Truth Is Life

Articles with Questions and Great ideas for Great Dates

There are many ideas for great dates below. Just click or ctrl-click on the title that is most interesting to you and read it. Many of these are from:

Check the articles with !!. They are best. There are some topics for girls and some for boys and some for both. I hope you have some great dates during Christmas, New Years and the winter vacation! Happy dating (!

Professor Bissell

Best Questions for Speed Dating (or first dates) 3

!!Twenty good questions to ask your partner on your first date 4

!!102 questions to ask your boyfriends or girlfriends 7

50 Intimate Questions to Ask your Partner 9

!!101 Ways to Show You Love Someone (for married people, but many are good for dating) 13

Creative Dating Ideas for Married Couples 19

Sweet things to tell your girl - romantic lines sure to charm your girlfriend! 21

80 Sweet Text Messages to Send to Your Girlfriend 23

!!50 things to do when you're getting bored 25

!!Cheap dating ideas - Inexpensive dating for those on a budget 31

How to be more charming to women - tips and advice to charm and sweep women off their feet 34

Sweet things to say to your boyfriend 37

40 fun questions to ask your partner 38

Cute things to do for your girlfriend 40

First Date Questions - A guide to conversation on the first date 42

!!Ideas for dating - Where to go on a first date 44

Things to talk about with your girlfriend 45

How to win at the dating game 47

How to make a good impression on a first date 50

Conversation tips for your next date 53

Random questions to ask a guy - fun questions for someone you're dating 54

Questions to avoid on a first date 56

How to find a boyfriend in a week 58

Shy with girls? How to overcome shyness and talk to women of all ages! 62

Does she love me? Signs that she loves you 64

Tips on how to get a boyfriend - where to look for the perfect boyfriend 66

10 Signs That Tell you a Man is Serious About you 68

10 Reasons Why You Must Get Married Sooner or Later 71

10 Ways to Charm a Girl on the First Date 73

20 conversation starters that will almost always work when talking to strangers 76


Conversation Starter Tips for Dating 79

100 Dating Conversation Starters 80

How to list 100 questions to create and maintain great conversation by Ivymere 85

12 Ways to Plan a Perfect Date by Elena Rover with Matt Titus (adapted by Bryan Bissell)

Getting ready for your first date? A blind date? A date to know each other better? Here are some tips.

Three Tips for the Perfect First Date

1. For a first date, you want to know each other better. Avoid concerts and movies. You can’t talk very much during those kinds of dates. You need time to talk and focus on each other.

2. Don’t make the date too dramatic. Show your personality without an impressive event. Go back to basics: effort and charm.

3. Always schedule the first date for the daytime. The nighttime has a lot of romantic connections and more pressure. Going out during the daytime is more relaxed.

Blind Dates

Plan a group activity in a quiet location. If you don’t like one person, then go talk to another person. If you have good chemistry with someone, you can focus on that person and talk easily. Try going to a museum, an exhibition (at Bexco) or a coffee shop.

Perfect First Dates

Why it works: Go bowling. It’s a casual, public place. Almost everyone can do it (and almost nobody is an expert). You can talk, sit and eat, and you’ll probably laugh a lot. It’s low pressure and easy, and not many distractions.

Alternate options: A weekend brunch is good too. It’s casual, not loud, more relaxed than dinner and you have time to talk. You don’t have to wear fancy clothes. Plan a picnic or explore a new part of town.

Three Tips for Later Dates

1. When you want to make a better relationship (maybe hoping for a first kiss), make the date a little sexier. The locale should be quieter and more time for talking.

2. Date at night. This makes any date sexier. There’s more chance of a good-night kiss ;).

3. Don’t be too sexy. Maybe you could start with a group and then go off together to be more private.

Perfect Next Date: Museum Event

Why it works: Many museums are now having lectures or music on Friday evenings. Some have food and drinks. It’s the perfect place to talk, be affectionate and flirt. There are some interesting things to talk about. You can share your view about the event and see what your partner thinks.

Alternate options: Go to a restaurant, a show or a nice concert. Go to a place you can dance in the crowd and then go off in a corner and get away.

Serious Dates

Go to a spa and get a couple’s massage. Bring your date home and cook a meal. Do something your date loves and plan a day so you can share it.

Three Tips for Making Any Date Perfect

1. Always have a backup plan so that you can change if there are problems (for example if you go bowling and many school kids are there, or your date doesn’t seem to be enjoying it very much.)

2. Be positive and don’t expect everything to be perfect.

3. Be able to laugh. Don’t take it too seriously (even if you put tons of effort into it). Dating is trial and error, and it’s supposed to be fun. Sometimes you will make mistakes. Keep practicing and keep dating.

Best Questions for Speed Dating (or first dates)

Ask questions about things like on family experiences, personal goals, music, favorites (sports, music, TV, books, foods, etc.) school, hobbies, habits (good and bad), sports, movies, TV, etc.

|1) What do you do for work? |1) It is an introductory question. It may reveal the professional status of a person but little|

|2) Where are you from? |about his personality. So move on to another question. |

|3) What is the one thing about yourself that you would like me to know? More|2) This reveals background. It throws better light on the person. |

|insight into personality. |3) What is the one thing about yourself that you would like me to know? More insight into |

|4) When was your last relationship and how long did it last? |personality. |

|5) What are you looking for in a relationship? |4) A probing question that will open up the communication. |

|6) What do you think is the most important value in a relationship? |5) You can both instantly compare whether you match in this area. |

|7 ) Do you want to marry or have you ever been married? |6) |

|8) What do you look for in a husband/wife? |7 ) This is important, as it will reveal if both are moving in the same direction - towards or |

|9) Do you want/do you have any children? |away from marriage. |

|10) What do you do for fun? |8) Try to elicit an honest answer. |

|11) What are you most proud about? |9) An important question if you are looking for a long-term relationship and your partner is |

|12) Is religion important to you? |not. |

|13) Do you follow politics? |10) This will throw light on whether your leisure activities match. Are you a bookworm and she |

|14) Do you believe in love at first sight? |an outdoorsy person? |

|15) What is your most treasured possession and why? |11) This reveals the basic values of the person - whether he/she values money or adventure/ |

|16) What is your favorite month of the year and why? |intellectual pursuits. |

|17) Which is your favorite book/movie? |12) 24x7 living together means understanding on certain basic issues like religious beliefs. |

|18) Which is the last book you read? |13) Are you a Democrat or a Republican? You can spar on your political affiliations. |

|19) Which is the one job in the world that you would love to do? |14) You can decide whether he/she is a romantic person or not. |

|20) Which is your favorite music and your favorite singer/band? |15) What a person is sentimental about reveals a great deal about his personality. Is it his |

|21) Do you like animals/keep pets? |bike or a locket presented by a sister? |

|22) How do you spend your spare time? |16) Does he like to sweat it out in summer activities or curl up like a cat in winter? |

|23) Where do you see yourself in five years time? |17) Both of you can discuss why you like a book or a movie - throws further in sight into |

|24) If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be? |personality. |

|25) Do you believe a cup is half empty or half full? |18) A conversation starter. |

