Table of Contents

Grade 11

TPE3E Hairstyling and Aesthetics

Workplace Destination

Unit 1, Activity 2:


This Activity Resource Management Document (ARMdoc)

was produced by the Ontario Council for Technological Education (OCTE)

to supplement the Ministry of Education’s Grade 11 Course Profiles.

It may be used in its entirety, in part, or adapted.

Table of Contents

Teacher Resource Pack (TRP)

Activity Description (from Course Profile) 1

Activity Resource Management Doc (ARMdoc) Contents 1

Pre-activity Planning Notes 3

Expectations by Category (from Course Profile) 5

Assessment/Evaluation 5

Terminology List 6

Reference Resources 8

Student Handouts 9

Sectioning your mannequin 9

Blunt cut procedure 10

Client Profile Card 13

Student Project Brief (SRP)

Student Project Brief 1

Student Project Brief Handout 2

Portfolio Design 4

Hair Shaping Checklist 5

Equipment Knowledge 6

Sectioning for your desired hair shaping 7

Career Description 8

Haircutting Rubric 9

Daily Log 11

Safety Resource Pack (SRP)

Safety Resource Pack 1

(Safety sheets to be inserted from separate Safety Resource Pack)

This material is designed to help teachers implement the new Grade 11 secondary school curriculum. This material was created by members of the Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE) subject association. Permission is given to reproduce these materials for any purpose except profit. Teachers are also encouraged to amend, revise, edit, cut, paste, and otherwise adapt this material for educational purposes. Any references in this document to particular commercial resources, learning materials, equipment, or technology reflect only the opinions of the writers of this material, and do not reflect any official endorsement by OCTE or the Ontario Ministry of Education.

© Ontario Council for Technology Education 2001

TPE3E Hairstyling and Aesthetics


Exploring Haircutting Techniques

Activity Description (from Course Profile)

Time: 600 minutes (10 hours)

This activity is designed to introduce students to a variety of haircutting techniques and styles used in the beauty industry. Students are shown how to shape the hair using the various elevation and cutting techniques. Emphasis is placed on understanding the differences between these techniques and when they should be used. Students gain theoretical knowledge and practical applications of haircutting, enabling them to accommodate a client’s wishes and needs. Knowledge of industry tools, equipment, procedures, and safety, are gained through classroom and independent activities.

Students are exposed to various haircutting techniques and the methodology of achieving these styles. Students are encouraged to strive to achieve excellence, originality and integrity in their own work, and to support these qualities in the work of others. Students develop a creative portfolio of haircutting techniques. The portfolio includes design diagrams of haircutting tools, presentation of finished styles, instructional cutting aids, journal entries, and a time log. Students develop thinking, problem-solving, and designing skills through continuous practical applications.

Activity Resource Management Doc (ARMdoc) Contents

| | |

|Teacher Resource Pack (TRP) |Pre-planning Notes, |

| |Expectations by Category |

| |Activity Deliverables |

| |Instructional Aid Sheets |

| |Terminology List |

| |Career Information |

| | |

|Student Project Brief (SPB) |Project Brief |

| |Assessment/Evaluation Checklists and Rubrics |

| |Activity Log |

| | |

|Safety Resource Pack (SRP) |Safety Information (list of pages to be inserted from the separate Safety |

| |Resource Pack) |

This Activity Resource Document (ARMdoc) was produced to supplement the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Grade 11 Course Profiles. These profiles can be found at:

ARMdocs for several Technological Education profiles can be found at:

The Technological Education policy documents can be found at:

Pre-activity Planning Notes

The purpose of this unit from the profile is to introduce the methods involved in performing various hair shapings through theoretical and practical applications. First and foremost, the students must be made aware of all safety concerns during this activity. Some safety concerns that can be discussed with your students:

• never cut past your second knuckle when cutting a section of hair

• always close the blades of the scissors when combing the hair

• handle all sharp instruments carefully

• never put comb or scissors down when completing a haircut

• clean and disinfect all tools once completed

• store all equipment in its proper place

Prior to beginning the haircuts, the students should be aware of the tools and equipment needed to complete the given task. Students will be able to describe the purpose for each implement needed, the application technique for each of the tools that are selected, the necessity for the selection of quality equipment and an awareness of maintaining the equipment. Students will also need to understand the importance of sanitation procedures as they need to be followed when completing this activity.

