The Hand of God


A Screenplay by Brent Paine


(Pan to First-Person Eddie)


Chris sits in a chair at the far end of the room. The dim lights shine on his face showing a worn, young man. The bags under his eyes resemble that of a 60 year-old, the red veins coursing through his eyes hide the white, making his eyes a dark pink. He sits, slumped, smoking a cigarette in a large futuristic chair. A young and vibrant woman enters the room. Chris gestures to her, asking her to sit in the chair opposite him.


"Please, sit down."

Slightly sedated the young woman sits at the chair opposite Chris. Eddie looks back to see the door quickly shut behind her. Eddie re-focuses on Chris as he leans back in his chair and begins to speak.


"I remember when I first came here. Not sure what to

believe, not sure why I was here, but.

don't be afraid. I am not going to harm you.

You are a strong young woman. Exactly what I need."

Chris begins to reminisce.


"Ahhh, I hardly remember what it was like to be young.

You have all the energy in the world and nothing to do with it."

Chris composes himself, clears his throat and gets back on topic.


"Anyway, I'll bet you want to know where you are

and why you are here. Maybe why did I pick you?"

Eddie looks Chris in the eye and rebuts.


"Yeah, that and maybe who you are."


"Who I am? I think I have a story that will answer that."


Chris walks down the hallway of his high school, passing the odd person sitting at their locker or walking down the hallway. A private religious school the halls were immaculately cleaned, reflecting the lights from the ceiling. Banners hung from the ceiling signifying graduation, "Congratulations Class of 2002". Posters of a year-end dance were placed neatly along the corridor.


"It was my senior year of high school. I was set to

get out of my hometown and move onto better things.

I was set to start Harvard next semester meaning

that I could finally be away from the watchful eye

of my father and everyone else in the town.

Unfortunately, my plans changed over the next 24 hours."

Chris reaches out for the doorknob of the principal's office, opens the door slowly, and enters the office.


Chris enters the room and approaches the front desk. Sitting at the desk is a middle-aged woman, her hair in a bun on the top of her head and a pair of glasses rested on her nose. She looks up from her computer, looks at Chris and asks him to wait.


"Well hello Chris. Principal Park is just finishing up

please just have a seat and he will be right with you."



Chris walks to the seat closest to the hallway that leads to the principal's office. He swings his backpack from his shoulder and stores it under the seat. He then sits in the seat and plays with a pencil. Finally, after waiting a few seconds a student exits from the hallway that leads from the principal's office. Mrs. Roth watches the student leave and then uses the intercom beside her desk to announce Chris.


"Mr. Park, Chris Creemore is here to see you."

Principal Park's reply sounds frustrated.


"Send him in please."

Mrs. Roth turns to Chris and asks him to enter the Principal's Office.


"Chris, Principal Park will see you now."

Chris gets up from his seat, puts his pencil pack in his backpack and slings his backpack over his shoulder again. Chris turns the corner and enters the principal's office.


Principal Park's office is fairly small. University degrees hang on the wall behind his desk and the rest of the room is somewhat bare except for a flag on one wall and a bookshelf on the other. The desk almost seems too long for the room. Two seats sit in front of the cluttered desk and Principal Park sits behind the desk. Chris approaches the desk.


"Please have a seat Chris."

Chris pulls out the chair in the right and sits down at the desk.


"I have been having some complaints, once again, about your

attitude in certain classes."

Chris stands his ground as though he has fought this battle before.


"Hmmmm, let me guess. Religion with Mrs. Lipton."


"Chris, your disruptions in class cannot be tolerated

anymore. We are entering the last week of school

but I will not hesitate to expel you if your antics

do not cease."

Chris sits up in his chair and barks back at Principal Park.


"Are you threatening me?"

Principal Park matches Chris' posture and continues his speech.


"Trust me Chris, that is no threat. But if you think that

Harvard will look past an expulsion then perhaps you

aren't as smart as I thought."

Reality hits Chris. He is at the mercy of Principal Park so he begins to listen to reason. Principal Park calms his voice, reseats himself and continues again.


"When you first came to my school I thought that

you would be the least of my problems. How could

the son of the local reverend give me any headaches?

And for the first few years I was right. Then, this year,

after your mother died, you have changed so much."

Chris looks at Principal Park and begins to get defensive.


"Don't you dare bring my mother into this."

Principal Park, again, becomes boisterous.


"Chris. In one year you have nearly undone

the fabric that holds this school together. I now

have a cult of atheists running the hallways

of a Catholic school because one boy thought

that God had given up on him. Chris, you are

a natural born leader. I just wish that you would

use that gift to promote the good of God."


"The good of God? My mother went to church

every Sunday for over 30 years and she died

of a cold. A fucking cold!"


"Chris, don't use that foul language in my office."

Chris stands up and points to the degrees on the wall behind Principal Park.


"Look at these, Degrees of an intelligent man. So let me

ask you Mr. Park, what evidence do you have that

suggests there is a God? Have you ever seen God?

No. Do you think that, logically, one man can listen to

billions of people at a time? Seems a bit far-fetched to me.

And do you think that one man created and maintains this

entire planet? If you believe that then obviously YOU are

not as smart as I thought."

The bell rings signifying the end of the day.


"School's out. Get on the fucking bus."

Chris picks up his bag, slings it over his shoulder and walks out the door. Principal Park just stands there enraged as Chris walks out the door and slams it behind him.


Chris walks out the front door of the school with a horde of other students. Willy waits for Chris, leaning up against a wall at the bottom of the school steps. Chris notices Willy and begins to make his way over, weaving his way through the crowd of students. Chris approaches Willy, wraps his arm around his neck and pulls him along.


"Let's get outta here."



"So I heard you and Park had a little pow-wow."



"Yeah, I think that Mr. Park and I are really going to

be good friends. I like him, he likes me, it's got friendship

written all over it."


"Yeah, but you'll have to work on the yelling. I heard that

a few classes got to listen to just about everything."


"What a dick that guy is. Do you know that he threatened to

expel me?"


"No, I guess he didn't yell that part."


"I'm almost on the road out of here and he has the gall to

start throwing this bullshit in my face."

Chris punches the palm of his hand as he gets more and more angry at the situation.


"I swear I'd like to just, POP! Knock that fucker on his ass."


"Calm down killer. It's Friday. Let's see what's up."


"Cool. I've just gotta go home quick and get changed.

This uniform makes me ill. It itches like hell too."


"Yeah, I've gotta get changed too. Maybe grab a quick bite to eat too."


"All right then. Let's meet up at say seven at Lucky's?"


"Sounds good. See ya then"



The two split up and begin to walk home.


Chris walks into the house and drops his bag at the front of the door, off to one side.


"Hello? Dad?"

With nobody home Chris walks to the kitchen to start making a quick supper before he gets changed and leaves for the night. He walks into the kitchen whistling as he opens the fridge and looks inside. Nothing suiting his taste, he closes the fridge and begins to rummage through the cupboard. He takes out a can of ravioli and places it on the counter.


"What did they ever do before canned ravioli."

Chris closes the cupboard and opens a counter drawer, removing a can opener and begins opening the can. He gets a bowl from the cupboard just above him and empties the contents of the can into the bowl. He reaches down and pulls a fork from the counter drawer just below him and begins to eat the unheated ravioli as me makes his way back to the front hallway and up the stairs to his room.

He enters his room to the usual mess. With his spare hand he starts pitching clothes from his bed onto the floor. He carefully sits down on his bed, as not to spill anything. He picks up the remote off his nightstand and turns on his television. He finds a channel featuring comedy and begins watching the comedians do their routines.

Not long passes before he hears the front door close. He acknowledges that he heard the door but didn't leave his spot or food to investigate. After a few more seconds Chris' father appears in his door dressed in his church attire. Not looking very happy Chris questions him.


"Something wrong?"

His father makes his way into Chris' room and stands at the corner of the bed blocking Chris' view of the television.


"Funny you should ask. I asked your Principal the

same question when he phoned me."

Chris, knowing he is busted, spouts some of his hostility and trying to keep quiet.


(under his breath)

"What an asshole."

Charles progressively gets angry with Chris.


"What? You don't think that a parent has the

right to know when their son is causing trouble

or, in your case, creating a cult?"

Chris places his ravioli on the nightstand and attempts to use sarcasm to weasel his way out of trouble, only making things worse.


"Well I learn from the best, Dad."


"The church is hardly a cult, Chris"


"Well let's see. A group of people with similar beliefs,

following or worshiping a common person or being (God),

in the hopes of achieving a common goal (ridding the world of

sinners). You are forced to attend. Sounds like a cult to me."


"Well you're wrong Chris. The church has never forced

anyone to attend."


"Yeah Dad, and if you don't then you go to hell, right?

Man, what a scam."

Chris gets up off the bed and begins gesturing like a preacher in front of his congregation.


"Come to Church and give us your

money or you will go to hell!"


"Chris, I don't want to hear it. Keep your beliefs to yourself"

Chris gets right in his father's face and points at him.


"Then keep yours to yourself."

Chris tries to move past his father to get into the hallway. Charles grabs Chris by the shoulder of his uniform jacket.


"Where do you think you're going?"



Charles pulls Chris back into his room and throws him onto his bed.


"You're not going anywhere. We're not even

close to being finished here."


"No Dad, I think we've both said enough. So I'm

going to get up, leave, and I'll see you tomorrow."

Chris begins to get up from his bed. Just as he is about to get to his feet Charles rears back and slaps Chris across the face with the back of his hand, sending Chris to his bed once again. Chris lifts his head from the middle of his bed. He looks down at the sheet to see a small blood mark on the bed. He reaches to his mouth with his right hand and, with his thumb, wipes the blood off the corner of his lip. He pulls his hand away from his mouth and looks at the blood covering his thumb. His eyes fill with anger as he looks up at his father who is now towering right over him.


"Now sit and listen."

Chris, now more determined than ever, rises from his bed again. Charles backs up to allow him room to get up from his bed. Just as Charles backs up Chris rears back and slugs Charles across the cheek. Charles stumbles back against Chris' door and Chris lunges in again, connecting with a hard punch to the stomach. Charles hunches over before being hit again in the face as Chris hits him with a hard cross to the side of the head. Charles slumps to the floor and Chris steps over him. He turns around and speaks down to his father in a dominant voice.


"I'm goin' out. Love Ya."

Chris turns and walks down the stairs as Charles lies on the floor with blood dripping from his nose and mouth as he winces in pain.


Chris enters and looks around the pool hall. His uniform is slightly scuffed from his skirmish with Charles and the top buttons on his shirt are ripped off, but he walks in with his head high. The hall is filled with smoke that lingers near the top of the room. The young bartender stands at the bar to the left of the room and nods as Chris makes eye contact with him. Chris walks over to him and sits at a stool in the middle of the bar.


"Hey Chris, how's it goin'?

Chris cracks a slight grin as he looks down the pool hall.




"Oh yeah?"

Uninterested in small talk Chris brushes off the bartender.


"Yeah. Can I please get a beer?"


"I don't know Chris. You're gonna get me fired."


"Harry, who got you this job?"




"That's right! I did. Now just get me a beer….please."

Harry reaches behind the bar, grabs a beer, uncaps the bottle and hands it to Chris. Chris takes the bottle by the neck, tosses a five dollar bill on the bar and proceeds to get up from the barstool.


"Alright, but I can't keep doing this."



"Of course not."

Chris snickers and begins to make his way toward the back of the pool hall. Chris makes his way down the middle of the pool hall, walking past table after table while he draws a pack of cigarettes from the breast pocket of his uniform and inserts a cigarette into his mouth. He reaches the last set of tables and plops himself down on a chair beside a beautiful young lady. She smiles at him as he cocks his head toward her.


"Need a light?"

Lacey extends her lighter to Chris as he leans down, sucking back on the cigarette and igniting the end.



Something catches Lacey's eye behind Chris. Chauncey approaches from the washroom. He walks over to Chris and feels the fabric of his suit. He giggles and then greets Chris sarcastically.



"Very nice. Is that polyester?"



