


|FORM: 3 |English Language Main Paper | 2 hrs |

NAME_____________________________________ Class 9.__ Index No.____

General Instructions

1. There are 4 sections in this examination paper.

Section A: Language Development. Attempt all exercises. (15 marks)

Section B: Reading Comprehension. Attempt all questions. (20 marks)

Section C: Literature: Poetry. Attempt all questions (10 marks)

Prose. Attempt ALL questions. (10 marks)

Section D: Creative Writing. Choose ONE title and write 250 words about it.

(25 marks)

In total, this examination paper carries 80 marks.

2. Read well the instructions at the beginning of every section and underline/highlight key words.

3. You are required to write neatly and clearly using blue or black pens. Avoid the excessive use of correcting fluid.

4. You have 2 hours to finish off this examination paper. Use your time well allowing time for revision.

5. The empty page at the end can be used for planning the composition.

For Teacher’s use ONLY

|Sect|Section B |Sect|Sect|Listening |

|ion |20 marks |ion |ion |10 marks |

|A | |C |D | |

|15 | |20 |25 | |

|mark| |mark|mark| |

|s | |s |s | |

|a |Doctor Who is a real person | | | |

| | | | |_________________________________________ |

|b |He travels in a spaceship | | | |

| | | | |_________________________________________ |

|c |The Daleks are his most well known enemies | | | |

| | | | |_________________________________________ |

|d |The episode’Blink’ features killer angel | | | |

| |statues | | | |

| | | | |_________________________________________ |

1. What do the following words refer to? (The words are underlined in the text) [ /2]

a) themselves (par 2)_________________________________________________

b) they (par 5) ______________________________________________________

c) which (par 6)______________________________________________________

d) the viewer (par 6)__________________________________________________

2. Find a word or phrase from the text which means the same as: [ /3]

a) A creature from outer space which looks like humans (par 1) ________________________________________________

b) Those who live on Earth (par 2)_______________________________________

c) Not produced anymore (par 3)_______________________________________

d) Very evil (par 4 )__________________________________________________

e) Move very violently (par 5)__________________________________________

f) Forever (par6)____________________________________________________

5. Match the meanings (see bold in text)

|a |His kind (par 1) | |Severely damaged |

|b |Mangled (par 4) | |Keep away from |

|c |Marooned (par 6) | |People with whom one has a lot in common |

|d |Avoid (par 6) | |Left trapped and alone in a place |

[ /2]


a) Describe in your own words the TARDIS, the vehicle which the Doctor uses to travel through time. [ /3] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) Mention any four of Doctor Who’s nemeses. [ /2]



c) Who or what were the Daleks? [ /2]


d) ‘ But the episode ends with a warning to the viewer, accompanied with flashes of famous angel statues, implying that any angel statue in the world could be a Weeping Angel’ !What does this sentence mean? [ /1]


Total /20


POETRY ( 10 marks)

AS TIME FLIES by Joseph White

• [pic]

Time is a thief,

a thief of love, breath and living.

Life slips away on cat's feet ,

Silent it goes without fanfare,

almost unnoticed. Youth fades to old

with wrinkles, fear and desperation

and far too soon we have much behind and little ahead.

We mark the passing of time, but time 

passes us, finally

confused, eyes unclear and hands unsteady.

Ears are dulled but still can hear the ticking of the clock.

The mind is diminished, now

forgetting more than remembering. 

Once familiar faces are now but strangers

in a strange world.

Youth demands dignity with strength;

no strength or dignity for the aged.

Life begins and ends with but a single

tick of the clock.

Time is a thief of precious life,

never to be recovered.

Only in fairy tales do dreams come true .

1. What is the poem about? [ /2]


2. Explain why ‘time is a thief of love, breath and living’. [ /1]



3. a) What is the figure of speech used in this line: ‘Life slips away on cat's feet  ‘?[ /1/2]


b) Explain what it means. [ /1/2]


4. Quote two effects of time which are associated with old age. { /1]


5. Find an example of each of the following. Do not refer to any quotes used in the questions: [ /2]

a) Alliteration ____________________________________________

b) Onomatopoeia_________________________________________

c) Metaphor _____________________________________________

d) Run-on line _____________________________________________________

6. Use the following words to briefly analyse the poem. Refer to quotes. [ /3]

Stanzas lines rhyme pattern free verse tone

Figures of speech melancholic



THE TIME MACHINE by H.G. WELLS The book's protagonist is an English scientist and gentleman inventor living in Victorian England, and identified by a narrator simply as the Time Traveller. The narrator recounts the Traveller's lecture to his weekly dinner guests. The Time Traveller reveals that he has built a machine capable of carrying a person through time, and returns at dinner the following week to recount a remarkable tale, becoming the new narrator.