|26) If you could travel back through time, what single mistake would you |19) Throws light on likes and dislikes. |

|correct in life? |20) Do you share musical tastes? |

|27) You have got six months to live, what will you do first? |21) Are you going to clash on this issue - one an animal hater, the other a pet lover? |

|28) Is sexual compatibility important to you? |22) This is important, as it will really help if both love to do the same things in spare time.|

|29) Who was your hero, as a child? |23) Watch out if he/she has no definite goals for the future and is in a rut. A positive mark |

|30) If you won a lottery, how would you spend your millions? |for her if she has her life and career planned out positively. |

|31) Which was the first crush you ever had? |24) If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be? Silly, amusing question to get the |

|32) What makes you laugh/cry? |laughs. |

|33) If you have friends coming over, what would you cook? |25) Are you an optimist or a pessimist? |

|34) Describe your perfect holiday. |26) What are the deepest regrets of a person? |

|35) Which T.V. program would you never miss? |27) Insight into personality. |

|36) What is the last CD you bought? |28) Do opinions match? |

|37) Are you a morning person or a night person? |29) Insight into personality. |

|38) Would you like to climb a mountain or trek across a desert? |30) Amusing question just for laughs. |

|39) What adjective would a close friend use to describe you? |31) Reminiscing sentiments. |

|40) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? |32) Really important and throws light on personality. |

|41) Into which personality’s shoes would you like to step for a day? |33) |

|42) Who is you favorite actor/actress/celebrity and why? |34) One thinks frozen Alaska, the other sunny Australia. |

|43) Who is your favorite sportsperson? |35) Do our tastes match? |

|44) What is your favorite sporting activity? |36) |

|45) Which is your favorite genre of movies - comedy/thriller/action? |37) We will never spend common time. |

| |38) We will never agree on holidays. |

| |39) Friendly or idiotic. |

| |40) |

| |41) Says a lot about your taste. |

| |42) |

| |43) |

| |44) 45) |

!!Twenty good questions to ask your partner on your first date

by Louella Vaz | in

• Advice

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Going for a first date can be pretty intimidating for most people. Your mind may be overcome with fears and insecurities. You may be afraid of rejection, failure, saying the wrong things and coming across like a loser in front of your date. In this context you would really love to know what are some good questions to ask your partner on your first date.

TIP: If 20 questions are too few, try 2000 questions for couples. Recommended if you're considering someone for a long term relationship.

Though most of us have the capacity for smooth, easygoing conversation with friends and family we maybe tongue-tied on a first date. This could be a pretty embarrassing situation. You could take a hard copy of prepared list of questions, which is simply gauche and shows your lack of confidence and good manners.

[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]On the other hand some men complain that women are ballistic, bombarding them with personal questions and often putting them on the defensive. Some women may be inquisitive by nature and may adopt a confrontational style on the first date itself. Men are advised to adopt humor to deflect such questions and women are asked to steer clear of such questions if they don’t want to see their first dates bolting at the slightest chance.

So, what are some good questions to be fielded around on a first date? Here are twenty such conversation ideas:

1) What is the sort of relationship you are looking for and why

According to some relationship experts this is the most important question to ask on a first date. Once this is asked, it is out there, making it evident to you what you are getting into. You put your profile, on the dating site. In your profile you clearly mention that you are looking for a committed relationship. Now after you meet someone who is positive, you have to pop the big question nonchalantly into the conversation. Your tone must not be inquisitional or confrontational. After you get the answer you must double-check by asking, why? These are good questions on the first date because you don’t want to go on a boat ride with both of you rowing in opposite directions.

2) What do you think is the biggest mistake that men/women make in their relationships?

The answer to this question will reveal what turns him/her off about people and what are his/ her ideas about men and women.

3) What are the qualities of your ideal relationship

This is one of the good questions to ask on a first date. Men and women reveal what they are looking for in life, what kind of relationships they expect out of each other and the marriages that they dream of.

4) Have you ever had your heart broken?

The more attractive/defensive the person the more likely the answer will be, 'No'. But a majority of honest individuals will say 'Yes'. This reveals their humility.

5) What scares you the most about opening your heart to your partner?

This is a question to break the defenses of your date and lay his/ her feelings bare, so that you grow closer emotionally.

6) Has any book or movie made an impact on you?

Book and movies are important influences of popular culture and you can have an interesting and animated discussion on books and movies that inspired or influenced you. This is a good question to ask on a first date..

7) What is the most annoying thing that someone could do to you?

You could share a laugh about what annoys you in other people and get to know others likes/ dislikes better.

8) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

This helps you discover what drives him or her - money/ adrenaline/domestic bliss.

9) What do you like to do for fun?

This will help you to know if you can share leisure activities. Also, whether he/she is an indoor/ outdoor person.

10) What is the biggest mistake that people make on a first date?

Lets you into trade secrets of the opposite gender.

11) What do you look for in a guy/ girl?

These questions, along with the previous, one are good questions to ask on a first date. It will reveal the dreams and romantic aspirations of the person… But some may deflect honest answers by saying the usual, like," Good looks, sense of humor". etc.

12) Define a truly successful relationship

An ideal answer would be one where both men. as well as women share responsibility/credit for success.

13) What happened with your lastrelationship?

You can look for danger signs like blaming and whining rather than owning up half the responsibility for a doomed relationship, which reveals a lot about the person’s nature.

Here are some unique, fun and good questions to ask on your first date:

14) What were your life-changing moments?

15) What is the weirdest thing about you?

16) Are you cheap or thrifty?

17) Which is the one book that has really impressed you?

18) Would you have plastic surgery done on your body?

19) What was your most embarrassing moment?


20) Tell me about your family/ best friend.

These are some good questions to break the ice on your first date and lead you to possibly a second, third and more dates. After a few dates, the conversation will flow smoothly!!

!!102 questions to ask your boyfriends or girlfriends

1. Are there any causes you strongly believe in?

2. Are you a member of any societies or associations?

3. Are you a people's person or do you prefer your own company?

4. Are you a virgin? If not, how old were you when you lost your virginity?

5. Are you addicted to anything?

6. Are you afraid of ghosts?

7. Are you afraid of heights?

TIP: Click here to read 2000 questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend


8. Are you short tempered?

9. Can you dance? Do you like dancing?

10. Can you keep a secret?

11. Do you believe in life afther death?

12. Do you believe in marriage? Why?

13. Do you believe in monogamy?

14. Do you consider yourself a neat or messy person?

15. Do you consider yourself lazy?

16. Do you drink?

17. Do you have a role model?

18. Do you have any siblings? If yes, are they older/younger to you? Are they male or female?

19. Do you have many friends? Are you in touch with friends from school/college? How close are you?

20. Do you like cooking?

21. Do you like eating out at restaurants?

22. Do you like going window shopping?

23. Do you like partying? Attending parties? Giving parties?

24. Do you like pets?

25. Do you like to go dancing?

26. Do you like to travel? Which has been your best vacation so far? What made it so special?

27. Do you love children?

28. Do you own or use a desktop computer or a laptop?

29. Do you read newspapers?

30. Do you read? Has any particular book influenced you or left a life-changing impact?

31. Which are your favorite authors?

32. Do you see your father as the head of the family?

33. Do you smoke?

34. Do you want to have children? Why?

35. Have you ever been on a blind date?

36. Have you ever been on the wrong side of the law?

37. Have you ever been part of a not-for-profit organization and done volunteer work?

38. Have you ever been to a school or college reunion?

39. Have you ever had a narrow escape from death?

40. Have you ever taken a sabattical?

41. Have you ever undergone therapy of any sort?

42. How ambitious are you?

43. How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

44. How do you feel about divorce?

45. How do you like to spend New Year's Eve?

46. How important is money to you?

47. How important is your family to you?

48. How is your relationship now with your siblings?

49. How long are you on the internet every day?

50. How many credit cards do you own?

51. How many lovers have you had so far?

52. How often do you meet your parents?

53. How old were you when you started dating

54. How patient are you?

55. How religious are you? Do you pray regularly?

56. How romantic are you?

57. How tall do you want your mate to be?

58. If a relative died and left you a million dollars, what would you do with the money?

59. If you could change one event in history what would it be?

60. If you could go on a vacation anywhere in the world where would it be? What stops you?

61. If you could know one historical figure very intimately, who would that be?

62. What are your political leanings like?

63. What did you do during the summers when you were growing up?

64. What do you consider the five biggest drawbacks of your personality?

65. What do you consider the five biggest strengths of your personality?

66. What do you consider your biggest achievement to date?

67. What do you do for a living? What would you rather do, if money was not a consideration?

68. What do your parents do?

69. What has been your most generous act of charity, whether in cash or kind, yet?

70. What is the most adventurous thing you'ver ever done?

71. What is the most expensive gift you've ever bought for someone?

72. What is the most stupid thing you've ever done?

73. What is the movie you've loved the most and would watch again, given a choice? Why?

74. What is your favorite sport?

75. What is your idea of a perfect evening?

76. What is your relationship like now with your father?

77. What is your relationship like now with your mother?

78. What was it like, growing up with with your siblings?

79. What was your relationship like with your father when you were growing up?

80. What was your relationship like with your mother when you were growing up?

81. What would you do if your best friend disapproved of me?

82. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

83. What's the highest educational qualification you obtained?

84. What's the worst thing you ever did to a friend?

85. What's your earliest childhood memory?

86. When is your birthday?

87. When was the last time you cried

88. When was the last time you felt really proud of yourself?

89. When was the last time you really laughed?

90. When was the last time you told a lie?

91. Where you see yourself in five years time?

92. Which body part are you more likely to notice first in someone of the opposite sex?

93. Which celebrity do you admire?

94. Which has been your longest romantic relationship, so far?

95. Which is the largest loan you've ever taken?

96. Which is the largest purchase you've ever made?

97. Which is your favorite magazine?

98. Which personality traits do you want your partner to have? Which of these are an absolute must?

99. Which religion do you belong to?

100. Which was the last really impulsive thing you did? Are you an impulsive person?

101. Would you prefer to marry someone who belongs to the same religion as you?

102. Would you rather live in a large urban city, a small town or in the countryside? Why?

50 Intimate Questions to Ask your Partner


by Aaron Tatum | in

• Romantic ideas

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When you're in a relationship with someone, certain conversations become accessible that would have never been an option if you weren't in one. Having romantic and intimate talks with your partner can be both fun and informative. It can help strengthen your bond, as you and your partner will speak of things that don't typically come up in platonic relationships. It can also enhance your love life, teach you about your partner's thoughts, and increase the level of overall intimacy within your relationship.

TIP: Read hundreds of intimate questions you can ask your girlfriend or boyfriend

The depth of any romantic connection is defined by how well you and your partner know the inner workings of each other's minds: those central thoughts that stay locked away from everyone except for one's self. The following is a group of intimate questions to ask of your partner. In conversations like these, unpleasant memories and feelings are bound to arise from time to time, so remember to treat the questions with delicacy and consideration.

1) If all of life's constraints were eliminated, what would you want to do every day?

2) How long do you see our relationship lasting?

3) How important is marriage to you? How important are children and family? Do you have a personal timeline set for such things?

4) How would you like for your life to change in the next five years? Do you see me as a part of this change?

5) What about me stands out the most to you?

6) Do you have needs in your life that are not being met? What can I do to help with those needs?

7) Would you remain with me if you discovered that I couldn't bear children? If I had a criminal record? If I had a lot of debt? If I had a terminal disease?

8) Would you stay with me if I were in an accident that scarred my appearance for life?

9) Have I ever hurt you in any way that you haven't told me about?

10) What thoughts make you unhappy?

11) What could I do that would make you believe that I love you?

12) What could I do that would make you love me more?

13) Have you ever questioned the existence of love?

14) Is there a point in your past that you regret more than anything else?

15) Do you ever dwell on past occurrences? Would you like to erase certain memories from your mind?

16) Do you feel as though you could tell me anything?

 17) Do you still have feelings for someone from your past?

18) Why were you initially attracted to me?

19) How important is physical attraction to you?

20) Would you be hurt if I had still had feelings for someone from my past?

21) When did you have your first kiss?

22) When did you lose your virginity? How did it happen?

23) How many people have you slept with?

24) Have you ever cheated in a relationship? Why? What were the circumstances? If not, how close have you come to doing so?

25) Do you ever have dreams about sex? What specifically?

26) What do you fantasize about? Is there any particular fantasy that you'd like to make a reality? How would you feel about role playing?

27) How would you define a good sexual relationship?

28) Do you masturbate? How often?

29) Would you be hurt if I masturbated, fantasizing about other people? What if I only masturbated fantasizing about you?

30) In an ideal intimate relationship, how often would you have sex?

31) How do you feel about the merits of pornography?

32) How was your parents' marriage? Would you have considered theirs a good relationship?

33) What about me would you change?

34) What would you change about yourself?

35) How would you define love?

36) When you talk about me to others, what do you say?

37) When I talk about you to others, what would you like for me to say?

38) What moment in your past would you like to return to? Why?

39) In which of your past relationships were you the happiest? Why did that relationship end?

40) When a conflict arises, how do you react?

41) What would you consider the greatest obstacle you've ever had to face? How did you overcome it?

42) What would you consider your greatest accomplishment in life? What would you like to be the greatest accomplishment of your entire life?

43) What moment in your past would you most like to forget?

44) Do you have nightmares? What happens in them?

45) Have you forgiven yourself for your wrongdoings?

46) Do you believe in a power greater than humanity? How do you incorporate this belief, or lack thereof, into your life?

47) Do you ever wish to escape reality? Do you have a way of doing so?

48) What do you most want to tell me?

49) Have you ever loved anyone more than you love me? Can you see that changing?

50) Is there anything particular that you don't know about me but would like to know?

When asking these questions always listen closely to the answer and respond accordingly. Intimate questions are meant to incite meaningful conversations, not just give you true or false type knowledge about your partner. The questions are just a gateway into the powerful communication which can serve to bond you and your partner in such a way that the two of you are forever intertwined. Love often begins simply with attraction, mutual interests, and a shared sense of enjoyment which allows two people to be happy in each other's company, but love grows through conversation. When you tell someone things about yourself that you've never told anyone, you make yourself vulnerable. Trusting someone wholly with this vulnerability is true love.