"You know what? It could be."

Chauncey reaches behind Lacey and pulls around a stool. He sits in front of Lacey and Chris, forming a triangle.


"We heard what happened today. Were you a bad boy?"

Chris shakes his head with the mention of the subject.


"Word spreads quick doesn't it?"


"Around here? Damn right."

Chris turns his head slightly to the left, exposing his injured lip.


"Ouch. What's with your lip."

She reaches out and touches his lip. Chauncey grabs her hand from the side of Chris' face.



"Don't touch that. You don't know what kinda diseases

he has."

Lacey quickly shakes off Chauney's hand and slaps him in the chest as Chauncey laughs.


"Yeah, that was really fucking sensitive Chauncey."

Chauncey throws his hands back.



Chris strokes the dried blood off his lip and licks the wound out of the side of his mouth.


"Yeah, ole' Charles heard about my conversation with

Park too. Unfortunately, he didn't think it was that funny."


"Did he hit you?"


"He hit me a little, I hit him a little."


"Boy, you are in some deep shit when you get home."


"Hmmm, am I going home? Not likely.

Besides I've got my college fund. All I have

to do is survive one more week of school and I

can take off to Harvard and move in early."


"Well if you need a place to stay then you can

always crash at my place for a few days."

Chauncey perks up again at the mention of someone moving in with Lacey. He jokingly responds to the suggestion.


"I don't think so! The last thing that I need to

calm my nerves is a young stud moving in on…

I mean with my girl."

Chauncey smiles at Chris. Chris smiles back at the compliment.


"No, no, no. I think that if Mr. Chris here is going

to be moving anywhere it should be to my place.

After all, I've known him longer and this way he

won't be sleepin' with nobody's girlfriends."



"Ok, well I'll have to think about that, but I think that Willy

will probably be my first choice. You see if I stay with Willy

then I won't be sleeping with anyone."

Chauncey laughs and like a whip comes back with a witty response.


"Except his Mom!"

Chauncey bursts into laughter. Lacey whacks him again, on the shoulder, but Chauncey is able to cover up to soften the blow.


"What an asshole!"

Chris starts to giggle and responds to Chauncey.


"Well his Mom is pretty hot."

Lacey turns her attention from Chauncey and hits Chris on the side of the arm. Chris grabs his arm and curses.


"Ow! Shit! I think you hit some muscle."

Chauncey turns and starts laughing at Chris. Chauney explains and demonstrates how not to be hit.


"Oh yeah, she hits it every time. You've gotta watch

for it and curl up when you see it comin'"

Lacey looks over Chris' shoulder and sees Willy walking through the door.


"Speak of the devil. There's Willy now."

Chris and Chauncey look around and watch Willy walk down the side of the pool tables. Chauncey slides over beside Lacey and pulls a stool up beside Chris. Willy walks around Chris and sits on the stool that Chauncey pulled out for him. Willy's hair and coat are drenched. Chris and Chauncey laugh at the wet teen.


"Wet out there?"


"Yeah it's raining a little. Don't worry though I think it

stopped just as I walked in. Figures."


"We were just talking about you."


"Nothing bad I hope."


"No, Chris was just saying how hot your Mom is."

Willy looks over at Chris and then back at Lacey.



"Well…She is pretty hot."

The group starts to laugh.


"Man, you're sick."

They compose themselves and begin another conversation.


"Hey Chris, what happened to your face?"


"Don't worry about it. We've got all night to talk about

what happened to me today."


"So what do you boys have on tap for tonight?"



"Well. I was thinking of spending a nice

romantic evening under the stars…with

Lacey of course. Sorry Willy."


"No problem."


"Ok, funny guy. So what did you and Willy have planned?"


"Pretty much the same thing only with Willy."

They all start to giggle.


"Seriously though. Can you set us up with some weed?"

Chauncey grins and looks Chris in the eye.


"Now Chris. I can't promote these blasphemous activities."


"Cut the shit Chauncey."

Chauncey's look grows more serious, but he continues to joke, weighing his options.


"Hmmmm, cut the shit or give you the weed.

I hate tough decisions."

Chris gets more and more anxious.


"Hey, there are other dealers in this town you know."

Chauncey giggles as he blurts out another joke.


"Yeah, if you want to pay those big city prices"


"Fine then, we're gonna head out."


"Wait, wait. Why do you always have to be so serious?"


"Genetics maybe?"

Chauncey laughs and then reaches into his inside jacket pocket and pulls out three small bags of weed. Chauncey and Chris perform the usual handshake to exchange the weed. Chris slips the bags into his pocket and starts to slide some money onto the ledge behind his stool.



Chauncey shakes his head with disapproval.


"This one's on me bro."


"Thanks Chauncey."


"Not a problem."

Chris gets up from his seat to meet Lacey half way for a hug. Willy rises from his seat and steps behind Chris.


"Come here you."

Lacey holds Chris close.


"Love you baby."


"Love you too doll."

Lacey finally lets go and gives Chris a peck on the cheek. Chauncey pipes up as he jokingly plays the jealous boyfriend.



"Hey, hey. I think that's enough. Get outta here

and stop groping my girl, ya little weasel."


"That looked like equal groping to me."


"Hey, you've gotta cop a feel when you can."


"Damn Chris, you just killed your whole case."


"Thanks Matlock."

Chanucey smiles as Chris wipes the lipstick off his cheek and starts to leave.



Chris and Willy spin around, looking back to Chauncey who now has his arm around Lacey.


"Even though you hugged my girl, my offer still stands.

If you're in the neighborhood just stop by."

Chris nods in acceptance.


"Thanks, I might take you up on that."

Chris and Willy turn then walk out the door into the now dark streets.


Chris and Willy lean against a tree, silhouettes against the night sky. The moon shines bright through the trees and drops from the recent rain catch the light, like little prisms hanging from the leaves. Chris, smoking a joint, allows the smoke to billow from his mouth with an effortless exhale.


"So do you think you will forgive your Dad?"


"It's already forgiven. I mean I think I got him worse.

I just don't think that I can face him. At least not for a while."


"I hear that. Your Dad can be harsh."


"It isn't even that. I just have no respect for him


Willy looks at the joint as it becomes smaller and smaller.


"Chris, can I have some now?"


"Just a second, I'm almost done."

Chris takes one last toke from the joint and hands it over to Willy, holding in the smoke to savor his last drag. Willy raises the joint to his mouth and takes a long drag. Willy holds in the smoke for a second but then launches into a coughing fit. Chris releases the smoke and begins to laugh.


(With a mild giggle)

"Don't hack on it, your losing all the smoke"



"Shut up, I'm dying here"

Chris reaches over and forces the joint from Willy's hand and begins smoking it again.


"You choke and hack every time we do this.

Do you like it that much."



"I'm a slow learner. Once I have the technique down

I'll be just fine."

Willy reaches out for the joint again, but Chris pulls it away slightly and Willy touches the cherry, burning his fingertip.


"Ow. Shit! Man, don't burn me with it."



"Damn, you are slow. You're still learning how to reach?"


"That's really funny. Now hand it over."

Willy reaches out and takes the joint from Chris' hand again. He takes another drag and tries not to cough again.


(holding his breath)


Willy hears the crack of a tree branch in the distance.



"Did you hear that?"


"You’re just paranoid"


"Chris, I heard something, I know I did"

Before Willy can even finish his sentence Chris notices a streak of light panning across the trees.


"Fuck, get outta here"

Chris bolts to the left of the tree and Willy wraps around the other end.


"Stop, Police!!!!"

As the bush becomes thicker Chris and Willy are split up.

Chris runs through the bushes as quickly as his legs will carry him, small tree branches whipping off his legs, and his arms deflecting the larger ones.

Willy runs as quickly as he can, his clumsy legs stumbling as he tries to elude his pursuer. The sharp light from a distant flashlight pierces the darkness and slowly gains on Willy. Willy pants heavily as he quickly expends energy to escape. A siren can be heard in the distance.

From over a hill Chris appears through the, now sparse brush. He runs down the hill, breaks through the final bit of brush, crosses the road and hops the fence on the other side, leading into more thick brush.

The sirens begin to ring louder as Willy can see streetlights ahead. Approaching the end of the brush, Willy sees that there is a small ledge and abrupt drop to the curb. Willy speeds towards the bank and jumps from the edge of the embankment.

Just as he lifts off, the police cruiser that was once just a distant noise was now bearing down on him quickly. As he glides through the air the cruiser continues to approach at high speed. The cruiser finally sees the body flying through the air and slams on the brakes sending the back end sliding out.

Willy lands, rolls, and pops up just in time to be hit in the head by the back fender of the cruiser. The blow sends him skidding backwards and he is knocked to the pavement. The pursuing officer emerges from the brush and rushes to help Willy. The officer in the cruiser yells into his radio with a hysterical voice.


"This is 279, Ambulance required on Fairfield Avenue,

three hundred meters south of Fairfield and Jackson.

The victim is a young male, 16 to 18, 160 pounds.

The victim was struck by a cruiser at approximately

40 miles per hour, over"


"Roger that 279, ambulance is being dispatched."

The officer hangs up the CB and rushes out of the cruiser to help.

Chris, hearing the noises, emerges from the bushes across the street. In the shadows, he watches in horror with the lights from the police car lighting the brush behind him. One of the officers turns his head and sees Chris.


"Hey! Kid, Come here!"

Scared, Chris turns and runs. Again branches begin to lash off of his legs as he makes his way through the dense brush. The light behind him slowly fades and he thinks he is safe. With his safety in hand he turns around and starts walking slowly backwards.


"Fuck, what just happened. He's gotta be alright."

Suddenly a spotlight shines on Chris from behind. Caught, he raises his hands in the air.


"Ok, you got me."

He slowly turns around and begins to yell at the dark figure.


"God knows I don't want you to kill me!"

He lowers his hands and slowly walks toward the figure.


"What the fuck did you do?"

He raises his voice another notch.



The figure starts to back off for a moment and then a slight noise starts to come from the figure, almost like a camera flash recharging. Chris stops, thinking it could be a weapon and raises his hands again.


"Ok, take it easy. Just cuff me or do what you have

to do and I'll go right along with you."

Not a second passed before a laser erupted from the figure. The bright purple beam hits Chris in the chest. The beam stops and Chris rears back in pain grabbing his chest with his hands. The purple begins to spread through his arteries, engulfing his body. The shiny substance shows through his clothes as it works its way towards his legs. Once the purple can be seen in his legs he collapses to his knees and then he rolls over onto his side.



The square, white room is brightly lit with almost no seams except for a slight break in the room where the door is. The lights are potted in the ceiling and shine down onto a single operating-type chair in the middle of the room. The chair resembles a modified barber's chair in a reclined position with a single pillar in the middle holding up the chair. Chris' arms are strapped on padded extensions that protrude from either side of the chair and extend above Chris' head at an angle of about 45 degrees. Chris' arms are bound, face up, at the biceps, forearm, wrist, and along the palm of his hand. His legs are spread and strapped to similar extensions of the chair at the thigh, knee and ankle. His body is strapped to the chair at the waist, chest and head. Beside the chair sits a metal instrument tray. The tray is empty. The final objects in the room are four lights that extend from the ceiling. The lamps hang over Chris while their light engulfs his entire body.

Chris begins to wake up from his deep slumber. He seems groggy and his vision is slightly blurred. He begins to open his eyes and is blinded by the lamp hanging over his head.


"Ah, damnit!"

He tries to move his arm to shield his eyes but finds himself strapped to the chair.


"What the fuck? Hello?"

Chris begins to struggle more actively against his restraints. He grunts as he tries to fight the tight, strong restraints.



(slight pause)


(slight pause)


(slight pause)


(slight pause)


(slight pause)


Chris finally gives up his fight and concedes to his restraints. His muscles relax as he gives in to the fight and frustration. He sits in silence for a few seconds, breathing very heavily. He hears a clunk of a lock in the distance. The seams along the door become larger as the door begins to open. From the contrasting, dark hallway appears a petit figure. A beautiful young woman walks into the room. Chris is still disoriented but quietly calls out in the hopes that he will get a response.



