Antennas, 'The Aerial Here Is - CQ Amateur Radio


Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, “Boat Anchors Away” (Stark K9ARZ), CQ 1985, Sept pg 56

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, “Don’t Collect Tubes” (Christensen W8WOJ), CQ 1992, Nov pg 54

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, 6L6 Resurrection, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Oct., p. 54 (Correction & addition, CQ 2004, Dec., pp. 66-67)

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, A Visit To The Antique Electronic Supply Company

(Kunde K8KK), CQ 1988, Oct pg 38

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Amateur Collectibles of Recent Times (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1983, Dec pg 123

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, An Ocean Hopper Experience, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2005, Mar., p. 44

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, AN/GRR-5 Receiver: Shortwave For A Song

(Johnston WD8DAS), CQ 1983, Mar pg 104

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Budget Nostalgia - Cheap Thrills From ‘40s & 50s

(Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1990, Mar pg 76

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Classic Amateur Radio Gear Revisited (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1986, Sept pg 80

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Classic Jurassics - Part I, (Thurber W8FX), CQ 1999, Nov pg.14

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Classic Jurassics - Part II, (Thurber W8FX), CQ 1999, Dec pg. 26

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Classics alive, the 6L6 lives on! Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Oct., p. 56

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Collecting - Restoring and Using Vintage Gear

(Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1983, Sept pg 70

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Collecting Old Radio Gear (Friedman N3DF), CQ 1987, Jan pg 13

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Covert Classics: A Spy Radio Special, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Mar., p. 36

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Crystal Radios Return, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Feb., p. 77

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Crystal Sets, Build 'Em For Fun, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Feb., p. 62

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Crystal Sets, Timeless Classics, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Nov., p. 78

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Dealers In Surplus Test Equipment (Math WA2NDM), CQ 1996, Apr pg 40

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Ed Ladd and the Li’l Lulus, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2004, Sept., p. 66

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Elusive ARC-2 (Miller KE6F), CQ 1987, Nov pg 90

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Ham radio returns to World War II, Perera (W1TP), CQ 2008, Nov., p. 26

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Hartley - The Classic Radio Supreme (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1996, Nov pg 72

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Heath’s Early Receivers, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2004, Mar. p. 79

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Homebrew Classics From The Fifties –

Part I (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1994, Feb pg 94

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Homebrew Classics From The Fifties –

Part II (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1994, Mar pg 106

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Math's Notes: Old-time repairs, Math (WA2NDM), CQ 2009, Jun, p. 50

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Microphone Mania 2004, Part I, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Mar., p. 72

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Microphone Mania 2004, Part II, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Apr., p. 68

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Military Radio Collectors Group, The, (Brown W6DJK), CQ 1998, Nov. pg. 32

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Model 15 Still Lives (Kretzman W2JTP), CQ 1983, Nov pg 75

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, More Golden Oldies (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1991, Sept pg 102

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, More Old-Time Radio Fun, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Nov., p. 78

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, More Old-Time Radio Goodies! (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1994, Oct pg 116

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, More Vintage Tubes and Classic Rigs, Part I,

(Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1998, Oct. pg. 40

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, National Company, The (Veras N4QB), CQ 2001, May pg. 77

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Nostalgia – and a Kenwood TS-530S, Math (WA2NDM), CQ 2004, Jan., p. 72

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Ocean Hopper, When Radios Had Names,

Freeberg (WA9WFA), CQ 2003, Dec., pg 11

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Phasing Sideband, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2004, Jun., p. 80

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Post-War VHF/UHF Gear, (Veras N4QB), CQ 2001, Feb pg. 105

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, QSO, Looking Back at the 1950s and ’60s,

Survey Results, Veras (N4QB), CQ 2003, Dec., pg 66

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Radio Classics: A visit with WA4KCY, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2006, Mar., p. 74

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Radio Classics: Boatanchor Heresy, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2008, Jan., p. 74

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Radio Classics: HF FM, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2007, Sep., p. 82