!!101 Ways to Show You Love Someone (for married people, but many are good for dating)

by kalyani10 | in

• Romantic ideas

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Couples who have been in a relationship for some time, often feel that they have run out of ideas to express their love for each other. If you feel the same way and want to bring the zing back into your love life, go through this list of a hundred and one ways to show your love.

1. Begin the day by giving your mate a huge bear hug.


2. Tuck an “I love you” note in his lunch box or in her handbag.


3. Have a messenger deliver a bunch of flowers for your lover at work.


4. Go for a walk in the park and hold hands.


5. Write a letter to your partner’s parents, complimenting them on bringing up such a fine person.

TIP: Get the best-selling book 'Tell Me Honey...2000 Questions for Couples' from Amazon and discover new sides to the person you love and care for.


6. Really listen to your partner when he or she talks of an interest, even if it may not concern you.


7. Mouth the words "I love you" to your partner, across a room full of people.


8. Indulge a whim of his or hers, when there is no occasion to do so.


9. Go for a movie which has an actor/actress, your partner is a fan of.


10. Give your love a foot massage, after a long day at work.


11. Admit that you made a mistake, when you actually make one.


12. Offer to take the dog out, when you know your lover is tied down with work.


13. Look at your partner when he or she is speaking to you.


14. Whisk your lover away for a waltz, if a romantic number is playing on the radio.


15. Ask if your partner is free, before inviting your friends over for a drink/dinner at home.


16. Compliment her on her new hairstyle or him on his new set of golf clubs.


17. Wish your partner luck, before an important day at work.


18. Ask him or her to show you how to do something new.


19. Call your partner, if you are going to come home late.


20. Surprise your lover with tickets, for a romantic cruise.


21. Write a short poem expressing your love.


22. Take the phone off the hook for an intimate evening.


23. Whip up a three-course meal for your lover.


24. Go to a place of worship and pray together.


25. Pursue a hobby together over the weekend.


26. Stay close to your partner at a social event.


27. Ask your lover what he or she would like to do before you get intimate.


28. Read out an interesting piece from the newspaper or magazine, to your partner.


29. Ask his or her opinion on a matter that concerns the society at large.


30. Don’t interrupt your partner when he or she is talking to guests.


31. Laugh at your lover’s jokes, even if you have heard them a hundred times before.


32. Take a shower together.


33. Smile at your partner when your eyes meet, even if you have nothing to say.


34. Go out on an unplanned date.


35. Watch an old, romantic, classic movie together.


36. Serve your lover breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning.


37. Snuggle up close.


38. Set the table for a candlelight dinner even if you are having pizza.


39. Rent a DVD or book from the library, that you know is your partner’s favourite.


40. Fill up his/her car at the gas station, without being asked to do so.


41. Carry your lover’s photo in your wallet.


42. Say ‘Good Morning’ first thing in the day.


43. Meet for lunch once in a while.


44. Share sexual fantasies together.


45. Accompany your partner on a shopping trip, even when you don’t have anything to buy for yourself.


46. Kiss him or her for no apparent reason.


47. Play your lover’s favourite songs on a rainy day.


48. Be polite to his or her co-workers, even if you don’t personally care for them.


49. Try out a new restaurant or a new dish together.


50. Offer to work out with your partner when he or she feels too lazy to go to the gym.


51. Buy a present, however small, for your lover, even when there is no occasion.


52. Praise your partner in front of others.


53. Compliment your lover on his or her choice of a restaurant.


54. Tell your partner to take a night off and hang out with friends.


55. Cheer lustily when your lover scores in a game.


56. Compile a list of romantic quotations from the internet and mail it to your lover.


57. Find a quiet moment and tell your partner what you like about him or her.


58. Rub his or her back after a particularly gruelling day.


59. Book tickets to a game featuring your partner’s favourite sports team.


60. Whisper in his or her ear that you love the new perfume.


61. Try out or buy sexy lingerie to surprise your lover.


62. Call up your partner’s favourite radio show and dedicate a song to him or her.


63. Play a word game together and let your lover win.


64. Ask your partner about his or her dreams.


65. If your lover seems upset, hold his or her hand.


66. Be a gracious host when your partner’s boss is invited for dinner.


67. Take your lover’s siblings or cousins out for a pizza.


68. Do the weekend laundry without being told to.


69. Fly to Hawaii for a romantic weekend.


70. Mail a joke or a funny video.


71. Tell your lover that he or she looks more attractive with every passing day.


72. Appreciate your partner’s voluntary activities for the church or community.


73. Discuss your future together.


74. Be ready with a cool drink when you can hear your partner returning from work on a hot day.


75. Pick his or her favourite dessert on your way home.


76. Send your lover a post card with a romantic message.


77. Go through your old photos together.


78. Watch home videos that his or her family may have sent.


79. Be a secret admirer and invite your lover to a mystery date.


80. Politely agree to differ, on controversial topics.


81. Pull up the covers as he or she sleeps.


82. Attend an art or photography course together.


83. Lend a hand, when you see your partner in the midst of some heavy work.


84. Offer to buy the week’s grocery supplies.


85. Plan a vacation together.


86. Ring up your partner’s parents to ask how they are.


87. Send him or her a hand-written letter on scented paper.


88. Watch your partner’s favourite TV show together.


89. Gift him or her a luxurious spa session.


90. Take a hot air balloon ride together.


91. Come up with silly nicknames for each other and use them only when you are alone.


92. Customize a mug or a mouse pad with your picture for his or her desk.


93. Get your lover’s favourite painting or photo framed by a professional.


94. Hike to the mountains and watch the sun coming up together.


95. Leave a note or a lipstick kiss on the bathroom mirror.


96. Recreate your first date.


97. Take your partner home to meet your family.


98. Designate a song or poem as “ours”


99. Buy a subscription to his or her favourite magazine


100. Let your partner have the morning paper first, on a weekend.


101. Hold your lover close and let your hearts beat together.

Creative Dating Ideas for Married Couples

by Kecia Hambrick | in

• Romantic ideas

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With the hustle and bustle of everyday life demanding us to always be on the move, some times we forget to take a time out for ourselves, and our marriage. Coordinating schedules can be quite hectic nowadays, but some times fate works in our favor, and a free night appears.

So, the two of you have a free evening, now what? Are you one of those couples that don’t know what to do with free time when it appears? Something that only comes along once in a blue moon must have a bit of unfamiliarity attached to it. Here are several creative scenarios for the married couple who just don’t know what to do.

TIP: Read 'Tell Me Honey...2000 Questions for Couples' , the best-selling book for couples. Ask your partner questions and discover new sides to each other! It's available as an instant download ebook as well as paperback from .

1. Picnicking in the Playground 

So tell me, when is the last time you tumbled down a giant slide? Swung from the monkey bars? Flew high in the sky in a swing? Sometimes, it’s the simple things in life that make our memories so wonderful. Create a romantic evening at a local park or playground for just the two of you. Carry your picnic basket full of goodies with you, and don’t forget the blanket. If it’s a slightly windy day, you may even want to bring along some kites!

