Habitat for Humanity

Sample Global Village marketing letters

Edit the letters below as appropriate to recruit trip participants, solicit donations and/or educate others about Habitat for Humanity. Take special care to replace the highlight text with information unique to your trip!

Sample letter one (recruitment)


Want to travel? Like helping others? Enjoy meeting interesting new people? Excited to be part of a diverse team? Have an open mind? Want to support Habitat for Humanity? Ready to make a difference?

Let’s go to Armenia!

I am leading a Habitat Global Village trip to Nshavan, Armenia in May. We’ll spend twelve days exploring Armenian culture, partnering with families to build safe housing, and having a great time as a team. I’m looking to put together a team of motivated, funny, flexible, open-minded folks excited to serve others and explore.

To learn more about the trip visit the Habitat Global Village Web site at . Please feel free to call or e-mail me with questions!

Please pass this invitation on to anyone – your dad, your friend, your co-worker, your cool professor – that you think would be interested and a good addition to the team!


Team leader name

Team leader contact information

Sample letter two (recruitment, education and fundraising)


I’m excited to be leading a Habitat for Humanity Global Village trip to Armenia. From May 25-June 3, I will come together with a team of individuals from all over the United States to build in Nshavan, a village outside Armenia’s capital.

Many of you have already provided incredible support to me in this adventure. I am deeply thankful for you.

It feels like too much to ask any more, but many have wondered how they can be a part of this work, and so I wanted to let you know some options:   

• Make a donation to the trip! Your donation will support an incredible building experience for the team and help provide vital funds to the work Habitat for Humanity Armenia is doing. The Global Village program, Habitat for Humanity, and the local Habitat programs that have built more than 300,000 homes worldwide are certainly feeling the effects of a struggling economy. Whatever you can offer can make an incredible difference for those in need of affordable housing.

• Come with us to Armenia! The trip is approaching, but there are still a couple spots left. If you or someone you know is interest, please join us! Habitat Armenia needs your help, and the experience you have will be unforgettable.   

• Join a different Global Village trip! There are dozens of trips to locations all over the world. I know firsthand that Global Village is an incredible way to see the world and be of service, and I truly encourage you to consider a GV trip. Difficult economic times are all the more reason Habitat can use your support, and all the more reason you can use an opportunity to see and do something about the need that exists. You will get back far more than you put in.

• Get involved with your local Habitat for Humanity affiliate! Whether you want to build, help in the office, fundraise, be an advocate or contribute your passion and skills in some other way, there is something you can do in your area.

• Learn about Habitat! Habitat for Humanity has helped more than 1.5 million people and built more than 300,000 houses around the world!

I encourage you to visit my trip page at and to consider supporting Habitat for Humanity and my Global Village team.


Please feel welcome to forward this e-mail on to others. Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions and just to check in.

Thank you!


Team leader name

Team leader contact information


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