Medical Brochure Assignment

Medical Brochure Assignment NAME _______________

DATE _______________

In this activity you will be researching and creating a brochure about a pathogenic illness of your choice. You can imagine that this brochure would be placed in a doctor’s office to inform the general public about this illness. Please start with a template from the Microsoft Publisher’s choices from the design sets for a brochure. For making up the bibliography please use the citation builder that you can find off the OKM website under the library.

Make sure to include:

• Title clear and name on the front page /2

• Pictures are clear and support topic /5

• Point form in bulleted lists with proper headings /3

• Bibliography on back middle page (citation builder) /5

• Clear font (min. size12) no grammatical or spelling errors /5

• Visually appealing good use of graphics and style /5

• All topics have been covered fully /10

Total Marks for this project /35

Your brochure must include the following information:

1. Is the illness caused by a viral, bacterial, fungal or protist type pathogen?

2. Symptoms of this illness

3. How your body would try to fight the illness (try to incorporate some of the notes we completed on the immune system)

4. Treatment of this illness

5. How to prevent this illness

6. Pictures of your pathogen and its effects of the body

7. Proper referencing of information sources where applicable

My chosen pathogenic illness is: ________________________________

You will have class time on ______________ and this assignment will be due on __________________.

Some examples of pathogenic illnesses include:

Viral infectious diseases

AIDS – AIDS Related Complex – Chickenpox (Varicella) – Common cold – Cytomegalovirus Infection – Colorado tick fever – Dengue fever – Ebola haemorrhagic fever – Epidemic parotitis – Hand, foot and mouth disease – Hepatitis – Herpes simplex– HPV – Influenza (Flu) – Lassa fever – Measles – Marburg haemorrhagic fever – Infectious mononucleosis – Mumps – Poliomyelitis – Progressive multifocal leukencephalopathy – Rabies – Rubella – SARS – Smallpox (Variola) – Viral encephalitis – Viral gastroenteritis – Viral meningitis – Viral pneumonia – West Nile disease – Yellow fever

Bacterial infectious diseases

Anthrax – Bacterial Meningitis – Brucellosis – Campylobacteriosis – Cat Scratch Disease – Cholera – Diphtheria – Epidemic Typhus – Impetigo– Legionellosis – Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) – Leptospirosis – Listeriosis – Lyme Disease – Melioidosis – MRSA infection – Nocardiosis – Pertussis (Whooping Cough) – Plague – Pneumococcal pneumonia – Psittacosis – Q fever – Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) – Salmonellosis – Scarlet Fever – Shigellosis – Tetanus – Trachoma – Tuberculosis – Tularemia – Typhoid Fever – Typhus; Urinary Tract Infections

Parasitic infectious diseases

African trypanosomiasis – Amebiasis – Ascariasis – Babesiosis – Chagas Disease – Clonorchiasis – Cryptosporidiosis – Cysticercosis – Diphyllobothriasis – Dracunculiasis – Echinococcosis – Enterobiasis – Fascioliasis – Fasciolopsiasis – Filariasis – Free-living amebic infection – Giardiasis – Gnathostomiasis – Hymenolepiasis – Isosporiasis – Kala-azar – Leishmaniasis – Malaria – Metagonimiasis – Myiasis – Onchocerciasis – Pediculosis – Pinworm Infection – Scabies – Schistosomiasis – Taeniasis – Toxocariasis – Toxoplasmosis – Trichinellosis – Trichinosis – Trichuriasis – Trypanosomiasis

Fungal infectious diseases

Aspergillosis – Blastomycosis – Candidiasis – Coccidioidomycosis – Cryptococcosis – Histoplasmosis – Tinea pedis


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