2. Down at the Drive-In 

Ahh, the nostalgia is rushing over me as I picture a young couple in love, sitting in the front seat of the car, watching an old drive-in movie. He starts to put his arm around her, but wait…is he being too fresh? Don’t worry; it’s okay if you are married! Just don’t forget the popcorn!

3. Sail Away 

Do the two of you enjoy the water? Then it might be a fun idea to partake in a fancy dinner cruise. Good food, good entertainment, good company…what more could you want? A more luxurious spin on this date would be to rent your own yacht for the day, and cruise out on the water alone...but only if one of you know how to maneuver the thing!

4. Night at the Museum 

You are never too old to learn, and museums never stop being fun to visit! Check out a local museum that is featuring an interesting, new exhibit, and maybe a stroll through an art district afterwards.

5. Moonlight Madness 

Going back to the simple things, how about a nice dinner under the stars? Grab some take-out from your favorite restaurant, and spend the night in a park, on the mountain, or even in your own back yard, just talking and gazing at the stars. See if you can spot all the constellations!

6. Grab Your Dancing Shoes

Check out the scene at a local dance or jazz club. Everyone says they can’t dance, but I believe there is a small part of all of us just dying to cut a rug! You never know just how much fun you can have out on a dance floor.

7. Take Me Out to the Ball Game 

Who said dates had to be all mushy and romantic? This idea has got to be every man’s dream date! Grab some hot dogs at the snack bar, and root on your favorite team. If the two of you are split in your opinions of who will win the game, maybe a little friendly wager could come into play!

8. Just Drive

Love the feeling of the wind in your hair? Get your hands on a convertible (maybe you own one, know someone who owns one, or can get a rental), let the top down, and just go for a drive with no destination in mind.

9. Rolling in Love 

Bring out the kid in you (and test your balance!) at the local rolling rink. Don’t have a rink nearby? Then just grab a pair of skates at a sporting goods store, and zoom down the sidewalk. If you want to try this idea in the winter, you can visit an ice skating rink, or just use a frozen pond!

10. Whoa Horsey! 

Horse drawn carriage rides are one of the most romantic activities to partake in. Why not treat your lady to a nice stroll through the park in one?

11. Helicopter Ride

This idea is for the more daring, fearless couples. Being high in the air, but still close enough to see the land, is an excellent sightseeing experience. Try to do this one in a big city. Flying around the landmarks and skyscrapers is a rush!

12. Dinner for Two

This is the more traditional date idea, but it is no less romantic. Reserve a table at the most expensive restaurant in your area, don your most formal clothing, and dine like a king and queen! Rent a limo to pick you up and take you home…trust me, it will make you feel, and look, like a celebrity!

13. Surprise, Surprise! 

This is one of my favorite ways to organize a date…by having only ONE person plan it! Decide who it will be this time, and the only thing the other can know is when to be ready. Use any of the above ideas, or incorporate your own!

14. Hiking 

The mountains are a wonderful place to relax and see some of nature’s most beautiful qualities. Strap on a pack and spend the day wondering down trails, and be sure to bring a camera. Stop at all the overlooks for some great pictures, and don’t forget to pack a lunch!

15. Bicycling 

This is a spin of the hiking idea, but instead you venture through the mountains on bicycles. If you are not much of an outdoorsman (or woman), rent a two-seater and ride through the park instead.

16. Fore! 

No, I am not talking about the sport Tiger Woods participates in (though it could be an idea as well), but the child version: Miniature golf! Put your putting skills to the test, and then make a stop at the ice cream shop afterwards.

17. Weekend Getaway 

Who said dates have to last one night? Rent a cabin out in the middle of nowhere, and enjoy the peaceful time spent alone.

The most important thing about a date is that the two of you have fun. You two are the only ones who know what you will and will not like to do. Plan something you will both enjoy, and maybe even something that neither of you have done before. The worst that can happen is you learn that you never want to do it again!

Sweet things to tell your girl - romantic lines sure to charm your girlfriend!

by Rakhi Abraham | in

• Romantic ideas

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Women love getting compliments. Men, especially the unromantic ones run out of things to say, very soon! With some help, you can say beautiful things to the object of your affections, make them feel special and wonderful about themselves and the relationship. The words you choose will set the tone of your relationship, making it blissful and romantic.

TIP: Read 2000 romantic questions you can ask your girlfriend

Some of the sweet things you can tell your sweetheart are as follows:

1. I love your smile and the way you make me smile.

2. I love the way you walk, talk and laugh.

3. You just make me feel so good.

4. I will call you honey, darling, sweetheart...

5. You are the best, you are amazing!

6. I can’t get enough of you...You drive me wild!

7. You know me so well, inside and out.

8. I love you so much...

9. I love you with my heart and soul...

10. I love everything about you, inward and outward

11. You make me laugh all the time!

12. You keep my spirits so high

13. You have a wonderful sense of humour, you are so funny...

14. I love the way you brighten up a room...  

15. I love the way you love me

16. I love the way you make me feel

17. You make me feel at the top of the world!

18. I never want you to stop loving me

19. I cherish your love for me

20. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life

21. You fill my world with hope and love...

22. You complete me so well

23. You make me feel so special and lucky

24. I need you so badly...

25. You just made my day

26. You make my days beautiful and nights wonderful

27. I can’t get enough of your hugs and kisses...

28. I am sorry if I ever hurt you

29. I promise to love and cherish you forever

30. You are the one for me, my soul mate...

31. I don’t need anyone else in my life

32. You satisfy me completely

33. Marry me and make me the luckiest man in the world!

34. I have always loved you and will always love you

35. I miss you terribly.

36. I am so lonely without you...

37. My world is empty without you.

38. I can’t wait to be with you.

39. I want to be with you forever.

40. I love the way you hold me.

41. I cannot bear to part with you for so long.

42. I feel like I am dreaming when I am with you.

43.  I have never been loved like this before...

44. I would like to wake up next to you forever.

45. It hurts to see you in pain.

46. I’d rather not be with anyone than you.

47. You are my Juliet.

48. A kiss for your every wish

49. You have changed my life completely

50. I can’t be thankful enough for the time we have been together...

51. I will lay down my life for you!

52. I’d rather not live than live without your love.

53. I love the way you look up to me.

54. I trust you with all my heart

55.  I can't thank you enough for your love...

56. I cannot express my love for your love completely.

57. ‘I love you’ is not enough to describe my feelings for you.

58. You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world

59.  I enjoy every moment with you.

60. You make every other girl pale in comparison.

The main thing to remember is that she is special and she must be made to feel special. You must be perfectly honest with your feelings and do not say 'I love you' if you do not mean it. All the endearments knit you closer together. Verbally expressing your love is important, as many a love affair doesn't make it to the altar because the man didn't say as much as he should have. A girl must be made to feel beautiful, special, wanted and loved. So if you are tongue-tied usually, learn these endearments and quote them at appropriate moments so as to pleasantly surprise your girlfriend and make her feel wonderful.

