1) While touring with the gypsy violinist Edward Remenyi ...

1. Touring with the gypsy violinist Edward Remenyi, he met Joseph Joachim, who introduced him to Franz Liszt and Robert Schumann. He would be Schumann’s lifelong friend, although he proposed marriage to Clara Schumann after Robert’s death. Schumann’s passing in 1856, coupled with the death of his mother in 1855, led him to write his famous German Requiem. FTP, identify this composer of the Academic Festival Overture and the Hungarian Dances.

A: Johannes Brahms

2. This Fortune 500 company based in Reston, Virginia, with 2002 revenues at about 8.7 billion dollars, recently signed a multi-hundred-million dollar contract to replace R.J. Reynolds as the sponsor of NASCAR's top series, the series formerly known as the Winston Cup. FTP, name the company founded by Virginia governor Mark Warner, which has recently gained attention for its Direct-Connect service.

A: Nextel Communications

3. Next year, it may become the first nation in the world to ban smoking. Although its average per-capita income is below $700, all citizens receive free education and healthcare, partly subsidized by neighboring India. The only Tantric Buddhist country on the planet, it is ruled by King Jigme Singye Wangchuck. FTP, identify this small Himalayan nation, called Druk Yul by natives, where the capital, Thimphu, is the only place where smoking is currently allowed.

A: Bhutan (accept Druk Yul)

4. Speaking to students at the University of Michigan at 2 A.M. on October 14, 1960, John F. Kennedy sparked a petition drive in favor of this plan to end the image of the “Ugly American.” As President, JFK signed Executive Order 10924 organizing it, and Kennedy’s brother-in-law Sargent Shriver was selected to be its first head. FTP, identify this program through which over 160,000 young Americans have worked in 130 countries worldwide.

A: Peace Corps

5. She is the lead singer for the Rock Bottom Remainders, a rock band made up of fellow writers, including Stephen King and Dave Barry. As a child in California, she once slept with a clothespin on her nose, trying to become American. She told such stories of Chinese-American immigrants in The Kitchen God's Wife, a follow-up to her 1989 smash hit. FTP, name this author of The Joy Luck Club.

A: Amy Tan

6. 10,9,-1,1/2 and 3,2,1,-1/2 are valid ones while 2,2,1,1/2 and -3, 1, 9, -1/2 are not. One parametrizes the square magnitude of orbital angular momentum, differentiating shapes, while another defines energy level. A third number indicates orientation. FTP, identify this set of numbers, including the azimuthal, principle, and magnetic, assigned to every electron of an atom.

A: quantum numbers

7. To avenge Crixus’ death, he forced 300 prisoners to fight to the death in pairs after defeating Lentulus and Publicola. His men used vines to attack the overconfident praetor Glaber’s men from the rear in a rout at Vesuvius and later resisted his desire to escape across the Alps, leading to his eventual defeat at the hands of Crassus. FTP, name this Thracian who was featured along with his army of slaves and gladiators in a 1960 Stanley Kubrick film.

A: Spartacus

8. Francis James Child compiled a canon of 305 of these that had their origins in the Middle Ages. His book included such traditional works as “The Elfin Knight” and “Barbara Allen.”. However, the name has been applied liberally to works such as Carson McCullers’ one “of the Sad Café,” and Coleridge and Wordsworth’s collection of “Lyrical” ones.” FTP, identify this form of poetry meant to be sung, whose name now refers to a soaring romantic pop song.

A: Ballad

9. Composed of eight pieces of linen sewn together, during the French Revolution, it was used briefly as a wagon-cover. Approximately 70 meters long, it was stored in the Louvre during World War II to protect it from the invading Germans. FTP, name this embroidery, supposedly constructed by William the Conqueror’s wife, Matilda, commissioned by Bishop Odo after the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

A: The Bayeux Tapestry

10. Cathleen, the maid, and her employer’s two sons sometimes sneak drinks of the employer’s liquor, diluting the remainder to disguise the theft. The employer berates his younger son, Edmund, as a nihilist and his elder son, James, as a wastrel. However, his wife, Mary, has more serious problems. FTP, name this partly autobiographical play about aging actor James Tyrone, his morphine addicted wife, and their two sons, written by Eugene O’Neill.

