى للسيدات المترددات على العيادات الخارجية لامراض النساء

المجموعة: المستشفى:

الاحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الاربعاء خالد الشميسى

|الموضوع |اسم الطالبة |تاريخ التقديم |التوقيع |

|المشاكل التى تحدث اثناء استخدام وسائل | | | |

|تنظيم الاسرة | | | |

|التهابات الجهاز التناسلى فى السيدات و كيفية | | | |

|الوقاية منها | | | |

|الاعراض التى تعانى منها السيدات عند سن اليأس | | | |

|الاعشاب المفيدة للمرأة فى سن اليأس | | | |

|التمرينات الرياضية لتخفيف الام اسفل الظهر | | | |

|و دوالى الساقين | | | |

|هشاشة العظام و كيفية تقليل الاصابة بة | | | |

|كيفية الوقاية من التعرض للسقوط الرحمى | | | |

|و المهبلى | | | |

|سرطان الثدى و اهمية التشخيص المبكر | | | |

|9 - الاعراض التى تسبق الدورة الشهرية و كيفية | | | |

|التغلب عليها | | | |

|10-فحوصات الكشف الدورى لامراض النساء التى | | | |

|يجب ان تحرص عليها السيدات | | | |

|11- النزيف الرحمى : اسبابة و العناية الذاتية لمنع | | | |

|مضاعفاتة | | | |


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