
[pic] |Ministry of Tourism and Culture

Tourism Policy and Development Branch

Investment and Development Office

Hearst Block,9th Floor

900 Bay Street

Toronto ON M7A 2E1 |Celebrate Ontario 2012

Main Stage & Signature Category

Application Form | |Instructions

A. Please read before filling out application

• Please read the Application Guide before completing the Application Form.

• Applicants are strongly advised to consult with their local tourism advisor from the Ministry of Tourism & Culture or the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines & Forestry. See contact list in Appendix or in the Celebrate Ontario Application Guide located on the Celebrate Ontario website at (ontario.ca/celebrateontario or ontario.ca/fetonsontario ).

B. Filling out your Application Form

• Applicants must use the Application Form to submit their applications and must use the Community Reference Forms to submit their community support documents. No alternative formats or late Community Reference Forms will be accepted.

• Please answer all questions on the Application Form within the space provided. Any omissions could disqualify your application.

• Applicants may only request funding for eligible projects as explained in the Application Guide. Funds are not intended for operating costs, marketing costs or regular programming costs.

C. Your Submission

Applicants are encouraged to submit their application via e-mail. Applications will also be accepted by mail/courier.

1. Applicants submitting an electronic application by e-mail

• Applicants must include an electronic application, verified by an authorized official, and two electronic Community Reference forms.

• The electronic copy must be e-mailed to the Ministry of Tourism & Culture at celebrateontario@ontario.ca or fetonsontario@ontario.ca by 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), Tuesday, November 15, 2011.

2. Applicants submitting a paper copy by mail/courier or in person

• Applicants submitting a paper copy must include one original copy, verified by an authorized official and two Community Reference Forms.

• Please do not include binders, brochures, letters of support, videos, newspaper reviews, independent reports or posters with submission.

• Mailed or couriered applications must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, November 15, 2011 and be mailed to:

c/o Celebrate Ontario 2012

Investment & Development Office

Ontario Ministry of Tourism & Culture

900 Bay Street, 9th Floor, Hearst Block

Toronto ON M7A 2E1

Applications postmarked after the deadline or applications received by facsimile will not be accepted.

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|PLEASE NOTE* If you have not received confirmation of receipt of your application submission from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture by Tuesday November 29, |

|2011, please contact celebrateontario@ontario.ca or fetonsontario@ontario.ca or call 416.326.6894. |

D. Defining a Tourism Festival or Event

For the purposes of Celebrate Ontario 2012 and this Application Form, the Ministry of Tourism & Culture defines:

• A tourism festival or event as a public celebration that:

• is organized as a series of events or activities over a set period;

• demonstrates a capacity and intention to develop itself as a tourism driver over the long term; and

• is promoted and marketed to tourists.

• A tourist as an individual (including an Ontario resident) who travels 40 kilometres or more or crosses the Ontario border to attend a festival or event.

• Hours of programming at a festival or event as the number of concurrent hours of public programming that are open to the public at large.

E. Funding Tiers

Celebrate Ontario 2012 funding assistance is based on a three-tier model as follows:

Tier 1 (Main Stage) - Festivals or events with operating budgets less than $250,000 will be eligible for up to $40,000.

Tier 2 (Main Stage) - Festivals or events with operating budgets between $250,000 and $1 million will be eligible

for up to $75,000.

Tier 3 (Signature) - Festivals or events with operating budgets in excess of $1 million will be eligible for up to $400,000.

For the purposes of Celebrate Ontario 2012, the Ministry of Tourism & Culture does not include the value of in-kind expenses or contributions or potential Celebrate Ontario 2012 funding in the determination of Main Stage or Signature tourism festival or event operating budgets. Main Stage and Signature applicant operating budgets are determined on a cash basis only. The operating budget must be for the specific tourism festival or event and not for the organization applying. However, tourism festival or event applicants are expected to report the value of in-kind expenses or contributions in Sections 4, 6 and 10 of this Application Form.

F. To Do Check List

Read the Application Guidelines before filling out application.

Consulted with local tourism advisor from the Ministry of Tourism & Culture or the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines & Forestry. (see appendix for contact information)

Completed entire Application Form.

G. Included in Your Submission Checklist

Completed Application Form.

Two Community Reference Forms completed in the template provided.