Prior to the selection of the haircut, the students must understand the hair analysis procedure as this will help them in selecting the appropriate style for their future hair shapings. They must also be introduced to the terminology used to complete the hair shaping. Students need to identify the draping technique used for the hair shaping and the method of properly shampooing and conditioning the hair. Product knowledge will also be a factor when proceeding with the service.

This activity involves the completion of various cuts to be performed on a long- haired mannequin. Students will move on to the next phase once they have a good understanding of the previous haircut. Students should view the diagrams of the scissors and combs that they are to use and begin using the proper terminology for this equipment. Students will also understand the methods of sectioning the hair for the various haircuts.

Students will progress at varying levels throughout this assignment. A student should practice the given haircut until he/she feels comfortable moving on to the next cut. Students who have successfully completed all of the assigned hair shapings may be given additional cuts to further develop their skill.

Expectations by Category (from Course Profile)


TFV.01 describe trends and styles in hairstyling and aesthetics

TFV.03 identify materials, techniques, and equipment used in the hairstyling and aesthetics industry

TF2.01 explain vocabulary related to the industry (e.g., words describing the structure of the hair, skin, and nails; the professional names for techniques, tools, and products used for services)

SP1.01 describe basic analysis procedures (e.g., related to degree of porosity, scalp condition, skin type, facial shape, body type, health of nails) and recommend appropriate services;


TF2.04 select and use appropriate materials and tools to perform basic salon services

SPV.01 identify a variety of services and techniques that meet industry standards;

SPV.02 use appropriate materials and tools to perform basic salon services;

SP1.05 identify and use appropriate routine sanitization procedures

SP1.06 use information technologies and specialized software related to the hairstyling and aesthetics industry (e.g., the Cosmopolitan Virtual Makeover program) effectively.


SPV.03 demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills

SP2.01 use effective communication techniques to interact with clients;

SP2.03 identify and use a variety of teamwork and interpersonal skills


ICV.03 describe career opportunities and related training and educational requirements

IC3.02 identify training opportunities and educational requirements related to careers in hairstyling and aesthetics


Students will be assessed and evaluated on the following deliverables. See the Student Project Brief for assessment/evaluation instruments.

| |Deliverables |Notes |Suggested |

| | | |Time (hr) |

|1 |Content theoretical assignments |Individual |1 |

|2 |Organization of work area |Individual |1 |

|3 |Demonstration and practice of various haircuts |Teamwork |2 |

|4 |Final skill projects |Individual |4 |

|5 |Student Portfolio |Individual |2 |

|6 |Time Log |Individual (for discussion) |On-going |

Terminology List

All Purpose comb A comb with two size teeth which is used to complete a haircut

Angle The position at which the hair is held in relation to the head

Barber comb A comb specifically used for creating short haircuts

Blunt cut Cutting all the hair to the same length with no elevation

Clippers Electrical apparatus used to create very short styles

Degree The angle at which the hair is held to determine the length of the cut

Edger Electric apparatus used to clean hair from around the hairline

Elevation The degree at which the hair is held when cutting

Guide The section of hair that shows the way by directing the subsequent sections

Hair clips Used to secure the hair into sections when cutting the hair

Horizontal line A line running parallel to the floor

Large tooth comb A comb with large and wide teeth for combing or detangling the hair

Layer cutting Cutting the hair to different lengths using varied degrees of elevation

Moving Guide A guide that moves throughout the haircut

Parting Subdividing the hair to allow for precision cutting

Point cutting Cutting into the section of hair with the points of the scissors

Scissors Cutting apparatus used in haircutting

Section Dividing the hair into working areas during the cut

Shears Haircutting tool also known as scissors usually used to cut blunt lines. May also be used to thin or point cut into the hair

Slide cutting With your shears slightly open, slide your shears down a section of hair

Stationary Guide A guide that does not move. All the hair is brought to the guide.