80 Sweet Text Messages to Send to Your Girlfriend

by Poonam Advani | in

• Advice

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Since technology is advancing with every passing minute, sending your girlfriend love letters and notes are a thing of the past. Today, almost everybody uses a cell phone and communicates either by sending text messages or calling, of course.  Text messages sent during occasions serve as a reminder that one is being remembered on that day. Conversational and romantic messages are exchanged plenty of times during the day and to help you choose the perfect text for your girl friend, you can take a look at these.

TIP: 'Tell Me Honey...2000 Questions for Couples', the best-selling book has 2000 questions you can ask your girlfriend.

1. Good morning Sunshine (To wake her up and keep her cheerful all day).

2.  I’m thinking of you and wanted to tell you that I love you.

3. Every day would be as beautiful as this moment if you were with me.

4. If I could describe you in one word, I’d call you my life.

5. You make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.

6. Check Love Compatibility with Your Girlfriend on your Mobile Phone and show it to her if you're a perfect match!

7. If it were up to me to rearrange the alphabets, I would keep U & I together.

8. I tried but I can’t stop thinking about you!

9. My world has no meaning without you.

10. You are the reason for my smile.

11. Words aren’t enough to tell you how wonderful you are. I love you.

12. You make my heart melt!

13. Life has never been better, thanks to you, sweetheart! 

14. I miss you, we should get together soon!

15. If I had to, I would wait for an eternity to be with you. 

16. I will love you forever and always.

17. Waiting for you at home, come back soon. I miss you.

18. When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I see you. There is nothing I can do without thinking of you.

19. To have you as my girl is my honour. Be with me always! 

20. They say love hurts, but I’m ready to take that risk, if I’m going to be with you.

21. I would climb a thousand mountains to see you smile.

22. I’d like to wake up next to you every morning!

23. You take my breath away.

24. My life is perfect, but it’s because I am with you.

25. I love yo_. All I need is ‘U’

26. If I was your bed, you’d sleep on top of me!

27. If I could hold you close again, I’d never let you go.

28. There are three steps to complete happiness: 1) You 2) Me 3) our hearts for eternity.

29. You are IN my mind every second of the day. But if you want, you can be IN my house right now.

30. If you see a shooting star, close your eyes and make a wish. It worked for me, I wished for you!

31. You’re my angel.

32. My love for you is never ending!

33. You are my star on a dark night, you are my hope when all is bleak, if it wasn’t for you, I’d never be me!

34. My life is a jigsaw puzzle and you’re my missing piece. 

35. You bring sunshine into my life! You aren’t the sun, but you’re just as hot.

36. I can’t wait to be with you again. Loves and hugs. 

37. They say love gives you wings but is that why I’m in seventh heaven?

38. You complete me.

39. I could attempt to live without you. But I would fail miserably.

40. Life is beautiful because of you.

41. For you I may be just one person, but for me you are the world.

42. I can’t live without you.

43. Thank you for supporting me today. If it wasn’t for you, I’d be lost.

44. When words aren’t enough to tell you how great you’ve been, remind me to come and kiss you.

45. Loving you is like breathing. I can’t stop and it’s necessary for my survival. 

46. You + me = Happiness forever. 

47. If loving you was against the law and kissing you was a crime, I’d happily spend my life in prison doing time.

48. I will love you for the rest of MY life.

49. It took me years to find perfection; I’m never going to let you go!

50. I’ll love you like no other. Be with me always!

51. People come and go, but you and I will stay together, forever.

52. On this special day of your life, I want to tell you how much I love you. Happy birthday, baby!

53. If I was a planet and you my moon, I’d stop spinning just by looking at you.

54. The world can cry foul by seeing you with me, but everything is fair in love and war.

55. You are the one for me.

56. A date is a formality I need to complete, before I can tell you how much I love you! 

57. Our marriage officially binds us together. Love you.

58. You are my number 1!

59. Every time I see you, I love you more than before.

60. You take my breath away.

61. I hope you have a good night. Kisses and hugs!

62. When you are with me, the world feels right.

63. I want to cuddle up with you. Get home soon! 

64. I can never be wrong, because loving you feels so right!

65. I miss you; I want to be near you again!

66. When I have you, I have everything I need. 

67. Every minute I spend away from you is a minute I waste.

68. To stay away from you is something I can’t do. Come home soon.

69. I will miss you while you’re gone and will wait for you to get back.

70. Just wanted you to know that someone is thinking of you!

71. My world is a happier place because of you.

72. We are a perfect match. I love you.

73. For the last 24 hrs, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds, I’ve missed you.

74. I’m the luckiest man in the world to have you as my girl!

75. You have my heart, keep it safe.

76. I’m never going to let you go.

77. I’ve been thinking about you.

78. Every minute spent with you is a minute well spent.

79. If I’m the reason for your smile, you’ll never get a reason to frown.

80. I love you, I miss you and I can’t wait to see you today! 

        Even with a text message, saying I love you is easy. So take your pick from the above text messages and send some love right away!

!!50 things to do when you're getting bored

by Rakhi Abraham | in

• Advice

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There can never be a dull moment in your life if you know what you like to do in leisure time. There are tones of fun things to do - so go ahead and choose your favorite activity- from jet skiing to just snoozing under the sun:

1. Read a book

Pick up a good book to read- a current best seller- a classic from yore- a science fiction /crime story/ some romantic poetry/ or just a handbook on your vehicle. The idea is to have an enjoyable read to fill up the time.

2. Visit bingo websites and play bingo.

Visit bingo websites, play bingo and befriend people in the bingo chatroom.

3. Watch a movie at the theatre

Nothing like watching a movie on the big screen, along with a crowd hooting and whistling, with lots of hot buttered popcorn and cola and getting lost in the special effects. With multiplexes offering better movie experiences, watching a movie has become a really enjoyable experience.

4. Download your favorite ringtones

Visit ringtone websites and download your favorite ringtones.

5. Visit an internet chat room

There are several internet chat rooms that are teeming with people chatting with each other on topics ranging from serious issues like climate change to lighter ones such as hairstyles. There are  Spicygirl, Oldygoldy, Daredevil, and Lazydaisy and many such interesting people of all ages and from all places on the planet.  The flip side is that spicygirl might be a 60-year-old Japanese man from across the world!! If you are comfortable with the unwritten rules of chatting (assumed identities/ new lingo- like a/s/l or smilies), then you can while away many hours on harmless chatting on the Internet.

[pic][pic][pic][pic]6. Visit an astrologer or psychic

Wouldn’t you like to know your future? So if you have time to kill, visit an astrologer to have your hand and chart read. It is a really interesting way to spend time by listening to his predictions and examining your charts. Even if you are a skeptic, hearing his predictions is a harmless pass time.

7. Go to the mall

You can spend time at the mall doing different things. You can go shopping, or   not spend a penny and just window shop or better still, just spend time watching the people thronging the mall.

8. Go to a coffee shop

Coffee shops are filled with interesting people with whom you can strike up or renew friendships. It is filled with friendly banter over cups of steaming coffee.