Tier 2 (Main Stage) & Tier 3 (Signature) Applicants provided a copy of the organization’s most recent audited annual financial statements.

Please do not submit binders, brochures, letters of support, videos, reviews, independent reports, posters or other attachments.

H. Funding Agreement:

1. Successful applicants will be required to sign a formal funding agreement with the Ministry of Tourism & Culture.

2. The Application Form, duly completed and verified by an authorized official (see Section 14)of your organization, constitutes proof of your acknowledgment and acceptance of the Eligibility Requirements; Mandatory Requirements; and the Acknowledgement, Oversight and Reporting Requirements. Applications that fail to meet all the Eligibility Requirements; Mandatory Requirements; and Acknowledgement, Oversight and Reporting Requirements will not be considered.

3. All Celebrate Ontario 2012 funds must be used for the proposed tourism project of the tourism festival or event between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013, as outlined in the agreement.

4. Successful applicants must provide proof of at least $2 million commercial general liability insurance coverage before entering into a formal funding agreement with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.

|Section 1: Eligibility Requirements; Mandatory Requirements; and Acknowledgement, Oversight and Reporting Requirements |

|Using the checkboxes below, indicate your acknowledgment and acceptance of the Eligibility Requirements; Mandatory Requirements; and Acknowledgement, Oversight and |

|Reporting Requirements. |

|Eligibility Requirements |

|On behalf of and with the authority of the applicant, I/we certify that: |

| Festival or event takes place in the Province of Ontario. |

|Festival or event occurs between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013. |

|Festival or event is open to the public at large without membership in a club or group. |

|Select only one of the following: |

|Festival or event has been in existence for one year or longer in Ontario as of January 2012; OR |

|Festival or event sponsoring organization/applicant has been in existence for one year or longer in Ontario as of January 2013 |

|(this applies to new festivals or events only). |

|Mandatory Requirements |

|On behalf of and with the authority of the applicant, I/we certify that: |

| Applicant is not in default of the terms and conditions of any grant or loan agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario. |

|All of the projected expenses will be incurred while carrying out the proposed tourism project or new festival or event project and none of the projected expenses will |

|be used for recurring costs to run the festival or event. |

|The applicant is one of the following: |

|Federally or provincially incorporated; OR |

|First Nations in the province of Ontario; OR |

|Established by or under legislation. If so, specify:       |

|Acknowledgement, Oversight and Reporting Requirements |

|If successful in obtaining Celebrate Ontario 2012 funding, the applicant will: |

| Submit two completed Celebrate Ontario 2012 Community Reference Forms |

|Sign a legal funding agreement with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. |

|Report back to the ministry 60 business days following the festival or event on the use of transfer funds, service deliverables and outcomes achieved using the 2011 |

|Celebrate Ontario Final Report Template supplied by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. |

|Permit the Province to verify/audit information submitted (at the discretion of the Province) to ensure that it is complete and accurate, and that funds were used for |

|purpose(s) intended. |

|Agree that if the funds were not used, or will not be used, for the intended purpose(s), specified services were not delivered, or intended outcomes were not achieved, |

|the Province has the right at a future date to recover the funds transferred. |

|Obtain the Ministry of Tourism & Culture’s approval for any change to the proposed tourism project or new festival or event project (once funding is approved). |

|Acknowledge Ontario’s support with the use of the Ontario trillium logo in electronic and print media as part of a visibility campaign. |

|Have at least $2 million commercial general liability insurance coverage and include Her Majesty the Queen on behalf of the Province of Ontario for the Ministry of |

|Tourism and Culture as an additional insured. |

|Section 2: Tourism Festival/Event Identification |

|Organization Information |

|Organization Name |Tourism Festival/Event Name |

|      |      |

|Unit No. |Street No. |Street Name |PO Box |

|      |      |      |      |

|City/Town |Province |Postal Code |

|      |     |      |

|Telephone No. |Fax No. |Email Address |

|        -      |        -      |      |

|Organization Website |

|      |

|Type of Legal Entity (select one) |Corporate Registration Number (if applicable) |

