Grammar Hypothesis

Grammar Hypothesis

Read the following paragraph. Pay attention to the underlined portions. Write a grammar rule that explains the pattern found in the underlined portions. All underlined examples are CORRECT examples of the rule. All bold examples are INCORRECT examples of the rule. Use posters in the room to help you if needs be. Then, after sharing hypotheses, amend your first prediction to accurately reflect the rule.

Throughout your time in Armada High School, you will encounter many interesting teachers. On the first day of school, you will see Mr. McDevitt telling a story in the gym. During your trip to second hour, you will encounter Mr. Stump discussing anger and chemistry at the east end of the building. Mr. Stump had intriguing hair. While on your way to your third hour, it is possible you will see Mr. Becker, the vampire, turning away from sunlight. After lunch, you might find Mr. Moore talking about many items: football, wrestling and money management. Near the beginning of fifth hour, you found Ms. Curcuru teaching public speaking. As you exit the building, you said good-bye to Mr. G. Summarily. You will find that the staff of Armada High School is a diverse, inviting group of educators.


Actual Grammar Rule:

Confirmation, denial or amendment of hypothesis and my unique example:

|Learning Target |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Language usage = Did |Advanced use of |Sufficient control over |Inconsistent or partial |Multiple miscues |

|you edit for grammar, |Standard American |Standard American |control over Standard |in grammar ; errors |

|usage, and mechanics? |English grammar |English grammar |American English grammar |distract from meaning |

Grammar Hypothesis

Read the following paragraph. Pay attention to the underlined portions. Write a grammar rule that explains the pattern found in the underlined portions. All bold examples are CORRECT examples of the rule. Use posters in the room to help you if needs be. Then, after sharing hypotheses, amend your first prediction to accurately reflect the rule.

Throughout your time in Armada High School, you will encounter many interesting texts, and you will find them entertaining. As a freshman, you will read the play Romeo and Juliet with Mrs. Leyrer. During your freshman year, you will also read the poem, “Road Less Traveled.” During your sophomore year, you listen to the song, “Swing Low” in Ms. Browe’s class. In her class, you will also watch the movie, Avatar. In your junior year, you will read the novels Frankenstein and Lord of the Flies. While in your senior year with Mr. Becker, the vampire, you will encounter many texts: the novel 1984, the play Death of a Salesman, the poem “Dream Deferred,” the movie Star Wars, and the song, “It was a Good Day.” Summarily, Armada High School provides you with many engaging texts in your tenure as a tiger.


Grammar Rule:

Confirmation, denial or amendment of hypothesis and my unique example:

|Learning Target |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Language usage = Did |Advanced use of |Sufficient control over |Inconsistent or partial |Multiple miscues |

|you edit for grammar, |Standard American |Standard American |control over Standard |in grammar ; errors |

|usage, and mechanics? |English grammar |English grammar |American English grammar |distract from meaning |


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