Tail comb A universal comb used for styling which consists of one end with a tail which helps to part or section the hair.

Tension Holding the hair uniformly so that every strand is held in the same manner

Texturizing Making the lengths of a section of hair jagged to create texture. Examples are soft edging or point cutting into the section of hair.

Thinning Shears Shears with teeth used to remove bulk from the hair

Vertical Line A line running straight up and down

Weight Line The line at which the hair is brought down and cut

Reference Resources


Milady Publishing. Milady’s Standard Textbook of Cosmetology. New York: Milady Publishing, 1999. ISBN 1-56253-466-1

Milady Publishing. Milady’s Practical Workbook of Cosmetology. New York: Milady Publishing, 1999. ISBN 1-56253-469-6

Young, Kenneth. Milady’s Haircutting, A Technical Guide. New York: Milady Publishing, 1993. !SBN 1-56253-103-4

These books by Milady have entire units on basic haircutting. Terminology is used and explained in order to assist students in comprehending the concepts. Basic haircutting techniques are described. The hair shapings that are discussed throughout this activity are the blunt cut, the forward layer cut or frontal graduation cut, the 180 angle cut, the 90 degree angle cut and the short taper cut. Please note that the terminology used for these hair shapings can vary as they can be called differently by others.

Resource Note:

The ARMdocs make reference to the use of specific texts, magazines, films, videos, and websites. Teachers need to consult their board policies regarding use of any copyrighted materials. Before reproducing materials for student use from printed publications, teachers need to ensure that their board has a Cancopy licence and that this licence covers the resources they wish to use. Before screening videos/films with their students, teachers need to ensure that their board/school has obtained the appropriate public performance videocassette licence from an authorized distributor, e.g., Audio Cine Films Inc. Teachers are reminded that much of the material on the Internet is protected by copyright. The copyright is usually owned by the person or organization that created the work. Reproduction of any work or substantial part of any work on the Internet is not allowed without the permission of the owner.

Student Handouts

Sectioning your mannequin

4-section parting

5-section parting

Blunt cut procedure

Section mannequin in four. (Forehead to nape, ear to ear) (see diagram A)

Take down ½” horizontal guide in the nape area.

Diagram A

Starting with the centre of your section, make a guide for your haircut. (see diagram B) The hair must be held with even tension. The section is held at 0 degrees and no elevation. Complete the entire nape section. Bring down ½” sections. Cut according to your guide. Complete the entire back of the head. Move to the left side of the head.

Diagram B

Bring down a guide to begin the sides. (See diagram C) Match your front guide to be back section that was previously cut. Complete entire section. Repeat procedure with right side. Check entire cut for any uneven strands of hair you may have missed and check for accuracy. Style as desired.

Diagram C

Frontal Layer (Facial Contour)

Picture A Picture B Picture C

Proceed with blunt cut following Pictures A, B, C. Once the entire circumference has been cut, section the left front with a diagonal parting. (See Picture D) Combing the hair with even tension, determine the angle at which you are to cut the frontal layers. Standing in front of your mannequin direct the hair forward and cut to desired length. Continue throughout the section by parting the hair diagonally and directing the hair forward.

Picture D

Complete the entire section until it has all been cut to the guide. Continue with the right side. (See Picture E) Check entire cut for accuracy. Style as desired.

Picture E

Square layering or 180 degree elevation cut

Prior to layering the hair, the contour of the cut can be blunted to the desired length using the blunt cut procedure. The frontal area procedure may also be used to fringe the face for this given haircut.