Melissa approaches Chris carrying a needle in one hand. Unlike traditional medical practices, she is not wearing anything over her mouth or any gloves on her hands. She walks over to Chris and leans over him, blocking out the light from the lamps.


"Shhhh, everything will be fine. Just relax."

Melissa moves the lamp that was blinding Chris and proceeds to inject the needle into Chris' arm. Before she can get the needle into Chris' arm Chris objects.


"Wait! What is that? Where am I?"

Melissa moves back to Chris and looks him in the face again.


"This is just a mild sedative and don't worry

everything will be explained very soon."

Melissa continues to inject the needle into Chris' arm. She finishes the injection and begins to leave.


"Wait! Why am I here? Who are you?"

Melissa gets to the door and Chris can only hear her muffled voice from behind the door.


"I think he's ready. Take him now before the sedative wears off."

Without another word he hears her footsteps clang on the metal hallway as she walks away. Just as she begins to walk away another figure appears from the dark hallway. A young mammoth of a man enters the room. His biceps look like bowling balls and he seems to be in excellent condition. Again, he is not very old, maybe 19 or 20. He walks over to Chris and begins to undo his restraints.


"Let's get you out of these."


"Who are you?"


"My name is Ben."

Ben finishes undoing Chris' arm restraints and clamps on a handcuff-like device. The thick metal locks in place, an air cushion blows up to hold his wrists in place and a light on the side turns from red to green.


"Ouch, they're a little tight. Can you loosen them a little?"


"Nice try. These are calibrated not to squeeze too hard. You're fine."


"Well maybe they're malfunctioning."


"Trust me, nothing here malfunctions."


"Here? Well Ben, then where is here."

Chris sits up in the chair now that his arms and body have been freed from the restraints.


"I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. I'll let them tell you."




"The one's who chose you."


"Chose me? Chose me for what?"


"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."


"Right now? I think I would."


"Well I am not obliged to give you any information at this time.

Talk to me later and I'll fill you in on everything."

Ben finishes releasing Chris from the chair and pushes a button at the side of the chair that brings it to an upright position and then slowly drops to the floor. Ben extends his hand to Chris, grabs him by the cuffs and pulls him out of the chair. Ben presses a button on the cuffs and releases a short wire. He pulls on the cable like a dog leash and guides Chris out the door.


"Follow me."


"Do I have a choice?"


"No. They're waiting for you."


The metal corridor leads down a long hallway. The lights are dim and the metal corridor gives off a distinctive sound with each footstep.


"Can't you tell me anything?"


"There is only one thing that I can tell you.

Keep an open mind. There is no turning

back now. You don't have a choice. Your

destiny is already chosen."


"What do you mean? That's just a tad vague."

Ben stops at a door in the hallway.


"Just remember what I told you. Talk to me later and

I will tell you more."

Before Chris can respond Ben pushes an intercom button beside the door and begins to speak to a voice beyond the door.


"He is here."

The intercom rings back.


"Send him in. Thank you Ben, that will be all."

The door slides open into a dark room. A light shines from behind a wall to the right. Ben pulls Chris by the cuffs and urges him into the room. Ben whispers one last sentence before Chris walks slowly into the room.


"You can't go home."

Chris looks back at Ben before the door closes behind him.


The door opens into an L-shaped hallway that leads around the corner into a small circular room. The floors are plated with a shiny metal that gives as you step on it, making it very quiet. Chris walks down the hallway and turns into the small circular room where he sees a single lamp hanging over a table that looks like an old tabletop arcade game. The table is located in the far corner of the room. Three chairs are seated around the table, two large chairs on either side and one smaller chair behind the table. Pictures hang on either side of the table and are divided in the middle by a small partition in the wall directly behind the smaller chair. On the left side of the partition hang pictures of Albert Einstein, Steven Hawking, and other researchers. On the other side hang pictures of madmen like Adolf Hitler and Mussolini as well as portraits of a couple Popes. As Chris approaches the table the chair on the left spins around revealing an older man sitting at the table. He is dressed in a silky robe and has a cane to walk with. His hair is a lime-green color and hangs down below his waist and his eyes are white, completely blank. He looks at Chris and smiles. Then he gestures to Chris to approach.


"Please…sit. We have much to talk about."

Chris walks over to the seat on the right and reaches out to sit.


"Stop. This is your seat."

ZhulHar directs Chris to the small seat behind the table. Chris does as he is told and sits at the chair behind the table. He places his arms on the armrests and leans back to get comfortable.


"I take it you have plenty of questions?"


"Yeah. Like why am I here? Never mind that, where IS here?"


"Please let me explain. Hopefully I can clear up most of your

questions. My name is ZhulHar. I am a warrior from the Order

of Kitrah. I was sent here to do battle with an opponent from

the Baaklar."


"You're not human."


"No, but not far off human form. I come from a planet called Angropion.

My race, the Rejhal, has lived there for millions of years.

We are a civilization of shape-shifters. We are able to take the

form of many different creatures that we have experienced

throughout out lives. However, when we are in regular form

we closely resemble a human."


"So who is this opponent? Where is he or it?"


"The Baaklar do not have specific genders.

They are a warrior race built for destruction. My opponent

is named Mofdo. I did not want to frighten you with his

presence before you were relaxed."


"So where is it?"


"IT? Well you just about sat on IT. Mofdo?"

With the signal from ZhulHar a figure begins to appear in the seat to the right of the table. The head of the animal resembled that of a cross between an insect and a doberman. The skin was pulled tightly over the skeletal system of the animal and the ears were pointed and pinned back. With the absence of lips the animal's teeth were exposed and it's nostrils flared. The animal stood nearly 12 feet tall with two arms and two legs. The arms had claws for hands and razor sharp talons protruding from the wrist. At the knee the same talons shot out. With the emergence of the monstrous creation Chris lept off of his chair and stood to the left of ZhulHar.


"I warned you. Although not a pretty creature by human

standards, this race is perfect in nearly every aspect.

They are intelligent, great military strategists,

dominant warriors in hand to hand combat and they

have the ability to become invisible at their own will.

Unfortunately, they are not able to speak foreign

languages. Their under-developed voice boxes

only allow for the use of their own language.

Luckily, they developed a voice synthesizer

for use in this battle. Say hi Mofdo."

Mofdo looks at ZhulHar and lets out a sigh before raising a small box to its throat.


"Hello Christopher. Arrrrgg!!!"

Mofdo greets Chris and then lets out a large roar.


"Oh yes, the synthesizer can often be very

painful for the Baaklar. For this reason I will

translate most of Mofdo's instructions.

Don't be afraid. Sit down.

Mofdo won't hurt you."

Chris slowly makes his way back to his seat, keeping an eye on Mofdo as he sits down.


"So what is this place?"


"You are on a space ship.

The ship was supplied for the battle

by the Baaklar. It was created to be the

perfect habitat for humans."


"Why humans?"

ZhulHar presses a button on a console attached to the table. A holograph of the Earth shoots up from the screen on the table.


"Our war is much different than what you have experienced.

When war is declared between two barbaric races the two

fight physically, like the humans. When war is declared

by two intelligent races a game of strategy begins.

The Baaklar have the ability to fight both physically

and strategically. So when they declared war on the Rejhal,

a race that could only fight strategically, a game strategy


ZhulHar rises from his seat and waddles over to Chris. Standing beside Chris, ZhulHar points to the Earth.


"The Earth is the playing field and the human race is the game."


"I still don't understand."

The hologram changes from the Earth to the scene of a meteor hitting the Earth and bringing the ice age.


"All life on Earth was extinguished tens of thousands of years ago

by the Rejhal and Baaklar. This meant that the planet could be used

for our battle. Since the Baaklar declared the war, the Rejhal had

to supply a race to do battle with. This race was the human race.

Organisms were engineered and planted by the Rejhal giving way

to life on Earth once again. Every living thing on Earth was created and

placed on Earth by the Rejhal."

ZhulHar returns to his seat and takes a seated position again as he fiddles with the console in front of him. The hologram cuts from the ice age scene to a human body.


"It was determined that the dominant of the species planted

would be the humans. In early civilization Earth was visited

by the Rejhal and Baaklar."

The human hologram zooms in on the hand and a microchip is outlined in the top of the hand.


"Transmitters made of human tissue were placed in the hand

of a select few of the humans so that they could be controlled

from this room."

The screen switches to a modern day scene.


"And so the battle began. The first to have all of the

humans under their control killed…loses."


"So how has this "game" carried on so long?"


"The chip is passed down from generation to generation.

The children of a human with a microchip will also

contain a microchip. It is the design of the chip to replicate

itself when the human is with child."


"So why am I here?"


"You are a special case, Christopher. With such a complex game

there can be many rules that are judged differently by each

player. For this reason we require a mediator. A neutral party

to decide the outcome of an action. Mediators are those born of

the blood of both the good.."

ZhulHar points to himself.


". . .and the Evil."

ZhulHar points to Mofdo. Mofdo acknowledges ZhulHar and he continues.


"How can that be? Both of my parents were good people."


"Christopher, good and evil may be tougher to tell

apart than you think. Your mother was of my creation, she

was good. Your father was created by Mofdo and is evil."


"But he’s a priest"


"I thought you had already figured this out.

Religion IS evil. Mofdo created religion as a

means of controlling humans without a microchip.

Almost all of the humans under Mofdo's control

are preachers of religion."

ZhulHar points to the pictures on the wall behind Chris.


"Almost anyone who is a human that dictates or fights for

control over a large populous will have been created by Mofdo."

ZhulHar points to the pictures hanging on his side of the partition.


"I create humans that strive for scientific knowledge, cures

for disease and improved technology. Almost all of my creations have

been great scientific and military minds. Finally, there are humans that we

use to stop one another from doing harm to the humans that

we need to successfully win the game, they are called MCE's or

Micro-chipped Expendable Humans. Your mother was an MCE."

Chris starts to become frustrated with all of the knowledge that he has been given.


"Ok, this is just getting to be a little too much.

How should I know what is allowed and what isn't,

in your little game?"

ZhulHar reaches down under his chair and pulls out a rather thick, dictionary sized book.

He places the book on the table in front of Chris.


"Every rule that you need to be aware of is

written in this book."

Chris picks up the book and looks at the thickness of it.


"And you expect me to read all of this?"


"In time, yes."

Chris puts the book back on the table.


"What about in the mean time?

Is there anyone that will be teaching me?"


"Unfortunately, no. Our last mediator committed

suicide in the mess hall."


"Suicide? Why?"


"I will not lie to you. Your job will be very mentally

demanding. You will see horrific things that you will not

be able to prevent. The only rule is that you stay within

the guidelines written in that book."


"And if I say that I don't want to be your mediator?"


"Then you will be killed."


"Killed? Why?"


"We cannot put you back on Earth.

Having you on Earth now will create

an unbalanced population."

Chris starts to become more boisterous and rises from his seat.


"Well it seems that I don't have a choice now do I?"


"No, Christopher. There is always a choice.

However harsh it may be."

Chris puts both of his hands down on the table and speaks harshly to ZhulHar in an inferior, slave-like tone.


"Well, may I leave then, Master?"


"There is no need to become angry, Christopher.

I have just given you the greatest power that

any human could imagine. Do you not appreciate it?"


"Don't get me wrong, I appreciate this opportunity

but it seems a little bit out of my league."


"It may seem that way, but you have been

conditioned for this position for your entire life.

You will do fine."


"Maybe it all just has to sink in."


"That is a possibility. Let me have Ben escort you

to the mess hall. You can get some food and relax.

You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow."

ZhulHar presses the intercom button on his console and begins to pipe into the intercom.


"Ben, could you please escort our new addition to

the mess hall for some food?"

Ben's voice rings back through the intercom.


"I'm on my way."

ZhulHar sits back in his chair and tries to get Chris to relax.


"Please sit. I'm sure that Ben will be along shortly."


"I'm fine. I think I'll wait in the hallway."