| |      |

|Contact Person Information |

|Contact Last Name |Contact First Name |Salutation |Position/Title |

|      |      |      |      |

|Unit No. |Street No. |Street Name |PO Box |

|      |      |      |      |

|City/Town |Province |Postal Code |

|      |     |      |

|Telephone No. |Fax No. |Email Address |

|        -      |        -      |      |

|In which official language do you prefer to communicate? |

|English French |

|Does your tourism festival/event have a Francophone program component? |

|Yes No |

|Section 3: Tourism Festival/Event Description |

|Tourism Festival/Event Details |

|Your tourism festival/event is (please check one box for each section): |

|Tier 1(Main Stage) OR Tier 2 (Main Stage) OR Tier 3 (Signature) New OR Existing |

| Gated OR Non-Gated OR Both Gated and Non-Gated |

|Has your organization received Celebrate Ontario funding in the past? Yes No |

|Is your organization a member of a tourism industry association? Yes No |If “Yes”, specify: |

| |      |

|Number of years the tourism festival/event has been in existence |Venue and Municipality tourism festival/event will take place |

|      |      |

|Attendance in 2011 |Operating Budget |

|Less than 50,000 - State amount:       |Less than $250,000 - State amount:       |

|More than 50,000 - State amount:       |$250,000 to $1 million - State amount:       |

| |More than $1 million - State amount:       |

|Event Type |Start date (yyyy/mm/dd) |End date (yyyy/mm/dd) |

| |      |      |

|Are the above event dates confirmed? |Duration (days) |Hours of programming at tourism festival/event |

|Yes No |      |      |

|Celebrate Ontario 2012 Funding Request |State amount:       |

|(as reported in Section 6) | |

|Part 1: Describe below your current tourism festival or event as it exists without your proposed tourism project. |

|Include type of events, programming, activities, number of shows, venues, exhibits and/or services. |

|(i.e. What can a visitor do when they attend your event?) |

|New tourism festival or event applicants should describe their plans for their new tourism festival or event in Section 5: Proposed Tourism Project Development Plan. |

|(Please restrict your answer to space provided below only. Maximum 2 pages.) |

|      |

|Part 2: Please describe the tourism goals for your festival/event (500 words or less). Include: |

|How your tourism festival or event currently attracts tourists. |

|How you intend to stimulate incremental growth for your tourism festival or event. |

|      |

|Section 4: Budget for Upcoming Tourism Festival/Event Without Proposed Tourism Project |

|List below a detailed budget for your upcoming tourism festival or event. The budget must be for the design and delivery of the event and not for operational costs for |

|the organization applying. The budget should detail revenues by source and expenses by category, and should indicate levels of funding from private and public sector |

|partners, including cash and in-kind contributions. Please note if cash contributions are confirmed or pending. The value of in-kind contributions must be balanced by |

|equivalent expenses. |

|Tourism festivals or events with own-source revenues and funding from multiple private and public sector sources (either cash or in-kind) will score higher in their |

|evaluations than those without such additional monies. |

|Tourism Festival/Event Budget for the Year Ending:      |

|Revenues (list): |Amounts (list): |

|Federal –       | Confirmed Pending |      |

|Other Provincial –       | Confirmed Pending |      |

|Municipal –       | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|Total Revenues: ∅ |[pic]      |

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|Expenses (list): |Amounts (list): |

|      |      |

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|Total Expenses: ∅ |[pic]      |

|Excess (deficit) of Revenues over Expenses: ∅ |[pic]      |

| |

|Notes: |

|      |

|Section 5: Proposed Tourism Project Development Plan |

|Please provide a complete description of your proposed tourism project including: |

|Proposed improvements to programming, activities and/or tourism related services, which will increase tourist attendance. |

|A clear tourism based rationale for your proposed tourism project or new festival or event including tourism industry intelligence, research, and professional industry |

|based analysis. |

|The proposed project’s main tourism objective. Be specific. |

|Anticipated incremental tourism growth over the next three years with rationale. |

|The target market you hope to attract with your proposed tourism project. Be specific including demographic and geographic attributes. |

|If applicable, explain how the proposed tourism project builds on previous event enhancements supported by Celebrate Ontario funding. |

|(Please restrict your answer to space provided below only) |

|      |

|Section 6: Budget for Proposed Tourism Project or New Festival or Event |

|List below a detailed budget of your proposed tourism project or new festival or event, including the type and value of proposed project costs. Please remember that |

|advertising, marketing & promotional costs are not eligible expenses for Celebrate Ontario. The budget should detail: |

