Halloween: Lesson Materials

Halloween The day for bad and naughty ghosts to have a party and have some fun!



o Make a Jack-o’-lantern. 顔に見えるようにかぼちゃをくりぬく

▪ The week before Halloween, cut a big pumpkin.

▪ Give it a scary face. Or, give it a silly face.  scary怖い silly ばかげた

▪ Put a candle inside at night.

o Wear costumes!

▪ Witches, devils, ghosts, vampires, and monsters are traditional.  魔女、悪魔、おばけ、吸血鬼、また怪物などの衣装が伝統的である。

▪ Today, people also dress like movie characters: Pokemon, Power-Rangers, etc.

o Candy!

▪ Children visit neighbors and say, “Trick-or-Treat!” They carry big bags, and the neighbors put candy in the bags. You can get lots of candy this way. 子供たちは近所の人を訪ねて、「お菓子をくれないといたずらするぞ。」と言う。

▪ Eat candy for the next week!

▪ Most elementary school and junior high children go “Trick-or-Treating.” Many high school students go to parties instead. そのかわりに

o Party!

▪ Many families go to big parties.

▪ There are games and costume contests. Bobbing for apples is the traditional game.

▪ Eat candy, pumpkin pie, and caramel apples.

➢ RELIGION 宗教的なこと

o Halloween is a holy day. 神聖な

o November 1st is the Saint’s Day. So October 31st is the Devil’s day to have fun.

o Witches go to the cemetery to cast spells and magic. 魔女は魔法をかけるために共同墓地に出向く。

o Some Christians go to church to pray. They are afraid of the witches, the Devil, and ghosts! 祈る ~を恐れている

o Most people just go to parties to have fun and eat candy.

➢ HISTORY 歴史について

o Irish people believed this was the best day to speak to dead people. アイルランド人は死者に話しかけるのに一番いい日であると信じていた。

o Irish people brought the holiday to America. アイルランド人がハロウィーンをアメリカにもたらした。

o Americans thought the Devil and Witches came out to do bad things. アメリカ人は悪魔や魔女は悪さをするために出てくるのだと思っていた。

o In America, many families had Halloween parties.

o Some adults played tricks:  次のようないたずらをする大人もいた。

▪ switching signs around. その辺の標識をどれかと変えたり

▪ letting farm animals out of cages. 家畜をオリからだしてしまったり

▪ pushing down outdoor toilets. 外のトイレを倒したりした。

o Today, teenagers sometimes play tricks like toilet papering houses. 今日では10代の若者が時々家にトイレットペーパーを巻き付けるぐらいである。

➢ SYMBOLS ハロウィーンを象徴するもの

o orange and black

o Jack-o’-lanterns ジャックオランタン

o black cats

o graves and tombstones 墓地や墓石

o witches’ brooms 魔女のほうき

o ghosts and skeletons


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