ZhulHar goes along with Chris' request and presses another button on his console. Chris hears a locking mechanism coming from the door to the hallway.


"I've just unlocked the door. You are free to go."

Chris begins to make his way towards the exit.


"Thank you."

ZhulHar picks up the rule book from the table and holds it in the air.


"Aren't you forgetting something, Christopher?"

Chris turns around quickly and sees the book in ZhulHar's hand. He walks back and takes the book from ZhulHar before spouting his trademark sarcasm.


"Oh, don't want to forget that."

Chris turns and, again, makes his way toward the door and enters into the hallway.


Chris leans against the wall while he waits for Ben. He begins to slide down the wall to sit on the floor and look over his rulebook. As he slides down the wall his back forms to the bumps and ridges that occupy the wall panel. Just before he reaches a seated position he catches his forearm on a small piece of metal protruding from the panel, giving him a small cut of about 2 inches on his forearm. He jumps up, dropping his rulebook, and looking back at the wall.



Chris takes a closer look at what cut him. He sees the small lip on a piece of the metal and kicks the lip in anger. Just after he kicks the panel he hears a familiar voice coming from down the hallway.


"Hey, what happened?"

Chris looks at his forearm and shows Ben as he approaches.


"I cut my arm."

As he takes a closer look Chris' eyes bulge.


"There's no blood."

Ben looks at the wound and pokes it.


"Yeah there is, right there."

Chris lets out a small yelp.



Chris still in amazement looks at Ben.


"You think I need stitches?"

Ben looks back at Chris.


"Not here."

Chris looks puzzled at Ben.


"What do you mean not here?"


"Here. As in this ship."

Ben reaches down and picks up Chris' rulebook from the floor.


"The only thing that you will need stitches for on this

ship is decapitation."

Chris takes the rulebook from Ben.


"This is too weird."

Ben grabs Chris by the shoulder and begins to escort him to the mess hall.


"Trust me it will only get more weird."

The two begin to walk.


"Let's go get something to eat."


"It's not going to be worms or anything, right?"


"Hey, if you want worms you can have worms."

Ben tilts his head towards Chris.


"I was thinking of pizza."

Chris looks back at Ben.


"No. Ravioli. They can do Ravioli, right?"


"What ever you want."

The two walk a short distance before reaching the mess hall. They turn the corner and enter.


The mess hall is fairly small. A few people sit at the tables set up around the hall. There are about thirty people in the room in total. To the right of the room sits a stack of trays and a lineup of stations that resemble metallic microwaves. Chris notices a couple of people at the stations as they speak into a microphone at the side and open the door to retrieve their food. Chris and Ben walk over to the trays.


"Remember how I told you that things only get more weird?"

Chris still in amazement answers Ben.



Ben and Chris pick up a tray each and head to one of the stations.


"Well here we go."

The two step up to one of the machines. Ben stands in front of Chris, presses in a button and begins to speak into the microphone.


"Pizza. Pepperoni, mushrooms, tomato."

Ben releases the button and the message "Processing.." appears on the display of the station. Within a few seconds a pizza appears in the machine. Ben opens the door and takes out his pizza.


"Voila. 30 seconds or it's free."

Ben giggles at his own joke and then shows Chris how to operate the machinery.


"Ok, this is a food synthesizer. All you have to do is

hold down this button.."

Ben points at the small button beside the microphone.


"Tell the machine what you want…"

Ben points to the microphone mounted on the side of the station.


"And BOOM! You've got it."

Ben steps aside to let Chris try it.


"Give it a shot."

Chris steps up to the machine and holds down the button.



The machine processes his order and soon a bowl and fork appear behind the door. Chris opens the synthesizer and removes his order.


"There's nothing in it…"

Chris puts the tray on the counter in front of the synthesizer. Frustrated with the machine he holds down the button again and begins to speak. Ben sits back and has a chuckle.



Chris speaks into the microphone almost as though he was spelling the word out.



Once again the machine's display shows "Processing.." Ben stands behind Chris and talks into this ear.


"Yeah, that'll taste real good."

Just as Ben gets the words out of his mouth a bowl and fork appear behind the door accompanied by a pungent stink.


"Mmmm, Shit Ravioli. Just like Mom used to make."

Chris starts to break up laughing.


"You've got to be joking me."

Ben nudges Chris aside with one arm as he opens the door of the synthesizer.


"The smell speaks for it self doesn't it?"

Ben removes the bowl from the synthesizer and deposits it in the trash receptacle below the synthesizer. Chris hears the people at the table behind them laughing and talking about them under their breath. One of the guys at the table yells out.


"Hey, Ben. Could you order me a shit sandwich?

I've been craving one all day."

The entire mess hall erupts with laughter. Ben turns around and jokingly responds.


"Would you like that with or without peanuts?"

The mess hall again rings out with laughter as Ben helps Chris order his food. Ben talks softly to Chris as not to be overheard.


"These things are picky sometimes. Once you get the hang

of it you will be fine."

Ben steps up to the synthesizer and holds down the button before speaking into the microphone.


"Beef Ravioli with tomato sauce."

Within a few seconds the order pops up into the synthesizer and Ben pulls it out.


"See it's just as easy as that."

Chris places his order on his serving tray. Ben takes his pizza and escorts Chris over to a seat near the front of the mess hall. Murdock leaves his seat and meets the two as they sit down at their table. The three sit down and Murdock extends his hand to introduce himself.


"Hi, Derrick Murdock. I'm the tech officer around here,

so if you have any problems with any of the computers

you come and let me know. You must be the new mediator."

Chris acknowledges his position with little enthusiasm.


"Yeah, I guess I am."


"You don't sound so enthused. But then those

fuckers don't give you much choice, do they?"


"Mediate and live or refuse and die is about the only

choice I heard in there."


"Yeah, it's like going from ‘land of the free, home of the brave’

to ‘band of the misfits, home of the slaves’."

Ben pipes up and makes a comment.


"But let's be honest here. Chris has a good gig right?"

Murdock nods his head as he eats his lunch and Ben climbs on top of his seat and raises his mammoth arms in the air. He speaks loudly and the mess hall automatically turns their attention to the table.


"The Hand of God….."

Ben reaches down to Chris with his out-stretched arm and touches him on the forehead with his finger.


"You can give life……"

Ben clenches his fist and strikes it down on the table.


"… or you can take it away."

Ben leans down and whispers to Chris.


"You have the ultimate power, the ability to create or destroy.

The only question is can you handle witnessing

the things that you can't control."

Murdock pipes up in agreement.


"That's right. Some of the shit you see will mess with your head.”


"Nothing matters now, right? I can't go back."


"Now that's the spirit."


"Chris, everything matters. You see even though ZhulHar and Mofdo

helped the human race evolve they did not control the entire evolution.

Humans can think for themselves and evolve on their own. Sooner or

later they will discover the microchips embedded under their skin, remove them

and begin to evolve on their own."

Chris looks at Ben puzzled.


"So what you are saying is that I am here to

mediate their game, but I am really here to

stall them long enough so the human

race can evolve past them?"


"In more simple terms, yes."


"You are here to outsmart your creator."


"What is this some sort of resistance?"


"Yes and no. Everybody on this ship knows that

their ultimate fate is death. So we want to do everything

we can to ensure the human race lives on, because once

the human race is dead, so are we."


"Why don't you just overthrow the ship?"


"They'd kick our ass for sure."


"We out number them, but Mofdo is too strong, even for me."


"So ZhulHar is…"


"The weakest of the two, yes. However, he is extremely smart

and also has the ability to shape-shift. He may even be able to

shift into a form with the likeness of Mofdo, which would

be extremely difficult to handle even though he may not have

the same combat abilities as Mofdo."


"So basically we are at the hands of our own race to ensure

that we stay alive."


"Yes, if they continue to evolve the way they have been,

we are sure to see some sort of results within the next 50 to 100 years."


"Man this is bullshit. How did I manage to get stuck….."

The beautiful nurse that met Chris upon arrival on the ship walks through the mess hall corridor and approaches the food synthesizer. She leans up against the synthesizer and provocatively enters her selection. Chris, almost in a drooling state tries to get out a word.


"Damn. Who is that? She is hot!"

Murdock and Ben look at each other and cover their grins. Murdock finally speaks up with a smart remark.



"Must be a little testosterone left in the system."



"Shut up."

Chris looks at the two with an empty gaze.


"What? She's hot, right?"

Ben and Murdock look at each other.


"I am sure she is but we don't really look at her that way."



Ben motions to the young woman who has just finished with her order.



Melissa looks over and makes her way over to the table where the three are seated. She sits down beside Murdock and is introduced to Chris.


"Melissa, this is Chris Creemore. He's the new mediator."

Melissa extends her hand across the table and introduces herself.


"Hi there, Melissa Fannon. I am the resident nurse around here."

Chris shakes her hand and replies.


"Nice to meet you."


"Good to meet you too."

Ben addresses the comments that Chris had made about Melissa.


"Mel, Chris was just telling us how ‘hot’ you are."


"Oh, really?"

Embarrassed Chris begins to stumble over his words.


"I was just…ummm..I…ahh..I meant…"


"Chris, it's quite alright."

Chris shuts his mouth before he gets himself deeper into trouble with his love interest.




"Well, first of all. I am sorry Chris but even though I look like

the neighbors daughter, I am actually old enough to be your

grand mother. Secondly, I am pretty sure that you are not

supposed to be having those feelings since I personally…."

Melissa takes a deep breath before attempting her phrase and braces herself for the reaction.


"Removed your testes."

Stunned Chris just looks back at Melissa with a blind stare.


"Ummm, what?"

Melissa offers her explanation.


"Well, castration is a necessary procedure for new males

who are boarding the ship. You see the human male is just

too aggressive to be on a ship where order and peace is the

prime directive. Also, procreation is not needed on the ship

and is, therefore, forbidden. You will be given a testosterone

substitute that will allow you to lead a normal life as a male,

but you will not have sexual feelings."

Chris, still in awe speaks up.


"So, you….cut off my balls…and ask me to accept that?"


"Well, Chris. They are already gone."

Chris clutches at his crotch.


"You can't just go around cutting off other peoples balls."


"I'm sorry Chris but it is procedure."

Chris becomes more vocal and angry.


"Sorry? It's procedure? FUCK YOU!"

Chris stands up and reaches out for Melissa over the table.


"You cut my balls off, I break your fuckin' jaw!"

Chris grabs Melissa by the scruff of the shirt and pulls her closer before winding up with his right hand. Just as he is about to punch Melissa he feels a hefty thud on the back of his head. He lets go of Melissa and drops to the floor. He can't hear much except for the mumble of people as he looks through his blurry eyes from the floor.


"Sorry Chris. You just need some time to cool down."


"Here this will settle you down. Sweet dreams."

With a prick to the arm Chris is off to dream land. He blanks out and falls asleep.




Chris' eyes slowly begin to focus on the ceiling above his bed. He cautiously gets out of bed and looks around his large room. Filled with all the luxuries of home, the room is fit for a king. Chris rubs his eyes and looks towards the kitchen. A food synthesizer is affixed on the far wall of the room with a table directly across from it. He walks into the kitchen and approaches the synthesizer.


"Ok, just behave and we'll get along fine."

Chris presses the button for the synthesizer and begins to enter his order.


"Bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, orange juice."

The LED on the synthesizer lights up "PROCESSING…" and a couple seconds later the meal is produced. Chris opens the door, looks at the tray and notices the absence of utensils. He shakes his head and giggles under his breath before placing the tray on the table behind him. Chris turns back around and once again approaches the synthesizer, presses the button, and enters his order.


"Fork, Knife."

The LED lights up again "PROCESSING…" and then after a few seconds displays a red "INVALID" on the screen. Chris repeats the action again.


"Fork, Knife"

Chris waits and again the synthesizer repeats "INVALID". Chris presses the info button and the computer speaks.


"Cutlery is available only in designated dining areas."

Chris breathes a sigh of frustration, turns, drinks his orange juice in a single gulp, and throws the rest of his meal in the trash receptacle. Chris runs his fingers through his hair as he walks away from the kitchen. As he makes his way into his living room an intercom beside the couch breaks the silence.