Begin by combing the hair into a five-section parting. Bringing down your two back sections, Begin at the crown area to determine the length of your guide. Bring hair to a 90 degree from head to cut your desired guide. (See Photo A)

Photo A

Section the back into three working areas. Beginning with the centre section, direct the hair straight up to your guide, cutting the hair to the same length as your guide. (All hair is brought up to the crown area guide). (See Photo B)

Photo B

As the centre section is completed, continue cutting the left and right rear sections and match to the centre guide remembering that all hair is to be cut to the same length. Once the back has been complete, remove the clip from the centre top section and pick up a central 1” section from the crown to the forehead. Using the frontal layer and the crown as your guides, cut to

desired length. Once your guide has been established, section front area in two. Starting with the left side, bring hair straight up to match to your guide. All hair is over directed to match the guide. Complete right side in the same fashion. Check entire haircut for accuracy and style as desired.

Photo C

Client Profile Card

The following information is strictly confidential and is to be used solely for client evaluation purposes in the salon.

Client Name: ______________________Telephone #: home: _____________________

work: _____________________

Address: ________________________ City: _________________________________

Birth date: _______________________ Occupation: ___________________________

Previous Allergies: ______________________________________________________________________

Medication: ______________________________________________________________________

Additional comments: ______________________________________________________________________


Natural Base Level: ___________ Tonal Value: ____________

Overall Condition of hair:

_ normal

_ dry

_ oily

Overall Condition of scalp:

_ normal

_ dry

_ oily

Hair texture:

_ fine

_ medium

_ coarse

Hair porosity:

_ normal

_ porous

_ over porous

Hair elasticity:

_ good

_ moderate

_ poor

Natural form:

_ straight

_ wavy

_ curly

Hair length:

_ short

_ medium

_ long



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Career Information



Exploring Haircutting Techniques

Career Information Sites:

Human Resources Development Canada: National Occupational Classification Database-

HRDC NOC Search Engine-

Ontario Prospects: geared to young people and students

Ontario Youth Jobs

Ontario Job Passport

Job Futures 2000: what’s hot, what’s not

Job Profiles: real people profile their jobs

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeship Search

The following activity related careers are described in the Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) National Occupational Classification (NOC) database. Use the search engine link above to learn the main duties performed by practitioners of each trade, the education requirements for the position, and related occupations.

6271 Hairstylists and Barbers

6482 Estheticians, Electrologists and Related Occupations

Hairdressing teachers (in 4131 College and Other Vocational Instructors)

Student Project Brief



Exploring Haircutting Techniques


1. Project Description Handout

2. Portfolio Format

3. Hair Shaping Checklist

4. Equipment Knowledge Checklist

5. Reporting Templates/Test

6. Haircutting Rubric

7. Daily Log

This material is designed to help teachers implement the new Grade 11 secondary school curriculum. This material was created by members of the Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE) subject association. Permission is given to reproduce these materials for any purpose except profit. Teachers are also encouraged to amend, revise, edit, cut, paste, and otherwise adapt this material for educational purposes. Any references in this document to particular commercial resources, learning materials, equipment, or technology reflect only the opinions of the writers of this material, and do not reflect any official endorsement by OCTE or the Ontario Ministry of Education.

© Ontario Council for Technology Education 2001

Student Project Brief Handout

| | |

|Title: |Haircutting techniques and procedures |

| | | | |

|Activity: |Haircutting procedures |Course: |TPE3E Hairstyling and Aesthetics |

| | | | |

|Time Req'd: |10 hours |Date: | |


| |

|The most important aspects of hairstyling is understanding the proper techniques for shaping and styling the hair. Through teacher |

|demonstration, procedural sheets and video aids, you will be able to visualize the end result. You will see how to style and cut hair step by |

|step. |


| |

|You will practice at least 3 to 5 various haircuts starting with a long-haired mannequin. The mannequin will be shampooed and sectioned according|

|to the cut that is to be completed. The cuts will follow the sequences listed: blunt cut, frontal layer cut, 180 degree angle cut, 90 degree |

|angle cut and short taper cut. You will be given instructional handouts and you are to follow them step by step to complete each cut. Once the |

|cut is completed and checked for accuracy, you will describe the procedure, take a picture of the cut and digitize the picture on the computer. |