On that day we had agreed to meet at his house. We were disappointed at his absence but still decided not to let the food set on the table go to waste. As we were about to eat, we heard a noise. The door opened wider, and the Time Traveller stood before us. I gave a cry of surprise. ‘Hallo!’ I said. ‘At last!’ His coat was dusty and dirty, and smeared with green down the sleeves; his hair disordered, and as it seemed to me greyer. His face was ghastly pale. For a moment he hesitated in the doorway, as if he had been dazzled by the light. The Editor was impatient.

‘What is this time travelling story!’ he cried.

‘Come into the smoking-room. I don’t mind telling you, ’ he went on,’ It’s true—every word of it. I was in my laboratory at four o’clock, and since then … I’ve lived eight days … such days as no human being ever lived before! It was at ten o’clock to-day that the first of all Time Machines began its voyage. I drew a breath, set my teeth, gripped the starting lever with both hands, and went off with a thud, and almost immediately I seemed to reel; I felt a nightmare sensation of falling, The night came like the turning out of a lamp, and in another moment came to-morrow. To-morrow night came black, then day again, night again, faster and faster still. A murmur filled my ears, and a strange, dumb confusion descended on my mind. There is a feeling exactly like that of a helpless headlong motion! The twinkling succession of darkness and light was excessively painful to the eye. As I went on, still gaining velocity, the palpitation of night and day merged into a continuous greyness; the sun became a streak of fire. I saw trees growing and changing like puffs of vapour, now brown, now green; they grew and spread. The whole surface of the earth seemed changed—melting and flowing under my eyes. The little hands upon the dials that registered my speed raced round faster and faster. Then there was the sound of a clap of thunder in my ears. I found myself sitting on soft turf in front of the overset machine. I looked round me. I was on what seemed to be a little lawn in a garden, surrounded by rhododendron bushes, and I noticed that their mauve and purple blossoms were dropping in a shower under the beating of the hail-stones.

Answer each question in short. (1 mark for each answer for questions 1-5)

1. At whose house did the men agree to meet? ___________________________________________

2. Why, in your opinion, did they decide to meet there on that particular day?


3. Do you think that according to the Time Traveller, the experience of time travel was pleasant? Why?_______________________________________________________________________


4. Quote a sentence/phrase which emphasizes very rapid movement.


5. What could have stopped the machine working?


6. Find four (4) words or phrases which have to do with speed [ /2]

a)________________________________ b)_____________________________________

c)_______________________________ d)_____________________________________

7. Find an example of: a) simile ___________________________________________________

b) onomatopoeia __________________________________________[ /2]

8. Why did the author write a long sentence with a detailed description of his surroundings at the end of the text? [ /1]

a) To show that the machine was damaged.

b) To show why his time travel journey came to an end.

c) To show his appreciation of nature.


This section carries 25 marks


- To write neatly and avoid spelling mistakes as much as possible

- To use grammar and punctuation correctly

- To use paragraphs

- If you choose the e-mail/letter, use the correct format.

- In the case of the narrative story, give a title.

1. Write a letter to your friend to describe your new school.

2. Write a narrative story which starts as follows. I was walking my dog in the park, when suddenly I saw a seemingly elderly mad scientist appear out of nowhere……

3. Write a composition entitled THE STRANGE PICTURE IN MY AUNT’S ATTIC



The Course Of Life, Time, And Events And The Process Of Change - Poem by Merlin Archivilla

Time or fate may separate friends, lovers,

But friendship or love that's true will ever

Thenceforth continue to live forever,

True love conquers the odd with its power.

As time passes by, things change with the time,

Every moment, hour, day, month, and year,

All things have their turn to change with the time,

Life, time, and events change with the years.

Everyone, everything, have a time and day,

A time to change, end, begin a new day,

Change is life, the course of life everyday,

All things change, and we change with them all days.

Only the Eternal one is constant,

All things in the universe, inconstant,

But despite it all, love is important,

The world may change, but true love is constant Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verbs provided. [ /5]

Fill in the blanks with the following modal verbs:

should might have to needn’t could ought must can need mustn’t TIME MANAGEMENT ADVICE

Do you find it difficult to fit in everything that you 1. ________________ do? The very first thing you 2.__________ do is to make a list of all these things. It 3. ________________ be in the form of a pin-up planner, a time-table or a numbered list in the ‘to do’ section of your mobile phone. Allow four to five hours a day after school for home works, studying, reading, socializing or anything else you 4.______ to do. You 5._____________ avoid distractions and procrastination. You 6._______________ waste time playing computer games or chatting, especially before you start your schedule. You 7.__________ do a ten minute run or bike ride in between tasks as it helps you to concentrate more. You 8.______________

remove all the fun activities in your life. On the contrary, you 9.___________ to have some kind of hobby to enrich your life for example you 10. ______________ like sports, music, dancing, singing, drawing and so on. If you try to organize yourself you can do anything you wish to do .




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