"Chris? You up yet?"

Chris briefly examines the intercom and presses the button to answer.


"Yeah, I'm up. Come on in."

Chris presses another button that opens the door and allows Ben into his room. Ben walks through the door and over to the couch where Chris is sitting. He takes a seat in the chair across from Chris and hunches over to speak with him.


"Sorry I had to hurt you."

Chris feels the bump on the back of his head and acknowledges Ben's apology.


"It's ok. I went a little nuts."

Ben puts his hand over his mouth and begins to snicker.


"No pun intended."

Chris smiles and sits back on the couch.


"You seem better today. The drugs must finally be working."




"Oh, yeah. The whole ship is pumped full of them.

They make you feel a little more carefree.

It's a manner of controlling us so there are no outbreaks

like yesterday."


"Huh. I wondered why I didn't seem to care that my balls were

cut off."


"You do care, but all of your cares are suppressed."


"You know, Ben. I don't care."

The two have a short laugh and Ben begins to rush Chris.


"Well, we had better get you ready to go. You have a big day

ahead of you. Follow me and I'll show you how to use

everything in the bathroom."

Ben escorts Chris from the living room into the washroom where he begins to go over everything that he needs to know to get cleaned up.



Ben walks over to the shower and pulls back the sliding door.


"Here is your shower."

Ben starts pointing out all of the different buttons below the dispensers.


"You've got your soap, shampoo, conditioner"

He closes the door and focuses on the sink.


"Again, we have a soap dispenser, a towel dispenser,

a towel receptacle, a toothpaste dispenser, and you

can order anything else from the synthesizer."

Ben looks at Chris.


"Got it?"

Chris shakes his head in accordance before spitting out a quick question.


"Umm, shaving? Where is my cream dispenser and razors."


"Oh, yeah."

Ben focuses his attention back over to the sink and points out a facial-like impression beside the mirror.


"Good luck getting a razor. However, this is much easier and less painful.

Just select a facial hair style using this screen."

Ben points to a small color screen beside the impression that shows different styles of facial hair.


"Then you just push your face into the impression like so."

Ben presses his face against impression in the wall.


"And press the button."

Ben presses the button and green lights fire out from around the impression as it scans Ben's face. The impression then sinks in and forms to Ben's face and then releases him with a nice clean shave.


"See? Told you it was easy."

Chris looks at Ben and with little enthusiasm asks Ben to leave.


"Well, I guess I'll have a shower now."




"By myself?"

Ben finally clues in.


"Oh, of course. I'll just wait out here."



Ben steps outside the bathroom and Chris disrobes before stepping into the shower. Ben turns on the shower and begins to wash as Ben talks to him through the door.


"You know this will probably be the toughest day that you will

have to deal with."

Chris responds over the sound of the shower.


"How's that?"


"I can't say. You will have to see it for yourself.

All I can say is that you can't let it bother you.

Today is the day that they will test you and see exactly

how easy or difficult it will be to break you."


"Break me?"


"Yes. They will try to break you down enough

so that you don't care. The more you object

to the move they make, the longer the game takes.

That is why you have to stay strong. If you think

any move they make is illegal by their rules then

object and you will be given time to make a ruling."


"But the book is so big."


"I will have the computer set up a copy on your

stereo so that you can listen to it. It makes it a little

easier. Also, the computer will alert you to any move

that may be illegal."


"So why do I have to read the book?"


"The computer will only help you identify the illegal move.

You will have to find the ultimate ruling. If you cannot

find a rule that will overturn the move then the move will

be made. Sometimes it isn't pretty."


"Sounds stressful."


"It is stressful. Suicide is not uncommon."


"Which would explain why I cannot get a knife or razor in my room?"


"Precisely. Don't let that fool you though. It isn't that they don't

want you to commit suicide, they just don't want it to seem like

they want you to commit suicide."




"Well, whenever a mediator commits suicide they have free

reign until another mediator reaches maturity."


"Which is what age?"




"I'm eighteen."


"I know. But mediators are only born every eighteen years.

If a mediator commits suicide then they must select the next

most mature mediator. Since you are just eighteen that means that

a new mediator was just born. The new

mediator will not reach maturity for another

eighteen years."




"And the human race would not last a year let alone eighteen

if you were to commit suicide."


"I'm not going to commit suicide."


"Good. Just keep telling yourself that. And keep cool.

Now hurry up, they're waiting."


Ben and Chris walk towards the game room where Chris will have his first day of duty. They stop in front of the door and Ben turns Chris towards him.


"Remember what I told you."


"No problem, just keep cool."


"Ok, just stay calm."

Ben presses the button on the intercom and speaks into the speaker.


"He's here."

The voice of ZhulHar sounds from the intercom.


"Good, send him in. Thank you Ben"

The door in front of the two opens and with a pat on the back from Ben, Chris enters the room.


Chris walks slowly into the room and rounds the corner where the two aliens sit. He approaches the gaming console and pans between the two.


"Christopher. Please sit down. It is not a long day today

we will just go over some of the common commands of

your console and allow you to ask any questions that you

might have."

Chris walks over to his seat behind the console.


"Thank you."

ZhulHar takes a deep breath and begins to show Chris some of the command options of the console.


"This button here allows you to raise your gaming screen."

ZhulHar presses the large black button in front of Chris. A laser-like noise erupts as the holographic screen appears in front of him.


"This button allows you to object to any move that is

currently in play. The button will only stop play if the computer

concurs that there may be an infraction."

ZhulHar then points to two buttons on top of each other and continues to explain.


"These two buttons allow you to scroll through all moves currently

being made. They will appear on your screen and you can select

any move by pressing the button to the right of the scroll buttons.

When you have selected a move the exact location will appear on the

Central globe."

ZhulHar points to the holographic globe in the middle of the table. ZhulHar explains the final button.


"If you would like to preview a current move then you press

the button to the extreme right. This will allow you to determine

whether or not the move is acceptable by the ultimate outcome."

ZhulHar turns to Chris to ensure that he absorbed all of the information.


"I'm not going too fast for you am I Christopher?"

Chris looks back at ZhulHar and responds and points out all the buttons.


"No, not at all. Raise the screen, Object, Scroll, Select, Preview."

ZhulHar claps his hands and praises Chris.


"Very Good Christopher"

ZhulHar looks down at his screen, presses a few buttons and then turns back to Chris.


"Are you ready for an example?"

Chris sits back in his seat and looks cocky.


"I'm always ready."

ZhulHar punches a few more buttons and then instructs Chris.


"Ok, press your scroll button until you reach the top of the


Chris continually presses the scroll button, moving through the current moves in the database. He finally reaches the top of the screen where he is not able to advance the cursor any more. ZhulHar praises Chris and continues his tutorial.


"Good, now press the select button."

Chris reaches down on the console and presses the select button. Upon pressing the button the move statistics are shown on the screen. In the top right hand corner there is a box labeled "Move Status". In the box, there is a green word stating "ACCEPTED".

Chris pans through the rest of the screen. The screen gives the latitude, longitude, a move number, a game piece number, etc. Chris looks near the bottom of the screen and finds more information. Tears begin to fill his eyes as he sees the words across the screen. Name: Charles Creemore D.O.B.: 748378200198 Creator: Mofdo Move Description: Termination of Mediator Parental Unit Move Status: Active in accordance with rule 15.4.432

Chris peers at ZhulHar with anger in his eyes and calmly speaks.




"I am sorry Christopher but the move has already been accepted."


"Not by me."


"Christopher, you cannot contest a move unless the computer

tells you that you may do so."

Chris becomes more vocal towards ZhulHar.


"Then why am I here? You obviously don't need me."


"Technically, no. However, rules state that a neutral mediator

must be appointed to oversee the events and fairly deal with

any objections."

Chris slumps back in his seat and remains quite.


"You must understand that this is just a beginning.

If you cannot handle what you see here then you

can be replaced. Are you declining your position?"

Chris remembers his conversation with Ben: "The new mediator will not to reach maturity for another eighteen years."

Chris immediately sits up in his chair and grits his teeth.


"No, I'm not declining my position. I just…"

ZhulHar pipes in, interrupting Chris.


"You just don't think it is fair, right?"



ZhulHar slightly raises his voice showing Chris his first bit of anger.


"Well I don't think that it is fair that I am behind in the

game by one piece because you don't want me to

complete a move that is perfectly legal."

Chris looks at ZhulHar with disgust.


"Go ahead then."

ZhulHar immediately continues with his tutorial.


"Now press the preview button."

Chris reaches down and presses the button at the far right of the console and the screen in front of him lights up. A video begins to play.


The church bounces the moonlight off the metal steeples and almost glows in the dimly lit night. Trees surround the church flower gardens that line the walkway to the front door. Two figures emerge from the church. One turns and locks the door before they walk down the walkway. The lamp-lit streets are relatively void of people.


"Dad, you idiot. You shouldn't be there so late."

As the two figures enter the light of the street lamps the second figure emerges as a police officer.


"Well Sargent I appreciate all your help."


"Not a problem Reverend. I am sure that we will

come across Christopher soon enough. It is typical

in runaway cases that the child shows up a day or two

later. If you haven't seen him by then please let me



"I'll do that."


"Thank you for the picture. I am sure that this will really help

us out."


"You’re welcome. Please let me know as soon as you come across him."


"We will. Goodnight Reverend."



The officer climbs into his cruiser sitting at the curb, starts it up and drives off. Charles turns in the opposite direction and begins to walk home. Charles sticks his hands in his pockets and slightly bows his head as he makes his way down the vacant streets. He nearly reaches the end of the block when he hears a rustle in the bushes to his left. He turns and looks towards the bushes and, from behind him, a young thug runs up and hits him over the head with a pipe. Charles falls to the ground as another man rushes in from the bushes wielding a gun. He points the gun at Charles, who manages to roll over onto his elbows and rub the back of his head.


"Give us your wallet!"

Charles, wincing with pain, replies.



The second thug winds up and begins to kick Charles in the midsection. Charles curls up as he is being beaten and starts to cough up blood before the thug stops kicking.


"Give us your wallet!"

Charles looks up at the gunman and peers at his face.


"I know you."

The gunman looks surprised at his reply and barks back.


"No you don't. Just give me your wallet."

Charles continues to identify the gunman.


"You're Esther Paul's son. David, right?"

The gunman looks over at the thug and then back down at Charles.


"Look you don't know me, ok?"

Charles tries to negotiate with the criminals.


"Come on, David. You don't want to do this."

The gunman becomes more violent. He kneels down and pushes the gun onto Charles' forehead.


"Look old man. You don't know me. Just hand over your

wallet and this will all be over."

Charles becomes sarcastic with the young gunman.


"I guess I don't know you, son. I remember David as being a

very nice boy, not some thug."

The gunman becomes agitated with Charles and shakes the gun at him. With a slip of his finger the gun goes off and fires a round into Charles' chest. Charles rolls over in agony and blood starts to run onto the sidewalk. The two thugs start to panic.


"Oh Shit, what did you do man?"


"It just went off!"


"Grab his wallet and let's get out of here."

The gunman leans over and takes the wallet from Charles' back pocket and they run off back into the bushes

(Slow Zoom Out)

Charles lies on the street quietly calling for help.


"Help me. Somebody help me."

The blood slowly forms a large pool on the sidewalk and Charles passes out, dead.


(Zoom In)

Through the holographic video screen Chris' stunned and horrified face emerges.

(Pan Around Chris)

Chris now looks at a still image of the last breath of his father. In the middle of the screen are two computer prompts. Once reads "ACCEPT" and the other "OBJECT". Chris stares blindly at the screen as ZhulHar chimes in.


"Now, to accept this move, highlight the "ACCEPT" button

using your scroll key and press "Select". In the event that a

move may be illegal you can also select the "OBJECT" option.

However, since this is a perfectly legal move the "OBJECT" button

is not available for selection."

Chris does not respond. He sits and still stares into the screen.


"Christopher! Select the "ACCEPT" button using your scroll keys

and press "Select"!"