|This will be added to the portfolio for assessment and evaluation purposes. If you feel that you have successfully understood and mastered each |

|specific hair shaping, you will be free to move on to the next cut. |


| |

|Document the process of preparing your customer (or mannequin) for a haircut. |

|Identify client requests and understand all equipment and supplies needed to complete the given procedure. |

|Describe hair analysis procedure prior to the hair shaping. |

|Follow all guidelines and safety precautions set forth to complete the haircut. |

|Using a digital or photographic camera, take a picture of the haircut once completed prior to styling. |


|Shampoo cape, sanec strip, towels, paddle brush, large tooth comb, all purpose comb, butterfly clips, shampoo, conditioner, water bottle, |

|haircutting scissors, hair thinning shears, mannequin or live model, computer and computer graphic design software, digital or still camera |


|Each student will proceed at their own pace as proper procedure and understanding are a mandatory component of the results of the final product. |


| | |Time | | |

|No. |Deliverable |Limit (periods) |% Weight |Notes |

|1 |Work area preparation |1 |10 | |

|2 |Completed hair shapings |6 |50 | |

|3 |Test or question sheets |1 |20 | |

|4 |Final Portfolio |2 |20 |All material enclosed |

|5 |Time log |- |- |Incorporate in portfolio |

| |TOTALS |10 |100% | |


| |

|All theory handouts and assignments, design process documentation and logs to be saved for presentation and assessment. Marks based on effort, |

|initiative, creativity, quality of work and documentation of work accomplished. See your instructor for approvals at all stages. |


|Step |Procedure |

| | |

|1 |Prepare mannequin and materials (Individual) (approximately two periods) |

| |Initiate log of hours |

| |Analyse requirements and procedure to take to complete the project |

| |Gather and prepare all materials and tools |

| |Organize work area |

| |Prepare mannequins |

| |Take notes during demonstrations, practice as requested by teacher |

| | |

|2 |Shampoo and Cut (Individual) (approximately six periods) |

| |Refer to instruction sheets |

| |Shampoo and cut according to directions |

| |Record all work and take photograph of completed cut for portfolio |

| |Seek teacher approval for continuation |

| | |

|3 |Portfolio (Individual) (approximately two periods) |

| |Digitize pictures for portfolio |

| |Produce portfolio for presentation ensuring that all assignments, handouts, images, drawings, photographs, etc. are incorporated |

| |Incorporate time log |

| |Present portfolio to class and teacher |

| |Hand in portfolio for marking |

Portfolio Design

Once all haircuts have been completed, you are to put together a Portfolio of your haircutting applications. The following component must be included in your Portfolio.

1.Title Page

The title page is used to grab the attention of the reader. Therefore, your page should contain some form of illustration that demonstrates the final product. It should also contain the title of the Portfolio, the name of the person that produced it, for whom the Portfolio has been prepared and the date of production.

2. Table of Contents

Indicate all material (theoretical notes, assignments, quizzes, time log, photographs, models of work, drawings, etc. within your Portfolio

3. Procedure Notes

This should be an in-depth account of the process used in the design and process of each haircut. The sentences in each paragraph should be kept short and to the point. It should describe the technique used to complete the designed haircut, including proper steps taken, sources of information, modeling and testing of hair shaping and the outcome of the first attempt. Please state the results of all subsequent attempts.

5. Materials

List all the materials used to complete the procedures.

6. Drawings or Illustrations

Include all drawings or illustrations that were used as aids in the development of the haircuts. This includes rough sketches, magazine illustrations and/or photographs of models or products. Ensure all drawings are properly labeled and descriptive.

7. Conclusion

Describe the results of the process that were taken to complete the hair shapings. Include the results of your first attempt and that of your second. Include a description on how each of the design criteria was met (or not). Describe possible improvements or modifications for future work. Suggest other users or situations that may benefit from your research and/or testing.

8. References

This is a list of all reference materials that students used in order to complete the project, including books, articles, interviews, and Internet sources.