A: Long Day’s Journey into Night

11. The trace variety are also called micronutrients, and nearly 20% of them do not exist in nature.  The Bible and Caraka-samhita, an early Hindu medical text, mention seven of the natural ones while Anaximenes thought they only consisted of air.  FTP, identify these substances with unique characteristics first listed using Boyle’s definition by Lavoisier and arrayed in the periodic table.

A: elements

12. Doane Robinson, envisioned that it would commemorate western heroes, such as Custer, Buffalo Bill, and Lewis & Clark. However, the artist, still in the process of building Stone Mountain, insisted on using national heroes. Gutzon Borglum investigated Harney Peak and the Needles, before finding the perfect site. FTP, identify this huge South Dakota monument that ultimately featured Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt.

A: Mt. Rushmore National Monument

13. This scientific discipline was founded by US mathematician Norbert Wiener in 1947. Relevant in applications such as controlling physical systems (such as aiming artillery or moving robots), this field originally encompassed all mechanisms by which information is translated into performance. FTP, name this term, adapted from the Greek for “steersman,” that now chiefly refers to the study of artificial neural networks.

A: cybernetics

14. He sought to make the Swedish economy self-sufficient by cultivating cacao, coffee, tea, bananas, rice, and mulberries, but was foiled by the frigid climate. His publications included Systema naturae in 1735 and Philosophia botanica in 1751, in which he described the sexual reproduction of plants. FTP, name this Swedish scientist whose great contributions to taxonomy include the binomial classification system.

A: Carolus Linnaeus

15. The larger of the two temples is dedicated to the chief gods of Heliopolis, Memphis, and Thebes. The smaller is dedicated to Hathor and to Nefertari, the wife of the temples’ founder, Ramses II. The larger temple also features a façade with four large statues of Ramses seated. FTP, name this site on the Nile that was moved to higher ground when the Aswan High Dam was completed.

A: Abu Simbel

16. Legends say it was written on Pentecost under the divine inspiration of the Holy Ghost. More likely, it originated approximately 50 years after the New Testament ends. Also known as the Roman Symbol or Symbolum Apostolorum, its twelve articles were said to have been penned by Jesus’ twelve closest followers. FTP, what Christian creed begins, “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.”

A: The Apostle’s Creed

17. It begins with the narrator asking a friend if he can visit her home, but it soon becomes apparent that his motive is not entirely innocent. The title character comes out of her house with just her towel on, telling the narrator that he missed a spot while mowing her lawn. This song’s video reached MTV’s top 5, in part due to Rachel Hunter’s role as the title character. FTP, identify this Fountains of Wayne title character who, “has got it going on.”

A: Stacy’s Mom

18. Scheduled for January 27, in the West Wing Bartlett bypassed it because he had nothing to gain. This is similar to the situation Howard Dean is in because as the Governor of Vermont he has easy proximity for campaigning to sites like Dartmouth College. FTP, name this presidential primary considered the first major test for candidates, that takes place in the state with its capital at Concord.

A: New Hampshire Primary (accept clear-knowledge equivalents)

19. A tenet of the heretical Christian sect, the Cathars, ancient Egyptians and early Greeks such as Pythagoras and Plato espoused it. It remains most well known among religions of the east, including Hinduism and Buddhism, and is known by many different names, including metempsychosis, samsara, and transmigration. FTP, name this concept, often represented as a never-ending cycle, that explains that human spirits reenter life in different bodies after death.

A: Reincarnation (prompt on synonyms before mention)

20) Deriving its name from that of a Delaware Indian chief, it was formed to oppose the Federalists but was reduced to a county organization after failing to support FDR in 1932. It appealed to poor whites and minorities as it doled out gifts and bribes in New York City. FTP, name this Democratic political machine identified with corruption and led by men such as Boss Tweed.

A: Tammany Hall


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