Chris leans over to the console and does as he is told. The screen lights up with the words "MOVE ACCEPTED" and then turns back to the main display. ZhulHar presses the intercom button on his console and calls for Ben.


"Ben, please escort Christopher back to his quarters.

We are finished for the day."

ZhulHar turns to Chris and excuses him.


"You may go Christopher."

Chris rises from his seat and makes his way to the door.


Chris regains his senses and his anger mounts as he exits the "Game Room". Ben waits for him outside the door but is snubbed as Chris leaves and walks right past him. Chris walks quickly down the hallway and Ben jogs to catch up before trying to engage him in conversation.


"Chris, are you ok?"

Chris looks to his side with an angry gaze.


"Don't even talk to me, Ben."

Ben looks puzzled.




"You knew what was going to happen in there."


"Yes, I did."


"Why didn't you tell me?"


"I can't. If you knew what was going to happen they could

tell by your reaction. If they found out that I was preparing

you for the game then the game would be forfeited."


"So. Then they start over."


"No they don't. They simply scrap the entire game

and move on. They wipe out Earth leaving it uninhabitable."

The two arrive at Chris' room and Chris becomes more emotional.


"Well why my father?"


"That is a little more complicated. Legend has it that when

the human race was developed they ran into some problems,

they started to evolve on their own, especially the female.

"A mother's intuition" was how the humans ultimately

perceived it. However, it created a lot of problems in the

game. Mothers began keeping their children out of harm’s

way. This became a major problem for the abduction of

mediators and shipmates. As a solution they began killing

the mothers before they abducted their children. To even

out the game, afterwards they would kill the father also.

Making a mediator watch the death of their father also

proved to be a great way to test the mediator. It won't

be the worst that you see Chris."

Chris raises his head to Ben.


"I was afraid of that."

Ben puts his hand on Chris' shoulder.


"Are you going to be ok?"

Chris nods his head and wipes the forming tears from his eyes.


"I think so."


"Do you want me to come in for a while?"

Chris shakes his head no.


"No, I'll be fine. Thanks Ben."


"Ok, just take it easy."



Ben turns and walks away while Chris places his hand on the image scanner and opens the door to his apartment and walks inside.


Chris enters his apartment, walks over to the couch and flops down. Mentally drained he picks up the remote control sitting on the coffee table in front of him and turns on the television. The grim pictures on a local Earth newscast tells of a fire that left three people dead. Chris thinks silently to himself and begins to speak under his breath.


"I let my own father die."

Chris cups his face with his hands and begins to sob slowly. He soon breaks out into tears and anger all at once. He picks up the remote control and hurls it towards a mirror hanging on the wall a few feet from the television. The mirror shatters and shards of glass fall to the ground. Chris screams with anger while crying and letting the tears run down his face.


"You fuckers!"

He bends down and grabs the coffee table by its edge before violently flipping it into the air. The table comes to rest on its side, propped up against the chair to the left of the couch. He then races over to the mirror to the right of the television, opposite the one he already broke, and forcefully pounds his fist into the glass. The glass pierces his hand leaving it a bloody mess. Not feeling pain he continues his rampage, swiping at various vases around the room with his forearms and fists, kicking in the speakers behind the couch and throwing potted plants about the room. Finally, he glares at the television before slowly walking over and forcing his foot through the front of it.

Glass from the television scatters around the television and, exhausted, Chris ends his tantrum. He slides down beside the television, leaning against the edges that he had just broken and sitting on the glass he had just shattered. He drops his head into his hands and tightly grips his forehead as though he were trying to will out the madness that now possessed his soul.

Chris slides his hands from his forehead through his hair and right to the back of his neck before opening his eyes and looking at the ground in front of him. He strokes a shard of glass at the side of his leg and begins to succumb to the madness, softly speaking to himself.


"You can't do this. You can't kill people. Just end it now."

Chris picks up the piece of glass at his side and slowly raises it to his forearm.

(Zoom in)

He presses the shard against his skin, dimpling the surface.

(Pan up the edge of the glass to his hand)

He grips the shard tighter, splitting his palm. Blood begins to trickle down the edge of the crude blade.

(Pan down the edge of the glass following the blood)

The small line of blood hits his forearm and rolls off the side.

Suddenly Chris is interupted by his intercom.


"Chris. Are you in there?"

Chris sits silently hoping that she will leave.


"Chris, please open the door."

Chris speaks up and yells through the door.


"Go Away!"

Melissa attempts to talk Chris down.


"Chris, just open the door. Talk to me."

Chris' negativity begins to worry Melissa.


"I can't do it. I just can't."

Melissa finally overrides the locking mechanism stating a medical emergency. Chris can hear the conversation through the door.


"Please provide voice sampling."


"Melissa Fannon."


"Thank you."

The door lock springs back and the door opens. Melissa rushes into the room to attend to Chris.


"Oh my god."

Melissa forces the glass from Chris' weakened hand and tosses it to the side. Melissa questions Chris.



Chris again begins to sob becoming more and more emotional with each passing second.


"I just can't do it. I'm not strong enough."

Melissa pulls Chris towards her and nestles his head into her chest. Chris wraps his arms around her, smearing blood down her back. She consoles him, rubbing his back and stroking his head.


"There now, you'll be fine. I'm here. We're all here."

Chris continues to cry and slowly slumps down into Melissa's lap where he rests his head and she continues to hold him. Slowly Chris falls off to sleep.




Montage depicts ultimate chaos and Chris' slow desensitization to the events.

Screams of pain ring out as a building explodes on a busy street. People run to escape the carnage. People run from the building, one of them burning alive. The building collapses and lands on a few people attempting to out run it. The scene fades to Chris lying on the floor crying in Melissa's arms. The scene then fades back to the chaos, displaying a gunfight in a busy downtown area, cutting down innocent bystanders. The scene fades back to Chris and shows him standing hugging Melissa not crying.




Final image is a man being beaten to death on the streets followed by Chris laughing and carrying on with his friends.



Chris, now adapted to his position, quickly cycles through moves. They fly past his screen as he scrolls through watching each move with concentrated eyes. Finally, amidst a line of green dots on the far right of the screen, he notices a red blinking dot. He perks up out of his zombie-like state.


"Whoa, what's this?"

Chris selects the move and looks over the details.


"What is the problem Christopher?"

Chris points to the screen where the rule is stated in red.


"I think there is a problem with this move."


"What move Christopher?"

Chris moves his finger down the screen to the move number.


"The move numbers is 4536-453-88-05"

ZhulHar and Mofdo pull the move number up on their consoles.


"Let us see here."

The move details display on ZhulHar's screen.


"Oh yes, a perfectly legal move Christopher."

Chris keeps looking over the details.


"No, no, no. It says here that pursuant to rule 11.4.567

the move is illegal due to immeasurable loss of life."

ZhulHar begins to stumble while he talks, hinting to his guilt.


"Well, that rule is certainly outdated. We will have to go

over the rules and re-write some of them. That rule is so

old that I totally forgot about it."

Mofdo springs up from his seat, interrupting ZhulHar's near confession. Mofdo slams his fist onto the console and lets out a huge roar. Mofdo goes on to speak in a language foreign to Chris. ZhulHar translates.


"See. He says the move is totally legal…."

Once again, Mofdo slams his fist onto the console and barks just a couple of foreign words at ZhulHar. ZhulHar becomes noticeably frightened and translates again.


"Or illegal rather. I guess I lost something in translation."

Chris looks at ZhulHar and asserts his authority over him.


"ZhulHar, if you are going to translate it had better be

right, every time! If you try anything like that again I

will forfeit the game and award the win to Mofdo.

Do you understand me?"

ZhulHar sits back down at his chair and listens.


"Yes Christopher. I understand YOU perfectly.

It is him I don't understand"

ZhulHar points to Mofdo, still trying to claim his innocence. Chris points back at ZhulHar and gives him another stern warning.


"Don't give me that! If it happens again that's it! Got it?"

ZhulHar hangs his head.


"Yes Christopher."



Chris looks over at Mofdo.


"Sit down Mofdo."

Mofdo takes his seat and they get back to work.


"Now let's see what we're looking at here."

Chris hits the preview button and begins to watch the screen.



A man walks through the airport lobby with a thick, small black case in his hand and he drags an oxygen tank behind him, feeding the mask that is pulled over his mouth and nose. The man walks slowly over to a row of seats in the lobby and sits down. The man tucks his case under the seat and leans back as a small child walks up to him.


"Hey mister, why do you have that thing on your face?"

From one of the ticket purchase lines his mother hears the comment and runs over to the youngster.


"I am so sorry."

She picks up her child and slings him over her shoulder. She looks at the man and smiles.


"The things kids say."


"Yes, bye."

The man smiles back at the woman as she turns and walks away. The man’s face quickly turns from a smile back to a serious look as he reaches inside his jacket and pulls out a long, thin spike. He holds the tool tightly against his chest while he looks around and then drives the spike into his case.

(Follow the spike into the case)


The interior of the case contains only a single light blue container sitting inside. On the side of the container is a yellow and red biohazard symbol. The spike penetrates the case and continues to travel into the canister. When the spike is withdrawn a mist begins to spew from the canister.


The man pulls the spike from the case and places it in a garbage can to the left of him. The man rises from his seat and leaves the airport.



Nurses and doctors frantically run around with oxygen masks. The halls are littered with near dead bodies. The patients show signs of black marks all over their bodies. They scream with pain as they vomit on the floors and hack uncontrollably. A nurse rushes up to one of the doctors in the hallway.


"Doctor, we have another three on the way."


"My god! What the hell is this."

The doctor leaves the hallway and runs towards the entrance.

(Slowly zoom in on patients face)

The patient moans in pain as she lies on the cot in the hallway. Three black marks cover a good portion of her face. One runs from her forehead, over her right eye and down her right cheek. Her covered eye has changed color and is now a darker shade of blue. The marks are on her left cheek and throat.

The marks are cracked and blood slowly trickles from the wounds as he coughs. Launched into a coughing fit she tries to stop it by holding her mouth shut. The force of the cough split the mark on her left cheek considerably more than it was before and blood begins to run freely from the wound.



Chris looks at the screen in horror. Chris highlights the object button and selects it.


"There is no way that is a legal move ZhulHar."

ZhulHar looks back at Chris and rebuts.


"Well the disease is more widespread than expected,

I will admit that. However, the move is perfectly legal.

It is merely another plague."

ZhulHar punches some buttons on his console.


"Here. I have already made the necessary changes

to the virus, look"

A print out of the virus' molecular composition is printed out from Chris' console. Chris takes the printout and folds it up, stuffing it in his breast pocket.


"I will make the necessary changes to the move and we

can continue."

Chris objects and pipes in, interrupting ZhulHar.


"No. We are done for the day. I want time to consult my

rule book before we continue."

ZhulHar tries to get Chris to continue the game.


"Christopher, there is really no need for that.

Please let us continue. We are not even an

hour into our day."

Chris sternly barks back at ZhulHar.


"We are finished for the day. That's final."

Chris gets up from his seat and leaves the room while ZhulHar whines at him.


"Christopher. Come back."


The neatly kept room is brightly lit by track lighting along the ceiling. Two couches form an "L" shape around a coffee table and face towards the large television sitting in the corner. Much the same layout as Chris' apartment, the kitchen, bathroom are bedroom, are located to the left of the entrance and the room is filled with potted plants and flowers. The intercom sits on a long, slim table that runs along the back of the couch. The intercom beeps and is followed by Chris' voice.



Melissa slowly walks from the bedroom. Just exiting from the shower she wears a long robe, slit up the side fully displaying her leg, and her hair up in a towel turban. Chris again tries the intercom as Melissa saunters toward the control panel by the couch.



Finally Melissa reaches the intercom and answers.



Chris comes over the intercom again requesting entrance.


"Can I come in?"

Melissa is reluctant, wanting to finish preparing for the day.


"Chris, I just got out of the shower. Can it wait?"

Chris' voice becomes more urgent.


"I really need to speak to you now."