9. Log Sheet

From your daily log records, list the dates and amount of hours taken for each facet of the project. Each team member should include his or her personal time log.

Hair Shaping Checklist

_____ Prepare work area

_____ Gather all tools and equipment needed to complete haircut

_____ Drape client accordingly (If working on mannequin, you do not need to perform draping procedure)

_____ Brush hair to remove tangles and product buildup

_____ Complete hair and scalp analysis

_____ Shampoo and condition mannequin

_____ Comb out mannequin and section according to desired shaping

_____ Determine length of guideline needed

_____ Cut hair in proper sequence according to instructions

_____ Use appropriate elevation techniques for desired hair shaping

_____ Use proper body positioning in relation to the section that you are cutting

_____ Check completed cut for accuracy

_____ Clean up work area

_____ Sanitize all equipment used to complete the activity

_____ Wash and sanitize your hands


As you will be using your haircutting scissors, all purpose comb, tail comb, large tooth comb, and thinning shears, please explain the following:

1. What is the purpose of each one of these implements?

Haircutting scissors:_________________________________________________

All purpose comb:___________________________________________________

Tail comb:__________________________________________________________

Large tooth brush:___________________________________________________

Thinning shears:_____________________________________________________

2. State the application of each one of these implements?

Haircutting scissors:_________________________________________________

All purpose comb:___________________________________________________

Tail comb:__________________________________________________________

Large tooth brush:___________________________________________________

Thinning shears:______________________________________________

3. How is each one of these implements maintained and cleaned?

Haircutting scissors: _________________________________________________

All purpose comb: ___________________________________________________

Tail comb: __________________________________________________________

Large tooth brush: ___________________________________________________

Thinning shears: _____________________________________________________

4. State the necessity for choosing quality tools to perform your service?

Sectioning for your desired hair shaping

1. What is the purpose of sectioning before a hair shaping?

2. Draw and label a four section parting.

3. Draw and label a five section parting.

Career Description

Describe the role of a hairstylist in a salon

Describe the training and education requirements required to enter the hairstylist profession

Describe the other careers involved in a hairstyling salon and a beautician salon.

Haircutting Rubric

|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |(50 – 59%) |(60 – 69%) |(70 – 79%) |(80 – 100%) |

|Knowledge/ |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some |- demonstrates |- demonstrates a high |

|Understanding |ability in identification|ability in identification|considerable ability in |degree of ability |

|TFV.01 - describe trends and |of design factors such as|of design factors such as|identification of design |identification of design |

|styles in hairstyling and |material requirements, |material requirements, |factors such as material |factors such as material |

|aesthetics |techniques, equipment |techniques, equipment |requirements, techniques,|requirements, techniques,|

|TFV.03 - identify materials, |used and style design in |used and style design in |equipment used and style |equipment used and style |

|techniques, and equipment used in|hairstyling |hairstyling |design in hairstyling |design in hairstyling |

|the hairstyling and aesthetics | | | | |

|industry | | |-describes thoroughly |-demonstrates |

|TF2.01 – explain vocabulary |-describes in limited |-describes adequately the|vocabulary, trends and |professional level of |

|related to the industry (e.g., |fashion the vocabulary, |vocabulary, trends and |analysis procedures |knowledge of vocabulary,|

|words describing the structure of|trends and analysis |analysis procedures |related to hairstyling |trends and analysis |

|the hair, skin, and nails; the |procedures related to |related to hairstyling | |procedures related to |

|professional names for |hairstyling | | |hairstyling |

|techniques, tools, and products | | | | |

|used for services); | | | | |

|SP1.01 – describe basic analysis | | | | |

|procedures (e.g., related to | | | | |

|degree of porosity, scalp | | | | |

|condition, skin type, facial | | | | |

|shape, body type, health of | | | | |

|nails) and recommend appropriate | | | | |

|services | | | | |

|Thinking/Inquiry |-selects and uses |- selects and uses |- selects and uses |- selects and uses |

