GRCC S3 | Information on Kairos happenings for GRCC S3


Joining the Kairos prison ministry requires some personal sacrifices of your time, talent and treasure. Here's a few things to prayerfully keep in mind if you are going to make the commitment to be on a team:


1.* There is a $100 donation (checks made payable to Kairos of Virginia) to help cover the costs of each 4-day weekend. This will be collected at either the first or second team meeting.

2.* Hotel stays: We stay at the Hampton Inn in Stony Creek, VA. The special Kairos rate is $84.00 plus taxes per night. You will likely be staying for 4 nights during a four day Kairos weekend. Choose a roommate and split the cost.

3. Meals. Most meals will be provided by the Outside Team. However, there are incidental meals, including the cost of meals for any guests you might invite to the Closing Ceremony on Sunday.

4. Transportation costs – your gas to get to and from the Kairos weekend.


1. There will be three team meetings in Northern Virginia on Saturdays prior to the four day weekend: February 20, March 12th and April 9th 2016. In order to be on the K-60 team you will need to attend a minimum of two of these three team meetings.

2. All new team members: You will need to go to Greensville Correctional Center for mandatory orientation and have your fingerprints taken for mandatory background checks on either the first Monday of January, February, or March 2016. In most cases, transportation and a lunch will be provided.

3. The four day weekend itself for K-60 at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, VA– we begin either Wednesday afternoon, April,13th and conclude the weekend the evening of April 17th, 2016.

4. There will be a one day follow-up at Greensville with your table family on May 14th 2016.

5. There will be a two-day Kairos workshop in January 9&10, 2016.

6. Once each month we have scheduled reunions at Greensville. You will be asked to attend as many as your schedule permits.

7. On most Monday evenings we have Prayer and Share meetings at Greensville so that the Kairos members on the inside have an opportunity to small group. You will be asked to attend several of these over the course of a year.


You will be asked to be a servant of our Lord for the Kairos K-60 weekend. Everything we do is done in humility and in the spirit of God's love.

*Note: Financial assistance is available if needed. Please contact a member of the K-60 leadership team: Steve Kinner or Marvin Hankton.


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