Melissa gives into Chris and lets him in by pressing the button on the intercom to open the door.


"Ok, come in."

The door slides open and Chris walks through. Melissa meets him in the hallway.


"What's the problem?"

Chris pulls the folded piece of paper from his breast pocket that shows the virus concocted by ZhulHar.


"I need you to look at this."

Chris hands the unfolded piece of paper to Melissa and she takes it from his hand with a puzzled look on his face.


"Ok, what is it?"

Melissa takes a closer look at the paper and begins to walk over to the living room where it is more brightly lit. She sits down at the couch and places the paper on the coffee table. Chris sits down beside her and peers over her shoulder.


"It looks like a flu bacteria."

Chris nods his head while Melissa becomes more puzzled. She points at the second half of the bacteria.


"But I'm not sure what this is here."

Still puzzled she speculates.


"It almost looks like another bacteria has

attached itself to the virus."

Melissa looks to Chris for answers.


"What is this Chris?"

Chris looks back at Melissa and speaks.


"The plague."

Chris elaborates on his explanation.


"ZhulHar is going to release this virus on the Earth.

It wasn't approved at first because of the amount of

casualties that it would create, but he made some

modifications and now the computer has approved it."

Melissa looks at the diagram again and back at Chris.


"He probably attached this flu bacteria. The

computer might just look at it as a flu virus.

Since the flu is easily battled by the immune

system there would be no reason to object."

Melissa points to the picture where the two viruses join.


"I am more worried about this. The bond connecting

the two viruses looks very weak. I would say that the

two viruses could easily split becoming two

separate viruses."

Chris looks at Melissa asking for more information.



Melissa continues to give her grim explanation.


"And, depending how quickly the virus multiplies and

the life expectancy I would say that the result will be

the same as it was before he made the change."

Chris starts to panic.


"He is releasing the virus in an airport.

This could be the final move of the game."


"There is nothing we can do Chris. If the computer

has already approved the move then the move is as

good as made."

Melissa tears up, puts her head in her hands and begins to weep. Chris composes himself and thinks.


"Calm down. We have to do something.

Get Murdock and Ben and meet me at

my apartment in an hour."

Chris gets up and leaves while Melissa sees no hope.


"There isn't anything we can do Chris."

Chris responds immediately under his breath just as he exits the room.


"Oh yes there is."


Chris sits at his couch, hunched over the coffee table and working frantically with pen and paper. Sweat beads on his forehead as he occasionally grasps at his temples with his thumb and index finger. Deep in thought the beep of the intercom doesn't even phase him.



Chris answers back and lets them in.


"Come on in."

Chris presses the button to open the door and it slides open revealing Melissa, Ben and Murdock. The three enter the room. Ben sits beside Chris while Melissa and Murdock occupy the couch adjacent to Chris. Ben cups his mammoth hand around the neck of Chris.


"Take it easy. There isn't anything we can do."

Chris stops everything to address Ben and the group.


"Ben, you told me to be strong for the human race.

Don't tell me you guys are just going to give up.

That's bullshit."

Murdock speaks up to rebut Chris' speech.


"Chris, it isn't that we don't want to do something.

We just can't. It's out of our hands."

The other two agree with Murdock. Chris replies and slides a piece of paper over to Murdock as he explains.


"Listen, I've got everything figured out. I just need

your help to carry it out. What do you have to lose?

You really think that they are going to take you with

them? I don't think so. If the human race dies so do we."

Murdock looks at the piece of paper and seems confused.


"I see what you want to do here but I don't see

how you can do it."

Chris rips the paper from Murdock's hand and puts it on the table for everyone to see. He begins to explain.


"Ok, the only weapon on this ship that could do any

sort of damage is a knife. Where can you get a knife?

The mess hall. That's where we start."

Ben points out flaws in Chris' plan.


"But there is no way to get the knife out of the mess hall.

The sensors are rigged so they do not allow the knives to

pass the doorway."

Chris continues and shoots down the claim.


"I already thought of that. The sensors will be tricky.

We need to get a couple knives first. Now this is where the

timing will be key. First off, I need Murdock to take in the

security drone for maintenance. That will mean that it will

not be able to scan for the knives. Next, the sensors are lined

along the wall a few inches apart. I think that if we kick one

of them hard enough that it will break and we can slide the

knives under the break in the barrier."

Murdock nods in acceptance.


"Yes, I can see that working. Then only the maintenance drone

will be dispatched. But it will still pick up the knives

as foreign objects and discard them."

Chris looks over at Murdock.


"That is why we need Melissa to pick them up on the other

side of the door before the drone arrives. It won't scan her

and she can just walk away with them."


"But the drone is too quick. I would have to take it

in for maintenance as well and I can't do that."


"I know. We are going to have to deal with the maintenance

drone. But it is easier than dealing with the security drone.

I will need you to create a diversion on the other side of the

ship. Keep it busy for a few seconds so that we can get the

knives off the ground and Melissa can get out of the area.

Ben and I will stick around to take the wrap for breaking

the sensor."

Chris then looks to Melissa.


"Melissa, I need you to take the knives and meet me

outside of ZhulHar and Mofdo's chamber. Once I get

there you can…"

Melissa speaks up, anticipating Chris' moves.


"Open the door using my medical clearance."

Chris smiles at her.



Murdock begins to brainstorm.


"I would have to disconnect the security measures that

they have running to the room though. The two sleep

chambers are connected. If one has a problem the other

is automatically engaged and is opened."


"That would be good. I wasn't aware of the security measures

in their room. Can you disconnect that easily enough?"


"Yes, the maintenance drone would have it fixed fairly

quick though."

Chris replies with disapproval.


"Not good enough. If I run into any problems in there

I don't need them waking up."

Murdock strokes his chin and once again comes back with an idea.


"What about if I were to cross the wiring?"


"Can you do that?"


"Yes, I'm not sure what the response time of the

maintenance drone would be, but it would give

you more time than if I were just to cut them."


"Ok, let's do it. Just make sure I have enough time to

finish the job."

Chris looks back at Melissa.


"Finally, I need you to help me figure out where

to put these knives so that the fuckers won't get up."


"You can count on me."

Chris looks at everyone and dismisses them to prepare for their murderous attempt.


"Ok, that's it. We've got a couple of hours. Keep in touch

and everything will go off without a hitch."

The four get up from the couch and hug each other individually.


"Let's do this."


"I'm on the security drone."

Ben and Murdock leave but Chris grabs Melissa's hand.


"I need your help. Remember? Anatomy 101?"

Melissa smiles.


"Oh yeah."



Chris and Melissa sit side-by-side on the couch. Melissa points to crudely drawn diagrams of the anatomy of both aliens. Chris points in acknowledgement to what Melissa is telling him. Melissa indicates to a point on the diagram of Mofdo.


"Now you will have to thrust down fairly hard

to penetrate the skin. It is almost like a protective shell."

Chris nods with acceptance.




"The diameter of the organ is about three inches so

if you make your shot count you shouldn't have any

problems hitting your target."

Chris points to the diagram.


"So if I hit just below the ripple across his

chest, here, I should be right down the middle."

Melissa nods.


"Exactly. With the security measures out your best

bet for getting into the sleep chambers is to break through

the glass encasing the unit. If you open the hatch you

may risk waking the other one because I'm not sure

of the mechanisms built in for those circumstances.

Plus with the security on the units disarmed you shouldn’t

set off the alarm."

Chris leans in closer.


"Yeah, ok."

Melissa looks Chris in the eyes and softly speaks to him.


"Are you scared?"

Chris slightly nods and replies.


"A little."

Melissa puts her hand on Chris' chest.


"Your heart is beating so fast."

Chris slowly moves his head in closer, hypnotizing Melissa.


"I know."

Chris looks into Melissa's eyes, with their noses almost touching.


"I think I love you."

The two tilt their heads and passionately kiss. Chris rolls over on top of Melissa and aggressively pulls her into his body. Melissa objects and forces her hand between the two. She pushes Chris off of her and their intimate moment ends.


"No, Chris, we can't."

Melissa gets up off the couch and makes her way to the door.


"Wait, I'm sorry."

On her way out Melissa speaks back.


"Just be ready. We have a job to do."

Chris turns around and slouches back into the couch. He touches his lips and closes his eyes.


Chris and Ben walk to a table near the front of the mess hall carrying their lunch trays. They sit down at the closest table to the door. Oblivious to the situation, the rest of the crew carries on with their daily life. Chris faces the door waiting until the right moment. Ben silently stares at Chris. The steaming, juicy steaks on their plate will likely go to waste as Ben slides his knife across the table to Chris. Chris collects the two knives and slides them under the belt of his pants and covers them with his shirt. The two sit silently, drinking their juice. Chris perks up as Murdock walks past the mess hall and gives him a thumbs-up. Chris takes a final gulp of his juice, places the glass on his tray and gets up from the table.


"Here we go."

Following Chris, Ben rises from his seat and follows Chris towards the door.Just before reaching the door Ben nudges Chris. Chris, using all of his acting skills, lunges towards the door, slamming his foot into the sensor at the base of the door. The small sensor shatters and the glass shards scatter on the floor. Chris bends down grabbing his toe.


"Fuck! Would you watch where you're going Ben?"

The audience in the mess hall turns their attention to the two near the door.


"Sorry Chris."

Quickly the people in the mess hall go back to their lives as Chris pulls the knives from his belt, places them on the floor in front of him and slides them under the newly made sensor gap. The knives slide across the floor, sliding apart only slightly. They hit the wall on the other side of the hallway and are almost immediately picked up by Melissa, who is passing by the doorway. As she makes her way down the hallway the maintenance drone zips by her on the left. The drone reaches the mess hall doorway scans the mess. About to commence it's cleanup the drone instructs the two to leave.


"This area is under maintenance. Please step back

a minimum of two meters while maintenance operations

are being conducted. Thank you."

Chris and Ben slip by the drone and head down the hallway in the direction that Melissa walked.


Chris and Ben jog up to the doorway where Melissa leans beside the entrance to the room containing the sleep chambers. As they approach Chris smiles as Melissa draws the knives from inside her blouse and pinches them between her thumb and index finger. She smiles back and speaks.


"Well it's all up to you. Can you handle the pressure?"

Chris chuckles as he replies.


"Are you kidding? I live for the pressure."



Chris takes the knives from Melissa and stuffs one in his belt as he grips the other in his right hand.


"Did Murdock take care of the security?"


"Oh yeah, that drone will be working for hours."



Chris looks to Ben for one last word.


"Ben I want you to find Murdock and go to the mess hall.

We will meet up there to talk to the other crewmembers

once I'm finished here."


"You got it."

Ben jogs past the doorway and down the hallway in the opposite direction from the mess hall. Chris looks at Melissa for one last time before he enters the room.


"Are you ready?"

Melissa responds in a positive attitude.


"I'm ready."

Chris flirts with Melissa, making light of the situation.


"Can I have a kiss for luck?"

Melissa kisses Chris on the cheek.


"Ok, let's do it."

Melissa turns to the intercom system and presses the red button on the top of the intercom.


"Please provide voice sampling."

Melissa speaks into the intercom.


"Melissa Fannon."


"Thank you."

The door slides open revealing the chamber that lies within. Melissa leans over to Chris and gives him another peck on the cheek.


"Good luck."

Chris moves towards the door and slowly enters the room.


The room is different from any other that Chris has seen on the ship. Thick wires run all over the walls, connecting to a central computer that displays the current status of the sleep chambers. Chris walks deeper into the room and turns the corner where he sees the two sleep chambers. They resemble miniature escape pods. The back right angle of the chambers are pushed up against the wall and the front is somewhat rounded with a glass bubble displaying the aliens clearly. A soft mist slowly falls onto their heads from injection mechanisms inside the chambers. The mist fogs the dimly lit chambers. The dark room still remains eerie to Chris as he slowly makes his way into the center of the room, stepping over the wire on the ground made up of various sizes. A monitoring computer sits on the opposite wall and monitors the heart rates of each of the aliens.