|Revenues by source and expenses by category. |

|Levels of funding from private and public sector partners, including cash and in-kind contributions. Please note if cash from other sources is confirmed or pending. |

|The type and value of the proposed tourism project or new festival or event project costs for which you are seeking Celebrate Ontario 2012 funding. |

|The value of in-kind contributions must be balanced by equivalent expenses. |

|Proposed Tourism Project or New Festival or Event Budget for the Year Ending:      |

|Revenues (list): |Amounts (list): |

|Federal –       | Confirmed Pending |      |

|Other Provincial –       | Confirmed Pending |      |

|Municipal –       | Confirmed Pending |      |

|Celebrate Ontario Request       | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|      | Confirmed Pending |      |

|Total Revenues: ∅ |[pic]      |

|Expenses (list): |Amounts (list): |Celebrate Ontario 2012 Funding|

| | |Request |

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|Total Expenses: ∅ |[pic]      |[pic]      |

| |

|Notes: |

|      |

|Section 7: Sustainability |

|Describe below the long-term (three year) viability and sustainability of your proposed tourism project and the future benefits to the organization’s tourism |

|objectives. Including: |

|The future need or demand by the tourism market for your proposed tourism project. |

|How your proposed project supports the tourism development goals of your organization including multi-year tourism objectives, sponsorships, tourism market development |

|and package development |

|Describe with a strong tourism rationale how you expect to finance the proposed tourism project over the next three years. |

|Provide an explanation of your surplus or deficit management strategy. If there is a surplus, what is your plan for this money? |

|(Please restrict answer to space provided.) |

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|      |

|Section 8: Marketing Plan |

|Using the charts below, identify the following for your event’s marketing or promotion plan without the proposed tourism project or new tourism festival or event. |

|Target Markets |

|Estimated media buy costs |

|In-kind or sponsored publicity |

|How the marketing or promotion plan for your proposed tourism project differs from your existing marketing or promotion plan (this does not apply to new tourism |

|festivals or events) |

|(A glossary of marketing terms can be found in the Application Guide.) |

|Current Marketing Plan |

|Target Market | |Costs |Placement Dates |Reach |

| | | |(yyyy/mm/dd) |(e.g. number of |

| |Marketing Tactics | |(e.g. calendar date(s) |possible visitors that|

| |(e.g. print, Internet, | |when ads & promotional |your advertisement |

| |radio, TV, etc.) | |activities occur) |campaign will connect |

| | | | |with) |

|Market Segment |Geographic Focus | |Cash |In-Kind | | |

|(e.g. age, values, |(e.g. visitor’s | | |(e.g. donations of | | |

|lifestyle, education, |location, city, etc.) | | |time, services, | | |

|occupation, income, | | | |resources, venues, | | |

|etc.) | | | |etc.) | | |

| |      |      |      |      |      |      |

| |      |      |      |      |      |      |

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|Proposed Additions to Marketing Plan for proposed tourism project or new festival or event (if you secure Celebrate Ontario funding) |

|Target Market |Marketing Tactics |Costs |Placement Dates |Reach |

| |(e.g. print, Internet, | |(yyyy/mm/dd) |(e.g. number of |

| |radio, TV) | |(e.g. calendar date(s) |possible visitors that|

| | | |when ads & promotional |your advertisement |

| | | |activities occur) |campaign will connect |

| | | | |with) |

|Market Segment |Geographic Focus | |Cash |In-Kind | | |

|(e.g. age, values, |(e.g. visitor’s | | |(e.g. donations of | | |

|lifestyle, education, |location, city, etc.) | | |time, services, | | |

|occupation, income, | | | |resources, venues, | | |

|etc.) | | | |etc.) | | |

|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

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|Comments: |

|      |

|Section 9: Organizational Capacity |

|Number of employees: |Full time |Part time |Volunteer |

| |      |      |      |

|Describe below your organization’s history of presenting tourism festivals or events and include past achievements. |

|Provide details on staffing and relevant staff experience for those managing or running your tourism festival or event. |

|Describe your organization’s monitoring and reporting mechanisms to governing bodies (e.g., a Board of Directors). |

|Describe your organization’s ability to undertake the proposed tourism project or new festival or event project. |

