Wave - CTE Online

[Pages:2]Waves worksheet Answer Key Use your Text, Notes, and the Internet to complete the following.

You must use complete sentences and, or, neat diagrams and straight lines to get credit. 1. Define wave

Any disturbance that transmits energy

2. For the waves below:

a. Identify and label the transverse wave and identify each of the following

components with an arrow. At the tail of the arrow write the name of the

component or region in color. Following this word write a short definition.


equilibrium maximum amplitude

Minimum amplitude


b. Identify and label the longitudinal wave and identify each of the following

components with an arrow. At the tail of the arrow write the name of the

component or region in color. Following this word write a short definition.


rarefaction wavelength cycle

maximum amplitude

minimum amplitude

Transverse wave:

Wavelength (distance Between two crests or Troughs)

Maximum Amplitude AKA "Crest" =maximum energy

Minimum Amplitude AKA "trough" =minimum energy

Equilibrium zero energy

Cycle one up and down motion

Rarefaction (stretching, area of low energy) Compression (area of high energy same as crest)


WW (daaisvvteeallneencneggthth (Bdeitswtaenencetwo Bceretswtseoern two cTrreosutgshosr)



MAminpimliMtuumidneimum EzeqruoileinberriugCymycle

Cycle one up and

AKAAm"Cprleisttu"de AKA "Atrmoupglhi"tude

one up daonwdn

=mAaxKimAu"mCrest"=minimAuKmA "trough" down motion

ene=rmgyaximum energy=minimum




3. Identify where on the transverse wave the compressions of a longitudinal wave correspond to. Is this a high energy or a low energy region?

The crests of a transverse wave correspond to the compressions of a longitudinal wave and are the areas of maximum energy.

4. Identify where on the longitudinal wave the trough of a transverse wave corresponds to. Is this a high energy or a low energy region?

The troughs of a transverse wave correspond to the rarefactions of a longitudinal wave and are the areas of minimum energy.

5. Explain what wave propagation means. Wave propagation means how the wave travels. Transverse waves propagate by moving up and down, like a snake. Longitudinal waves propagate by stretching and compressing, like an inch worm.

6. "Google" wave train, then state how many waves there are in the above transverse wave.

A wave train is a series of wave cycles (a cycle is one up and down motion) linked together. The above wave train has 8 cycles.

7. Explain the relationship between the cycle and the period.

A cycle is one up and down motion, or one crest and one trough. The period is the time it takes, in seconds, for one period.

8. Define frequency, state its units, and use this definition to determine the frequency of the transverse wave above. (hint: how many cycles are in this 1 second long wave?)

Frequency is the number of cycles per second. The unit of frequency is the Hertz or Hz). In the wave above, which is one second long, there are 8 cycles so the frequency is 8 hertz.

9. What is the amplitude of the wave above, in cm? _______________________ Students have to measure the to the top of a crest from the equilibrium line using a ruler. Measurement should be 1-2 cm

10. What is the wavelength of the wave above, in cm? _____________________

Students will measure along the equilibrium line from the beginning of one wave crest to the end of one wave trough. Measurements should be around 2-4 cm.

returns to the same position every 360 degrees. Rotation is a cycle, just like

harmonic motion. One key difference is that cycles of circular motion always have

For each of the waves below determine the number cycles, frequency,

1a2.leSnigmthiloafr3t6o0fdreeqgrueeens c(Fy,igaumrep1l3it.u11d)e. is the energy in a wave. Amplitude

wavelength, and amplitude. All waves are 1 second long.

The phase Degarleseos caorrerealsspoocnodnsvetonielonut dtonedsesscinribseouwnhderwe aavneoss.cTilhlaetohrigishienr itthsecycle. For

of an oscillator exaammplpel,ithuodwewthoeuldloyuodueridtehnetifsyotuhnedm(oamsecnrtewamhenhaaspeandhuigluhmawmapsliotnued-etenatnhdof

Wave 1

theawwayhitshproeurgah liotswcaycmlep?liItfudwee).leWt ohnicehcyocflethbee t3h6r0eedewgareveess, tahbenovoenew-toeunltdh of thatbecytchlee lios u3d6esdtegsroeuens.dTwhairvtye-?siWx hdiecghretehseiqs uaiemteesatsusroeunofd twheavpeh?ase of the

oscW illaatvoer. tThhreewe ohrads"tphheashei"ghmeesatnasmwphelirteuthdee o(swciallvaeto2r iiss ianctlhoesceyscelec.ond) so

# of cycles _3

frequency (Hz) 3

What we mean by "in phase"

Theitcwonocuepldt omfapkheasteheisliomupdoersttanstouwnhden. Wcoamvpea1rihngasotnheeolsocwilleastotrawmipthliatunodteher. Supspooistewyoouulodbsmeravkeetwthoeidmeontsitcaqlupieentdsuoluumnds,. wWihthenextahcitnlyktihnegsaabmoeuptepriiotdcsh. If youasntdarltothuedmnetossgetthhienr,kth"esiqr ugeraapkhisnwesosuvlds.lovooklulimkee.t"he diagram below left. You would describe the two pendulums as being in phase because their cycles are

wavelength (cm) 4.5 to 5.5

amplitude (cm) 0.75 to 1.0

aligned and each one is always at the same place at the same time.

Wave 2



Figure 13.1

circle is 360 deg harmonic motio

# of cycles _____5 wavelength (cm) __4.5 to 5.5 _

Wave 3

frequency (Hz) ___5 amplitude (cm) 2 to 2.5

# of cycles _8.5

frequency (Hz) _____8.5

wavelength (cm) _2 to 3 amplitude (cm) _1.75-2.5

Out of phase If you start the first pendulum swinging a little before the second one, the graphs 1l3o.okFoluikrewthaevedsiagaraempiacbtouvreedrigahbto. vAel.thDoeugfihn,eththeye hteavrme tshe"insa-mpheacsyec"lea,nthde first pen"douulut-mofi-spahlwasaey"s anldittliedeanhetiafdy owfhtihcehswecaovneds. Tahre ginraphassheowasndthewlheiacdhoafrtehe firsot upteondf uplhumasea.sLateprhainsethdeiffuerneitncyeo.uNwoitlilcseetehatht atht edetoppengdrianpghorneatchhees its maxsiimtuuamtio9n0,dyeoguremesabyefworaentthewbaovtetosmtogrbaephi.nWpehasasye-thtoe tgweot pbeentdteurluTmVs are out of prheacseepbtyio9n0, doergoreuetso, of rpohnaes-efoiufrtyhoouf aarceyculsei.ng noise canceling


When two or more waves are "in-phase" their crests and trough1s3a.1reHarmonic motion in line with one another. When two or more waves are "out-of-phase" their crests and troughs do not line up. Waves in phase result in constructive interference, or a bigger wave (perhaps a louder sound wave). Waves out of phase result in destructive interference, or a smaller wave (perhaps a quieter, or a garbled sound wave)

11. Suppose waves 1-3 above are sound waves. Frequency relates to pitch. The higher the frequency the higher the pitch (high pitch is tea kettle whistling, low pitch is a man with a deep voice). Which of the three waves above would have the highest pitch? The lowest pitch? Wave 3 has the highest frequency, so it has the highest pitch. Wave 1 has the lowest frequency, so it has the lowest pitch.


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