Chris grips the knife tighter and tighter as he makes his way towards Mofdo's chamber. Still tip toeing around the room as to disturb anything Chris comes face to face with Mofdo, only separated by the glass of the chamber. Chris switches his knife to his left hand, reaches into his pocket, pulls out a piece of cloth and wraps it around his right hand, covering his knuckles. He switches the knife back into his right hand, takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before rearing back and forcing his fist into the glass. The glass shield covering the chamber shatters and falls to the ground at the feet of Chris and Mofdo, inside the chamber. Upon being smashed an alarm on both of the chambers begins to wail. Stunned by the alarm Chris looks over at chamber containing ZhulHar and sees the locking mechanism release and the mist pour out of the bottom as the hydraulics begin to open the chamber. Quickly Chris gathers himself and thrusts the knife into Mofdo who just began to rouse. Mofdo roars with pain, slumps into the chamber and slowly fades out.

Without wasting a minute Chris spins over to the second chamber which has already opened. Now awake ZhulHar morphs into a huge bear-like beast. Chris reaches for his belt and draws his second blade. Lunging forward Chris tries to hit his mark but is swatted by the huge paw of the creature. Chris flies across the room and slams into the opposite wall. ZhulHar makes his way for the door. Hearing screams Chris immediately picks up his blade and bolts after ZhulHar.



Chris runs out the door to find Melissa on her back across the hallway. He runs over and kneels down beside her, proping up her head.


"Are you alright?"

Weak, but alive, Melissa responds.


"I'm fine, just go. He went that way."

Melissa points towards the game room. Chris sits Melissa up against the wall and then bolts off away from the mess hall, towards the game room.


Chris sprints down the hallway and sees ZhulHar ahead of him.



ZhulHar stops, looks at Chris and then lumbers into the "Game Room". Chris gives chase and enters the doorway behind ZhulHar.


Chris runs around the corner and sees ZhulHar just getting to his console. ZhuHar tries to poke at the keypad, but in his current state finds it hard. Chris runs up to ZhulHar and tries, again, to find a piece of flesh to stick his blade.


"Hey ugly! Get the fuck away from there."

Chris lunges in and is, again, swatted away by his larger opponent. The knife slides along the floor as Chris, slightly turned, hits his face against the metal wall. Bloodied and battered Chris crawls across the floor reaching for the knife. ZhulHar, seeing Chris' efforts, makes his way over to the wall. Chris reaches the knife and conceals it by turning it, blade out, along his forearm. ZhulHar reaches Chris, just a second after he picks up the knife, and picks him up by the neck of the shirt. ZhulHar pulls Chris in close and stares him right in the eye.


"You cannot win Christopher!"

Chris flips out the knife out of view of ZhulHar.


"Neither can you!"

With all of his might Chris forces the knife into the abdomen of ZhulHar. ZhulHar lets out a yelp and pitches Chris effortlessly across the room. Chris slams into the Game table and raps his head on the side of it. ZhulHar pulls the knife from his stomach and throws it away. ZhulHar momentarily feels the wound with his hand and slowly makes his way over to Chris once again.


"You stupid humans. You think you're so smart.

We created you. Do you think we would create

a species more advanced than our own?

Stronger than our own?"

Chris uses all of his energy to respond.


"We evolve."

ZhulHar barks back.


"Evolve? HA! You evolve as far as we want

you to evolve."

Once again Chris speaks loudly, but painfully.


"That's not true!"


"Without us you are nothing. You will destroy

your own race in a matter of years. Is that

really evolution? I think not."


"So killing innocent people is evolved?"


"People? You are merely mice. Mice in a

laboratory maze, no clue of where you are

going and not a care in the world. All you

want to do is find the cheese and move on with

your meaningless existence."

The conversation is interrupted by the voice of Ben and Murdock.



ZhulHar spins around and then looks back at Chris and sarcastically speaks down to Chris.


"Ah, your friends have come to your rescue."

ZhulHar snorts and turns and makes his way towards the door.

Not able to make his exit in time, ZhulHar is met at the corner of the room by Ben and Murdock. Murdock is surprised by the form of ZhulHar and jumps back.


"Holy fuck!"

Murdock just gets the words out of his mouth before being swatted by the mammoth paws of ZhulHar. Murdock is knocked back and slides into the wall. Turned around after hitting Murdock, Ben grabs a hold of the elbow of ZhulHar and tries to force him to the ground. ZhulHar whips his elbow around and knocks Ben in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. Chris, having regained enough strength, scurries towards the knife that lay on the ground just meters away from him. ZhulHar hears Chris and turns to make another attack on the already beaten youngster. Seeing ZhulHar turn towards Chris, Ben reaches out and grabs the ankle to ZhulHar. Pulling sharply on his ankle Ben topples the beast. ZhulHar hits the floor with a mighty thud but is still energized and makes a move to get up. From the corner of the room Murdock flies forward with a football-style tackle sending ZhulHar from his hands and knees to his back. Ben immediately follows suit jumping on top of ZhulHar and the two begin to wail at the thick body with all of their might.

Now to the knife Chris quickly moves towards the scuffle. Chris lunges forward as ZhulHar, from his back, pitches Murdock horizontally into the corner of the nearby wall. Murdock lets out a moan and then falls to the floor. Ben remains on the other side of ZhulHar, trying to keep him pinned, but ZhulHar quickly grabs him by the shirt and tosses him over to the same side as Murdock. Just as ZhulHar throws Ben, Chris makes his way in with a final attempt to strike pay dirt. Chris raises the knife with both of his hands above his head and then strikes down into the chest of ZhulHar just as he releases Ben.

The blow causes considerably more pain than the first wound that he inflicted. ZhulHar squeals as Chris withdraws the knife and begins to repeatedly thrust it thought the fur and into the body of ZhulHar. Ben rushes over to restrain ZhulHar who begins to swing wildly with his arms. Ben pins down ZhulHar who has become much weaker with the strikes of Chris' blade. Not relenting Chris thrusts the blade in many more times, stopping only after he thrusts the blade into ZhulHar's lifeless body over ten times. With his final strike he leaves the blade protruding from the body and releases the handle.

Chris slumps back and leans against the dead body. He looks over at ZhulHar's emotionless face and speaks.


"Evolution sucks, huh?"

Ben laughs at the comment as he gasps for breath. Murdock moans as he rolls over onto his side. He rubs his back and head.


"You ok Murdock?"

Murdock looks over at the two and smiles.


"Feels like the worst hangover ever.

We've gotta do this more often."

Chris and Ben laugh.


"Once is enough for me. Man I could really

use a cigarette right now."


"Yeah? I can set up the synthesizers to dispense them."


"You're the king Murdock."

Ben reaches for the knife and pulls it from the body. He holds the knife lightly in his hand and looks at Chris.


"This knife freed the human race.

We've gotta get this framed or


Chris looks back at Ben and jokes.


"I wonder what you could get for that on Ebay?"

Ben looks puzzled at Chris.






The mess hall has become the venue for a huge party celebrating the death of the two aliens. The audience cheers at the four hero's standing at the front of the mess hall. All showing war scars, Chris, the most bloodied of the four, stands with his cohorts as they gleam with happiness as the crowd cheers their accomplishment. Chris steps forward, waving his hands to calm the crowd.


"Ok, ok. Calm down. I've got something to say."

The crowd slowly calms down to a slight mumble as Chris prepares a speech.


"Today we accomplished something that

no human on Earth is aware of. We will

not receive medals for our bravery and

we will not be meeting the President.

But today we did something that will

ensure the survival of our species.

Along with ourselves we broke the

chains that bound our race and we set

ourselves and every human being on

Earth free."

Once again the crowd erupts with cheers. Chris continues his speech over the noisy crowd. Chris grabs Murdock and points to him as he speaks.


"We have been restricted enough in

this place. So Mr. Murdock here has

agreed to do away with the sensors

around the ship along with any

restrictions on the food synthesizers.

From now on if you want to take a

nice juicy steak to bed, you go for it!"

The pumped up crowd continues to yell and chant.


"And I would encourage the nursing staff

to get all the partying out of your system

tonight. As of tomorrow Ms. Fannon has

promised me that all male testicles will be

reattached! That's right, we're taking our

balls back.!"

The crowd cheers again with a mixture of laughter. Chris leans over to Melissa and gives her a kiss. Ben watches the two. A drop of red falls from the ceiling and splashes down on Chris' shoulder. Ben reaches over and touches the mark with his finger. Blood. As Ben touches the blood droplet another falls from above and drips onto Chris' neck. Chris spins around to see where the drop came from.

A sudden thud erupts in front of Chris and Mofdo immediately appears hunched over Chris. He lunges in for an attack as Ben draws the knife that killed ZhulHar from his belt and pushes Chris out of the way. The protruding claws rip through Ben's side. Ben turns and heaves the blade into Mofdo with all his might as the crowd screams and panics. Mofdo reels backward from the blow as Ben continues to push the blade before falling to the ground with Mofdo. Mofdo pierces Ben's other side with the blades on his right arm while Ben uses all of his strength to make a final strike into the chest of Mofdo and drag the blade through his chest. Mofdo slowly fades as Ben rolls off of the beast. Chris rushes to Ben's aid with Melissa, Murdock and the rest of the crowd right behind. The crowd circles the body of Mofdo and Ben. Slowly fading away Chris pleads for help from Melissa. Chris starts to cry as he speaks.


"Help him!"

Melissa moves in and tries to stop the bleeding. Chris rips off his shirt and hands it to Melissa. Melissa covers the wound with the shirt and presses down on it. She instructs Chris and moves to his other side.


"Here, put pressure on it."

Murdock lends his shirt to Melissa for the other side.


"Don't you die on us you bastard!"

Murdock runs in to hold the other shirt in place as Melissa screams for help from the crowd.


"Would somebody get me my kit!"

Melissa feels Ben's wrist for a pulse.

(Begin to zoom out from the crowd)

Melissa speaks to Ben trying to keep calm.


"Come on."

(Continue zoom out)

Melissa becomes louder with her words.


"Come on!"




Chris remains seated in his throne-like chair in front of Eddie.


"So you see, I am the person who

saved the human race."

Eddie looks at Chris, still unconvinced.


"Yeah, sure."

Chris continues to prove his position to Eddie. He signals Ben.



Ben hits a button on the side of the wall. The wall to the right of Chris and Eddie rolls back revealing the gaming table. Chris rises from his seat and walks over to Eddie. He waves his arm to her as he makes his way towards the table.


"Come here."

Eddie follows Chris over to the table where Chris sits down where ZhulHar once sat.


"This is it. The one thing that holds together

the human race. A mere game, but the

weight that balances mankind."

Chris hits a preview button and watches the world below.


"From here you can look over the

entire world. Like mini cameras

planted in every corner of every

building or street. You can

witness the joy, the deceit and,

well, the pain of every human

life form on the planet."

Eddie becomes more convinced.


"Ok, it's a little freaky but I'm starting to

believe you."

Chris nods in acceptance.



Eddie questions Chris once again.


"But why me? Why am I here?"

Chris punches up a status menu on the console while responding to Eddie.


"Well, I thought that I would be able

to control the game. I thought that I

could be God. I quickly realized that

no one man could control the human race."

Chris finishes typing at the console displaying a warning message on top of the globe. The message reads: "WARNING: Utopian society imminent." Chris continues with his explanation.


"I quickly began to favor peace and well being.

Within a matter of a year I had drastically

changed the balance of the game. Earth was

becoming a Utopian society. A society

where evil was non-existent. It just can't

be that way."

Chris looks to Eddie.


"For seventeen years I waited for the next person

who could use these controls. The next person

who could stroke this keypad and realize it's power.

Every eighteen years a child is born that has the

gift to work this console. A child selected to

mediate the game between the long departed

aliens. A child who, now, must control

the evil on Earth. A child who will bring

balance to the game. That child is you Eddie.

You must help me save the human race."

Eddie swallows hard and speaks softly to Chris.


"I don't have a choice, do I?"

Chris softly replies knowing the pain of not being able to go home.


"I'm afraid not."



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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