9. Visit internet dating websites

Dating websites on the net are fun to explore. Create a profile just for fun and start surfing and contacting interesting people for some online dating. Chatting with people you met on the sites can be a fun activity.

10. Play a prank on someone

How about playing a harmelss prank on some one to liven up the atmosphere. Maybe you can use anonymous telephone calls or e-mails to pull gags on a friend and really have a good laugh. The idea is not to hurt some one but to share some laughs at the end.

11. Throw a party or attend one

If you really want to have a wild time, you could throw a party. It could be a theme party like Hawaiian nights or Halloween dress up. You can organize fun games/good food and drinks/ music and dance etc to liven up the party. You can also have a nice time attending someone else’s party.

12. Take out your old clothes and donate them to poor

Take out all those relics of the past from your wardrobe and pack them all up. Present these packets to the Church or the local charity home or to the poor you meet on the street. This is a really good way to spend your time.

13. Learn dancing

Go for dancing classes and learn to move a few graceful steps whether square dancing, salsa or ballet. You will learn to be a good dancer as well as keep your body fit and meet interesting people who share the same passion of dancing.

14. Do some knitting/crochet

Learn some hand skills like stitching, knitting, crochet etc, which are not just for grandmothers. You can create wonderful patterns and pieces like tablecloths, jumpers, socks, shawls, and lots more. Only limit is your imagination.

15. Make up a humorous poem / limerick/joke

Share or just enjoy making up funny poems, songs or jokes. You can entertain yourself or share a few laughs with friends.

16. Compile jokes

Have a fun time putting together jokes collected from books/ magazines/ radio/ TV. /Internet.  Makes for a valuable collection.

17. Collect cartoons

Collect favorite cartoons-newspaper cutouts/comic books/ movies and VCD’s/dolls/pictures.

18. Go sporting on the beach

Play beach volleyball- head out to the beach and have fun playing ball on the beach/ have fun people watching/join jet skiing or surfing/go swimming/play Frisbee on the beach

19. Get a sun tan

Get a tan, resting in the sun with lots of suntan lotion on your body /at the beach/ or on your lawn in the backyard/in the bright sunlight.

Read aloud to children-read aloud books/stories to children at local library or bookstore. It is an immensely satisfying activity and the kids will keep you entertained.

20. Go babysitting

If you have a way with kids, go babysitting occasionally. You and the kids will entertain each other and you will earn a few bucks too.

21. Play cards

Play cards with friends/ strangers on long train rides/ yourself. There are so many games with cards, for money or no money to be played for lots of fun. You can also learn card tricks and impress your friends with them later.

22. Play some music

Feeling down and out? Blast some of your favorite music- it will jolt your senses and keep you rocking and rolling.

23. Make a trip to the beauty parlor or salon

Go through the facial/ pedicure/ manicure routine to feel clean and refreshed.

24. Get a new haircut/ hairstyle

How about sporting anew hairstyle from clean-shaven to long curly tresses, do creative things with your hair that leaves you feeling confident and smart.

25. Sing out loud even if you cant

Be a bold bathroom singer. Try singing your favorite songs even if you are tone-deaf, entertaining yourself. Ignore the shrieks from neighbors.

26. Dress up in something silly

Once in a while dresses up in fancy outfits just to look outlandish and silly and to invite stares from people.

27. Doodle or cartoon

You can create minor artwork by doodling and cartooning. Secretly doodling and cartooning can save a boring lecture.

28. Write letters to famous people

If you are a crazy fan or you are just plain bored you can write e-mails/letters to famous personalities. Some people make it a daily obsession out of this activity. If you are lucky, you might get a reply.

29. Cook up a storm

Bring out those cook books and grandma’s recipes and roll up your sleeves- try your hand at cooking exotic dishes copied from these books. Never mind if it bombs, you can serve them to your pets. If the pets don’t want it, use it as organic manure in the garden.

30. Learn new words in the dictionary

Flip through the dictionary and have a fun time learning new words and their meanings. Try them out in conversation t sometime in the future. It is a fun way to build up your vocabulary.

31. Plan a trip

Take a trip to someplace interesting- somewhere uphill to the mountains or down hill to the seaside. Maybe just plan a picnic to the lake nearby.

Watch T.V. with sound off- Great fun watching shows on television with sound on mute. For more fun, you can mouth the dialogues.

32. Karaoke in public

Have the guts to Sing to music (Karaoke) at the local club. Make sure you have had plenty of practice before you display your singing skills.

33. Watch a foreign film

Watch an out- of- the- ordinary film like a Swedish/ Chinese/Serbian film. Have fun reading the subtitles in English. You may discover some fantastic movies in other languages.

34. Climb a tree

Renew childhood memories. Scramble up a tree and enjoy the view from top or pluck a few fruits from the heights.

35. Watch a magic show

There is some interesting magic tricks that you can watch and some you can learn. So watch and learn magic tricks or simply be mesmerized by some magician.

36. Watch a circus

Circuses are great fun with their flying trapezes, dancing elephants, daring mobikes and crazy clowns. Go with a few kids and have a whale of a time.

37. Learn hypnosis

Learn to hypnotize people. Great way to get at the center of their thoughts and desires. Also allow yourself to be hypnotized to cure any hang-ups you may have.

38. Stay up 24 hours

Stay awake for 24 hours to watch that football game being played across the planet, with lots of friends, food and fun.

39. Play silly games

Like hoops, skipping rope, go carting or go to theme parks and go on wild rides like roller coasters and giant wheels.

40. Volunteer for a charity

Spend time usefully by volunteering fro a local charity. Help them in collecting funds/old clothes/ furniture/toys/ and help in doing chores for senior citizens like mowing their lawns or reading to lonely seniors.

41. Dial wrong numbers

Dial up strange people and have a conversation with them. Make sure you do this from a cell phone. Be careful you don't give out personal information!

42. Set up an aquarium

Get plenty of gold fish and set up an aquarium at home. Have fun watching the fish/ feeding the fish/ looking after the aquarium.

43. Learn basic office skills

Learnt to type/ short hand/ handle computers. This is very interesting to many people and has even become a necessity for some.

44. Learn crazy body tricks

Learn to stand upside down, to do cartwheels, to make a long jump, to stand on one leg for long, to sit with legs crossed for a long time and to do martial arts like Judo and Karate.

45. Compile an address cum birthday book

Cannot remember phone numbers or keep losing numbers saved on mobiles and palm tops? - Get those numbers down in a book and also note down birthdays of important people. You can also save this information in your online-mail box.

46. Go hot air ballooning or kayaking or rock climbing

Those who love the outdoors have a wide choice of activities like trekking the wild jungles, climbing steep hills, kayaking gushing rivers and floating in hot air balloons.

47. Go for meditation/ yoga

Give rest and rejuvenation to the senses by attending a meditation session or doing yoga.

48. Play virtual reality games

Play virtual reality games like Second life or World of Warcraft.

49. Get in touch with an old friend

This is a really useful way to spend time. Renewing friendship with an old pal and catching up on old times is really fun way to spend your time. It may be through a phone call/ a letter/ an e-mail. Nothing more fun than sharing a few laughs and memories with an old friend.