|TF2.04 – select and use |appropriate tools to |appropriate tools to |appropriate tools |appropriate tools to |

|appropriate materials and tools |perform haircut with |perform haircut with |correctly to perform |correctly perform haircut|

|to perform basic salon services; |constant supervision |little supervision |haircut with no |without assistance and a |

|SPV.01 - identify a variety of | | |supervision |high degree of competence|

|services and techniques that meet| | | | |

|industry standards SPV.02 · use | | | | |

|appropriate materials and tools |-requires supervision to | | |- thoroughly follows all |

|to perform basic salon services; |follow sanitization |- adequately follows |-follows all required |sanitization practices |

|SP1.05 – identify and use |practices |sanitization practices |sanitization practices |and assists others |

|appropriate routine sanitization | | | | |

|procedures; |-uses information | | |-uses information |

|SP1.06 – use information |technology for portfolio |-uses information |-uses information |technology for Portfolio |

|technologies and specialized |with limited degree of |technology for Portfolio |technology for Portfolio |with a high degree of |

|software related to the |knowledge |with adequate degree of |with considerable degree |knowledge |

|hairstyling and aesthetics | |knowledge |of knowledge | |

|industry (e.g., the Cosmopolitan | | | | |

|Virtual Makeover program) | | | | |

|effectively. | | | | |

Hair Cutting Rubric (continued…)

|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |(50 – 59%) |(60 – 69%) |(70 – 79%) |(80 – 100%) |

|Communication |- identify a few of the |- uses language, symbols,|- uses language, symbols,|- uses language, symbols,|

|SPV.03 · demonstrate effective |services and techniques |and visuals with some |and visuals with |and visuals with a high |

|communication and interpersonal |offered in the salon |accuracy and |considerable accuracy and|degree of accuracy and |

|skills. | |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|SP2.01 – use effective | | | | |

|communication techniques to |interacts with clients |- interacts with clients |- interacts with clients |- interacts with clients |

|interact with clients; |and fellow workers with |and fellow workers with |and fellow workers |and fellow workers |

|SP2.03 – identify and use a |constant supervision |minor supervision |without supervision |without supervision, |

|variety of teamwork and | | | |leads others |

|interpersonal skills | | | | |

|Application |- describes few career or|- describes some career |- describes many career |- describes many career |

|ICV.03 · describe career |training requirements and|or training requirements |or training requirements |or training requirements |

|opportunities and related |opportunities |and opportunities |and opportunities |and opportunities |

|training and educational | | | |thoroughly and |

|requirements | | | |knowledgeably |

|IC3.02 – identify training | | | | |

|opportunities and educational | | | | |

|requirements related to careers | | | | |

|in hairstyling and aesthetics. | | | | |

Daily Log

|Date |Haircut |Procedural steps |Hours |Teacher Signature |

| |# | | | |

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|Total Hours: | |

|Student Signature: | |

|Teacher Signature: | |

Safety Resource Pack





1. Safety Data Sheets:

a. Haircutting scissors

b. Hair thinning shears

c. Shampoo sink and chair

d. Combs and brushes

e. Electrical apparatus

f. Hair care products

2. Safety Passport

3. Safety Test


All personnel in a shop/salon environment must adhere to all safety rules and regulations at all times.

This material is designed to help teachers implement the new Grade 11 secondary school curriculum. This material was created by members of the Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE) subject association. Permission is given to reproduce these materials for any purpose except profit. Teachers are also encouraged to amend, revise, edit, cut, paste, and otherwise adapt this material for educational purposes. Any references in this document to particular commercial resources, learning materials, equipment, or technology reflect only the opinions of the writers of this material, and do not reflect any official endorsement by OCTE or the Ministry of Education.

© Ontario Council for Technology Education 2001






4. Safety Data Sheets:

a. Haircutting scissors

b. Hair thinning shears

c. Shampoo sink and chair

d. Combs and brushes

e. Electrical apparatus

f. Hair care products

5. Safety Passport

6. Safety Test


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