UNT Health Science Center

Hand OutWarm UpPlease mark whether you agree or disagree.If both people are drunk, it can't be sexual assault.Just because someone says "No" doesn't mean it's rape.If a girl doesn't fight she can't claim it was rape later.People should mind their own business—if you see a couple about to hook up, you should leave them alone, even if you think one of them might not have given consent.Lecture NotesConsent is:V______O______I_______C______E________% of college women who were victims of attempted or completed rape ________________.Perpetrator’s often choose the target carefully and ________________, involving three different stages:Intrusion: ___________________________________________________Desensitization: ______________________________________________Isolation: ___________________________________________________Some strategies for intervention include __________________________________________, ___________________________________________, and _____________________________________________________________________________.The phenomenon of people being less likely to intervene when more people are there to witness a situation where someone needs help, is known as _________________________.This occurs because people’s feeling of responsibility is not as strong when that responsibility is ________________.ActivityConsider the following four scenarios. Would you intervene in this situation? If so, how?Scenario 1: Your friends Olivia and Sam have been on several dates, but you know (because Olivia told you) that they haven't had sex. Before you went out tonight, Olivia told you, "Whatever happens, don't let me sleep with Sam tonight." Now, several drinks later, Sam wants Olivia to come home with him—and she insists she wants to go.Scenario 2: You don't smoke marijuana, but a group of your friends do. One afternoon, you're hanging out with these friends, and Kim smokes a little too much—in fact, she can't even talk, all she can do is giggle. Soon afterwards, Andrew (who has also been smoking) starts to kiss Kim. Even when Andrew's hands start to wander to more erotic regions, Kim doesn't say anything. She just giggles.Scenario 3: Walking home late one Friday night, you are embarrassed to find a couple making out against a wall on your way back. But, as you draw nearer, you see that the man is holding the woman against the wall…and you think you can see her struggling and hear her whimpering, maybe in distress. Just as you notice this, the man turns, and, seeing you, says, "Walk away."Scenario 4: Before you went out tonight, Kristi told you in no uncertain (and in your opinion needlessly explicit) terms that she intended to have sex with Brandon, a mutual friend. To work up her courage for this sexual conquest, Kristi took multiple whiskey shots at your apartment. By the time you get to Brandon's place she's so drunk that she almost immediately passes out on Brandon's bed. Brandon generously offers to take care of her. When you ask if he minds Brandon says he doesn't, and then explains that he's "up all night to get lucky."This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. ................

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