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Radio Classics: RAL series receivers and boatanchor

car guys, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2006, Sep., p. 73

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Radio Classics: Seeing Double, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2006, Jun., p. 78

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Radio Classics: The 8 Eras of the Golden Age,

Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2006, Dec., p. 78

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Radio Redux: A Look Back at Wisconsin, Veras (N4QB), CQ 2003, Sept., pg 71

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Radios of The Rising Sun (Nock G4BXD), CQ 1997, Nov pg 22

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Recapturing The Romance - More Classic Rigs, CQ 1990, Feb pg 74

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Rescue the Champion: Tips on repairing/replacing the

power supply for the Yaesu FT-736R, Laidman (W8DX), CQ 2006, Jun., p. 28

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Restoration of a Classic (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1984, Dec pg 48

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Restoring Old Vacuum-Tube Radio Equipment: A Guide

For Beginners, Ireland (VK6VZ/G3ZZD), CQ 2005, Feb., p. 48

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, RME – A Pioneer in Amateur Radio Manufacturing,

(Veras N4QB), CQ 2001, Aug pg. 85

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Rock Star Price Guide, Thurtell (K8PSV), CQ 2006, Oct., p. 18

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Romance Recaptured: More Classic Rigs (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1992, Nov pg 126

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Surplus - A British Perspective (Nock G4BXD), CQ 1994, Dec pg 13

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Surplus Electronic Gear A British Perspective - Part II

(Nock G4BXD), CQ 1995, Jun pg 36

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Surplus Sojourn (Nock G4BXD), CQ 1996, Jul pg 9

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Swap/Sell/Toss or Recycle? The Dilemma of “Good Stuff”

(Richards W7UPF), CQ 1994, Aug pg 22

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, The 6L6 - The Tube That Changed Radio Forever!

(Orr W6SAI), CQ 1997, Sept pg 44

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, The Life of Collins, “#4” (Brock-Fisher, K1KP), CQ 2004, Mar., p. 44

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, The Making of the Classics Calendar, Veras (K9OCO), CQ 2005, Dec., p. 64

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, The Military Radio Collectors Group, (Brown W6DJK), CQ 1998 Nov. pg 32

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, The R.L. Drake Company (Veras N4QB), CQ 1997, Jun pg 46

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Tonschreiber “b” A German WW II Tape Recorder

For Monitoring Services (Rollema PA0SE), CQ 1988, Jul pg 29

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Underground “Radio” Transmitter, Circa 1901, An, CQ 2001, Jan pg. 32

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Using The Heathkit DX-60 Transmitter On 30 Meters

(Pardue KQ5I), CQ 1985, Mar pg 90

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Wall-To-Wall - Floor-To-Ceiling Nothing But Hallicrafters

(Bonavita W5QJM), CQ 1983, May pg 13

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Weekender, The: Modernize your old Heathkit

HM-102 Wattmeter, Werthman (KO0T), CQ 2009, Apr, p. 67

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Why Did I Buy The DX-60 Yesterday? (Logan NZ5A), CQ 1993, Aug pg 32

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, Wireless Set No. 48, (Nock G4BXD), CQ 1998, Feb. pg.30

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, World of Ideas: In the Spotlight: More vintage homebrew –

Part II, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2008, Nov., p. 80

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, World of Ideas: In the Spotlight: More vintage homebrew,

Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2008, Oct., p. 56

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, World of Ideas:

Long Live the 6L6, Part 1, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2009, Oct, p. 66

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, World of Ideas: More Glowbug Glamour, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2006, Nov., p. 48

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, World of Ideas: More Glowbug Glamour, Part 2,

Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Jan., p.64

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, World of Ideas: More Vacuum-Tube Magic,

Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2009, Nov, p. 52

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, World of Ideas: One-Tubers from Yesteryear, Part I,

Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Oct., p. 70

Classic Radio Gear & Nostalgia, World of Ideas: One-Tubers from Yesteryear, Part II,

Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Nov., p. 52



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