|(Please restrict your answer to space provided below only) |

|      |

|Section 10: Current Financial Position |

|For existing tourism festivals and events, please use your latest available audited financial statement, Board-endorsed or Treasurer-certified financial statement from |

|your latest tourism festival or event (not the organization applying) to complete the following statement of operations. |

|New tourism festival or event applicants without a previous year of financial information are required to provide financial information on their sponsor organization. |

|Your statement should include revenues by source (e.g., ticketing, sponsorships, donations, fundraising, etc.) and expenses by category (e.g., wages and salaries, |

|utilities, professional services, maintenance, artists’ fees, production costs, etc.), and should indicate levels of funding from private and public sector partners. |

|Statement of Operations for the year ending:      |

|Revenues (list): |Amounts (list): |

| |      |

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|Total Revenues: ∅ |[pic]      |

| | |

|Expenses (list): |Amounts (list): |

| |      |

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|Total Expenses: ∅ |[pic]      |

|Excess (deficit) of Revenues over Expenses: ∅ |[pic]      |

| |

|Notes: |

|      |

|Section 11: Community Support |

|Is your tourism festival or event involved in the work of your RTO? Yes No |

|If yes, please describe. |

|      |

|Does your tourism festival or event support your municipal tourism goals? Yes No |

|If yes, please describe. |

|      |

|In addition, please select two references from your community who are: familiar with your organization, familiar with your proposed application and familiar with the |

|benefits of your tourism festival or event to your community. Applicants must have each reference complete and sign a separate Celebrate Ontario 2012 Community Reference|

|Form, which can be found on the Celebrate Ontario website (ontario.ca/celebrateontario or ontario.ca/fetonsontario ). Please see the Application Guidelines and |

|the Community Reference Form for further details. |

|Section 12: Impact |

|Describe below: |

|Past activity of your tourism festival or event. |

|Your anticipated activity (for the upcoming year) related to your new festival or event or your tourism festival/event without the proposed tourism project. |

|The incremental activity (additional activity compared to previous years) that you anticipate for your proposed tourism project. |

|For new tourism festivals or events, you are only required to fill in the “Proposed Project Activity Only” column. |

|Use the latest information available from your existing tourism festival or event or your plans for your new tourism festival or event. |

|Anticipated and incremental activity estimates should represent your best efforts to develop these estimates using market intelligence, comparables, independent or third|

|party assessments (e.g., consulting firm studies, police crowd estimates, ticketing and turnstile counts, etc.) or your own experience with tourism festivals and events.|

|Applicants that provide credible explanations for the basis of their estimates will score higher in their evaluations than those applicants that do not provide such |

|support for their estimates. |

|Enhanced or new tourism festivals or events that demonstrate significant geographic reach and attendance increases will score higher in their evaluations than those |

|tourism festivals or events without such additional geographic reach and attendance increases. |

|Please indicate all numbers in full. |FESTIVAL/EVENT ONLY |PROPOSED PROJECT |

| |(not including proposed project activities) |ACTIVITY ONLY |

| |Actual Totals |Projected Increase for 2012/13 |2012/13 |

| |for 2011/12 | |Anticipated Increase |

|1 |Attendance – Local (within 40 km) |      |      |      |

|2 |Attendance – Other Ontario |      |      |      |

|3 |Attendance – Other Canada |      |      |      |

|4 |Attendance – United States |      |      |      |

|5 |Attendance – International |      |      |      |

|6 |TOTAL ATTENDANCE |0[pic]0 |0[pic]0 |0[pic]0 |

| | | | | |

|7 |Total Visitor Expenditures ($) at Festival/Event |      |      |      |

|8 |Average Length of Stay (Days) |      |      |      |

|9 |Number of Same-Day Visitors |      |      |      |

|10 |Number of Overnight Visitors |      |      |      |

| | | | | |

|Describe the basis of your estimates of the above (e.g., market intelligence, comparables, independent or third party assessments, aerial photos, police counts etc.) |

|Provide an explanation of how the origin of tourists was determined. Include data sources (e.g. economic impact report, client survey, gate receipt, physical count, |

|etc.). (Please restrict your answer to space provided below only) |

|      |

|Section 13: Performance Measures |

|Describe below how your organization will evaluate your proposed tourism project to determine if its objectives have been met and how your organization plans to measure |

|its own success with the proposed tourism project. |

|New tourism festivals or events should describe performance measures for the new tourism festival or event being proposed. |