50. Rent a DVD/ VCD at home

Have a few hours to spare? If you’re a movie buff, a great way is to rent DVD’s at home especially to catch on movies you didn’t get time to watch on screen or movies you want to watch again and again/ movie collections of your favorite stars.

There are hundreds of fun, satisfying and interesting activities to do when you are bored.

!!Cheap dating ideas - Inexpensive dating for those on a budget

by Futurescopes Re... | in

• Romantic ideas

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When you date someone, you want to make an impression on her. This is especially if it's one of your first few dates and you would like to take it further. But what if money is tight and you just don't have the means to do fancy stuff and wine and dine her? Yet, you don't want to seem like a cheapskate and have her think that she's anything less than special to you.

But whoever said that to have an enjoyable time with someone, you had to spend a lot of money? You can enjoy each other's company even on a shoestring budget. Some couples have had great dates with little money but a lot of imagination. Maybe you can learn from them.

Some of the all-time favorite cheap date ideas:


1. A walk in the park

Take a leisurely stroll with your date through rambling paths and lush greenery. Walk hand-in-hand and talk about your interests, family, trees, nature, anything! The cost for leading her up the garden path - zilch!

2. Go for a jog

If you and your date are up for it, put on your track pants and running shoes and head out for a jog. While the jog itself won't give you much opportunity to talk, it's always great to work up a sweat together. And afterwards, you can stretch together and maybe you can even give her an impromptu massage to soothe those aching muscles. That's called 'Giving her a run for (no) money'!

3. The beach

This one's an all-time favorite. You don't need to shell out any entrance fee and it is one of the most romantic places to be. Whether you take a walk on the sand, lounge around on a chair tanning yourself, surf or just fool around in the water, the beach must surely be one of the most popular 'cheap date' locations.

TIP: Here are 2000 questions you must ask your partner! Know everything about them and make your dates fun!

4. Sports

If you and your date both happen to be the athletic types and love a particular sport, this could be the ideal alternative for you. Indulge in a little competitive activity to get the adrenaline pumping. It could be table tennis, badminton or even squash. But be a man and take it in the right spirit if she beats you!

5. Go for a swim

You might like to go for a swim together at the local club. This gives you the additional advantage of checking her out in a swimsuit! And if you're a good swimmer and she's not, you can impress her with some cool strokes or maybe even teach her some. Different strokes for different folks! If you're more adventurous, you could even go skinny dipping.

6. A picnic

Picture a cozy brunch or lunch for two in a nice meadow. You could spread out a cool picnic mat, take some sandwiches and if you're really lucky, she may even feed you some of those grapes you've carried along. Only, make sure you pick a spot where you don't get attacked by an army of ants!

7. Community center activities

Check out some of the activities at your local community center and ask your date if she'd be interested in anything. You could have a really good time, and in the process, discover a fun side to your date, that you never knew existed.


8. Go sight-seeing

Sometimes you discover historic landmarks in your city that have minimal or no entrance fee. It could even be a museum, if either of you are into that kind of thing. Either way, it gives you a lot to talk about and it makes for interesting conversation. One of you may even decide to play tourist guide and ask for kind!

9. Movie/meal at home

Check out the Top Ten Movie list and rent one your date will enjoy. Make sure you find out what his/her taste in movies is, you wouldn't want to choose an action movie if she really prefers a romantic comedy. Or invite him over to a home-cooked meal, or even better yet, prepare it together. It might be great to see how you work together as a team and you'll be surprised how much fun you have in the process. In this case, even if 'Too many cooks spoil the broth', you wouldn't really mind!

10. Window-shopping

If it's the festive season, enjoy the originality and creativity of the window displays with your date. Or go shopping together and pick out stuff you think you might like to buy, but don't buy it. It's great to see what the other person's tastes are, and this way, when you do have some money and you're stuck for gift options, you know exactly what he/she fancies.

11. Coffee shop

Coffee and a couple of doughnuts won't cost you too much. So linger over your cuppa, inhale the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and enjoy the company of your date in a relaxed and friendly setting.

12. Book reading/Library

If your date is the literary type, take her along to a book reading; she might really appreciate the effort taken on her account. Or visit the library together and spend some quiet time just being with each other or exchanging love notes!

13. Go for a drive

You could take your date for a drive to a quiet place or somewhere that has a picturesque view. Sit in the car just holding hands and talking or doing whatever you do best! Or sit on the bonnet with your arms wrapped around each other, watching the sun go down. One of the most romantic views, and all it costs is the fuel it took you to get there.

14. Go trekking

If you like adventure, and you think your date might be up for it, go hiking. Choose a scenic route so that it's not all huffing and puffing and you can stop and admire nature at her best. Carry along enough supplies and choose a nice spot, like maybe a waterfall or somewhere with verdant pastures to catch your breath and relax in each other's company.

15. Go camping

This one requires your date to be the down-to-earth type or at least open to roughing it out. If you don't already have camping equipment, borrow it from a friend and brush up your boy-scout skills. Enjoy the chirruping of the birds and the beauty of the wild outdoors with your date.

16. Bicycle ride

If you don't own one, rent a couple of bicycles and take a leisurely ride in the countryside. Have races; enjoy the breeze in your hair and the sun shining down on your face!

17. Visit a park

Choose a park that has an area for kids and act silly together. Have a whale of a time on the seesaws and maybe enjoy the lulling rhythm of the bench swings.  

18. Try out something new

If your date is up for adventure, try out a new sport, hobby or activity like ice-skating. Providing you don't take any nasty spills, it could be a great way to have a few laughs together. It also gives you the chance to keep holding on to your date on the pretext of steadying her (or yourself!).

19. Sit by the fireplace

Invite your date over and get a roaring fire going. Roast marshmallows together and get cozy on the rug by the fireplace. Easy on the pocket, isn't it?

20. Play games

There are a variety of board games like Scrabble, Dominoes, Monopoly or even a game of cards that provide light-hearted entertainment, without making even a dent in your wallet.

21. Go fishing

You might like to laze around in the sun in an idyllic spot, on the pretext of fishing. But if you do happen to be lucky enough to catch some trout, that's your meal guaranteed as well!

22. Sit by the lake

Settle down on a bench by the lake, to feed the geese and carry along some snacks to munch on as well. Chat about life and soak in the peaceful scenery, all for free.

23. Bird-watching

If you're a nature buff, grab your binoculars and your date and head out to a nature park or a popular bird-watching site. On the pretext of showing your date some rare bird, enjoy a few close encounters! And what you may lack in your wallet, you can make up for with your eloquence. Turn your binoculars on her and tell her that you're looking at the rarest bird of all!

In fact, no matter where you take your date or what you decide to do, don't be perturbed by what you think is a cheap alternative. You don't even have to be a scintillating conversationalist. If you treat a lady right and show her that you've made an extra effort to make her feel special, even if it doesn't cost much, she'll still feel like a queen!

How to be more charming to women - tips and advice to charm and sweep women off their feet

by A Ayyar | in

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Some men have a natural, easy manner of scoring with women. Ever notice how some men just walk into a room and sweep women off their feet? For women though, it’s not always about looks. Honestly, how many times have you said, “What does she even see in him ................

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