|(Please restrict your answer to space provided below only) |

|      |

|Section 14: Contact Information of Person in Applicant Organization Authorized to Sign Legal Agreement |

|Applicants are expected to be compliant with the Ontario Human Rights Code and all other applicable laws. The Ontario Human Rights Code provides for equal treatment in |

|the areas of services, goods, facilities, accommodation, contract and employment without discrimination on the grounds of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic|

|origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, family status, marital status, the receipt of public assistance (in accommodation only), and record|

|of offences (in employment only). Failure to comply with the letter and spirit of the Ontario Human rights Code will render the application ineligible for a grant, and |

|in the event a grant is made, liable to repay the grant in its entirety at the request of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. |

|Celebrate Ontario 2012 grant recipients should be aware that the Province is bound by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F. 31, as |

|amended from time to time, and that any information provided to the Province in connection with their Celebrate Ontario 2011 application may be subject to disclosure in |

|accordance with the requirements of that Act. Please note: If applicant is successful, the Signing Officer must be available to sign the Ontario Funding Agreement. |

|Authorized Signing Officer Information |

|Contact Last Name |Contact First Name |Salutation |

|      |      |      |

|Position/Title |

|      |

|Unit No. |Street No. |Street Name |PO Box |

|      |      |      |      |

|City/Town |Province |Postal Code |

|      |     |      |

|Telephone No. |Fax No. |Email Address |

|        -      |        -      |      |

| |I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true, correct and complete. |

| |(Note: Signature not required, please check box instead.) |

|Date (yyyy/mm/dd) |

|      |


Regional Tourism Advisor Contact list

|Office Region |Tourism Advisor |Contact Information |

|District Municipality of Muskoka |Laura Hernando |705-646-0641 |

| | |Laura.Hernando@ontario.ca |

|Simcoe County |Gary Molnar |705-739-6695 |

| | |Gary.Molnar@ontario.ca |

|Toronto, York, Durham, Peel & Halton Regions |Patty Devlin |416-314-7208 |

| | |Patricia.Devlin@ontario.ca |

|Counties of Wellington, Regional Municipality of Waterloo and Regional Municipality |Paul Samson |519-571-6116 |

|of Niagara |Froncophone Consultant |Paul.Samson@ontario.ca |

|Counties of Brant, Elgin, Huron, Middlesex, Perth, Norfolk, Oxford and City of |Nancy Fallis |519-873-4482 |

|Hamilton, Regional Municipality of Halton | |Nancy.Fallis@ontario.ca |

|City of Windsor and Counties of Essex, Lambton, Haldimand Municipality of |Janet Jones |519-973-6320 |

|Chatham-Kent, | |Janet.Jones@ontario.ca |

|Kenora Area Team |Frank Bastone |807-468-2820 |

| | |Frank.Bastone@ontario.ca |

|North Bay Area Team |Siobhan O’Leary |705-494-4163 |

| | |Siobhan.Oleary@ontario.ca |

|Sault Ste. Marie Area Team |Mark Melisek |705-945-5913 |

| | |Mark.Melisek@ontario.ca |

|Sudbury Area Team |Gillian Schultze |705-564-7361 |

| |Francophone Consultant |Gillian.Schultze@ontario.ca |

|Thunder Bay Area Team |Susan Gammon |807-475-1483 |

| | |Susan.Gammon@ontario.ca |

|Timmins Area Team |Siobhan O’Leary |705-235-1665 |

| | |Siobhan.Oleary@ontario.ca |

|Lennox and Addington County, Frontenac County, United Counties of Leeds and |Blair Harris |613-531-5581 |

|Grenville, United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry | |Blair.Harris@ontario.ca |

|City of Ottawa, Renfrew County, Lanark County, and the United Counties of |Jonathon Harris |613-742-3368 |

|Prescott-Russell | |Jonathon.Harris@ontario.ca |

|Counties of Peterborough, Northumberland, Haliburton, Hastings, Prince Edward |Beverley Quirt |705-755-5883 |

|County, City of Kawartha Lakes | |Beverley.Quirt@ontario.ca |

|Signature Tier 3 applicants and general program inquiries |Chris Rosati |416-327-3733 |

| | |Christopher.Rosati@ontario.ca |


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